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The girls are growing up pretty fast- Lizzie is actually already an adult, and Lailan (our gen 4 heir) is a teenager. Elizabeth is pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut, Lailan is pursuing her love of violin, and I'm so proud of them both for striking a good work-life balance 🥺🥺 they both know when to put themselves first and how to carve out time for friends and family. Speaking of which, the girls mostly share a friend group because of how close in age they are, and some things have been getting spicy!! I had pictured Lailan as having music as her first love, but when I randomized her teen aspiration I got a romance one so I had to pivot a bit in her story. She has been getting very close with Sachiko and they recently became official. 👀 Elizabeth I think has been having a bit of a hard time with her younger sister finding a significant other first, and has been dating around a bit with not a lot of success, I think largely due to the fact that she's not really doing it for herself/because that's what she wants. I feel unreasonably attached to these two 😅😅 they're just so cute and I love how they do so many things together. I think when they're both adults they're going to do a mountain climbing expedition together up Mt. Komorebi.
(Plz ignore in the screenshots the aggressive blush - I think it's a bug? Bc the sliders work in CAS and then it shows up full opacity in-game regardless of how much I play with it in CAS to make it look nice.) Bottom pic is heir Lailan with her new girlfriend Sachiko! Don't worry, I gave Sachiko a better shirt after that selfie ;)

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Thingssssss have happened with my legacy family and I 1) forgot to take pictures and 2) havent felt like writing about it lol. But have some screenshots of dubious quality, because things are moving!
Sasha and Ayumi (Sasha is my gen 3 heir) adopted two little girls: Lailan and Elizabeth. Elizabeth is older, but Lailan was adopted first, so she will be the next heir. Aaaandddd when I rolled for her info, I got Bith! So we'll have a Star Wars alien as our next heir, and I'm honestly pretty pumped about it. (Kids can't wear the Star Wars masks tho so in all the photos of her as a kid she just looks like a bald child. :P)

Zameer (Sasha's brother) got married to his high school sweetheart Masato! I was MUCH more prepared for their wedding and it *almost* went off without a hitch, except of course some unruly guest had to eat their cake before they could get to it. 🙄

Zameer moved off the Lin property when he got married, which left Razi (gen 2 heir) and his husband Alexander, Tunniko (Sasha's younger sister), Sasha and his wife Ayumi and their two daughters Lailan and Elizabeth. Lailan has been really into music and art, Elizabeth has had her eyes on the stars, with dreams of one day becoming an astronaut. The girls get along really well and are always autonomously chatting happily and it's very cute. 🥺🥺

Eventually, Razi, our gen 2 heir, passed away of old age. Alexander Goth, his husband, had a REAL hard go of it for a while there - people he knew just kept dying and the poor man had a very sad moodlet FOREVER. Anyway, in his old age he actually dated around a bit and had a bit of a fling with one of the professors from Realm of Magic haha. Alexander was honestly just really sad though, and I think he was happy to be reunited with Razi when he eventually also passed on. (And yes, that is the grim reaper autonomously painting a cute bunny after visiting my legacy home...)

Some pretty interesting things happened with Tunniko - after Razi passed, the family had a new home built, and Tunniko had a sort of laneway/carriage home built on the lot for her. She also started learning about immortality while investigating a case and asked Lilith Vatore to turn her into a vampire after deciding that human life was too short to accomplish her goals. She lives off an orchard of plasma fruit that she has growing in her basement and thus far has been able to hide her transformation from the family.

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Teenage Zameer really looked up to his older brother, and developed all-consuming interests in nice suits and fancy cars as Sasha came home more and more often with incredible stories of lavish parties for clients. As Zameer's wardrobe changed, so did his confidence, and people's attitudes towards him did as well as his charisma grew. For a time, this put a bit of distance between him and his boyfriend, Masato, as Masato came from much humbler means and felt left out of Zameer's obsession with wealth, brand-name clothes, and social status. Upon graduating from high school, Zameer got his foot in the door with a company known for good upward mobility opportunities. Though Zameer was finally living his dream, he also was coming to see how much more work was behind it than he'd originally thought, and how much more important genuine friendships were. Zameer apologized to Masato with a simple, but deeply thoughtful, letter, and asked if he would want to try again now that they were no longer teens and had been given a chance to grow. Masato could see that Zameer had really changed, and had become someone Masato might want to be with again.

Tunniko has been strong and steady, never distracted by social capital or romantic interests; Tunniko's first and biggest love has been and always will be, the color pink. As a teenager, she got really into makeup and nails, and loved transforming herself into different characters and looks. This also gave her a place to explore different aspects of her identity, some of which she felt were very divided and disparate from each other. While Tunniko has never lacked for friends, she did sometimes feel singled out as the only alien in her school, and quickly discovered that online communities allowed her to connect with other aliens and bond over shared interests. One Zabrak group she became part of introduced her to gaming, which she quickly fell in love with for its application of strategy, quick thinking, teamwork, and high intensity. As an adult, these interests led her into a career as a secret agent, first working as a disguise specialist for other agents, and then eventually developing her own portfolio as an investigator. The family thinks Tunniko works in the film industry, which accounts for her unique skill sets and odd working hours.

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As Sasha grew up, his critical eye for quality grew into promising business acumen and a taste for the finer things in life. Growing up, Sasha was, of course, surrounded by masterpieces from incredible artists, and while the music and paintings of his grandparents and Razi were more of the eclectic and envelope-pushing kind, it still allowed him to develop a sharp eye for marketability, fine art, and expensive tastes.

As an up-and-coming businessman, Sasha caught the eye of a shrewd business owner named Ayumi Ando, a few years his senior. Ayumi and Sasha immediately hit it off, talking for hours over expensive meals about the market, branding, and the latest shoes from top-end designers. Ayumi and Sasha dated casually for a few years; Ayumi wanted to give it a bit more time given that Sasha was so new to the world of adulthood and his career. After a few years filled with being each others' plus one to black-tie parties and brainstorming business ventures, the two finally decided to get married. As they had been to everywhere expensive in town already, Sasha opted for something a bit different, and tried to take Ayumi to a rustic yet perfectly outfitted cabin in a secret glade. However, Sasha kinda wildly miscalculated and Ayumi refused to enter a dark, dank tree, even with the promise of such an exclusive venue on the other side. Undeterred, Sasha just proposed right then and there. Ayumi seemed completely unbothered at the pedestrian environment she was being proposed to in, and enthusiastically said hell yes!
The Lin-Ando wedding, though meticulously planned, was unfortunately rather a disaster, complete with inadequate facilities for guests and the world's tiniest kitchen. Ayumi and Sasha were a bit disappointed their party wasn't more of a success, but they looked like a million bucks, they got to their cake before anybody else did, and nobody died, so they felt pretty good about the whole thing overall even if it wasn't the gold-star event they had dreamed of.

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After a long and beautiful life full of color, creating, and family, our legacy founder Sakura Lin passed away peacefully.
Kazuya kept telling his corny jokes for some time more, but not too shortly thereafter, he too passed peacefully. (Kazuya had big mischief energy in the afterlife though and harassed his family members until they got fed up and released his spirit into the afterlife lmfao.)**
** Just a note for anyone reading who isn't familiar with the Sims that this is how death works in-game - a sim who has died can exist as a ghost for a while until someone living releases their spirit.

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As soon as Razi became an adult, he started his own family, adopting a young boy named Sasha. More children quickly followed - Tunniko and Zameer. Alexander and Riko were over all the time to hang out with Razi, play with the kids, and to have the weird dinnertime conversations with Razi's eclectic parents that could always be expected in the Lin-Ono household. Razi and Alexander eventually realized they had romantic feelings for each other, and after a very short dating period (they had, after all, already been best friends for years), they got married in the Lin-Ono yard. Riko was, of course, the best woman, and looked exactly like a girlboss villain should at her best friend's wedding. Alexander had always been a bit of an oddball, but this let him fit right in with the Lin-Onos, with their half-finished canvases all over the house, their abstract dinner topics, and Razi's dad's weird sense of humor.
Razi followed in his mother's footsteps, pursuing a career in painting. He and Alexander had a bit of trouble with Sasha, their oldest, as his ambitiousness and critical eye came with a mean streak that would pop up seemingly out of nowhere, manifesting as cruel jabs at his family and friends, and sometimes even hitting and throwing his siblings' toys. His dads sought to redirect his energy into weightlifting, which he had expressed interest in, and extracurricular classes that allowed him to pour his energy and focus into the sciences that he loved. While Sasha has never really lost his inclination towards meanness, he has learned to redirect his energy and it rarely affects his relationships or self-esteem anymore.
Zameer is technically the second-oldest, although he was adopted after his younger sister Tunniko entered the family. Zameer was an absolute social butterfly as a child; there was no such thing as too many friends for him, and he was often caught passing notes and playing games in class instead of doing his schoolwork. Tunniko was the only Zabrak around, but it's never bothered her much. She found more than enough in common with her many other classmates who were interested in fantasy stories, princesses, fairies, playing make-believe, etc.
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It wasn't long before the Lin-Onos brought home a little boy named Razi. Razi grew up in a house full of color, of dreams, of paintings, and of music (Sakura picked up the violin again after having learned as a child, and of course Kazuya knew how to play the guitar). On his 14th birthday, Razi asked his mom, whose bob had been dyed pink on the bottom for as long as he could remember, to help him dye his hair. Razi started experimenting with makeup and clothing, and quickly found a style full of eyeliner, black lipstick, skulls, studs, and leather that he loved and that created a fun dichotomy with his sunny personality. Razi's closest friends were Riko Nakamura, a girl from school who had a serious "take over the world" villain vibe, and Alexander Goth, an odd boy who dressed nicely that he met on the playground during a Festival of Youth one year. The three became thick as thieves (sometimes Riko did some actual thieving...).

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Sakura Lin, a vibrant, carefree woman, with whom our story starts, immigrated to Mt. Komorebi as soon as she came of age. Full of wanderlust and a passion for the unknown, she left her childhood home and bought a large, empty parcel of land on the always-snowy mountain. Sakura lived in a tent for a time, utilizing the convenient bathroom and shower services of the nearby onsen. Sakura met many interesting people at the onsen, including a woman named Kaori Wada, who would become her best friend, and a man named Kazuya Ono, with whom Sakura shared a love of art, the color red, and being carefree. Kazuya had a strange, slightly off-putting sense of humor to many, and was pretty gassy and unmotivated... but these things were no match for Sakura's easygoing nature. The two loved going to museums together and cozying up in front of the club fireplace for long chats about art, philosophy, music, and food. One day, after Sakura had saved up enough to build a small house for herself and a partner (she had been hired as a palette cleaner after hanging around the art studios in town all the time), Sakura asked Kazuya to marry her. She proposed on a private museum balcony, and, seeing as they were already in their favorite place in the world, Sakura and Kazuya decided to just get married on the spot.
Sakura and Kazuya moved in together to the small, bright home Sakura had built. Kazuya's overall unambitious personality had made him unable to commit to a career, and he had barely gotten by doing odd jobs here and there. After spending so much time around Sakura, however, Kazuya saw that it was possible to make a living as an artist, and with some encouragement from his wife, Kazuya entered the culinary field to pursue his love of mixology.
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I'd like to introduce you to the Lin family, my current legacy challenge!
The Lins are in generation four right now, but I'm going to take you back to the beginning, with legacy founder Sakura Lin. ♡
This is my first time doing a legacy challenge, and I'm quite new to the sims in general (didn't play any of the previous games and only started playing Sims 4 last year!). I'm not scoring it or anything - I picked the giant-ass lot on Mt. Komorebi (I regretted it almost immediately but yannow... them's the breaks). In terms of legacy succession, all my kiddos are adopted, and the title of heir goes to the first adopted child. I use a random number generator to determine which sim to adopt.
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