#like yes there was the he’s no gregory comment so i’m sure it’s not unclear where he stands
Okay I am actually not a huge fan of the in-universe shipper trope because I feel like it can get weird and boundary-crossing. BUT I like how Abbott does it with Jacob.
He wasn’t actually pushy in the last episode, he just gave Gregory and Janine, who he knows like each other, some brief time alone. He admitted to the camera that he’s hoping they will eventually, but he’s not outright gunning for it to their faces or trying to manipulate things behind the scenes. He just supports his friends, even if they make decisions he thinks are a little odd.
He just wants them to be happy! If they are happy together it’s would be nice but it doesn’t come off like he’s a fan of them, just a person in the frankly kind of strange situation of being the mutual close friend of two people who are in a simmering slow burn will they or won’t they…Thing.
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