dagenssvenska · 6 years
Some Swedish names I like are Niels, Gustav and Tobias (though that one can be a relatively universal name)
Niels feels more danish/norwegian to me, tho that might just be my personal associations idk, but I used to have a classmate called Nils who was a good kid. A bit wild, but good.
Gustav is what we call Garfield so... that’s that. And also our mighty king.
Tobias is actually a somewhat common name for trans guys to pick in Sweden, at least in my experience. So I’ve come across quite a few of them and they’ve all been great people.
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bearfeat42 · 7 years
Another Tag Thingy!
I was tagged by @iamnightbreed and @lilytook. I will first answer nightbreed’s questions, then the one lily did, and then post my own.
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag eleven people
1. Are you a fan of horror movies/fiction? I am not. I like to sleep at night and be sort of comfortable walking home alone. And also horror gives me random scares in the middle of the day and like during conversations and I get deeply depressed even thinking about that one time when I was 8 and saw the first It movie and just no. NO. I might have unfollowed some people on here because they were posting evil clown shit again. *crawls under a pillow and watches every feelgood movie ever*
2. If you could hear any metal band cover any classic rock song, which band would it be and which song? I really want to hear Ghost to I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner. Idk if Ghost is metal enough for this question, though xD
3. Do you/have you ever smoked marijuana? Yeah, and I kinda like it, but I am not a stoner. I am more into booze.
4. Did you have a pet as a child that you adored and still feel nostalgic about? I had a lil guinnee pig and she almost turned 10 which we did NOT know piggies could get. My sister had one too, but when they became old ladies they started to straight up eat each other alive, so my sister’s piggie went to live at my dad’s house and mine at my mom’s. I think they were both kinda mean and lonely, because my sis and I were teenagers and couldn’t be arsed to show our animals some attention at that time. In hind sight, they were adorable.
5. If you could relive the last 5 years, would you do anything differently? Gawd, so many things. I would have tried to be more outgoing on my semester abroad and make more international friends, and maybe make it a whole year abroad… I fucking miss Iceland. I would have tried harder not to sink into my huge depression after getting back and becoming a sort of an alcoholic, but maybe I needed that low point. I would not have started grad school before REALLY figuring out what I wanted.  I would have dyed my hair pink sooner. I would have discovered Ghost sooner! So. Many. Things.
6. What’s your worst fear that you know is irrational but just can’t shake (assuming you have one…)? That everybody hates me, but that’s just me being an anxious mess *ding*
7. If you had unlimited funds, what is the most selfish thing you would use them for? Right now I can’t think of anything better than have someone clean my house.
8. What’s your favorite way to relax after a stressful day? Have a glass of wine, some friends or a nice series, scroll endlessly through tumblr. Have I mentioned wine? Also I can recommend anyone to invest in a good vibrator.
9. What is the worst movie you’ve ever really enjoyed in spite of yourself? Twilight. Sue me.
10. Do you enjoy reading and if so what’s your favorite genre? I used to read all the things, but lately it just doesn’t seem to happen that much. So fan fiction, lol. But for real, I love historical novels and good, solid fantasy. Like, without the unnecessary sexist stuff.
11. What is the earliest band obsession you can remember having? Probably HIM. I am so happy I saw their memorial tour, but I am MORE happy that I saw them in 2017 and not  2007, because Ville Valo’s sexy ass was tripping balls. Ah, my sis and I had a swell time.
1. If you were to learn a new language, which one appeals to you and why? I speak a couple of languages, but my German and French have been appalling because I have been neglecting it like crazy. I feel like if I would really focus on these languages, I wouc be able to get fluent in like a year or two, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I can’t be arsed. I would love to learn Swedish. It sounds so otherworldly to me. Maybe I shouldn’t try to learn it, in fear of it becoming ordinary to me.
2. What is your favourite thing you like about your hometown? That I left lol
3. Who are your top 3 favourite musicians (as in bands and/ or solo artists)? Ghost, Magna Carta Cartel, and lately I’ve been really into Fleetwood Mac.
4. Where in the world would you like to visit most? I would love to travel the trans-Siberian railroad. It crosses through Russia and Mongolia into China. As a huge history nerd I would be thrilled to take that trip. Also I will travel Scandinavia in a year or so. And I would love to visit Vietnam and Nepal.
5. Have you ever pulled a sickie to go to a concert or anything of that sort (comic con etc)? Yes XD. Ain’t nobody keeping me from my musics.
6. Do you have any siblings? If so, who is the eldest? A sister. Were twins.
7. What is your favourite beverage? Black coffee, darling! Anytime. To be honest, I had to learn to love it, but now I can’t live without it.
8. What would you do if you bumped into your celebrity crush/ squish? Well I might fucking bump into Martin in about three weeks, aren’t I? @lilytook squeeee I wouldn’t know what to do, would you?
9. If your life was turned into a movie, what genre would you like it to be and who would you pick to play you? I would like it to be like a very slow arthouse movie. One that could give you squishy feels but also I-wanna-die-this-is-so-sad feels. Who could play me? Bruh idk. I would have picked Lena Dunham judged on season one of Girls but BOI DID LENA DUNHAM GET DUMB AND ANNoying. You know what? Danielle Brooks. I would want Danielle Brooks to play me. People might actually think I was cool buwhhahah
10. Do you have any interesting party tricks you can do? I can drink more than you, is that a party trick?
11. If an intelligent alien species were to come to Earth, and the world leaders chose you to be our representative, what would you say to them? “Don’t go any further. It’s not worth it.”
Now my 11 questions! To answer these, I tag @arch-angel @crystal8325 @paganlatte @tekni @ghoul-thirst @autumnalmistress @mercyfulkate  @h3rblkw1ngs @hoodedfigure-no99 and @ethne-dragon
1. Name three things you like about yourself and one thing you would change.
2. Have you ever dyed your hair? Would you like to?
3. Which musical instrument would you like to play?
4. What was the best year of your life?
5. Do you value romantic relationships or platonic relationships more?
6. Do you drive a car, and do you care which care you drive?
7. What is your favorite thing to cook?
8. Do you move around a lot or have you always stayed in the same place?
9. Wouldn’t you agree it’d be just great to live as a cat for the rest of your life?
10. Do you still like being on tumblr?
11. How do you think you’ll grow this year?
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gondorimagines · 4 years
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Imagine being someone who’s part of the Alternative subculture (be it Goth: Punk or a metalhead, amongst the others) and the brothers both being fascinated and intrigued by how you dress/present yourself.
Author: lilytook
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thecultoftill · 5 years
My experience of the London Lindemann meet and greet.(Part 1)
I’d say that I’d keep this short but I think we all know by now that I’m incapable of that. Apologies for the rambling I’m still in shock and sleep deprived. I may write a better version later. I’ll also put this under a cut.
So after winning the meet and greet on the LIFAD forum I was told on Thursday that Tom from the Lindemann/Rammstein team would contact me at some point to make arrangements. I spent a long and anxious few days worrying that Tom would forget about me. I checked in with some other fans who hadn’t heard anything either.
Sunday: Concert day and still nothing. I was with a friend but she lined up early to get front row. If you have won a meet and greet they tell you that you can’t make front row because they’ll give you a time to go to Guest List, so I wandered about, got back to the Airbnb which was only about 7 minutes from the venue there, then returned later as I was going to meet another person who also won the M&G. 
So I met the lovely @one-air-ghoul who was the best and also met the awesome @lilytook. 
So standing about 16:15 outside the venue and @one-air-ghoul and I get the email from Tom with our instructions. All my fears that I’m going to be stranded, lost, alone, unloved and starving, on the streets of London for the rest of my miserable life, fade away.Shortly after Tom(who is so nice) called us to check that we got the instructions. (I’m sorry that I ever doubted you Tom)
So the instructions said to go to guest list, confirm our identities and get our wristbands. Then to return to Guest List at 20:15 where Tom will meet us and take us to see the band,. 
We went into the venue and saw two Jadu songs before we had to leave to meet Tom. 
So Tom, who is so nice, took us along with a woman whose name I didn’t catch through the venue to a little side street where we waited for maybe ten minutes or so? We were given very strict and precise instructions about where to stand and what to do. 
Then we were allowed to enter the backstage area. I’ll continue in part 2. 
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pip-the-enby · 4 years
Finally got around to changing my username!
I was formerly lilytook, it decided to change it. While I still love Tolkien (and Lily Took was an OC of mine), I felt the need to evolve... much like a Pokemon 😂
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I’m (almost) home from Big Ghost Weekender #1! I’ve been on the road with my friend Kim and her beautiful guide doggo Tami; Nottingham and Cardiff were amazing and I can’t wait to do London and Leeds this coming weekend!
I’ve got a bunch of vids and pics to sort through but to tide you over, here’s my merch haul and a super calm and serious moment with @atthecardinalsrighthand and @lilytook 😂
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underworld-priest · 5 years
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Was tagged by @all-ringils-blazing to post my top ten albums. And yes, The Sinister Urge is part of my top ten.
Tagging: @onde-de-chocolat, @scintillant-h, @lilytook, @rhythmloid, and and whoever else wants to do this.
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Seeing ghost with @lilytook @just-a-fretting-lemon @atpapasrighthand and their husband today!!!
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goodboysatan · 5 years
Shuffle tag
Rules: playlist shuffle tag! you can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping.
Tagged by @cardinal-cornucopia (:
okay, first of all what playlist do i even pick??? i’ve got too many
1. Understand by Combichrist 
2. Masters of he Galaxy by Gloryhammer
3. Custer by Slipknot
4. Ich Tu Dir Weh by Rammstein <3
5. Bed Dreams by Bellhound Choir
6. Wolf Totum by the HU
7. Better the Devil by Bad Wolves
8. Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve
9. SEX by Rammstein <3
10. Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
This whole list is a journey. heyoooo. Some of these i listen to on a daily basis and i just can’t stop laughing that Journey is the last one. also very surprised Three Days Grace and Ghost aren’t in there...
this is the part where I tag 10 people. let’s see.
@sister-dana @stardustghoul @yaggydigital @lilytook @nanstiel @angry-depressed-student @nightlysun @gracieghuleh @freedomfriend @leviathan-says-hi
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@nathanprescutt tagged me in this thing. Thank you lol
tagging: @ruaniamh , @usagiberry , @mukurocore , @deadkeats , @unsanctifiedist , @fangsofwhatkind , @lilytook , @lefttreephantom
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jihyo-x · 6 years
Happy Level up day
:’) thank you
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retrocatastrophy · 5 years
22 questions
Rules: Answer the questions then tag 20 people
1 - Name: Ivana
2 - Nickname: Icke, Retro, Clade 
3 - Star Sign: Aries
4 - Gender: Female
5 - Sexuality: No idea, and I don’t really care. 
6 - Favorite colour: gold and olive green 
7 - Time Right Now: 15:37
8 - Average Hours of Sleep: varies between 6 and 12 hours 
9 - The last thing I googled: Best jokes of 2019
10 - Number of Blankets: one quilt and a blanket for morning chills 
11 - Favorite Fictional Character: 10th Doctor and Crowley (same actor, tho xD)
12 - What are you wearing right now: A blue and white striped shorts, and a white tee with doodles on (there’s a TID song on the back and motivational quotes on the front) 
13 - Favourite Book: Neuromancer
14 - Favourite Musician: Ghost, MCC, Depeche Mode, Priest, Susumu Hirasawa, Devin Townsend, The Birthday Massacre (on the top of my head) 
15 - Dream Job: Well, a writer or a comic artist? 
16 - Number of followers: 288 on main, and 61 on side
17 - When did you create your account: Around January
18 - What do you post about: (Ghost) art, and mega crossover I started with @psyborg666
19 - What made you get an account: Wanted to get to know all of the wonderful people here. 
20 - When did your blog reach its peak: Not really at peak, I’m still working on it. 
21 - Do you get asks on a daily basis: No 
22 - Why did you choose your url: I wanted a unique sounding name. But also easy to remember. 
I tag: @psyborg666, @thegodlessqueen, @lord-sadon, @lady-bloody7, @ardate, @of-devils-and-drawings, @monstrancecok, @lambyrinth, @lordofbees, @lilytook, @malifer, @fangsofwhatkind, @metal-is-life091, @perinferiadastra @unsanctifiedist and who else wants to do this 
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omoghouls · 5 years
10 song tag
I was tagged by @lilytook to list my 10 most played songs recently (in no order tho)✌🏻
1) Fentanyl-Maccafferty
2) Baby's romance- Chris Garneau
3) Kiss Bang- Grandson
4) Homesick- Radical Face
5) Polaroïd- Granville
6) Wake up- EDEN
7) "Using"- Sorority Noise
8) Saint Bernard- Lincoln
9) Neon Gravestones- Twenty one pilots
10) If you have Ghost- Ghost
I taaag anyone who wants to do this♡
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lucy-phurr · 5 years
21 Questions Tag
Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @tonzieee Thank you! 💖💕
1.) Nicknames: I don’t have one
2.) Zodiac Sign: Pisces
3.) Height: 150 cm / 5′
4.) Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
5.) Last Thing I Googled: a recipe for rabarberpaj
6.) Favorite Musicians: Ghost, Rammstein, Kiss, Slipknot ...
7.) Song Stuck In My Head: Faith/Ghost
8.) Following: 62
9.) Followers: 351
10.) Do You Get Asks: not very often
11.) Amount of Sleep: 5 to 6 hours when I have to work, 8 to 9 hours on weekends
12.) Lucky Number: I don’t have one
13.) What Are You Wearing: Jeans and a Ghost t-shirt
14.) Dream Job: something with animals, especially cats, lions or tigers
15.) Dream Trip: I really want to visit Sweden. I also love Berlin and Hamburg. And traveling to Ghost concerts 😊
16.) Instruments: Nope
17.) Languages: German, English and a little bit Swedish
18.) Favorite Songs: Absolution, Faith, Dance macabre, Prime Mover ... almost every Ghost song
19.) Random Facts: I hate milk. I think the smell and taste is gross. So I drink my coffee always black.
20.) Aesthetics: Watching a cat sleeping and purring. A summer night around 3 a.m. when the sun starts slowly to rise. The sky is a beautiful shade of dark blue and everything is quiet.
21.) Dogs or cats: Cats of course
Tagging: @oldonemaster @guttersnarls @undeclaredmilk @desolationrow24 @lilytook @forluciferson @zombie-queer @boopdaspook @jahanehej @richly-endowed @aquamina @witchimage @4bsolution @thisisntmeimnotmechanical @tisthenightofthewitch @archangel0lucifer and everyone who wants to do this!
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I was tagged by @unsanctifiedist and @lilytook to post 10 pictures that I’ve already got on my mobile that describe me.... here it goes!
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Tagging: @your-infernal-majesti @queen-of-sertraline @thesonofonebelow and anyone else who wants to tbh, I forget what my friends mains all are
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omoghouls-writes · 6 years
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(Aaa sorry if this is ooc for Pip aaaaa-)
Tin's head peered around from the bookshelf when they heard the oncoming footsteps. Their head tilited slightly as they saw another ghoul, one they hadn't recognized right off the bat.
It wasn't uncommon for other ghouls to wander into the libary, every clergy member showed up at least once or twice. However, the hybrid ghoul was still new to the chruch, so, he was still learning to recognize the fellow members.
The ghoul slowly slipped down from the ladder, landing with a soft thud once on the ground. He nearly jumped back when the ghoul stood infront of them.
"Hello there." Tin greeted, with a small nod of acknowledgment as the other ghoul proceeded.
The other ghoul smiled softly, "Hi, you must be the new ghoul, I take it?" They asked.
Tin paused for a moment in thought, "News travels fast eh?" The ghoul chuckled, "I kid, I kid. I'm Tin." He said, holding his hand out when he remembered how the other clergy members greeted one another.
The other ghoul smiled and shook the loose hand, "I'm Pip, it's nice to meet you. Though, I can't say I've seen you around much?" They said with curiosity in their voice.
"Well, they've been keepin' me pretty busy in here," the hybrid ghoul chuckled as they waved their hand over the table, ancient text strewn about.
Pip examined the scattered papers and looked back up.
Tin looked intently to the other ghoul as they continued to speak, telling the tales of their time on earth and interactions with the others in the church. As Pip spoke, Tin's mind began to wander. Although they were intrested in what was being said, they couldn't help but shift their weight from foot to foot.
Pip raised a brow when they saw the constant fidgeting of the younger ghoul
"Is everything alright?" They asked, scanning the ghoul up and down.
Tin stiffly nodded their head, brushing off the question, "I'm, fine. Just keeping the blood pumping, they tending to keep this place on the cooler side, you know, to keep the books from getting any humidity in them, can't be havin' that." The ghoul quickly gave, giving a sheepish smile as they gripped to the hem of their sash.
It wasnt as if they didn't know what the sensation was, Tin damn well knew he had to go. But, it had been so silent the pass couple days, having company was, nice. And he did not want to mess this up by leaving so unexpectedly. He could wait, it wasn't as if they were a kit.
Pip gave the other ghoul a look.
Stubborn eh? They thought. Soon an idea formulated in their mind.
"Hey, so since you're basically finished for the day, why don't you come to my room, it's warmer in there," Pip offered.
Tin looked up for a moment, sharp teeth dragging against his lower lip, chest tightening at the idea of walking any length of distance.
"Sounds fun." The hybrid ghoul said, tail tucking between his legs as he began to follow in tow of the black haired ghoul.
Tin held their breath as a whine bubbled in their throat, bladder sloshing with every shuffled step. Standing idly was easy, the ghoul had been able to distract themselves with quick squeezes and leaning against the table when the other ghoul was not watching. But walking was not as easy. He couldn't stop, it would gain the wrong attention.
Tin also relaxed when they saw Pip stopping at an oak door, going to open it. The ghoul's eyes widened as they felt warmth trickling down his thigh, Tin let out a soft squeak as they jammed their hands beneath their cassock, gripping themselves tightly to stop the leaking dam.
"Tin?" The voice said, a hand being placed on his back, ushering the two into the room.
Tin's body trembled, knees knocking together as he stood there.
"I-I ca-can't," His voice weary, his eyes screwing shut as his body relaxed.
Urine quickly spilled out, hissing and splattering as the ghoul stood there in horror of what was happening. Soon the stream tapered off, leaving him to stand in a puddle of their own mess.
Tin's lower lip began to tremble when he heard the shocked noise of the other ghoul. He let out a sob, blubbering out an weak apology in ghoulish as they ran the sleeve of his cassock over his eyes.
Pip looked in slight awe, a twinge of sympathy washing over them as the younger ghoul choked out his words. They walked closer, a hand landing on his shuddering frame.
Tin looked up through his lashes.
"Hey,hey, it's okay," Pip began, trying to find the right words, "It happens, these things." They explained as Tin sniffled, nodding slowly in understatement.
There was a small pause as Pip cleared their throat.
"I uh, have a joined washroom," Pip said, gesturing to the slightly ajar door, "If you want to, you could wash up if you want?"
Tin glanced to the side, slowly standing up straight, shuddering at the cold dampness clinging to his slacks.
"Thank you." The ghoul softly said, sincerity in his voice.
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