#like you almost 40 stop playing around pookie
ovaryacted · 1 year
I have a confession to make. I have yet to watch Death Island despite having the link for it because I don’t want to watch Leon get his ass beat by Maria.
I think about it and I get embarrassed for him like she fucking your shit up BADLY. Maria had him spinning like a looney tunes cartoon character seeing birds and stars in his vision and I just know he had a war flashback to Raccoon City. YOU LET HER SLAM YOUR HEAD THREE TIMES AGAINST A RAILING? WHY ARE YOU EMBARRASSING ME LIKE THIS BAE GET UP?!?!
I just can’t get through it 😭 I’ll watch it I promise. It’s crazy though he rlly got his ass BEAT and walked away without a scratch. Plot armor goes crazy.
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9I Chapter 10 I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19 I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28 I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37 I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43
                                                   Chapter 44
The day before the presentation of their honors and the formation of the Validity Spheres, Ludwig and Feliciano decided on taking a stroll throughout the city. They visited all kinds of monuments, took rest with the most amazing views while enjoying in conversation, they ate at exquisite cafes that Arthur had suggested they visited and lost themselves in the small streets decorated in blue mosaics, taking beautiful winding turns, through bridges over brooks breaking from the larger river, with the dimming light of the sculpted streetlamps just enough. It was silent with barely any passage of others, especially with the reigning night and many in this area surely having dinner or heading to sleep after a long day.
 “-well I still threw my three silvers coins,” Feliciano said.
 “What could you have possibly wished for that needed the waste of three silver coins?”
 “For no more Khaos’s men attacks, I really just want to finish what’s left of the journey in peace,” Feliciano tired.
 “Let’s see if that happens to be the case, although I do admit that I’m proud that you used your wish for something more needed and good for us,”
 “Thanks, what about you? What did you wish for?”
 “Don’t play around, I saw you throw your own silver coin. Come on, tell me, tell me, what did you wish for?” Feliciano pleaded with such childish need, jumping as they stopped by a bridge, right over its arched center, in direction to the moon that painted the city in an ethereal light blue color.
 “It’s embarrassing,” Ludwig admitted as he took his lean upon the rail.
 “Can’t be as embarrassing as that time you tried to take flight with a jump from nonno’s bed,” Feliciano laughed.
 “Oh my aces, you still remember that?”
 “Do you really expect me to forget? You hit your head hard and you started crying so much that we have to call your mom from the villa to come pick you up, and even then you wouldn’t stop wailing.”
 Ludwig reddened and hid his face in shame. He still chuckled though, after all these were just things that happened in their early childhood, things changed, lessons were learned and once could look back to them in smiles.
 “Fine…” he defeated, “…I wished for a puppy.”
 “Awww.” To Feliciano that sounded wondrous, placing a hand on his chest truly touched.
 “That’s not embarrassing at all, it’s adorable. We should get a puppy once we return to Berlin.” There was serious intent as he took his own lean beside Ludwig.
 “Yes! I’m sure the castle would allow it. You always wanted one so I think it’s about time we fulfill it,” he smiled with promise.
 “What about Pookie?”
 “What? We can’t have more pets?” He looked insulted, with puffed cheeks that only made him the more adorable. Ludwig couldn’t help the chuckle, the extent of his hand caressing those very round rosses of his cheeks, really without notice, letting the moment just lead him in what the truly wanted to do. It was sweet, it was lulling, Feliciano found his lean, smiling and blushing upon the touch.
 “In that case, I wish to have three puppies instead,” Ludwig declared anew.
 “Yes! Oh! We should also have a kitty, name it Pookie too!”
 “One feline named Pookie is enough,”
 “Gino it is then!” Feliciano decided, with a pointed finger to the sky in assurance, in laughter that brought them together, Feliciano finding easiness in letting himself lay upon Ludwig’s shoulder.
 As a gush of wind brought colder air, making them shiver into silence, Ludwig quickly went to defend Feliciano by wrapping his large arms around his frame, tightly around his waist, just the needed comfort for Feliciano to lean upon, letting it do its own kind of magic until no coldness could be felt.
 Let it be, let it be, let it be, both Ludwig and Feliciano told themselves, enjoying, pushing away any thoughts that could interrupt, that could make them move apart. Ludwig let himself relish by laying his head upon Feliciano’s hair, the sweet scent clear to him, to take as many whiffs as he wanted, while Feliciano could let his hands run across the potency of his arms, a hint of all that muscle that had grown, that long had made Feliciano feel like Ludwig had been a different person. But now…all he could feel was softness, the never changing trust, confidence and even relief, like they were truly being reunited.
 The bell of a near clock tower ringed deeply, interrupting whatever tranquility they had to gaze over to the distant time. It was ten, they really should be heading back to the castle to prepare for their sleeping schedules when they had such a heavy day the next morning. Reluctantly they had to let go from this settled peace, moving and in direction to the castle, although this time they let themselves in the hold of their united hands, with warmth, secureness and a hope that Feliciano desperately wanted Ludwig to give it its chance to stay.
  The castle had awaken them early, early to the point that Feliciano, even Alfred and Arthur, were still yawning as they made their way together to the throne room, the sun taking its first gleams of the horizon, leaving other parts of the sky still in darkness. There was a heavy silence throughout the halls, for not even most of the servants had awakened to start the preparations for the handing of the honors that would be given for later in the afternoon. Finally they reached the doors after several spin turns, for Alfred to easily open, watching as all kinds of levels, of designs, of decorational items began to move in a kind of dance, welcoming all the royals inside. Feliciano had smiled and halted his entering just to look at the way everything fell like leaves in autumn, only to be hastened with a push from Ludwig inside.
 The Spadian throne room was a modest one in size, although it did have an impressive height, behind the seats of power a towering templon, in gold, in blue, in all kinds of ancient symbols of the kingdom. Little statues of important members to their history joined, along with ancient crowns, ancient diamonds, all raining and coming down to meet in the three seats that seemed rather simple compared to that impressive display. Large windows were at each side, making everything sparkle alive, making the room more enchanting. As Feliciano moved forward, lost in all the glow, he finally noticed one particular shine that come from the floor.
 As the last pavements, there was a design of yet another star coated sky, the same formation, the same standing, this time in blue gems, seeming to pop out to the point that Feliciano even reached thinking he could touch them. It was spectacular and he lost his eyes on it until they all took their designated spot for the beginning of the formation. Yao came over from another back door, with a chest that he placed on a pedestal presented right in front of the thrones. With a key it was opened and there were the empty crystal orbs, ready for the job. Alfred, Arthur and Yao each took their own, standing over their spot as they had practiced, taking their breaths, easing any stress, any tenseness, until they could relax fully without any obstacles to their own bodies. Ludwig and Feliciano stood by the side, Feliciano petting Pookie to a still, who was on his shoulder as by duty.
 “I will begin,” Yao declared, moving forward, all attention falling on him.
 He ceased his eyes, focused, he alighted as per usual. The orb moved around his hold on its own, filling it in shades of light blue and dark, forming until he was standing rightfully on the ground, seeming unfazed, but by the sweat he brushed aside it showed that it had been as demanding as it should be for them. His orb lined in those two shades of blue, with small purple dots decorating some of those lines, quite unique from others they had seen.
 Yao’s was done and so Alfred decided to come up front to begin his own. It was harder for him to reach that relax, it took a while for his own alighting to begin, but soon enough the filling was done quick along with his slight floating. It was done, in a dark royal blue that was the main symbol color of the kingdom, with light blue singular designs at the top and bottom that spun around almost like the very orb was wearing a crown. He wobbled slightly as he had reached the floor yet again, a couple of heavy breaths, but other than that he seemed to be doing fine.
 Finally it was Arthur’s turn, who took the expected position, taking easily that control, that ease, as quickly having him floating along and doing his fill. Nothing different, nothing shinning, just the typical that was of a Queen, still nothing like Feliciano’s had been. Arthur came to the floor, almost falling, but Alfred took a quick hold of him, settling him straight, offering his lean even as Arthur’s vision came back to normal, as his strength returned and he could properly stand, but Alfred still refused to leave his side. Arthur laid a strong grip on Alfred’s shoulder to let him know that he was fine, that he could stand properly and show his own orb. It was the only one of the orbs that actively changed from shades of blues to purple, with added shimmering glows. It had Feliciano awing.
 Ludwig then moved forward with the staff in hand, the three spheres now properly done and presented just as the arising king directed his staff to them. He took the usual hold, creating the spell and the orbs were gone, filling their own sockets on the staff.
 Three reds, three yellows, now three blues… only three more black sockets left to fill.
 They all applauded, Ludwig and Feliciano especially taking breaths of relief. Yes, they finally had Spades’ and there was only one kingdom left, one kingdom left! It was a reminder that all felt, that all knew of consolation and so they showed it by commenting along.
 “Only one more kingdom, only three more orbs,” Yang said.
 “Now it will surely be an easy journey to Moscow,” Arthur aided.
 “Before you know it, you’ll be placing the spheres before the field,” Alfred added.
 Feliciano appreciated those comforting words, holding their hands, letting the weight just fall off his shoulders for a moment, to relieve in the fact that they were so close to finishing. He thought it would surely be the same state Ludwig would be in, but when he turned to him, he stood frozen in his spot, almost strained, his eyes clearly lost.
 “Ludwig?” Feliciano questioned.
 A realization seemed to hit Ludwig when he connected his eyes with Feliciano, one that made him unsure, with a slight tremble, almost to a panic.
 “Ludwig?” Feliciano leaned close hoping to offer some kind of comfort, but Ludwig turned away before he could give him that chance.
 “I…have to go put the staff away,” he excused, rushing out of the throne room, a quick crash of the door that did well to announce that he had been fretting.
 “What’s wrong with him?” Alfred asked.
 Everybody shrugged it off, but Feliciano remained frozen with an on look to the door, wondering and questioning.
  The presentation of the honors was done in front of the castle, out in the open for all to witness and shout in celebration. There was a marching show from their soldiers, an orchestra playing wonderful music and all the important leaders were dressed in prestigious blue, with jewels, proud symbols and simplistic crowns. Ludwig and Feliciano were dressed in their own kinds of blues, simple ones, similar to those the soldiers wore, just appropriate for the handing and the coming feast that was to be given for them. After prayers, after chants, a demonstration from the priests, then a speech by Yao, the very jack then presented to the public the badges, silver medallion stars with a specific Spadian symbol, one of heroes and remembrance. Mei, Lei, Lien, Yong, Cheng, Ludwig and Feliciano each took their turn before a different ruler, who would address what they had done to stop the invasion, highlighting their tricks, their skills, just any little thing that overall helped with the largeness of the scheme.
 Feliciano was last, kneeling before Arthur, who held the last medallion over him, ready for his words. “For defending and preparing our towers, for not halting your limitation, creating the final attack that completed the mission, a triumphant one that showed your true power as Queen and fulfilling the expectations of what the world wants of an Italian Queen, the first in centuries since Augusta. Feliciano Vargas, I present to you the medallion of high honor of our Spadian kingdom, only given to those of our bravest heroes and soldiers, witnessed before all in the city of Washington, as one of the many gratitudes we can give you for saving our beloved home.”
 Arthur leaned and placed the medal on an area on Feliciano’s chest, making sure it was well adjusted before he nodded to show Feliciano he could stand. He stood and turned around to the crowds, presenting his medallion over his chest. The public became more wild, shouting, waving, to which Feliciano smiled and gave the same attention.
 “These are our heroes of the great lift, let them be well remembered and let their courage serve as a model to all!” Alfred announced loudly, rising his own staff, the legendary one with the clock in its center, tapping it to the ground, a sign enough for soldiers to form, to salute and prepare. “As an honor, today we pledge the Heartian chant!”
 Ludwig and Feliciano instantly stiffed at the mention, strong first, heads high, ready to join along with all.
 “Declare respect to the faith of our Heartian Ace, to the law of our nature, to let the chimes ring and flourish in red. The Ace of Hearts calls, join in the hand, in defense of all good. For our unity! For our blood! For Glory! For Honor! For Riches! For the gods! For Hearts!”
 Feliciano always felt this great exhilaration whenever he called it and it was nice to have this new foreign city join in it with them, exploding fireworks into the sky to shine in the darkening day, creating awes, wonder and the beginning of the feast.
  It was more like an outdoor ball the whole city was invited to, especially after Feliciano’s insisting to have the family of the guards and soldiers whose lives were lost in the invasion. Feliciano made sure to spend his time with those families, assuring them that their loved ones died in honor, to save their city and them, yet unjustly, with remorse and tears of fault. He tried to exalt the children with joyous conversations, sharing in amazing sweets and even dances in the ballroom. Ludwig spoke on with many of the guards and soldiers who had been present…distant, in his own corners not daring to take peek at whatever action occurred outside of the concentration he gave to his chats. It was odd, but Feliciano had understood as just Ludwig wanting to show his support to the soldiers.
 He had been acting weird the entire day, moving away from whatever closeness he tried to give him. His eyes reverted to the same coldness…to the same uncare and sternness that…no, maybe he was just nervous on how the last of the journey would go, maybe about meeting the field soon, maybe just all this presence from people of a kingdom they didn’t know so well. He would be fine, he kept telling himself…he would be fine.
 As he was conversing with a new group, Arthur came tapping on Feliciano’s shoulder, interrupting the chatter with everyone offering a bow.
 “Will you excuse us?” Arthur told them as he took Feliciano and began moving them elsewhere, down the halls of the castle, as much away from the activity as possible.
 “Arthur, what’s wrong?” Feliciano wondered.
 “The carriage for your departure has arrived, all your baggage has been boarded and Ludwig is there waiting for you, you have to leave immediately,”
 “Just like that? Without saying goodbye to anybody?” He worried.
 “Feliciano, we can’t attract too much attention, this is as silent as we can manage and our contacts are already waiting. Your trip to Moscow from here will go easily. You’ll ride until you reach the Columbian province, there you will meet with a group that will take you through the denseness of the Amazon on a river boat until you reach Murmansk in the Russian province, there King Ivan himself will be there to greet you and Ludwig and then take you to Moscow. After it’s only a short carriage ride until you reach the capital city of Clubs,” Arthur assured as they continued their way until they reached one of the back entrances of the castle. It was in a hidden area, with a route towards the forest, circulated well by trees, dark in the night and forward unto new territories. Alfred, along with Yao and his siblings and cousins were there, having already wished their goodbye to Ludwig, now sharing in embraces of luck with Feliciano, making sure he was well settled in the carriage before it was shut, before they gave the signal for the horses to move, Feliciano not stopping his waves, hanging from the window until they were too far to distinguish.
 He settled back inside, hoping to share some sort of chat with Ludwig, perhaps a smile, maybe a chance to color together…or cuddle and let themselves rest in their closeness. Yet by the time he met his figure, his eyes were elsewhere, his entire body turned directly away from him, eyes faltering into rest, settling himself in the seat of the moving carriage. Oh yeah, it had been a long day, he was surely tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Feliciano decided he should respect that, readying his own position to rest, but not before giving Ludwig a “Good night”, with a smile and a lighting shine of his eyes.
 Ludwig didn’t reply.
  They traveled through the whole night, the early morning and afternoon of the next day. They only made a total of two stops, one for breakfast and one for lunch, hurried, silent, with no eyes meeting, no words…it was almost like Feliciano was doing this part of the trip alone. His only comfort was Pookie who would nuzzle or actually hear his excitement for the things he saw out the window or whatever he drew in his sketchbook. He hoped it would be enough to get Ludwig to share in some words, but he remained the whole time with his eyes at anything, anything but Feliciano, ignorant, indifferent and just…resurfacing hurtful feelings Feliciano thought he could rest. He kept trying to find excuses, trying to find meaning, wondering if something had happened, but he was once again fearing to talk to him, with an expectant air of getting no answers, only turns or he would walk away as soon as they finished their food, only to return once he was called to board the coach again.
 They had arrived to Cartagena in the same attitudes, just as the sun settled upon this beautiful town, seeming more active in the coming night, quite hard to find the person they were supposed to meet. The horses stopped upon a stable, where they were instantly rid of the binds to the coach, the care takers advising the royals to wait with their things for a Tulio Valencia. They waited so long the stable owners offered them dinner, quite an amazing one that Ludwig and Feliciano didn’t mind having. It was almost romantic with all the amazing views they had despite being in a stable, the type Feliciano would imagine letting themselves exchange passionate words, maybe a kiss, maybe a dance, but whenever Feliciano tried to look back into those eyes, they were once again stern, cold, unaware of such a chance they had and not willing to offer anything. Finally, a young handsome man came, waving and approaching, with a worried expression, heaving and slouching before them as he tried to regain his breath.
 “I apologize greatly for the lateness, but we were still awaiting for the rest to arrive. I’m Tulio Valencia, an honor to meet you, your highnesses,” he then bowed, close enough as if he was to raise and bring them both to an embrace even if strangers.
 “Come, we are already late as we are and we can’t give any other delays!” He fretted, already ushering them along down the town, Ludwig and Feliciano giving their attendants at the stables thanks and gratitude for the food they were given. Feliciano gave some caresses and kisses to the horses as he always did before following behind, through quite the scenic streets and dimming lights that tempted Feliciano to lose himself, but if there was a time Ludwig paid attention to him, it was to make sure that he stayed in the route forward until they reached a busy port, with boats still floating in and out no matter the lateness, as busy as if it was an early morning. They passed quite the marvelous ships, gigantic, rich, with amazing craft, even magical ones that could take flight, but they just kept moving alongside them, going through darker parts of the port, until the activity slowly began to diminish and the boats became smaller, weathered and less attractive. To be honest, Ludwig and Feliciano were starting to get suspicious when they had to take a boardwalk that separated from the commotion and into the near woods, a lonely area that made one forget about the plentiful town they were just in.
 “Finally!” Someone shouted from the end of their marked woodened route, blended well in the darkness, making it hard for Feliciano to spot anything.
 One of the members of the group finally lite up a couple of lanterns in the area, making the group, as well as their boat, visible. They were a total of seven waiting, presented as well as they could with what they had on a short notice, bowing as practiced, then ushering to what would be their ride for the river trip…it was hideous. Sure, it was large, two floored even, but it was made with old panels of different kinds of metals and wood, pieces of junk, dirty, poor and seeming like it would be ready to fall under their feet. To make the royals’ assumption more real, a metal rod fell that instant and landed on the deck of the ship.
 “That…that…that is normal,” Tulio tried to excuse, keeping his smile as the rest, but as another thing mysteriously clanged, it began to fail, now strained and embarrassed.
 “Okay, so it’s not the most luxurious thing on the amazon,” the only woman in the group defended.
 “But Catalina has done and worked well throughout our journeys, strong as any of those big tough stuff that can’t even make it to the lines of the Club Kingdom,” one continued to defend, rubbing the haul in endearment.
 “Look, it does look like a piece of shit, but were the only ones in the port that can go through the whole of the river until reaching Murmansk in the Club Kingdom,” another admitted.
 “We’ll try to make your stay as comfortable as we can, we’re only sorry Arthur could not contact or get someone with a better boat,” one even approached, with an apologetic expression that Feliciano was starting to hurt from.
 “If it does the job, then…I hope we can enjoy this journey. We will accommodate ourselves how we can,” Feliciano kindly told them, with an appreciative smile none the less. It was enough to help them all regain some faith, to smile along with him, with exhilaration and readiness, eager to already sail.
 “Then let’s get going!” One demanded, clapping a rhythm in his hands that they all got, instantly forming into a haste. “Come on, come on, get their things, prepare the engine, Martín you’re in change of the wheel!”
 “Sweet!” A dark blond in the group shouted excitedly, jumping over and heading towards its direction.
 “Elisa! Corisande! Don’t just stand there! Take their bags!”
 “Oh yeah!”
 Each offered to take some sort of luggage from Feliciano and Ludwig’s weight, then ushering them to finally board, both hesitant with their steps, testing each and every piece as they moved forward.
 “Amaro, you’re in charge of disembarking!”
 “Got it!”
 “Manuel, at the prow, the usual watching.”
 “Will do, Pedro,” this Manuel saluted and headed off.
 While they continued with the preparations, Elisa and Corisande brought Feliciano over to what would be their room, deep within the confinements of the build. Despite it having old paneling and its smallness, the room they had was the cleanest, with fresh sheets and two separate beds.
 “This is the royal suit,” Elisa joked in introduction.
 Feliciano begged to differ; there was an odd smell and some sort of peel was falling at the side.
 “Get used to it, you’ll be here for four days,” Corisande made point and Feliciano sighed having to accept.
 As Manuel dealt with organizing the ropes Amaro gave him as they began the disembarkation, starting their first sailing into the river, he noticed an extra presence in the area, the arising king of Hearts, gazing endlessly into how the river curved, continuing into the forest, of Spades and then into Clubs.
 “Hey, doing all right there, your highness?” Manuel said trying to be friendly with him.
 “I’m not…I’m actually very afraid,” Ludwig found himself admitting, too preoccupied with what was coming to notice exactly what he was saying and to who.
 “Hey don’t worry, Catalina hasn’t failed us yet, sure she’s not the pretties boat out there, but we can manage,” he tried to lighten.
 “I wasn’t talking about the boat,” he retorted back sternly, leaving Manuel with question, then fear as he saw how the arising king moved down his hand, reaching to a scabbard newly tied around his waist, rich, intricate, surely holding a sword of maximum power. Sure, he wasn’t looking at any of them, he kept his gaze forward, but even so it brought shivers down Manuel’s spine, who slowly began moving away.
 “All right your highness,” he said lastly before he left to deal with other matters of their departure.
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9I Chapter 10 I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19 I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28 I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37 I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40
I almost decided not to post this because of this massive headache I have, well I almost didn't even finish because of it. Then I thought I should since Eurovision is going to take my time from writing this week :’D Hope you enjoy this chapter!
                                                     Chapter 41
“And you didn’t see their faces?” Lien went on with her continuing questions, pacing the room they decided to talk about this, finding that the situation deserved no calm.
 “I couldn’t without risking myself, but they were wearing those blue robes I told you about,” Feliciano said.
 “It’s a trainee robe your highness, hundreds of people in this base wear it along with the same statures you gave us,” Cheng groaned into his hands.
 “Then just tell the rest of the base what I heard, they’ll question everyone, maybe they’ll be able to find them,” Feliciano tried to help.
 “Feliciano, we’re leaving in a couple of hours, there won’t be enough time, what if they can’t?” Mei added.
 “With the announcement and while they address everyone, they’ll send a message to the others. If they know we won’t be taking the Wu Si Lu route, the obvious choice would be the Fang Jian route, where they’ll easily capture us and that’s our last chance to get to Washington safe without taking further detours,” Lei explained.
 “What about the attack then? We can’t just leave the city vulnerable like that, we have to send a message to the castle.” Feliciano was desperate, he did not want to see an entire city suffer such casualties, not when he knew this, not when they could do something to prevent it.
 “We can’t…”
 “Why not?” Feliciano was letting himself turn indignant.
 “Because we’re the ones that are supposed to bring them,” Cheng tapped harshly at a box he took resting on, surely just as agitated and stressed.
 Feliciano slumped, instant sorrow contorting his face, a broken expression that was close to tearing away in whimpers. Ludwig tried whatever comfort he could by placing a hand on his back, rubbing and easing, thinking, for the same weight lay on him.
 “Then what can we do?” He asked.
 “Change our plans,” Lien decided.
 “We’ll ride horses instead of walking, take the Fang Jian route. It’s longer, but with our horses we can try to get to the Washington wall in eight days,” Lei explained.
 “But that’s only two days before the attack, and who knows if they might change it when they don’t find us in the Wu Si Lu route,” Feliciano realized.
 “Then we’ll just have to be the quickest we can,” Lien seemed to challenge.
 “And hope that the castle has a plan ready,” Mei hoped and so did the rest.
 The fortress accepted their request for the horses, the strongest and fastest one they held, beautiful big ones that even intimidated Feliciano as they prepared them to hold their supplies. They were all brought to the gates of the building, Lien leading, for she knew best the directions, with a raise hand, signaling that they should wait while the guards prepared the opening of the gate and just some last stillness before they rode in the sure hastiness they would need. Feliciano breathed in a blessing spell under his mouth, mostly for the horses who were to run their trek.
 Once the gates were opened, making sure they were all together, recalling what they planned, Lien shouted, along with their horses’ proud neighing as they began their speeds, into the meet of the city, all throughout rushing, uncaring to what was on their way, focused on maintaining themselves on their powerful animals, their hair and clothes flying, their intent and purpose shown strongly as they passed on streets, stepping away any insignificance that couldn’t equate the safety of an entire city. Soon Shanghai was far at their backs, only as the memory of a day, what mattered being what was before them, what they had to continue and needed to be strong and resilient for. Feliciano took a last glimpse of the Lim Chen Han temple, seeming like their last goodbye of the city, of safety, of the tranquility and determination he wanted to draw it in last night before he overheard the conversation that changed it. He felt immense danger hover before them as he settled his gaze frontal, joining along with the speed of the horses, with the urgency of what they held, in their hands the saving of such an important city to Spades and the rest of the kingdoms. They could do this, eight days, make it in eight days. Feliciano was resolute and confident they would.
  Nothing else seemed to matter as the hours, as the days passed by, nothing but ride through dirt roads, between woods, by rivers, by villages, cities, the edge of hills, splendorous lakes, fields, towns and forests that announced their entrance into the American province. They only made small stops for dinner, rest, breakfast and lunch, with hurry, with no words, no games, Feliciano couldn’t even bring himself to sketch or play with Pookie. With Ludwig he only shared smiles and glances, enough to feel their unrest, but hoping that these silent gazes were enough to instill confidence, belief and strength. It was moments like those that made Feliciano wish that he could just let himself rest in their hand holding, in arms, in whatever closeness they could let themselves in to just forget for a while. Ludwig felt the same thing, but in the hurry, in his own reserve, he didn’t dare reach, he only made sure that his horse ran dutifully by his, watching over him no matter how dangerous the terrain got.
 As finally they had reached that eight day, after countless of views of hills and fields, an approaching wall of blue trees welcomed them from a high slope, a clear sign that had Lien raising her hand.
 “This is it, the Bowman forest, it surrounds the entirety of the city, we just have to go across it until we meet with a stationed guard,” she shouted to all, pulling on her horse’s reigns and coming into a slow halt, all following the command to stop, to acknowledge and even admire what they were to pass through.
 “Be slow and be attentive, we don’t know what we might meet here, stay on your guard and remain together,” she advised lastly before they continued their thread, in an easy pace, almost silent, trying to blend in with the serenity of the forest, of the calm of the animals that lived and the simple rivers that flowed.
 To Feliciano it seemed to go on endlessly, with no glimpse of populace, of towering new buildings or this castle that was written to be very similar to Berlin’s. As they were going through an unmark route to avoid confrontation, they didn’t meet with wayward farmhouses, lost travelers or even glimpses of this impressive wall, but fauna, beautiful one with splendorous flowers that tempted Feliciano to pick, to decorate his hair, the horses or mend into their bags.  
 By midday, they finally stopped by the running of a brook, a nice cleared patch to rest by and have lunch. They were hungry and thought no wrong of having something to sate them for a small moment.
 “All right, whose turn is it to find blueberries?” Yong asked, already holding the basket.
 “Oh, I think it’s mine,” Feliciano reminded.
 “Then here you go, if you find anything else, like strawberries, definitely bring,” Yong hoped as Feliciano, nodding in promise.
 Feliciano was just about to head into the woods by himself to find some while the rest continued with getting their things to make this cooking as quick as they could, until he noticed Ludwig coming to join.
 “The last time you went somewhere alone you almost got yourself spotted by spying Khaos’s men, I can’t let you go through another risk like that,” Ludwig defended, already moving ahead and taking the lead for him. Feliciano smiled not minding, he really did feel assured with his protection, one he had ultimate trust in and he knew would defend him against anything no matter what.
 He kept Ludwig’s pace the deeper they went, Ludwig assuring their spot, knowing well how they could return, while Feliciano kept his eyes open for any kind of sweet fruit, but at the moment it was rather dull, like everything just suddenly…died. It was odd, considering this was supposed to be a plentiful forest. Ludwig moved the obstacle of a large bush slightly, only to stop once he noticed that below it there was only a cliff. He sighted disappointedly, they had to go back. He was about to say his findings to Feliciano, who was just reaching him when his eyes continued the extend of that bottom, to then find tents, people, occurrence…all dressed in the all too familiar dreadful black cloak. As soon as he realized, he took a strong hold of Feliciano, wrapping his arms strongly around him as well as placing his hand on his mouth. Feliciano fretted, worried and trembled to see what was going on. Ludwig pointed his face to the camp and Feliciano’s eyes widened. Once Ludwig knew he understood what they were before, he let go, to take a better watch, trying to see what they were exactly doing, hoping he could overhear any plans. Feliciano joined in doing the same, but all he could spot was just normal activity of them taking strolls around the clearance, chatting, an occasional warrior sharpening his weapon, practicing by throwing at targets or slashing along in the air at an imaginary enemy.
 “Come on,” Ludwig whispered as he began his quiet standing.
 “To what?” Feliciano questioned, still shaking with clear fear.
 “We’re going to tell the others.”
 With Ludwig and Feliciano’s findings, they all rushed their lunch and then headed to the very location, spending the rest of what was left of the evening and of the early night watching, each with their own pair and their own hiding place, circling, ears perked and eyes attentive to anything that might reveal. Of course Ludwig remained with Feliciano, both deciding to remain by the same bush where they had first spotted them, counting how many, the kind of weapons they had, the magic they practiced and anywhere in particular they reunited in and how.
 They heard rustling and instantly prepared a blinding fire spell to start in their hands, in quite the amazing union despite not combining their magic.
 “Relax, it’s just us,” Lei whispered as he showed himself along with Mei, both taking a near sitting and returning their gazes to the activities of the camp.
 “Did you find anything out?” Feliciano asked.
 “It’s pretty much the same, but we managed to locate the leader’s tent, as well as the meeting one, told Yong about it,” Lei explained.
 “And where is he?” Feliciano gazed around, finding him nowhere near.
 “We don’t know, he just left, told us he was going to check from another spot,” Mei said with obvious worry for him.
 No sooner Lien and Cheng arrived, just as unfruitful, taking their own sittings beside them, as agitated, as calculating, still awaiting the smallest hint of something.
 “Why don’t we just leave this instant, arrive to the castle and tell them where they are?” Ludwig suggested.
 “Without knowing what they’re going to do? We can’t risk losing this valuable information,” Lien said.
 “We can’t sit around here doing nothing either,” Lei told her back.
 “Let’s agree, if by midnight we haven’t found anything, we’ll get Yong and just arrive as quickly as we can to the castle and tell them what we know,” Cheng decided and they all concurred, then deciding to remain silent as they continued with their vigilance.
 As the minutes passed of the same they had been watching for hours, Yong still didn’t appear and currently they were discussing about who was going to go get him, and then suddenly a dark cloaked figure approached them, all instantly panicked, preparing weapons, magic, fighting skills, ready to take him down in an easy instant.
 “Hold it! It’s just me!” The figure removed the hoodie, to reveal Yong, smiling and waving a scroll in his hold as he neared.
 They all took a synchronized sigh and rest, hiding their magic and weapons, only to send instant glares at him for scaring them.
 “Why are you wearing that?” Lei asked, looking quite disgusted.
 “You won’t believe how easy they have these hanging around, so I just took one to make it easier to sneak in,”
 “You sneaked in!?” Lien was about ready to slap him.
 “Relax, nobody noticed, you have to remember I took classes with master Schufen, and she was the best in interceding and blending,” he reminded as he neared, taking the whole cloak off and landing it uselessly on the floor, then beginning to open the scroll, making the space for all to see.
 “They had a meeting just a bit earlier, repeating well the plan of attack for the day after tomorrow, I managed to even take one of their planning scrolls, you all have to see this,” he explained, his cousins feeling quite proud of his feet.
 The scroll was completely opened, in it a well design of the wall encircling the large city, marked with all kinds of unintelligible drawings, but Yong knew enough to be able to describe.
 “It’s worse than we thought, they already have spies and soldiers in the walls, they made entryways they’ve had set for weeks already,” he pointed to the marks near certain posts, with arrows directing to those towers, surely meaning an invasion, spots in the internal part of the city to attack when it would be decided.
 “A single signal and they will all, and I mean all,” he spun his fingers around the wall, to every soldier marked, “will start their sneaking, attack the guards without noticing, take control of each tower one by one, leave at least twelve men guarding each, and five to run, aid, attack any other guards that might try to stop them as they begin their attacks on the city with the young Sloane cannons, instantly, even if their biggest mission does not succeed.”
 “And what is their biggest mission?” Lien asked, already fearful, shaking, one that the rest of the group shared in, the magnitude one that seemed to tower and tower the more closely they studied the map, to see and admit how calculated and well planned they had this.
 Yong sighed, and to make it clear instantly to the ones who knew, he pointed to the center tower, the most marked, circled and notes of their language written to the side.
 “Old Sloane,” Cheng identified, ultimate dread, one that instantaneously fell on the rest, biting their lips, their fingers, moving away, settling well with the storm that was coming.
 “Um…what are these Sloanes?” Feliciano feared to ask, but Ludwig and him needed to know the full extent of this.
 “Probably the most powerful cannons in the known world,” Mei declared in anguish.
 “They were long ago created by a mix of elf humans to defend against the threats of the blackened decades,” Yong continued.
 “They used an incredible amount of magic for this, as well as a nuclear energy the humans made,”
 “They made a total of twenty five cannons, most of them small ones to defend against simpler threats, but then there was Old Sloane,”
 “Old Sloane is the biggest and most dangerous of them all, with a capability to destroy the entire city in one blast if charged enough,”
 “This one was made for more powerful threats, for if Khaos arrived with one of his large armies or other forces that the writings don’t talk about.”
 That seemed rather omniscient, what kind of other force was so large that they needed a cannon of such magnitude? But now was not the time to question this, not when this new kind of threat was present.
 “It’s the most protected tower, with the strongest guards of the kingdom, not even the King, Queen and Jack are allowed unless they have special permissions which deem they know how the cannon works and its capability,”
 “Once they rid of all the guards in all the towers, they plan to start circling with their large numbers until they reach the center, with enough power to get rid of those guards and take it to their control,” Yong returned to explain.
 “And there goes Washington,” Lei grimly said.
 “Then we can’t just sit here and let it happen, we have to get to the castle immediately with this!” Feliciano wanted to rush, already moving away, deciding that they should head to their horses that instant, but nobody dared to, apparently there was something Yong hadn’t told them yet.
 “Yeah…about that,” he started, “you see, at the south gates of the city, where were supposed to enter through, they already have about four men waiting for your arrival, prepared for your capture, and especially since we didn’t go through the Wu Si Lu route, they sent heavier men determined to truly get you both this time,”
 “Then we’ll just take another gate!”
 “They did the same with the other ones, face it, no matter where we go, one of Khaos’s men will be there to have our heads ready.”
 And Feliciano dropped, fearful and shaking, groaning along with the rest, pacing, thinking about what they were supposed to do now.
 “The-there, there has to be something we can do,” Lien wanted to hope as she took the scroll, hoping to find some clear weakness, some idea between the lines as the rest simply plopped down along with Feliciano, readying themselves to face their death as well as a breaking city.
 “Then what are we supposed to do? Just stay here?” Feliciano was disappointed, with tears verging in his eyes, outmost misery coloring him.
 “Well…we could just go through the gates and somehow defeat these guys, I mean we have tomorrow, the attack is not until the day after,” Lei suggested.
 “And risk getting one of us killed when they start shooting at us with the young Sloanes, running through the city, endangering other people?”
 “Despite the date they settled, it all honestly depends on a signal, if they see us barging in like that, they’ll surely kick start it, making it easier to catch us in the mess,”
 “I saw the guys they sent, pretty intimidating and taller than most of us,”
 “Can’t be as much as Ludwig.”
 As they went on with different suggestions, Ludwig’s mention had Feliciano gazing to him, wondering what he would be feeling about all this, but instead he kept his gaze still on the camp, Feliciano knew with thought, with plotting, tapping away at one of the branches in a bush as an idea connected and was built in his head. Feliciano stared at him for the longest while, all what Ludwig needed to think, until it was clear, until he could tell them.
 “What if we stop them ourselves?” He suddenly said, breaking the throwing of words the rest of the group was participating in, stopping instantly to truly take in what the arising Hearts King just said.
 “That would be insane and suicidal,” Lei had no problem with admitting.
 “Do you have any idea how many men they have for this,” Yong reminded.
 “We’re just seven,” Lien pointed.
 “Not just, you did say you are one of the best groups the Spadian High Protection Squadron has to offer. In my time with you all I’ve learned you have powerful and skillful abilities that have worked for you well to this day, no matter your past missions, despite most of you being so young,” he acknowledged, which actually brought proud and strengthening smiles to them.
 “You forget that I am a coming King, with power that I’m sure most of these men would wish to possess, and then we have Feliciano,” he finally turned to him, serious but yet with a belief that brought him with a new kind of life. “The first Italian queen since Augusta, you all don’t understand the kind of meaning that has to our kingdom. He’s powerful, a vast amount of magic that is yet still a mystery to even those in our kingdom, we can use it, we can interfere.” He returned his gaze back to the camp, the idea solidifying more and more in his head, until he was confident, until he could already see them running in his head.
 “What exactly do you have in mind?” Lei asked.
 Ludwig really hoped they could confide in this idea, that they could have enough trust, and more importantly, confidence to be a part of it.
 “We have the plans, we know where they’re going to enter and how they’re going to work, why don’t we just enter the same way and stop them?”
 “Wha-what-what?” Lien trembled.
 “We’ll sneak in ourselves at different assigned points, I’ll tell you how you can identify whose a Khaos’s men, to those who are real guards, tell them, as conspicuously, prepare them, spread the news singularly, catch them off guard themselves and capture them, if were successful they won’t get near any canons,” he prepared, in seriousness and devotion that they all easily nodded and found themselves obeying to.  
 “You do know there are twenty five towers, all at different parts of the city,” Lei wanted to point.
 “All these guards must have a sort of signal to communicate, we just have to spread what’s happening as best as we can, attack, defend, and fight,” Ludwig determined, finally turning to them, away from the camp.
 “Ludwig this is…really risky, it could easily go wrong, we’re only seven and I don’t think strong enough to deal with something of such magnitude,” Mei excused doubtfully.  
 “We can and we will, we’re just as powerful as them, besides, it’s better to try and do something than just stand here and let it happen, no matter what might happen to us, we’re talking about a millions lives here.” He moved forward, direction to their camp.
 “If you’re certain, then please, tell us what we should do,” Cheng wanted to join, standing just as strongly and proud as Ludwig. It was the same lead everyone followed, even Feliciano, but with the still evident fear coating his face. Ludwig understood it and there was no shame in it, the rest surely felt the same, but they felt a duty with it and thus they had to let it rest, had to just go and risk it when there was a chance of stopping and saving.
 “Let’s go back to the camp, we have to start preparing immediately,” Ludwig commanded.
 And so they all returned, Ludwig taking the scroll, a pen and planning what they would do. Each would have to work alone, even Feliciano, but Ludwig made sure to keep him closest to his own base tower, giving him a mission that he knew he could deal by himself. If anything there was the emergency spell, and he had no problem with going towards him if it worsens.
 He detailed how they chould send messages from afar, how they could convince the actual guards, who would be Khaos’s men (“Remember, the air around them feels dead”), how to defend the canons, what to do if one got captured and a way to call the castle so they could send immediate aid for when things got to hectic and obvious.
 After he finished, after he made sure that everybody understood what they were to do, he sent them all to sleep, saying that he would wake them up early the next day to start their training and test whatever they knew that could help for this.
 No one was left absent that morning, even Feliciano was quickly pushed into drills, into learning fighting skills, defenses, new tricks of magic, new combining spells between him and Ludwig, despite his groaning, despite his pain, despite if he was actually punched and thrown. He had to learn to deal with the pain, to bring out harsher maneuvers, he was going to be dealing with something much worst, alone, and Ludwig truly wanted him at the best he could pull at the moment, to not be afraid to use the extent of his power as long as he didn’t use it for their combination. As a way to message each other, they learned a combination spell in which they could conjure small images in their arms, for both to see and send themselves codes with no matter the distance they would have to take. They spent their dinner teaching each other what a butterfly meant, a potato, a tomato, one of Pookie, a heart, a spade and finally a star.
 They would start their mission early, before it was decided by Khaos’s men, with enough time to get to the walls, sneak in themselves, warn and prepare the guards with sufficient time. As so, Ludwig suggested it was best they rested after a hard day of training. They were tired, exhausted and they would need even more energy for the next day.
 As Ludwig and Feliciano prepared their bags, deciding what to bring with them and what to leave behind in a hidden spot in the forest, Ludwig came into contact with his sword, his own kingdom sword, a sure gift to every King, one of his most powerful weapons, created it for him by Heart’s smiths, blessed with magic and beauty, deserving to a coming ruler as himself. Despite everything that had happened throughout the journey, this was really the first time he took it out from its protective cloth, laying his eyes on its shine, its red, white, and gold, its intricacy and rich design in the pommel, grip, and guard, made to symbolize the soul of a phoenix, a red fire wolf and a St. Mark Lion, kingdom animals of Hearts. It was really artistic for something that was meant to be wielded in battle, to avenge and kill.
 “You’re going to use it, right?” Feliciano questioned after soothing Pookie enough to rest by his sleeping mat. It wasn’t the first time Feliciano had seen Ludwig’s sword, he’d seen him use it in training back at the castle or at display in the king’s study room. It really was beautiful, always enchanting, tempting to grab and wield its splendorous design, to move in action and grace.
 “No,” Ludwig answered, putting it back in its dark cloth, into the bag that was meant to stay hidden.
 “But…we might need it for tomorrow, are you sure?”
 “I am.”
 Ludwig turned away from him, taking his rest upon his own mat, eyes distant, although occasionally going back to the bag he knew it rested, reminding him of his resolve, the very item seeming to whisper it continuously. “It’s not its fight yet.”
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