#lin manuel Miranda x reader
linnamonrolls0 · 8 months
The Winner Takes It All
LMM!Hermes x Reader
“devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more…”
You accidentally find your way into the Lotus Casino, where a certain Greek god takes a keen interest in a game of poker, a sweet deal, and… you.
Rating: Mature
Words: 4,480
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I wasn’t gonna write this… until I saw some hater saying they’d [redacted] if they saw a LMM!Hermes x Reader fic show up - so naturally, being the disastrous Lin simp that I am, I HAD TO DO IT. After all, learning from the best in proving the naysayers wrong…
A lot of this was written pre-episode, allow it with a few inconsistencies and a lot of research-induced additions!
Mixtape... bloop - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6v2ZfRamJRh8eP6qOqz4ND
Chapter 1: When The Chips Are Down
Contrary to popular belief, apparently it is possible to get lost in Las Vegas.
You were only strolling the Strip with a group of friends on the last day of your whirlwind vacation, but soon enough you found yourself at a dead end, unsure of what turn you’d even taken to get there. 
Hoping to locate a restroom and some means of connectivity to contact your friends, you beelined for the nearest building, flashily labelled the Lotus Hotel and Casino: upon glancing upward, you were met with the sight of a forty-storey tower, with a wide open entrance marked by a blooming neon-bright lotus flower in front of you. It was the sort of place you would expect to be buzzing with life, but oddly enough nary a soul lingered by the shining silver doors; just stillness and silence, save for the muffled music pounding from somewhere inside.
Though you felt overwhelmingly uneasy, that entrance carried a strange magnetism that compelled you to step inside. Something that suggested all your fear would be put to rest the moment you walked through those doors… or into that flower, at least.
You tucked your hands under your sleeves and drew in a deep breath, before you crossed the petalled threshold into an opulent lobby decorated with lotus plants in intricately designed pots and inviting plush couches around the circular hall. The air conditioning was a welcome relief from the Nevada summer heat, and the whole place seemed to glow in a dark shade of pink. 
You immediately felt an invisible weight ease off of your shoulders as you entered… What had you come here to look for, again?
Right, a phone charger and somewhere to pee. Of course, basic human necessities, how could you forget those so quickly?
Interrupting your line of thought, you paused in your tracks when a tall Barbie doll materialised in front of you, dressed in bright pink from head to toe; upon first glance she looked like some sort of projection, as though she wasn’t real at all.
“Welcome to the Lotus Hotel and Casino,” she greeted you in an almost robotic voice, with a plastic smile stretched across her face, holding out a shimmering green card. “Here’s your Cash Card, have a great time!”
“Cash… what? Do I have to pay for this?” you stuttered, confused beyond belief as you took the card. What was this place?
“No, not a penny!” She shook her head; not a single strand of her perfectly coiffed blonde hair shifted out of place. “Would you like a tour? Here, have a drink. Only the best in the world here!” 
She offered you a glass goblet, filled to the brim with a dark maroon liquid and topped with blueberries, bearing the same eerie magnetism as the doors had done minutes before. You eyed the drink dubiously, brows furrowed as you sniffed it in a futile attempt to ascertain what exactly it was.
“I’m alright, thank you,” you politely declined, “What is—”
But before you could finish your question, the Barbie doll had disappeared as suddenly as she’d arrived, and the moment you sipped the strong floral drink, your questions completely evaporated.
Following your curiosity, you craned your neck and looked up to see endless floors lined with rooms and doors and glass balconies, with a pair of glass elevators in the middle. At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if the great glass elevator could shoot through the ceiling like something out of a children’s book.
At least there were more people in here, though you were certain they too had just appeared as if by magic; not acknowledging you at all, they milled about in the lobby and outside the doors to the casino, beside to what appeared to be an arcade full of excited children playing classic and modern video games alike. Regardless of age, all the guests were clad in fancy-dress costumes; you figured perhaps there was an event taking place that had its attendees reflecting different eras of fashion. Wouldn’t be unusual for this town, everyone was dressed crazy and after three days traversing Sin City’s myriad clubs and casinos, nothing fazed you - or perhaps the effects of whatever you’d taken at that club last night still hadn’t fully worn off, who knew…
Still in a bit of a daze, you floated toward the immense double doors leading to the Casino, already hearing the jingling of slot machines singing proud over the pounding pop beats as their backing track.
The casino was lit by ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, deliberately dimmed to give way to the bright, flashing lights of the various gaming machines assembled around the hall, surrounding a set of card tables in its centre. Chatter and laughter filled the room and people crowded around the tables, playing without a care in the world and having the time of their lives; everyone seemed to have a goblet in hand and a cash card in the other, not dissimilar to your current state. It was warmer in here, though still comfortable enough that you could breathe… Just about.
You wandered through and your attention was glued to a game of roulette at a table beside you, where a couple had just won who knows what, when you were interrupted by a greeting that you just somehow knew was directed at you.
“Well, hello, there,” you heard in a smooth, low tenor behind you.
You whirled around on your heel to be met by… a guy. Literally just a guy, casually leaning on his gorgeously tanned forearms on a nearby craps table, aimlessly toying with a pair of dice in his left hand as he gazed over at you. He was certainly easy on the eyes with his vaguely familiar but handsome face, a mischievous little smirk on his lips, and pretty brown eyes that sparkled in the flashing lights… There was something about those eyes that drew you in. And for some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away…
He looked like the most normal person in the room, but he seemed entirely out of place, given that everyone else was dressed to the nines - meanwhile he wore a comfy tan hoodie and sweatpants set, as if he perhaps owned it all and subsequently had no rules to follow in this already-lawless land. When he stepped around his table to approach you, he certainly did swagger around like he ruled the place, and his companions nearby looked at him like they worshipped the ground he walked on. Perhaps he was important, but how were you to know?
“You come here often?” he flirted, just about the most awful pickup line imaginable, but you were past the point of questioning why it still sounded attractive.
How had you ended up here, anyway? Hell knew… But this was Sin City, after all; a little harmless flirting could do you no harm, surely… 
“Nope, never been here before. But weirdly, I don’t want to leave…” you shrugged, taking another sip of that strangely addictive drink.
“Sounds about right, Miss…”
“[Y/N],” you offered casually, uncharacteristically not hesitant.
“Pleasure to meet you…” he said with a playful lilt to his tone, holding out a hand, “They call me Hermes.”
When you shook his hand, for a split second you could’ve sworn you weren’t there anymore - when his smooth hand held yours, something akin to a firework went off inside your mind, and you’d put it down to just sparks if not for the phantom breeze you felt just then, a gust that nearly knocked you off your feet.
You couldn’t place what it was, exactly, but there was something strange about this man. He bore an almost otherworldly quality, as though he wasn’t human at all… But how could he be anything else? Come to think of it, there was a similarly supernatural energy about the casino itself; no wonder he fit right in to this weird wonderland.
“What, you got a Birkin in your back pocket or something, Mr Hermes?” you laughed, trying to shake off that odd suspicion, only to be met by his indignant scowl. Even that was cute.
“And what business do you have with my back pockets?” he teased, tucking one hand into the front pocket of his hoodie, to which you raised an intrigued brow.
You shrugged, nonchalant, still reeling from that strange feeling. “Nothing yet, but perhaps I’d like to find out…”
“Obviously I do not, but I could hook you up.” The innuendo wasn’t lost on you, least of all when Hermes smirked, that patented brand of mischief you were quickly growing quite fond of as he swaggered across to the card table; the players welcomed him back gladly. “Care for a game?” he asked, seemingly winning one without even paying attention to it as he rolled the dice carelessly onto the table that stood between you.
As he retrieved the dice, you eyed his hands curiously; they could only be described as pretty, as though he might be a pianist or… an artist of some description. He had his sleeves rolled back and a gold-plated Rolex glimmered on one wrist, a chunky gold chain-link bracelet on the other, and something about that on him was distractingly attractive. It all screamed money, despite his casual tracksuit getup, which would’ve been nothing special if it didn’t look so needlessly expensive in itself. You absently wondered what that obscure tattoo on his ring finger meant, for surely it couldn’t imply he might be taken…
“It’s not like you have anything to lose,” Hermes commented, interrupting your line of thought as he set a few chips down on the table and retrieved his own green Cash Card from his pocket, holding it up to show you. So everyone had them; then, what was the point?
Oh, right. You likely couldn’t do anything with the money outside, so, go figure it was an unlimited free pass.
“I guess I’m in. After all, what you gonna do when the chips are down?” you quoted a challenge, holding your own smug look at the recognition in his eyes.
“I see you speak my language…” he teased, “Even if those aren’t exactly my words.”
“Funny you should mention that. Has anyone ever told you you look a bit like Lin-Manuel Miranda?”
“So I’ve been told! Though, I think the correct expression would be that he looks like me. Same difference, he’s me, I’m him, whatever.” He waved a flippant hand, as if instructing you to ask no further questions on the topic.
“Gotcha…” You laughed, putting this all down to a wacky dream by now as you joined him by the card table. “What is this, anyway?” you asked him, raising your goblet in his general direction. He was the only person here without one, which didn’t entirely make sense to you, even in the logic of twisted fever dreams.
“Raise a glass to freedom… and throw it the fuck away,” he sang with a laugh, “Seriously, though, that’s a little addictive psychedelic beverage called blue lotus wine. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t drink a drop.”
“And what if I already did?”
“Well, then you’re well and truly screwed…” Hermes grinned, mischief dancing in his dark brown eyes. He swiped the half-full glass out of your hand and knocked back the remainder of the wine in one quick gulp, his gaze never leaving yours as he deposited the empty glass on a tray carried away by one of those apparating Barbie waitresses. “And now, so am I.”
He waved over another waitress and grabbed two new glasses of wine off her tray, politely handing one to you. He brought his glass to his lips, slowly sipping at the wine as you eyed his hand wrapped around the glass, absently wondering what that seemingly delicate touch would feel like on you… There was no reason why the simple act of this man drinking hallucinatory wine should’ve been remotely sexy, but you could say the same for him in general; this shouldn’t work, but god damn, it does.
“Was that really the best idea if it’s—” you began, and he quickly cut in.
“Absolutely not, no, but if you come here to forget, you may as well do it right…” Hermes sighed, a momentary flash of resignation in his stance as he briefly let his shoulders droop. “Anyway, whatever, fuck real life. Let’s play?” he offered, running a hand through his dark hair, seemingly shaking himself out of the memory of whatever haunting reality had led him here. As a matter of fact, what had led you here?
“Sure,” you smiled, “What are we playing? I’m pretty sure I saw an arcade on my way in…”
“Come on, there’s no stakes in that! This is where the real fun’s at,” he said with a light laugh, gesturing to the craps table in front of you.
“Speak for yourself. I’ll have you know, I’m amazing at air hockey!”
“Yeah? I’m a killer at the claw machine, so go figure.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Cute. Shame they don’t have an escape room.”
“Just as well, I’ve always been a little too good with locks… Besides, this place itself is an escape room. Only, there’s no escape…”
“Wait, what?”
“Because… You want to stay, right? What’s waiting for you outside?”
Suddenly, you found yourself struggling to answer his question. Where barely a few moments ago, everything had been so clear, now you could see a hazy cloud inside your mind as you desperately searched for the answer to no avail, almost as though that hallucinogen was beginning to hit hard… 
“Outside? What’s outside? I — I could stay here — You’re… Huh?” you stuttered, “I don’t know where else I’d go.”
Hermes sighed, glancing over at you. “Literally anywhere but here.”
“Sorry?” you questioned, brows furrowed. Had you misread his signals?
“Walk with me,” he offered, and so you obliged as he stepped towards you again. You followed his lead as he strolled on within the confines of the casino, glancing surreptitiously around as though making sure you weren’t being eavesdropped on - though you could only wonder why.
“Alright, I don’t normally do this…” he drawled, “But for some reason I’m taking a liking towards you; and all trickery aside, I don’t take unfair advantage, so here’s the secret. You ever heard of Odysseus and the Lotus Eaters?” he asked seriously; you nodded your assurance. “Well, this place is kinda like their island… Only, now it’s here in the modern world, and what better place for it than Sin City? Hence the lightness in the air and the endless supply of blue lotus wine…”
You eyed him curiously, willing him to go on and trying not to focus on his initial confession. “I guess that explains a lot. So this is… eternal psychedelic bliss?”
“Yep, that good old adrenaline and dopamine rush, forever and ever and everrrrr… Half of Olympus has tried to claim it, but nobody really knows whose work of chaotic genius this was.” He shrugged nonchalantly, not at all like he was explaining such an outlandish concept. “When you’re in a casino, time just seems to work differently - and just like that, time moves at its own distorted pace in here. Lost travellers often find their way into this place, it has that draw when you stray off your path - and that’s why I hang out here, not just to wander astray from my own shit, but to guide you back to yours. I’m not immune to this,” he raised his glass, gesturing to the wine, “But I can handle the air just fine, unlike most mortals…”
“And what if I want to get lost?” you challenged, plucking his glass out of his hand, holding his gaze as you brought the drink to your lips. His gaze remained fixed on you as he bit his own lip, his eyes flickering to your lips for a millisecond as you sipped the wine; thirsty, not dissimilar to the way you’d been eyeing him mere seconds ago.
“Mmkay, lucky for you, I have some semblance of sense about me,” Hermes said, stopping by a poker table nearby, where the players immediately cleared a spot for the pair of you. Entirely nonchalant, he swiped a deck of cards off the table, expertly shuffling it as he spoke, “So win the next deal, and I’ll get you out of here.”
“So if I lose, I’m stuck in here?” you attempted to clarify the stakes, trying not to get distracted as you watched him shuffle those cards. Hell, he had such pretty hands, what else could you do but wonder what else he could do with them?
“Pretty much.”
“And what if I ask for a better deal?”
“Better than having your real life back?”
“Try me…”
“Okay. If I win, my prize is you.”
“Me? What’s the catch?”
“Nothing. Just, you and me, until not even the gods above can separate the two of us,” you teased, peak dramatic, somewhere between flirting and floating. You could get used to this, the weightless feeling of flight…
Hermes quirked a brow at you, undeniably amused. “Interesting thought, given that I’m… well, not above, per se, but one of them.”
“You’re… what now?” You tilted your head to one side, looking curiously across at him. What in the world was he on about?
He shot you a pointed stare, isn’t it obvious? But it wasn’t, until now… when it all began to make sense, slowly: what this place was, how he knew so much about it, why he had a more heightened sense of awareness despite the inherent hypnotism of the literal and metaphorical lotus flower you’d stepped into… And he could guide lost travellers out. Your jaw dropped as your hand flew to your mouth when it finally dawned upon you who and what he was, and what that entailed —
And out loud, all you could manage was a whisper; “Oh, my god…”
The Greek god in front of you heaved a dramatic sigh, aiming a playful eye-roll in your direction. “Please, like I haven’t heard that one before,” he chuckled lightly, the sarcasm heavy in his tone.
And so you let him deal your hand and you played, stopping every so often to laugh, for Hermes was surprisingly fun to be around and perhaps staying here with him wouldn’t be so bad… Only, this couldn’t be his permanent residence. He was the god of travel, it made sense that he never hung around one place long enough to settle. It was obvious he had a natural charisma about him that clearly worked in his favour more than once; and not that it really mattered, but you absently wondered how many like you had crossed paths with him before, and the past baggage he’d been trying to forget was certainly not lost on you…
He had his right arm slung casually around your shoulder, his left occupied by his cards, not caring if you could see them. You tried your level best to stay focused; for you were feeling a little lightheaded by now, a combination of the wine and the strong scent of his cologne… He was close, enough that you could pick up the gentle sweet notes beneath the woody cedar scent he wore.
“All in?” you suggested, nudging your chips toward the centre of the table, glancing up at the literal god beside you.
“I am if you are,” Hermes smirked, pushing his own ridiculous amount of chips into the pot beside yours.
The game went on; and as if out of nowhere, thanks to a sudden turn in your luck and a surprise royal flush - which if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve attributed to him - you had finally won. Caught up in the daze, you stepped up onto your toes and threw your arms around his neck in an excited hug. He was momentarily taken aback by it, but quickly regained enough composure to gently wrap his arms around you. His soft touch bore a pleasantly startling contrast to his mischievous demeanour, and you found yourself not wanting to let go.
“Well played…” he congratulated you in that same teasing tone as he gently drew you back, briefly glancing at his watch and tapping two fingers against the side of the dial.
Perhaps you would’ve wondered why, but spurred on by your victory and high off the adrenaline, you hooked one finger in the gold chain around his neck and gently tugged at it to urge him closer, until the distance between you was barely a hair’s breadth. You could feel the warmth radiating off him in waves, his intense cologne flooding your senses. And suddenly it didn’t faze you that you were in public, and you paid no mind to the way all his casino companions were frozen around you instead of continuing their games… Suddenly, all you wanted was him. 
Was it blasphemous to lust after a god?
Hell, you could deal with the consequences of that later, for right now, his magnetism was pulling you in and you couldn’t bear to look away from those deep, dark brown eyes… Until Hermes leant closer to you and his soft lips brushed yours as he spoke, barely above a whisper yet you could hear him clearly despite the noise, “Not at all…”
Your breathing hitched, at his comment, at his proximity, at… everything about this. How the fuck did he know what you’d been thinking? 
Perhaps you’d dwell on that longer, but just then he reached up to cup your cheek. Though unexpectedly tender, his touch was white hot where his skin met yours, but pleasurably so as you let yourself get lost in it, in him… He pressed his lips to yours in two delicate little pecks, clearly just teasing, and you just about caught sight of his smirk before you stepped up onto your toes to kiss him again, for real this time. His other hand smoothly dropped to your waist, holding you against him and you pulled at his chain with your finger still caught in it, curling your other fist in the soft cotton of his hoodie.
Apparently, even the gods weren’t immune to carnal need, and Hermes was evidently faring no better than you; he gave in to the kiss quickly, all but melting into you, his tongue swiping insistently at your bottom lip, and you weren’t about to stop him. You parted your lips for him, granting him access instead of prolonging this teasing that had left you both desperate. He tasted of something indescribably sweet, mixed with the rich taste of the blue lotus wine that you’d both downed not so long ago, and you already knew he was a far better intoxicant than any drink you’d find here… As he deepened the kiss, his tongue brazenly tasting yours, borderline hungry; you saw a flash of light behind your eyelids, gripped by the feeling that you were flying, all for a mere moment before you became hyperaware of his heated touch and the fact that your feet were still firmly planted on the soft floral-patterned carpet of the casino.
It felt like time had frozen, the world had stopped around you, and nothing mattered except for him and you and the most perfect kiss you’d ever had…
But somehow, instead of clouding your thoughts like you’d expected, you drew back from his kiss with some clarity. Hermes had told you he could never lose. So why, then, had you just managed to win this? You were no expert when it came to these games, and he was clearly a well-seasoned gambling master… Had the notorious trickster god manipulated the deal in your favour? Had he purposely thrown this away for you?
The glimmer in his eyes only looked brighter as you separated, yet somehow those deep browns looked darker, lust clearly getting the better of him; and he made no effort to hide it, despite his small smile and the lightest hint of a blush on his cheeks. You were fairly sure you mirrored it all, and you were in no hurry to let him go…
Only, as the world began to come back into focus, you realised time really had stopped around you: everything and everyone in the casino was frozen, and you glanced up at the god in front of you with a mix of curiosity and fear in your eyes. “When you said you could stop time…” you began, still in disbelief.
Hermes nodded slowly, meeting your gaze with that characteristic smirk. “Yeah, I meant that literally. I may have had a running out of time crisis once, hence… this stolen life-saver,” he explained, raising his wrist to show you his watch - now upon closer inspection, you realised the hour, minute and second hands all pointed to 12, and he hovered a finger over a button at the side of the dial. “It’s up to you. Want me to bring it back?”
You shook your head. Not only did that beautiful gold timepiece look unfairly gorgeous on his wrist; it also held a piece of magic that could be incredibly useful… “No,” you whispered, “I’m in no hurry. Let’s make this last…”
You tilted your chin up towards him again, and he obliged you with another sweet little kiss. “Well, then… Perhaps I could show you some of the wonders of existing beyond space and time…” he murmured, “What d’you say to that?”
“I say, make time stop for us a little longer. Take me to another world, Hermes…”
The look he shot you just then, could’ve brought you to your knees on the spot - somehow you just knew he was fixated on the sound of his name as you whispered it, and you wondered how he could make you feel that just from a simple touch.
“C’mon, sweetheart; let’s get out of here,” Hermes suggested, offering you an arm; you linked your arm through his as he tapped the side of his watch, resuming the world around you as if it had never paused at all. 
You gazed up at him in awe as he led you out of the casino, back to the lobby and towards the opening of the blooming flower you’d walked in through. The humid summer air hit you both as you stepped outside together, thereby breaking the spell - but you were still captivated by him, regardless. He briefly let go of you to do away with his warm hoodie, leaving him in just a fitted white t-shirt that had no business looking so goddamn gorgeous on him.
You couldn’t help but smile as he hummed softly in your ear, “There’s a place I know in a nearby park…”
Part 2 via AO3 (blasphemous smut ahead)
283 notes · View notes
linmanwe11 · 2 years
Rough Day
Pairing: Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
Words: 2,637
Warnings: NSFW (18+), Smut (what’s new)
Summary: You have a rough day at work- your devastatingly gorgeous husband, Lin-Manuel, helps you feel better.
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You get home from a really long, stressful day at work. Pulling your keys out, you unlock the door to your apartment and as you enter, you throw your keys and purse on the counter before struggling to take off your jacket. You close your eyes and sigh, then as you finally look up, you see Lin sitting on the couch, looking at you, his eyes full of worry.
Still looking at you he was the first to speak, “Honey, what’s wrong?” Then you shake your head and feel tears starting to well up in your eyes- Lin notices right away. “Oh, no, [Y/N], don’t cry! C’mere, baby.” He says as he holds his hand out- you walk over to the couch and take it as he pulls you to sit on top of him.
“Rough day at work?” He asks as he gently rubs his hands around your back, causing you to smile at his touch. “Yeah- it’s just, I just feel like I’m the only one who ever gets shit done. All my coworkers have had like a stick up their ass or something and I just can’t handle it anymore, they all just make me so mad and I just don’t know if I wanna work there anymore. God, all of those people fucking suck and I feel like shit for bringing it home and taking it out on you, but I just hate them all so fucking mu-“ You felt yourself be cut off by Lin placing his lips against yours, his tongue running against your bottom lip before you opened your mouth to him. You whimpered quietly as you felt his teeth tug on your bottom lip, then pull, allowing it to bounce back to your mouth.
“Don’t cry, mi amor. You’re the hardest working person I know, and I love you so much, but since you’re feeling so upset about this... I think I can make you feel better.”
Seeing the look in his eyes, you felt your heart skip a beat as you knew exactly what he meant. You gently grabbed his face, then placed your lips back on his, the two of you emerging in a deep, passionate kiss. Still straddling him, you began slowly rolling and grinding your hips down against his, the friction of your jeans and panties rubbing against your clit causing you to throw your head back with a soft gasp as Lin began to kiss and suck at your neck and jawline. You pushed on Lin’s chest to get him to move back a bit as you grabbed the edges of your shirt, and took it off, slowly revealing your body to him, suddenly forgetting about your terrible day as you watched Lin openly stare at and admire your body, taking in the lace of your bra.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful. You’re so SEXY. God, I could look at you all day...”
He trailed off as his warm hands began roaming your back, quickly moving to the front of your body in order to grab your breasts as you continued to rock against him. You reach down to grab the hem of the blue sweater he had been wearing, then pulled it off, only to be greeted by a button up shirt he had been wearing underneath.
“You had another photo shoot today?”
“Yeah, why?”
“No reason, you just look so fucking hot.”
“Says you.”
He says with a wink as you start working on unbuttoning his shirt, biting your lip as you felt his hands reach up to the clip at the front of your bra and unclip it, allowing it to fall off the back of your shoulders. His eyes were fully blown with lust at this point, and as soon as your bra was completely off, he began alternating between sucking, kissing, and licking at your nipples, which were peaked despite the heat of the situation. You stopped unbuttoning his shirt and softly moaned, throwing your head back as he tugged lightly with his teeth, leaving you breathless. As you somewhat came back to your senses, you finished taking off his shirt, and threw it in the same direction as your own.
“Fuck this, let’s get you out of these jeans, baby.”
“You too, papi.”
You said with a smirk before you both stood up and got out of your jeans, leaving you both in only your underwear. Lin stood there for a second, just staring at you before he grabbed your ass and pulled you into a heavy kiss, his tongue in your mouth, causing you to press your bare chests together and you placed your hands against his firm, strong chest, slowly trailing your soft hands down his body- feeling him shiver as you ran your fingers over his soft stomach before palming him through his underwear. He groaned softly against your lips, then he gently sat you down on the couch as he got on his knees in front of you, his hands slowly trailing up and down your legs as you spread them open for him.
“How wet are you, mi amor? How bad do you need me, mami?”
“Fuck, papi, I need you so bad. You make me so wet- I’m so wet for you, Lin. Please, please eat me out, papi.”
“Anything for my princesa.”
He said as he hooked his fingers along the edges of your panties and slowly pulled them down your legs. When he took them off, Lin began placing kisses along the inside of your thighs, making you grow even wetter as he got closer to where you most desperately needed him. He grabbed your ass, pulling you closer to him as he pressed a kiss to you clit, his meticulous, talented tongue wiggling over it before he sucked it into his mouth, causing your eyes to roll back as you gasped and bit your lip, overcome with pleasure.
He continued this for a few seconds before you felt him begin to fuck his tongue in and out of you, his thumb rubbing circles around your clit, making you arch your back high against the couch. Lin moaned in appreciation as he felt your wetness increasing as he continued eating you out. As your legs began to shake and as your breathing became more and more ragged, you grabbed onto his hair, running your fingers through it and rocking your hips against his lips as he began fucking his tongue in and out of you faster and as his thumb increased its pace- the tip of his nose was rubbing against your clit as well and that sent you into overdrive.
“Oh shhhhit, Lin- Papi, I’m- I can’t- fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it, cum for me, baby. Cum for papi.”
As you looked down at him once more, you saw him wink at you, and that sent you over the edge. Moaning, your back arched as your legs shook and you trapped his head between your thighs, cumming harder than ever. Lin was good and very talented in MANY areas, but his greatest talent was how amazing he was in bed and how amazing he was able to make you feel.
As you came down, you felt light and like your body was almost vibrating from how hard you came and from how good you felt. Still panting, you felt Lin begin to kiss his way back up your body, providing special attention to your neck as he sucked a hickey onto your pulse point. You took a deep breath, and puffed out your cheeks before you were able to find your voice again.
“That was- fuck, that was so good.”
“Yeah? Well, if you enjoyed that, you better brace yourself, cause baby, we’re nowhere near done.”
You felt the beat of your heart begin to quicken as Lin stood up and pulled his underwear down, allowing his erection to bounce out of the restraints. Even now, after 6 wonderful years of marriage and being his girlfriend for 5 years before that, you are still in awe at how big he is. As you eyed his size, you looked up at Lin and saw him biting his lip as he moved his hand down to slowly stroke himself, the look in his eyes giving you goosebumps.
Lin leaned down and firmly kissed you, while slowly pushing to where your back was flat on the couch. Without once breaking the passionate, heated make out you two were in, he nudged your legs open and began rubbing his cock against your pussy, spreading your wetness up to your clit and making you moan in his mouth. You wrapped your legs around his waist, hands running up and down his back as he began kissing and sucking on your neck, running his tongue over the bruised area as he continued to grind his cock against you, not yet entering you. You began growing more and more needy as each second passed, but you knew that he was doing this just to take care of you.
“L-Lin... Papi, please.”
“Please what, baby?”
“Please fuck me. I need you to fuck me hard, papi, please...”
“Look at me, mi amor.”
You moved your head so you could look him straight in his big, beautiful brown eyes. Blushing, you were met with him looking at you with so much love and adoration, it made your heart flutter. Lin was always able to do that- even if you were both worked up in the heat of moment, he was always able to make your heart flutter just by the way he would look at you.
“You’re so beautiful, [Y/N]. I love you so much. I’m always going to be here to take care of you, my love.”
“I love you too- ohhhhh, fuuuuck! Liiiiin!”
You were cut off by Lin burrowing himself deep inside you, the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot. For just a second, you were both completely still, just breathing in each other’s breaths, just taking in how good this feels, and when he started moving, it was like heaven.
His thrusts started off slow, hips slowly rocking against yours as he would barely withdraw from you, keeping a steady pace inside you- the kind of pace that made your heart light up, a more loving pace. As your moans began to grow louder and louder, Lin started to pick up the pace, and god, it’s so good. Your hands clawed at his back, feeling his muscles tense up underneath, as he hit your g-spot, causing you to lose your breath and gasp against him.
“Shhhit, Lin- Papi, I’m- Fuck, you feel so good baby. Papi, I’m gonna cum- Fuck, I’m gonna cum! Please don’t stop, baby, it feels so- oh fuck- so fucking good!”
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock.”
Immediately, you clenched around his cock, the power of his thrusts shaking you hard as you reached your peak. Your moans quickly turned into gasps and almost screams of pleasure as Lin continued to fuck you through your orgasm, kissing your neck, breasts, and jawline to keep you somewhat calm despite him feeling his own release coming. At the top of it, you’re more than sure that you screamed, your visioned whitening out, but you didn’t care- not when it felt this good.
As you came down, you felt Lin’s thrust slow down, then stop all together, giving you time to come down from the intense amounts of pleasure you just experienced.
“Why’d you stop?”
“I want you to ride me, baby. Can you do that for me?”
Smirking, you pushed Lin off of you, allowing him to sit up, his back against the back of the couch as you sat up and straddled him again, feeling his hands grip your bare ass. Your heart was beating out of you chest, you’re sure that he could hear it, but you didn’t care. Leaning down to kiss him, you placed your hands on his shoulders, running your hands along his strong muscles. When you pulled away, you gripped his cock- he was hard enough to where you didn’t have to grab him, but it was always nice just to feel him.
Raising yourself up, you slowly sunk down onto his cock, the both of you sighing as he was all the way in. Lin leaned his head down and lightly bit at your nipple, pulling back and peppering kisses along your collarbone. When you began to slowly bounce up and down on him, he threw his head back, overcome with pleasure.
“Fuck, [Y/N], baby, your pussy feels so good around my cock. I love you so much, mi amor- holy shhiiit! You like riding Papi’s cock, baby? You like how I feel inside you?”
“Baby- Lin, I- fuck, papi, you feel so good! Oh, FUCK!”
You gasped as Lin started thrusting his hips up into you, his cock hitting the perfect spot inside of you. You felt the warmth in the bottom of your stomach begin to build up as your third orgasm was quickly approaching, your nails scraping down Lin’s chest as his hands gripped your ass even firmer, him beginning to lose control as well.
“Shit, baby, I’m gonna- fuck me, you feel so good- I’m gonna cum baby. Cum with me, [Y/N], fuck, cum with me.”
You were both moaning together, his cock slamming hard into you as you both chased your orgasms. Lin leaned up and kissed you hard on your lips, his tongue making its way into your mouth as he moaned against your lips. He pulled away, pressing your foreheads together as he slammed his last thrusts home, the two of you cumming together, your back arching which pushed your breasts into his mouth.
You got off of him, exhausted, panting, sweating, but in a much better mood. You laid down on the couch with your arm laid across your forehead, a smile planted across your face as you felt Lin softly running his fingers along your legs, which were laid out across his thighs. He looked over at you and leaned down and over to kiss you sweetly, his mouth moving slowly against yours, massaging your lips as you grabbed his face and smiled against his lips.
“That was- fuck, so good. Definitely made up for today.”
“I’m glad. You deserve everything, mi amor. I love you so much.”
“Do I deserve a shower?”
“As long as I can join you.”
He said with a smile, and you laughed when you got up, your legs still wobbly but luckily, Lin caught you from behind as he laughed too. He picked you up bridal style, then carried you into the bathroom. When you both stepped into the warm flow of the shower, you stood with your back against Lin’s chest, allowing him to wash off your body. Stepping out of the shower and drying off, Lin put on a pair of underwear and handed you an old t-shirt of his for you to sleep in. When you got into bed, Lin wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him as he kissed the back of your neck, bringing a smile to your face and a blush to your cheeks.
“Goodnight, [Y/N], I love you sooooo much.”
“I love you too, Lin. Thank you for making me feel better. I’m gonna have to pay you back one day.”
You said, facing him, with a smirk as you placed your hands on his chest.
“Haha, I know you will, but just being with you, and you being my wife is enough for me. Get some rest, mami. I love you.”
He said as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you more.”
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luffysangtae · 2 years
If We Get Divorced | Lin Manuel Miranda
Summary: Inspired by that old tiktok trend ‘if we got a divorce, what 3 things would you take?’
Words: 749
A/N: Just a little something that I wrote a while ago and I had this in my drafts for sooooo long and now it is here. My writing is still pretty rusty so apologize if it’s bad heheh
Warning: none? 
The sun from our apartment window shines bright down towards Frankie and I on the couch. He had his face smushed down against my chest, asleep.  As I was scrolling through Instagram, swiping through questions that I posted early today.
I took a selfie of baby Frankie and I with a 'ask away!' prompt for any of my followers(mostly my husband's) to ask. I swiped and swiped till I came across one that peaked my interest.
'@mrs-miranda can you do a 3 things divorce with Lin?'
I chuckled at the thought of my husband answering this question - speaking of, he was just behind  my phone a few meters away in the kitchen approaching the fridge, carrying Sebastian on his hip.
I quickly clicked on the question and pressed record. I first waved at the camera and made a whisper motion before flipping the camera that then recorded the man wearing a loose navy shirt and green khaki shorts - his casual attire at home.
"Babe?" I asked, slowly lowering my phone so that it didn't look obvious I was recording him.
"Yah?" Lin responded, his front facing the open fridge door,  looking for a snack in this mundane day. Sebastian laid his head on his father's shoulder as he idly paid attention to our interaction. Lin was reaching for something in the fridge as I continued with the question.
"If we get divorced-"
"W-wait, what?!" Lin turned with his arm withdrawn from the fridge that held a couple pack of cheese strings at hand
"What would be 3 things that you would take with you?"
"Babe what kind of question is that?" he scoffed in disbelief.
"Lin answer my question~" I playfully whined.
"Daddy what is divorce?" Sebastian peaked into the conversation, pulling his head back to look straight into his father's eyes.
"Hold up," Lin exclaimed, setting firm stance for on the spot to process the two question he had to apprehend, "first of all," he pointed a finger up towards me with his cheese strings still at hand and faced his son in his arms, "Sebastian ignore your mommy that is not going to be in your vocabulary," and he turned back to me, "And you Carino what makes you think we would EVER get divorced!? babe you are not leaving me," he scoffed with his hand now placed on his hip, cheese strings still unopened.
"Don't leave Daddy Mommy!" Sebastian cried out, before wrapping his arms around his dad's neck.
"Sebby your mommy is just asking a very hypothetical question which is never gonna happen," Lin cooed.
"What's hypothetical?" the young boy pulled back his head again to look at the man in front of him.
I interjected, "It's just a 'what if' babe, I wanna know."
"Well do you?" Lin asked, as he placed Sebastian down on the kitchen island to open the dairy snacks for the two of them.
"No, but I asked you first"
Lin gave his son the string with its wrapping halfway open for his son to start munching, "Let me get this straight," grabbing his son back to his left hip and his other hand occupied with a now opened cheese string for himself, "you just wanna know what 3 things I would take with me just out of the blue?"
"if we get divorced?"
"First of all, you can't," he exaggeratedly shook his head, causing his son to giggle with his string clung in his mouth, "we," pointing with his string to him and I, "got kids," keeping eye contact to me (and the camera,) "and you signed up for all of this," he pointed down his whole body causing Sebastian and I to roar in laughter.
"I can't leave any of you, not in a million years I would Carino," Lin softened his face.
"But if you really want to know, I would take all of you three; Sebby right here, Frankie and you. You are not leaving my sight."
I pouted.
"Don't give me that face, you know that I'm not kidding," he pointed out again with his cheese string.
"Sebastian, do you think I'm kidding?" he asked turning his face to his son.
"What's kidding?"
"Joking, Sebastian."
"No Daddy"
"See," he turned back towards me.
"Alright, alright then Miranda," I chuckled, watching my two boys slowly disappear down the hallway.
"All of this Carino, all of this," he made a face as he pointed down his body again as I giggled in response.
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As someone who has many issues with The Little Mermaid, I really want to see the new film...
But do I want to see it because I want it to be better (and I know it will)...
Or do I want to see it because one of the producers/songwriters is hot and I want him to f—
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emmanotfunny19 · 9 months
next episode in summary
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aimiesposts · 28 days
"I thought maybe if I hadn't missed it all, maybe if I had made a different call, maybe he'd be fine." But it's Hermes to Luke ☹️
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verlierer-is-lost · 8 months
“It’s so unrealistic that LMM plays Hermes because he’s so ugly.”
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Mind you this is how y’all were drawing him seven years ago 🤨
Artist is Szin on YT
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linnamonrolls0 · 8 months
I love the fact Annabeth pick pockets Hermes... so can you do a reader x Hermes were maybe he taught her to pick pocket and then she pick pockets him to be funny or get his attention?
(I have so many ideas and also none at the same time! Lol I may send one or two more asks if that's ok?)
The Best That You Can Do
LMM!Hermes x Reader
Rating: T / Words: 1,300
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You’ll never know why you suggested accompanying Hermes on his mail delivery errands.
The pair of you had spent most of the day flying halfway around the world, and finally landed in midtown Manhattan for your last task: a short visit to Olympus to deliver a disturbingly heavy box. Being by his side, Hermes entrusted you with a pair of winged sneakers similar to his own, and so you’d been able to cross between the realms just as easily under the god’s wing.
To keep things entertaining, Hermes had been giving you a crash-course in thievery along the way, setting you random little pickpocketing challenges and being pleasantly surprised at how quickly you’d picked up his skills, ending up with a box full of random trinkets from every country you’d visited thus far.
It had all been fun at first, but as much as you enjoyed each other’s company, pranks and constant witty banter, being his mail delivery sidekick for the day was starting to wear you out…
See, he took his work seriously. Almost too seriously. You’d tried to distract him once or twice as he’d whisked you from one sky to another, but he’d swatted away your advances and warned you to let him keep focused. But his determination was pretty sexy, and he looked so unfairly attractive in those overalls, you toyed with the idea of getting him out of them… Would a little distraction be so bad?
You’d insisted on stopping for a coffee break before making your way to the Empire State Building, and after rather a lot of convincing, Hermes finally agreed. Now, seated in the passenger seat of his undercover delivery van with your feet up on the dashboard, you nibbled on a cupcake, simply watching him as you sat parked up on the side of the road, while he sipped at his coffee as he chattered away on his caduceus cellphone, tuning out the bickering pair of snakes coiled around it. He looked tired, but still gorgeous as he gave kind but firm orders to whomever was on the other end of the line… No matter how busy a day he’d had, his dark brown eyes always carried that characteristic sparkle that had first got you.
He’d placed his cap on the dash, leaving his hair a little haphazard, only worsening as he wearily dragged a hand through it. You leant over the vehicle’s console and grasped his hand in your own as he finally ended his call.
“Hermes, are you alright?” you murmured, nuzzling at his neck a little.
“Mmm?” he hummed, glancing down at you, only half listening as his phone buzzed on the dash for the millionth time today - you wished that was an exaggeration. “For fuck’s sake… I’m sorry, love, I’m okay. Things have been crazy…”
“I know, babe. Take it easy,” you said softly. You slid across the console and into his lap on the driver’s seat, careful not to knock the gear shift and send the vehicle flying on an accidental joyride up to the heavens. Wouldn’t be the first time today…
Hermes looked up at you, and you willed yourself not to get lost in his eyes. His hands came to rest at your waist and he began on a breath, “What are you…”
“Like you said, it’s been a crazy day, and even a god needs a break sometimes. So it’s a good thing you brought me along…” You placed your hands over his, his gaze following as you trailed your fingers up his arms to grasp the collar of his jumpsuit in your fists. “C’mere…”
You barely caught sight of the flash of hunger in his dark brown eyes as they met yours again, before he caught your lips in a ravenous kiss, and you finally had him exactly where you wanted him. He tasted of coffee and cinnamon and something inexplicably but familiarly sweet; and it took all your willpower not to melt into him, but you were on a mission here.
See, there was only one challenge of his you hadn’t managed thus far: picking his pockets. Every time you thought you had him, he’d whirl around and grasp your wrist between his thumb and index finger, bring your hand to his lips… “Nice try, sweetheart,” he’d smirk, dropping a chaste kiss to the back of your palm, and that was the end of it.
But you kept trying, nonetheless. And while you had him distracted by this increasingly heated kiss in the driver’s seat of his mail van, you slipped your hand into the pockets of his overalls and snuck out his keys from one, his wallet from the other, and into your own pockets… keeping him duly distracted with his tongue engaged in a delicious dance with yours, his hands tucked and bound under your overalls - and he was none the wiser as your hands quickly returned to teasing him, palming him over his overalls in a perfect distraction.
You’d finally done it.
You slowly drew back, satisfied, admiring the sweet, sappy smile on his handsome face. He certainly looked a little more relaxed, and that could hardly be a bad thing… “Better?” you teased.
Hermes nodded, slowly licking his own lips now that yours were too far. “A little. C’mon, let’s get this last delivery done, then we can go finish what you just started…”
He withdrew his hands from under your overalls and instead began searching his multitude of pockets around for his keys to start up the van. You struggled to stifle a laugh as he grew increasingly frantic.
“Missing something, babe?”
He raised his brows at you, evidently having caught on that you were up to no good. “I don’t suppose you know where my keys are… do you?”
You shook your head, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes - but you couldn’t keep from cracking a smile.
“You little…” Hermes laughed, cursing under his breath as he quickly circled his arms around your waist and patted down your pockets, “Ah, gotcha.” You pouted as he plucked his missing belongings out of your pockets, reclaiming his wallet and reaching around you to turn the key in the vehicle’s ignition, the sudden vibration caused by its enchanted engine sending a shiver through the both of you.
“C’mon, you could’ve at least pretended you didn’t know!” you protested with a playful whack to his chest.
“I didn’t!” he argued, keeping his tone as light as yours, “Not until you smiled, anyway.” You rolled your eyes, shooting that same smirk at him. “But just like that, the student becomes the master. Can’t lie, I’m a little proud of you.”
“Please, Hermes. Your wallet and keys were a piece of cake - as was this piece of cake, actually.” You mirrored his playful tone and your innuendo wasn’t lost on him as you suggestively eyed him up, grabbing the cupcake off the dash and feeding him a little bite. He smashed a blob of frosting onto his mouth and pulled you in for a sugar-coated kiss, delicately sucking and biting at your lips.
“Maybe I should set you a harder challenge,” he said on a breath, flushed from the kiss.
“Like what?” you asked, teasingly licking away a bit of frosting below his lip.
He shifted beneath you, and his innuendo wasn’t lost on you either. “Let me think…”
“Let me steal your heart,” you giggled, “Will you take me seriously then?”
“Oh, that… Stealing hearts is an entirely different sort of trickery.” He winked, “And you had mine long before any of these trinkets…”
You blushed beet red at the god’s bold confession as he shifted the van into gear, hyper-speeding off down the street towards the Empire State Building, your heart racing even faster.
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linnamonrolls0 · 8 months
Hi I’m not sure if you write headcanon requests but I’ve one if you do, please? - Wearing Lin’s hoodies and solid white t-shirts (or any of his t-shirts (and clothes) for that matter of fact).
If you don’t write headcanons then that’s okay! Maybe this could be an imagine errr… one-shot??
*me realising how many of my Lin fics involve my main character somehow ending up in his clothes bc I definitely have a thing about this 💀🫠🥵* oops you just fuelled something here…
so, fuck yeah, let’s do this
the first time, it’s innocent. just Lin being his ever so sweet self on a sunset walk around his park, and lending you his hoodie when you feel a sudden shiver in the early evening cold.
smooth as anything, he pulls it over his head (and you try not to look as his t-shirt rides up a little, but hell, that teasing glimpse of smooth tan skin at his hip will feed into your fantasies for a while yet) and he offers you the hoodie, no questions asked.
when you slip into it, it’s far from a perfect fit - but it feels perfect only because it’s his.
the soft fleece envelopes you in his warmth and his clean, delicate scent still clings to the fabric - and suddenly the temperature outside no longer matters.
“better?” he teases, admiring how cute it is on you.
“better,” you affirm, glancing coyly up at him.
he catches you blushing and all he can do is smile, as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and drops a tender kiss to your forehead.
you never did return that hoodie to him. but Lin gets this cute, smug little smirk on his face when he sees you wearing it again, and he never asks for it back.
but later in your relationship, you end up crashing at his apartment more often than not, the two of you build a routine of falling asleep in a tangle of bare limbs and bedsheets - and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
at some point you’d best save yourself the walk of shame and leave some spare clothes in his wardrobe instead of stealing all of his, but for now…
you locate your jeans on the floor of his bedroom and pair them with one of his white t-shirts, a supple cotton v-neck that he’d looked downright delicious in last night… before you’d gotten him out of it.
now there’s a memory…
his familiar scent and that enticing new cologne still linger on it and you never really knew it was possible to be so turned on just from wearing his clothes, but there’s something inherently sexy about it and perhaps that’s moreso his fault.
and apparently, it works both ways.
Lin glances up from his coffee as you emerge from his bedroom, and his pretty brown eyes darken when he notices.
they’re intense. lusting. hungry.
“is that mine?”
“sure is. you like?”
he doesn’t answer.
slowly sets his cup down on the table, bites his lip and rises to his feet.
he strides across the room to you, your gaze fixed on him all the way.
once he’s close enough, he slowly places a hand on your hip
he’s delicate, careful, and you feel the heat of his palm through the thin cotton…
until he roughly grabs the fabric in a fist, hooks a finger into the belt loop on your jeans to pull you another step towards him, and you place your palms flat against his bare chest as he gazes down at you, lips parted, pure heat and desire.
“keep it on,” he whispers, dipping his head to meet your waiting lips.
and so you do.
(this might’ve turned into a mini fic tho I’m so sorry 😅)
visual refs for his super soft hoodie & the white v-neck tee:
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linnamonrolls0 · 2 years
So It Goes
Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
That glint of mischief in his beautiful brown eyes was all it really took; you were done for now, your insides reduced to a liquefied mess over his one little sexy smile. He saw that look and crossed the room to close the distance between you, stopping just behind you so that you felt the heat radiating off him in waves, his eyes dark with desire.
Perhaps you could stay a little longer…
Rating: Explicit (literally just shameless smut lol)
Words: 3,780
You had barely seen Lin all week, and it was driving you a little mad. 
Just another of the perks of being in a relationship with a man who couldn’t sit still if he tried, you supposed; there were often times when your schedules simply refused to line up. You would leave early in the mornings while he was still asleep; and he’d be on his way out by the time you made your way back in the evenings. Though you’d finally moved in together, in times like this you missed each other terribly.
Lin had been texting you between meetings today, but it wasn’t the same. Now, he’d barely been at home ten minutes before he was getting ready to leave again, accompanying his parents to yet another charity gala tonight; while you had plans of your own, arranging a birthday celebration for one of your friends — but you both knew very well where you’d rather be.
You could hear the shower going in your ensuite bathroom as you got dressed. For a moment, you contemplated joining Lin in there, wanting to steal a moment together before you went separate ways again… You smirked at the mirror, entertaining the idea. It wouldn’t be the first time. But alas, time wasn’t on your side; if the both of you didn’t leave soon, he’d soon suffer the wrath of his parents and you of your friends, who’d all already made it clear they were waiting.
So before either you or Lin could distract each other, you resolved to get ready and get out. You’d chosen the night out to debut a new outfit: you slipped into a black mini dress with a plunging lace-up back, and a pair of classic black Louboutins. You admired your fresh manicure; getting your nails done was a high-maintenance luxury you rarely indulged in, but you felt like a million bucks with your short stiletto tips that were just sharp enough, in a shimmering shade of black. Briefly, you let your mind wander back to him, thinking about what other kinds of mischief you could get up to…
No, you could not. Not now, anyway.
Standing in front of the mirror at your shared vanity, you spritzed on your perfume, mixing it with a light spray of his, forming an irresistibly heady combination of your lavender and mandarin scent with his woody vetiver cologne. That would have to do for now. 
You finished up your makeup with your dark red lipstick - you only ever wore it on date nights with Lin, but it worked with your outfit, so long as he didn’t see… Even better if he did.
Well, you should’ve known.
As you struggled with the laces at the back of your dress, Lin strolled out of the en-suite, emerging into the bedroom with a cloud of steam and the intoxicating scent of his aftershave. 
You paused. 
Your hands fell to your sides as you watched him through the mirror. He’d just shaved and showered; his hair was still wet, cheeks a little flushed from the heat, a towel in his hands, his boxers low on his hips. 
It just got a little hotter in here…
“Babe, do you know where my —” Lin began, distractedly attempting to towel-dry his hair, until he looked up, and his stunning dark brown eyes met yours in the mirror. He stopped in his tracks and eyed you appreciatively; his jaw would’ve dropped to the ground if this wasn’t real life. “Oh, wow. You look… stunning,” he gasped, unable to take his eyes off you. And although you’d been together long enough, his compliments and the way he looked at you still made you blush like a teen with a crush.
“Thank you,” you giggled, returning the favour and checking him out in the mirror again. You made no effort to hide the fact, watching as he threw his towel onto the bed and pulled on a freshly-ironed white shirt, leaving the buttons undone for now. Of course he knew you were staring, and of course he loved the attention - but you couldn’t help yourself. He was gorgeous; his body was a perfect balance of firm and soft, leaving you somewhere between wanting to screw him senseless and spend your nights snuggling. Though you knew all too well by now, he could totally do both…
You felt his gaze still fixed on you, but you didn’t mind one bit - for, you were momentarily distracted by a little bead of water that dripped from his still-wet hair, trailing its way down his chest and further still, until it disappeared behind the waistband of his boxers. You weren’t sure how it was physically possible to envy a water droplet, but hell, you wished you were clinging to him exactly like that.
Fuck, he was sexy. You were lucky… 
All this time, and you were both just as crazy for each other’s minds, bodies and souls as you were in those early days. You smirked at him, still holding eye contact in the mirror.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you teased, “I almost don’t want to go.”
“Then, don’t,” Lin said simply. That glint of mischief in his beautiful brown eyes was all it really took; you were done for now, your insides reduced to a liquefied mess over his one little sexy smile. He saw that look and crossed the room to close the distance between you, stopping just behind you so that you felt the heat radiating off him in waves, his eyes dark with desire. 
Perhaps you could stay a little longer…
“Funny.” You looked at him through the mirror, gesturing to the open back of your dress. “Tie me up?”
He quirked a brow at you, catching on to your completely intentional double-entendre. “Gladly,” he murmured, his voice low in your ear. His hands slipped around you and he took hold of your wrists, bringing them behind your back, locked in his firm grip, “Rope or handcuffs, hm?”
You felt your breath hitch at his sultry tone, his breath gently tickling your skin, his lips brushing your neck as he spoke. You weren’t opposed to either option, really…
But as much as you wanted to relent, you both had places to be tonight, and you rolled your eyes at your own lack of self-control. 
“My dress, Lin. Please?” you attempted to reason. But he knew what you mutually wanted and he paid your request no heed, instead leaving a tender trail of kisses down your neck and along your exposed shoulder. His fingertips briefly brushed the back of your neck, setting off sparks under your skin as he swept your hair to one side, grasping the loose laces of your dress, his touch leaving you burning in its wake.
“Y’know, I would rather untie this…” he mused, and you bit your lip as you felt your dress loosen up, his fingers working deftly between the laces at your back to undo them instead. Go figure, he would know his way around complicated costume fastenings…
“As much as I’d love that, baby, we both have to leave soon,” you sighed, although his propositions were sounding more appealing by the second.
“We could be fashionably late,” Lin suggested casually, wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you involuntarily lean back into him. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby… I don’t want to share.” The crisp, clean scent of his shower gel and aftershave and just him flooded your senses and he dipped his head down, feathering quick, hot open-mouthed kisses from the nape of your neck down your back - or what of it was exposed above your dress - and back up again, his perfectly groomed goatee deliciously rough against your skin. “I have an hour to get to the gala,” he murmured, completely unravelling the laces at the back of your dress so that your sleeves slipped off of your shoulders. “Tell your friends you got stuck in traffic and we could make up for lost time…”
You didn’t have the heart to argue there was no traffic on the subway. And really, he knew exactly what he was doing - you were convinced and, honestly, already distractingly wet for him. It had been a long week.
The rest of the world could wait - in here, this was your world.
When Lin’s gaze met yours in the mirror again, your heart practically skipped a beat. It was like he could read your thoughts. He slipped his shirt off and tossed it carelessly onto the armchair in the corner of the room, taking you back into his embrace, and the warmth of his chest against your back and his arms wrapped around you set you aflame in the best of ways. His left hand came to rest at your hip, his right finding its way to cup your breast, rolling your nipple between his fingers over the thin silk of your dress; you immediately leant into his touch, dropping your head back onto his shoulder, happy enough to melt into him. He held you flush against him so you could feel his heart pounding against your back and his hard-on pressing against your ass. Your heart raced in time with his. Hell, you weren’t going anywhere soon…
“Lin…” Still not entirely sure whether to give up or give in, you placed your own hand over his, gently scraping your nails over the back of his palm and up his forearm, feeling him shiver ever so slightly, “We have to —”
“I know, but… Please, princesa?” he whispered in your ear, sending your heart into a frenzy again. Your eyes fluttered closed at the sound of his voice, his lips at your neck again…
“I— I missed you.” You sighed when his left hand found the hem of your dress and delicately pulled it up, his fingertips gently caressing your thigh before he slowly hooked his thumb into your panties. “Oh, fuck, yes…"
“Hmm…” Lin hummed softly, toying with the black lace you wore. You let out a small gasp when you felt the slight pressure of his fingers through the thin fabric, involuntarily grinding against him in a desperate attempt to find some friction already. He had a tendency to tease you until you begged for him, and you’d be damn near about to drop to your knees if he carried on like this. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were seeing someone else tonight…” he remarked as he slipped the black lace off you, that devilish smirk on his lips.
You shook your head, willing him to go on. “Only you, baby. Please, just — I can’t do another four hours without you,” you practically pled, trying to guide his hand with your own, aching for his touch.
“Thought as much. Good thing we’re only half dressed, huh?” he said with a low laugh as he teased you with those sinful fingers, swiping one along your folds, already slick with arousal. Your eyes fluttered shut when he nipped at your neck, and suddenly nothing else mattered except Lin and his delicate, deliberate touches… “Look in the mirror, mi amor. Mírame…” he whispered.
Oh, he absolutely knew what he was doing. 
He knew very well that his little endearments and quips in Spanish drove you wild, and he used it to his advantage every damn time. His soft voice in your ear sent a shiver down your spine - one he certainly felt too. You felt his heart pounding, his breaths hot and ragged, just as turned on as you were, as he easily pushed two fingers into your dripping heat.
Knowing you’d do anything he asked, you forced yourself to open your eyes, only to be greeted by the lascivious image of your reflections in the mirror, Lin’s strong arms wrapped around your frame, his fingers already taking you to places you’d barely even dreamt of before him. You whimpered softly at the sensory overload, the sensation of his expert finger-fucking, the sight of him slowly taking you apart, his scent surrounding you, his low whispers in your ear… It was almost too much to bear and your eyes slowly closed again as you let yourself fall into him.
A sexy little sigh escaped his lips when you reached up behind you, trailing your fingertips along the back of his neck, pulling him down to your level. Following your lead, he tilted his face down and you leaned towards him, gripping his hair as you finally got a taste of his gorgeously kissable lips, the faint scent of mint and something sweet taking you over. Your lipstick would be ruined, but it was worth it… As his tongue delved between your eagerly parted lips, his thumb circled your clit and you moaned helplessly into his mouth as you came over his fingers.
“Look at me, baby,” Lin whispered against your lips, drawing back from your kiss, withdrawing his fingers. You slowly opened your eyes again, but the fireworks under your skin refused to subside as you met his gaze. 
Satisfied, he slowly turned you around to face him and you looked up into his deep brown eyes, dark with desire as he placed one finger under your chin, still glistening with your nectar, tilting your face up to his own. You knew his teasing wouldn’t go on much longer.
“Missed you more,” he said softly, before he leant in to meet you in another heart-stopping kiss.
“Doubt it,” you whispered against his lips, placing your hands on his chest, feeling his heart race beneath your palm, “You’re perfect, you know?”
Lin simply shook his head, his eyes silently countering a no, you are until he captured your lips again, his right hand cupping your face, tenderly caressing your cheek while his left slipped beneath your dress again. 
But you wouldn’t let him win this game easily: just like you’d been fantasising earlier, you scraped your reasonably sharp nails down his smooth, tanned chest. He shivered at the sensation and briefly pulled back, wincing in a twisted combination of pain and pleasure. You paused, but then he tilted back his head, baring his neck to you, and grabbed your hand in his own.
“Damn. Baby, what was that?” he asked, his voice barely above a low rasp. Just from hearing that, you knew you had him already.
“Got my nails done. You like that?” You giggled, slowly dragging your nails up his arm again. His dark gaze followed your fingers for a few seconds until he wrapped his hand around your wrist, stopping you at his shoulder.
He nodded. “Mhm…” he exhaled softly. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, and his reaction to you had you aching to have him closer already. He gripped your wrist tighter and you dug your nails harder into his skin as he guided your hand further down his body, stopping you just above the waistband of his boxers. “Fuck me, that feels good…” 
Lin bit his lip, eyes meeting yours again. Smirking, you tugged his boxers down and he made quick work of kicking them off, discarding them to the floor as you wrapped your fingers around his cock, already hard and ready for you. His eyes fluttered shut and he groaned as you slowly stroked his length, teasing him with gentle scrapes of your nails.
But when your ministrations became too much for him to bear, he grabbed your wrist again and tore your hand away, hooking your legs around his hips instead. You let out a small scream of surprise when he lifted you off your feet, and he laughed lightly in your ear as he carried you the few steps across the room to your bed. You slipped your arms around his neck, letting him.
“I hate weeks like this,” Lin whispered, laying you back on the bed and balancing himself above you, those gorgeous brown eyes dark with lust, “When we don’t get to…”
“I’d spend every waking moment with you if I could, but…” you said softly, “We have now.”
“And now’s all we need,” he finished, with that heart-melting smile that you’d fallen in love with. You nodded, pulling him in for a kiss and wrapping your legs around his waist again.
He knew, and he gripped your hip with one hand, squeezing your ass with the other as he buried himself deep within you, giving you a brief moment to adjust to him. But of course he knew you inside out, and when you were ready he began with slow thrusts, the kind that made you gasp and roll your hips against his in desperation.
“More, Lin…” you whimpered aloud, pleading him to keep going as your vision began to white out, the knot inside you tightening, threatening to snap any moment. “Please, papi, I need more…” 
“I got you, love…”
Pulling on his hair with one hand, with the other you dragged your nails down his back, digging them in to any part of his bare skin you could reach. Lin obliged your request, picking up his pace and repeatedly hitting your sweet spot until you couldn’t hold back any longer, letting yourself go. You screamed his name with reckless abandon as he moaned against your neck, biting and sucking at your skin while your hands roamed his body, your legs locked around his hips.
“Yes, baby…” he gasped, “Keep doing that - that - fuck, yes—”
You duly obliged, clenching your walls around him and clawing your sharp stiletto-tipped nails down his smooth back as he continued slamming into you, his hands firmly gripping your hips. You were practically seeing stars and you rode the wave with him. Before long, your name escaped his lips in a desperate groan, followed by a string of endearments and expletives as he filled you with his own release, yours following barely a beat later. 
Both still panting for air, Lin rolled onto his back almost immediately, taking you with him, holding you firmly against his chest. He pulled you up to him, crashing his lips against yours in a fervent kiss, threading his fingers delicately through your hair. You felt his tongue prod at your bottom lip and you parted your lips to let him deepen the kiss, passionate as ever.
As you revelled in the feverish caress of his lips against yours, you scraped your nails down his chest again, eliciting a shiver from your dear lover as he trailed his gentle fingertips down to the small of your back, both still hypersensitive to each other’s complementing touches, hearts racing a mile a minute. 
You’d both happily have stayed there all night, but his phone and yours simultaneously buzzed on the nightstand, breaking the comfortable silence you shared. Seeing it as a wake-up call, you reluctantly dragged yourself away from him to clean yourself up. 
Lin stayed in bed, admiring you as you returned from the bathroom and zipped around the room, retrieving your dress, underwear and shoes. You hastily pulled your clothes back on, brushing the tangles out of your hair and quickly retouching your makeup, but really, any attempts to prevent yourself from getting distracted again were futile around him.
“Fuck me,” Lin murmured, taking in a deep breath, “I love you so much, princesa.”
You whirled around and playfully blew him a kiss. A blissful sigh escaped his lips, smudged red with your lipstick, and he feigned swooning at your flying kiss with his hands on his chest as he fell back into a pile of pillows and the crumpled duvet. You giggled. Lin dragged one hand through his hair, already messy enough from you tugging on it barely ten minutes before, resting one flexed arm behind his head. You bit your lip, admiring him right in return. You wished you could jump straight back into bed with him, and he wasn’t making it any easier for you to resist.
“And I love you, Lin,” you said, crossing the room towards him again. You barely noticed the way his deep brown eyes lit up with love as you leant in, cupping his cheek for a quick, chaste peck to his lips before you drew back.
“Don’t you have a gala to get ready for?” you quipped, perching on the edge of the bed with your back to him, gesturing to the laces on your dress again.
“Yup,” he replied nonchalantly, tugging on the lace a little too tight and you playfully swatted his hands away. “But,” he dropped his voice to that low whisper again, arms around your waist, lips at the nape of your neck again, “You look so goddamn sexy, I might just stay here and imagine you’re still wrapped around me and…”
“Fucking insatiable!” You giggled, turning to face him again once he’d successfully laced up your dress. “That means I don’t get to see you in that tux. Damn,” you pouted, making him laugh.
“I’ll send you a picture.”
“You better…”
It took all your willpower - and six missed calls from your friends - for you to finally kiss him goodbye and leave, only an hour late.
Just as you hopped onto the A train, your phone buzzed with a text from Lin — ‘Have fun tonight, love. Leaving in 5. Call me later, I’ll come pick you up ❤️ - L’
You smiled; he was truly the sweetest. As promised, a few minutes later he sent an adorable selfie, all smart and suave in his tux with his hair styled back and a playful smirk on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight. He hadn’t quite been able to get rid of all your lipstick, though… You smirked at your screen when you noticed that.
You hit a like on the photo and sent a reply — ‘Looking like that, you’ll raise a million bucks, papi ;) see you later, love youuu xo’
But then a second message followed in quick succession, and it was far from sweet - in fact, it was downright sinful. He’d sent another photo, likely taken earlier; he stood in front of the bathroom mirror, showing off your raw scratches down his back — ‘Btw, this is what your damn nails did to me. Hope you’re happy… cause I want more 😏’
Your eyes immediately widened and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you saved the picture, biting your lip as your mind flashed back through what the two of you had gotten up to barely an hour ago.  You quickly typed out your reply — ‘OH, FUCK YES. 🤤🥵’
You hadn’t even gotten as far as 96th Street, but you already couldn’t wait to go home with Lin tonight.
(inspired by this picture... TW bc he was actually like, injured - but excuse my wild thoughts k thanks)
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jammofsammichflip · 1 month
Wait For It - Leslie Odom Jr., the Hamilton Musical
Geto Suguru is to Aaron Burr as Gojo Satoru is to Alexander Hamilton.
Hamilton faces an endless uphill climb
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He has something to prove he has nothing to lose
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Hamilton's pace is relentless he wastes no time
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What is it like in his shoes?
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Hamilton doesn't hesitate
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He exhibits no restraint
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He takes
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and he takes
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and he takes
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And he keeps winning anyway,
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changes the game
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He plays and he raises the stakes
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And if there's a reason he seems to thrive
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when so few survived
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Then goddamit I'm willing to wait for it
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wait for it
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Wait for it
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Wait for it
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luciaramosc · 8 months
do i write a luke castellan angst/comfort fic where he basically vents about his parental daddy issues to reader and reader comforts him? like especially after ep. 6, the tension is through the ROOF. anyway, lmk because thots are being thunk 😋
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sincericida · 2 years
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Excuse me while, I gotta go cry.
(from Lin Manuel Miranda IG)
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