atmymercy · 10 months
Hiii, how have you been? It’s been a while haha. Something I find comforting is laying in the sun it feels very nice. How about you? My question is if I should message G? Thank you! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day ⭐️
hello star! i've been good! how about you? because it has been a while! like a whole season! lol
ooh i love laying in the sun! and you can feel the heat and focus on the sun on your skin. i feel the skin buzz just thinking about it! lol let's see!
for you, i got the judgement (reversed), 4 of coins (reversed) & knight of coins.
i'm getting a no, honey. that you didn't even give me the right initial at the beginning seems to tell me that you are not meant to message them (thanks for telling me though in the extra ask!). that it would be a misstep if you did, which is probably why you also misstep on their initial as well! it's like the path is being blocked from your part and you should take it slow and steady and leave this be for the time being. you're better off keeping to yourself for the time being.
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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psychicreadsgirl · 11 months
Hellooo could I pick 🪦 for myself. I’ve been told I’ll die at the age of 77 so can I ask if that’s right and if not what age I’ll die please? Thank you
I'm not sure who told you that, but I'd personally say as a reader, it's very difficult to predict the age of death accurately. Timing is always difficult in general. My preference is not to give someone the age that I see them having high chances of dying. It affects one's thinking and how they live their life too much.
What I'll say is that you'll likely pass away when you least expect it.
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tarotmundomonde · 1 year
Your current karma general reading
First, I want to thank @lilstargazing for suggesting this topic to me. It wasn't one I had thought of but found it very interesting and so here we are!
pick a number 1-5 OR pick a colour: 1-blue 2-red 3-purple 4-yellow 5-green Hope you enjoy! And next will be "Your current karma in romantic love reading"!
1.Welcome to pile number 1. What comes to your current karma, a lot is about communication and the intellectual. Very strong throat chakra and sacral chakra activation, possibly healing those chakras or rebalancing those chakras could be needed. First of all, there could be some hidden motivations surrounding you. There is a strong focus on you claiming your independence and you being the real you. To be your authentic self, to express yourself. You could experience a lot of worry, but you need to overcome that. It seems you are called to do some shadow work, because you are meant to grow. Be mindful of what you feed your mind, the more you focus on the positive, the more the positive will expand. And a part of the shadow work is to become aware of your own hidden motives and what it is you are longing for. And then to find your north star, to find your inner light, to find yourself. It looks like also you are dealing with hunger. For example, you could have a bigger appetite, because you long for more in life or maybe you simply need to eat more healthily. It looks like you are also meant to take a step back, trust and start planning and strategizing. Whatever that would be about, maybe just about daily routines, maybe school or work. It does look like there is a very stong focus on strategizing. And on foreshadowing, predicting what's going to be next, or what's going to be someone else's next move. Also, what's simply the best strategy for you, for example at work or learning and study strategy. Indeed, it's a lot about clarity and clearing things, making space. Maybe literally you need to do some cleaning. And also to get organized, to get things organized, to put things in order and in the right places. Like making things easy for you to find them. There is also focus on service and on kindred partnerships. You are called to tap into the energy of grace and peace and blessings. And you seem to be learning about using power with wisdom. So you are possibly taught lessons about what is to be in your power and what is healthy. And also, it looks like a part of your current karma is that some change is coming or going on, transformation and joyous opportunities. Now, one more thing that came through for this pile is also celebrity. Like said before about being you, there is a reference about shining like a celebrity, to be the star you were born to be. To walk your path. Perhaps it's time for you to confront your fears of exposure, of being seen and noticed. To become a bit more bold and just be you and shine your own light. And as always, don't forget to leave some feedback, if it resonates with you.
2.Welcome to pile number 2. What comes to your current karma, there is a very strong presence of divine protection in your life at this time. There is also a great possibility that you could be into the supernatural at this time. You have a very strong lesson about denial and acceptance going on for you right now. You are definitely going through so many transformations at this time, so it's inevitable that you are experiencing some storms as well. It's life and it's also about stepping into life and to not be afraid of changes. Your life seems to be speeding up somehow. You are experiencing the phoenix effect in so many ways and on so many levels at this time. It seems like life could feel like quite the mystery to you at this time. Having to experience deep emotions and learning not to worry too much and learning to trust life. And learning how to find peace and how to create peace and how to be in peaceful energy. Learning to be grateful about peace, too. Peace is a huge theme for you right now. And then the phoenix effect as rising from the ashes aka taking your power back. To kinda rediscover yourself and to grow into a stronger you. Another big theme for you at this time is discovery and learning great lessons. Don't worry, you have spirit guides watching over you. For some of you, now is a time of studies. Maybe you are a student and so it seems that your studies are currently a big part of your current karma. You could feel drawn to libraries or bookstores or to school buildings or perhaps just generally to some specific types of architecture styles as well. Creativity and creation is a big theme as well. Creative thinking and creative solutions. Your current karma involves working harder and growing smarter. It's time for you to find new ways of solving problems. Whether it's just about some small tasks or situations. There is also a huge milestone for you in the cards. And one more thing is that you are learning that you'll always have what you need or find what you need. So you are taught lessons about gratitude, of assistance and that you have all you need. And as always, don't forget to leave some feedback, if it resonates with you.
3. Welcome to pile number 3. What comes to your current karma, it's like you've been disconnected from your spirit and so you are asked to reconnect with your spirit, with your higher self. There is a sense of much good impending, but delayed currently, because you need first space for you to reconnect with the divine. Third-eye activation came through for you, maybe you need to do some third-eye chakra cleansing and rebalancing. But at this time it is activated, so you could notice yourself having increased intuition and clear seeing and visions. You seem to also be dealing with some sort of power struggles. So a part of your current karma is to take your power back, step back into your power and the right use of power. So you are called to work on having healthy boundaries and also honesty came through for you. And also you are called to see the royal you, to work on your self-esteem and you are going through a time of self-esteem healing. One big theme that came through for you as well is patience and stillness. It's not the right time yet, so use this opportunity to also focus on resting and taking it easy. You might not fully realize it, but you are taking steps forward and moving forward, even if it doesn't seem so at this time. You do seem to have some collaboration going on or coming in. Passion also came through. So there is a focus on your passions like hobbies. Also, sacral chakra healing and rebalancing. One absolute big theme for you is the divine presence. You might be struggling with faith issues at this time, but it's all about finding faith and having faith. You have very strong divine protection present at this time. It seems to be very important that you know that. Now on a lighter side, you are called to become a magnet for love, light and joy. It really wants to enter your life, you are called to enter that energy space. There are magical moments awaiting you, miracles. And true love. And as always, don't forget to leave some feedback, if it resonates with you.
4.Welcome to pile number 4. This pile has heavy student vibes to it. It's very clear that this is a student pile. Your current karma is so clearly all about student life. For example it's pretty clear that you cannot advance in big steps, but instead you are required patience and to build little by little and in breaks. For example you have to focus on one semester at a time, on one exam period at a time. So a strong part of your current karma is studying and teachers and choices and consequences and creation and creativity and wisdom. In the end, this is all teaching you to walk your path and to trust you have the needed inner wisdom reguarding your student life and courage. And a part of you growing wiser is of course possible regrets, like the regret that you didn't study enough during the exam week. Things like that. And then endings. It's so much about preparations, plans, planning and routines. About knowing the outcomes you seek and what you are trying to manifest. It's a lot about using your mind and the intellectual, knowing the best learning methods for yourself and to tend to the small things, to pay attention to details. A lot of mental hard work. It seems a part of your current karma is to find and recognize your gifts and to not settle for less. And you seem to be dealing with so much new information, which is so typical for students. And as always, don't forget to leave some feedback, if it resonates with you.
5.Welcome to pile number 5. If you chose this pile, it seems you have a bit of everything going on at the moment. So what comes to your current karma, one thing is home. This could be about renovation or relocation or just home life in general. A part of your current karma is also status quo and obstacles. And a part of it is assistance and control. So it seems you also need to learn how to accept help from others. You seem to also need to focus more on your nourishment. It's not just about food, but also about what you consume online and through all media, what you feed yourself energetically, etc. You are taught about prioritizing self-care. And about judgment. It seems you are experiencing some level of enlightment at this time. Your wisdom is growing and you are starting to see some things more clearly. There is also a focus on increasing your knowledge, be it through school or taking classes perhaps. A very strong focus on relationships, including friends and colleagues. It's really about learning that you are not alone. There is a sense that you have your own team. A massive energy of unconditional and all-encompassing love being present in your life at this time, it's time for you to tap into it and to learn to feel such love with no judgment. You are learning about acceptance and serenity. And you are learning about life, about experiencing life, about living life. That life is about everything. And as always, don't forget to leave some feedback, if it resonates with you.
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
Hii I would like to participate in your new game.
Cycling makes me feel, The reason that I don’t reblog your PACs at times is that sometimes the topic is not something I’m interested in.
Initials- AK, Taurus sun
Password- set me free
Thank you for time and energy
Hello there! Thank you for participating @lilstargazing.
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How does AK's past life affect their current life?
You might be a high priest/priestess in one of your prior past lifetimes. And even in this lifetime you consciously sense of it, you have retained a high spiritual knowledge which telling you to put more practices. This is the right time, to reignite with your spiritual power and gifts, use it by helping, teaching and healing other's. If you feel some sort of insecurities when it comes with these abilities, I'm telling you that you don't have to be afraid about how others perceive your beliefs. What else more interesting here it's that your guardian angels is always there for you, throughout this soul's journey, they're helping you to prepare and plan no matter how many times you had been reincarnated. If you are praying before going to bed, then asking God for guidance and such other things to talk to, you will likely sees it when you were sleeping and dreaming but when you wake up, you can hardly recall all of your dreams. So yeah, this is how your past life affect your current life. You are well connected to the divine realms. It's about spiritual connection.
Hope this make sense, Danise.
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uroko · 3 years
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Lena Sanver 
— for @lilstargazing 🍃✨
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
Hello :) I would like to join your game. Secrets you need to know, my initial is ak and the sign in my 12th is Aries. For you I get you might encounter some trouble I think somebody might backstab you really soon and it might become a big issue or really affect you. Although this may not be a secret it’s what I’m getting. This is intuitive so I don’t know how accurate or how much it will resonate with you. Thank you
♇ thank you so much for your patience @lilstargazing and thank you for your exchange
♇ i had a small altercation with someone but it didnt get me; i learned how to keep my calm!
your question - secrets you need to know
my answer -
♇ something starting with m, melody? if there is a repeating song look up the lyrics there might be a message there for you. it could be a way of someone reaching out to you or it aligns with something that might come for you.
♇ make sure to leave feedback in the comments or in the reblogs!
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@lilstargazing stfu
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ithisatanytime · 6 years
(lilstargazer <3)
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
Hi, I’d like to join the love game. Could I please choose 🏹 for myself. Thank youu
Communication between you and your partner - for some reason you tend to get into relationships/date people who aren't really on the same wavelength as you. There'll be a lot of miscommunication or even lack of communication. You can find it difficult to talk about certain subjects or choose to keep some things to yourself.
Actually falling in love with someone and trusting them fully.
Feeling understood in the relationship
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
Hello, I love this this game idea. Can I please have 💀. Thank you 🤍
Being burnt/cut/losing a limb potentially, car accident/being hit by some vehicle or even an animal or something, keep seeing flooding around the feet so potential drowning, choking - could be any type like food/someone choking you/sleep apnea/sudden loss of breath from some allergic reaction, mental health being hit -> bad depressive episodes etc
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
Hi!! How have you been? I’m so glad your back 😊. Can I please ask how I can improve my romantic relationships? It usually never ends up anywhere and stops at the attraction phase. Thanks for your time and energy
Hello! I've been doing alright. Thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well.
Being an active listener and actually listening to more than what someone is saying. Words just scrape the surface. Sometimes what people don't say mean more. Try to understand what others are actually feeling.
Putting yourself out there for more opportunities in love and giving others who may not fit your ideal type/criteria a chance. Sometimes the least expected person you'd think you'd like may end up being someone you date.
Understanding what you really want out of a relationship. Understanding what you really are like in a relationship - are you the type that needs a lot of space or do you want to cling onto your partner? Do you need constant physical affection or do you prefer words of affirmation or perhaps you prefer doing things for others or receiving gifts?
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hi! I hope you’ve been well!! It’s been a while. I finally like someone haha so I wanted to ask how E.L feels/ thinks about me. Thank you 🤍
hello star! i have been! omg! i hope you have been as well, honey! it has been a bit but i'm so glad you're here to drop in! ooh and you like someone! omg! honey! tell me more! tell me more! like did he have a car? i can't remember how those lines go from grease... lol but close enough! okay!
for you, i got the temperance, ace of coins & page of coins.
ooh! tell me more! tell me more, spirit! lol okay! so el thinks you are this balanced person filled with harmony and flow. damn! that's a nice way for someone to think of you! i love it! so yeah they feel like you have this beautiful flow with life and there is so much possibility here, honey! ooh! like lots of possibilities because they see you as like gold, honey! and we all know how people feel about gold in this world! lol so you're like shiny and worth turning a few heads for! ooh! they like what they see when they see you! ooh! i'm getting a lot of good signs, honey in my mind's eye. like i keep seeing a thumbs up! lol like they keep pushing the emoji button of the thumbs up for you! lol it's so cute! honey, they like you and there is possibility for more if you're feeling like it's worth the leap for you. ooh bottom of the deck is the empress! oh my! you are beauty to them, honey! how much more poetry do i need to wax for you? lol you lucky duck, you!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hi! Glad to know you’ve been well and I’ve definitely been feeling high after this reading. It’s nice to know he’s feeling so positive about me although it’s hard to believe haha. The thumbs up emoji and all the other signs really motivate me to take a leap but I’m not sure how I’ll do that yet lol. I’m still processing he likes me and since he’s a quite guy I wouldn’t have known. Thank you for this reading!!
hello star!
hehe yay! i want you to be riding a high after your reading! i'm so glad i could be any part of that for you, honey!
omg! are you kidding me? because if anything, it just made it easier for me to believe because you said he's a quiet guy and i kept seeing like images in my mind for him! that makes so much sense! he probably doesn't think very verbally! since he's a quiet guy! he thinks probably more in images! see! makes so much more sense now! omg! no wonder i kept seeing stuff! lol
ooh i can't wait to hear more, honey! keep me up to date with your quiet guy! woot! lol
love & light!
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atmymercy · 1 year
Good to know you’ve been well :) I’ve been feeling anxious about it so I’m relived now haha. Great to know I have luck on my side. I haven’t been using my body much tbh so I probably should get some movement going on, thanks for the reminder. Thank you for the reading it made me feel more optimistic about it! And I hope you enjoy the rest of your day ⭐️
hello star!
and i'm happy to hear that you are relieved! so glad i could be a part of that in any way! and you do have luck on your side, so use it wisely! i wouldn't be surprised at all if you noticed this all getting stronger once you let your body release that pent-up energy. and mama bear is only happy to give happy, healthy reminders! lol
it was my pleasure, honey! i want you to be an optistimic of your future! why? because i'm so optimistic about your future and thankful you should share it with me, honey! keep it up! you got this!
love & light!
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii! It’s been so long how are you? I’ve been studying law and uni life’s been busy haha. I would like to ask a question from your moonlogy deck please. How will I go on all my exams. Thank you!!
hello star! omg! it has been a while but i'm so glad you're taking your studies and university so seriously! good for you, honey! i'm proud! that stuff is hard and people do not get enough commendation for how much work just studying is alone! so good for you, honey! i'm a proud mama bear! lol and i've been good, honey! thank you for caring!
for you & the moonology deck.
you're going to love how your exams go, honey! love it! you hear me? love it! you remember that when you want to complain or get annoyed with how your studying is going! yes, right now it's hard and can be frustrating but you're here because you love this and you're good at this, honey! so don't forget why you're here! you're here because you're going to love how these exams go and because you love this great opportunity is working out for you! ps you also got luck on your side when it comes to these exams so if you are unsure, go with your gut feeling because your luck is going to help you through anything that's a little too sticky! lol and while studying do not forget to do something to release all this extra energy you got! yes, you are using your mind energy towards studying but your body energy is going to be just held and contained as you sit there studying! so don't forget to release all this extra energy with breaks and stretches! heck! even some skipping or dancing! don't forget you have other needs! lol you got this, honey! you're going to love how this goes! eee! i'm so proud! eee!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! also please tell your friends if you enjoyed this! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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atmymercy · 2 years
Hi, I’ve been good also! I def know what it is now with the way you described it and will have to change it :) Good to know it isn’t anything major. the reading was really insightful so thank you!
hello star!
good! that's what i like to hear when we've been apart for a bit! i want to know you've been doing good! great, really! lol
and i'm so glad you got the message! you're a smart cookie! your spirit guides knew exactly what to say to you! i'm so glad you found it insightful! hehe! makes me happy!
it was my pleasure, honey!
love & light!
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