oldhollywoodgr · 6 months
25+ Webseiten für Ubuntu Benutzer
Ubuntu ist ein beliebtes Betriebssystem, das auf dem Open-Source-Linux-Kernel basiert. Wenn du Unterstützung und Informationen zu Ubuntu benötigst, gibt es zahlreiche Webseiten, die Tutorials, Foren und Anleitungen bieten. Hier sind 25 Webseiten, die dir bei Fragen rund um Ubuntu weiterhelfen können:
UbuntuUsers Diese deutschsprachige Webseite bietet umfangreiche Anleitungen, Wikis und Foren für Ubuntu-Nutzer. www.ubuntuusers.de
Ask Ubuntu Eine Frage-Antwort-Plattform speziell für Ubuntu-Nutzer, auf der du Hilfe zu allen möglichen Problemen finden kannst. askubuntu.com
OMG! Ubuntu! Diese Webseite informiert über aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um Ubuntu und bietet hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks. www.omgubuntu.co.uk
WebUpd8 Hier findest du aktuelle Nachrichten, Anleitungen und Software-Empfehlungen für Ubuntu. www.webupd8.org
DigitalOcean Community Die Community von DigitalOcean bietet zahlreiche Tutorials und Anleitungen speziell für Ubuntu-Server. www.digitalocean.com/community
Ubuntu Forums Das offizielle Forum von Ubuntu, in dem Nutzer Fragen stellen und Diskussionen führen können. ubuntuforums.org
LinuxQuestions Eine große Community rund um Linux, die auch spezielle Foren für Ubuntu-Nutzer anbietet. www.linuxquestions.org
Linux.com Hier findest du eine Fülle an Artikeln, Tutorials und Ressourcen rund um Linux, einschließlich Ubuntu. www.linux.com
Ubuntu Tutorials Eine Sammlung von detaillierten Anleitungen und How-Tos für Ubuntu-Nutzer. ubuntu-tutorials.com
Ubuntu Geek Eine Webseite mit Tipps, Tricks und Anleitungen für Ubuntu-Nutzer, von einfachen Befehlen bis zu fortgeschrittenen Konfigurationen. www.ubuntugeek.com
It's FOSS Diese Webseite bietet Informationen zu Open-Source-Software, einschließlich Ubuntu, sowie hilfreiche Anleitungen und Tutorials. itsfoss.com
TecMint Hier findest du eine Vielzahl von Artikeln und Tutorials zu Linux, darunter auch spezielle Anleitungen für Ubuntu. www.tecmint.com
NoobsLab Eine Webseite mit Anleitungen, Tipps und Tricks für Ubuntu-Nutzer, wie zum Beispiel die Installation von Themes und Erweiterungen. www.noobslab.com
UbuntuBuzz Diese Webseite informiert über Neuigkeiten und Entwicklungen rund um Ubuntu und bietet auch Anleitungen und Tipps. www.ubuntubuzz.com
Ubuntu Handbook Eine Sammlung von Anleitungen und Tutorials für Ubuntu-Nutzer, von der Installation bis zur Systemkonfiguration. ubuntuhandbook.org
Ubuntu Mate Guide Speziell für Nutzer der Ubuntu-Mate-Version gibt es hier hilfreiche Tipps und Anleitungen. www.ubuntumate.guide
LinuxHint Eine Online-Ressource mit Anleitungen, Tipps und Tricks für Ubuntu und andere Linux-Distributionen. linuxhint.com
UbuntuBuzz Eine Webseite, die über Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Tipps zu Ubuntu informiert. www.ubuntubuzz.com
FOSSMint Hier findest du eine Fülle von Artikeln und Tutorials zu Open-Source-Software, einschließlich Ubuntu. www.fossmint.com
LinuxConfig Eine Webseite mit umfangreichen Anleitungen und Tutorials für Linux, einschließlich Ubuntu. linuxconfig.org
LinuxBlogseite Hier findest du eine Vielzahl von Tipps, Tricks und Anleitungen für Linux, auch speziell für Ubuntu-Nutzer. www.blogseite.com
Linoxide Eine Ressource mit zahlreichen Tutorials für Linux-Betriebssysteme, darunter auch Ubuntu. www.linuxbuzz.com
UbuntuPIT Eine Webseite, die über Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Tipps zu Ubuntu informiert. www.ubuntupit.com
Linuxbabe Hier findest du Anleitungen zu verschiedenen Themen rund um Linux und Ubuntu, wie zum Beispiel Server-Konfiguration und Sicherheit. www.linuxbabe.com
Linux Academy Diese Plattform bietet Kurse und Schulungen zu verschiedenen Linux-Distributionen, einschließlich Ubuntu. www.linuxacademy.com
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myitcertificate · 2 years
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Cybersecurity Certification training by Myitcertificate will help learn Cybersecurity concepts from scratch.
For more details visit on https://myitcertificate.com/courses.php?type=Cyber%20Security
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andymorin · 4 years
linuxquestions has the same problem as stackexchange someone will be like I Have This Problem and there’s no replies and the question was posted in the 90s and they’re using KDE 0.1.
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When Friendster/MySpace came around I tried to find her but she wasn't on there. Eventually I looked her up on Facebook and her name being fairly unique I figured I'd find her but couldn't. Susanville is not a place I would choose to live personally. Eating excess meat will only pack on more fat and its not the healthiest choice for protein, but it is essential in considerable amounts. Also, its important to eat balanced, don't forget to include vegetables in your diet. Broccoli, greens, tomatoes, onions, garlic and other foods are high in fiber and are really important because they are high in antioxidants.. Worked well and I can see the results, which is impressive for such a hard to treat issue, but the last time I did it, I pushed too far and went very deep with the peel. I used an antibiotic ointment and medihoney after the occlusive but still ended up with an infection and it was brutal and not responsive to the first few antibiotics a doctor threw at it. Might end up with a mild burn scar where the infection was worst, so I not exactly running around shouting my gospel, but honestly I absolutely loathed my stretch mark and the burn scar doesn bother me as much as the stretch marks did and the texture really improved (although maybe not to the extent one would hope given all the pain, time, and research involved in the project).. It not a disciplinarian role. I was a stubborn and independent teenager who, as a result of my mother understanding and respect for my wishes, learned to take responsibility for my own actions very early on. I didn get into trouble as a teen, and I moved out on my own a week after turning 18. Global warming is real and yes yes yes it is different than local climate. If it's cold tomorrow or the day after. It 철원출장안마 doesn't change anything the earth is still warming up at an exponential rate. We get a lot of question posts on r/linux but the subreddit is considered a news/discussion sub. Luckily there are multiple communities you can post to for help on GNU/Linux issues: /r/linuxquestions, /r/linux4noobs, or /r/findmeadistro just to name a few.Please make your post in /r/linuxquestions or /r/linux4noobs. Luckily there are multiple communities you can post to for help on GNU/Linux issues: /r/linuxquestions, /r/linux4noobs, or /r/findmeadistro just to name a few.Please make your post in /r/linuxquestions or /r/linux4noobs. But from personal experience he kinda just switches up his set list when he feels like it. In minneapolis he played dear labels, in detroit and chicago he played father. I think it pretty consistent with what the other user said up there, i sure he play all those, plus the new ones. Then, somehow got into red pill shit started making statements that you find incels making, which was strange because in all honesty he had many more relationships than I have and seemingly finds weeb girlfriend after weeb girlfriend and has had some really productive relationships in the past. So, I don understand why he suddenly adopted all these viewpoints, but since he has his relationships have become far more sparse and when he does get into a relationship, he such a piece of shit that it borders on 철원출장안마 abuse and before I stopped being friends with him I tell his girlfriends that they should find a less toxic relationship. To top it all off, Trump comes along and he all Trump all the time.
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Find one that fits well with you and how you "work." My therapist "gets" me. She learned quickly how my thoughts work and what works best for me as far as changing maladaptive thought and behavioral patterns as well as addressing past issues. She tends to combine modalities as one becomes more appropriate for the situation. So a parson, as head of a regional parish, would be in a position to perform a marriage. And those of you making your snowmen at home, for marrying or otherwise, just remember Frosty the Snowman himself had a button nose, as immortalized in the 1950 song. 구리출장샵 Carrot noses are for wannabes.. "Nonsense!" he said. "It's easy, easy. Why not? I hear of a good little orphan girl without a protector, and I take it into my head to be that protector. No one is disrespecting or disregarding TVXQ(or DBSK, or JYJ) contributions to kpop 구리출장샵 as a whole or their abilities. TVXQ is, however, an offshoot of an older group with a complicated history that has not been able to release any new content in two years due to military service. They don really have a comparable fan base in this sub to many of the other idols and idol groups. Obviously waiting doesn really hurt anything. But again most adults know that what you think you like or what you wanna do at age 16/17 is vastly different at 25 and being married can lock you into a lifelong thing. So yeah this is basically to get teenage girls to commit to a life based on what the parents/husband want for themselves and the teens life. The brain is suddenly a battlefield, where supplies (blood) have been cut off and soldiers (brain cells) are dying. Time is of the essence brain cells may be permanently lost. That's why some neurologists prefer to call strokes "brain attacks." Just as with heart attacks, strokes should be treated with extreme urgency so that blood flow can be restored and permanent brain damage averted.. Luckily there are multiple communities you can post to for help on GNU/Linux issues: /r/linuxquestions, /r/linux4noobs, or /r/findmeadistro just to name a few.Please make your post in /r/linuxquestions or /r/linux4noobs. Luckily there are multiple communities you can post to for help on GNU/Linux issues: /r/linuxquestions, /r/linux4noobs, or /r/findmeadistro just to name a few.Please make your post in /r/linuxquestions or /r/linux4noobs. Looking for a distro? Try r/findmeadistro.[M] [score hidden] submitted 16 hours agoLinus direct quote (title has slight editorialization as reports have pointed out):Which is why I been so adamant about asking for ARM developer boxes (not "development boards" those are for hardware people).Ref: if you want to see ARM servers then you need arm user end laptops that many developers can afford and not development boards for the few. You right, it a fucking horrible way to live. And it also fucking horrible when it feels like you only your "friendly, normal, likeable self" when your on it. But I had brief sober stints in the past, and I can honestly say that isn true. Usernames of non public figures (those who are NOT BGs, brand owners and reps, other influencers and social media personalities, or celebrities) must be obscured in screenshots. I sorry but I refuse to believe influencers don charge upwards of $60k per video. He made his career off of lying and yet he keeps gaining popularity and fame.
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doc-gworldz · 5 years
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DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 830 This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: deepin 15.11News: Endless partners with GNOME in coding competition, elementary OS gets a new greeter, exFAT support coming to LinuxQuestions and answers: Working with AppArmor to protect the operating systemReleased last week: Bedrock Linux 0.7.7, Proxmox 6.0 "Mail Gateway", BlackArch Linux 2019.09.1Torrent corner: 4MLinux, BlackArch, Clonezilla, Container, ExTiX, Hanthana, Lite, KDE neon, Scientific, SmartOS, Sparky, Super Grub2Upcoming releases: Tails 3.16Opinion poll: SELinux and AppArmorWebsite news: Persian language updateReader comments Read more in this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly.... from DistroWatch.com: DistroWatch Weekly
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danhab99 · 4 years
I posted "How to broadcast as a Bluetooth Low Energy device" on r/ linuxquestions @ October 15, 2020 at 04:55PM
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brashley46 · 4 years
The latest The brashley46 Daily! https://t.co/f5ArFuufmt Thanks to @juristblog @linuxquestions
The latest The brashley46 Daily! https://t.co/f5ArFuufmt Thanks to @juristblog @linuxquestions
— (((brashley46))) (@brashley46) May 22, 2020
via Twitter https://twitter.com/brashley46 May 22, 2020 at 06:43PM
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kirito-1011 · 5 years
Weekly Questions and Hardware Thread - March 04, 2020
Weekly Questions and Hardware Thread – March 04, 2020
Welcome to r/linux! If you're new to Linux or trying to get started this thread is for you. Get help here or as always, check out r/linuxquestions or r/linux4noobs
This megathread is for all your question needs. As we don't allow questions on r/linux outside of this megathread, please consider using r/linuxquestions or r/linux4noobs for the best solution to your problem.
Ask your hardware…
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I have a home server I’m experimenting with, running Ubuntu Server 18.04
Installed LAMP stack via Tasksel
I have one DDNS domain from No-IP that I’m using, logged in with my router
I want to run the multiple services from the one server, with the one DDNS Domain, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible. I’ve asked a couple times in a couple places and I can’t seem to get a definitive answer.
Can I just create multiple Apache virtual hosts, listening for different port numbers?
Or does it require me to have subdomains from my DDNS provider?
Part of the problem is that I don’t know what I don’t know so I’m not sure how to ask what I’m asking
If this is possible, how would I navigate to the difference services? Like for example, a WordPress site or something could be accessible by going to mydomain.ddns.net
But if I also wanted Webmin, for example, to be working, would it be like:
Also, do I make separate directors in /var/www, or /var/www/html, or just have everything in one directory?
Apologies for my ignorance but I’m still trying to wrap my head around all this
Details here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/cj1tqy/how_to_host_multiple_services_from_home_server
Submitted August 04, 2019 at 03:37PM by mon0theist https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/cm2ob9/possible_to_host_multiple_services_from_a_single/?utm_source=ifttt
from Blogger http://webdesignersolutions1.blogspot.com/2019/08/possible-to-host-multiple-services-from.html via IFTTT
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tauvo · 6 years
2018 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners
2018 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners
ermy posted the 2018 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners list over at the Linux Questions website. Click the link below to be taken to the closed poll.
Linux Questions
jermy says:
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some…
View On WordPress
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aboutlinux · 4 years
Weekly Questions and Hardware Thread - September 23, 2020
Weekly Questions and Hardware Thread - September 23, 2020
Welcome to r/linux! If you're new to Linux or trying to get started this thread is for you. Get help here or as always, check out r/linuxquestions or r/linux4noobs
This megathread is for all your question needs. As we don't allow questions on r/linux outside of this megathread, please consider using r/linuxquestions or r/linux4noobs for the best solution to your problem.
Ask your hardware requests here too or try r/linuxhardware!
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doc-gworldz · 6 years
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DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 797 This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: Reborn OS 2018.11.28 and TinyPaw-Linux 1.3News: Debian tests Secure Boot, Ubuntu shipping on Entroware AIO, most highly popular Steam games run on LinuxQuestions and answers: Dealing with an unresponsive desktopReleased last week: Funtoo 1.3, Qubes 4.0.1, Clonezilla 2.6.0-37Torrent corner: Bluestar, Clonezilla, Netrunner, Qubes, RobolinuxOpinion poll: Tools to keep processes in lineReader commentsRead more in this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly.... from DistroWatch.com: DistroWatch Weekly
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danhab99 · 4 years
I posted "How to setup Bluetooth Low Energy Server" on r/ linuxquestions @ October 15, 2020 at 03:44PM
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tqvcancun · 6 years
Linux Mint, KDE Plasma y Firefox, lo más popular de 2018 según LinuxQuestions
Hace mes y medio que en MuyLinux os ofrecimos los resultados de nuestra encuesta de fin de año, en la que os preguntamos por vuestra distribución, escritorio y navegador web favoritos de 2018. ¿Cómo quedó la cosa? Así:
Firefox es el navegador web más popular de 2018
KDE Plasma es el escritorio más popular de 2018
Ubuntu es la distro más popular de 2018
Ahí tenéis los resultados desgranados y analizados, aunque como es costumbre en el titular destacamos los más votados en cada categoría.
Pues bien, en LinuxQuestions han hecho lo propio y, al igual que sucedió el año pasado, revelan sus resultados ahora con pocas sorpresas en principio. Pocas sorpresas y pocos votos, cabe apuntar, a pesar de tratarse de los foros generalistas sobre Linux más populares que quedan en activo.
Para que os hagáis una idea, la “distribución de escritorio del año” la han sacado con 529 votos; en la nuestra votasteis casi 7.000… Pero no es cuestión de comparar cantidad, sino coincidencias, y en ese aspecto, particularidades de LinuxQuestions aparte, el cuadro es similar.
Por ejemplo, Firefox es el navegador web más apreciado en el ecosistema de GNU/Linux y si es nuestra encuesta consiguió un 56,13% de cuota, en el de LinuxQuestions llega hasta el 57.63%. Tras Firefox aparecen Chrome y Chromium, en este orden y en ambas encuestas. Son indicadores significativos.
¿Escritorio? KDE Plasma la lleva, aunque en nuestra encuesta GNOME se quedó muy cerca y en LinuxQuestions sucede algo parecido, pero con Xfce, al que le siguen Cinnamon y Gnome Shell. Aquí fue KDE Plasma > GNOME Shell > Cinnamon.
Y como distribución de escritorio, Linux Mint es la más votada en LinuxQuestions, seguida por Slackware, Ubuntu y Debian. Aquí fueron Ubuntu, Linux Mint y Debian. Bastante parecido también, teniendo en cuenta que lo de Slackware en LinuxQuestions es ciencia ficción (pasa cada año, es una de las particularidades mencionadas).
En LinuxQuestions dan muchas más opciones de voto e incluyen muchas más categorías, podéis verlo en el artículo recopilatorio, en los foros y en las estadísticas que han publicado. Ahora, sin embargo, nos quedamos con los tres que podemos comparar con nuestros datos.
¿A dónde quiero llegar con todo esto? A que con más o menos votos, la comunidad de usuarios de GNU/Linux en PC es más homogénea de lo que parece en las partes altas. Lo cual no significa nada en absoluto, porque es imposible recabar absolutos relacionados con el uso de GNU/Linux en PC.
Pero sin duda es una foto más realista de la que ofrecen sitios como Distrowatch.
Fuente: MuyLinux
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