badmintonnews · 5 months
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Beautiful Girls Badminton
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peliydoritos · 6 months
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badmintonbites · 7 months
Fault or Not? #28
Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
Organochlorines were used widely in Australia, especially as insecticides (most commonly DDT, heptachlor (figure 18.3), chlordane (figure 18.4), dieldrin, aldrin and lindane (figure 18.5)).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
Lindane has similar applications to dieldrin and heptachlor and, although its use was quickly banned in all other states of Australia, it was still used in Queensland to control white grubs and symphylids on pineapples until 2010.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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aakashgill · 2 years
Yeah. I can sing in Mandarin/Chinese too. I hope to meet Lin Dan one day and talk to him in his mother tongue. I am improving my voice day by day. I have been learning to compose original pieces in other languages too. If you have experience with musical instruments, please contact me!
Lyrics and their meaning - www.aakashgill.com/music/
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riaunews · 2 years
Dinonaktifkan Surya Paloh, Zulfan Lindan Mengaku Bukan Lagi Pengurus DPP Nasdem Sejak Jadi Wakil Komisaris Jasa Marga
Dinonaktifkan Surya Paloh, Zulfan Lindan Mengaku Bukan Lagi Pengurus DPP Nasdem Sejak Jadi Wakil Komisaris Jasa Marga
Politikus NasDem Zulfan Lindan. (Foto: Detik) Jakarta (Riaunews.com) – Politikus Partai NasDem Zulfan Lindan buka suara merespons keputusan Ketua Umum Surya Paloh menonaktifkan dirinya dari jabatan Ketua Teritorial Pemenangan Pemilu Sumatera 1 yang meliputi Aceh dan Sumatera Utara (Sumut) DPP Partai NasDem. Ia mengatakan surat tersebut salah alamat karena dirinya sudah tak menjadi pengurus DPP…
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mlarayoukai · 10 months
I'm not a expert and I'll never go to art school but here's some character design advice that's cool if you make casual ocs:
Don't view white skin as the "default" ie don't make every character white or Japanese. When's the last time you seen a Philippino or lindan character? Avoid tokenism!!!! You don't need one character per race. Don't make the one Chinese character panda themed in a china dress!!!! Good lord
Design tropes are your friend and can't hurt you. They're a great starting point
Please add freckles, moles, scars to faces; you probably have them but they don't register
I'm a little bias but have a few characters with glasses. I'll see casts with dozens-100+ characters and 2 or 3 will have glasses. More than half the planet needs glasses in some way. I'm legally blind and I like seeing characters with glasses. This one particularly bugs me
Even if you view "flaws" you have as ugly, people love seeing themselves in characters. This also applies to hearing aids + any disability aid
Do not be afraid to add masculine traits to female characters or feminine traits to male characters; either on their body or how they present
That's it
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mcatmemoranda · 4 months
Scabies treatment:
Permethrin 5% safe for those age 2 months and older; safe in in pregnancy/breastfeeding; apply from the neck down; leave on 8-12 hours, repeat x1.
Kenneth Mellenby did tests on scabies and most people have only 10-20 mites on them. It does not mean the person is dirty. It is just bad luck! It can be considered an STD. These conditions are common and pts should not be stigmatized.
Other scabies treatments:
Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg/dose; repeat in 2 weeks; works better with permethrin; not for pregnant women or children < 15 kg
Lindane 1% (AEs: neurotoxicity; not safe in peds or pregnant pts)
Can treat intimate contacts if they want treatment, but it’s not necessary. Wash clothes & bed sheets; no need to decontaminate the exam room; just do routine cleaning of exam room.
Crusting scabies – more serious scabies; large, asymptomatic crusting lesions; thick keratotic material on pt’s skin, little pruritis. Found in immunosuppressed pts; pts with dementia, and pts with nutritional disorders. This is much more contagious than typical scabies. If it’s at a nursing home, everyone should be treated.
Three types: capitis (head), corporis (body), or pubis (pubic).
Nits are the eggs. You may not see lice. Usually can see nits ~0.25” from the scalp.
Pediculosis corporis (body louse) live on the person’s clothes. These can spread diseases like typhus, trench fever.
Pediculosis pubis (crabs) are the most contagious STD. Maculae cerulea are seen on the body.
Treatment: lice combs
Body lice: Permethrin 1%; get new clothes or wash clothes in really hot water, can wash clothes with permethrin. Body lice can spread disease.
Pubic lice treatment: Permethrin 5% and repeat in 1 week. Can consider ivermectin. Launder clothes in hot water; abstinence x1 week.
Head lice: permethrin 1% (don’t use conditioners/cream rinses during treatment because the medication needs to stay on the hair/scalp); ivermectin 200-400 mg/kg; comb hair; vacuum everything and wash everything. Kids can return to school after first application of treatment.
Bed bugs (cimex lectularius):
Red, erythematous and itchy papules; generally in clusters of 3-5 and can be in a linear pattern.
Treat symptomatically with steroid creams and antihistamines. The bugs are not on the patient. They are in the bed. No need to decontaminate the exam room.
Myiasis/botfly: So gross! Seen in pts traveling to South America. Clinically looks like an abscess with clear, serous exudate. Treatment is removal of the thing!
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kbanews · 8 months
Pengamat politik: Terjadi Missing Link, Dunia Survei Sekarang Meragukan
JAKARTA | KBA –Pengamat politik Assoc. Prof.  TB Massa Djafar meragukan kinerja para lembaga servei. Hasil yang mereka rilis banyak mengandung parakdoks yang tidak bisa diuji secara ilmiah. Dia menyatakan hal itu dalam podcast aktivis politik Zulvan Lindan yang bertajuk Unpacking Indonesia. Video yang diunggah di Platform Youtube sejak tiga haru lalu itu membahas peran lembaga survei dalam debat…
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badmintonbites · 8 months
Badminton Rally - I don't believe it! #50
Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei
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evekiely · 1 year
Printing workshop tus course
Day 7 of the tus course
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Today I was printing using lindane pieces of paper.I used cut out scrap material to make a pattern on the paper.I decided to do two colours to experiment with printing.I used a dollar to spread the oil paint mixture out evenly and to put in on the plastic sheet which was then pressed using a printing press onto a blank page to create a pattern .I enjoyed this workshop a lot and would like to try something similar to it again.
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biowastefl · 6 days
What & Hows of Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal in Daytona Beach and Orlando, FL
Getting rid of the waste generated inside a home is easy enough. The waste may be stored in a garbage bag and disposed of according to the community's rules. The same does not apply to research labs, healthcare, or pharmacies, which usually accumulate vast quantities of medicines and other related waste. Management needs to be well aware of safety measures and make efforts to comply with the standard procedures for pharmaceutical waste disposal in Daytona Beach and Orlando, FL. First and foremost, the staff at such facilities must be informed about the type of waste generated by the minute. Segregating the biohazards and pharmaceutical waste into a color-coded container, as OSHA recommended, is also vital. There are several types of pharmaceutical waste. It is advisable to identify them and store them as per the regulations. Some of the items that may be regarded as pharmaceutical waste include the following:-
Solid Pharmaceutical Waste · Sharps such as used scalpels, needles, and/or syringes · Contaminated  masks, gloves, bandages, as well as IV bags and tubing · Drugs that contain hazardous / non-hazardous chemicals · Empty pill bottles, liquid medicine containers, blister packs,  and/or ointment tubes · Medicine distribution devices like inhalers, auto-injectors, and nebulizers
Liquid Pharmaceutical Waste Liquid waste accumulates within the facilities or laboratories during processing or other operations. Sludge from chemical processing and contaminated solvents used for cleaning the containers and tanks are also regarded as pharmaceutical waste.
The unused drugs, both solid and liquid, may be mailed to the seller/dealer instead of being retained within the facility.
The process of disposal of pharmaceutical waste must be done as follows:
· Segregation of pharmaceutical waste from biohazardous waste. The latter is considered most dangerous for health and needs to be disposed of separately
· Removal of all controlled substances such as opiates and benzodiazepines. These substances need to be handled according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency regulations
· Removal of trace chemotherapy waste. Medicinal drugs and other substances used during Chemotherapy can be deadly for a healthy human being, even when exposed to a minuscule amount. Trace chemotherapy waste usually includes
l Empty medication vials
l IV tubing used to deliver medication ​ l Medical gloves worn by staff during Chemotherapy ​ · Removal of hazardous waste. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) categorizes certain chemicals as hazardous and extremely risky for the general public. Drugs such as warfarin, lindane, and mitomycin are considered to be hazardous waste and must be disposed of separately
Packaging of the remaining waste to be stored in OSHA and/or FDA-recommended blue color-coded containers fitted with tight white lids
Proper biomedical waste disposal in Orlando and Kissimmee, FL, is also essential to ensure the sanitation and safekeeping of the facility's patients, staff, and visitors.
It is best to contact a service provider that excels in transportation, treatment, and proper waste disposal. Once the storage containers are handed over, such companies are sure to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.
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riaunews · 2 years
Surya Paloh Nonaktifkan Zulfan Lindan dari Kepengurusan DPP NasDem Karena Sebut Anies Antitesis Jokowi
Surya Paloh Nonaktifkan Zulfan Lindan dari Kepengurusan DPP NasDem Karena Sebut Anies Antitesis Jokowi
Zulfan Lindan. Jakarta (Riaunews.com)- Partai Nasdem memutuskan untuk menonaktifkan Zulfan Lindan sebagai kader menyusul pernyataannya yang menyebut Gubernur Anies Baswedan dipilih Partai Nasdem sebagai calon presiden lantaran menjadi antitesis pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Ketua Umum Partai Nasdem Surya Paloh mengatakan, keputusan menonaktifkan Zulfan Lindan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab…
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lgdeantonio · 16 days
"El miedo ha cambiado de bando": Ane Lindane enfrenta al odio fascista -...
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miratiwari-7 · 1 month
Best Head Lice treatment in India
What is Pediculosis or Head Lice?
Head lice (Pediculosis capitis) are a very common, itchy, highly contagious condition that often occurs in nurseries, day care centers, and schools. It is caused by infestation with the human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis.
- What is the life cycle of the head lice(louse)?
Lice are very small insects that feed on human blood. In head lice, the female louse attaches her eggs to the base of hair shafts. The eggs (nits) hatch 8–10 days later. While the adult louse cannot survive more than 2 days off of the human head, a nit can stay alive for up to a month off the body (on clothes, hairbrushes, or carpets, for example). Lice can spread from child to child by close personal contact and by sharing belongings.
- Who’s at risk?
Children aged 3–10 are most likely to become infested. Girls are more likely to have head lice than are boys.
- What are the signs and symptoms?
The most common locations for head lice infestations include:
Behind the ears
Moving lice or non-moving nits may be seen on the scalp and hair. Each louse is approximately 1–2 mm long and is white-gray in color. The white nits are smaller (0.5 mm), are firmly attached to the hair shaft, and are usually located very close to the scalp. Small red bumps may be seen on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. Occasionally, the lymph nodes behind the ears or in the neck may be swollen. Head lice infestations are quite itchy.
- How can you take care?
Search for lice and nits on wet hair using a fine-toothed comb.
Use an over-the-counter medication for head lice exactly as directed. These medicines are insecticides and should not be applied in greater quantity or more frequently than recommended. These medications are not recommended for children younger than 2 years old.
Wash bed linens, towels, hats, etc, in hot water, and dry them using the hot cycle for at least 20 minutes.
Vacuum floors and furniture used by the infected child.
Do not share combs, hair brushes, hats, towels, bedding, clothing, headphones, stuffed toys, or other items with someone who has head lice.
Treat the immediate contacts of the child also.
Consult a dermatologist if self-care measures have not successfully killed off (eradicated) the infestation who can recommend:
Permethrin lotion or shampoo
Malathion lotion
Lindane lotion, cream, or shampoo (not used as much anymore due to potential toxicity)
Ivermectin pills
- What will be the cost for the treatment of Head Lice?
The cost for the treatment is dependent upon the type of treatment chosen. Generally, a single consultation with Dr. Rinky Kapoor would cost approximately INR 1000/-. It is very important that, along with the treatment, your child should follow all the preventive measures to get rid of these head lice once and for all.
For more information on Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s work, click on: https://www.rinkykapoor.com/
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