shittykinaesthetics · 4 years
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Shitty Aradia Medigo aesthetic: reading this wikipedia entry made me realise that more of my friends in high school were homestucks then i thought, because apocalypsearisen is an eerily familiar screen name. so thanks for that, now i have to see these people on facebook and know the extent of their sins 
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shittykinaesthetics · 4 years
another ask dump! (yeah i have even more a these t answer. there’s a whole other collection in my drafts. my inbox is a warzone at all times)
does what it says on th tin, all answers an transcriptions under th cut
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[@niceferatu​ said: if i ever meet you in real life i’m gonna be under the obligation to kiss you on the mouth. that’s just how it is we’re smoochin homies now]
oh yer gonna kiss me? gonna smooch me right on my mouth? on my mouth that i occasionally use t say th names a men? what are you, gay? we smoochin now, gayass? better kill me in one shot. better make it count
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[anonymous said: fool. i had already sent a request ages before u posted the richie one. i am already here. - pennywise (also ur very epic and do wonderful work and i hope u have a great day]
sprays you wi seltzer water. get yer clown ass back inta th sewer an outta my inbox before yer fangirls realise yer here. i jus fumigated th place; if i get an infestation a clownfuckers it’s gonna tank th insurance value a my blog an then it ain’t gonna have resale value when it’s time fer me t retire an take t th ocean in a sexy lil boat.
you have as good a day as anyone can have, i guess, while bein pennywise th dancin clown kin. i feel like that would be a real damper on all my days, personally, bu maybe that’s th richie kinnie talkin? regardless, thanks fer th warm wishes, clownboy
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[anonymous said: may i ask why you type like that? is it a dialect or just a personal choice? you definitely don’t have to answer this, i’m just curious]
that’s a good question! honestly it’s kinda a mix a both - i could not type like this, i guess, bu i don’t have much a a reason ta. i type th same way that i talk, y’know? part a it is a comfort thing too, cuz it helps me feel a lot more distinct from other members a my system, bu it’s not like m tryna roleplay an accent or anythin either. this is jus how i talk an it always felt natural t me t reflect that in my typin. it’s not an active choice - i actually hafta remind myself not t do it when it comes t stuff like image descriptions or th captions fer th aesthetics. i dunno if any a that makes sense t people that ain’t in my brain
on a slightly serious note (obviously you didn’t do this, anon; this is jus while m up here on my soapbox) please don’t compare th way that i talk t a homestuck quirk. i know it seems funny an m not tryna be an asshole, i know th comparisons are there, bu since it is partially a dialect thing an it isn’t somethin i do fer fun, th comment jus makes me feel self-conscious an kinda shitty. i’ve gotten a few asks like that in th past that i just haven’t posted cuz i didn’t know how t say that they made me feel bad, bu this felt like as good an entry point as any
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[anonymous said: yo for future reference what anime are you not comfortable taking requests for? thank u for this blog it’s fucking great]
it’s more that there are sources i’ve done (from all kinds a stuff) in th past that m no longer comfortable touchin an less an anime-specific thing, if i remember what prompted this ask, bu if we’re talkin anime specifically. uh. attack on titan, hetalia, beastars, bnha. all pretty standard stuff. i know i’ve done jjba before bu after findin out some stuff about th second season i don’t think i’ll be doin anymore. it’s all kinda case by case. maybe one day i’ll make a reference guide fer sources i don’t wanna touch.
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[anonymous said: could i get the 547th doctor from doctor who please?]
oh you think yer funny. here’s an aesthetic fer a bitchass clown. this blog is my comedy club an now yer gonna step onta th stage an start tellin jokes? i think th fuck not. c’mere an tell yer lil jokes, come get yer degree from clown college, it’s right here in my hand along wi yer aesthetic. come closer i am jus a normal blog admin
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[anonymous said: your blog makes me want to kin somebody]
why don’t you do it then, coward? you have th right t a kintype. if you don’t have an cannot afford a kintype, one will be appointed t you 
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[anonymous said: i am almost certain you are my best friend because your typing style alone. if ur name is g**c* i may have to kiss you]
god it would be cute if i was, right? unfortunately m not sure how you managed t send an ask t this blog without pickin up that my name is stanley an not g**c*, bu like. maybe you should tell yer friend that you wanna kiss em. or tell em t stop stealin my brand. either way. m heartbroken that this doesn’t get t be a meetcute fer us, altough not really cuz i had a meetcute wi my future husband already so that’d be awkward fer everyone. anyway i think yer friend is my nemesis or my doppelganger or somethin, so maybe you should reach out an lemme know their weaknesses jus so i can make sure t never exploit those if we came across each other
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[@lim4b3ans​ said: ***points @ you with the force of ten thousand men*** honourary homestuck]
fuck around an find out. i’ll delete all my homestuck aesthetics right now. i spend two years a my life bein an ally t you people an fer what. you turn on me like this? you suggest m one a you? andrew hussie can suck me good an hard through my jorts; i ain’t honourin shit
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[anonymous said: this isn’t a request but appreciation for ur blog and also when  i read some of ur posts, they’re in a southern accent. i can literally make a shitty aesthetic for my own characters with how many images i’ve saved from u.]
yeah yer def not alone on th southern thing. a lotta people in th “what does stanley sound like” tag on @shittykinaskthetics​ would agree wi ya; m assigned a cowboysona by my followers fairly regularly. it’s very funny t me cuz m very much not southern (though i am occasionally a cowboy), so i don’t know exactly where it comes from, bu i ain’t complainin
also m glad this blog has become an image hub fer you. m slowly becomin an enemy a big pinterest, an th more pictures you save, th more a thorn in their side i become
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[anonymous said: every day i find a new concerning kin, and every day i wait for you to open asks to mention my previous kins alone with the new one. i’m thinking about getting “too much of a sci-fi disaster for one person” tattooed on me. -the sci fi disaster]
my cohost says you should plot an exponential growth model wi yer kins, if yer really inta sci-fi. i don’t know what that means an m too pretty t learn, bu it sounds like some nerd shit so maybe it would be up yer alley. m concerned by yer definition a concernin kins, though, an what might fall under that category, so now openin my inbox again suddenly feels very threatenin. who knows what scifi bullshit could come tumblin out. tribbles, maybe (shut up shut up i don’t watch nerd shit i jus absorb jokes on tumblr shut up)
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