#like. there are of course people who either are malingering or misdiagnosed. however.
diningpageantry · 2 months
im gonna be so real i have a lot of thoughts on the whole "DID fakers" conversation from the perspective of someone whose diagnosis has been well discussed and validated, and so much of it is the reality that far too many people are fakeclaimed for things that are studied and understood as possible symptoms of the disorder. on one hand i really want to compile and create some longform video essay detailing and sourcing where so much fakeclaiming is misinformed, but i also very desperately do not want my face or voice attached to media discussing a connection to my DID for incredibly personal reasons. but genuinely, there's so much conversation between both people with the disorder and people who study the disorder that validates a lot of experiences that are fakeclaimed and far too much of the fakeclaiming is people monopolizing off traumatized people desperately trying to understand their own experiences.
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