#lime curd crossmare
neverniko101 · 4 months
I wanna give both Curd and Lime plates of ravioli (with some cheese curds for Curd, and lime juice for Lime because funny haha). Set them on a cute lil date (totally not going to be watching them “discreetly” from another table.. 👁👄👁
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I have mustache
And Lemon shall join in the staring
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neverniko101 · 3 months
Curd and Nightmare (the prince) should go on a cute little date, just saying
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Yesyes, here is your Crossmare
Limecurd, ig
(Again, the canon story is ship neutral, this is just for fun!!)
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neverniko101 · 2 months
I wanna see octopus lime be affectionate to curd before he inevitably kills him :(( curd has been so nice,,, big fluffy boy deserves pets from princy
Since the Siren seems to be popular, have a little outline of what his and Curd’s life would be like if they *did* escape the cabin (and if all the Narrator/Shifting mound/Timeline stuff stopped)
First off, Curd would get rushed away to the hospital. His arm would end up in a splint and be a little weaker even once it healed, but he’d still be able to hold things and function mostly the same. He and the Prince would report (most of) what happened in the Cabin to the local Royal Guard, but no evidence could ever be found. Once they had both settled into tiny apartments with somewhat decent jobs (Curd would have a job in the Royal Guard, likely working in the kitchens or with the animals, The Prince likely finding some little market or bookstore that was hiring), they decided to split ways. There was a lot that had happened, and they still weren’t quite sure how the felt about the other.
They would both attend therapy sessions—probably at the same therapist, but they would never know. The Prince is able to process some of his attachment issues, and Curd to manage his anxiety and trauma. A little while after they left the cabin— a year, maybe— the two agree to meet up again. Despite everything that had happened, they still has stray thoughts about the other, wondered how they were doing. Curd suggested that they talk more, maybe send letters or have little meet-ups, slowly building a steady friendship. The Prince, who couldn’t go by “the Prince” all the time, decided on the name of Cole. Curd discovers a passion for baking, leading Cole to dump piles of cookbooks at his front door every day until the house physically can’t fit any more. Cole decides to adopt a cat, who Curd names Mr. Buttons (much to Cole’s annoyance and secret amusement).
Over time, friendship turns into more. They decide to start dating, preferring to meet in secluded spots like quiet parks and the back of bookstores. Curd and Cole both care about the other to a fault, often putting their partner first at their own expense. They do recognize this though, and are trying to take little steps towards change—maybe dedicated “self care” hours where they take time to specifically do what they want. Cole is very careful about only providing physical affection when Curd instigates it, since he never wants a repeat of the canon. Both of them live cuddling and showering the other one with affection, often spending the night curled up on the couch together watching horror movies.
Uhhhh that’s all I got adios
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