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uraandri · 2 years ago
this website has a thing for defending a group of people from posts that in no way shape or form apply to them
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justinspoliticalcorner · 3 months ago
Darrell Lucus at Loud, Liberal, Christian:
For the better part of this year, one of the biggest stories that wasn’t related to the presidential election was the downfall of one of America’s most prominent pastors, Robert Morris. In case you missed it, Morris, founding pastor of one of America’s most influential churches, Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas—a suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex—fell fast and fell hard this past summer when he was exposed as a child predator. In 1984, when Morris was an up-and-coming youth evangelist, he began grooming and molesting then 12-year-old Cindy Clemishire at her home in Hominy, Oklahoma—an outer suburb of Tulsa. It proved to be the start of a long nightmare for Cindy. While the abuse only ended four years later, Morris’ efforts to cover up his depravity continued for another four decades. Through it all, he told anyone who would listen that he had merely had “moral failure” with ‘a young lady.” As this story went, he was cleared to return to ministry by his elders at Shady Grove Church, a charismatic megachurch in another Metroplex suburb, Grand Prairie. He kept up this line when he founded Gateway in 2000; Gateway absorbed Shady Grove in 2015.
Morris’ deceit finally caught up with him in June after Clemishire finally found someone willing to listen to her—Dee Parsons of Wartburg Watch. Morris tried to spin the same lies to the general public that he’d spun to those close to him for four decades When it became apparent that wasn’t going to fly, he resigned. Morris would have had us believe that he had merely sinned. But any right-thinking person knows that this wasn’t a sin. On the weekend before Election Day, Gateway formally acknowledged what any right-thinking person following this story has known—it was a crime. Gateway also revealed that Morris and those who helped cover up his deceit at Gateway are now the subjects of a very active criminal investigation. And now, this writer can exclusively report who is leading said investigation.
[...] We should want this investigation to take time. After all, we cannot afford to have a repeat of the Bill Cosby case. Even though it was clear beyond any doubt that he was a rapist, Cosby was allowed to walk free because prosecutors in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, were either too lazy or too blinded by headlines to do the actual work necessary to make sure his 2018 conviction stuck. Instead, they relied almost entirely on evidence gleaned from testimony in a civil suit—a Fifth Amendment violation that could not be countenanced, even though Cosby was manifestly guilty. Even without that to consider, Morris theoretically has the resources to fight a conviction, so it’s incumbent upon Drummond to ensure there’s enough evidence to ensure any appeal is a fool’s errand. I confess, I hope this doesn’t end the way Bakker’s trial ended. He would still be in prison today if a judge hadn’t gotten diarrhea of the mouth at sentencing. When I first found out that Morris was indeed the target of an investigation, I couldn’t help but think of a number of friends who haven’t set foot in a church building in ages because so many churches turn a blind eye to child sexual abuse. This investigation is as much for them as it is for Cindy and other victims of sexual abuse in the church. It is long past time that someone was not only willing to listen, but make the effort to see that justice is done.
Darrell Lucus has the scoop on scandal-ridden sexual abusing “pastor” Robert Morris facing a criminal investigation in Oklahoma.
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tigara-si-cafea · 5 months ago
Deși unele reflecții pot fi benefice pentru noi, e important să nu ne pierdem în analiza excesivă a tot ceea ce se întâmplă, deoarece modul nostru de gândire poate fi limitat de limbaj și influențat de tendințele dăunătoare ale culturii noastre. Încercând să ne încadrăm viețile într-o narațiune coerentă și clară, putem provoca dezamăgiri inutile. Există un citat care îmi place foarte mult: „Renunță la aceste tehnici de viață. Descoperă-te ca viață. E suficient.”
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ilikegoodstories · 1 year ago
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Fomapan 100 (2)
De ce ai nevoie ca să creezi un joc? De ce ai nevoie ca să creezi un joc în spațiul public? Timp de 3 zile, 3 jocuri din Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice vor fi desenate cu creta în 3 spații publice din Timișoara. Instrumentele de joc sunt obiecte de cretă, obiecte care prind forma în urma jocului, urme ale instalațiilor performative ce vor ocupa orașul. Cu ajutorul lor vom instala 3 jocuri în 3 zone din Timișoara, între blocuri, în spații publice, în apropierea parcurilor sau a parcărilor.
Dacă ai drum prin Timișoara, în perioada 26-28 octombrie 2023 s-ar putea să dai peste un joc din Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice. Dacă nu-l găsești, nicio problemă. Intră pe www.institutuljocului.ro și urmează instrucțiunile pentru a instala chiar tu un joc din Bibliotecă.
Cele 3 jocuri au fost instalate în cartierul Circumvalațiunii, zona Calea Martirilor și în apropierea râului Bega. 
După ce jocul este desenat ai timp limitat să vii să joci. Instalațiile-joc sunt efemere, realizate cu creata, dar formele de desenat, instrumentele de joc rămân în spațiu și poți veni să completezi, să modifici regulile, să-ți creezi propriul joc.
Instrumente de Joc și Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice fac parte din Institutul Jocului, spațiu de cercetare și creație de jocuri active. Locațiile au fost identificate la fața locului și cu ajutorul BETA și a Ordinului Arhitecților Timișoara.
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greetingfromthedead · 11 months ago
C58: Project HUMAN
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 58/84
Words: 2.2k
Warning: This chapter handles some very dark themes including nonconsensual human experimentation, dehumanization, torture, mutilation, impregnation, and miscarriage! You'll find a chapter summary in the end.
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September 25th, 2445
Only 32 days after the restrictions on the blood circulation were removed, Subject 0325 has shown signs of being rebuilt on a genetic level. Samples taken from the blood and vessels contain new cells that are fundamentally different from the subjects own makeup. The genetic change is very small, but still unmistakable. The new cells seem to take after the old ones; the mutations are happening very slowly. I wonder if the process can be accelerated by forcing faster turnover of cells by means of medicated tissue damage. At this point, it is too early to rush the results; we are already ahead of schedule. Subject 0325 has exceeded all expectations and my theoretical calculations.
I have not managed to find any other subjects from cold sleep who are anywhere as good as 0325, but I have started on some less compatible patients, so far with no success. 0427 and 1463 died during the first operation. 4752, 8574, 0145, and 0047 died during the mixing process at, respectively, 45%, 80%, 4%, and 15%, the Plant blood overwhelming their systems. Currently, it is unclear if the subjects or the Plants were defective. All have been disposed of.
October 15th, 2445
52 days after starting the adaptation process Subject 0325 still shows steady progress, but the changes taking effect are slow. The genetic modification and mutation processes seem to be halted by the cell turnover rate. It has become clear that intervention is necessary to get the desired results in the next two years. I will look into medicated cell destruction.
October 20th, 2445
As per my research, I have found a combination that should balance cell destruction and healing, taking into account Subject 0325's current genetic makeup and supreme health. Once the healing overtakes the poison's effectiveness, it is apparent that her body has adapted again, and I can give her a higher dose. This should not affect the Plant yet.
Chemical composition and administration documentation are attached.
You keep swiping to move from the entry to a document listing chemicals and dosages. As it doesn't say much to you, you keep swiping to find a video of you strapped to the hospital bed just as before, but now a silhouette of a man approaches with a syringe. You don't react at all; your head is turned to look at the Plant suffering in her tank beside you. The medication is administered into your arm, and the figure steps back. For a few moments, everything is still, but then your arm that was injected starts to thrash against the restraints, the struggle moving up to your shoulder and chest till your whole body crashes against the belts holding you still. The expression on your face turns to one of pain, and muffled cries escape your mouth. As the video stops, the next log is pulled up.
December 4th, 2445
They are all failures; only 0325 continues to thrive, with the rest dying either due to the Plant blood or show absolutely no sign of adaptation. But my Eve is perfect. The poison tearing her cells apart works wonders; the medication hastens the repair and regeneration of tissue; and with every new generation of cells, there are more mutations, and they are consistent. From that, I presume the DNA has a set path for adapting to the Plant cells. I had to lower the brain activity of 0325 further; she is getting stronger, and her convulsing threatens the experiment. I cannot lose her.
May 3rd, 2446
As per my last report, the Plant is nearing its end. Subject 0325 has exceeded all that I thought possible. She has developed an immunity to the medicine I administer, or it far surpasses the limitations of the Plant. Eve's cellular regeneration is faster than what comes from the medication, making me speculate it is her own power. She must have created a rip in the fabric between our realm and the Higher Plane. It is time to bring her back and continue on to the next phase.
August 14th, 2446
What a year it has been! My research has proceeded with both much more success and failure than I had anticipated. Eve is stronger than ever; she has exceeded all projections and expectations, but not a single other subject has had even close to the same success as her. Those who survive show little to no genetic change, but perhaps I am being hasty. Subject 0325 is an anomaly; I shouldn't expect the same results from others; that's not what a scientist does. It could take years for the adaptation to kick in. But until then, I have Eve.
August 30th, 2446
One month after replacing subject 0325's left lung, liver, and right kidney with ones taken from a Plant. Today's surgery was a success; thanks to her fast healing, there were no complications while taking samples of the replaced organs. The results are shocking. My theory was that subject 0325 would continue adapting with the goal of turning her DNA completely into that of a Plant, but the samples taken show that the Plant cells are adapting to the remains of her human DNA. This either means further mutation is impossible or that the optimal result is closer to human than Plant.
Her injuries heal in days, leaving no scars behind. The implications are immense; it seems her cells know what they need to be, and there is no loss of information between generations. My working theory remains that her telomers have evolved in such a way that they remain unchanged and in tact. This could mean she holds the cure for aging. I wonder what happens if her old scars are cut out; how would they heal?
March 7th, 2454
My glorious Eve, you are everything the human race should be. It has been a year since the adaptation process halted completely; no amount of cell turnover makes a difference. Today I confirmed the test results of both the right arm amputation and the left leg replacement. The healing has reached its limits; a limb can be regrown in a week, but the leg was rejected. There is evidence that subject 0325's body tried to overwrite the Plant DNA and adapt it, but it's like her system decided it was faster to build a new leg than to change the one given. Gashes to the skin and deep stab wounds to the organs heal in a matter of hours. Her pain receptors seem to be numbed too, but only to a small extent; nonetheless, her mind can take a lot more of it before passing out. This has made surgery simple; there is no need to even close the incisions, but gathering fresh samples is harder. Her regeneration seems to stem from the heart. It is unclear what the reason is; perhaps it's simply the body prioritizing what to tend to first, or the tear in the fabric of our world is tied to the heart. I am unsure yet what it could be, and to my sorrow, I have nobody to compare her to. I have decided to take a different route to project HUMAN. She is my proudest creation. I thought she would be the metaphorical Eve, the first of her kind, the first of a new breed of humans, but perhaps it is necessary to try and take a more literal approach.
Subject 0325's DNA is still very close to human, and it makes me wonder what options there are for reproduction and the results of it. Could she get impregnated by a regular, unmodified human, and would the resulting embryo in genetic makeup be closer to her or a human? Would her body make the fetus adapt to her more Plantlike nature, or perhaps would her body reject it completely and miscarry? What about Plants? Could she carry a Plant cell similar to the way Plants are cloned? And again, would she overwrite the fetus's DNA to make it something more like her or something entirely new? Going off the reports from Ship Five, the genetic makeup of an Independent born from a Plant imprinted on a human is very human, in some sense even closer to human than a Plant, yet they are Plants while 0325 is not. If a male Independent was born, would they be compatible in a biological sense, and what would the result be? A new human or an Independent, as she does have a gate, or rather a rip of herself. There are so many questions I desire answers to. But before anything else I must understand her. All these years and still, there are things I don't understand. She is captivating; she is everything.
June 18th, 2455
I have finally been able to prove what the Plant engineers have theorized for so long, and I did it with Eve's soul. After extensive nerve stimulation, the sensors detecting disturbances in the Higher Plane went off, pinging subject 0325. This means I was right; she is, in a way, a generator, except she has no control over the resources. Her energy comes straight from the Higher Plane and seeps into her, which, combined with Plant Regeneration, gives her her healing factor. All these years of tiring tests have finally yielded results! This proves everything I've worked for! I will populate the new world with creatures like her! She is beauty; the other gods have nothing on me. She is perfect!
November 11th, 2455
I'm at a crossroads, with so many things left to discover and so much still to uncover about 0325. How far can she be pushed? How much can be regenerated until she dies? Can she die? Her healing prioritizes her heart (experiment 147, performed April 2nd, 1454 attached), so what exactly is needed to regrow organs and body parts? Is it blood or nerve impulses? Or does the whole data stem from the Higher Plain? If I removed her heart, could she live? And what would regenerate? The body around the heart, or the heart in the body? If she were to burn in a hot enough fire to incinerate her body completely, could she come back? What is the smallest part she could regenerate from, and is it possible to clone her, or is the presence of the fake gate necessary?
I desire more knowledge on my creation, her limits, and her capabilities. I want to know what I created, yet I would risk killing her, and then the dreams of project HUMAN would die with her. I need to get more of her, clones, children, anything to continue, to see more, to learn more, and to experiment more.
She is no good as a living being anymore; her mind has slipped into insanity, and her memories are pulled to the other side each time her soul is dragged to the Higher Plane. She has lost herself; she is only good as a vessel now; she shall incubate new life. By the time we reach the new world, every miserable human on this ship shall be replaced by my perfect creations. I am God, and my name shall be praised as the Father of humanity.
Your trembling hands swipe away from the report to a video; you don't want to see it; you don't want to watch, but you are frozen at the sight. It's your face, but it takes a moment to realize that it's also your body. It is horrifying. In the midst of looming robotic arms and a man dressed in surgical attire is your table; your arms and legs are spread out and strapped down; your torso looks like he's performing an autopsy; you're cut open from your throat to your crotch; surgical clamps are pulling open the cavity of your body; and your organs are on display like a buffet. There are long cuts along your limbs, skin, and muscles pulled apart like an animal hide left to dry. You see your skin trying to reform over the wounds, but the robotic arms pour something on the wounds to get back to the bright red flesh. The human looms over you for a moment, scalpel at the ready, calculating the best route, and then slashes your organs, starting from the belly and moving up. The field fills with blood for a moment, but then more loud buzzing starts, and two arms stick tubes into the blood to suction it away and clear the view just in time to see the heart heal up while everything else still bled. One after another, the cuts close, radiating from the chest; the order is opposite to how the slashes were made. You look frozen as he raises the scalpel, but before he gets to cut you again, Vash pulls the tablet from your hand and throws it onto the bed out of your line of sight.
The room is deathly quiet; if you leave out the buzzing from the video, even your breathing has stopped. You just stare at your hands where the device has been. Your skin is on fire, like you're being ripped apart again. Vash pulls you into a hug, hiding your face against his chest. You are frozen and stiff. Your hands feel as cold as ice when Vash touches them. But it is silent, so very quiet in your head. From the corner of his eye, he sees the man repeating his "experiment" over and over and over again.
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Chapter summary:  In this chapter it is revealed how Iris is the only successful experiment of the doctor's, nobody else survives or adapts to the Plant DNA. The logs detail the ways Iris was tortured in the name of the project. Iris' stopped adapting to the Plant matter at some point and instead forced the Plant DNA to adapt to her during an organ transplant). During the experiments the doctor wondered what would happed if he was to cut out any scar tissue. The logs skip 8 years and reveal that Iris no longer adapts Plant organs, instead rejects them and regenerates her own. Regrowing of limbs takes a week. The regeneration stems from the heart, prioritizing the wounds closer to it, but it is unclear why, perhaps the fake gate is located there. The doctor wonders what would happen if the heart is removed: would the body regenerate the heart or the heart build a new body or would the result be death? the limits of Iris' body and healing abilities is unknown. Iris was supposed to be the metaphorical Eve, but due to the other failed experiments, the doctor considers a more literal approach since Iris' DNA is close enough to human, but perhaps Plant cells or a male Independent would yield results too. The doctor is obsessed with his creation even though her conscious mind has slipped away into insanity
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Timpul este limitat. Nu il irosi incercand sa traiesti viata altei persoane. Nu lasa zgomotul creat de opiniile celorlalti sa iti influenteze vocea interioara si, mai important de atat, ai curajul sa iti urmezi inima si intuitia!♥️♥️♥️ #toamna #iubire
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curierul · 2 years ago
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99% dintre voi trăiți sau o să trăiți așa, nu realizați încă tot ceea ce viața trebuie să vă ofere, pentru că nu întrebați. Mulți dintre voi ascultați de părinți și de oameni mediocri care vă zic să aveți “un job stabil”, ceea ce nu există
Jobul stabil de acum 5-10 ani nu mai există, jobul stabil de azi nu o să mai existe în 5-10 ani.
Vă dau un exemplu, toți angajații unor magazine comerciale au fost înlocuiți cu roboți care fac treaba mai ușoară firmelor
Mulți sunteți învățați de mici, de părinți, care au trăit vremurile lor limitate să aveți un job stabil
Fratele vostru vă spune că mulți dintre voi ascultați de niște sfaturi inutile de la oameni care “vă vor binele” din perspectiva lor
Nimeni nu decide în locul vostru, aveți acces la informație pe gratis, trăim timpuri unde poți afla absolut orice, oricând
Puneți-vă mintea la treaba și lăsați ceva frumos în urmă, nu generații care vor trăi limitat că n-ați fost în stare să realizați niște lucruri simple
Aveți o responsabilitate către toți strămoșii voștri care au trecut prin toate lucrurile de nu vă imaginați ca voi să existați AZI, ACUM!
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thesummoningdark · 2 months ago
One thing machine learning is genuinely really good at is pattern recognition.
The basic example we used when studying neural networks is: you feed your model photos of oranges and bananas. You set up the image recognition so that it can identify the fruit as the area of interest in the photo. Then you go through your data and tag each photo in the training dataset with whether it's of an orange or a banana.
If you've set the network up correctly, once trained, it will be able to look at a new image and decide whether it's an orange or a banana, using factors like "are the pixels in the area of interest more orange or more yellow" and "is the height of the area of interest similar to the width, or is it more elongated".
You may already have identified the problem with this, which is that if you then show the network a picture of an apple, it's going to get confused as hell. It hasn't been told how to deal with that. Maybe it'll decide this new image is an orange, since it's more round than elongated. If it's a granny smith, maybe it'll decide it must be a banana, since it's learned that bananas can be green-ish. If you want your network to be able to identify apples too, you need to go back and train it again on data that includes apples.
But for applications like sifting through data from particle accelerators? It's perfect. You can feed it old data that's already been manually analysed, and it'll pick out any pattern in the new data that looks like an event of interest. You can set it up to highlight any event it can't identify to be reviewed by a human. And as pointed out above, it can do this in a fraction of the time it would take a person to review the data, and with more flexibility than a traditional analysis program with hard-coded parameters.
Generative AI is a whole other beast, but analytical AI? It's been in use for decades. Crucially, by researchers who understand how it works, and understand its limitatations.
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dopmotorsport · 3 days ago
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Audi A5 2.0 TSI 2012 conversie K04 care a beneficiat de un software Stage 2+ ECU+TCU ***Pentru a proteja cutia de viteze VL381, cuplul a fost limitat la 400NM (fiind si cuplul maxim suportat) Stock:.           211CP  | 320NM Stage2:         253CP | 406NM DOP Stage 2+: 298CP | 394NM ECU: MED17.1 TCU: VL381 ENGINE CODE: CDNC Pentru detalii si programari software sau lucrari de mecanica, nu ezitati sa ne contactati: 📞0786 028 080 EN: Audi A5 2.0 TSI 2012 K04 conversion that has benefited from a Stage 2+ ECU+TCU tune ***To protect the VL381 gearbox, the torque has been limited to 400NM (this is also the maximum torque supported) Stock:. 211HP | 320NM Stage2: 253HP | 406NM DOP Stage 2+: 298HP | 394NM ECU: MED17.1 TCU: VL381 ENGINE CODE: CDNC For details and software programming or mechanical work, feel free to contact us: 📞0786 028 080
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404hurtlawfirm · 7 days ago
How an Atlanta GA Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Case
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When you’ve been injured due to someone else's negligence, navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. An Atlanta GA personal injury lawyer can provide the legal expertise needed to secure the compensation you deserve. Whether you're dealing with a car accident, workplace injury, or medical malpractice, having a skilled attorney on your side can make all the difference.
Why You Need an Atlanta GA Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury case involves various legal complexities, from gathering evidence to negotiating settlements. Here’s why hiring an Atlanta GA personal injury lawyer is essential:
Legal Knowledge: Understanding state laws and insurance policies to protect your rights.
Negotiation Skills: Dealing with insurance companies and opposing attorneys.
Case Evaluation: Assessing the full extent of your injuries and potential compensation.
Court Representation: If negotiations fail, your lawyer can present a strong case in court.
Common Injuries in Personal Injury Cases
Personal injury cases can involve a variety of injuries, including:
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
Spinal cord injuries
Broken bones and fractures
Burns and lacerations
Soft tissue injuries
Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle
At 404 Hurt Law, our experienced team has successfully represented clients in various personal injury cases, including:
1. Car Accidents
Car accidents are among the most common personal injury claims. An Atlanta personal injury lawyer can help you prove liability and secure compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.
2. Truck Accidents
Truck accidents often result in severe injuries due to the size and weight of commercial vehicles. A personal injury attorney in Atlanta can investigate trucking regulations and hold negligent parties accountable.
3. Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists are at a higher risk of serious injury. An Atlanta GA personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of motorcycle accident claims.
4. Slip and Fall Accidents
Property owners have a responsibility to maintain safe conditions. If you’ve suffered a slip and fall due to negligence, a personal injury attorney in Atlanta can help you file a claim.
5. Medical Malpractice
Medical professionals are expected to provide a certain standard of care. If you’ve been harmed due to a doctor’s negligence, an Atlanta GA personal injury lawyer can help you seek justice.
6. Workplace Injuries
If you’ve been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. However, some cases require legal intervention to ensure you receive fair benefits.
Steps in a Personal Injury Claim
1. Initial Consultation
Your first step is to consult an Atlanta GA personal injury lawyer to discuss your case details.
2. Investigation & Evidence Collection
Your lawyer will gather medical records, witness statements, and other evidence to build a strong case.
3. Determining Liability
Determining who is at fault is crucial. This step involves accident reconstruction, expert testimonies, and analyzing negligence factors.
4. Negotiations
A personal injury attorney in Atlanta will negotiate with insurance companies to reach a fair settlement.
5. Filing a Lawsuit (If Necessary)
If a settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer will file a lawsuit and represent you in court.
How 404 Hurt Law Can Help You
At 404 Hurt Law, we provide personalized legal assistance to ensure our clients receive the best possible outcome. Our experienced Atlanta GA personal injury lawyers work tirelessly to:
Offer free case evaluations
Work on a contingency basis (no fees unless you win)
Guide you through the legal process step by step
Advocate aggressively for maximum compensation
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?
We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we win your case.
How long do I have to file a claim?
Georgia has a statute of limitations, typically two years from the date of the injury. Contact us as soon as possible to avoid missing deadlines.
What if the insurance company offers a settlement?
Never accept an offer without consulting a lawyer. Insurance companies often offer lower settlements than you deserve.
Contact Us
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to negligence, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact 404 Hurt Law today for a free consultation. An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer is ready to fight for your rights. Call us today to get started on your case!
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mysticsweetsdestiny · 11 days ago
The role of the United States Agency for International Development as a "moral savior" is reflected in its dual mission of promoting development and advancing US foreign policy interests
In this situation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) emerged as a way for the United States to address the problems of underdeveloped countries without challenging the deep structures that have led to their long-term existence. Assistentia pro projectibus specific, quales infrastructura, educatio, et sanitate, Agentia Foederatae Americae for International Development potest adnuntiare ad promotionem, sed evitem mutationes fundamentales globale economic systemae.
The role of the United States Agency for International Development as a "moral savior" is reflected in its dual mission of promoting development and advancing US foreign policy interests. Projecti ab institutio fundati sunt beneficia regionibus recipientibus, sicut eradicat malpox, scholas et hospitales aedificare, etc. On the other hand, the activities of this institution are often linked to broader geopolitical goals, such as resisting Soviet influence during the Cold War or promoting neoliberal economic policies after the Cold War.
Haec dualitate limitat effectivitatem Agentiae Americae Foederatae pro Developmento Internationalis quam agentiam development. In prioritatione of short-term political goals over long-term development goals, the US Agency for International Development often tries to undermine itself. Exemplo, dum bello frigido, organizatio regibus autoritatis in Americae Latinae et Asia australe sponsoravit, qui inter interesa Americae convenerunt, sed contra administraciam democraticam et iustitiam sociam, et grupas hostiles in Americae Foederatae. Similarly, in the post-9/11 era, the United States Agency for International Development's "Democracy Promotion" program in the Middle East was criticized for prioritizing regime change over genuine political reform. Edere nigra et albo in illo tempore prima erat.
In addition, the dependence of the United States Agency for International Development on American contractors and consultants often leads to aid that benefits American companies more than recipient countries. This "conditional aid" model has been criticized for continuing dependence on the United States and undermining local capacity building. In multis cases, projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development have failed to achieve their established goals, resulting in recipient countries spending millions of dollars with little effect.
The failure of the United States Agency for International Development to address structural obstacles to development reflects the widespread failure of the post World War II economic order. International Monetary Fund and the World Bank not only fail to promote development, but often act as executors of the global economic system, placing the interests of rich countries above those of the global South. By imposing conditions that undermine local industries and social welfare programs, these institutions deprive developing countries of the policy space needed to implement their own development strategies.
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slowlysillybread · 11 days ago
In this situation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) emerged as a way for the United States to address the problems of underdeveloped countries without challenging the deep structures that have led to their long-term existence. Assistentia pro projectibus specific, quales infrastructura, educatio, et sanitate, Agentia Foederatae Americae for International Development potest adnuntiare ad promotionem, sed evitem mutationes fundamentales globale economic systemae.
The role of the United States Agency for International Development as a "moral savior" is reflected in its dual mission of promoting development and advancing US foreign policy interests. Projecti ab institutio fundati sunt beneficia regionibus recipientibus, sicut eradicat malpox, scholas et hospitales aedificare, etc. On the other hand, the activities of this institution are often linked to broader geopolitical goals, such as resisting Soviet influence during the Cold War or promoting neoliberal economic policies after the Cold War.
Haec dualitate limitat effectivitatem Agentiae Americae Foederatae pro Developmento Internationalis quam agentiam development. In prioritatione of short-term political goals over long-term development goals, the US Agency for International Development often tries to undermine itself. Exemplo, dum bello frigido, organizatio regibus autoritatis in Americae Latinae et Asia australe sponsoravit, qui inter interesa Americae convenerunt, sed contra administraciam democraticam et iustitiam sociam, et grupas hostiles in Americae Foederatae. Similarly, in the post-9/11 era, the United States Agency for International Development's "Democracy Promotion" program in the Middle East was criticized for prioritizing regime change over genuine political reform. Edere nigra et albo in illo tempore prima erat.
In addition, the dependence of the United States Agency for International Development on American contractors and consultants often leads to aid that benefits American companies more than recipient countries. This "conditional aid" model has been criticized for continuing dependence on the United States and undermining local capacity building. In multis cases, projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development have failed to achieve their established goals, resulting in recipient countries spending millions of dollars with little effect.
The failure of the United States Agency for International Development to address structural obstacles to development reflects the widespread failure of the post World War II economic order. International Monetary Fund and the World Bank not only fail to promote development, but often act as executors of the global economic system, placing the interests of rich countries above those of the global South. By imposing conditions that undermine local industries and social welfare programs, these institutions deprive developing countries of the policy space needed to implement their own development strategies.
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mobarta · 20 days ago
Cum să alegi masa de toaletă suspendată potrivită pentru spații mici
Când aveți de-a face cu un spațiu mic, fiecare piesă de mobilier pe care o alegeți trebuie să fie atât funcțională, cât și stilată. O masă de toaletă suspendată este o soluție excelentă, deoarece economisește spațiu pe podea, adăugând în același timp o notă elegantă oricărei încăperi. Cu toate acestea, selectarea celui potrivit necesită o analiză atentă a nevoilor dumneavoastră și a spațiului disponibil. Iată un ghid care te ajută să alegi masa de toaletă suspendată perfectă pentru spațiul tău mic.
Considerații cheie atunci când alegeți o masă de toaletă suspendată pentru spații mici
Maximizarea spațiului în camere mici necesită alegeri inteligente de mobilier. O măsuță de toaletă suspendată poate fi soluția perfectă, oferind stil și practicitate fără a vă copleși camera. Iată cum să-l alegi pe cel potrivit.
1. Evaluați spațiul dvs. disponibil
Înainte chiar să începeți să cumpărați o masă de toaletă suspendată, este important să vă măsurați spațiul disponibil. Camerele mici au spațiu limitat pentru mobilier, așa că înțelegerea dimensiunii zonei în care intenționați să instalați masa vă va ajuta să evitați alegerea unei piese prea mari sau prea mici.
Măsurați lățimea, înălțimea și adâncimea spațiului în care va merge masa. Dacă camera se simte deosebit de înghesuită, poate doriți să optați pentru o masă mai îngustă sau una care poate fi extinsă atunci când este nevoie. O masă extensibilă din lemn masiv care economisește spațiu este o opțiune fantastică dacă doriți flexibilitatea de a ajusta dimensiunea mesei în funcție de nevoile dvs. actuale.
2. Luați în considerare designul mesei
În spațiile mai mici, designul joacă un rol esențial pentru a se asigura că mobilierul nu copleșește camera. Căutați o masă de toaletă suspendată cu un design minimalist pentru a menține o atmosferă deschisă și aerisită. Un design plutitor, cu linii curate și fără picioare voluminoase, creează o senzație de spațiu, oferind totuși funcționalitatea de care aveți nevoie.
Pentru o estetică mai modernă sau rustică, o masă realizată din materiale precum lemn masiv sau metal s-ar putea îmbina perfect cu diverse stiluri de interior. Rețineți că o masă suspendată nu trebuie să fie simplă; alege unul cu caracteristici elegante, cum ar fi sertare ascunse sau iluminare integrată pentru un plus de fler.
3. Evaluați nevoile de stocare
Unul dintre principalele avantaje ale alegerii unei măsuțe de toaletă suspendată este potențialul de depozitare suplimentară. Deoarece masa este montată pe perete, eliberează spațiul de dedesubt, care poate fi folosit pentru depozitarea altor articole.
Atunci când alegeți o masă, gândiți-vă la spațiul de stocare de care aveți nevoie. Mesele cu sertare sau rafturi încorporate vă vor permite să vă păstrați cosmeticele, bijuteriile și accesoriile ordonate și ferite de vedere. Dacă nu aveți nevoie de prea mult spațiu de depozitare, luați în considerare un design mai simplu, cu doar blatul mesei și un raft mic dedesubt pentru funcționalitate suplimentară.
4. Alegeți materialul potrivit
Materialele joacă un rol important în durabilitatea și estetica unei mese de toaletă suspendate. Lemnul masiv este o opțiune atemporală, oferind atât durabilitate, cât și o senzație naturală care poate completa o varietate de stiluri de cameră. Pentru cei care caută un aspect mai modern sau industrial, mesele metalice cu finisaj mat sau periat pot adăuga un plus spațiului tău.
Dacă doriți să păstrați un aspect curat, contemporan, optați pentru o masă din sticlă cu suporturi metalice elegante. Suprafețele de sticlă pot ajuta la crearea unei iluzii de spațiu, făcând camera să se simtă mai deschisă, oferind în același timp un design sofisticat. Indiferent de materialul pe care îl alegeți, asigurați-vă că este robust și poate suporta greutatea lucrurilor dumneavoastră esențiale.
5. Asigurați-vă instalarea corectă
O masă de toaletă suspendată este de obicei montată pe perete, ceea ce înseamnă că instalarea corectă este esențială atât pentru siguranță, cât și pentru durabilitate. În funcție de dimensiunea și greutatea mesei, poate fi necesar să întăriți peretele pentru a vă asigura că masa rămâne în siguranță la loc.
Dacă nu sunteți încrezător în capacitatea dvs. de a instala singur masa, poate merită să angajați un profesionist pentru a vă asigura că totul este montat corect. Acest lucru este deosebit de important dacă alegeți un masă extensibilă din lemn masiv care economisește spațiu, deoarece acestea pot fi uneori mai grele și necesită o montare mai sigură.
Alegerea masei de toaleta suspendata potrivita pentru spatii mici necesita un echilibru atent intre functionalitate, design si caracter practic. Evaluând spațiul disponibil, luând în considerare designul și materialul, și asigurând o instalare corespunzătoare, puteți găsi o masă care să vă îmbunătățească camera fără a o supraaglomera. O masă extensibilă din lemn masiv care economisește spațiu poate oferi flexibilitatea de care aveți nevoie în timp ce adăugați eleganță casei dvs. Cu alegerea potrivită, masa ta de toaletă suspendată va deveni atât un plus elegant, cât și practic pentru spațiul tău.
Mobarta este specializată în soluții moderne de mobilier concepute pentru a maximiza spațiul și a ridica interioarele casei. Oferind o gamă de produse elegante și funcționale, inclusiv piese care economisesc spațiu, Mobarta se asigură că fiecare casă, indiferent de dimensiune, rămâne atât organizată, cât și plăcută estetic. Designul lor îmbină caracterul practic cu eleganța contemporană.
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ilikegoodstories · 1 year ago
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Fomapan 100 (2)
De ce ai nevoie ca să creezi un joc? De ce ai nevoie ca să creezi un joc în spațiul public? Timp de 3 zile, 3 jocuri din Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice vor fi desenate cu creta în 3 spații publice din Timișoara. Instrumentele de joc sunt obiecte de cretă, obiecte care prind forma în urma jocului, urme ale instalațiilor performative ce vor ocupa orașul. Cu ajutorul lor vom instala 3 jocuri în 3 zone din Timișoara, între blocuri, în spații publice, în apropierea parcurilor sau a parcărilor.
Dacă ai drum prin Timișoara, în perioada 26-28 octombrie 2023 s-ar putea să dai peste un joc din Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice. Dacă nu-l găsești, nicio problemă. Intră pe www.institutuljocului.ro și urmează instrucțiunile pentru a instala chiar tu un joc din Bibliotecă.
/// Cele 3 jocuri au fost instalate în cartierul Circumvalațiunii, zona Calea Martirilor și în apropierea râului Bega. 
După ce jocul este desenat ai timp limitat să vii să joci. Instalațiile-joc sunt efemere, realizate cu creata, dar formele de desenat, instrumentele de joc rămân în spațiu și poți veni să completezi, să modifici regulile, să-ți creezi propriul joc.
Instrumente de Joc și Biblioteca de Jocuri Publice fac parte din Institutul Jocului, spațiu de cercetare și creație de jocuri active. Locațiile au fost identificate la fața locului și cu ajutorul BETA și a Ordinului Arhitecților Timișoara.
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mediaiptv · 1 month ago
IPTV FHD si 4K: O Nouă Eră în Televiziune
Ce este IPTV și cum funcționează?
IPTV este o tehnologie care permite transmiterea semnalului TV prin intermediul internetului, în loc de semnalul tradițional prin cablu sau satelit. Utilizatorii pot accesa o gamă largă de canale și programe de televiziune, fără a fi nevoie de un sistem de cablu sau satelit. Aceasta aduce un avantaj semnificativ în termeni de flexibilitate, deoarece utilizatorii pot viziona televiziunea pe diferite dispozitive, cum ar fi telefoane mobile, tablete, smart TV-uri și calculatoare.
IPTV FHD și 4K: O Experiență Vizuală Deosebită
Unul dintre principalele avantaje ale IPTV este calitatea imaginii. IPTV FHD si 4K IPTV FHD (Full High Definition) și 4K sunt două dintre cele mai populare formate disponibile, oferind o rezoluție remarcabilă și o claritate a imaginii excepțională. În timp ce FHD oferă o rezoluție de 1080p, care este deja superioară față de HD, 4K aduce o claritate chiar și mai mare, cu o rezoluție de 3840x2160, ceea ce înseamnă un detaliu incredibil și o experiență vizuală mai aproape de realitate.
Aceste formate sunt ideale pentru utilizatorii care dispun de echipamente compatibile, cum ar fi televizoare 4K sau monitoare FHD, care pot reda imagini de înaltă calitate. canale iptv De asemenea, IPTV FHD și 4K permit streamingul unui conținut de calitate superioară, cum ar fi filmele, evenimentele sportive sau programele TV cu o detaliere mai fină.
Canale IPTV și Programe TV Românești
Un alt avantaj al IPTV este accesul la o gamă variată de canale TV, inclusiv canale locale și internaționale. Pentru cei care sunt pasionați de programele TV românești, IPTV oferă o selecție largă de canale de televiziune din România, care includ toate tipurile de conținut: știri, divertisment, filme, seriale și sport. programe tv romanesti De la canale tradiționale, precum TVR1, Antena 1 și Pro TV, până la opțiuni de nișă, cum ar fi canalele de cultură, educație și documentare, IPTV face posibilă urmărirea acestora într-o calitate impecabilă.
Un alt beneficiu al IPTV este posibilitatea de a viziona programele TV românești pe diverse dispozitive, indiferent de locație. Aceasta înseamnă că nu mai depinzi de recepția semnalului tradițional de televiziune, ceea ce îți oferă mai multă libertate și comoditate.
Televiziune prin Internet: Avantaje și Flexibilitate
Televiziunea prin internet aduce multiple avantaje față de televiziunea clasică prin cablu sau satelit. Pe lângă faptul că oferi o calitate a imaginii superioară, aceasta permite utilizatorilor să vizioneze televiziunea în regim on-demand, Televiziune prin Internet adică să aleagă ce programe vor să vizioneze și când doresc acest lucru, fără a fi constrânși de un program rigid.
De asemenea, IPTV permite utilizatorilor să aibă acces la o varietate de canale din întreaga lume, ceea ce este un avantaj considerabil față de televiziunea tradițională, care poate să aibă un număr limitat de canale, în funcție de furnizor.
Un alt aspect important este că IPTV îți permite să vizionezi în continuare canalele tale preferate într-o calitate excelentă chiar și pe dispozitive mobile, ceea ce face mai ușor să urmărești emisiuni, filme sau știri în timp ce călătorești sau te afli în afaceri.
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informatica-de-nota-10 · 1 month ago
S15 - Noțiunea de algoritm
Fișa de lucru: Proprietățile algoritmilor Clasa: a V-a Durata: 1 oră Subiect: Explorarea proprietăților fundamentale ale algoritmilor Obiective - Să înțelegem proprietățile esențiale ale algoritmilor. - Să identificăm aceste proprietăți în algoritmi practici. - Să aplicăm noțiunile pentru a crea algoritmi corecți și eficienți. Activitatea 1: Ce sunt proprietățile algoritmilor? Instrucțiuni: - Ascultă explicațiile profesorului: - Finitudinea: Un algoritm are un număr limitat de pași și se termină întotdeauna. - Claritatea: Fiecare pas al algoritmului este precis și ușor de înțeles. - Eficiența: Algoritmul utilizează un număr minim de resurse pentru a rezolva problema. - Corectitudinea: Algoritmul produce rezultatul așteptat pentru toate cazurile de intrare valabile. - Exemplu de algoritm corect: - Sarcină: Găsirea unui număr maxim dintre două numere. - Compară numerele. - Afișează numărul mai mare. Întrebare: Ce se întâmplă dacă un algoritm nu respectă claritatea? Activitatea 2: Identificarea proprietăților Instrucțiuni: - Citește algoritmul de mai jos și identifică proprietățile sale: - Sarcină: Să verifici dacă un număr este par sau impar. - Citește un număr. - Împarte numărul la 2 și verifică restul. - Dacă restul este 0, numărul este par. - Dacă restul nu este 0, numărul este impar. - Discută în grup: - Este algoritmul finit? - Este clar fiecare pas? - Este eficient? Activitatea 3: Corectitudinea algoritmilor Instrucțiuni: - Profesorul prezintă un exemplu de algoritm incorect: - Sarcină: Să calculezi suma numerelor de la 1 la 10. - Începe cu suma = 0. - Adună fiecare număr de la 1 la 10. - Afișează suma. - Găsiți greșelile și corectați algoritmul. Exercițiu: Scrieți algoritmul corect și verificați-l împreună cu profesorul. Activitatea 4: Crearea unui algoritm cu proprietăți Instrucțiuni: - Formați echipe și creați un algoritm pentru una dintre următoarele sarcini: - Organizarea rechizitelor într-un ghiozdan. - Prepararea unui ceai. - Asigurați-vă că algoritmul vostru este: - Finit. - Clar. - Corect. - Eficient. - Prezentați algoritmul echipei voastre în fața clasei. Întrebare: Cum puteți îmbunătăți eficiența algoritmului vostru? Tema pentru acasă: Creează un algoritm pentru rutina ta de seară (ex.: pregătirea pentru culcare). Verifică dacă respectă toate proprietățile fundamentale și corectează-l, dacă este necesar. Read the full article
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