#lil pump harvard
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owensthoughts · 2 years ago
the one time i genuinely like a lil pump song
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callsignspark · 2 years ago
Mar[r]y Me | part two
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, extremely brief mentions of emotionally abusive ex-bf, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! part two is here! and we meet Bradley today! thank you for the love on part one, I hope you all have a great weekend <3 (side note: if anyone recognizes where I adapted the very last line from, we are now best friends)
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part two - strawberry shortcake
“Can we eat now? I’m tired of waiting for the chicken man!”
“Hangman, he’s five minutes late, and if you keep whining like a baby, you will be the last in line for food.” Mary’s hand shoots across the island, slapping the blonde’s hand away from the food. “Don’t even fucking think about it! Go sit in the living room!”
“Ow! I liked you better when you were too shy to yell at us yet.” He sulks into the next room, holding his hand to his chest. Only his ego is bruised, but Mary can hear him looking for sympathy from his best friend, giggling when she hears Coyote’s less-than-loving response.
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Oh my god!” She whips around, hand flying to her chest in a futile attempt to slow her heart. “Bradley! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry, Miss Mary, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The smirk on his face contradicting his apology.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh, you find this funny, bird boy? Hey Hangman?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re no longer at the back of the line for food! Rooster will be taking that spot from you.”
A celebratory shout comes from the living room while Bradley protests, “That’s not fair!”
“Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at me. Okay! Come get food while it’s still hot!” She’s almost bulldozed by the herd of hungry aviators storming their way into the kitchen. Bradley pulling her out of the way of Harvard and Fritz playfighting to be first in line.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to catch an elbow with that cute lil nose of yours.” His thick arm wrapped around her waist, and the way he has to bend down to talk into her ear gets her heart pumping. She feels small next to him; she never feels small. Mary pats his arm in thanks before wiggling away to establish order of the buffet she laid out in the Fitches' kitchen, her face feeling as hot as the sausage she’d cooked up.
“Boys, stop fighting.” She thumps Fritz’s head as she passes, “Danielle and Reuben get food first; it’s their house.”
“Traditionally, the hosts go last!”
“It may be their house, but I cooked everything, so I’m the host, and I say the pregnant lady and her husband go first.” Danielle smacks Mary’s butt as she passes by to grab a plate. “This isn’t officially Reuben and Danielle’s anniversary, but it’s very close, so I’ve made a lot of their favorites tonight. All the food is labeled, but let me know if you have questions, and drinks are in the cooler in the yard, so help yourself before you sit down! Coyote?”
“We’re ignoring the slap?”
“Yes. It’s been over fifteen years, and nothing has stopped her yet; it’s just part of my life now.”
Danielle scoffs, “Oh, please. Like you don’t love it. I know for a fact that when you dated-”
“Okay! Hey! Have you guys ever heard the story of how Reuben and Danielle got together? It’s really embarrassing for Reuben.”
“No, but I would love to hear it!” Fanboy pipes up, just like she knew he would, getting Danielle off the topic of her former boyfriend, the one who had a thing for spanking.
“You haven’t even told Fanboy? Your WSO?” Danielle looks at her husband in faux shock. “Well, now Mary has to tell it!”
“Please do not tell this story.” Reuben groans from his seat, realizing his two favorite women aren't joking.
“Picture this. It's August 2007. The Phoenix spacecraft is on course for Mars, Ed Hardy is taking over men’s fashion, and it’s the first week of classes at SUNY Buffalo. I’m waiting outside of my 8AM chemistry lab with like twenty other students, all of whom are lax bros. This tall, lanky kid,” Mary jabs a thumb in the direction of Reuben, “-comes walking up, plants himself next to me on the bench outside the lab, and says, “Yo, I know the formula for table salt; what else could I possibly need to know?” and me, being the wonderful person I am, I took pity on him and made him my lab partner.”
“You just didn’t want to get partnered with those guys from the golf team.”
“I will not lie; that was a factor in my decision. Anyway, it turned out to be a huge mistake because he barnacled himself to me for the rest of the semester and apparently for the rest of my life.”
“I am a delight!”
“I dragged us through that class, kicking and screaming the entire way.” She explains how their duo became a trio after Reuben walked directly into Danielle. “She hit the sidewalk so hard, and Rico Sauvé over there froze, staring at her like an idiot while I helped her off the ground and apologized for him. I wish I could remember what I said… do you remember Danielle?”
“You said, and I’m quoting here, “I’m so sorry about him. I would make a joke about him being so tall that he doesn’t get enough oxygen, but the fact of the matter is that he’s just a fucking idiot.” And then she smacked him in the stomach to reboot him.”
The team erupts in laughter, Yale heckling him. “Bro! You knocked her over? That’s so bad; I can’t believe she went out with you!”
“Oh, I didn’t! Matchmaker Mariella convinced me to give him a shot after she and I became friends sophomore year. He was too scared to ask me out.” Danielle’s statement makes the laughter worse, tears gathering in Fanboy’s eyes.
“And it worked out, didn’t it?” Reuben leans over to kiss his wife. “We’ve been together for fifteen years, five moves, and two kids. Not too bad, huh, baby?”
“Oh god! Keep it in your pants; there are impressionable, young minds present!”
Danielle flips Hangman off, “Annie isn’t old enough to realize what’s going on!”
“Forget Annabeth! I was talking about Bob!”
That begins the biweekly argument of Phoenix defending her back-seater, which then spirals into whose dating life is the most pathetic. Omaha has won the past nine times for his horrible flirting techniques that have a 4% chance of working, according to Yale’s calculations. Mary always takes this as her cue to escape, knowing her romantic luck is the worst of them all, and she would win hands down. This time around, she collects the dinner dishes and sneaks through the back door, making a clean getaway until Bradley turns to whisper a joke in her ear and realizes she’s gone.
He scans the backyard, coming up empty until his eyes hit the kitchen window. For a minute he watches her doing dishes and bobbing her head to the radio perched on the windowsill in front of her, admiring how the pieces of hair that have escaped from her claw clip frame her face. The dark strands making the rosiness of her round cheeks stand out as she cleans up.
She’s so beautiful.
The same thought had passed through his mind eight months earlier when he first met the Fitch family’s best friend. It had been a regular night out at the Hard Deck. Everything was going as expected, except for Payback’s behavior. The normally calm and collected pilot bounced between groups, his neck on a constant swivel to the front door. After minimal prodding, he announced that his wife and his best friend from college were running late. Rooster was expecting another man similar to his teammate; a funny, chill guy, probably someone who had been on the swim team with Reuben.
He was thrown for a loop when Danielle stormed through the door, yelling about the babysitter being late and pulling a gorgeous brunette behind her.
Payback had tucked the mystery woman under his arm and introduced her to the group. “Everyone, this is my bestest friend, Mariella Vertucci. She is a brilliant mechanical engineer, an excellent cook, and an even better baker. Also, she’s single.”
“Oh my god, Reuben, stop it!” She had blushed and tried to duck away; her wide smile made Bradley’s heart flutter. He immediately wanted to talk to her, buy her a drink, play her favorite song on the piano, anything to get her to smile at him like that.
He had been disappointed when he learned she was only visiting for a few days. His disappointment had grown when Hangman and Coyote monopolized her time after finding out she had a knack for darts. The best part of his night was when she sat on the stool beside him for a breather. Bradley bought her a drink and made small talk; his brain unable to create meaningful conversation once he felt the soft material of her dress brush his calf. And then she was gone again, pulled back to the dartboard by Jake, who was happy to have someone to compete against. He had spent the rest of the night watching Jake joke with her. Mary’s laugh was the only thing in Bradley’s head when he went to bed that night.
He looks over at Jake now, where - for his own entertainment - the blonde man is turning the dating life comparisons into a game of cornhole. Content to stand on the sidelines with Annabeth snuggled on his chest and watch what is sure to turn into a disastrously overly competitive tournament.
When Bradley realizes no one is paying attention to him, he gathers the rest of the dirty dishes and heads inside. “I saw you sneak away; you missed my joke about Hangman getting stood up twice in the same week.”
“I try not to give Dani a chance to bring up my past mistakes; it works out better for everyone considering how often she’s set me up on a failed blind date.” She makes a face over her shoulder, making both of them laugh.
“Dinner was great, by the way. I haven’t had a homecooked meal like that in years.”
Mary feels her cheeks get darker at the compliment. Damn him for being handsome and sweet.
“I’m glad you liked it. I always- oh! I love this song; can you turn it up? My hands are all soapy.”
“Big Steve Miller Band fan, huh?” Bradley laughs and twists the knob. “What are we listening to?”
“The oldies station - 105.6 - they play everything from before 1990! I love them; it’s just like when I used to spend the day with my grandparents. They have a Big Band Music Monday, and if I close my eyes when Glen Miller is playing, I swear I can smell my Nona's perfume.” His smile matches hers, the joy of childhood memories splayed across her face as she rinses plates.
“Which towel should I use to dry?”
“You don’t have to-” Her voice gets louder as she talks over him, sensing the protest that’s coming. “But! If you’re going to insist, grab a fresh one from that drawer right there. And don’t worry about the pots and pans; Reuben likes to let those air-dry overnight. I just want to make sure everything else is as done as possible before I bring dessert out; those dishes can run in the dishwasher tonight.”
Bradley pauses where he’s putting silverware away, watching Mary sway to the music. “You made dessert too?”
“Yeah, we’re having my version of strawberry shortcake. It’s a twist on their wedding cake which was vanilla cake with strawberry filling.” She answers distractedly, closely examining a roasting dish that won’t come clean.
“You made their wedding cake too?”
She giggles at his shocked tone. “No, I had just moved to Missouri when they got engaged, so most of my maid of honor duties were performed virtually. But I did help pick the cake flavors out when I was up for the shower.”
“Lots of yelling at vendors on the phone?”
“Occasionally, when it was needed. I’m not a fan of yelling at people if it’s not necessary.”
“You yell at work all the time.”
“That’s because you idiots don’t listen to me! My entire career has been learning the best ways to fix those expensive ass planes you fly in every single day, yet you don’t listen when I-” She cuts herself off and flicks water at him when she realizes he’s teasing her. “You’re not funny, mister.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, it’s just too easy sometimes.” He knows he’s not really in trouble when she can’t hold her grin back.
“Just keep drying so we can have dessert.”
The two work quietly together, cleaning and packing up leftovers, seventies hits floating through the kitchen. As Mary cleans the sink, she looks at Bradley, who is trying to figure out which cabinet the serving platters go in. “When you get those put away, could you grab the strawberries from the garage fridge?”
Bradley hums his agreement, grinning at her when she points to the correct cupboard before heading out to the garage.
“As you requested.” He laughs at the grabby hands she makes towards the green container in his arms as he reenters the kitchen, eyes going wide when she removes the lid. “Shit, those look awesome.”
Mary’s nose scrunches at the compliment. “It’s because they’re super fresh. I picked them up from my favorite farm stand on the way home. And I used the sugar-to-berry ratio my Aunt Denna perfected years ago.”
Bradley watches in awe as she moves around the kitchen with an ease he’s never seen before; it’s like watching a one-person waltz. Her hands carefully fold the strawberries together, gently stirring them so they don’t break. Once combined to her standards, she plucks a sharp knife from out of nowhere and begins cutting the cake into even slices without any measuring. Mary does this while instructing him to get dessert plates out; her hips never stop moving to the music.
She stacks everything onto a serving tray that was hiding next to the fridge. It looks precariously balanced, and Bradley is about to offer his assistance when she swings the tray onto her shoulder and makes her way through the sliding door with no problems. He stands there for a second, stupidly staring after her like a lump on a log when he realizes she forgot the serving spoon.
He grabs the utensil and follows her path to the deck, a cheesy grin spreading across his face as he watches her realize she forgot something. She turns as Bradley brandishes the spoon in front of him like a sword and bows. “For you, m’lady.”
The peanut gallery pipes up. “Oh my god, Bradshaw. That was painful to watch.”
“No dessert for you, Jake.”
“Oh, come on!” Jake holds Annabeth up from his chest. “I was gonna share with little Annie Oakley here! You can’t take dessert away from me! You’re depriving her!”
“Dude, you have got to stop using my kid as a bargaining chip every time you make M&M mad.” The defeat in Danielle’s voice sends laughter through the group.
“For dessert, we’ve got strawberry shortcake with a Vertucci family twist. And a limited amount of whipped cream to go around, so please don’t go crazy until everyone has some, okay?”
A chorus of “Yes, ma’am” comes back at her as she hands the first plate to Dani, who had elbowed her way to the front of the line, using her pregnant belly to her advantage.
Mary is fulfilling Harvard’s request for extra syrup on his cake when Callie’s voice raises the question on several aviator’s minds. “Hey Mary, why is your callsign M&M?”
“Oh… uh….” She hesitates for a second before remembering she can trust these people. “Growing up in a bakery, I’ve always been the designated person to bring treats. Even in college, I was that person. After people found out I was the one who made the food, I would always jokingly get proposed to, and people started the “Marry Me” nickname. Which is such a brilliant play on my name.”
“Which was funny for a while, until a guy she used to date and his group of assholes caught wind of it and turned it into something decidedly not funny.” The anger in Reuben’s voice stops any potential questions.
“Yes, and then my knight in shining swim trunks over there almost got kicked off the team for fighting, and my ex got a knee to the family jewels courteous of the knight’s red-haired partner.” She rolls her eyes at the memory of how proud her two friends were to be in trouble for defending her honor. “Anyway, that pretty much killed the nickname, but M&M took its place.”
The yard is quiet, no one entirely sure what to say.
“I still can’t stand Austin.”
“I’m pretty sure he can’t stand you either after you sent one of his balls back into his body.” Mary snorts, feeling uncomfortable that the conversation about her emotionally abusive ex is still going. “It’s okay, everyone. That was a long time ago, and I brought M&M with me as my unofficial call sign when I started working with the Navy.”
It’s awkward for another minute until Hangman gets cornhole going again, handing Annabeth off to join the women at the picnic table. The game quickly gets competitive between the guys, and the evening returns to normal. As the attention moves away from her, Mary curls in on herself, feeling vulnerable about the information she had shared. The other women notice and make eye contact, a silent conversation passing between them.
“What a dingus. If I was your ex, I would have proposed to you for real after trying your mac and cheese.”
“Callie, I called dibs after she made those cupcakes at Easter.” Natasha protests.
“Absolutely not! Of anyone, I get the first crack at her; I’ve known her the longest.”
“Danielle, I know you’re pregnant, but I will literally fight you.”
It’s enough to break the tension and make Mary laugh. “Ladies, ladies, please, no fighting. There’s enough of my food to go around.”
“And what about you? There’s only enough of you for one of us.” Nat throws an arm around Callie’s shoulders, winking at her fellow aviator, silly smiles spreading across their faces.
“I think if we really tried, there would be plenty of me for both of you.” She winks back before taking a stack of empty plates inside.
The table settles into a stunned silence, Danielle’s laugh interrupting after a few seconds. “I forgot you guys haven’t seen Mary flirt before!”
Bradley’s heart stops from where he’s eavesdropping in a lawn chair. Is that why she never responds to my flirting? He feels like an ass, trying to catch the attention of a woman who potentially doesn’t even like men.
“She flirts with Jake all the time!”
Bradley chugs the rest of his beer.
“No, that’s not flirting. They’re just bantering each other. Besides, Jake is a good-looking guy, but he’s not really what she looks for in a man.”
“Oh! Forget Jake! She is single, right? Because I have a friend who would be perfect for her, she’s a middle school math teacher, and she has the same sense of humor as Mary!”
Danielle lowers her voice, “She is single, and she’s said now that she’s more settled out here, she wants to try dating again. But if everything goes the way I think it will, there will be no need for us to set her up.”
“What do you-” Natasha gets cut off by Danielle pointing at something off the deck.
The three women turn their attention to the backyard. At some point during their conversation, Mary had slipped past them and settled next to Bradley on the two-seater Adirondack chair. They subtlety observe as Mary leans into his side, giggling and whispering in his ear about something as she gestures towards the game. Bradley throws his head back as he laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and dipping his head down to respond. They watch as Mary buries her head in his shoulder to muffle her laughter, and three sets of eyebrows raise in unison as the back of Bradley’s neck turns redder than the strawberries they’d just eaten.
“Wow. I vote that we only intervene if those two take longer than three months to get their shit together.” Callie looks around the table for concurrence.
Natasha grimaces. “Usually, I’d agree, but they’ll probably end up needing a nudge. Rooster moves slower than molasses in January when he’s interested in a woman for something more than a night.”
“They’ll definitely need a nudge, and I’m already working on it because, lemme tell you…” Danielle pauses, her heart warming at the shy smile on her best friend’s face as Bradley pulls her further into his body. “He’s in there with the champ.”
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thank you for reading <3 if you would like to be added (or removed) from the tag list just send me an ask! have a good one!
tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin
fic tag | credit for dividers here
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maximuswolf · 9 months ago
You Drizzler Glazers are unintelligent and stupid for calling Kendrick's diss or even discog mid
You Drizzler Glazers are unintelligent and stupid for calling Kendrick's diss or even discog mid To be honest, you need an above-harvard musical IQ to understand Kendrick Lamar. The humor is extremely layered and subtle, and without a solid grasp of African American poetics and racial deconstructism, most of the jokes will go over a typical listener's head.         For example, Kendrick dropping MMBTS, then Like That metaphorically mirrors Eminem dropping Revival, then Kamikaze to cleanse the sin of mumble rap which caused us to overlook the white rap messiah, just like Kendrick cleansed the curse of Drake— if you don't like MMBTS(or even TPAB) you probably listen to Lil Pump Drake.    Our Lord Slim Shady passed down the torch of saving rap to Mr Morale, and I'm honored to be part of this movement.There's also Kendrick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation—his personal philosophy draws heavily from Lupe Fiasco's and Langston Hughe's literature, for instance.      The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just recycled twitter brain farts nor intellectual wannabism—they Nietzscheanly express something deep about authenticity, the Culture, artistic integrity and the black experience.As a consequence people like you Drake nut gobblers who think Kendrick dropped trash ARE idiots— of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kendrick's existential catchphrase "We don't wanna hear you say nigga no mooooore” which itself is a cryptic reference to page 578 of Beyond Good and Evil, which ties into the nuanced references in "Crodie", which further extends to the fact Kendrick raps "I hate you" like a bad bitch(the sexyy red reference )who broke up with Drake—All these cascade into the listener's ears like orgasm down the spine of a teenager in his first masturbation session, whilst he screams to the poem actress about how his dick isn't free. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion Kung fu Kenny's genius unfolds itself on their ear pods.      What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Kendrick Lamar tattoo etched on the girth of my penis. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only—And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.   Submitted June 10, 2024 at 02:02PM by maveric_analytic https://ift.tt/BSHafo9 via /r/Music
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plentat-blog · 6 years ago
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chilltifi · 6 years ago
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pmccartney75 · 6 years ago
Review for Harvard Dropout by Lil Pump
For all the goodwill he had as a joke rapper, Lil Pump sure has squandered his popularity. Personally, I’m fine with stupid music, and even really love it from time to time. What I don’t like is when an entire album of stupid music could have been made by anyone with a yeti microphone and garageband. Almost all of the album is completely forgettable, but sometimes it’s catchy? And when it is, it’s in the worst way possible. The only interesting 2 minutes on the album are his collaboration with Kanye West “I Love It,” and even then, it’s only fascinating insofar as it’s something to gawk at. Kanye more than Pump. Go away, Lil Pump. I hope this is the end.
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stumfy-blog1 · 6 years ago
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g5ty · 6 years ago
Kanye West + Lil Pump - I  Love It
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theurbansociety · 7 years ago
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chronic-shnxman-blog · 7 years ago
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Harvard dropout Flex like ouu
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callsignspark · 2 years ago
Mar(r)y Me - part two teaser
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food. Part of the Dagger, Sword & Shield universe.
warnings: This series is 18+ (minors DNI) for the mature themes and adult language.
Here’s an (unedited) sneak peek of part two! Complete version of part two coming later this week!
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“Can we eat now? I’m tired of waiting for the chicken man!”
“Hangman, he’s five minutes late, and if you keep whining like a baby, you will be the last in line for food.” Mary’s hand shoots across the island, slapping the blonde’s hand away from the food. “Don’t even fucking think about it! Go sit in the living room!”
“Ow! I liked you better when you were too shy to yell at us.” He sulks into the next room, holding his hand to his chest. Only his ego is bruised, but Mary can hear him looking for sympathy from his best friend, giggling when she hears Coyote’s less-than-loving response.
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Oh my god!” She whips around, hand flying to her chest in a futile attempt to slow her heart. “Bradley! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry, Miss Mary, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The smirk on his face contradicting his apology.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh, you find this funny, bird boy? Hey, Hangman?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re no longer at the back of the line for food! Rooster will be taking that spot from you.”
A celebratory shout comes from the living room while Bradley protests, “That’s not fair!”
“Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at me. Okay! Come get food while it’s still hot!” She’s almost bulldozed by the herd of hungry aviators storming their way into the kitchen. Bradley pulling her out of the way of Harvard and Fritz playfighting to be first in line.
“Careful, wouldn't want you to catch an elbow with that cute lil nose of yours.” His thick arm wrapped around her waist, and the way he has to bend down to talk into her ear gets her heart pumping. She feels small next to him; she never feels small. Mary pats his arm in thanks before wiggling away to establish order of the dinner buffet she laid out in the Fitches’ kitchen, her face feeling as hot as the sausage she’d cooked up.
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Ohhh!!!! We’re meeting Bradley! Who’s excited?? I know I am! I’ll be announcing posting info for the full version of part two as soon as I know them! (Probably sometime this weekend!) If you’d like to be tagged please send an ask!
tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @hangmanbrainrot | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby
fic tag | main masterlist | credit for dividers here
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thirsttv · 7 years ago
The propehcy has been fulfilled... @cloutzilla
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plentat-blog · 6 years ago
Lil Pump Net Worth (American Singer, Rapper, and Music Producer)
Lil Pump Net Worth Lil Pump is a professional American music producer, singer, and rapper. Lil Pump has released his single “Gucci Gang” which peaked at #3 on the US Billboard Hot 100 list, from which his popularity graph dramatically increases. Lil Pump has released other songs such as “D Rose” and “Boss” on his social media account which receives positive critics from the audience. Lil Pump Net Worth is around $8 million because of his mainstream success. Lil Pump single “Gucci Gang” has been certified by the Recording Industry Association of America. In October 2017, Lil Pump has released his debut album “Lil Pump” and received positive critics around the world. Lil Pump is well known for his song “Welcome to the Party” which debuted on “Deadpool 2” soundtrack and has subsequently released songs such as “iShyne”, “Designer”, and “Esskeetit”. Lil Pump has also collaborated with “French Montana” and “Diplo” to mark his name in Hollywood elite rappers list.
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How much is Lil Pump Worth now?
Year                               Net Worth
2013                              $3 million
2014                              $4 million
2015                              $4.8 million
2016                              $5.2 million
2017                              $6 million
2018                              $7 million
2019                              $8 million
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antoniglo · 7 years ago
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Dr. Pump
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stogesbrosandhoes · 7 years ago
I love that the only 2 people Lil Pump follows on Instagram are icarly and Harvard university
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based-bushido · 7 years ago
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