#like you know he’s got streaks in his underwear
soft-jihyo · 2 years
You can like Alistair all you want, doesn’t change the fact I know that man does not wash his ass
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teeskzagain · 18 days
» warnings: desperate!seungmin, grinding, begging, infidelity/cheating (oops)
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . prompt: just the tip? ₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
jeongin ver. here
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“come on, just real quick.”
you groan, eyes rolling back as you try to resist the boy behind you, “oh- seungmin, please.”
“what?” he ruts softly against your ass, slightly pissed at the blockade of clothes in the way, “let me just stick it in for like a second. i need this bad.”
your body lays pathetically while seungmin rocks deeper into you. his cock every so often would poke out from the open slit of his underwear, causing a surge to jolt through him and a breathy moan fills the room.
craning your neck back slightly, you attempt to get a good look at him, “i thought we were supposed to only cuddle?”
with your hips sticking up, he raises his hand towards your pajama pants, firstly caressing the curves of your waist then moving up to toy with the waistband, “yeah, so did i. but your stupid ass had to go and turn me on, practically smashed my dick into your thick skin.”
his hands get grabber in the way he’s feeling up the smooth area of your thigh and part of your butt, not holding back anymore. he continues to drive his pelvis into you, “what was i supposed to do? it’s your fault you got me all horny and- and shit.”
roaming all over your body, he pulls the top of your pants down, revealing the vastness of skin below, and his leaking tip slightly grazes your ass, “fuck, oh fucking….y/n, please. needa fuck you so bad right now. can i? you’re gonna be good and let me fuck your pretty ass, right?”
he rubs his cock all over in an effort to leave streaks of wetness, just as he comes into contact with your entrance and slowly does he start to sink himself in your flesh.
you bite your lip and shut your eyes, trying your absolute hardest to not make a sound. because if you’d been any louder, your sister would hear you from across the hall.
and she could never know that her boyfriend decided to go into her precious, little sister’s room late at night. simply, to cuddle (fuck) you instead.
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feeder86 · 5 months
The Feeders' Fortress
It was the dirty floor against his face that Mike noticed first. His head felt fuzzy and the room was so incredibly dark. It was impossible to work out where he was. He stumbled groggily to his feet, realising that he was dressed only in his underwear. What the hell kind of party had he been to last night to wake up here? Then again, had he been to a party last night? His head was so disorganised.
Reaching around the space, Mike tried to find his clothes and, hopefully, his cell phone so that he could find some light. As he did so, he heard footsteps creeping outside of the room and, for the first time, a streak of light through the crack under the door.
“There’s another one in here!” cried a deep masculine voice as the door opened and Mike suddenly had a small torch shone straight into his face. “Same as us. Underwear. No clothes in sight.”
“What’s going on?” Mike asked indignantly.
“Your guess is as good as ours,” sighed another voice beside the person shining the torch. He reached out his hand and lowered the light so that Mike was no longer blinded. Where the light touched, Mike could see the dilapidated interior of the house he was in: filthy, boarded up and crumbling. Tired, dated pieces of furniture lay haphazardly around the edges of the room, some covered poorly with dust sheets.
“What is this place?” Mike mumbled, getting to his feet.
“Someone’s creepy idea of a joke, no doubt,” came another voice as the footsteps of the guys entered the room. “It looks like your classic haunted mansion. All the windows and doors are locked tight and we haven’t found the way out yet.”
“If there even is one,” replied a pessimistic voice.
“Of course there is,” disputed the guy holding the torch who had seemed to appoint himself the leader. “We got in here somehow, didn’t we? So there has to be a way out.”
The others sighed. None of them claimed to know how they had arrived, each arguing their alternative theories about why they were there. None of them had before. They were all strangers. But, to Mike, there was one clear detail that each of them had in common: outstandingly good looks.
Finn, holding the torch, was a quarterback for the local college team and, even in the limited lighting, Mike could tell that the guy was more strapping than anyone he had ever seen on the pitch. The person standing beside him was Oliver; even taller and toned to absolute perfection. Like Mike, he did some modelling whilst studying in college. Mike knew the agency that he worked for and, whilst the other two were arguing about which direction to search next, the pair discussed the surprising stresses they had encountered with certain jobs they had done. The only other guy was Rob, another football jock for a rival team of Finn’s, though neither of them claimed to know the other. He was built for clear functional athleticism, with the lightest six pack of all of them and a meaty, muscular butt. Delicious.
Even now, in this bizarre situation, Mike could feel himself getting aroused in their presence: these three gorgeous, practically naked boys. Together, they were calm, even jovial. They bolstered each other’s confidence, methodically searching the large building as if they were trying to hide the fact that they were silently terrified. There had to be answers to their questions somewhere in this building.
“What’s down there, do you think?” Oliver asked as they shone the torch down some stairs. 
Out of habit, Mike flicked the light switch, expecting nothing to happen, when suddenly, the whole room below lit up perfectly.
“Success!” roared Finn, heading straight down; soon followed by the others, at quite some pace.
What lay below was the most bizarre of sights: a small, neatly made up dining table, filled with tasty treats: cakes, doughnuts, cookies and pastries; all fresh and smelling incredible. Such a homely scene lightened the mood further, with Finn and Rob heading to sit down at the table and Mike following them, if only to hide the tightness in his crotch which would be clearly evident in this well lit room.
“I knew we’d be alright! This just proves it. It’s definitely some sort of prank,” Finn smiled, reaching out for one of the doughnuts.
Oliver stood to the side, surveying the scene with more scepticism. “Isn’t this a bit fucking weird?” he asked. “This whole place is a shit hole, and now this?” he pointed at the homely scene before him.
“Relax!” Finn scoffed at him, already chewing on a bite of the doughnut. “It tastes fine.”
Rob reached out next, picking up a pastry, now that Finn had sampled the goods. Meanwhile, Mike had his eye on one of the cupcakes, feeling surprisingly hungry after waking up here. Eventually, even Oliver followed them to the table,sitting down at the fourth chair, picking up a cookie and nibbling it with only a small amount of hesitancy.
Under the light, it was clear just how beautiful these guys all were. Mike found himself trying not to stare for fear that his erection may get even more severe if they all had to get up soon and explore the place some more. The mood was relaxed and surprisingly light-hearted as Finn reached for a second and third doughnut before any of the others had even finished their first chosen snack.
“Who do you think made all these?” Oliver asked the guys.
“Whoever it is pranking us,” Rob replied, scanning the room for cameras as he sat at the table.
Mike sat up nervously. He didn’t want to be on camera right now. Not with his erection as it was.
Mike suddenly felt a slight prod on his arm as Oliver looked at him seriously, pointing across to Finn. The movement caught Rob’s attention as well, until all three of them were gazing at a now motionless Finn, staring down at the table and seemingly stunned after finishing his third doughnut.
“Are you alright, buddy?” Rob asked, noting the sweat that was glistening on Finn’s face.
Finn looked up slowly until his eyes met with Mike’s right across the table from him. His jaw was slack as he picked himself up by leaning his strapping body on the table. Then, from out of nowhere, a giant burp erupted from his throat, right in front of Mike. It was so loud and deep, completely unnatural after such light snacks, making the three others stare across in panic.
“What the fuck?” Oliver asked, standing up in alarm, sensing immediately that something was wrong. It was then that Mike noticed that Finn was not as slim as he had thought; that for all his muscles, he was actually carrying a little paunch that looked bizarrely out of place.
FInn’s hips started to rock, like he was fucking some invisible girl in front of him, and, even in his loose fitting trunks, it was clear to Mike that the guy was also nursing an erection.
“What’s he doing?” Rob shouted; his eyes similarly caught by the shape of Finn’s stomach. Each time the guy rocked back and forth, the budding love handles at his sides seemed to swell more and more.
At some point, all three of them realised what was happening. It was the way Finn’s gut began to flutter and jiggle with the shaking. Fat was ballooning in his stomach, actually pushing it outwards. The relaxed fit of his underwear began to disappear as the gentle creases stretched out and the material tightened around him, spurred on by an obvious widening of his tight butt. It was then that Mike began to observe even Finn’s chest starting to succumb; his nipples pointing and a softness spreading into his pecs. It seemed to bloom and spread itself under his arms, softening up his biceps at the same time and swelling his neck; producing a shameful double chin.
Oliver was still the only one up, with Mike and Rob still stunned in their seats. Then, without warning, Rob suddenly bolted for the stairs, grabbing the torch at the same time.
“What do we do?” Oliver asked Mike in pure panic, clearly desperate to follow Rob and get the hell out of there.
Finn’s sweaty body glistened as fat spread throughout. The blubber began to pour itself over the tight waistband of the guy’s underwear, now digging in quite painfully. Mike could see the guy looking down at himself in shock and alarm: his beautiful body becoming more and more obese.
Mike had no answer for what was happening or what on Earth they were supposed to do about it. He could see Oliver looking back towards the dark stairs; no sign of Rob at all. More than once, Mike thought that Oliver might run off in fear as well. If he did, Mike decided he was going to run straight out with him.
A general widening seemed to take place in Finn’s body. The love handles pushed out to further extents and his hips swelled above the two extremely blubbery thighs. The guy’s cute underwear had allowed his large, sweaty glutes to slip out as the inflation took hold. Now the material began to tear; stretched as they were in every direction.
Within no time at all, Mike realised that Finn was now carrying an insane amount of fat on his body; 400 lbs? 450? His underwear were reduced to little more than rags, still dangling from a destroyed waistband; an entire sack of lard now filling Finn’s groin. 
Oliver bolted, quickly followed by a petrified Mike, throwing himself up the pitch-black stairs. “Wait up!” he cried out in horror, wincing as his feet stepped over the debris and dust. All he could do was follow the sounds of Oliver’s lightning footsteps. 
Suddenly, Mike felt himself bumping straight into Oliver, knocking them both to the floor.
“Watch it!” Oliver grumbled. “What the hell were you running for? We can barely see a thing!”
Mike’s mouth filled with all the things he wanted to say and then, just as quickly as they arrived, nothing. Why was he running? Had something scared him? No. He would have remembered that. He shuffled to his feet. “Sorry,” he mumbled, feeling rather silly. “I must have just been trying to catch you up.”
Oliver shushed him and the pair listened intently as voices came from another wing of the enormous house. They began stepping in the same direction, noticing faint glows of the torch around one corner.
“But this is the way I came in!” argued a new voice. “The door was open, and now…” he shouted, banging forcefully on what appeared to be the front door.
“Oh, thank heavens!” Oliver bellowed, finally spotting Rob standing next to a police officer. 
The relief that Mike felt was indescribable. Tall, built and appearing nothing but strong and capable, the police officer turned to face them both, shining a second torch in their faces.
“Is this all of you?” the cop asked. 
“No, there’s another guy,” Rob mumbled, as if he couldn’t quite remember exactly. “Finn. He’s downstairs somewhere. He was eating some food we found,” he continued; his voice wispy, like he was trying to piece something together. He’s pretty big and heavy though. I don’t suppose he wants to go walking all around this place at that size.”
Mike nodded, realising that Rob was probably right. That must have been why Finn stayed down in the basement. 
“Well, this door has locked behind me. I don’t have any signal on my cell phone and there doesn’t seem to be any reception for me to contact the station on my radio,” the cop explained grumpily. “I guess you had better take me to see this Finn guy so that I can check on him too,” he finally decided, slamming into the heavy door one final time, just in case it budged at all. 
Oliver and Mike took one torch, whilst the cop and Rob walked ahead with the other.
“Do you think he’s a real cop?” Oliver whispered to Mike. “This whole thing just seems to be getting weirder and weirder, don’t you think?”
Mike pondered the idea. He’d not imagined that the cop was not genuine. But Oliver was right. Here he was, wandering around, almost naked in an abandoned mansion with no idea how late at night it was. Absolutely anything was possible.
“Where exactly are we?” he shouted ahead to the cop. “How did you know to come looking here?”
The cop began explaining the exact location of the mansion. “This old place has been crumbling for years,” the guy stated, after informing them all how far out of the city they were right now. “We used to get calls about trespassers quite a lot, but that all stopped about six months ago. Until tonight.”
In the dim light, Mike could feel Oliver looking at him from the side. The guy wasn’t trusting a word that was coming out of the cop’s mouth. 
“Something’s up with Rob,” Oliver whispered a few moments later, when they had slowed their pace to allow the other two to go even further ahead, in search of the stairs to the basement. “Have you noticed how much he is sweating?”
Mike shone the light a little more on Rob. Oliver’s observations were spot on. The guy’s broad back was glistening with sweat, running down his back and drenching into his boxers, all down his butt crack. Something about it all seemed so familiar, although Mike couldn’t put his finger on why. Was this a bad sign? Was it something to be feared?
“We need to keep our distance from him,” Oliver decided, pulling Mike back a little bit more to let the cop and Rob get even more ahead of them. They kept a slow pace behind and waited as the pair eventually found the staircase down to the basement, heading straight down.
“What’s going on?” Mike asked, feeling that Oliver’s senses were sharper than his own; his instincts better.
Oliver rubbed his face, clearly stressed. “I don’t know!” he sighed. “But something tells me it’s going to be me and you finding our way out of here. I don’t trust that cop, and as for Rob…” he whispered. “I just have this really bad feeling.”
Suddenly, the cop was shouting at the top of his voice from the basement, startling both Oliver and Mike.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he blasted. “What are you doing?”
Racing down, Oliver took the lead, standing on the staircase in front of Mike as they looked on at the scene. Rob’s body was rocking and shaking, his tight abs suddenly swollen and buried. The cop stood crouched to the side, his gun out and seemingly very afraid. Whatever was taking over Rob had a very firm grip on his body; thrashing him about as his stomach continued to grow.
In those moments, Mike suddenly remembered what he had witnessed happening to Finn. How could he ever have forgotten? There Finn was, snoozing on the floor, encased in mountains of fresh fat.
“What’s going on?” the cop demanded of Oliver and Mike.
“The food!” Mike mumbled, seeing it all there, continuing to invite them in. “There’s something in the food!” he stated with more certainty as Rob’s fine torso began to be consumed with an onslaught of blubber, swelling into his pecs and rounding out his stomach so that it pushed out further and further. The guy was panicking, managing to waddle around as his body shook, and he gazed at all the food that Mike was now blaming. Just what was it doing to him?
“But we ate the food as well,” Oliver shot back, terrified and transfixed as Rob’s butt widened in those cute little boxers of his; fat starting to crease the skin on his back and love handles swelling out further every single second. The butt crack began to peak out as the glutes grew; little more than an inch to begin with, then more and more; until his super sized butt was almost entirely outside of the underwear. That was when it ripped at the weaker stitching between his lardy legs and the material began to deteriorate quickly; all the elastic stretched beyond its capacity.
Mike put a comforting hand on Oliver’s strong shoulder, hoping to ease his worries in any way that he could.
The cop had fallen to the ground, backing up into the corner by the stairs and holding his gun out still; no longer so big, strong and tough.
Oliver reached his hand up and lovingly held Mike’s own hand upon his shoulder. Despite everything, the sensation of Oliver’s touch was all Mike needed.
Rob had fallen onto the floor, the transformation seemingly at an end, and a deathly silence filled the room.
“We’re fucked!” Oliver sighed. “Absolutely fucked!” He looked at Mike, his eyes full of concern for him. “Will it be us next, do you think?” he asked Mike, still holding his hand sweetly.
At that moment, Mike felt so completely smitten. Yet he nodded. “I think so,” he agreed sadly.
“What the hell are you on about?” the cop demanded of them both, still clearly terrified from what he had just seen. “Food can’t do that to someone! Not like that, anyway.”
“There’s no other way to explain it,” Oliver shrugged. “It took Finn first because he had eaten the most. Now Rob…”
The police officer stared hard at the two enormously fat guys on the floor and then looked in amazement at all the food still resting on the table. But then, his eyes widened even further and he stood up in horror. “Those doughnuts!” he shouted, looking straight at the unusually colourful and sprinkled treats on the table. “There was one just like it on my desk earlier! I thought it was from one of my colleagues.”
Mike and Oliver looked at each other with worry. Was the guy who was here to rescue them, actually just another victim? 
“But did you eat it?” Oliver demanded of him.
“Yes, I ate it!” the cop shouted back, getting angry now. He seemed to feel faint, getting hot under the collar and putting back his gun so that he could take off his shirt.
Again, Mike and Oliver looked at each other. Why was the cop getting so sweaty all of a sudden? They watched as he shuffled around, leaning against the side, kicking off his shoes and even pulling off his socks, as if every piece of clothing was irritating his skin.
“Um, Sir…” Oliver cried out awkwardly as the cop untied his belt, discarding even his gun without a care, then unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor.
In this state, it was clear to see what the cop had had in common with the four of them; young, handsome and highly athletic as he clearly was.
“Oh, no!” the cop mumbled, tensing all the muscles in his strapping body.
“What’s happening?” Oliver whispered to Mike.
“It must be trying to take him,” Mike shot back. “I think he’s actually trying to fight it.”
Both Mike and Oliver climbed two steps further up the stairs, abandoning the cop and knowing that there was nothing they could do to help him now. The gorgeous officer was grunting and bracing himself against the wall. The sounds he was making reminded Mike of the guys he had seen in the gym trying to lift extremely heavy weights.
“I can’t watch!” Mike whispered to Oliver, who had taken a further step up to sit beside him on the stairs and kindly draped his arm over Mike’s shoulders.
“We must,” Oliver whispered back. “We’ve got to see if he can do it. Who knows, right?”
“Maybe he can fight it off,” Mike agreed hopefully.
“Shit,” Oliver replied, quickly shutting Mike down. “Look at his abs. Can you see? The skin around them is starting to bloat up.”
Oliver leaned his head against Mike’s and rubbed his back soothingly. The arousal Mike felt was spiking once again and he found himself momentarily lost, even as the cop battled on only a few feet away.
“It’s a battle that cannot be won. This guy only got married last year,” Oliver continued, as they both looked across at the police officer. “Yet he’s already cheating on his wife with a new recruit at his station. That’s why he ate the doughnut. He thought it was from her.”
Oliver’s voice was so soothing and intense. Mike felt as though he could sit there all day long admiring the perfect man beside him. But, what was he actually saying? Mike had to replay it in his head, before the obvious question dawned in him. “How do you know that?” he asked.
“His secret girlfriend says she can’t resist those tight little buns of his,” Oliver whispered teasingly, as if trying to hold back a laugh. “Not so tight anymore. Wouldn’t you agree, Mike?” he asked; the pair of them watching as the cop growled loudly in desperation to hold back whatever force was taking him. But Oliver was right; slowly, but surely, the guy’s butt had started to develop some extra meat to it, rounding the glutes in a way that only fat ever could.
“What are you saying?” Mike asked, feeling Oliver’s presence becoming more powerful. 
“Shh,” Oliver soothed, rubbing Mike’s back and continuing to lean his head against his, forcing them both to watch the action in front of them. “We can’t have a cop that handsome walking around, can we?”
Mike’s heartbeat rose to new heights. The person who was controlling all of this had been with him the entire time. His body tensed, making Oliver sigh in happiness as he stuck close to him on that step.
“I love this bit!” Oliver continued whispering, as if telling Mike a bedtime story. “Can you see how he’s trying to hold his breath? He thinks he can force it back down, but he can’t. The formula has now spread into every cell in his body.”
Even with the officer trying to hold on tight, a slow, insidious tire of fat was gently forming over his abs and budding softness grew into love handles. The effort of holding his breath was taking it out of him; his eyes were screaming for release and cheeks had filled with air. Now his eyes were shutting tight, as if to concentrate even more, when a tiny burst of air slipped through his lips like a leaking pipe; more and more, until the floodgates had opened and he had to let it all go; sucking up a great big chestful of air and then burping like never before; all control stripped from him.
That brief pause in the guy’s attention was seemingly all this formula had needed to take control. The hips began thrashing about with surprising violence, with his stomach and rear inflating with remarkable speed; as if making up for lost time.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Oliver asked, kissing Mike sweetly on the side of his head. “So much fat! The thighs, the chest and the arms!” There was such a thrill in his quiet voice, as if he was deliberately controlling his elation to creep Mike out even more.
“Why are you doing this?” Mike asked; eyes still fixed on the ballooning cop as his jawline disappeared under the building flesh in his neck and chin, and blossoming into his cheeks.
“Because I can… And because I want to,” Oliver quietly replied, as he continued to stroke Mike’s back. “Look at him!” he cooed. “Pecs are gone already!”
Mike watched as the officer’s nipples started to bounce and his thick thighs swelled outwards, blowing up his butt to a size that was almost disproportionate to his frame.
“I wonder what his girlfriend will say about him now,” Oliver joked, knowing that Mike would be looking at exactly the same thing. “A disgusting, overfed, fat ass like that!” he whispered gently into Mike’s ear, making every part of the boy tingle with a baffling excitement. “You’re going to be a fat boy, just like him soon…” the devil whispered into his ear.
Mike wanted to get up and run, but being so close to Oliver felt like something he had longed for his entire life. Was this what love felt like? This yearning to be with someone, no matter what?”
Oliver began to caress the tip of Mike’s throbbing hardness under his underwear. “How exciting for you. A whole new life for yourself as one of my fatties,” he teased, turning his head so that he could whisper directly into Mike’s ear as he watched the cop continuing to become even more extremely obese, lose his balance and slide against the wall; landing with a splat on his enormously overgrown backside. Yet, even sitting down, his butt and thighs continued to spread out onto the floor; the rolls and blubber that decorated his torso, softening and spreading; folds deepening every second. 
Then, just like that, the cop had fallen asleep; his revoltingly obese body resting after the dramatic trauma it had just endured. Mike gasped, but not because of the sight in front of him. It was Oliver, continuing to massage his erection. He was brought so close to climaxing, that when Oliver brought his lips towards him, Mike moved swiftly to meet them in a deep, passionate kiss.
As they came out of the kiss, Oliver gently stroked Mike’s hair back from his face. “I’ve so enjoyed our time together,” he smiled with delight. “You’ve been so entertaining, from the very start.”
Mike smiled back, in awe of the amazing man who was giving him all the attention he could ever wish.
Oliver brought his nose close to Mike’s neck and sniffed in deeply all the way up to the top of his head. “I can smell my formula inside of you!” he breathed with genuine eroticism at the thought. “It’s getting ready to take you!”
Oliver took Mike by the hand and stood him up. The pair came down the stairs, stepping over the gigantic cop’s outstretched legs and into the light properly. There was not a single part of Mike that wanted to resist.
“Let’s take these off, shall we?” Oliver asked, pulling the underwear down so that they dropped around Mike’s feet; his hardness springing out with an almost embarrassing enthusiasm “You’ve been such a good boy, this whole time. I picked the cop as the one who would be able to hold out the longest, but I’m so glad that it was you. Such a handsome boy!” he marvelled, stroking Mike’s face. “When I saw you in that magazine, I knew I had to take you.”
“I’m all yours!” Mike spluttered lustfully back; for some reason, only wanting Oliver to touch him again like he had on the stairs.
“Do you really mean that?” Oliver asked, barely concealing a grin behind those innocent looking eyes.
“I do!” Mike nodded. “I would do anything for you!”
“Then prove it,” Oliver snapped. “Don’t make me wait for you. Take another piece from the table and overdose on my formula just like that first idiot did,” he ordered. “Set my beautiful formula into action!”
Inexplicably, Mike’s feet were taking him towards the table. If this was the way to please Oliver, he needed to show him that he could do it. He grabbed at a doughnut and made to push it towards his mouth. However, just as he almost made it, Mike’s hand stopped and tried to push back. There was some invisible, subconscious part of his brain, still active and working, despite the fogginess that was clouding everything else.
Oliver smirked, as if he knew exactly what was going on; why Mike’s hand was not letting him eat. He seized the guy’s wrist and pushed it forwards with remarkable strength as Mike made every effort to keep his mouth wide open and let it fall onto his tongue. He bit down, watched carefully by Oliver, standing in front of him, smiling victoriously,
By the second bite, Mike felt his jaw slacken and stop working. A rumbling burp rolled from his throat, entirely unchallenged. The haze around him seemed to have grown more intense. Oliver was still in front of him, but circling around like a sergeant major conducting an inspection, or a killer whale startling its prey. It was only when he heard the man laughing that Mike knew his hips had begun to rock. He had no idea how the cop had tried to fight it off. The autonomous nature of whatever process this was, seemed entirely beyond his understanding. A warmth was filling his body; building and strengthening. Then that warmth seemed to spread itself across those areas that Mike had seen on the other guys: his stomach felt almost red hot, whilst his butt and legs were tingling and changing rapidly.
Oliver’s hands were seizing upon him, grabbing and pinching parts of his body that Mike didn’t even know existed. Mike tried to speak, to ask Oliver if it was working, but his mouth could not shape the words. Only a groan made it out, shaken and rocked by the vibrations of his instantaneously transforming body. 
Waves of fat began to bounce and crash into each other as Mike felt fresh flesh developing all over his body. A few seconds in, he had thought that Oliver had grabbed at his hardness again. However, he soon realised that it was the tip of his penis slapping against an enormous roll of fat that had invaded his torso. He looked down, seeing the remarkable width of his squishy stomach and the strange pointing of his nipples.
Oliver’s voice was far from soothing now. He was shouting and calling him out on his grotesquely overfed body; telling him how greedy he was, or likening him to a pig. He even oinked triumphantly right down Mike’s ear. 
The body that Mike was in no longer felt like his own anymore. His whole being had been transported into that of something new. The space that he occupied was incredible, surging outwards more and more. He lost his balance, feeling his giant self being collected by Oliver’s unnaturally strong arms as he was gently lowered to the ground.
Mike got a look at his disgusting, blubbery physique, wondering how he would ever use it.  How could he do anything with that enormous belly in the way? How could he get himself up the stairs to his apartment? He’d certainly never squeeze himself into his tiny shower, or find any clothes at regular stores to cover himself up with.
“Goodnight, Fat Boy!” Oiver sang as Mike felt his eyes getting heavy. He knew he'd never see Oliver again. He’d served his purpose. He’d entertained. Now came the sleep that would erase everything from his mind. The factory reset that would prepare him for his life as one of Oliver’s fat boys.
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feltit-wroteit · 5 months
The Prodigy Son
Art Donaldson x Fem!reader
Something about all the stress Art had been under all of his early teenage years and right now made him vulnerable. He had always been, the only difference is that he had you now.
Warnings: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, sad! Art, panic attack, talk of death
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Nothing ever made you more worried than the text you had just received from your boyfriend.
Paint :) -> I need you. I'm in the lockers, please hurry...
You took your school bag off the floor quickly and hurried to meet him. Art had never texted you like this. Without a nickname or even a silly exclamation point that showed you he was always happy. Not in this one though. There was an absence of both. When you reached the men's locker room, it was silent. You dared a glance in and saw that the place was void of any other men. "Art? Baby?" You called out to locale your boyfriend.
Sobs. There was only sobs to be heard.
You walked to the sound and saw your boyfriend on a bench in his underwear. His head was held up by his arms propped up on his knees. His entire body shook and his breathing was uneven; dangerously so. You got closer to him and made your presence known by getting on your knees in front of his eyes. "Baby. Breath. Come on, breath for me." He then looked at you for the first time. But his breathing hadn't changed. He was sobbing like it was never going to end. In all honesty, you were started to get scared. "Art, please follow my breathing pattern." You took a deep breath in, telling him to do the same, and followed by breathing out. You repeated the process six times until his breathing had evened out. That is when he said his first words to you: "Can you hold me. Please, Y/n/n?" You didn't hesistate to take him in your arms and wait for him to come back to reality totaly.
It took about ten minutes for your boyfriend to calm down completely and stop sobbing. Your soothing movements on his back had stopped and you pulled away to see his face better. His soft features were marked by tear streaks and you frowned at that. What had made him so upset? It wasn't his first panic attack. You knew that because he had shared that with you during one of your late night talks. But you had never been there during one. He had not had one since you two got together seven months ago.
You helped him get dressed by handing him his Stanford shorts and polo shirt. He kissed your lips quickly a few times and let a few more tears out. Art was a mess and you didn't know why... "Art?" You asked while he was pulling back from a kiss after having put the final item of clothing on his body. "Yeah?" You took his hand and made him sit with you on the bench. "I think we should talk about this. Right? I'm sorry if it's too forward, but it's worrying me and-" he cut you by putting his hand on yours that was on the bench between your two bodies. "I want to talk about it. If you want to ear it, of course?" You nodded silently and held his hand while he started explaining.
"I love tennis. I really, really do. But sometimes I'm wondering if I have what it takes." He admitted while looking down at his lap. You rubbed his thumb reassuringly. "Of course you do, baby. I'm no expert, but Tashi told me so. Your coach seems to think so too... What happened that made you think that?" You tried to meet his gaze but he just went deeper into his head. "Hey. Stay with me..." You took the side of his face in your palm and lightly brushed it with your thumb. "My father called..." He said and tears came again. "What did he say?" You wanted to know what had put him in this state. "My grandma's dead, baby. She died last night of a stroke." He burst out in tears againa nd you went forward and held him.
You knew how close Art had been to his grandma. She was her biggest supporter, she had always been. "I shouldn't have waited to go pro. She never got to see me pro, Y/n/n." He blurted out through sobs. You held him closer than ever and sighed. "I know baby, but she'll see you from up there." You whispered. "I think and know she was proud of you right now, Art. No matter where you go after this, she would've been your biggest fan. That I am sure of. Don't put pressure on yourself over her. From the little I do know of your beautiful grandma, I know she would be sad about it." He pulled back a little and looked at you intently. "You think?" He asks more unsure than you had ever heard him. You nod your head and wiped his tears away. "When's the funeral?" "In two days." He answered and a comfortable silence fell over you two while you held for the third time in the pas hour.
A little while after, Art got up after kissing you and took his bags with him. He led you two to the exit of the lockers and you walked him to his dorm. "Y/n?" You turned your face to look at him while holding his hand. "Would you come with me? To the funeral, I mean." He waited for an answer and you smiled at him softly. "Of course, whatever you want, Art." He lifted your entertwined hands and kissed your knuckles. "Thank you for being there for me. I love you." You smiled even brighter. "I'll be here for you no matter what, baby. I love you more." You said to him as you guys continued your way to his dorm. You had spent the night at his place and you watched his comfort film while cuddling up and organizing your trip to his hometown.
At the funeral, everybody was happy that Art had found a girl as loving and supporting as you. When he walked to the open casket, you held his hand and comforted him to his needs. No one had ever done such a beautiful and meaningful thing for him. For him, you were it. You were the person he wanted to be fierce and also vulnerable with.
It was not even a full year later that he asked for your hand.
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87kelce · 9 months
—devil in my lap and a cross on my neck
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summary: it doesn't take much for travis to get you going. especially after he's been riled up during a game.
warnings: smut (18+ only, no minors), slight angst, teasing, fingering, minor arguments, semi-rough sex, missionary, doggystyle, slight dom/sub dynamics, mentions of breeding kink, minor use of daddy kink, slight choking kink, aftercare
word count: 3017
notes: title taken from the song ordinary life by the weeknd. again, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated 🫶
The past couple of games have been nothing short of amazing for the team, they're on a 3 game win streak and looking to go for another. However, they're currently trailing by 9 points at half time and you can tell the players are getting nervous for the next half, especially your boyfriend. Travis isn't his usual self, he dropped an important catch in the first quarter and he's been worked up over it ever since.
You're sitting in his box with a few of his friends and everyone keeps making sure you're okay, knowing how worried you are about Travis' performance. The players come back out for the third quarter and they seem to be a bit more pumped up this time around. You're still antsy about Travis and you're focusing too much on his first half performance to notice he gets a touchdown, the whole box erupting around you. You shake your head and look up to the screen, watching the replay and celebrating with everyone in the box.
Even after the touchdown, the rest of the game just gets even more stressful, the Chiefs trying hard to fight back points. You're watching Travis like a hawk and you notice he's being agitated by one of the opposition players for most of the third quarter. He ignores it all, but it completely throws him off his game, dropping another important catch. He's so wound up and frustrated and you just wish the game was over already so you can comfort him and take him home to rest up.
The Chiefs fight back a few points in the fourth quarter but ultimately it's not enough for a win and you slump down in your seat when the game's over, staring up at the scoreboard. You catch Travis walking off the field, helmet in hand and not even bothering to high five the fans overlooking the tunnel.
You gave him time to get ready before going down to find him, hoping that upon seeing you, he'd be in a better mood. You waited a few moments, wondering where he was and then a hand was on your shoulder, before he interlocked your fingers together.
"C'mon.. let's go home."
He was blunt, almost pulling you out the stadium to the parking lot and into his car. You debated on whether or not to ask him how he was, but then you knew the response you'd get. So you just sat in silence for a brief moment, before his hand was on your thigh, fingers toying with the hem of your black pleated skirt. He hadn't taken his focus off the road when you looked over at him, but his left hand was gripping the steering wheel, knuckles almost turning white.
"Don't say anything."
His hand on your thigh started squeezing at your skin, fingers dangerously close to your core. Your hands flew straight to his wrist, holding on tightly as he ran one finger underneath your panties, dragging it across your folds. You leant forward, face leaning into his forearm as he pulled his finger back, before tugging at your underwear. You got the hint and lifted your hips slightly, letting him pull them off and down your legs to pool at your ankles.
You glanced out the window and recognised the surroundings, knowing you were only a few minutes away from his house. All you could do was silently beg him to keep going, your hips bucking up into his hand.
"Easy, easy.. be patient."
You just whined into his arm, sliding down the seat slightly to grind against his hand.
"I said, be patient."
He didn't even respond, turning the car onto his street, before pulling up into his driveway. You started to get out the car, removing your seatbelt but Travis' hand squeezed your thigh, silently telling you to stay still. He then proceeded to get out, walk round the back of the car before opening your door. He wiggled his fingers at you, indicating for you to swing your legs round, before he reached down to grab your panties, stuffing them into his trouser pocket. Standing back, he let you get out the car before he shut the door and let you walk up to the front door, him following closely behind. He handed you the key and you opened the door, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch.
"Baby.. just sit down and relax, please."
He just ignored you, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water from the fridge. You watched him take a few sips before putting it down on the counter.
"Talk to me, please.."
"Dropped two fuckin' catches today.."
"I saw.. but there's nothing you can do about it now.."
"Yeah, no shit. I'm still fuckin' pissed off though.."
Your eyes darted to his hand gripping the edge of the kitchen counter, watching his knuckles turn white as he tightened his grip. He dropped his head and clenched his jaw, before he brought his hand up to his face, dragging it down and shaking his head.
"So what was that in the car then?"
"Needed some stress relief."
You just rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and facing away from him on the couch. Now he was even more pissed and you could tell. You heard him sigh deeply before he spoke lowly and authoritatively.
"I'll give you five minutes to get upstairs and get into bed.. and I want everything off except the skirt."
You turned round to face him and he didn't even look at you, his head still facing the ground.
"You heard me."
You should be mad at him. Mad at him for being a dick after the game and barely acknowledging you, mad at him for touching you up in the car and leaving you high and dry, mad at him for starting an argument over something he did. But your legs wobbled as you walked towards the stairs and headed up, into the bedroom, stripping off and leaving the skirt on. You lay down on your front, lifting your legs in the air and spreading them out slightly when you heard his footsteps on the stairs.
Travis waited a few minutes downstairs before following after you, heading upstairs into his bedroom. When he saw you, he stepped towards the bed slowly, hands running up your thighs to your skirt, lifting it up slightly. Travis pushed at your legs, silently telling you to flip over onto your back. When you did as he said, you saw his hands grab at your ankles, pulling you closer to him at the edge of the bed. He then brought your legs up beside his waist, holding the backs of your knees and propping you up.
"This all for me?"
You just nodded, hands reaching down for the hem of your skirt and lifting it up. His eyes darted down and then back up at you.
"I've had a pretty bad day.. you think this pretty pussy can handle it?"
One of his hands made its way to between your legs, his thumb rubbing over your folds and sensitive area, making you arch your back slightly. You turned your head to the side, trying to hide it into the mattress, but then you felt his other hand drop from your leg to cup your chin, turning you back to face him.
"I asked you a question, baby."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I can handle—"
"Try again, baby."
"Yes, this pretty pussy can handle it."
"Good girl."
You watched as Travis put one knee on the edge of the bed, moving back slightly to let him kneel down on the mattress properly. He adjusted your legs to drape over his thighs, his hands bunching your skirt up around your waist before dragging them down your thighs, squeezing at your skin. He slightly tilted his head, eyes raking over your whole body.
"Do you promise to be a good girl?"
"Mmhm.. I promise."
"A good girl for who, baby.."
"For Daddy.."
"That's right, baby.."
Travis leaned down, his mouth pressing soft kisses to your cheek, then down to your jaw and then your neck. Your hands grabbed at his shirt, balling the material into your fists as you felt him kiss down your body. He stretched his legs back out onto the floor at the end of the bed, kneeling down and pulling you closer to the edge of the bed, his eyes flicking up at you from between your legs. Without breaking eye contact, he turned his head slightly to press a soft kiss to the inside of your left thigh, then turned his head the other way to kiss the inside of your right thigh.
You dropped your head back onto the mattress, one of your hands gripping the sheets and the other hand moving to your skirt, grabbing it and holding it against your stomach. Then you felt Travis' hands on the backs of your thighs, spreading them out slightly before his tongue was diving in between your folds, causing you to whimper and whine out, tears slightly forming in your eyes. He dropped one hand from your thigh, letting your leg drape over his shoulder while his hand moved up to palm at your breast, squeezing and kneading at your soft skin. His mouth wasn't letting up however, his tongue continuing to lick through your folds, his lips sucking at your sensitive nub. You were already worked up slightly from his hand toying with you in the car ride home, so it wasn't long before you dug your heel into his back, indicating to him you were getting close.
"S'okay baby.. this is the first of many tonight.."
You sighed out and arched your back, before dropping it slowly back to the mattress, letting your orgasm wash over you while Travis continued to eat you out. He did, however, slow down his movements, working you through it as gently as he could. As he pulled his head away from between your legs, he brought his hand back down to between your legs.
"Look at you makin' such a mess for Daddy."
You could only whine, his fingers playing around with your folds, spreading them open and running his fingers through them. He was still kneeling at the end of the bed, your ankle now resting on his shoulder as he watched you relax on the bed. Travis tapped the inside of your thigh and when you looked down at him, he nodded upwards, silently telling you to move back up the bed. You did as he asked, letting him kneel back up on the bed, your thighs once again resting over his thighs. His hand moved back down to between your legs, the backs of his fingers running through your folds, distracting you as he pulled down the waistband of his shorts. With his free hand, he pulled out his cock, stroking it a few times, before pulling his hand away from your core and bringing the tip of his cock to push through your folds.
"You ready, baby?"
"Please what?"
"Please.. Daddy.."
Travis took the hand that wasn't around his cock, and placed it beside your shoulder on the bed, his other hand pushing himself inside you. Your back instinctively arched off the bed again and he placed his hand on your stomach, gently pushing you back down.
"Easy, baby.. relax.."
You sighed out, feeling his head drop down to your shoulder, his lips on your skin, kissing softly across your collarbone area. His movements were slightly slow at first, just letting you adjust to his size like he does every time you're in bed together, but also letting you feel everything. It was always overwhelming in a good way, his cock inside you to the hilt, his lips leaving hot open-mouthed kisses to your neck and his body on top of you, engulfing you as he ground his hips against your core.
Then all of a sudden, Travis pulled out, tugging at your leg for you to flip over onto your stomach. You obliged and felt him kneel up behind you, one of his hands grabbing at your waist to hold you up while the other pushed his cock back inside you. His pace was getting slightly faster now, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing around the room. You knew it was what he needed after the game today, and you were more than willing to let him take his frustrations out on you. Your hands were gripping onto the bedsheets, whining muffled by the pillow for a short second before you felt his hand creep up round your throat, pulling you up and against his chest. Your head fell back against Travis' shoulder, while his hand was holding onto your neck, not too loosely but also not too tight.
"Tell me how it feels, baby.."
"Good.. feels so.. uhh.. good.."
The new angle was driving you crazy, his cock hitting you just right inside and you were almost going limp against him, the only thing holding you steady was his hand on your hip and the other on your neck. He pulled your hips right back against him, his other hand letting go of your neck to push you back down onto the mattress. Travis lifted one of his legs up, placing his foot down on the mattress beside your leg, his hips now pushing down against you. He started up a rougher pace, pulling out all the way before slamming his hips against you, but then slowed down when he filled you up, grinding his hips against you. He took one hand from your waist and bunched up the skirt material into his fist, his other hand moving to spread out across your back, holding you in place almost.
"You hear those sounds, baby? Y'hear how wet you are?"
"M'close.. please.."
"Let go baby.. I got you.."
He pulled out to the tip once again, before slowly pushing himself back inside you, hearing you sigh as your second orgasm washed over you. Travis leaned down, kissing your shoulder and whispering sweet nothings in your ear to relax you, his hand rubbing at your back gently.
"You got another one for me, baby? Think you can come again for me?"
All you could do was whimper, feeling him flip you over onto your back, legs flopping over his thighs and his cock dropping out of you. Your hands reached up for him, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling him down, your lips connecting with his. One of your hands moved up to hold his cheek while the other cradled the back of his head, scratching at his buzzed hair. You felt Travis run the tip of his cock through your folds and you just nodded while kissing him, letting him push back inside you. Your eyes squeezed shut, hips absentmindedly grinding against him while he rocked his hips back and forth slowly. You pulled away from him, dropping your head into the crook of his neck as he rested his forehead on your shoulders. He took one of his hands that was on your hips, to move between your legs, thumb rubbing at your core, trying to pull a third orgasm out of you as quickly as he could.
As you ground your hips against him, you could hear him grunt against your neck. He was close but you could tell he wanted you to come before he did—but he wasn't lasting long. He moved the hand on your hip to place his palm on the bedsheets beside your head.
"M'gonna come.. fuck.."
"Don't.. mmph.. don't pull out.."
You heard him groan against your neck, and then the bedsheets underneath you went slightly taut, his hand gripping tightly.
"Yeah? Want me to fuck a baby into you?"
"Wanna be filled up?"
"Alright baby.. alright.."
Travis placed soft kisses to your neck, his hips pushing against you, before he grunted against your skin. You could feel his cock pulsate and spill his load inside you, the warm liquid filling you up. His breathing got heavier as he pulled away from you, only now removing his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He pulled back, standing at the foot of the bed, pulling you close and bending your legs back slightly, watching as his load dripped from your core. He wiped you up clean with his t-shirt before throwing it in the laundry basket. You lay on the bed and watched him remove his shorts, also throwing them in the laundry basket before grabbing a spare pair from the closet. He grabbed a t-shirt for himself, before grabbing another one for you and coming back to the bed. He took your hand, sitting you up and helping you into the t-shirt, before he put the other one on himself. You moved back up the bed and let him walk round, getting into his side, but sliding up against you.
"Sorry for being a dick earlier.."
"Hey, it's okay.. I know you were just frustrated from the game.."
"Doesn't make it okay for me to take it out on you though.."
"Well.. I kinda liked it.."
Travis just laughed, pulling you in closer to him and wrapping his arm around your stomach. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck, closing his eyes. You just instantly relaxed into his touch, letting his hand roam over your stomach, pressing gently and squeezing at your hips, massaging your skin. His lips kissed at your neck again, more softly this time, making your eyes flutter closed.
"G'night baby.. I love you.."
"Love you too.."
He pressed one last kiss to the back of your neck, before he rested his head on his pillow, eyes closing once again as he drifted off to sleep. His light snoring made you smile as you drifted off to sleep yourself, feeling completely safe with his arm around your stomach and his warm body pressed against your back.
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
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surprise | cassian
summary; on starfall evening, you plan on revealing some big news, and giving cassian a very special gift.
word count; 4581
notes; this week was so insanely busy for me so I fell behind on these fics, but let's try and catch up at least a little bit, so here's day four!
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As you stood in front of the mirror, smoothing a hand over the indistinguishable bump on your midriff, the smile forming on your lips was beyond your control. In the connecting bathroom, humming away to himself as he styled his hair was the love of your life, every inch of thick and terrifying General absolutely adorable to you as he prepared himself for the night ahead, streaks of excitement bursting down the bond to you every now and again.
You hoped the life growing inside of you got his passion for life, and his love of all the little things. One of the parts of Cassian you’d fallen hardest for was his ability to always find some kind of silver lining, to find a way to make even an empty glass seem half-full, to put a positive spin on any bad situation. He made every problem a joint challenge, he made every fear a shared worry, he made everything so much easier.
There wasn’t a single doubt in your mind that he would be a wonderful father, just as he had been a wonderful boyfriend for years, a fantastic friend for centuries before that, and a good man for his entire life. If anyone deserved the kind of joy you knew your reveal would bring, it was Cassian. 
For almost two years you’d been talking about having children, trying for a little warrior he could call his own, if the adoration he showered down on his nephew was anything to judge by. For six years, Cassian had loved Nyx like his own child, and almost three years ago, after the candles had been blown out and you’d been half asleep, Cassian had nervously whispered his desire for his own child. Three months ago, that wish had finally come true. 
It was far too special to just blurt out, and so you’d waited. You’d suffered through every minute of just wanting to burst it out to him, to save it, to make it truly special. Luckily, you’d managed to make it to this evening without your scent changing breaking through, or your bump coming in early. 
As Cassian stepped out, eyes scanning over the simple underwear set and somehow managing to make you feel sexy even in that, you tried desperately to fight the sudden burst of excitement. By the time the two of you went to bed tonight, Cassian would know he was going to be a father.
Every nerve seemed to leave your body as he let out an appreciative hum, gaze raking you in the same way you were for him. He’d tied his hair back in a neat bun behind his head, and trimmed and neatened the overgrown hair along his jaw that you loved so much. Dressed in smart dress pants and a black silk button-up that he’d purposefully left undone by a few buttons, chest hair on show, he was a sight to behold. Even more so as you watch him strap on just two of his siphons, one over the back of each hand, expertly clasping them without needing help.
“You’re staring, y’know.” His cocky tone made your gaze snap back up to his face, tongue sticking out childishly, and he only grinned in return. “Shall I pose for Feyre to paint? Then you can stare all day long, and never tire of it. Maybe I’ll post nude.”
Heat flushed your cheeks, but a smile crawled over them all the same, matching his joke-filled attitude. Cassian picked up your dress, admiring it before himself, before making his way over and stopping behind you. His eyes met yours in the mirror, a much more intimate smile on his lips now as his large form swamped yours, and he dipped to press a kiss to each of your shoulders. 
With matching kisses all the way down your spine until he was braced on one knee, he unzipped the dress, before holding it open for you to step into. One foot at a time, you did, and he began to smooth the grown slowly up your body, inch at a time. Both arms in and the material settled over your frame, he ran a single knuckle along the trail his lips had traced along your back, to grip the zip at the bottom. Slowly, it crawled up the tracks, getting tighter and tighter around your stomach until it paused. 
You’d had the dress made months ago, before you’d even fallen pregnant at all, and even though you weren’t obviously showing yet, you were beginning to fill out just slightly. Last week, you’d been able to get this dress on alone, with no struggle. Now, Cass had to give a little extra tug to keep the zip moving. Your lips flickered at the edges, biting your tongue to hide a comment about how fast your baby was growing, and how large they were sure to be, just like their father. 
Cassian, clearly misinterpreting the look on your face, spun you around as soon as the dress was fastened, pulling you in until his lips could brush your hairline lovingly. “All that extra training, doll. Got this pretty ass even thicker for me to hold onto.” 
He made a point of squeezing your ass in both hands until you smiled, head tipping up to steal a kiss from his lips. The look he gave you was wrapped in sin and lust, and you had to fight back the urge to jump on him then and there, knowing that look was exactly how you ended up this way in the first place. 
Instead, you tutted at him, pulling away and chuckling at his groan, only to reach out to hold his arm in support as you tucked your feet into your heels. Soon enough, your feet would be too swollen and you’d be too unbalanced to wear anything but your slippers, so you fully intended to make the most of these shoes while you could.
With hands wrapped tightly together, you cast one last look at your underwear drawer, a surprise for later tucked neatly inside, as he turned off the lights and led the two of you away to the party. 
When you arrived, the rest of your family was already there, but you’d expected as much. Cassian was nothing if not a drama queen when it came to his appearance for these events, even if it was family only. He spent so much time messy, un-groomed, wrapped in dirty leathers and covered in sand and sweat, you didn’t blame him for enjoying a little primping when the time presented itself. 
With the greetings done, Cassian turned to you, lips on the shell of your ear, “What can I get you to drink, baby?”
“Just water, I think,” You hadn't thought this far, knowing you had to wait for the right moment tonight, for it to be perfect, and unable to explain any odd behaviour leading up to it. His rear back with raised brows was enough to show you his shock and concern too, and you only shrugged. “I just think maybe I’ll hydrate a little before we get into the real drinking, save myself the hangover tomorrow.”
“Good idea,” His nose nudged over yours before he stepped back. “I make no promises of doing the same.”
Your laughter carried him a long distance from you, and your hand settled subconsciously over the life inside of you as you took a deep and shaky breath. Before even starting to calm your newly raging nerves, Rhysand was making a direct and pointed bee-line for you across the room, your eyes widening a little at his determination. An easy smile sat on his lips, but something calculating in his gaze, and when you glanced to Feyre behind him, she was doing her best effort to look anywhere but the two of you, bashfully. 
“You look stunning tonight, my dear,” He placed a friendly kiss on your cheek, a motion which you repeated for him, before pulling away. “Forgive me for my forwardness-”
“When have you ever been truly sorry for that, Rhys?” 
He only smirked, shrugging casually as his hands tucked into his pockets, but while his smile said ‘fun’, his eyes said ‘serious’. “You know… me and Fey could smell it as soon as you walked in. Everyone else is going to be able to tell soon, too. You won’t be able to hide this much longer, why doesn’t Cassian know yet?”
Your heart dropped a little, skipping a beat in dismay. Cassian had been hurt before, when Nesta had chosen to marry Eris instead he’d been wounded for years, he didn’t want his brother going through any more heartbreak, and you understood that. You appreciated his loyalty to his brother, and that the same loyalty would be inherited by your child, but you hated the miscommunication he seemed to have created. “I’m not hiding it, Rhys. I was waiting for a special time. I want this to be memorable for him.”
He looked a little bashful, and it was your turn to shrug. 
“Take a look.” Tapping one finger to your temple, only moments later, a tap at your inner shield was replacing it. You let the memories pour out; mornings in bed with Cassian discussing the future, moments after you’d babysat Nyx, or seen children out during the summer in Velaris. Every memory of discussions about children, about the picture of the future, and his utter joy at the prospect of having a child. You even showed him the little gift you’d planned, your way of telling Cass the news. “I know how much this means to him, and I want to make every single moment of it something special for him.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Your walls crawled back up as he retreated, a much happier smile on his face. “I love how much you love Cassian, and how much you’ll love your niece or nephew.”
“I’m going to spoil them.”
“I know.” You grinned, watching Cassian begin to make his way back over, your water clutched in hand with just the number of ice cubes you liked. He knew you so well, it made your heart clench. Leaning a little closer to Rhys, you whispered; “I’ll need your help later, with sneaking the gift in.”
“It would be my absolute pleasure.”
“What are we talking about?” Cassian broke into the conversation, handing you your drink with a kiss to your cheek, and you leaned into the arm wrapping around you. You sipped your water for something to do, to occupy yourself so you didn’t have to lie. You hated lying o Cassian, even if it was an inconsequential one that was for the good in the end.
“Your darling girlfriend was just harassing me on when dinner would be ready, she’s starving. Truly, brother, do you not keep your girl well-fed and satisfied?” You choked on your water at the innuendo, and Cassian only scoffed, squeezing your hip at the insult. 
“Trust me, she has no room for complaints.”
“Men.” You scoffed, and Rhys only flashed a cheeky smirk. 
“Is now soon enough for food for you?” He clicked his fingers, varied sounds of awe all around as the table filled with food, and you were glad Cassian was distracted, because the abrupt clash of scents in the room made your stomach churn so violently your head spun temporarily. 
Thankfully, Cassian was once again caught up with Rhys, never looking your way again until he was pulling your seat out at the table he’d guided you over to, tucking you under with a kiss to the top of your head. By that time, you’d managed to quash the obvious look of nausea on your face. 
Across the table from you both Feyre pulled out a chair, and onto it hopped Nyx, his eyes lighting up when he found himself opposite his Uncle Cassian. Almost immediately, the two fell into conversation, the boy telling his favourite uncle all about his week at school, now that he was officially attending the ‘big boy school’ Rhys had been pestered into letting him enrol at. His stories never ended, ranging from playground games to classroom lessons to jokes his new friends had told him, and Cassian ate every bit of it up. 
He’s always been so good with Nyx, from the moment you’d first met him and seen him interact with the heir who was just a toddler then, you’d known he’d make an incredible father someday. You were just happy you were the one who got to go on that adventure with him. He reacted in all the right ways, gasping dramatically and laughing loudly and feigning abhorrent shock at the right times. They were always such a sight to observe together. 
As food was served, Cassian took charge of caring for Nyx automatically, his large hand leaving your thigh to pull Nyx’s plate over to him, never interrupting the child’s endless excited monologuing, and cutting up all his food for him while still managing to focus. You weren’t privy to the conversation, nor any of the conversations around you as you all ate, far too wrapped up in admiring Cassian. It was perfect. Everything about it, leading up to this moment, this night’s big reveal, couldn't have been better.
Only when you felt a prickle along the side of your face did you pull your attention away, the feeling coming from Rhysand’s stare, a smile on his lips, and he wiggled his brows a little towards Cassian and his son, neither of them any the wiser, and you only shrugged. At the squeeze of a hand on your thigh again, you tuned back, your boyfriend’s attention having moved to you as Nyx was now arguing with his mother about eating his carrots. 
“You okay, babydoll? You’ve barely touched your food.”
It was true, one glance at the plate confirmed you’d only taken a few bites, mostly having just pushed it around and considered it. Part of the reason was that you were distracted, the other part was your sudden intolerance and aversion to certain things. It had been nothing short of a labyrinth of poor excuses and lame misdirections these last few weeks to avert his focus on your meals and sicknesses and mood swings. How were you supposed to explain why you suddenly couldn't stand to eat your favourite sandwich fillings without telling him everything? 
By the end of the night, that was just another burden that would be lifted.
“M’fine, Cass, don’t worry. Just… not feeling it tonight.”
“But it’s your favourite.” He mumbled, eyes narrowing only slightly, the way he did when he was assessing someone he wasn’t sure how to read yet, putting all that military tactics and body language reading to the test on you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I swear-”
“Babe.” His tone said enough, one brow raising, and so you sighed. Putting on a smile at his concern you leaned in, his lips puckering to receive the kiss you were offering, but his eyes never closed, telling you he wouldn't be distracted so easily right now. 
“I want to save some room for dessert. I’m really craving sugar tonight, and I kinda’ just want to binge out on a lot of cake and pastry and ice cream.” His lips stayed pouted for just a second, this time not for a kiss but out of confusion, before a soft gasp left him. 
“Are you… coming up a cycle? You always crave sugar on your cycle. Is that why you’re acting odd these last few days?” It was like a lightbulb went off in your own mind, and you wanted to slap a hand on your forehead for not having thought of that yourself. “That makes so much sense. Why didn’t you tell me, we could have stayed in tonight, cuddled and read in bed?”
“My cycle… yeah. I am, and I just want a ton of sugar right now. But I’m fine, really. I’m just going to wait for the cakes to roll out.” He was far more content now, gaze flicking back to your plate. 
“Do, you’re not gonna’ eat this?” You shook your head. “Can I have it?”
He didn’t get a chance, though, because Nyx was down from his chair now and tugging on Cassian’s sleeves with force, clearly desperate for the attention. “Uncle Cassie, Uncle Cassie! Let me show you my new toys now, you said we’d play right after dinner!”
“I know, buddy, but I just need to stay here for a little while.” Subconsciously, even as he turned to the boy, his hand smoothed up and down your thigh slowly, comforting and reassuring. You lifted it in your own instead, kissing the back softly before placing it on his knee. 
“Go play, Cass. I’ll be fine here.”
“What? No, I- no.”
“Go. I’ll be just fine. I’m waiting for my sugar rush.” You patted your stomach lightly, all this talk of cake and baked goods really was getting you hungry now, and you could only thank the Mother that you hadn't lost your love for chocolate. “Go be with Nyx.”
“Are you sure?”
He hesitated only a second longer, before letting his nephew take his hand and lead him away to a patch on the floor where you could no longer see them, only the tips of Cassian’s wings sticking up. 
While Cassian was distracted, you saw your chance to slip away. A quick walk down the halls, past the flickering sconces and stone tiles, until you were back in your bedroom once again. Hidden away in your drawer, underneath all the socks and bras, was the small wrapped gift package you’d prepared days ago. Swiping it up, your thumbs smoothed over it. Soon, the truth would be out there, and everyone would know. 
It would be real. 
And you couldn't be happier about that. Smiling, you lifted it, pressing a kiss to the paper and the promise it held inside, before pushing the drawer closed again, and making your way back to the party, before your absence was noticed.
You were barely gone for five minutes, thinking you could slip out and be back in time before anybody noticed. But, your boyfriend had been suspicious all night, and you could hear his panicked voice from the opposite end of the central corridor. With the gift tucked behind your back as you rounded the entry and back into the main hall, your gaze closed in on Cassian. He was questioning Rhysand for your whereabouts, stopping only when he looked over his brother’s shoulder at you.
“Baby, hey.” He all but elbowed Rhys out of the way, stopping before you and smoothing his hand down your arms, eyes searching your face. “Where’d you go?”
His gaze shifted, to your hands behind your back, and so you leaned up swiftly to kiss him before he could look much further. He was gentle, as always, a sweet kiss as one hand smoothed down to your hip, the other large and warm and calloused as it sat on your jaw. Behind you, you felt Rhysand take the packet from your hands to hide, freeing you to put them on your boyfriend instead. 
As your hands found him, one gripping his shoulder to pull yourself further up and the other slipping into his hair, scratching at his scalp lightly until he gave a soft groan against your lips. “Don’t think you can distract me with kisses and playing with my hair.”
His mumble against your lips was low and gritty, but your laughter was much louder. His eyes twinkled a little as he watched you. Sinking back down to stand properly, your arms were slung around his neck, his hands smoothing up and down your sides slowly. “There’s nothing to distract, Cass. I just went to freshen up before the stars began to fall, that’s all.”
Those tanned chinks gained a hint of pink, his eyes widening just a fraction, and lips parting. “Oh… sorry.”
“Don’t be, I like it when you worry about me.”
His grin was back, wide and sparkling, and he just tugged you closer in response, until your chests were pressed together. You pressed one kiss to his stubbled jaw, the next one to his cheek, the next was just under his eye. Under your lips, you could feel his smile. Next was his temple, his nose, the side of his mouth, until he was huffing in disappointment and impatience. “Kiss me. Now.”
“So demand-” His mouth closed over yours, far more intense than that first kiss. That one had been a reassurance, this one was a demand, and you yielded to the force of his lips against yours, moaning softly into his mouth. “Cass…”
“Mhm?” He didn’t pull away, instead nipping lightly on your lip until you let out a shaky sound that he was quick to smother again. When he dipped you backwards, a giggle sounded from you. 
“Cass, c’mon, everyone’s waiting!” 
“Let ‘em wait.” The kisses moved to your cheek when you were too busy laughing to kiss back. 
“Alright, handsome, let’s go and watch the stars before you decide to throw me over your shoulder like a caveman.” As if to punctuate how close he was hovering to that border, Cassian left a single smack on your ass, a matching nip to your jaw, before pulling away. A few pieces of his hair were starting to fall loose where you’d played with his hair, hanging down around his face in strands that were beginning to curl in the warmth of the room, and you twirled one around your finger. 
“Alright, fine.” He took your hand, raising it to kiss your knuckles. “If you insist.”
“I do.” You tugged him along behind you, until the two of you were standing out on the balcony. Twisting your back to him, you settled into his touch, feeling his arms wrap around your body, wings following to grace your sides and block out the light breeze sweeping over your skin. 
The falling stars started only a few minutes later, bright colours lighting up the sky as the souls began to fly past. Your hand settled on your stomach, rubbing lightly at the growing life hidden within you. 
“Doll…” Cassian’s voice was gentle, almost too fragile, stubbled cheek brushing against your skin as he left loving kisses to the juncture of your neck. “I’m still worried. Are you truly okay? You can tell me if something is wrong, please tell me if something is wrong.”
This was the moment, you knew it. There was no more denying or hiding it, you didn’t want Cassian to start truly panicking, to put a bad tilt on something that should be a happy memory. Twisting in his arms, your hands lifted to his cheeks, something across the spiky hairs there and smiling at the way he leaned fully into your touch. 
Your gaze left his, flickering away just for a second towards Rhys. Cassian followed your gaze, his brows furrowing when his brother untucked the small, neatly wrapped package from his inner jacket pocket. “What’s this?”
“A gift, Cass.” He didn’t seem all that impressed by your joke, however his lips flicked up at the corners, adoration flashing through his eyes, even as his face still read confusion and worry. 
“Obviously. But, you should have told me we were doing gifts. I’ve had my eye on this necklace I thought you’d like for weeks, but-” You cut his rambling off with a sweet kiss, one he was quick to reciprocate, lips melding with your own. He was always so passionate, no matter the kind of kiss it was, or the moment or occasion, Cassian never failed to make you feel like the only woman in the world. As he was distracted, you took one of his hands, pressing the gift into it carefully, before pulling back. 
“We’re not doing gifts. This is different.”
His brows only rose in response.
“There is something. I’m going to be a little sick for a while, mostly in the mornings. I won’t be able to eat certain foods, or drink alcohol for a while. I’ll probably get some really bad mood swings, just like my cycle.” Your boyfriend smirked at that, you both knew how temperamental you could get. 
His hands were shaking, a shallow breath taken in as he glanced at the parcel in his hold. His eyes were starting to shine, ad his throat bobbed as he did, your own growing thick with emotion as the silent message was passed between you both. He was beginning to get it, beginning to understand, tears forming along his lower lash-line as his lips pressed together when the bottom one trembled.
“Open it.” 
“I’m nervous.” A watery laugh left him, rubbing a hand down his face before he leaned forward. A lingering kiss on your forehead, his nose dragging along your temple to leave another on your hairline, before he was glancing down at the parcel. Your heads rested together, and you were acutely aware of the group watching on, silence and anticipation. 
The stars overhead flashed different colours across you both, lighting up the scene in vibrant hues that made for the perfect setting, and you sniffed through your emotions as he tugged on the ribbon. The bow came loose, the ribbon fluttering away to the ground, and the paper fell open in his cupped hands. Revealed before him was the soft material, pale white and delicate and so small.
He lifted it out slowly, shaking it out, and when he finally got a real look at it, a sob left his lips. Loud and unashamed, and he lifted his head to take in the piece in all its glory. Pinched in his hands, so tiny to fit, was a baby’s romper. Plain white and warm, with a matching hat and pair of socks back in the room, the words ‘baby’s first Starfall’ across the front in sparkling silver thread.
Another sob, and your heart squeezed to the point of pain at the elated expression on his face. Tears were slipping down your face to match, his gaze finding your own once again. “We’re having a baby?”
“Yeah, Cass. We’re having a baby.”
“I’m gonna’ be a dad.” He whispered, voice thick, and stealing a series of happy kisses from your lips, wet cheeks sliding together and salt tasting on your mouth, but it was perfect. When he pulled back, it was to spin to his family. With clasped hands and wide eyes and huge grins, Cassian cheered loudly, hands throwing up in the air. “I’m gonna’ be a dad!”
Rhys whooped, Azriel cheered loudly, wings flaring out, and both leapt for Cassian. In big hugs and flaps of wings and excited pats on the back, they celebrated, Nyx scrabbling in his mother’s arms to join the fray. 
Feyre set him free, before making her way over to you, taking you into a tight hug that Mor and Elain and even a reluctant but smiling Nesta joined. You were still crying, as was Cassian, even as he scooped Nyx’s up and tickled his stomach and promised him soon he’d have a little friend to run these halls with.
And as you watched him, watched them all, you knew Cassian would make a wonderful father, and your baby would have the most loving family possible.
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nvoirs · 1 year
Could you do a Leon one shot where him and the reader are still in Spain and he catches Luis checking the reader out? Causing Leon to reveal his lust and love for the reader
I love this so much oh my gosh, here you go <3
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You were glad that you and Leon had met Luis. The man was a ball of sunshine and he brightened up your mood when he cracked jokes every once in a while, he was also determined to help in your ‘quest’ as he called it.
“Luis, you really know how to make a crowd laugh.” You walked alongside him as Leon trudged behind his gaze hard but that’s just how he always was. You didn’t expect Leon to care if Luis was basically flirting with you, staring you up and down every time he engaged in a conversation with you, he’d never so much as shown a romantic interest in you.
“Senorita I only impress the best ladies, you could say that I’m a ladies man.” His big grin made Leon want to punch it off. His irked expression dissipated and his hands unclenched dropping at his sides when you glanced back at him giggling from Luis’s comment.
“Hey Leon, we can stop here and take a break.” You gestured to the small empty cabin, no ganandos in sight to try and snatch up Ashley.
“Baby eagle will be safe.” You added on. In reality, you were so exhausted your legs were sore from all the sprinting you’d done.
“Alright.” His curt response was expected. Ashley pipped up by Leon’s side clutching his arm which made you a bit annoyed but you really had no reason to be since you were shamelessly flirting with Luis. But Leon didn’t care, did he?
She mumbled about how she hated that stupid code name she was given, like what even is baby eagle? Her grumbling made you roll your eyes, as Leon made her sit down on the chair in the creaky old cabin.
“Take this time to rest.” Ashley nodded at him, her heart eyes evident had you turning your back and shutting the door harshly. Leaning your shotgun against the stony moss covered wall you pulled off your fingerless gloves before stuffing them into your back pocket.
You hadn't heard the creak of the cabin door open and Leon make his way around to you. “Cleaning weapons without me? No fair.” you gave him a look before turning around and continuing cleaning your handgun with the now dirty rag.
“What's up with you? you and Luis were just having a party of a conversation before.”
That pissed you off. “And have you got a problem with that Agent Kennedy?” The surname basis made Leon flinch as he trapped you between his arms caging you between the cabin wall and himself.
“Why are you really pissed, Agent?”
“I don't know, maybe ask Ashley.” You shot back. Oh shit you dumbass.
“Oh? don't tell me you're jealous of the president's daughter's hospitality, don't be It's just the way she was brought up.” His hand inched its way towards your leg, you could smell the mint of his breath gently fanning over your startled face.
“I'd say you have a little crush on me.. no? Forcing It onto Luis to get back at me.” His free hand that wasn't holding his gun came in contact with the softness of your dirt caked skin. He wiped a streak of mud with his rough padded thumb from under your eyelid and you let out a small squeak.
“I bet you'd like it if I did this, wouldn't you.” You weren't even thinking straight as Leon pressed against you, slotting your mouth against his as you drank in his sweet lips. You muffled gasps and whines had him chuckling as he pulled back, a string of fated saliva still connected.
“Luis and Ashley are only behind this wall, maybe talking but they'll probably hear you if you make a sound.”
Your eyes widened when Leon unzipped your tactical pants in one swift motion, pulling them down to your mid thighs. Exposed and vulnerable to Leon's intentions he had a full view of your underwear that was collecting your wetness inside. He got you so wet it kind of scared you if he was going to see he would never let you live it down.
“Pink panties? that's so cute.” His cooing made you shiver, but you let him do as he pleased. His fingers dipped into the side of your underwear as he shamelessly stroked your bare cunt. The short gasp that you let out had him continuing. Latching his mouth onto yours again drinking in your cries of pleasure, as he shoved two of his fingers into your sopping mess of a pussy.
The thrusts were fast and you could hear the squelching of your cunt as Leon pumped his fingers inside of you. A third finger rubbed at your weeping clit, sending electric bolts of pleasure through your weakened body. Your watery eyes were rolling to the back of your skull, legs trembling like jelly as he literally forced your orgasm from you. You came on his fingers whimpering into his mouth, your pussy still clenching around his fingers as he pulled out.
“Open your mouth, know you'd love it, such a slut.” Leon tutted as you opened your mouth eagerly sucking on his fingers tasting yourself on them.
“Please Leon, need more.” Clenching your thighs together, as you stared up at his looming figure. His arrogant stare intimidated you as he grinned.
“Maybe if you don't go near Luis, you're still indebted to me. I think I deserve something for my efforts.”
And you were dropping to your knees before he could even ask.
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
okay i'm sorry for this but. you mentioning marc crying + showing hole on ig at the same time made me think. he would so be an overstimulation kinda crier.
he literally is thank you so much. genuinely before AND after reconciliation it’s like. he is genuinely crying by the time vale gets inside him. ummmmmm this got lawng. under the cut !
EYE think. marc has this insane ability to have this vice grip handle on his body and his reactions to physical input thereof… high pain tolerance high pleasure tolerance i would wager. think about how clear headed he is on track despite an INSANE amount of sensation and physical input and adrenaline… like it all speaks to his freak ass nature. you can’t just turn that shit off !!
SO it’s fun for MEEE to take that to its logical conclusion. sex with vale valentino rossi. where (at the beginning especially) he’s starstruck and responsive and sweet, but he’s also very clearly still ALL there. no getting lost in the hedonistic haze for marc— instead he’s absolutely DIALED IN on vale, cataloging information like a crazy person. he’s like. vale likes it when i move my hips like X and i incorporate more tongue here and just. trying to win at sex. make it good for vale make it good overall (ITS ALREADY INSANE MIND YOU). trying to get a good grade in fucking vale trying to WIN ! and i think it results creating a little competitive streak in vale where he NOTICES and. well he wants to make marc absolutely lose his god damn mind. and it’s not ONLY as a “winning at sex” kind of thing (trust that is at play. the crazy ego of getting there— the desire to see this hyper, neurotic, COMPETITIVE (a RIVAL. the fastest guy on track even !) guy CHILL OUT), it’s also coupled with grade A 100% pure and earnest horniness. crucially. it bothers him that his baseline effort gets marc there but doesn’t make him LOSE HIS MIND!! BEST HE EVER HAD!! crazy possessive streak he ABSOLUTELY doesn’t quite understand… he wants him to not be able to SPEAK… he wants the only thing swimming around in marc’s little intelligent fucked up noggin to be VALENTINO ROSSI in bright flashing letters… so. he sets about achieving that goal with typical rakish whimsy
so they fuck normal style and marc comes and it’s Good (knee wobbly) and he’s laughing like. jajaja okay now i will take a shower :3 and he’s got one knee off the bed stupid blue underwear in hand looking ENTIRELY too unruffled for someone who just got their back blown out by THEE valentino rossi… ass insane abs go crazy hair all over the place flush on his cheeks… just casually LEAVING the bed while vale’s still strung out breathing hard all sweaty from fucking and tangled in sheets lounging like a roman emperor. and that’s when the irritation meets competitiveness meets horny and some neuron fires in vale’s head and the switch FLIPS. and vale catches marc by the wrist. pulls him back. flips him against the mattress gets a thumb under his knee. marc shivers mouth like :o vale slings his legs over his shoulderssssssssss and he gets to WORK.
genuinely vale like. sorry nasty zone. getting him off as many times as humanely possible. relentless. fingers him blows him fucks him then eats his own come out of his hole absolutely NASTY. hickies on thighs thumbs on his nipple. marc doesn’t even know what to DO with all of it… and marc can handle a lot of sensation he LIKES a lot of sensation…. the things that would be WAY too much for normal people are justttt enough for our boy marc marquez… but his knees were jello forty minutes ago and vale’s got two fingers tugging on the oversensitive rim of his hole and his tongue is playing slick on the underside of his cock and vale’s STARING at him blue eyes clear and lasered in… and vale takes his other hand and presses his fingers, feather light against the outside of marc’s thigh, a caress, and marc is coming and his breath is catching and tears are hitting the light in the corner of his eyes like he’s an old hollywood star and he’s SO overwhelmed and loving it SO much and his head is EMPTY and he has maybe the most insane orgasm of his life. shoots all over his chest with a cracked open sob hands white knuckled on vale’s shoulders….. doesn’t leave the bed for ten full hours after that….
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hannahbarberra162 · 1 month
Under the Microscope, Part 3 (Yandere Sabo X Reader)
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CW: vomit is discussed but not described in detail
on Ao3 | Part 1 Part 2
You groggily moved your head from side to side on a soft pillow, moaning quietly. This infirmary bed was way nicer than any you’d been on before, maybe the Marines had finally upgraded them. You felt terrible. No, worse than terrible. Your mouth was dry and your head felt like it was full of cotton. Your stomach was already sore and you felt nauseous. What had happened to you? You thought back to the last thing you remembered. Guard duty, magnifying, Sabo….Sabo. Sabo had…drugged you. And taken you. You had a fleeting feeling of betrayal, which was foolish since Sabo wasn’t loyal to you. Or your friend. Or anything to you, really, except your captor.
You sat up, which set your stomach roiling. You quickly realized you were on a ship, which was bad for two reasons. One, you were being taken to a secondary location. Your chances of being rescued were getting slimmer and slimmer the farther you got from your base. Second, you were highly prone to seasickness. It was another reason you didn’t switch bases often. You had a hard time on the Grand Line, with its famously rough waters. The last time you’d set sail was over three years ago, and it had been at least five days before you could keep anything down. And as if on cue, you felt the urge to throw up. The ship was rocking heavily and it felt like a storm was coming. You were able to stuff the feeling down for now, but you doubted it would stay away for long. You looked around the room for something to throw up into. If you were going to be a captive, you were going to be a gross one. Serves Sabo right for kidnapping you. 
You saw a small trash can near a writing desk, that would have to do. You threw the blankets off of your body, noticing quickly that someone had changed you out of your Marine uniform. You were wearing a dark billowy shirt, socks, and your underwear. Nothing else. Your stomach dropped as you thought of someone changing you while you slept. You hoped it wasn’t Sabo. You scooted to the edge of the bed, putting your legs over the side. You needed to get to that trash can as soon as possible, you were feeling sicker by the second. You put your weight on your feet and stood up. You felt your blood rush quickly to your head, making you dizzy. You put a hand on the mattress to stabilize yourself. You needed to move, now. 
Forcing yourself to walk quickly, you just made it to the trash can before you collapsed to your knees and forcefully vomited. Not much was coming out, but that wasn’t surprising. You’d been asleep for…however long and hadn’t eaten. You were dry heaving, which hurt your stomach even more. Tears streaked down your face from your effort. You hoped you wouldn’t pop the blood vessels in your eyes. The last time you’d been on a ship you’d had red eyes as a result for weeks. You were curled over yourself, one hand holding your stomach protectively, the other holding the garbage can. All of a sudden the door burst open, like there was an emergency.
“Mag? Mag, what are you doing out of bed? I was just -” You knew it was Sabo from the voice, he was speaking to you calmly but you were feeling scared. Scared because you were vulnerable - he was free and among his own crew, he could do anything to you. But you couldn’t hear anything else he said as the ship rocked heavily to the portside and you resumed heaving. You felt an overwarm hand on your back, rubbing it in soothing circles. It felt nice but too familiar for someone who had just kidnapped you. It also made you realize you were freezing and shivering so hard your teeth were chattering.
“Seasick?” Sabo asked, concerned. You nodded. You didn’t have the strength to ask him anything, maybe you’d get answers from him later, but not now. You didn’t know how far you were traveling, but you hoped it would not be too long of a journey.
“I’m going to pick you up now and put you back to bed, OK? I don’t think you can walk right now.” You didn’t think that you could walk either. Your head was spinning, your stomach hurt, and you were disoriented. You also didn’t know why he was bothering to tell you, he could do what he wanted. You were a Marine captive on an RA ship, he could kill you right now and face no repercussions. “Can you nod if that’s OK?” You nodded.
Sabo didn’t waste any time in picking you up, his arms under your knees and supporting your back. Your head rolled back against his chest. You blearily noted the shirt he was wearing - it was the same as yours only in white. When you felt better, you’d care more. Sabo gently deposited you in the bed, tucking you back under the covers. He looked at you closely, worry etched into his face. “Do you need a doctor?” You shook your head as you curled on your side. The boat was still lurching, you felt worse than when you woke up.
“B-buh-ket” you tried to speak but it came out a hoarse whisper. “Bucket,” you said again, straining your voice. Sabo moved quickly and retrieved the garbage can from the desk, putting it right next to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, watching your every move. It was almost funny, your roles had reversed. Now you were the one being monitored while he was free to come and go. You were glad he hadn’t shackled you, though you wouldn’t have made it out of the room either way. 
“You slept a long time, 18 hours. Between that and the seasickness, you’re dehydrated. I’m going to get you something to drink and some medicine.” Sabo reached out to touch your forehead and you flinched. He frowned but still tested your temperature. “It’ll be OK, Mag, don’t worry.” 
“Don’t ca-call me that.” Sabo had already risen from the bed as you started feeling sick again.You closed your eyes, still on your side, facing away from him. You curled yourself into a smaller ball than you already were. 
“Alright, love.” Sabo closed the door behind him as he left, and you heard the snick of a lock turning.
Sabo POV
Sabo felt bad for you as he watched you lay on his bed, shivering under his blankets. He hadn’t known you were prone to seasickness, but even if he had, the outcome would have been the same. You had to come with him away from the base, back to the RA headquarters. Still, he could have prepared more for such an outcome, he thought as he walked towards the medical supplies. This was one of the smaller RA ships, not even equipped with a real infirmary or medical professional. He hadn’t been planning on taking anyone with him from the base when he’d set out, so he hadn’t prepared for a guest to be on board. 
He needed to get some liquids into you, you did not look well. He was already worried for your health since you’d been losing weight due to stress. Now on top of that, you were sick and may be for a few more days. Sabo was worried, and he was pretty sure he knew the most medical knowledge of everyone on board. He went to the kitchen and rummaged around looking for something light you might be able to eat. He didn’t think you would, but he wanted to offer something in case you did. He found some stale crackers in the back of a cupboard, that would have to do. He filled a pitcher with water and walked back to his room. 
He knew he didn’t have to lock you in the room, there wasn’t anywhere for you to go. Aside from being seasick, you were at sea, it was not like you could escape. It was really for his own peace of mind that he did it. It made him feel more at ease to know that you’d be exactly where he left you. He was also unsure of how his fellow Revolutionaries would treat a Marine if he wasn’t around. Given that he was second in command of the Army, he didn’t think there would be any problems, but he felt better knowing that you couldn’t get out and no one could get in without his knowledge. After all, he had brought you here, he was responsible for you. He didn’t think of you as a captive, he’d just freed you from your prison. Once you saw his point of view, he was sure you’d agree. You were a logical thinking scientist, after all.
Unlocking and opening the door, Sabo noticed you hadn’t moved at all. He came over to your side and sat the pitcher and crackers down on the small bedside table. Your eyes were screwed shut and you were breathing shallowly. Sabo sat next to you on his bed and you didn’t react in any noticeable way. Sabo ran his hand over your shoulder, trying to get you to interact with him.
“I brought some water, I’d like you to take a sip now.” You moaned quietly. “I’m going to elevate you to sitting, just take a few sips then you can lie back down. Can you do that for me?” You nodded, cracking open your eyes. Sabo gently helped you to sit and poured water into a small cup from the carafe. He brought the cup to your mouth before you stopped his hand and took the cup in your own with a glare. He was sure that if you were better he’d be hearing how you could do this yourself. You took a sip and swallowed, grimacing. He wasn’t sure if it hurt you or soothed your throat, but you had to drink either way. “One more now, then a couple more sips in a few minutes.” You took another sip, then handed him back the cup. You looked like you’d expended all your energy with that small task. He set the cup back down and helped you lay back against the pillows. Sabo continued to sit with you while you lay there, covered in sweat with your eyes closed. 
“Thank you,” you rasped, your voice hoarse. 
“How long are you usually seasick?” Sabo was hoping this would subside by the end of the day.
“Three days. Sometimes more.” Sabo fought the urge to curse in front of you. He should have prepared more supplies for an occasion like this. The ship had a stockpile of weapons but only a small amount of coconut water to give you for electrolytes. But he said he’d take care of you and he would. He’d provide you with the best care he could and if he needed to divert the ship to an island or kidnap a physician, he’d do that too. He wanted to scoop you into his arms and cradle you like the treasure you were, but he knew you wouldn’t want that. So he contented himself by monitoring you. After a few minutes ensuring that the water didn’t come back up, he went back over to his writing desk to catch up on paperwork. But his gaze kept returning to your small shivering form on the bed, wishing he could help you more. 
He knew you had some feelings for him, even if you didn't say it. You’d warned him, the Chief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army, that he needed to leave the base to avoid transfer to Impel Down. Once you told him, it had sealed your fate. It proved to him that you deserved more and better than anything those fools could offer you. He had been thinking of taking you with him since the moment you’d met, he knew you couldn’t remain with the Marines. Even if you didn’t acknowledge it, on a subconscious level you knew Sabo wasn’t a threat to you. You’d even stopped him from calling you that atrocious nickname, surely that meant you had some kind of feelings for him. He had originally planned to station you with someone else who could keep you safe - maybe Ivankov, who had a proclivity towards science. But once you’d shown your loyalty to what was right rather than what was expected of you, he knew you needed to stay with him. You’d agree soon.
Your POV
Twelve hours later and you were sure you were dying. Or maybe you just wished you were. You were still sick and the ship was now passing through a heavy storm. The ship was rocking wildly with waves crashing over the deck, causing everything that wasn’t bolted down to roll from side to side in the cabin. The pitcher of water had long since tipped over, leaving you without anything to drink. Not that you’d be able to keep it down anyway. You were able to keep yourself on the bed, but not much else. You felt like you were being flung every which way and you could feel you’d broken the blood vessels in your eyes from repeated vomiting. Every part of you hurt and you were scared - you’d never liked storms even when you were on land. Once you’d eaten your devil fruit, your anxiety around storms had intensified along with your fear of the water. Sabo had come and gone a few times before the brunt of the storm, but there’d been a call for all hands on deck, so he’d left to help. You didn’t blame him but his presence did have a calming effect on you. He was so self assured, so calm, so confident, he made you feel like he knew what to do all the time. You knew he wasn’t a safe person to rely on, but for now you couldn’t help it. You were vulnerable and he was comforting. You’d adjust yourself once you were well again. You just tried to keep yourself in the moment, breathing as deeply as you could and trying to remain calm. 
Eventually, you felt the rocking of the ship abating more and more as the storm passed. You were glad you’d made it through the storm but you hadn’t felt this bad in your memory. You laid there, unable to move, unable to think, unable to do anything. Soon you heard the door open again and a water drenched brown coat entered your field of vision. Sabo’s face came in front of your own, his gloved hand cupping your cheek. You gave no resistance when he moved your head to the side, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. It made you dizzy to watch him, so you closed your eyes again. You were so tired and he’d do what he liked, whether you wanted it or not. Sabo left almost as soon as he came. Maybe he’d decided you were too difficult of a prisoner and he’d return you to the Marines. Or kill you. At this point, you didn’t care. 
Sabo returned a few minutes later, bringing something with him. You opened your eyes to see him setting up an IV drip and tubing. You didn’t like needles and doctors, but were too weak to protest. “You’re too dehydrated to drink. You need intravenous fluids, now.” You tried to talk, maybe to convince him just to let you drink some water instead, but he hushed you. “You’ll feel much better after,  trust me. You’re doing so well, you only need to do a little bit more. You can do that for me, can't you?” You weren’t sure how much trust you had in Sabo as a person, but he seemed to know his way around the tubing. You watched him drowsily, waiting for the time when he’d need to stick you with the needle. He reached for your hand with his own gloved one, and you allowed him to take it. “No need to worry, we’ll get through this,” he said, patting your hand. He tenderly wiped your elbow crook down with alcohol. Maybe it was because you’d worked for so many years in labs, but you found the smell of rubbing alcohol soothing. You closed your eyes as he prepared the needle, you didn’t want to see this part. A few moments later you felt the prick of the needle and opened your eyes to watch Sabo tape it down to your forearm. You could feel the liquid entering as Sabo gently held your arm and inspected his work.
“Thank you, Sabo.” You could at least thank him for the IV. You weren’t sure how many prisoners got such treatment at the hands of their captors. His eyes flicked to yours.
“I’m sorry I let it get to this point. I was needed on the deck because of the storm, otherwise I wouldn’t have left you. Rest assured, I’ll be with you from now until you get better.” You weren’t sure how that made you feel. On one hand you were happy there was someone who could help you. The times you’d been seasick on Marine vessels, they’d basically dumped you in the infirmary, where nurses checked on you only once every 12 hours. Other than that, you’d been miserable and on your own. On the other hand, you didn’t want Sabo with you. He’d taken you and you weren’t sure why. You didn't know where you stood with him and what he wanted from you. Maybe you’d find out soon, after a short nap. Your eyes slid closed as Sabo stroked your hand.
You awoke a short while later, shivering with cold. You weren’t sure why, the room wasn’t cold and you had blankets. Still, you were shaking like a little wet dog. You were still hooked up the IV, so you couldn’t move around too much otherwise it would need to be redone. Looking around, Sabo was sitting at the little desk, writing what looked like a letter. You watched him for a moment as he concentrated. He was serious at that moment, so different from the Sabo you’d met in the jail cell. You wondered which was the real Sabo, the polite and charming one you’d gotten to know, or the serious Revolutionary who killed, maimed, and commanded hundreds of troops. As if he could sense your thoughts about him, he looked at you and smiled, holding his quill in his hand.
“How are you feeling?” 
“Cold,” you said in a scratchy voice. Sabo’s smile dropped. “More blankets?” you asked. You didn’t want to overexert your voice, you weren’t sure it would last.
“More blankets? I’m not sure, this boat isn’t equipped with much.” He put his quill down on the table and turned his body towards you. “I’m going to suggest something unconventional. You can say no, there is absolutely no pressure. You’ve been cold for hours, but I thought the fluids would help with your temperature regulation. I’d like to lay next to you and warm you up.” You stiffened at his words, you weren’t expecting that. His suggestion made you nervous, what else would he want? You were about to refuse when he continued. “We’ll both keep all our clothes on, and I’ll stay over the blanket. It’s the most efficient way to heat you.” You bit your lip. The offer had appeal, he could warm you effectively using his devil fruit power. Besides, if he had wanted to do something nefarious, he could have done it at any time already. You looked at his face, his open expression showing his sincerity.
“Ok,” you said, nodding once. Sabo stood from the chair and came over to you by the bed.
“I’m going to lay on your left side so it doesn’t interfere with the IV tubing.” You turned on your side and Sabo got on the bed next to you. True to his word, he didn’t take off any clothes or go under the blankets. You could feel the heat being thrown off his body, he was like a small furnace. You couldn’t resist, you immediately curled into his body. You felt emotionally awkward but it felt physically incredible. Laying next to Sabo was like laying next to an all body heating pad. You finally felt relief from the cold, you were so happy you could have cried. He took one of his muscled arms and put it around your shoulders. It was almost…romantic. 
“Feel warmer?” he asked. You could have purred at that moment.
“Yeah,” was all you could muster to say. You changed position so more of you was laying on top of him. You wanted as much of his heat as you could get without being inappropriate. You ended up with your head on his chest, warming your face as you listened to his heartbeat. Sabo didn’t talk to you, just let you relax. You drifted off into sleep, finally feeling a little better.
Sabo POV
He hadn’t planned for such an outcome, but Sabo knew how to take an opportunity when it was presented to him. You really had needed to warm up and this was the fastest way. It was also something Sabo had daydreamed about for weeks now, but that was neither here nor there. You were resting with your head on his chest, finally sleeping peacefully. Not only that, you were wearing his shirt. Sabo knew he had a possessive streak in him, and he loved seeing you in his clothing. He hadn’t been the one to change you, that was Koala. Even so, he liked thinking of you wearing his clothes, in his bed, sleeping next to him. He was tired too, and he allowed himself to doze off, pretending this was more than just a medically induced happenstance.
The next morning, Sabo awoke still fully clothed and in his bed. You were stirring next to him, waking as well. He had given you another IV bag during the night, but supplies were running low. The sea was calm right now, Sabo hoped it would be enough to stop your seasickness. You blinked your eyes awake, taking a few moments to register what was happening. You looked down at your arm and saw the IV tubing still there. You yawned loudly and stretched, which made Sabo chuckle.
“I feel better.” You looked objectively better, your eyes no longer sunken in and your skin wasn’t blotchy like it had been. You hadn’t moved from your position, you were still laying your head on top of Sabo’s chest. He wondered if you noticed.
“I’m glad to hear it. We don’t have much longer to sail, this portion of the trip is nearly done.” The ship would arrive at the destination by the end of the next day, he just hoped you could make it through.
“Portion? Where are we going?” you said, furrowing your brow.
“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry.” Sabo didn’t think you’d try to escape or compromise their location, but the safety of the Revolutionary Army bases were top priority.
“You know, no one is coming to rescue me,” you said with a bitter tone. Sabo hummed. He wasn’t so sure. You were a key asset, someone who had been providing critical information to the World Government at a rapid pace. He knew about your scheduled meeting with Sakazuki, those weren’t given to just anyone. “I’m not worth any ransom or bounty, if that’s what you’re after.” You valued yourself very little, something Sabo didn’t like. He’d help you see how invaluable you were, and not just for your devil fruit.
“I’m not after money.” 
“Then what are you after? Why did you…take me?” You seemed to have remembered your position laying on him and adjusted yourself, to Sabo’s disappointment. You sat yourself up and Sabo did as well. “Do you need a scientist? I can um, research whatever it is you need. I’m pretty good, you know that. We could make a deal? If I complete your project for you, will you let me go? ” Sabo noticed your hands shaking but you looked hopeful, like you’d discovered a new solution to your problem.
“N-no?” you faltered in the face of Sabo’s decisive answer.
“No. There’s no deal you can make with me that will get me to give you back to the Marines. You aren’t going back. Ever. You’re staying with me.” 
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whimsyfinny · 8 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: Nudity
Chapter Word Count: 2552
A/N: sorry this one took a while! I’ve had so much going on, I’ve struggled to get time to myself. I wrote this over the course of several nights so pls let me know of any errors as it’s only proof read by me
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Please read the below first:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 7
Dean and I stood side by side in the dimly lit parking lot, trying not to make eye contact with each other as Sam stood in front of us; arms folded across his chest with his foot tapping impatiently. He gnawed on his bottom lip, frowning and shaking his head. He was the spitting image of an angry mother.
“You did what?” He asked, disbelief in his voice.
“Look, Sammy,” Dean started and I was unable to tell if he was about to be boastful or apologetic.
“Don’t you ‘look Sammy’ me. We’re on a job Dean, couldn’t you have kept it in your pants a bit longer?”
“Sam I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean for it to happen, it just sort of…did,” I stepped in, embarrassment taking over as I caught sight of my reflection in the Impalas drivers side window. My hair was tousled and my lipstick was almost completely worn off save for a few streaks under my bottom lip. That, and also the fact that my shredded underwear was currently scrunched up in Deans pocket. I couldn’t tell if I was more horrified when I saw him pick them up off the study floor and ‘save them for later’, or the fact that I may have developed a new kink for having my panties sliced off my body with a hunting knife.
“(Y/n),” Sam’s eyes softened, “you have nothing to apologise for; Dean should know better.” His words made Dean scoff.
“She’s not all sunshine and rainbows Sam, she’s the one who started it.”
“I did not! I only told you to kiss me, not fuck me into that desk!”
Sam’s eyes widened and his ears went pink, Dean snapping back at me before the younger brother had a chance to think.
“Yes you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes, you definitely did. Don’t lie,” he paused, his tone changing, “you can’t deny it sweetheart - you wanted me,” Dean smirked, gesturing to himself.
“Ok, prove it - what did I say?” I crossed my arms across my chest, remembering I wasn’t wearing a bra. His smirk grew, suddenly making me very aware that I was most likely wrong about this and he was going to be obnoxious about the fact that he was right.
“You said - and I quote - ‘are you gonna fuck me or what, Winchester?’ Now to me, that sounds like you instigating this.”
I scowled at him, wanting to slap that lipstick-smeared smirk right off his face.
“Fuck you,” I spat, rapidly having to cross my legs where I stood as I started to feel more ‘essence of Dean’ trickle down my thigh.
“You already did darlin’.”
“Ok ENOUGH!” Sam got between us, putting up his hands, “let’s just finish the job and go home. But just so you know,” he pointed at us, “you are BOTH in VERY big trouble.”
The ride back to the bunker was a little awkward. I sat in the back, not wanting to move too much for fear of making a mess on the impeccable upholstery and Sam sat in total silence, giving us both the cold shoulder. Dean however drove the whole way home with the biggest grin on his face, occasionally glancing at me in the rear view mirror. Sam had taken the liberty of packing everyone’s luggage into the Impala before we had even left the auction house, so I wasn’t even granted the simple pleasure of washing Deans intoxicating scent from my hair in the motel shower. I just had to sit there for the next three hours breathing him in and replaying every red hot second of our time together in that study.
Dean pulled into the underground garage to the bunker and before he’d even put it in park I’d thrown the door open and jumped out, racing back to my room. I heard Dean shout after me but I had sprinted too far to know what he’d said. I ran through the corridors like a princess in a castle; long dress bunched up in my fists so I didn’t trip, with the rest billowing behind me as I frantically searched for my destination in this labyrinth. Upon reaching my door I flung it open and raced inside, slamming it behind me. I paced into the bathroom, heels clicking on the tiles and flicked on the light before turning the shower on and wincing at the loud clanking still coming from the plumbing in here. As the water began to patter into the shower basin I hurriedly peeled off my shoes and my dress before sticking my toe into the water now pooling in the bottom. The moment it was the perfect temperature I stepped in, sighing as the liquid poured over me and washed away the electric tingle on my skin left behind by the older Winchesters hands. I felt normal again, and much less sticky too as I lathered soap over myself. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as I slid down the tiles and sat down, letting the shower soak my hair. I tried my best to steady my mind and be calm, but all that I could think about was Dean. The way he touched me, running his rough hands over my soft skin. The way said my name; moaning it in a deep breathless voice. And oh boy… the way his mouth felt on mine was like something out of this world, the taste of him alone made me dizzy. I wanted to run to wherever he was right now and press my lips to his - to get high off of him again. It’s a crying shame that he’s such a jackass, so naturally I’m reluctant to give him the satisfaction. He’d be smug for days - or weeks - if I even mentioned that this was how I was feeling, let alone if I was actually acting on the impulses.
I must’ve sat in the bottom of the shower for at least twenty minutes, my brain going over the events on a loop, replaying again and again. In the end I gave up trying to silence my thoughts and turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fuzzy white towel around myself. I grabbed a smaller second towel and dried my hair, leaving it damp but not dripping as I walked into the bedroom. I searched for my duffle for a few minutes before it dawned on me: it was still in the car. ALL of my clothes were in there.
“Shit shit shit shit,” I searched through the wardrobe and dresser in the room, hoping to find something, ANYTHING, that I could wear to go and retrieve my bag but there was nothing to be found. I sat on the edge of the bed contemplating my options as I started to shiver, my damp hair making me cold. I considered wearing the dress again, but the stains on it made me think otherwise as I was now clean and fresh from the shower. My eyes darted to the door. There’s only one option: theft. Deans room was right opposite mine and he didn’t spend much time in there so the chances of me running into him were slim. I stood up, determination coursing through me as I marched to my bedroom door, opened it and quietly stepped into the hallway. I looked left and right, sighing in relief at the emptiness. I quietly padded across to Deans door, incredibly aware of how cold the air was out here. I grasped the handle and twisted, the door opening with a small click.
“Yes!” I whispered to myself, grateful it was already unlocked. Ducking in I closed the door behind me and spun around, pressing my back to the cool wood to observe the room. Eyes widening, my blood ran cold and I dropped to the floor. Dean was asleep - or so he seemed to be - above the covers and still fully dressed in his suit, a nudie mag open and covering his face. He had one hand behind his head and the other rested on his stomach, rising and falling with each breath. FUCK. I looked around whilst on all fours, feeling the dust from the floor sticking to my damp skin. So much for the shower. I spotted Deans dresser off to the side of the room; if he was asleep, I should be able to sneak in, grab a T-shirt and sneak out again with no problem. I crawled over to the drawers and started sliding them open painfully slowly to inspect the contents. It wasn’t until I opened the fourth drawer that I struck gold. Silently cheering to myself I snatched the first T-shirt I saw and pushed the draw closed. As I turned around to leave I near enough jumped out of my skin, shrieking a little. Dean was now laying on his side, head propped up with one hand and he watched me in total silence, the corner of his lips turned up.
“You need any help down there?” His voice was low and gravelly.
“No thank you,” I stood up, clutching his T-shirt in one hand and trying not to let my towel fall with the other, the corner now refusing to tuck in. “I got what I came for.”
“And you need one of my T-shirts because…?”
“None of your business,” I taunted, inching my way towards the door. Dean raised an eyebrow.
“It is if you’re being a little thief.”
“I’m only borrowing it.”
“Sure you are sweetheart,” he grinned, turning to lay on his back again, this time propped up on his pillows against the headboard with his hands behind his head. There was silence for a few moments as he chewed on his bottom lip, eyeing me up and down. He made me feel totally exposed. Out of nowhere he jumped up, reaching me where I stood by the door in one swift movement.
“I tell you what - you can keep the T-shirt for life on one condition,” he stepped closer, those piercing green eyes keeping mine entranced. I swallowed.
“What condition…?” My voice suddenly felt very small and quiet as a result of his close proximity.
“Drop the towel and put it on.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
I wasn’t able to stop the heat rising to my cheeks and I couldn’t tell if it was from frustration at his arrogance or the fact that the low rumble of his voice was making my knees weak. The words bouncing off the walls in my mind failed to leave my lips, and in my silence he spoke up again.
“Or unless you’re happy walking all the way to the garage in nothing but a towel, you still have the option to refuse.” I scowled and smacked his chest.
“You knew?! If you knew I’d left my bag behind, why didn’t you bring it?”
“Because,” he put his hand on the wall beside my head and leaned in a little, “where’s the fun in that?” I tried my best to hold his gaze, fighting every urge to look away as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I’ve already fucked the man so what have I got to lose? I placed my hands firmly on Deans chest and pushed with enough force to knock him back, the backs of his knees hitting the edge of the bed, making him collapse onto it. Leaning back on his hands he looked at me expectantly as I took a step towards him and away from the door. I tried my best to keep a stern expression, refusing to let him know that any of this was affecting me - the last thing I wanted was for smug old Dean Winchester to know that everything he does makes my heart hammer in my chest. I threw the T-shirt at him, hard enough that he was taken aback as he clutched the dark fabric in his large hands. A look of disappointment started to cross his face before I reached up and untucked my towel letting it fall to the floor as I stood in front of him, fighting every urge not to cover myself up. At first I was unable to look him in the eye, scared of what that alluring evergreen stare would do to me if I did. Eventually I caved in, biting my lip as I saw how entranced he was; eyes flitting over every curve on my body, studying me like a work of art. I watched him swallow, throat bobbing as he licked his lips, jaw going slack and his pupils dilating. He was silent. I took another step forward so I was in reach of him and his hand immediately shot out to touch my thigh. Right as his fingers grazed my skin I smacked his hand away, pulling him from his trance.
“Please…” was all he managed to say, all cockiness gone from his attitude. I snatched the T-shirt from his loose grip, pulling it on over my head and down over my body, finally covering myself from his burning hot gaze. Dean was finally pulled from his trance when he could no longer see the curves of my figure, his eyes eventually meeting mine again. He looked a little flustered, his hands now crossed in his lap.
“My clothes look good on you,” he said, an unusual tone to his voice - something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He eyed my chest, observing the way the loose black fabric fell over the soft curves of my breasts and did little to hide my perky nipples. His eyes travelled south, surveying the rest of me before stopping and lingering at my thighs right where his top ends, hinting at the shape of my ass cheeks hiding underneath. He probably would have sat there all evening and ogled at me, however I could feel the tiredness start to hang heavy in my body and weigh on my eyelids, getting worse as the minutes passed. I groaned internally, remembering I still needed to go and get my duffle. But there was something about the way that Dean was looking at me that was making it hard to leave. I took a few more steps towards him until I was standing between his knees, swatting his hands away as they skimmed the backs of my thighs, sending goosebumps over my skin. I grabbed his chin unexpectedly, making him flinch. However it was only a matter of seconds until he was like putty in my hands. His muscles relaxed and he looked up at me with hooded eyes, mouth agape as I tilted his chin up to face me. I leaned down, our lips millimetres apart as I felt his hot rapid breath fan over my cheeks. I watched his pupils blow wide at the close proximity, a shiver ghosting over his skin as he stared up at me.
“Goodnight Dean,” I hummed, before letting go and standing up straight, turning to leave the room. I picked up my towel and opened the door, looking over my shoulder one last time to witness the starstruck Winchester sitting in a daze right where I left him.
“Thanks for the T-shirt.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10 @feyresqueen @lori69 @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog
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Up Next:
Chapter 8 part 1
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hanckocks-dagger · 2 months
Red Nightgown Blues
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John Hancock x afab!reader
Description: After a medical emergency, you realize the only thing you really need is Hancock by your side.
Fill for a truly ancient LiveJournal prompt from the Fallout Kink Meme
Tags: Established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst, reader is SoSu, no y/n
Warnings: Miscarriage, blood, medical exams/procedures, worries about terminal illness. (I don't go into much detail and none of it is all that explicit, but please skip out on this one if you feel it would be triggering to you <3 )
Word count: 3.1K
Crossposted on my ao3
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The bed was wet. Not in a damp, sweaty naked bodies way, but like someone had dumped an entire bucket of water onto your legs. Distantly, you thought back to your dreams, wondering if you'd gotten too high last night and managed to wet the bed. Ugh. Not the most respectable thing for the general of the Minutemen, but god knows you'd pulled Hancock out of enough puddles of his own vomit for it to be your turn.
Speaking of. You twisted in the bed to check the other side of the bed, wincing when your stomach cramped at the movement, muscles sore beyond belief. What the fuck?
The bed was empty, Hancock's hat and coat missing from where he'd tossed them the night before. He didn't tend to wake up before you, but maybe Fahrenheit had dragged him off for some mayoring business.
The front of your shirt and your underwear were uncomfortably sticky, glued to your skin, so you decided it would be best to rip the band-aid off, go strip the sheets and wallow in embarrassment for a while. You raised the sheets slowly, expecting to find a damp spot on the bed, maybe some moisture on the skin, but paled at the sight that greeted you. Blood. Way, way too much blood.
You inhaled shakily, pulling yourself into a sitting position, sending another stab of pain through your abdomen as you did. You shoved the sheets to the side, taking in the wet puddle of blood in the bed, more crusted onto your thighs, your underwear unrecognizable, dyed red.
"Shit," You whimpered, mind already reeling. God, you wished John hadn't left, his disposition much less prone to panic than you were, wanted him to be your voice of reason as your mind spun with possibilities. Was it the sex? You were usually pretty careful, taking your RadX first and finishing off with RadAway. Hell, you couldn't even name the last time he'd finished inside of you. But... maybe your body was tired of it, rebelling. Or maybe you'd had internal bleeding from your last fight, but didn't that usually show up in your vomit?
You rose to your feet, legs shaky, and stripped the bed, using a corner of the sheet to wipe off your thighs, wincing as the blood smeared over your skin. It didn't exactly look fresh, it wasn't like someone had stabbed you in the middle of the night, it looked more like the darker, browner color of your period, but this was... way too much blood.
You balled up the sheets in your hands, leaving them on the floor as you struggled to get your pants on. You needed a doctor. Amari was fine for patching up scrapes, and had even reattached some of Hancock's fingers when they got bitten off by a rabid dog once, but she specialized in brains, not whatever this was.
You pulled a piece of paper from the desk, scribbling out a quick explanation to John so he wouldn't be liable to lose his mind when he couldn't find you skulking around.
Popped over to Diamond City for the day, back before dark <3
On a normal day you would've tracked him down, gotten him to kiss you stupid before letting you leave, but you were shaking, pale and very clearly panicking, and you didn't want him to worry, or insist on following you. You weren't sure you had it in you to keep him from threatening to bite whoever badmouthed him, not today.
You pulled on your shirt, ignoring the way your blood covered hands left streaks on the fabric, shouldered your gun and tucked some caps into your pockets. If you moved slowly, kept out of sight and didn't run into any problems on the way, the walk shouldn't be more than an hour.
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Downtown Boston was light and quiet, lit by noon sun bright enough that you wished you could've had John's hat to shade your eyes. Your fingers itched to have his hand to hold, and your fraying nerves had you wishing for his voice to calm you. Your ideas were spinning rapidly out of control: This was cancer, or some other equally incurable illness. You were dying. How could you possibly go home and face John to have to tell him that your time together was coming to an end, that you were abandoning him?
You steadied yourself on a rusted mailbox, forcing a few deep breaths before you lost your mind completely. You'd already passed the first sign for Diamond City, it was just a couple of blocks and you'd be inside the city walls. You’d go talk to Doctor Sun, end your panic. No matter the outcome, knowing was better than this pointless speculation.
You were more lightheaded than you were comfortable being, but kept walking, regretting not having brought water with you in your hurry to get out without Hancock spotting you. You regretted not going to him, either. Sure, you were strong, capable, got through more than most, but wasn’t this the sort of thing partners were for? Shouldering the heavy burdens with you, providing comfort. 
As the gates of Diamond City approached, you considered turning around, trekking back and just falling into his arms, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to make the journey twice in one day, not the way your vision was starting to swim. So, instead, you walked into the gates alone, emerging into the bustling Diamond City, and headed towards the Doctor’s. 
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Doctor Sun frowned as you whispered your symptoms to him, putting down his clipboard when you spoke of the cramps in your abdomen, quickly ushering you inside his house.
"Are you sexually active?"
You bit your lip, pausing to consider how to answer. Would he deny you medical service if you admitted to shacking up with a Ghoul? Sure, he was a doctor, but Diamond City's distrust of Ghouls had deep roots. You weren't willing to risk it, kept it to a clipped, "Yes."
He nodded, instructing you to pull your pants down and lie down on the table. You hesitated, the memory of the mess with Doc Crocker fresh in your mind. Still, your gun was leant against the table, and though Doctor Sun wasn't a small guy, you spent your time flitting about the wastes. If the worst happened, you’d be able to fight him off.
The inspection was quick, invasive and painful. Doctor Sun was professional the whole way through, and pointedly did not look at you as you redressed, tears stinging at your eyes.
"I'm sorry to say, but your cervix is dilated, indicating a miscarriage."
You blinked at him, having been bracing for news of your inevitable death. You were pregnant?
"But–" You cut yourself off. Couldn't tell him that that would be impossible. "That's... that's it? It's not... uterine cancer? Or like... cysts on the ovaries or something? A miscarriage?"
"All indications point to that, yes. Otherwise, you seem healthy. Again, I'm very sorry."
The shock of the news left you numb to anything else, no feelings attached to the thing itself. "Uhm, okay. Thank you. Should I... do anything?"
"Well, you've probably lost a substantial amount of blood, so I'm going to administer a blood pack. You should try to keep your diet rich in iron for the next few days, and spend the day resting."
"Thank you," You said blankly, as the doctor went about searching for blood, gave you a glass of water, and took his payment.
When he told you it was safe to leave, you stepped into the market in a daze. How would you have gotten pregnant? Ghouls were sterile, it was one of the few facts that almost everyone seemed to know about them.
You bought some meat, which you ate without tasting it, then walked over to Sheng's for some cold water. The boy looked at you strangely as you passed over the caps, but kept his mouth shut.
The thought briefly crossed your mind that it could have been someone else, as you wracked your mind for any missing memories, any nights with strangers, but besides that time last month when you'd gone with John up to Tenpines to help with some electrical failure, there was nothing. He'd been by your side every night and almost every day.
Again, you felt the sting of tears, confusion overwhelming you. You thought about renting a room to get some privacy, but you desperately wanted company, someone to pull you out of your thoughts. You thought about calling on Nick, but somehow it didn't feel right, so you ended up at Publick Occurrences, saying hi to a distracted Nat before sneaking in through the door.
Piper's house was calm, warm, smelled of ink and dusty books. Piper herself was upstairs, calling down a hello as you entered. "I'm working on an article, come up and keep me company!"
You collapsed onto her bed, watching as she typed at her terminal, hunched over with the world's worst posture, occasionally mumbling to herself as she picked through notes in her little notepad.
"I just had a misscarriage." The words tumbled out without permission, needing to exist out in the open, to be shared with someone.
Piper froze, hands hovering above the keys, before she spun in her seat, eyes wide.
You nodded, surprised to find tears dripping down your face.
"Who's... was it?" Her words were indelicate, wincing to herself as she spoke.
"I know," You used the back of your hand to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks, sniffling. "But I haven't been with anyone else. And Doctor Sun seemed pretty sure."
Piper leant over to pat you on the shoulder, and you caught her hand, giving it a soft squeeze.
"D'you mind if I crash here tonight? He told me to take it easy today, so I probably shouldn't walk back."
"Yeah, of course, Blue. Anything you need."
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It wasn't far after dusk when the guilt set in, and you found yourself wishing for a functional telephone. Hancock knew you could take care of yourself, but he also worried for you more than just about anything in the world. If you told him you were feeling depressed while dumping his whole stash of drugs out the window, you were reasonably sure he'd ask after you first. Or, at least very quickly afterwards. 
After keeping you company for a couple of peaceful hours, Piper vanished to go get some dinner for the three of you, leaving you to try to occupy yourself with one of her ancient novels.
Still, you didn't get to wallow very long, a crash from downstairs with the panicked call of your name drew your eyes from the book you'd been reading, a screeching Nat appearing in the stairway, single-handedly holding back a panicked Hancock with her fists raised.
"I told you, you can't come in here, Ghoul!"
"It's alright, Nat," You said, clambering off the bed to reach them. Your steps were slow, the pain in your stomach having died down from occasional cramps to a constant low ache. The second you were down from the stairs, John was pulling you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses, "Where the fuck did you go? What happened? I was–" He caught himself, jaw tensing as he pulled back to stare at you, eyes crinkled in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, finally, and you didn't miss the quiver in his voice.
"I'm fine," You said, and were surprised to find that it was the truth. Clutched in his arms, the world felt right again, "C'mon, let's go talk in private."
Nat was still staring at John like she planned on kicking his ass, and with as wiry as he was, you weren't totally sure she couldn't. You guided him gently up the stairs, through the room and out onto the roof access. You didn't mind the rowdy nature of Goodneighbor nights, drunken laughter, fistfights and arguments, but there was something about the calm of Diamond City evenings that you appreciated just as much. There were even crickets in the grass, chirping their hearts away over the gentle murmur of people at the bars, bots in the markets.
You led Hancock towards the couch Piper had forced you to help her drag up here some months ago, watching him collapse with unusual gravity onto the cushions, half pulling you onto his chest with him. You relished the warmth of him, the familiar softness of his coat, the ever present smell of cigarettes and Jet that clung to his skin.
"What happened, love?"
You hadn't actually given all that much thought to how you would explain yourself, simply appreciating the relief of not having to tell him you were dying. After some thought, though, you figured the simple truth would be best.
"I came to see the doctor." His grip tightened, already inhaling to ask what had happened, what was wrong, but you cut him off. "I woke up covered in blood. I got scared, figured it would be best to go in on my own and see what was wrong right away." John's fingers found your hand, clutching it tight, and you squeezed him right back.
"I uhm–" God, why was it so hard now? "I had a miscarriage."
The hand you were holding tensed, minutely, then pulled away, John shifting away from your body so he could turn his face to look you in the eyes. He looked... miserable.
"Are–" He had to clear his throat, voice even more gravelly than usual, "Are you okay?"
You nodded, bunching your hands in your shirt, desperate to hold something, "Yeah, the doctor said I should be fine. Just some rest, he gave me some blood."
"And who's– who's the father?" The words seemed to pain him, eyes slipping away from yours to look up at the sky, stars reflected in his eyes. He looked like he was about to cry.
"John," You breathed, hands sliding over to take his hands again, squeezing hard so he couldn't pull away, "You are. Of course you are. I wouldn't– I haven't cheated."
His eyes flickered downwards, just for a moment, but you hoped he could sense the earnestness in your expression.
"John," You repeated, firmly, "I love you. No one else. Hell, we've been attached at the hip the last two months, when would I have even had the chance to run off and get knocked up?"
He considered this, Adam's apple bobbing, "Yes, but, baby, you know I'm sterile, right?"
"I know. I don't–" You had to pause, swallow a lump in your throat, "I don't get it, but that's probably why I miscarried, anyway. Just a– a fluke."
"A fluke," He repeated, then his chest heaved, and suddenly he was curling into you, face buried in your shoulder, arms wrapped around you as he sobbed into your skin. You'd never seen him cry before.
You wrapped your arms around him, only taking a moment to pluck his hat off and toss it to the side, so you could tuck a hand around the back of his head, hold him closer. He had to trust you on this, seeing as you were the only one who could reasonably know if you'd actually slept with anyone else, and even then, you hadn't been completely sure at first.
You kissed the top of his head, whatever skin you could reach, as his hands clutched at the back of your shirt, almost like he expected you to vanish if he let go. You held him back just as tight. Your relationship wasn't new, by this point, but it hadn't been so long that it was unreasonable to assume it wouldn't last the rest of your lives. But now, you felt something shift, maybe just in you, maybe in this thing between the two of you. You loved him and you didn't want to lose him, not for anything, not even a baby.
Eventually, his sobs faded, only the occasional tear spilling onto your skin. His grip loosened, second by second, until he righted himself, cleared his throat, put his hat back on his head. You reached out for him again, though, cupping his face in his hands, thumbs brushing away the tears on his cheeks. You gave him a weak little smile, not sure exactly what was going through his head. Sometimes, his mind worked a little too fast for you to follow, thoughts too warped by his own insecurities for you to understand.
"What are you thinking?" You whispered, fingers still ghosting over his cheeks.
"Are you– Would you have wanted to keep it?"
You thought about it. Raised the way you were, a family was considered the end goal of a relationship, along with marriage and all that other nonsense.
"No," You decided on, "Not right now, anyway. I'm still getting to know this world, still finding my purpose in it."
He nodded into your palms, turning to press a kiss to the inside of one of them. It sent a wave of soft heat through you, the gesture so achingly intimate.
"What about you?" You asked, realizing that it wasn't something the two of you had ever really addressed. By the time you'd started sleeping together, you'd already known that ghouls were infertile, and had just figured that was that, no need to worry about any accidental pregnancies. Of course, he still pulled out a majority of the time, seeing as it burned like a motherfucker, still setting off the Geiger counter on your pip-boy, but it was just one less thing to worry about.
"I'm not..." He trailed off, "I didn't think it was an option. Just sort of put it out of my mind."
You nodded, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
"Well, if we ever get to that point, we'll deal with it then, okay?"
"Yeah, okay."
You pressed your forehead to his, shutting your eyes, "I'm sorry for not coming for you. I regretted it the second I was gone. Just got scared."
The brush of lips over yours, "I'm always here for you, love, no matter what it is."
"I know." You did, believed it with every fiber of your being. Knew that no matter what, in Goodneighbor or out in the wasteland, John had your back.
"Now, come on, it's getting cold," You opened your eyes, stood up, pulling him up with you, "Let's go bully Nick into lending us his bed for the night, it's not like he's using it."
Hancock grinned, "Lead the way."
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Notes: Bit heavier than my usual stuff, but I was just scrolling though the kink meme prompts and this just popped fully formed into my head... I am always a sucker for some good hurt/comfort tho. And this is my first fic where Hancock cries! Usually I'm more masochistic towards my blorbos than that....
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seventeenpins · 1 year
pairing: stepdad!joel miller x f!reader
word count: 1.4k
summary: part four of bad girl. you wake up with joel in his hotel room the next morning. you're interrupted.
warnings: joel is actually a fucking sweetheart, angst, stepcest, infidelity, unsafe piv, very slight somno, hand jobs, smut and then anxiety, a shocking lack of calling him daddy, age difference (reader is late 20s, joel is mid-40s), joel miller is born to be a little spoon, soft and gentle ???, idk this got a lil romantic, no one gets to nut
a/n: a direct continuation to bad girl pt 3. someone's gonna find out something. it's a short lil thing but i wanted to write it, and i really hope y'all enjoy 💕
you wake up with golden sunlight pooling through gauzy hotel curtains and it's so goddamn pretty you're not even mad you forgot to draw the blackout curtains.
at some point, you'd both rolled over in the night. now, you were the big spoon, and joel was drooling into his pillow, ass flush with your crotch, silver-streaked hair splayed every which way, occasionally fluttering lightly with his breathing.
you draw a hand gently down his chest, reaching down to rest at his waist. you love feeling his skin, mapping out constellations in the scars and freckles. love the softness of flesh around his navel, his happy trail, the rise and fall of his lungs as sleeps peacefully.
really, you'd only planned to rest a hand on his tummy for bit, but your hand is barely to his navel when you your pinkie runs into his exceptionally hard cock, caught leaking and hard in the waistband of his boxers. at that slightest bit of contact, joel automatically ruts up towards your and, and then his head is rubbing against the flat of your palm.
you're not sure if he's consciously or unconsciously grinding against you, and there's only one way to find out.
"you awake, joel?" you ask.
he grunts in response. "a little. just felt your hand on me. felt good."
"want me to keep going?"
you press your palm into him, stroking down his entire length. you can feel his veins, even through his underwear, and his cock feels heavy and hot. he moans deeply and rolls his hips, cock pressing into your palm with even more pressure. you yank down the waistband of his boxers and let his cock spring free.
giving a few tentative strokes, you pump his length, brushing a thumb over his leaking head and smoothing the slick over him in gentle circles. you wrap your hand around him in a tight grip and he immediately starts fucking into your fist.
"feels so good, baby," he tells you, and you can tell he's more awake now than he was a minute ago, but he's still a little dreamy. almost more content than you've ever seen him.
"like making you feel good, joel," you say, and you feel a content grumble from his chest. he tilts his head back onto your shoulder and his limitless brown eyes look up into yours.
"such a fuckin' angel, honey, so fuckin' good to me, makin me feel so goddamn nice."
encouraged, you stroke his cock in longer, firmer, more languid strokes. you feel his thighs shudder, just a little, and that little shake along with his groan of "oh babyyyy-" and he's right on the edge, you know it.
but then he pushes your hand aside back. "wait," he says, and you deflate a little. he rolls over so he's facing you, and his cock is pressing between your bodies.
"i wanted to make you come," you tell him, a little put out, and it's so endearing he can't help but grin.
"well," he cups your cheek, "i wanna have a lazy morning here with you. i wanna fuck you slow. and i won't be able to fuck you the way i know you want if i come now. remember, i got an old man refractory period, 'specially when i'm a lil hungover."
you roll your eyes in concession, and he leans in to kiss you. you kiss him back, deep and honeyed. lazy in a way you never knew you could find comfort in. you hitch one leg above his hip, opening your core to him, and he groans when he feels your wetness glide against the head of his cock. you pull him in with the leg you wrapped around him and he presses in deep, both of you so aroused the action meets no resistance, is smooth and wet and slick.
he fucks you, slow and deep and with more tenderness than either of you knew he could muster, your hands tangled in his hair, his hands ghosting over every part of your body. he cups your breasts, feels the curve of your hip, the flesh of your ass, the softness of your thigh. it's intoxicating.
his phone buzzes, pulling you out of the moment. joel huffs and tosses the phone aside without looking at the number. it lands with a soft thunk towards the corner of the room.
"ignore that, baby," he tells you, "eyes on me, now, you only focus on me."
"yes, joel-"
you're staring into one another's eyes, and it's the kind of thing that if almost any of the people you'd hooked up tried to do, you'd either feel self conscious, or it'd feel silly and awkward. but with joel, it's a grounding force, holding you in place as he fucks into you, deeper and deeper. at one point, you realise he has his hand hooked under your knee and he's pulling you even tighter towards him. you feel the grind his hips against yours each time he bottoms out.
then his fucking phone buzzes again.
he hisses, and throws his phone a death glare from across the room, and then turns back to you.
"i'm sorry baby, it's fuckin annoying, but it ain't important."
"you sure?"
"you are the only thing i wanna do right now."
you press your forehead against his and snort. "okay, joel."
he picks his rhythm back up, and it's only moments before you're both writhing and moaning against each other, swept up in pure sensation.
"fuck-," you say as the the sensation builds and builds and builds. "i'm gonna come, joel, getting so close-"
he swipes his thumb against your clit, adding more delicious stimulation. you're right on the edge, and then-
thunk thunk thunk
heavy-fisted raps strike the hotel room door. you jump a little, pulled completely out of it, and joel curses and throws on a hotel robe.
"fuck," you say, suddenly terrified. "there's no way that's my mom, is there?"
he looks at you and shakes his head rapidly, but steps silently towards the peephole and peers out.
"god fucking dammit," he says, but his shoulders relax and he opens the door a crack.
"rise and shine, big brother," you hear the voice from the other side of the door. his brother. fuck. of course it's his brother, you're the one crashing in joel's hotel room when he's meant to be part of a bachelor party weekend. it's so fucking obvious now. and he sounds so cheerful, you'd be annoyed if you weren't revelling in how annoyed joel seemed.
"hey tommy," joel says, and he's holding the door ajar awkwardly as if to prevent "it's still early, right? thought we didn't have another event for a couple hours yet."
"we were gonna grab breakfast, remember?"
"ah, shit. nearly forgot about that! can you give me a half hour or so? not quite ready to go."
"sure," he shrugs, "i'll hang out while you get yourself together."
you're trying to stay out of the line of sight, so you don't see what's happening but you can guess.
joel says "noo," and there's some sort of thunk and then tommy laughs and says "you know, i thought you were being kinda weird."
"not being weird," joel says
"joel. be honest with me," tommy teases, "do you have a girl in there?"
you can picture the scowl that's almost definitely on joel's face right now with precision.
"ha, i knew it!" tommy smirks.
then you hear a small commotion, which sounds like tommy's pushing at the door and joel's pushing back against him and then they're pushing each other a little bit (you think? maybe? but it does feel very siblings of them) and then joel shouts "this ain't a fuckin' joke, tommy".
as you're still clearly very naked in his bed, you see tommy bound in and hold a hand out towards you, and say "hi, i'm tommy, i'm joel's brother."
and then he experiences some flicker of recognition and he turns to joel. "hey, don't she look like your wife's daughter?"
"jesus christ, tommy," joel says, hand cradling his forehead.
it's only a moment longer before it clicks. you know it, you know it, you-
"oh, shit," tommy says, eyes wide, darting rapidly between you and joel.
you shrug, trying to play it cool even though your stomach is sour and your heart is racing. there aren't exactly guidelines for this situation.
"fuck," joel sighs, perches on the bed next to you, resting a comforting hand on your shoulder. a silent you ok?
"well tommy," he exhales, "i guess you'd better sit down."
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redrobinhoodrat · 1 year
Danny looked around at the beings in front of him. He’d brought his closest allies as well as some trusted friends together for his supposed “council”. He had handpicked these few along with his friends to make sure he had the best guidance in ruling the zone. He needed help now more than ever. Making sure not to look too terrified he met each set of eyes as he glanced around what was practically his round table– no! His justice league. He kept the smirk off his face as he thought of frostbite with Superman’s red underwear getup on.
“Thanks for coming, you guys. Now I’m not going to beat around the bush. What I’m about to talk to you about is going to make you really upset, but!” Danny said nervously. He held up his hands as he gestured for Pandora to wait when her mouth opened to ask a question. ”I just need you to listen first.”
He avoided Clockwork’s gaze as he stood up from his seat. The ancient being was directly across from him so he could see the hint of worry in his expression. The ghost hadn’t been too happy when Danny had requested( i.e. ordered) him to quit monitoring his life so closely. Could you really blame him though?! Who wanted what was basically their grandfather/mentor/local time god watching every aspect of their life? Not him, no sirree. That’s what Jazz was for. It was kind of nice to be worried about though...not that he’d admit it.
He winced at the thought of Clockwork’s overprotective streak. It also made what he was about to say something of a bombshell about to be dropped. He just knew that everyone was going to overreact.
“So,” He fiddled with his hands as he tried to figure out what to say. “Y’all know how I was talking about the GIW makin’ some deals with Mom and Dad and getting better at the whole “Ghost Hunting” schtick?”
He waited to get some type of nod or confirmation from everyone in the room.
“Well, I got caught.” He blurted it out in a rush. He kept his head down as he watched everyone process what he had said, he scratched at the back of his head awkwardly as he thought about what happened. “And-uhh, what they did wasn’t so good.”
He looked up to gauge their reactions. Nocturn didn’t seem phased at all, ever calm as he always was in the zone. Beside him, Frostbite was sitting with his arms crossed, probably the most out of the loop due to how busy he’s been lately, he didn’t seem too worried but he also didn’t seem happy about the development if his tapping claws was any tell. Pandora was on Danny’s right side and most likely in the same boat. He could tell she was bothered by the prospect that he’d been captured and nobody had known though. She was probably the most overprotective outside of Clockwork. Wulf was to his left, looking at him with sad puppy-dog eyes, all too familiar with the feeling of being captured. To Wulf’s left, Dorathea was scanning him over, looking for injuries most likely. Too bad he’d hid everything with the express purpose of making the whole incident look less bad than what it actually was. No sense in exaggerating when it sounded bad no matter how you put it. Beside Dorathea, Ghostwriter’s eyes were wide as he transcribed everything about the meeting, his fingers slowing as he registered what Danny had said. He probably knew just how evil humans could be from his books. Danny made sure not to meet his eyes as Ghostwriter looked up. He didn’t want to see the worry that was easily read on the ghost’s expressive face. He figured everyone’s reactions were pretty predictable based on their knowledge of humans.
Finally, he looked over to meet Clockwork’s knowing gaze. He winced as he saw the red eyes flare briefly as Clockwork clenched his hands into fists. He watched the hands on the clock-staff start spinning rapidly and could only hope they didn’t actually do anything– ancients forbid just letting him know he was caught causes time to collapse or something.
He sighed as he prepared to explain what happened, hopefully in some way that didn’t lead to an all out war.
“-you know, I’m a human, or at least I was before I died and stuff. I never thought I’d be the one to have to declare war on Earth.”
“Then why even do it?” Batman growled.
He was standing towards the front of the group, though Superman had managed to edge in front of him just a little. From the way the Entity in front of them was floating regally he couldn’t get a good enough read on him to call the bluff and take the main front from Superman. Never let it be said that he hadn’t learnt to rely on his allies.
He was grateful his cowl hid his eyes as he subtly watched the rest of the league around him. Everyone was at attention, either looking at him or the stranger in the room.
The being in front of them had just appeared. Not even bothering with some type of warning before a glowing green portal had opened up in the Watchtower’s meeting room. As the main league members had gotten into battle formation a figure had stepped out, almost melting out of it as the– slime? matter?–clung to them when they exited, ducking through the circle as it closed behind them. The JL were all surprised to see the figure looked like a boy when they stood up fully. Their attire and coloring made it clear they weren’t from earth though. The snow white hair contrasted sharply against the mint-green tinted skin the figure had. Their hair seemed to be hazy, almost flaming but not quite. They had on a partial set of armor, made more for movement than all out protection. The matte black metal was inlaid with specks of silver,emulating stars in the night sky. It was layered over what looked like a futuristic hazmat suit.
Now that he’d had the thought Batman would say the whole thing was futuristic. Silver and black with white accents here and there. The shoulder pauldrons had a cloak hung from them, a pitch black thing that seemed to suck in the light around it and make the being stand out even more in sharp contrast to it. A cylindrical container hung at his side and in his hands was a bo-staff that looked just as futuristic as his suit. Neon green accents twisted around the silver staff from top to bottom. With eyes that glowed the same green as the portal the figure was impressive at first glance, then you looked a little longer–took a second look and realized they looked younger than most of the proteges. Younger than Damian and Jon even.
So forgive Batman for not taking him as seriously as he probably should have. He wasn’t outright dismissing him as a threat, he had several kids that got the best of him almost every day so he knew a thing or two about overpowered kids, but he didn’t believe the being was malicious. More on the nervous side in all honesty, maybe looking for help?
Then the kid had looked Superman in the eyes and said that unless certain demands were met his subjects would march on Earth and eradicate everything they deem to be a threat. He had then rambled on about useless information until Batman had cut him off. His attention snapped back from analyzing the encounter so far as the kid finally seemed ready to answer. Now that he looked closer he could tell the regal act was just that– an act put on to intimidate them.
“My realm is made up of beings from all over the universe, the dead and the neverborn, deities that have passed and lingered, beings that crave rest or resolution. I will not hold any one race, society, or planet in a higher regard simply because of my bias.” Danny said, keeping his voice as level as he could. He needed these heroes to listen to him, damnit! He couldn’t let his nerves get the best of him here. “I may be emperor of the Realms but I have a council that I hold in high regard. We have met and the judgment has been made. Should the governments of Earth not meet our demands, we will take action.”
Batman watched as the league seemed to swell before him, members reacting to the hidden threat but not willing to speak up. They knew better than to antagonize unknowns. He leaned around Superman who had continued to slowly creep more in front of him. The young boy seemed to be trying not to fidget as he held himself up in an obviously practiced position. Slightly elevated with his hands on his hips and head tilted up, forcing himself to meet the eyes of the adults across from him. Batman watched the kid swallow nervously and felt his resolve to hold his judgment give a little. Just as he was about to speak he saw Constantine move forward a bit. Just enough to get attention but not enough to get near the boy. He lowered his calculation of this getting resolved peacefully from the high seventies down to the low fifties. He tried not to sigh, of all the days for Constantine to have been in the meeting, why today?
“Realms? When you mean realms are we talking like, a different dimension or like, a different world?” He asked, his tone not leaving any doubt as to which was worse. Constantine was practically chewing his unlit cigarette as he gazed ahead, arms crossed and shoulders tense. “Cause that affects whether I need to be here or not. Also, when you said you were human, what did you mean? Did you sell your soul or something? You’re looking a little demonic there mate, and I can’t think of anything that would cause a transformation that big unless you messed with a big bad that shouldn’t have been messed with.”
Batman watched as the kid’s face scrunched up, a fairly normal response from a kid that’d been insulted but on this one’s face it certainly did look a little…demonish. Then again, people probably think his kids are demons too, especially the current Robin who has affectionately been called stabby. He tried not to shake his head as he turned his thoughts back to the boy, he needed to stop relating him back to his kids if he wanted to be objective. He could see why the JLD member was worried though, if the kid resembled something as horrifying as a baby demon.
“Well at least my soul doesn’t look like a paper mache project, dipshit.” Danny huffed. Crossing his arms as he settled himself down on the floor. The trenchcoat guy jerked like he’d slapped him, probably not expecting him to see that tattered old soul he had. Honestly he’d feel sorry for the guy in a different situation but he was tired of adults not fucking listening. People were going to get hurt if they didn’t listen. He blew out a breath to calm down, feeling the familiar burn of anxiety in his chest.
“Listen, I’ll be straight with you guys.” He said, giving up any pretense of formality. “Some type of government funded organization is capturing and experimenting on citizens of both our realms. In fact, I can pick out a couple of you guys that they’d probably love to get their hands on!” He started pacing as he looked at the group of superheroes. He felt his emotions getting the best of him as he took in the wary gazes that were settled on him. Not to mention the condescending gaze of the only normal looking human in the room. He didn’t even know that one! Isn’t the justice league all famous heroes?
“I’m sick of adults not listening to me! I’ve been trying to do this all by myself and I can’t! I just can’t!” He shouted, and grabbed his hair out of frustration as he finally stopped and faced them again. “I was one of them. They caught me and I barely got out. They’re too dangerous for me to face alone anymore and their weapons are designed to fight my kind, my people specifically. If I give them permission to fight back then the world won’t make it. Having my people fight is like lighting a fire, they’re dangerous and uncontrolled, when they start they’re not going to be stopped.” He paused to think of what releasing the denizens of the Ghost Zone on earth could accomplish.
An infinite number of ghosts of an infinite number of species with an infinite number of powers.
More numbers added to the ranks as more lives were lost.
An army that never ended.
He gulped.
“We’d win but life on Earth would be FUBARed, literally, and I don’t want that. My family still lives here, my friends. No one will have a chance.” He looked straight into the first pair of eyes he could –Batman– and hoped that the truth was plain on his face. “You guys are my only hope. Please.”
Notes: So I lost a lot of interest in this draft and probably won’t continue it. If anybody wants to feel free! If you want the tiny ideas that were thought up with it just shoot me a message.
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tf-boi · 3 months
Game Over
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(Here's a story from one of the polls I made a while back. I hope you enjoy ;) The premise is me and my boyfriend keeps getting cock blocked by his little brother but tonight I get my revenge.)
"Mmmmm mmmmm" moaned Raymond making out with his boyfriend Sean. As they undress eachother their cocks became erect and rubbed against eachother.
Sean pulled off Raymonds underwear and released his musk into the room. With much anticipation he moves in on his meal. Suddenly a scream is heard.
"GODDAMMIT!!" Shouted Tony, Sean's brother, from across the hall. Raymond and Sean paused, kocked back into reality. They grinned and resummed. But as Sean began sucking Raymond off another scream echo'd. "MOTHER FUCKER!!"
Tony has been on a losing streak on his online game and nightly his loud screams would interupt Raymond and Sean's fun. The pair took another look at eachother when suddenly another scream was heard. "You guys suck!"
"Forget it! Moods killed . . ." Sean said tossing his hands in the air.
Raymond rolled his eyes "He's been like this NIGHTLY for a whole month. I'm gonna. . ."
Before Raymond could finish his thought Sean put his finger on his mouth. "Its okay Ray Ray, he'll probably fall asleep soon. . . We'll try again then."
"Uggghhhhh. . . But I'm already turned off by his screams."
"Damn. . . Guess we'll try again tomorrow. . ."
Raymond lied in bed annoyed. He wanted to get back at Tony for cock blocking him these passed few weeks. As Sean got up to go into the shower, Raymond saw that Sean was taking his phone with him. He then hatched a scheme knowing that his boyfriend is gonna be in there for at least an hour, when Sean takes his phone in he spends most of the time watching videos and laughing at memes so he had plenty of time.
As soon as Sean closed the door Raymond quietly got up and walked into the hallway in the nude. He approached Tony's room with a spare key they had incase of emergencies and unlocked his door. Raymobd peeked in and saw Tony shouting at his screen with his noise-canceling headphones on. "Perfect he can't hear me. . .little brat" he thought as he approached his prey. As he got behind Tony he realized he was playing naked, his computer and several screens heating up the room causing him to be too hot and stripped down. Raymond almost drooled as he grabs Tony all of a sudden. Tony's focus on his game was his downfall as Raymond rippes him from his chair and bent him over his bed.
"What the fu-" Tony tried to scream however Raymond covered Tony's mouth with his hands. Raymond pulls out Tony's 'lucky' butt plug from his ass and shoves his cock in. Tony tried to scream put Raymond put his hand over gis throat turning them hollow. Tony was confused as his body began to warm up with a lustful sensation. He stopped struggling as he fell to his bed almost succumbing to his fate, drooling as his mind goes blank. Raymond began focusing on the shape he wanted as Tony's limbs began to shrink and sink into him. His neck expanding as what looked like forskin surrounds his head. His body going from a flat human body to a thick round shaft. Raymond grabbed a pair of Tony's underwear and sniffed it as his victim slowly shrinks. Veins appearing as he throbbed. Soon Tony took his final shape as a thick juicy cock, Raymonds normal pubic hair changing to the light purple color of Tony's hair.
"Thats what you get for cock blocking bitch!" Raymond exclaimed in joy. He rubbed his new cock admiring his work. "Oh looks like you added a whole 6 inches! Thanks a lot bro!" Raymond began to jack off moaning in joy having to hold in his load nightly. Days of having to fuck various coworkers and clients in the office bathroom are now coming to an end. His jerking off was cut short as he heard an annoyed voice. "Ahem . . . What do we have here?" An annoyed Sean came into Tony's room. "B-babe?! You're done fast!" Raymond stuttered.
"I was out of shampoo so I just rinsed my body off" Sean said tapping his foot "I said not to do anything. What the hell man".
"Well. . . I was mad and couldn't think straight. Besides his mind is blanked out for at least another hour. So we can finally fuck in peace."
Sean raised an eyebrow.
Raymond got on Tony's bed and spread his legs, Tony's dick body presented in all its glory. "You know you want us . . ." Raymond said full of lust.
Sean rolled his eyes. "Sure but as punishment I'm gonna do all the work. . . You have to stay still".
"Fine. . ." Raymond sighed. He wasn't opposed to having Sean do all the work but now he can't go all out like he wanted.
"Now lie perfectly still love" Sean said suggestively.
Raymond lied down with Tony fully erect, his partially conscious mind throbbing at the sight of his older brother. Sean opened his mouth and stuffed his face with Raymond's giant cock. "MMmmm MMmmmm" Sean moaned as he envelope's his former brother with his mouth. "God he tastes so good~!" Sean thought. He sensed Raymond's legs trying to wrap around him, but he raised his finger and wagged it side to side, telling him, 'No you are just my sex slave today, no moving'. Sean continued to deep throat the massive rocket before him as he also gave Raymond a hand job. "Slurp slurp, gulp" Sean moaned as he sucked in all of Raymond's precum. "Uhhh uhhhh . . ." Raymond felt his tip being licked so that Sean can taste his new cock, even feeling the tip enter his shaft a bit. Raymond gripped the bed as Sean continued to go down on him. Sean's lips tighten around Raymond's dick as he moved his head back and forth, until he slid Tony's cock body out of his mouth.
Sean enjoyed his boyfriend's new cock in his mouth long enough. He turned around and shoved Raymond's dick into his ass and started riding him reverse cowgirl style. Raymond gripped Tony's bed and curled his toes as his boyfriend pounds his new dick full force with his plump bottom ass. "F-faster faster!" Raymond shouted as Sean tightened his ass cheeks and bounced up and down his former brother like a thick dildo. As Sean kept riding he felt himself fall over all of a sudden as Raymond couldn't hold back any longer. He got up and started fucking his boyfriend like a wild beast. "Uhhh uhhhh .. . no fair!" Sean moaned into the bed "But keep going!!!" He screamed as his ass gets destroyed by his boyfriend's new cock, underestimating how much length and girth his brother's body added to it when Raymond absorbed him. Raymond pounded Sean's ass faster and harder as the pair moaned. In the corner of Raymond's eyes he saw a pile of clothes Tony took off when he striped down. Raymond grabbed a sock and stuffed into Sean's mouth. Sean moaned as his ass gets destroyed with his brother's sock in him. The taste fill his mouth as the salty sweet feeling fills his mouth, with a hot mess filling his ass. Raymond grabbed Tony's underwear and gave it a big whiff as he fucked Sean. Sean cums multiple times, soaking Tony's bed with his seamen, however Raymond didn't care that his boyfriend finished, he kept fucking him until Raymond came 3 more times. After pounding his boyfriend for what felt like an hour, Raymond bent over his boyfriend and grabbed him as he released his load into Sean's ass. Gallons of cum fills his boyfriend's ass and expands his stomach. The pair kept cumming until they fall over and embrace. The two kiss and Sean looks at Raymond's now limp cock, cum still dripping out. "Looks like my little bro made a mess in me~" Sean said rubbing his stomach. The amount of cum in him made him look pregnant. "Yeah, I'm glad he was cock blocking us for so long, that release was amazing!" Raymond said stroking his cock.
All of a sudden Raymond's dick started moving a bit on his own.
"Uh oh, looks like Tony woke up babe!" Raymond snickered.
Sean bent over and gave Tony a little kiss on the tip. "Sorry little bro, your new body is amazing so you are gonna stay like that! At least until you made up for all the times you cock blocked us!"
Sean and Raymond snickered as they prepare for round two.
Tony stayed as Raymond's dick for several weeks where the pair fucked several times a day.
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writing-rat · 1 month
Movie Sex
Pairings: Joey/Ana x Reader
Content Warning: Porn no plot, Strap-On Sex, Fingering, 18+ Content, Female Reader,
Summary: You decided to celebrate Joey/Ana's clean streak for her substance and drug abuse. Little did you know what see wanted to do.
WC: 913
Notes: Mi puta - My Whore
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It was Joey’s second year of being clean and she was happy. She had a loving son (even though it took months for them to get closer) and a caring girlfriend. It was now Caleb’s 14th birthday and he was celebrating it at his best friend's house, leaving you and Joey alone, or Ana as you knew her as. You were currently on the couch waiting for her. She was sorting out popcorn and drinks as you would be watching one of her favourite films, Scream. After another minute, she finally entered the living room and sat the food and drinks down on the table before she sat down herself, an arm around your shoulder. Cuddling into it, you faced her and smiled. 
“Thanks, baby. You’re the best,” you spoke, still smiling at her.
“I try my best,” she responded with a shrug before her arm slowly went down from your shoulder to your lower back as she started the film. You knew what she was up to, and you couldn’t help but smirk. She was going to finger you right there since Caleb was gone. She wouldn’t risk it with Caleb around after all. 
“You want to fuck me while watching the film, hm?” you teased her, looking at her. Ana shrugged innocently. 
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” she responded simply. You knew she did though. That was when she rubbed your thigh. You got closer to her before opening your legs up, glad you wore a pair of her gym shorts that were oversized on you. She loved it whenever you wore her clothes admittedly, it turned her on. She was smirking as she started to put her hand under the shorts, the film starting. You kept close to her, letting her hand trail under your (her) shorts. She was rubbing your thigh up and down, her hand slowly starting to trail upwards. 
After 5 minutes, she started to rub your crotch as you let out a few gasps of pleasure. You saw her smirk out the corner of her eye as she kept going, soon circling your clit. You couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of your mouth as your legs opened wider for her, her hand slowly pushing your underwear to the side as she touched you with no clothing in the way finally. It had taken what had felt like forever as she was pushing her middle finger in slowly. You let out a few moans as you threw your head back slightly, Ana smirking as she thrusted it inside more. She was determined to make you a horny mess in her own clothes. She wanted you to ruin the shorts, you could tell. You rode against her finger slightly as you were letting out small groans of pleasure, her entering a second one in slowly but surely.
You were still grinding against her fingers as she watched the film, her watching you every now and then as she could tell you were getting close from you clenching around her fingers. “Cum for me, mi puta,” she commanded. On command, you immediately came all over her fingers as well as in her shorts. She loved it obviously from the smile. 
“Thank you, Mommy,” you thanked her immediately, knowing she controlled your orgasms. You loved her control over you.
“Why don’t you sit on my lap pretty girl?” she asked you. You blushed as you nodded, doing as told. She slowly took off her jeans as she revealed her strap-on and the fact she was commando under her jeans. You let out a squeak of surprise but you weren’t complaining as you slowly started to grind against it, Ana slowly tugging the shorts and underwear down. “Such a slut,” she teased, causing you to whine. The film was long forgotten by now as she was quick to lift you and start to put you onto her strap-on. She loved watching you become her slut as she started to thrust inside of you, kissing your neck. You kept your head there, Ana slowly starting to pin you against the couch. She wanted to jackhammer into you already but she knew she couldn’t in that position. It would be too awkward so she would fuck you against the couch. She soon had you pinned against her weight and you knew you wouldn’t be able to get up. She was too strong for you after all, she worked out daily after the vampire incident. 
She was soon starting to thrust harder and faster, reaching deeper inside of you. You knew then it was the 8 incher instead of the 6 inch one. “So big, Mommy,” you moaned out loud as you arched your back. “Such a good girl for Mommy, taking my strap,” Ana teased, moaning in your ear as she was thrusting inside you faster than she ever had. You were a moaning mess for her, clenching around the strap-on. “Can I please cum?” you asked, feeling her hit your G-spot harder than she ever had. 
“Cum with me baby girl,” she moaned. You nodded, her doing 3 more thrusts before she moaned in your ear, getting harder before she soon came. You came with her, throwing your head back before she held you close.
“I love you,” she murmured. 
“I love you too,” you responded, kissing her cheek gently before you drifted off. Ana decided you could sleep, she would wake you up for food and water soon.
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world-of-aus · 10 months
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Pairing: Slasher!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI 18+ Use of Knife, Blood, Masturbation, P in V.
Author's Note: This one was a doozy but I finally got around to finishing this piece for @winterwitch-trash! Listen I've become very critical now when it comes to my writing and I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I hope you like it! As always happy reading buns!
He drinks you in, eyes running over your tear-streaked cheeks through the blackened thick mesh of the mask. Your body fits against his more perfectly than he imagined.  
You’re whimpering behind the gloved hand that he held against your mouth, he runs the blade that rested against your cheek down the side of your face, “you scream again and this is over before its even begun, you understand?” he questions as he rests the cool blade against your neck. 
You swallow, the motion causing the blade to Knick your skin. A sliver of blood pulls against the stainless steel, a groan bubbles up in his chest.  
You even bleed pretty. 
He lifts his gloved hand from your lips, the blade pressing deeper into your skin as a warning. “Please.” You plead through your tear clouded eyes. “Please let me go, I – I won’t say a-anything, I promise.” 
“They all say that,” he murmurs as he lifts the blade only to reposition it over your skin. “I promise,” he hears you cry, “I won’t say anything, I was never here, I don’t know who you are.” He’s grinning like a wolf who’s caught his meal beneath his mask. 
“But you are here, and you’re going to remember every single thing.” 
“Please don’t!” you cry, whimpers falling from your lips as he trails the blunt tip of his blade down your neck into the valley of your exposed breasts. He taps the steel there toying with the hemline of your flimsy costume, he could cut through this with ease.  
You really are making this to easy for him. 
“You sound so pretty when you cry,” he husks, “I wonder what other noises you can make, shall we find out?” He just barely manages to muffle your scream, a tick of his head as he looks down at you. The mask that covers his face hovers less than an inch from your own, “you really shouldn’t have done that, this could have been so good for you, I could have been so good to you.” 
He's unbothered by your muffled screams as he uses his knife to slice the flimsy fabric of your costume. Unnerved by your pleas, as he goes after the lacy fabric of your underwear next exposing you to the cool of the moonlit room, he’d warm you soon enough. 
The blade dances along your skin, your tears falling quicker, “It’s alright,” he coos stopping the blade just above your navel, “you’ll be crying for an entirely different reason in just a moment.” He delights in your fear, “we’re going to try this again, you try anything funny, you die,” he says as he releases his hold on your bound hands. He’s pleased when you leave them above your head, silent tears still streaming down your cheeks. Such a good girl he thinks. He lifts the hand that covers your mouth ever so slightly, “You scream, you also die,” he adds as he switches the blade to the opposite hand, the sharp steel meeting the skin of your neck once more. 
He can hear your choked back sobs, can see the way your bite your lip to keep that scream back. The hand that rested on your hip rubs at your skin, as if to soothe you, he inches his way down watching you, waiting for you to slip up.  
It doesn’t come, but he can hear your quiet plea as he dips further down your exposed body, “please don’t.” You cry when he dips past your navel, “I don’t – I don’t want this please.” He can see the hesitation to shake your head with the knife pressed snuggly against your skin. 
Your eyes slip shut when he doesn’t hear your pleas, a broken gasp slipping past your tightly sealed lips as he dips a finger past your folds. “Don’t hold back on me now,” he murmurs as he circles your clit, “let me hear those pretty noises, you were crying for me earlier.” 
This time you shake your head, a pained cry leaving your lips as more bubbles of blood pool around the sharp edge of the blade. He can’t bite back the groan that spills from the mask, hips grinding against your naked thigh. “There she is, come on” he husks, “let me hear you.” 
“Please -” 
It takes all his strength to not rip off the mask that conceals him from you and swallow your cries with his tongue. 
He could do that later, after he made you come.  
He continues to flick his finger against your clit, sweeping up the slick that has started to collect. Despite the fear that chokes you, the pleasure he’s bringing, the pleasure you won’t show is still finding its way out of you. He tries to coax it from you, he lowers his head till he's by the lobe of your ear, “It’s okay to let go you know, it’s only me and you, you don’t have to hide how I’m making you feel.” 
He can tell you’re still holding back on him so he decides to take it a step further with you, dipping his fingers lower he circles them around your wet entrance before pushing them in. The reaction it elicits from you is dream worthy. The arch of your back, the quiet gasp that has your lips parting sweetly for him, your eyes slipping shut, “it feels good doesn’t it?” he groans hips rolling again, a steady rhythm that follows the fingers he fucks your cunt with. 
His eyes catch on the way your fingers curl around the sheets, he’s got you.  
He continues to fuck his fingers into you, stretching you out on them with every stroke, you still won’t let your cries of pleasure break, but he knows you’re close, can feel it in the way your pussy clenches around his fingers, can hear it in the whines you bite back. He’ll get you there he thinks. 
You’ve been such a good girl for him, the sweet girl he knows you to be outside of the mask he wears tonight. The sweet girl that calls him B in the quiet of the library’s study room, the sweet girl that goes bashful under the gaze he has only for you. The thought of you has him fucking his fingers into you with vigor, he wants to see what you look like when you come, wants to experience it. 
You’ve gone breathless, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your naked body writhing under his, almost there sweet girl. He presses a kiss to the heated skin of your neck right where the blade still rests, though his lips meet plastic he hopes it sears through. “That’s it y/n, let go, come for me.” 
You whine, shaking your head despite the knife still resting there, “come on,” he husks his fingers continuing to pump into you, his thumb now circling your clit in a tantalizing pace. 
“P-please N-” 
Your lips part on a cry, pussy clenching down on his fingers as the dam breaks, he’s never experienced something greater. “That’s it,” he grunts continuing to press his fingers into you, drawing out your orgasm, “come all over me, doing so good.” You’re on a high, body lax and complacent for the taking, he doesn’t want to waste any more time. He needs you. 
“Did so good,” he breathes as he slips his fingers from you, delecting in the whine he pulls from your lips, he needed a free hand to get himself out of his too tight black jeans. He needed in that pussy, wanted to feel what it was like to have you choking his cock. You’re unsuspecting, unaware until he’s sliding himself into you, a cry leaving your lips as he stretches you out. He has to catch your hands, place them back down on the bed as he fucks himself into you. 
He doesn’t care for your cries, the sobs leaving your lips. The blood that is now sliding down the side of your neck from where you’re working the wound open further. 
“Feel so good around me,” he growls, “fuck this pussy.” 
He fucks with vigor, needing that release. 
“Please - please don’t do this.” 
Too late he thinks. 
“It’s okay,” he groans, twisting the knife so it lays flat against your skin now, the cool metal choking you as he presses it down, “m’gonna make you feel so good.” 
You’re choking on a sob, he’d fix that, he’d make it one of pleasure. 
He works himself harder, deeper inside of you looking for that sweet spot that would stop the tears and bring out those stars you saw earlier. He’d bring back his sweet girl. It takes a few minutes, some soft caresses his body covering yours, but you come back to him. Those cries turning into tiny whines as he builds the two of you up. 
You’re still pleading with him, but it falls on deaf ears the closer he gets to climax. 
“Let go for me.” he moans, “come on now, can feel it, you’re almost there. Can feel this sweet pussy clenching around me.” 
You do something then, something he’s not expecting as he rocks into you, “Please, can I – can you take the mask off?” He tilts his head at you but doesn’t slow the pace, “why?” he questions. 
“I want to know who I’m looking at.” 
He shakes his head ‘no’ slowly, pace unrelenting, blade pressing down harder as he chases that release, you’d come to see who he was, but not right now, not like this. 
He couldn’t have you hate him, when he had just made you love him.
He brings the two of you to climax, with his sweet groans of release filling his mask, and your bit back cries meeting his ears in the still of the night. He wishes this night could have gone differently as he tucks himself back into his jeans, knife still pointed at your now naked curled body. It hurts him to leave you like this, but he'd be back, he'd hold you, make you feel safe, loved.
He leaves your room like he came, with the thought of you.
He'd be back.
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