khiphop-discussions · 4 years
Oh he actually responded to your comment? I'M DEAD 😩 but yea the people are getting so mad but it's weird bc Day6 fans, mydays, are typically like super chill moreso than many idol group fans (prolly bc they're a band) I'm just surprised people are carrying this so far
Well Khundi Panda is back to instagramming as normal so I guess he said “Y’all gone either accept my apology or not” which is the exact Khundi Panda Energy I’d expect lol
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OK but a guy driving with his hand on top of the wheel with his watch showing from the skin exposed from him rolling up his dress shirt sleeve while his other hand rest on his thigh is my aesthetic tbh! Oh or (I mean its never happened to me but) on movies when a guy drives with one hand & interlocks his fingers with the passenger's & kisses the back of their hand like damn dude you really out here tryna get ya dick sucked, huh??
omg you just described everything I love about a man driving
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hanhae · 7 years
I hope you have fun tonight Jennifer I'm so happy for you! It seems most of my fave khh blogs are going to the different dates ahaha have you planned what to say yet? Its fine if you havent going with the flow is good too!
thank youuuu!! 
watch me scream 2 inches from their faces
jk i would jump off a cliff if i did that
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wundercoffee · 7 years
No problem! I'm really excited they got to debut too they really deserve it & I think they add something to fnc's band line up! If you have anymore questions I'll be here plus their fanbase is small but reaaally chill as far as I've seen! P.S I'm actually glad you posted publicly & tagged it just in case anyone else was wondering! :)
Awesome thanks so much sunshine~! I’ll have to go and watch some of their covers and stuff now~ Here’s wishing them the best for their future~
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vicontheinternet · 6 years
I have no idea where this is going but here it is. Grab a tissue or a snack idk. 2018 has really been my lowest year yet. Its only going to get better. This year wasn’t the best for my mental health, but I had some great moments and memories. I started college a semester early, I traveled to wonderful places with wonderful people. When I get older, I will hope I can look back and see this year not as the depressive year that I see it as not. I hope to see the blessings that god has given me that I can’t see know because I am to young and to focused on the negatives to see them. I want to thank the many people I have meet on here for being who you are and brightening up my year. You have been there for me when I need someone my age to talk to and for that I am very thankful you have come into my life. I also want to thank some people for posting. Just by posting it brightens up my day. @nicholasmara @tortellinimara @rosegoldhonoret @babybluekuwonu @kaylamonae @fireproof--youth @rosegeauxld @zaustins @zionlonglegs @lilsvt sorry if I forgot you i did this last minute and I have a terrible memory. Just know that you are just as much appreciated. I also thankful for the boys I want to slap up side their head most of the time for bringing us together. I am thankful that you guys are so welcoming. This has to be the most welcomed I have ever felt coming into a fandom. I don’t even want to call what we have a fandom, what we have is family. I am glad that we can connect on different things out side of the band. I have other things to say but I am just to emotional right now that i can not fathom my thoughts. Be safe and have a prosperous 2019.
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spaceboy-yuta · 6 years
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I was tagged by @reblognct
Anyway i'm whipped for these men
I tag @yutaegf @gulab-jaemin @haeyonce @nctplz @huangjstn @zhengkuns @eefje-lucky-ace @bufans-gf @lilsvt @satanbagel @ynajun
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beihonglin · 6 years
i just have to ask: why do you call/tag ziyi as tyrone? everytime i see it i'm so???????
who is ziyi?? i only know tyrone 
@jarpark @ynajun @bufans-gf @lilsvt @hubabubbagum @starla27
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leegeumhyuks · 7 years
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Tagged by @vulpi-xing to do the handwriting tag!! Sorry if the pic looks bad 😞 I'm tagging @cutiepieswithacherryontop @lilsvt @veroshi0704 @sunflower-hc
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lavender-uke · 9 years
That girl ya boy talkin to sounds snakey ngl
I AGREE. Chris waited at the movies for her for FIVE hours.. he called me up knowing he was gonna feel left out, so I waited the last two hours with him. When this bitch finally came, she didn’t say sorry or anything she just came in all jolly with her friends and barely paid any attention to Chris the whole time we hung out before the movie started/when it ended. 
Like girl, I know you don’t owe a boy anything but ffs dont say you have feelings for him and then treat him like trash !!! But tbh I wasnt really surprised, all throughout High School, Chris was frequently taken advantage of because of his shy/delicate demeanor. I thought things would change in college but THAT obviously didnt happen… some people stay shady
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
I never really paid that much attention to mr. free but he did used to say some wild stuff 😂 p.s this radio show drama is wild I was busy with personal stuff this weekend so I didn't really get on too much but this thing is getting under people's skin DIFFERENTLY
Bruh SOOO wild. I’m honestly kinda sad that he stopped but I guess everybody’s gotta grow up/think of their image eventually lol. He also made fun of D*k2′s hairline too like a few seconds later. I was like “Leave that boy alone lol” and he was like “I’m sorry” cause he thought I was serious but I was really laughing!
But yeah, people are upset. I think it’s because the radio host was an idol.
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
I know this was a day ago yall was talking about Tommy but I just got around to listening to him & why didnt anyone tell me how wild his lyrics are 😩 I literally had to stop the video and just stare at him on some of his lyrics especially the captions on the "what mom wants" video I'm so gone 😂😂
Yeah, Thomas is a bit...out there. He told us he likes thick girls on IG. He also has seen a lot of stuff so he’s not easy to get “excited”.
Also, he has some type of one-sided beef with the “street cats” which are stray cats. He feeds them but they are still mean to him so he doesn’t really like cats but still feeds them sometimes lol
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
Ok so I'm not sure if this is a loaded question or not but in doing my research for your khh awards I started to get really interested in WYBH & I've seen some of their dingo shows & they seem fun & chill but like is there anything about them that you know of that would be a reason I shouldn't waste my time? I only know of Noel's HSR stuff but he seems older & more idk? put together now I'd there anything else that screams these are just not good people?
Well Kim Seungmin was in some type of scandal that I don’t know the details about because he threatened to sue people if they talked about it so people were talking about it without actually talking about it and I have no clue what he did.
Apparently, it wasn’t illegal though. I think it involves a woman.
Other than that, I haven’t heard anything else.
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
Okay that really is a shocker! I wouldn't have put Mushvenom at 26 at all lmao I guess I'm just now kinda processing that I'm not like 21 anymore so people I consider adulty can't be my age or even younger lmaoo I couldn't find like ANY info when googling these people so thank you! I did find Miranni, Munchman & Rose de Penny who look almost exactly their age if not younger (when filiming: Miranni-24,MM-25, RDP-21) but you're right about Milli! How you named "kid" & you older than everybody?? 😂
I thought Miranni was still a teenager or something lol. I knew MM was in his 20s but an older 20s because he’s a teacher or whatever. Then RDP I had a feeling he was young as well.
And yes, exactly about Milli. LOL
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
*SMTM9 EP 6 SPOLIER? I guess not really idk?* I'm watching ep 6 and I think it's funny that Khakki came out and the rest of the contestants called him hot for like 2 minutes straight and yet I didnt see him brought up in the handsome rapper discourse.. just sayin.. yall was sleep 👀 lmao
Nah, he's alright. Definitely not a bad looking guy.
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
Idk who to tell this to so I wanted to tell you but last night my cousin was high and I was talking about khh and she was like "oh yeah isn't that called 'khop'?" and Idk if it was bc I was tired but that had me DEAD lmaoo
There’s at least ONE person who calls it that other than your high cousin. They actually own a blog too but it’s off Tumblr. It’s a standalone type thing.
Maybe your cousin and that person are the same person? Or maybe your cousin heard about “khop” from that person? lol
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khiphop-discussions · 4 years
Have you heard Rose De Penny got signed to Ameoba Culture? I'm glad for him he's super talented!
Yep, I heard about it! Pretty interesting development.
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