waywardfeathered · 3 years
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@likesodead​​ said: malachite: has your muse ever done anything that they winded up feeling incredibly guilty for in the end?
colorful headcanons    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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see also: literally everything he’s done in his life- ok, ok, not literally everything, slight exaggeration. what to pick for one or two examples so as not to ramble on for a too long of a post?
saying yes to lucifer. offering himself as a vessel. because, man, this resulted in so many crappy things happening in the world, for years to come? not that anybody else probably sees it that way, but castiel absolutely, for example, is convinced that dean becoming alternate universe!michael’s vessel is his fault, because if he had not said yes to lucifer, the events leading to the portals opening would never have happened, etc. i bring up dean and michael specifically because although there are plenty of things that are as crappy that went on, this one hits especially hard because it is as if everything castiel had done the past decade had just been for nothing. he originally rebelled to prevent the apocalypse, he played part in preventing michael possessing dean, only to... what, have it happen ten years down the road anyway? and if it weren’t for his actions, it would not have happened. why did he say yes to lucifer? he thought he was sacrificing himself for the greater good. he thought it was the only way. this happened right after amara told him that he is expendable. that comment voiced what he had been feeling for probably most if not all his life? he is expendable, therefore he should act and save everyone by sacrificing himself. he deeply believes that, too. but it of course backfired.
jimmy novak. taking him as a vessel for himself and ruining his life as well as his family’s lives. did jimmy consent to being possessed? sure. but it’s not... real consent. cas lied to him and manipulated him, picked someone devoutly christian, someone he knew would be inclined to say yes. he knew it wasn’t going to end well for jimmy. he never even considered his wife or his daughter. i recently mentioned this on a thread: it’s definitely one of his biggest regrets, it’s one of the least ethical things he has done, yet he would do it again. he would do it again, and he hates himself for it, because he only ever has wanted to do what is right. it’s difficult for him to reconcile that this was so far from right yet he would do it all over again. moral dilemmas as such are a big part of why he hates himself with such intensity.
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interitios · 3 years
@likesodead​ liked for a starter ! 
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           “    you’re  a   reaper --  when  i  give  an  order ,  i  expect  results .  not  excuses . “ 
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maidencfdeath-a · 2 years
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@likesodead​:  ❛Aw, man. Latin! One of those dead languages you always mean to learn. ❜
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          Cassie tilted her head as if that would help her understand what was written in the dusty old book laid out in front of them.  She knew medical terminology which was derived from Latin,  but that wasn’t helping much in translating the…what even was it?  A book of spells?  Bad poetry?  Some old dead person's diary?  She had no clue.  Finally she just gave up.
          “You think duolingo has Latin?  I’m kinda intimidated by that little cartoon owl,  but it might be worth checking out.”
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deathrazed-moved · 3 years
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@likesodead​  ( alex  →  ravenna ) :  “They’re not going to make it.”
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             she   almost   doesn’t   hear   the   stranger’s   comment,    only   looking   up   because   there’s   a   hint   of   panic   in   his   voice.    eyes   find   the   source    &    then   follow   his   gaze,    widening   at   the   sight   of   2   children   standing   in   the   middle   of    the   road  ;   distracted   by   something   on   the   ground   the   girls   don’t   notice   the   car   speeding   their   way.    Ravenna   springs   into   action,    speeding   over    to   snatch   them   up    in   her   arms    &    jump   out   of   the   way   just   in   time.
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            they’re   surrounded   suddenly,    the   parents   are   fretting   over   their   daughters    &    the   driver   has   been   spewing   apologies    since   she   got   out   of   her   car.    Ravenna   accepts   their   thanks,    quick   to   slip   out   of   the   crowd    &    avoid   any   questions   but   also   in   the   hopes   of   finding   the   stranger  .  .  .  there’s   more   to   him    &    now   she’s   curious.
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walkmanned · 3 years
"do you have a light?"
@likesodead.  party sentence starters.  accepting.
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❛  yup.  here ya go, dude.  ❜   the lighter spins between his fingers, once, before he holds it out in his palm.  the white plastic is a bit scuffed underneath the various sharpie drawings covering its surface, but it still works too well for a lighter he’s had for god knows how many years.  it’s one of those things he simply chooses not to think about too hard.
but there are other things dae doesn’t have the luxury of ignoring, and one of those things is that extra sense he seems to have developed.  the one that tells him when he’s dealing with someone not quite human.  the back of his neck prickles, hair standing on end, a shiver running down his spine  —  all things he’s feeling right now.  there’s something off about this man with the dope-ass hair, and it makes dae a little wary, but not enough to refuse his request for a light.  it’s just common decency. 
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❛  so, uh  —  whatcha smokin’?  ❜   if it’s just a cigarette, dae’s got his own, but the potential of weed is too good to pass up, nerves or not.
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beenstalked · 3 years
"luckily for me, i have all my best ideas drunk."
​              ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ @likesodead
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              bunnie's eyes lit up almost immediately, the devious grin she flashed was a warning sign of IMPENDING DANGER. "that's SO funny-- because..." if it wasn't clear enough to him already, bun was a LITTLE (just a little) buzzed already. "i also have MY best ideas drunk. you wanna, like...get into some trouble??"
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roadscorch · 2 years
roadscorch - d.ean w.inchester / what is canon kvnghs - liam kavanagh / original character likesodead - alex weaver / original character unwedead - june lamb / original character junkdrwer - multimuse sideblog to above blogs / original characters
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deadxbones-a · 3 years
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hands Hands can do so much, they’re extremely versatile much like yourself. They can nourish, they can pray, they can comfort. But we both know that’s not what you use yours for is it? You know as well as I do how hands can maim, can strangle, can destroy. They are unthinking and unfeeling, and unlike the others they do not act off instinct but off of command. Every act you commit is purposeful, filled with an intent, sometimes to be cruel and sometimes to be kind. You know who is deserving of your hurt, who is deserving of your love. Always make sure you can tell them apart before you wrap those hands around them.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  @covaci​​​
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆:  @kvnghs​ / @likesodead​ , @thesacrificialxlamb​ @unbearablyindifferent​ @serenitysought​ @salvatoraes​ & anyone who wants to
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unwedead · 2 years
where tf is bert now  (hyperfixating on a random blog most likely)
unwedead  —  original character, fandomless, café owner, cutie.  you are here!! kvnghs  —  original character, trash bag, criminal handyman.  current activity is here!! roadscorch  —  heavily divergent 1-5 based d.ean w.inchester. likesodead  —  original character, fandomless, actual sunshine, local oui’d man, reaper. junkdrwer  —​  (new) multi sideblog to all of the solo blogs above.  original characters (by request canons tba).
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