#like. idk. what the fuck is actually wrong with a frivolous fruity vision of gender. honestly. riddle me that
aeide-thea · 2 years
also like. seeing some secondhand ‘theyfab’ discourse floating around and really i just feel like. those of us to whom that label could be douchily applied aren’t confused abt how anybody sees us, you know? but we’ve chosen to embrace a vision of gender that’s more expansive than that, and solidarity with our more unambiguously visibly/physically trans siblings, and i don’t really see that it serves anyone to say ‘actually transness is defined entirely by the body and applies to as small a group as we can make it, and everyone else is Basically Cis’—that was a bad, narrow idea wrt queerness and it was a bad, narrow idea wrt disability and it’s a bad, narrow idea wrt transness. the bigger we make the group the better. maybe eventually we can get big enough to swallow so-called normalcy whole.
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