seniouesbabes · 5 months
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 Furniture shopping is so fun & stressful at the same time
Sarah Ellison In Residence
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TOOTH INFECTION Get Instant Pain Relief Today - Emergency Dentist Sydney City
Tooth Infection - Emergency Dentist Sydney
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All You Need to Know about
How do you manage a tooth infection?
A tooth infection can occur due to many different reasons. It is most commonly the result of poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, or both of those combined. The most common treatments include removal of the tooth or a root canal treatment depending on the extent of the infection in the teeth.
What would happen if I left the tooth infection alone?
Prolonged infection may lead to the need for a root canal procedure. The root canal is an area located in the roots of your teeth. It is filled with a special nerves that can easily be infected if decay has a chance to build up. The tooth infection may spread to surrounding teeth as well until eventually the entire mouth is in a bad shape. Our dentists here at Smile Concepts will remove this infected pulp and replace it with a special filling. If you make an appointment when the signs start to appear, then there is a good chance we can save the tooth rather than have to extract it.
What are the signs of teeth infection?
The signs of teeth infection include discolouration of the tooth, teeth pain, gum inflammation, gum swelling, gum pimples, sensitive teeth, tender gums, pain when chewing, and bleeding gums. On rare occasions there may be no signs at all which is why it is important to get a check-up every so often.
How long should I wait before the tooth infection is treated?
If a teeth infection are caught early on, then antibiotics will be prescribed to you in order to get rid of it before any extractions are made if necessary.
Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We’ll check for any tooth infection or multiple teeth infection and let you know what options you have.
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, we understand that dental emergencies can be painful, stressful, and overwhelming. When you’re in need of urgent dental care, you can trust our experienced and compassionate team to provide you with the highest-quality treatment in Sydney. We’re committed to helping you find relief from your pain and restoring your smile as quickly and efficiently as possible.
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, our experienced team is prepared to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, including:
Severe toothaches and dental pain
Broken or chipped teeth
Knocked-out teeth
Lost or damaged fillings and crowns
Swollen or infected gums
Oral injuries and traumaNo matter the severity of your dental emergency, our team is here to provide the prompt and professional care you need.
No matter the severity of your dental emergency, our team is here to provide the prompt and professional care you need.
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Sydney, North Sydney, Balmain, Darlinghurst, Double Bay, Kirribilli, Lilyfield, Newtown, Paddington, Potts Point, Pyrmont, Redfern, Rozelle, Surry Hills, Glebe, and surrounding suburbs, don’t wait. Call Emergency Dentist Sydney now to schedule an immediate appointment. Our friendly and compassionate team is here to help you find relief from your pain and restore your smile to its former glory. Trust us to be your go-to dental emergency experts in Sydney.
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bathroomrenovation13 · 11 months
Bathroom Renovation Lilyfield - Transform Your Space with Us!
Revitalise your bathroom with the professional bathroom renovation services in Lilyfield. They turn your ideas into reality. Get a free consultation today!
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serviceair8 · 1 year
Are you looking for Air conditioning in Lilyfield?
Searching for air conditioning in Lilyfield, we have all types of air conditioners which give you fresh and coolest air. Our products are the best and won't disappoint you once you purchase. Call us today to know more!
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hezzabeth · 9 months
In this part of the story we are introduced to the concept of cousin siblings. We are also introduced to clone ethnic minorities. By the year 3856 A.D human cloning is common and legal in many parts of the solar system. Two centuries prior in the year 38337 A.D clones were given equal rights on Mars, the moons of Jupiter and the Pacifica Empire. Sibling cousins are cousins who happen to have clone parents. Twin cousins on the other hand are people whose clone parents reproduced with another set of clones. A clone ethnic minority are a group of people who descend from a single cloned person. The Bun clan for example descends from nine clones. By the year 3856 A.D the inner system census documented 23,000 members of the Bun clan. They are well known for their ability to speak to plants and their unique hair in different shades of pink.
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"Is that the famous Lilyfield summer home? I read about it in my travel books!" She said with an eager whisper to Mrs. Bun.
"Oh yes! The flowers are open, which means the summer social season is on! They'll host a big ball for Apple day tomorrow," Mrs. Bun smiled.
"She wasn't like this before, she was acting all weird and prickly at the telehub," Revati whispered to Brigadeiro.
"Maybe she had a concussion? One time I had one, and I bought two dozen cupcakes, and then I smashed them all over that wall," Brigadeiro replied as they scooted past a pond and onto grass that appeared to be made of real gold.
Brigadeiro was pointing at a house perched right next to the golden grass lawn. Unlike the fantastic homes they had passed, the building Brigadeiro was pointing at was thankfully ordinary. The walls were painted bright white with navy trimmings. The space station's false holographic "sun" was beginning to set behind the pointy roof. Next to the house, there was another similar building, this one surrounded by a crowd of people.
"And that building?" Pauletta asked.
"Oh, that? That's just the family house," Mrs. Bun explained as they pulled to a stop. The crowd of people had all gathered around outdoor tables covered in platters of food.
"It's more than a family home; your mother would love this! Our house is almost three thousand years old," Brigadeiro explained, helping Revati out of the cart.
"Three thousand years old, shouldn't this place be in a museum?" Revati asked, staring at the house. Actual historical buildings from old Earth were rare.
"This place was built in Australia in the year 1810 by a sea captain who hunted some sort of monster called whales! It was called Collingwood House," Brigadeiro explained as several family members descended upon them.
"And now it's here? How?" Revati asked, completely shocked.
"When the space station was first opened, it had a museum, and this was part of it! Then when my great-grandpa got cloned, the Mill family gave him this place as a reward," Brigadeiro explained, ignoring all the relatives who were frantically asking him about the terrorist attack.
Within seconds, Revati found herself jostled and pushed away from Brigadeiro.
"Sit! Sit," someone shrieked, and Revati found herself sitting down at one of the tables. Two old ladies who almost looked like twins were sitting down fanning themselves. Their grey-streaked pink curls were pinned under massive yellow disc hats, and they were wearing matching yellow dresses.
"So you're the Martian then? I'm Auntie Saffron," said the old lady to the left with a birthmark on her nose said.
"Mars has over forty-six countries and territories; calling me 'the Martian' is like calling someone 'the alien,'" Revati replied, looking down at her bowl. The meal on it appeared to be some sort of savory stew garnished with apple slices.
"Hah, she has you there! I'm Auntie Magdalena! I have to apologize for my sister-cousin; she thinks us being the oldest family members gives us the right to be rude," the second old lady smiled.
Here's the corrected version of the text:
"Cousin sister?" Revati had to ask after taking a mouthful of the stew. The stew filled her mouth with earthy, spicy heat.
"Our fathers were clones who married clones, genetically we're sisters," Auntie Saffron said, studying Revati as she ate. "You can handle my daughter's gumbo; I thought it was far too spicy," she remarked.
"It's spicy? Really? Most food on Mars can melt through carpets when you spill it," Revati shot back, and Auntie Magdalena cackled.
"You're not going to scare this one off easily. I heard she saved Bridgadeiro's life three times," Auntie Magdalena said to her sister-cousin.
"Actually, we're up to five times. He fell into a ditch two months ago, and yesterday a hairdryer tried to strangle him," Revati admitted after drinking some apple.
"A hairdryer! Bubby! You never told your parents about that," Auntie Magdalena shrieked as Bridgadeiro sat down next to Revati holding a plate of muffins.
"Well, I was a bit distracted by the enemy attack and getting Revati here," Bridgadeiro replied.
"I don't know why your parents keep letting you run off to Mars! I've tried to discuss it with my nephew, but he keeps insisting you're an adult now," sniffed Auntie Saffron.
"I'm almost twenty-two! Also, I told you I need to complete three months of field research on a terraformed world for my doctorate," Bridgadeiro replied.
"Surely you must have finished it all by now! I thought once you inherited this place you'd be back," Auntie Saffron whined, raising a snooty eyebrow.
"So! What do you do?" Auntie Magdalena asked Revati, yelling over her sister-cousin.
"Do? Well, right now I'm eating..." Revati pointed out.
"She means what do you do to earn money; people ask that here a lot," Bridgadeiro said.
"Oh! I follow a ghost haunting an android about on her quest to find her long-lost daughter, who's also my sister," Revati explained, taking another spoonful of gumbo.
"How interesting! And where did you go to school? I heard that New Singapore has many fantastic universities," Auntie Saffron remarked dryly.
"My mother and her partner educated me in an abandoned Victorian doll museum," Revati replied, glaring back.
"Your mother educates you? So you don't have any vocational training?" asked Auntie Saffron.
Revati dropped her spoon on the table, staining the tablecloth.
"Before the appliance war, Revati's mother was a history teacher at one of the best schools in her country, and she's written an entire book about the appliance war," Bridgadeiro said, grabbing Revati's hand. "She did the best she could. Before Bridgadeiro came along, none of us could leave my home without risking freezing to death," Revati explained.
"Freeze to death? Really?" Auntie Saffron asked doubtfully.
"Yes, and if you were lucky to have a tent for protection, you still ran the risk of getting kidnapped by a wasteland gang," Revati added.
"That's how Revati and I met! She saved me from a group of actors that were going to kill me in a play," Bridgadeiro added.
"My word! What an interesting life your little friend leads!" Auntie Saffron drawled, and Bridgadeiro nodded towards their hands.
"She's far more than a friend, Auntie Saffron," Bridgadeiro replied coldly, and Auntie Magdalena giggled nervously.
"Why don't you go take Revati to the desserts? Your Mama is serving up her Tarte De Maca," Auntie Magdalena asked, gesturing to another table.
Was Bridgadeiro far more than a friend? It was a curious thing to consider. First of all, Revati only considered a few people, such as Aurora, Little Hardi, and her favorite feral child, as friends. Now that she thought about it, she had never slotted Bridgadeiro neatly into that category.
There were nights when he visited her on the road. Cold nights when the android switched herself off to charge, and they huddled together under a blanket playing Buggle on down. Nights where the game often ended in a way it never did with her actual platonic friends. There were warmer days where the android was waiting in some distant city for a new DNA trace. Revati and Bridgadeiro would wander the streets together, Bridgadeiro pointing out a particular rare plant. One time a band was playing music, and her head dropped against his head as they danced. Of course, it always ended the same way. The Android would detect a sample of Dityaa's DNA, and they would head out. Bridgadeiro would pack up as well and head back to his university. Sometimes he sent her messages. Sometimes she didn't hear from him for weeks. And then came the Diwali with Margarine.
Despite all that, she hadn't been able to file him into his proper place. Instead, he floated about in her subconscious, occasionally popping up in strange dreams.
Mrs. Bun gave her a sympathetic look as she handed Revati a plate. Vanilla, who was standing next to Mrs. Bun, shook their head with a knowing smile.
"Was Auntie Saffron bullying you? She made me cry three times during my first Apple day," Mrs. Bun said, handing another plate to Bridgadeiro.
"She brought up me coming back, then she called Revati's life interesting and referred to her as my little friend," Bridgadeiro said.
"Oh dear," Mrs. Bun winced, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.
"Don't worry, Auntie Saffron referred to me as Barley's coworker at our wedding," Vanilla reassured Revati.
"She called me the housekeeper at Bridgadeiro's color day," Mrs. Bun winced.
"And you just put up with that? If anyone spoke to me that way back home, I'd stun them until they smelled like fried hair," Revati remarked, glaring at Auntie Saffron.
Auntie Saffron merely waved at their table with a heavy-ringed hand.
"Stunning people is illegal here; it's a form of assault," Bridgadeiro explained.
"Is it? How annoying," Revati remarked, still glaring at Auntie Saffron.
For a fraction of a moment, her eyes traveled further toward the crystal pond. Someone was moving amongst the waist-length clear crystal reeds. Someone with mint-green skin dressed in gold. They turned towards the party. Revati's eyes, well-trained from spending years staring into the dark, saw familiar weedy features.
"Hang on, who's that?" Revati asked, pointing at the person as they disappeared into the reeds.
"No idea; must be a guest of Lord Mills! Sometimes they get lost and wander into the private staff areas," Bridgadeiro remarked.
Revati merely shook her head, putting the plate back on the table.
"I'll be right back," she said before running to the pond.
In the dim light the stranger looked exactly like the Duke of Io.
Lakes, ponds, and oceans always seemed vaguely sinister to Revati. She knew that on faraway distant worlds, people swam in the waters and surfed the waves. The only body of water in Olde Landon was a man-made river filled with melted snow. Before the invasion, tourists would ride on lantern boats across the clear waters.
Authentic "bathing machines" had been set up on the pebble-covered beach. After the invasion, Revati would use the machines as makeshift showers. They never went further than the shallows. Skeletons lay in the sunken darkness. After the appliances invaded, the dead had been thrown off the bridge into the water.
Revati found herself standing at the very edge of the pond. Up close, the translucent reeds were tall and sticky, brushing against her dress. Something moved in the purple twilight, and Revati spun around. "I know you're there! I saw you all the way up from the party," Revati hissed, and there was another rustling sound. "Leave us alone," a man's voice hissed, and Revati's hand anxiously grabbed her golden necklace. No weapons, no bandages, and no bits of string. "It's you, isn't it? The Duke of IO? Or at least the appliance pretending to be him," Revati remarked, pushing her way through the reeds.
The reeds suddenly parted, revealing the glimmering pond. "I'm not pretending to be anyone! I'm the Duke and an appliance; two things can be true," the Duke of IO snapped back, his voice hidden from a boat floating on the pond. "I don't care who you are! Take me to my sister," Revati said, stepping into the water so she could wade over to the boat. "She doesn't want to see you! We didn't even know you would be here," the Duke's voice snapped back, and Revati grabbed the boat, rocking the edge. "I can't drown you, idiot!" the Duke shrieked.
"No, but you can probably sink," Revati snapped back, rocking the boat again. "Stop it right now, Sissy!" Dityaa's voice yelled, and Revati glanced over her shoulder.
Revati often dreamed about what she would do if she finally found Dityaa. The dreams were often filled with suffocating rage. Sometimes she would follow her, demanding to know why she never came back, how she could do such an awful thing to their mother. But in the dim light of the pond, Revati now felt nothing more than the cold water lapping around her legs. Dityaa was watching her from the other side of the small pond.
A different, somewhat more fragile Dityaa, her body stooped over as if she was in pain. Revati let go of the boat and waded towards Dityaa. The water now reached her waist. Dityaa was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of grey pants. Her feet were bare. "What did you do to her?" Revati screeched at the Duke. "I didn't do anything!" The Duke protested, glancing over the eye of the boat. "You kidnapped her! And now look, she isn't even wearing a dress!" Revati protested. Dityaa often claimed she was allergic to pants. "He didn't kidnap me! I ran away with him, and we got married," Dityaa wheezed. "You married him! I've been chasing you for four years because you got married?" Revati shrieked, unable to believe it.
But then a thought occurred to Revati. "You got married! You literally wore a wedding dress to Medieval Faire," Revati snapped, wading towards Dityaa. "I knew you wouldn't approve," Dityaa murmured, her eyes fluttering. "I can't believe you did this! You almost killed Nanni! It would have taken three seconds to message anyone saying you were alright," Revati snapped, and suddenly Dityaa sighed before collapsing face-first into the water. "Darling!" The Duke cried with relief. "My darling," she whispered back with a small smile. Her eyes shut again, and she began to loudly snore. "You better not have brought that bitch of a maternity droid with you," the Duke said, and Revati violently shook her head. "Are you talking about the ghost who's Dityaa's real mother? I left her on Mars," Revati and the Duke nodded as if relieved. "She needs a bed; expelling the energy can be exhausting," The Duke said. "I don't live here! I can't just magically pull a bed out of nowhere," Revati pointed out. "It's fine, we have plenty of room in the kitchen building," Bridgadeiro's voice called. "How much of that did you see?" Revati had to ask, "I saw everything, but I think the party just saw you running back to the lake with the pie," Bridgadeiro replied.
Dityaa had, of course, managed to get the best room in "the kitchen building". Once Mrs. Bun realized the strange unconscious girl was Revati's sick sister, she insisted upon it. The kitchen building turned out to be much larger than the actual house. "In ancient times, it was used as a sleeping area by convicts and to store meat; now we use it for extended family," Bridgadeiro explained. Mrs. Bun merely made tutting sounds as she tucked Dityaa into bed. The walls of the bedroom were covered in thick thorny rose bushes. Gigantic pink and red roses bloomed everywhere, scattering the floor with heavily scented petals. The bed was fitted with pale pink sheets and pillows. "Why the rose bushes?" Revati had to ask. "Roses are excellent at monitoring the health of sleeping people; if something happens to her, they'll alert us," Bridgadeiro explained, shutting the door.
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vanishingsydney · 2 years
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What remains of a former late Victorian era mansion, that's been significantly modified, re-built and extended to create multiple über-lux apartments. Lilyfield.
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This mains connected, interlinked, photoelectric Smoke Alarm is correctly mounted 400mm down from the peak of a vaulted attic ceiling to avoid any potential dead smoke zones. It is also located near the staircase (not shown)
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Looking for an affordable and reliable Electrical Contractor for your mains connected smoke detectors, who can safely and legally replace smoke alarms Sydney? We are here to help!
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Securing a new mains connected, interlinked, photoelectric Smoke Detector to the centre of a plaster ceiling using 16mm Hollow Wall Anchor fastening system 👍
Suburbs of Sydney we service:
The Inner Western Suburbs We Service..
Abbotsford – Alexandria – Annandale – Ashbury – Ashfield – Balmain - Balmain East – Birchgrove – Five Dock - Drummoyne –Electrician Glebe – Breakfast Point – Cabarita – Camperdown – Canterbury – Chiswick – Concord – Concord West – Dobroyd Point – Dulwich Hill – Enmore – Erskineville – Forest Lodge – Five Dock - Glebe - Haberfield – Hunters Hill - Leichhardt – Lewisham – Liberty Grove – Lilyfield – Marrickville – Marrickville South – Newtown – Newtown – Mortlake – Petersham – Petersham North – Rhodes – Rodd Point – Rozelle – Russell Lea – St Peters – Stanmore – Summer Hill – Tempe – Ultimo Electrician – West Concord – Wareemba
The North Shore & Northern Suburbs of Sydney
Balmoral - Boronia Park - Cammeray - Castle Cove - Chatswood - Chatswood West - Cheltenham - Cremorne - Cremorne Point - Crows Nest - Denistone - Denistone East - East Killara - East Linfield - East Ryde - Eastwood - Epping - Georges Heights - Gladesville - Gordon - Gore Hill - Greenwich - Henly - Homebush - Hunters Hill - Huntleys Point - Killara - Lane Cove - Lane Cove North - Lane Cove West - Lindfield - Linley Point - Longueville - Macquarie Park - Marsfield - McMahons Point - Meadowbank - Middle Cove - Milsons Point - Monash Park - Mosman - Naremburn - North Epping - North Ryde - Northbridge - Northwood - Osborne Park - Putney - Pymble - Riverview - Roseville - Roseville Chase - Ryde - St Leonards - Tennyson Point - Top Ryde - Waverton - West Pymble - Willoughby - Willoughby East - Willoughby North - Wollstonecraft - Woolwich - Chatswood – Chatswood West – Cremorne – Cremorne Point – Crows Nest – East Killara – East Linfield – East Ryde – Gordon – Gore Hill – Greenwich – Henly – Homebush – Hunters Hill – Huntleys Point – Killara – Lane Cove – Lane Cove North – Lane Cove West – Lindfield – Linley Point – Longueville – Macquarie Park – Marsfield – McMahons Point – Meadowbank – Middle Cove – Milsons Point – Monash Park – Mosman – Naremburn – Northbridge – Northwood – Pymble – Riverview – Roseville – Roseville Chase – Ryde – St Leonards – Tennyson Point – Turramurra – Waverton – West Pymble – Willoughby – Willoughby East – Willoughby North – Wollstonecraft -Wahroonga - Warrawee - Thornleigh - Normanhurst - Turramurra - West Pymble - Gordon - Pymble - Waitara - Hornsby - Westleigh - Pennant Hills - North Turramurra - South Turramurra…. And more.. just call to see, we will always try to help!
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Dental Implants Near Me Sydney Australia in 2024
Top-rated dental implant centre in Sydney
Our mission is to give people happiness & revive their confidence by recreating beautiful smiles.
We help you achieve your dream smile with quality Dental Implants Paddington.
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Incision-Free Process
Painless & Speedy Recovery
Minimal Incision & Stitches
Instant Confidence Boost
Advanced digital-guided Dental implant treatment in Sydney
Dental implants can provide a long-term solution with cosmetic results unmatched by most alternative treatments. For patients with damaged, failed, or missing teeth. Dental implants also help protect the bone that supports the tooth, which naturally deteriorates when a tooth is lost. So if you’re located in Sydney, Pyrmont, Potts Point, Darlinghurst, Kirribilli, Surry Hills, Paddington, Balmain, Rozelle, Redfern, Double Bay, Newtown, Lilyfield, North Sydney, and surrounding areas. then Sydney Dental Implant Centre can be the best place to go for your dental implants treatment.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial teeth designed to replace damaged or lost teeth. Our implants are crafted with such perfection that they look absolutely natural. The dental implant treatment involves three basic steps:
1. Placement of the screw inside your jawbone
2. Installing a connector on the screw
3. Fitting the crown or cap on the connector
At Sydney Dental Implant Centre, we utilise Digital Implant Surgery. It's more efficient, less painful & quicker than traditional Dental Implants Paddington.
Why Sydney Dental Implant Centre?
Experienced Implant specialists
5-star ratings from patients
Unmatched results
Flexible Payment Plans
Can everyone have Dental Implants?
Dental Implants are suitable for almost everyone, irrespective of their age. The only requirement is a healthy jaw bone.
If someone does not have an adequate jawbone, we initiate the process of bone grafting or gum grafting. Once it’s done, we can fix an implant.
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allstarrenovation · 1 month
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seniouesbabes · 1 year
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Lily Maymac 🌸💋🍒🌸 The brand new C'est @Dior Bag 💖 #DiorFall23
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Emergency Dentist Sydney - Your Lifesaver for Dental Emergencies
Emergency Dentist Sydney - Trusted Dental Emergency Expert
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We are Emergency Dentist open 24 hours for your Dental Emergency in Sydney CBD, like toothache, broken tooth, or damaged teeth. Call us now (02) 9002 7474
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, we understand that dental emergencies can be painful, stressful, and overwhelming. When you’re in need of urgent dental care, you can trust our experienced and compassionate team to provide you with the highest-quality treatment in Sydney. We’re committed to helping you find relief from your pain and restoring your smile as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Why Choose Emergency Dentist Sydney for Your Dental Emergency?
Dental Emergency Sydney is here to provide fast and effective treatment for a wide range of dental emergencies. Our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction sets us apart from other dental practices in the area. Here’s why you should choose us:
We prioritize your dental emergency, offering same-day appointments to get you the help you need as quickly as possible.
Our team of skilled dentists and caring staff are dedicated to delivering exceptional care and ensuring your comfort during every visit.
We utilize the latest dental technology and techniques to provide the most effective and efficient treatment for your dental emergency.
Centrally located in Sydney, our clinic is easily accessible by car or public transport, making it simple for you to get the care you need.
We offer a range of payment options, including insurance and financing plans, to help you manage the cost of your emergency dental care.
Emergency Dentist Sydney - Where Smiles Are Saved and Pain Is Relieved.
Common Dental Emergencies We Treat
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, our experienced team is prepared to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, including:
Severe toothaches and dental pain
Broken or chipped teeth
Knocked-out teeth
Lost or damaged fillings and crowns
Swollen or infected gums
Oral injuries and traumaNo matter the severity of your dental emergency, our team is here to provide the prompt and professional care you need.
No matter the severity of your dental emergency, our team is here to provide the prompt and professional care you need.
Painful Dental Emergencies Meet Their Match at Emergency Dentist Sydney.
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Sydney, North Sydney, Balmain, Darlinghurst, Double Bay, Kirribilli, Lilyfield, Newtown, Paddington, Potts Point, Pyrmont, Redfern, Rozelle, Surry Hills, Glebe, and surrounding suburbs, don’t wait. Call Emergency Dentist Sydney now to schedule an immediate appointment. Our friendly and compassionate team is here to help you find relief from your pain and restore your smile to its former glory. Trust us to be your go-to dental emergency experts in Sydney.
When Dental Disasters Strike, Count on Emergency Dentist Sydney to Make Things Right.!
Call Emergency Dentist Sydney Now
Emergency Dentist Sydney - Your Trusted Partner for Dental Emergency Sydney
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movementtherapyep · 2 months
Physiotherapy in Lilyfield
Need professional physiotherapy services in Lilyfield? Look no further than Movement Therapy EP. Our team of skilled physiotherapists in Lilyfield is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health through customized, evidence-based treatment plans. We prioritize comprehensive care, aiming to get you back to your favorite activities as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Your health and well-being shouldn’t wait. Whether you’re on the road to recovery from an injury, dealing with persistent pain, or striving to enhance your physical fitness, our experienced physiotherapists in Lilyfield are ready to assist you. Book your appointment with Movement Therapy EP today and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
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familyfirstelectrical · 2 months
Electrician Lilyfield
As the best choice for an electrician in Lilyfield, Family First Electrical is known for delivering high-quality and safe services to both residential and commercial clients. With over 15 years of industry experience, Director Joe and his team have encountered and resolved a wide range of electrical issues, ensuring expertise and reliability in every project.
Comprehensive Electrical Services
Family First Electrical offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of their clients. Whether it's a minor repair or a major installation, their team is equipped to handle it all. Services include:
Residential Electrical Services: From installing new lighting fixtures to rewiring entire homes, Family First Electrical provides top-notch residential services. They ensure all installations are up to code and safe for your family.
Commercial Electrical Services: Businesses in Lilyfield trust Family First Electrical for their commercial electrical needs. The team is experienced in handling complex electrical systems in office buildings, retail spaces, and other commercial properties.
Emergency Electrical Services: Electrical issues can arise at any time. Family First Electrical offers 24/7 emergency services to address urgent problems, ensuring the safety and functionality of your electrical systems.
Electrical Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent electrical problems. The team provides thorough maintenance services to keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently.
Safety First Approach
Safety is a top priority at Family First Electrical. The team follows stringent safety protocols and uses high-quality materials to ensure all work is safe and reliable. They are fully licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind knowing that your property is in good hands.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At Family First Electrical, customer satisfaction is at the heart of their business. They pride themselves on their commitment to providing exceptional service, and their positive customer reviews reflect this dedication. Clients appreciate their professionalism, punctuality, and the quality of their work.
Eco-Friendly Solutions
Family First Electrical is also committed to sustainability. They offer eco-friendly solutions such as energy-efficient lighting and solar panel installations to help clients reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.
Community Involvement
As a local business, Family First Electrical is deeply involved in the Lilyfield community. They support local events and initiatives, and they are always looking for ways to give back to the community that has supported them over the years.
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marryslittlelambs · 4 months
Early Learning Centre Blackburn North
Early Learning Centre Blackburn North is committed to providing a safe and stimulating environment for all children. Its teachers (most with a Bachelor’s degree in education) are dedicated to fostering the growth of the children enrolled at the center.
Welcoming, 58-place childcare centre in a warm and inviting environment. Located near St Thomas the Apostle Primary School and Blackburn Primary School, and a short drive from Whitehorse Primary School.
Guardian Childcare & Education
Guardian is a provider of childcare early learning centre blackburn north, offering day-to-day management of privately owned early learning centers. The company is based in Australia and provides services to children and their families across the country. Its team consists of experienced and highly qualified educators and professionals with strong leadership skills.
The company offers a wide range of programs to support the needs of every child. These programs focus on a holistic approach to learning, ensuring that each child receives the best care and education. Guardian also prioritizes professional development for its staff, giving them the tools they need to provide the best possible experience for their students.
The centre has a Baby Ambassador who supports the youngest children as they adapt to life at the centre. This helps parents feel at ease and confident that their child is in good hands. It also gives educators an opportunity to build strong relationships with the families in their care.
Lilyfield Early Learning Centre
In addition to a world-class curriculum, the centre features an amazing outdoor space. With native trees to explore, bamboo and vegetable gardens, green hills to clamber over, and water pump, the centre offers children a truly unique environment to learn and play.
Highly qualified Teachers and Educators deliver leading childcare and education programs, in partnership with families. They have a genuine commitment to family connection and nurture healthy social and cognitive development for children aged six weeks to six years.
Located in Justin Street, Lilyfield is convenient for parents in the Five Dock, Haberfield, Balmain, Glebe and surrounding suburbs of Sydney. It is also easily accessible via public transport, including the light rail, for those commuting to the city.
The centre has an NQS rating of ‘Exceeding’ and is licensed by the NSW Department of Education. Parents can claim the Child Care Subsidy to help reduce fees at the centre. Book a tour today to see for yourself what makes this early learning service so special.
Leopold Early Learning Centre
Leopold Early Learning Centre is an award-winning, purpose-built child care and education centre located in the eastern suburbs of Geelong. It provides care and education for children from six weeks to six years with the support of highly-qualified Educators and Teachers who specialise in leading programs that promote learning, development and opportunity through play. The program is structured and planned to provide a range of learning experiences that are suited for all areas of the curriculum, including numeracy, literacy, leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, science, technology, creative arts, social skills, inquiry based learning and more. There are a number of different enrolment options, including full time and kindergarten.
Nino Early Learning Adventures
Nino Early Learning Adventures is a childcare best early learning centre located in Blackburn North, Victoria. Their innovative programs inspire children to explore, discover, create and learn. They respect and value the diversity of each child’s perspectives, experiences, knowledge and skills. Their educators are dedicated to supporting each child to flourish and thrive. Fees may vary depending on your eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy.
A great place to work, they have some really wonderful team members at this centre. They have a focus on mental health and wellbeing, which is a great thing. However, upper management are very focused on upping enrolment and making more money – this is at the expense of the existing staff. This makes it difficult to maintain good relationships with the families. The centre looks nice but the majority of staff are paid below the award rate. This is an issue throughout the entire chain of centres. A lot of the employees feel they are treated as second-class citizens by management.
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rapidserviceplumbing · 6 months
🔧🚿 Exciting News for the Inner West!
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Recent Smoke Alarm job in Sydney’s Inner Western Suburb of Lilyfield..
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Need an electrician to replace smoke alarms Sydney?
We can help!
Fixed a few additional electrical issues while replacing a faulty smoke alarm like this faulty power point!
Visit the website for more information and contact details.. https://www.secure-electrical.com.au/replace-smoke-alarms/
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