#lion-o x leopara
imagines--galore · 10 months
||Love Grows||
Summary: A chance encounter leads to a friendship that blossomed into something more. Pairing: Leopara x Lion-O Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I've been following @allurasgrace 's story Hiraeth for ages now and I am in love with the main pairing, which is her OC Leopara and Lion-O. And I've been meaning to write something as a gift so Allura! This is for you! Hope you like it!!! Also remember that one time I asked what was your favorite trope and you said childhood sweethearts? Well........
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Glancing over his shoulder to make sure Snarf wasn't tailing him, Lion-O let out a little laugh and slowed down to walk at a more leisurely pace. His babysitter was always hovering over his shoulder, which meant he couldn't go out and explore on his own.
He had managed to escape on more then one occasion but it didn't last very long. But if there was one thing the ten-year old showed as his dominant trait, it was that he could be quite stubborn when it came to things. This time Lion-O was determined to get at least an hour or so without Snarf interfering in his fun.
Wandering into an unexplored garden of the castle he called home, Lion-O gazed around, his curious gaze trying to find something to do. Anything to cure his boredom.
Spying a broken branch lying nearby the cub quickly picked it up and in a few minutes he was slashing and fighting off pretend enemies, just like he had seen his brother Tygra practice. Mother claimed he was still too young to learn sword-play, and though it did upset him, she had promised he would start soon so that was good wasn't it?
"You shall never best me! For I am Prince Lion-O of the Thundercats!" He exclaimed, jumping on top of a nearby bench and doing a rather heroic pose. Or as heroic as a ten year old could get.
So lost was he in his daydream of being applauded by an adoring crowd that the young prince never noticed a pair of eyes watching him from high above.
As a cleric-in-training, sometimes reading books and scrolls in a dusty old library tended to get tedious. Which is why, every chance she could, and whenever Jaga allowed it, Leopara would race off to get some fresh air.
And her activity of choice doing that was to hide in the trees. There, amongst the rustling leaves and the wind tickling her whiskers she would allow her mind to drift and simply enjoy the silence of it all. She was a rather peculiar young cub. After all, what ten year old enjoyed silence.
But Leopara did.
Strange she was best friends with Cheetara, a fellow cleric who couldn't sit still. Jaga was constantly giving her either new moves to master with the staff, or teaching her the art of patience, something Cheetara loathed.
At the moment Leopara was lost in her thoughts, humming a song softly under her breath as she gazed at the green rustling ceiling overhead. One of her legs was hanging off the side of the branch, but she was confident in her balance as she lay there.
Her solitude was broken at the sound of someone approaching and she had turned her head to look at who it was.
Gold eyes landed on the lion cub playing about slaying enemies. Leopara didn't understand how boys could play such games. Why use a sword to vanquish your enemies when one could use magic like she was learning.
It was a little funny watching the other cub go about crying victory cries and making grand speeches as he slayed at the enemy. So funny in fact that when he underestimated a swipe of his own pretend-sword and went tumbling to the grassy ground, she couldn't help the loud giggle that fell from her lips.
Though his chin stung from the impact and he had the wind knocked out of him, Lion-O's ears flicked in the direction of the tree in which perched Leopara.
"Who's there?" He called out, jumping to his feet and this time raising his stick as a weapon. Leopara laughed softly at the sight of him withe dirt and grass sticking to his muzzle. Rising to her feet, she swung her way down from her tree branch and stood half concealed in the shadow of the tree she was occupying. "You have grass in your hair." She pointed out, straightening her dress out as she did.
Lion-O narrowed his eyes at her and though he did wipe at his mouth, he didn't lower the stick. "How did you get inside this garden?" Leopara gave a small shrug. "I'm a cleric-in-training, I come here often when I take a break from studying at the library with my Master."
The other cub still didn't look convinced. "How do I know you're not some spy?" The accusation had Leopara frowning in annoyance. And a little irritated as well. Who was he to question her?
Wanting nothing more then to put the other cub in his place, just as another cub would, she decided to play a trick on him.
Though her magic wasn't strong, she was beginning to grasp the aspect of it. And one of her aspects was creating a small gust of wind. One strong enough to make a grown cat stumble. But for a cub her own age? It was enough to throw him on his back.
And that was exactly how Lion-O found himself - on his back, staring at the blue sky above, his neat mane in complete disarray.
"Believe me now?" Asked a voice above him as a shadowed figure came in his vision. She stood above him, the bright sun barely allowing him to make out her face. But then she leaned down to crouch next to him, just as he pushed himself up on his elbows.
And he froze.
His eyes widened almost comically and lips parted as he finally got a good look at what he assumed was an intruder.
That was the only word that formed properly in his mind as he stared at the leopard cub before him. Her eyes were full of curiosity as she looked at him, tilting her head as she did. Lion-O continued to stare as slowly his heart began to beat a little faster, and a blush stole across his cheeks.
Lion-O blinked.
"What?" Somehow he managed to speak. She grinned at him, which made his stomach do a funny flip. "My name's Leopara. Whats yours?" She held her hand out to help him stand. There was a brief pause on his part before he took it.
"Lion-O." He answered, pulling himself up with her help as he did. "You mean you're the Prince?" She asked. Normally Lion-O would have proudly stated that yes he was, but not this time.
This time he simply nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, guess I am." She frowned. "You don't sound too happy about that. I always thought Princes would be happy being princes." She stated in a tone that sounded a little too practical for a cub her age.
"It is fun at times, but the lessons get boring and I don't have a lot of free time either." His gaze never once wavered from her. "What about you? Are a maid in training or something?"
Her fur bristled slightly. "No!" Her tone was indignant, making her sound like the young cub she was, for once. "I'm a cleric in training. I study under Jaga." She proclaimed, her chest puffing out.
At that whatever nervousness Lion-O had been feeling dissipated and he grinned eagerly at the female cub. "You do! Thats so awesome! What're you studying with him? Do you know any magic?"
But before Lion-O could continue with his many many questions, a shout rang out across the garden. The two cubs quickly looked in the direction to see a rather irate looking elderly jaguar glaring in the direction of the Prince.
"You are late for your lessons Prince Lion-O." His voice was stern and even from here Leopara could see the ugly frown that creased his forehead. Lion-O visibly deflated, his shoulder dropping. "I have to go now." He spoke in a voice so full of disappointment that Leopara felt bad for him.
As he turned to walk away she quickly spoke. "Maybe we can meet here tomorrow? I get off my lessons around sunset." The grin that the young prince gave her had Leopara mirroring the gesture.
"We'll meet here then." With that he took off, now looking a little happier since he had something to look forward to.
Maybe he had just made a new friend?
Only time would tell.
Their next meeting was only the first of many.
It didn't take long for the two cubs to become fast friends. Sometimes when they met they would play games. Other times they would explore the expansive gardens. It didn't take long for them to claim the garden as theirs and begin to add their personal touches here and there.
Lion-O had brought a small chest which the both of them had begun to fill. At first it was only small toys and wooden swords, but slowly it began to fill with trinkets they found in the garden.
A rock that was really shiny, something they had squabbled over on who would own it and take it back to their room. Leopara had offered a compromise. It would stay one week in her room before going to Lion-O's. That agreement was only carried out for a month before the rock was put into the chest.
A rather long stick that was bent in a strange shape. Lion-O had found it very strange when his friend had put it in the chest, but she said it looked cool so he had kept quiet.
Then there was the swing Lion-O had brought. Leopara had been lamenting how amazing it would be to fly and wanting to do something for his best friend, the young prince had one of the carpenters install a simple wooden swing to one of the more sturdy branches of the tree they had met under.
When Leopara had asked why he had done so, he told her how his nanny had told him how she used to swing higher and higher when she was a cub until it almost felt like she was flying. Leopara had eagerly settled onto the swing and with Lion-O sitting beside her they had flown higher and higher.
The garden had echoed with her excited laughter and Lion-O had found himself laughing along. And when they finally stopped Leopara had hugged him, claiming this was the best gift anyone had ever gotten her.
Lion-O had beamed for days on end.
It came as no surprise when the two of them became one another's closest confidant. In the beginning their complaining had been naive and childish, but by the time they were both thirteen, the concerns began to grow a little serious in nature.
With Lion-O as the Crown Prince and Leopara on her way to becoming a Cleric to serve under him when he became King, they would confide in one another. Their fears, accomplishments, what their true feelings were about.....everything.
Leopara was probably one of the only people who knew of lion-O's fascination with technology, and how he saw himself as an inferior prince next to his brother Tygra. And Lion-O was aware how his best friend was afraid that she would fail as a cleric, and also how much she hated fighting.
The latter was probably the reason the two of them never really fought. Sure there were arguments here and there over the years of friendship, but Leopara was never one to hold on to her anger. And Lion-O found he could never really stay mad at her. She just had a way of putting him at ease and making him forget what he was angry at.
At the birthday ball that was held in honor of Prince Tygra They were both fifteen at the time, and for years their friendship had only grown stronger. Everyone had been invited, and that included the cleric-in-training. Leopara had been excited about attending her first official event.
She, along with Cheetara, had spent ages looking for the perfect dresses to wear. This would also be the first time she would have the chance to hang out with Lion-O in public.
With stars in her eyes and her heart swelling with excitement, Leopara had descended the stairs to the ballroom with Cheetara at her side. They had both been introduced after Jaga had entered. The blue dress she had chosen for the occasion only served to enhance her pretty features. It was simply an allusion to the beauty she would become as she approached adulthood.
Probably why Lion-O had felt his jaw drop at the sight of her, and why he couldn't keep his eyes off her.
The latter Leopara was fully aware of, given how she blushed under his gaze when she approached him. Though she did pause briefly to wish his brother a Happy Birthday, Lion-O doubted his brother heard her. He was too busy gawking at Leopara's friend Cheetara.
"Prince Lion-O." She dropped into an elegant curtsy. Though it was protocol, Lion-O couldn't help but feel that seeing Leopara do that to him felt wrong.
He tilted his head in her direction, a smile already playing on his lips. "Cleric Leopara." If there was ever an emotion that he felt when around Leopara it was something he could never name. Lion-O had tried to pinpoint it on multiple occasions, but always came up short. All he knew was that seeing her, being with her, talking to her, really even just thinking about her, his heart swelled and a warmth filled him that had quickly become rather addicting.
The rest of the night was a blur.
All Leopara could remember later was laughing, chatting, eating delicious food and dancing. Oh the dancing!
She had always loved to dance, and while Lion-O had spent a lot of time complaining about the dance lessons he was forced to take as a child they had paid off.
When the music had started, Lion-O hadn't even asked her. He simply grasped her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. Throughout the night, whenever they would dance, neither of them exchanged partners or thought of dancing with anyone else. And while the party went on around them, the two teenagers looked as if they were off in their own world.
Oh sure they made small talk here and there, but for most of the night their attention was on one another and no one else.
Something that was noticed by both King Claudus and Jaga.
"No! Lion-O! We can't just leave!"
"Yes we can! Everyone is either drunk or getting drunk to care! Now come on!"
His eyes danced with mischief as Lion-O faced his friend who let out a resigned huff. She was giving in, he knew it.
"Fine. Let me just take off my shoes. They've been hurting my feet all night." So saying she quickly reached under the skirts of her dress and pulled the shoes off, sighing in relief as she did. "So much better."
Lion-O rolled his eyes. "If they hurt you, why did you wear them?" He asked as the both of them began to make their little escape to their garden.
"Because I wanted to look nice." Leopara responded with a shrug. A frown creased the young prince's forehead. "But you always look nice."
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. Leopara blinked, pausing at the very threshold of their garden. "I do?" All of a sudden she felt shy under his gaze, a strange hopeful feeling blooming in her chest as she looked at him. Lion-O shrugged his shoulders. "Well yeah." As any teenager would, he suddenly felt a little awkward about what he had said.
"I mean not that you didn't look nice tonight wearing those shoes. You did-look nice.....I mean, beautiful and I-" He stuttered over his words, as a furious blush stole across his cheeks. Leopara's lips pulled into a bright smile, her eyes shining. She let out a giggle as she reached up to place her fingers gently against his lips to stop his rambling.
"Maybe you should stop talking now Lion-O." She suggested. Mute with her fingers still pressed to his lips he gave a nod. Neither of them moved, simply standing there for a good few seconds, until Lion-O reached up to grasp the fingers and led her into their garden.
Neither of them mentioned how he didn't let go of her hand.
Wordlessly, he led her towards the swing. Starting to feel like his normal self now that they were in their garden, Lion-O bowed in a grand manner. "My Lady?" He gestured to the swing with an arm, the other one folded neatly behind his back. Leopara laughed at his antics, before giving a deep curtsy. "Why thank you, Your Highness."
Taking his outstretched hand, she let him help her settle onto the swing. Her fingers wrapped around the ropes as Lion-O stepped behind her. His hand pressed against her back as he gave her a gentle push.
"I had a lot of fun tonight." The cleric admitted, her head tilting back to allow her to gaze upon the night sky as it swung above her. Lion-O hummed. "Yeah, well I was kind of dreading tonight to be honest." His confession had her frowning and turning her head so she could look at him over her shoulder as he continued to push her gently.
"How come?"
One of the things he liked about Leopara? She had a way of making him open up to her. He spoke to her like he did to no one else, not even his father.
Inhaling deeply Lion-O shrugged. "Well I guess because all the attention would've been on Tygra and hardly anyone would notice me, so I was dreading having to attend the party where he would be the center of attention. More so then usual."
Leopara was more then aware of the rivalry between the two brother. Lion-O had spoken to her about it on more then one occasion. "But it turned out to be really fun instead." The frown left his features to be replaced by a gentle smile.
"You made it fun."
Her bare feet dug into the ground underneath to bring the swing to a stop. Lion-O lifted his hands to hold the ropes to steady her, covering her hands where they still clutched it on either side of her head. Tilting back her head so she could look at him properly, Leopara smiled. "I'm glad I could help out."
The young prince shook his head, hands that covered her own tightening as if he couldn't hold himself back. "Thats not it Leopara. You didn't just make it fun, you made it easy for me to be in there. To be myself around all those people and not feel awkward about it. I don't know how you do it. Its like you have some sort of spell on me. When I'm around you I.....I......" During his rather impassioned confession he had been looking at their hands, but now his eyes met hers.
And he stopped.
She was looking at him in a way that she had done so before many times, usually when he did something stupid or adorable, or both. But this time? There was something else behind that look. He couldn't quite figure out what it was.
It was probably what compelled him to reach out and tuck a loose strand of hair away from her face. She was still sitting on the swing, with her upper body twisted slightly so she could look at him properly.
"I can be myself around you too, Lion-O." The young cleric admitted, her voice soft as she continued to gaze into his lovely blue eyes. The warmth that had been growing within her the entire night reached it's crescendo, and as soon as she had whispered those words, she allowed that warmth to manifest into a physical act.
By leaning up and gently pressing her lips against his.
There was no hesitation or surprise on Lion-O's part. He simply closed his eyes, a hand coming up to cup the side of her soft cheek as he returned the gesture.
For a first kiss, it was short and sweet. The two teenagers pulled back to look at one another. Sharing identical blushes, Leopara giggled softly under her breath before shifting to sit properly on the swing again. Once she was done, Lion-O resumed pushing her.
Nothing more was said between the new lovers, and nothing needed to be said.
After all, that one kiss, and the looks that followed afterwards, were worth a thousand words.
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