#like yesssss get that man on his knees and make him beg for any reason whatsoever
rawr-mortgage · 4 months
oh man, chapter 18 of Harry's route got me so ASGDJDJVSGZTSHALSJAHSHUHW
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whumpprompts · 4 years
Songs that inspire me
I love music. It’s probably my number one source of inspiration. And since I’m probably not alone in this, I decided to put together a little list of songs that inspire me. I divided them by the inspiration, since different songs inspire different kinds of things. Maybe this can be helpful to some of you! 
Naturally, there are more songs that I listen to than just these, but these are the ones that inspire me the most. 
List under the cut!
Happy platonic love :’)
Aka all things sweet, bromantic, and lovey - songs that say “I would die for you” and make me want to write some fluffy found family.  
save me from the monster in my head by Welshly Arms. // Cute, soft, loving music. Lyrics tell about the feeling of hopelessness and fear, and asking the other person to stay by their side and save them. This was released last week and oh boi I love it.
Brother by Kodaline. // One of my favorite songs. Slow and tender. Chorus says “If I was dying on my knees, You would be the one to rescue me, And if you were drowned at sea, I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe.” Need I say more? Ultimate bromance. 1000/10.
All My Friends by The Revivalists. // I don’t know what genre this is. Modern rock, maybe?? No idea. Also idk what sort of vibe this song gives off, but it gives a vibe. I just love the lyrics! The me-person of the song is in their twenties, living their best life, getting high with their friends. They know the friends will stay by their side. Not too emotional of a song, but it’s so cute! The music is happy and the singer sounds good.
Up Down by Boy Epic. // This song has a more cinematic sound to it. Lots of instruments, it sounds amazing. And honestly, I don’t even know why this song reminds me of familiar/platonic love so much, but it does. The lyrics that go “I’m barely breathing, but I’ll follow you down” and “Still fighting my demons, but I’ll follow you down” just hit me somewhere so deep into my emotions, it’s amazing.
My Blood by Twenty One Pilots. // The sound is cute, but I have no idea how to describe it. More pop-ish than rock-ish, and it’s energetic but not too much so. It’s very bromancy, and I adore the lyrics. It’s all about “I’ll go with you,” which, thanks to this song, has become a phrase I want to use in my book at some point. 
Carry You by Ruelle. // Slow, tender, sweet, so loving???? Picks up towards the end, so it also has a slight cinematic feel to it. The me-person swears to keep carrying you when you can’t find your own wings. You’ve lost the will to fight, but she’ll stay by your side. It’s... so many shades of beautiful. The pinnacle of love. it does not get more tender than this. 1000000000/10. But also kinda sad? So this definitely belongs to both categories, this one and the one that comes after this.
Hold on for Your Life by Tommee Profitt, ft. Sam Tinnesz. // A cinematic song that starts out very slow and sad but gradually builds up, and it sounds AMAZING. The me-person is begging for someone to hold on, to not let go - they refuse to say goodbye, because it can’t be time yet. The me-person is also afraid, but they vow “no matter where you go, I’ll find you.” I wasn’t sure whether to put this song into this group or the next one, because it’s kind of both; it’s sad, but also powerful and loving.
Not so happy platonic love
Aka all things angsty and broken. These songs say “You’re gone but I need you, please don’t leave me alone” or “you aren’t the person I know anymore,” and make me want to take that found family and tear them from each other in the angstiest, cruelest way imaginable.
Brother by Sam Tinnesz. // This song is half acoustic, half.. not. And since I am a sucker for acoustic guitar, I love the sound. The lyrics are angsty as hell! The me-person’s brother has lost his way, and has apparently done something bad or turned evil, and the me-person is scared and worried for him. At the end, they deem “I can’t save you.”
Hell or High Water by Billy Raffoul. // I’d like to thank the video game Days Gone for showing me this song. It’s slow, emotional, and only has guitar for the music. It’s just... aaaah. The me-person has lost their loved one and is, naturally, heartbroken, but they vow not to give up because the loved one wouldn’t want them to. This is a gorgeous song. 
Man or a Monster by Sam Tinnesz, ft Zayde Wolf. // Some sort of rock, but the slower kind. Builds up towards the end. They ask the question, “are you a man or a monster?” and can’t tell which side “you” are on. Whether or not this is aimed at a platonic loved one is up to interpretation, since I don’t think the song ever specifies who it’s singing to, but that’s how I’ve chosen to see it because it sounds more longing than angry.
Fuck you, you can’t win, you can’t hold me down, go die, I am (or will be) amazing
Aka all the songs that show a middle finger to some evil, annoying entity, and swear to beat them. These make me want to write a scene where the protagonist gains second wind and faces against the antagonist.
Middle Finger by Bohnes. // Again, a style of music I can’t put into a genre. But it sounds powerful and victorious in a... I don’t know, youthful, cocky way? Not too heavy, definitely more pop-ish than rock-ish. The lyrics go “So I put my middle finger up, I’m done being your slave” and “Fists are clenched, I'm fighting, Soul has been ignited, Ain't got time for dyin'.” I’ve known this song for years but I always come back to it when I need this type of motivation.
New Kings by Sleeping Wolf. // Not too fast, but it sounds... dedicated, in a way. Like the singer has really had enough. It’s some type of rock, I guess? And the lyrics all about how the enemy will not win - the heroes refuse to “lay down and die,” and they refuse to stop until they all see that they’re the new kings. Also, I love the part where he sings “And you call yourselves an army?” like yesssss burn them!!!
Bury Me Face Down by grandson. // One of my favorite songs!! A mix between rock and rap, in an alternative sort of way? Not too fast, not too slow. He sings about an army fighting him, but that he won’t give up - and when he dies, you gotta bury him face down. He’s been on the run for his whole life, and he is no stranger to trouble. “It’s only just begun.” 
White Flag by Bishop Briggs. // Some sort of rock again. Powerful, unrelenting. I heard this years ago, but I still come back to it whenever I need a song that sounds good and is about not surrendering. The me-person vows never to wave their white flag - she’s going to keep fighting until she wins. Also, the line “Don't you know I ain't afraid to shed a little blood?” hits me so hard into my “omg that’s amazing please never stop” nerve, it’s amazing.
Chosen One by Valley of Wolves. // Rock that also gives a very subtle country-vibe to me, but I don’t listen to country and I have no idea what it sounds like so it might not :D I like their rhythm though! The song is positive but not too so. It’s basically all about how the me-person is the chosen one and how he’ll overcome any obstacle. 
(Also most other songs by Valley of Wolves. All I’ve heard have been about “I’m the best, I will beat you, I will win. Especially the songs Born Bold, Keep on keeping on, Ready for the Fire, Lions Inside, Out for Blood, and Now’s My Time. I don’t listen to them much anymore but they used to inspire me a lot so I’m throwing them out there.)
The battle has been long and I don’t know if we can win anymore - but we need to keep trying
Aka the songs that are all about the desperate, hopeless fight no one thinks they can win anymore. These make me want to write a suicide mission, but not the explosive kind - more like the kind that starts with the characters crying and begging the suicide-person not to go, and ends with the survivors crying for the one who sacrificed themselves for the others.
Soldier by Tommee Profitt, ft Fleurie. // A slow cinematic song full of sadness that gradually builds up. Fleurie’s voice is amazing. The singer begs the Soldier to keep marching on through the dangers and hardships. One of my favorite go-to songs of all time when writing/planning this type of scene.
Heroes by Valley of Wolves. // Slower, emotional, lots of instruments which I love! Gets gradually stronger as well. There is a fight that seems hopeless, but they refuse to give in. But they also sing “Who will save us?” and “Sometimes you gotta let it go, leave it up to a hero.”
I’m alone, and honestly, the world would be better off if I died (OR everything has gone to shit in general)
Aka the songs that are full of self-loathing. These are so useful for writing scenes where the character has lost everything. They’re at their lowest point and wonder if they even have a reason to keep fighting anymore - and they blame themselves for it. (OR the songs where things has gone to shit in general - the me-person may not blame themselves, but things are still very bad.)
Rock Bottom by grandson. // The non-self-loathing kind. Typical grandson sound, a mix of rap and rock and pop that sounds so damn good. “Tell me how did we get here? And where the fuck do we go now?” sums up the song - they’ve hit rock bottom and they don’t know how to get up anymore.
The Mystic by Adam Jensen. // Slower and angsty! A soft sound. Some type of rock. The me-person is a drug addict who’s hit their lowest point. He tries to stay clean, but his family has abandoned him, and he thinks no one is going to worry or even notice if he went missing - not until they found his body from the river.  
Losing Hold by Esterly, ft. Austin Jenckes. // Oh my GOD, this is The Angstiest song I’ve ever heard. The singer sings to a “you,” describing how you’re looking at your “last chance down below” and how you’re losing hold. This is the PERFECT song for writing/brainstorming scenes where a character is truly and utterly hopeless, broken, and alone. Everything about this song sounds what being hopeless feels like - the lyrics, the music, the singer’s voice... An amazing song. 10000/10.
Down So Low by Royal Deluxe. // Slow, a bit darker. Another song directed to a “you.” Basically, the whole song is the singer telling you how badly you fucked everything up and how it’s all your fault even though you keep blaming others. It also gets kinda hopeless. “How deep into the ground can one man dig a hole?” and “Leaving you crying out, ‘have mercy on my soul!’”
Despicable by grandson. // Slow, dark, self-loathing intensifies. “If I were you, I wouldn’t love me neither.” I don’t really listen to this song that much, but it’s great for brainstorming those kind of extremely hopeless scenes.
Aka songs that inspire me in some other ways!
Solo by Prismo. // A nice mix between rock and, eh, electronic, I guess? This is a genre that I like a lot. Honestly, it’s probably called alternative rock. But anyway! This me-person is alone and he’s teaching himself to feel better. This inspires me with like, the positive change a character might go through. 
Sinners by Barns Courtney. // THE VOICE. Mmmm god his voice is the best voice I have ever heard. Basically, this is like softer rock. It has a really soft, pleasant, slower sound with lots of guitar. Nice. It’s about this me-person who’s low on luck, and he’s drinking with a bunch of “sinners.” He also sings “I must be good for something” which kinda inspires me to write a very specific character in a very specific scene. So it’s kinda, “I’ve been fucked over by lady luck but we can still drink tonight” mixed with some hope that maybe he isn’t a totally worthless good-for-nothing.
Pilgrims by New Dialogue. // Some sort of pop, alternative-ish, maybe? Super happy-sounding. They want to be pilgrims and settle somewhere better, somewhere safer. “Where we’re going, you could be anyone.” Honestly, this sounds like the ending soundtrack to a movie about a group of family who struggled to find a new, safe home in some foreign, scary land. It’s so... “yay!” :D sounds very happy. It inspires me in the “and they lived happily ever after” sort of way.
Who Will Save Your Soul by Esterly, ft. Young Youth. // Honestly, I have no idea what type of genre this is. It’s... a little cinematic, little rock-ish, little electronic, little pop-ish, little rap-ish. So :D yeah. But it is a good song! I mostly listen to it for the chorus that says “Who will save your soul, after the lies you told them, who will save your soul if you won’t save your own?” Idk. It’s a good song. Inspires me to create bad guys.
Listen Out Loud by DREAMERS. // A song I only discovered a few days ago. Pretty happy and pop-ish, the singer has a great voice. He sings about looking for answers in the world and finding them from all around himself when he listens out loud. It’s a message that inspires me to write a specific type of character - the type who’s curious and happy and seeks to understand the world.
We’re Tired by The Blancos ft Joyner Lucas. // Sounds so fucking good?? And honestly, this is an amazing song about the shittyness of selfishness, inequality, and oppression in general, which I love, but I also love this because it sounds so emotional and makes me want to write dystopian. 
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