#like yes same recs i always give but ummmm .... Well Read Them !!!!!!!!!
shopcat · 2 years
you have fantastic opinions. what are your favorite st fics i need to read something from that fandom that doesn't make me wanna kill someone
HEHE why tank you 💖💖💖 i actually went and bookmarked my #favourites just for reccing purposes a couple weeks ago there's about like 80 LOL but also a little mixed candy bag selection of all time game-changers for me here 👇
keep with me forward by shortcrust, a plain and indestructible thing by phonemicengineer, peaches and clementines by ciaconnaa, looks like we're in for nasty weather by prufrocks + also in progress but count to thirty. breathe twice. repeat. is </3 insanely moving and killing my ass i have died. badly. so i will include it
and of course: paradise by the dashboard light, things to come and light my way by my little peachy weachies and a blanket statement to read all of their works to get a higher understanding of life as we know it. to be honest. and sub to reactive <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Ummmm, no thoughts, head empty, just MAVIDD and MAVID and then MAVID😍
I think you broke us for real. Okay I really don't have time to go on a full analysis (I'm drowning in university work, can you tell?) but for reasons I can not explain I found the time to read this chapter about 5 times and I have thoughts. They are very over the place so you will have to be patient. Here we go:
I need a scene where Alec gives the ring back to David explaining why he took it from David in the first place and David reassuring him that he always loved and will love Max, that there is nothing he wants more than Max's love and he would never not want to be loved by Max (I know its not happening but a girl can dream)
The kids finally seeing their parents being happy. Oh god please tell me there is a scene where AJ will tell Max thank you for making him smile again or telling David so that's what you're like when you're happy, the kids and especially AJ seeing how in love and happy their parents are together, ohh I'm melting from all the cuteness and the fluff
Probably not gonna like the answer to that one, but where is Jaden? I mean, what is his relationship with David and Arthur?
The "I just want my husband back" scene I've been dying to read Dani I'm scared where is it? Please tell me it will be fluffy and not angsty
Does David enjoy cooking again?? PLEASE TELL ME HE DOES. Because you mentioned in an earlier chapter that he stooped enjoying it after a while, and I hope he does now
Max and David going on car rides (eventually) please tell me they will have that
So, David was relating to the pool. He was feeling like neither were alive or doing anything, like they were both just existing. And then Max came and gave life to the pool, he used it and made it useful, the same way he gave life and happiness when he became a part of David's life again wow the parallels are going to kill me
Okay, I had this thought since LBAF, and there's no way it's true . Just think. Other Max in LBAF told Mallory that his story with David wasn't a rom-com but a love story. And I thought, "What if Other Max has visited the IALS universe?" And then comes David, who writes about a blue time travelling warlock, and my theory keeps getting stronger! (Yes, I'm being ridiculous, I'm aware)
Just think how long this ask would be if I had time😅 I hope you're doing well and having a great week. Song rec that will cheer you up in case you're having an okay moment: Belle, belle by Naïka 🌷🌷
Do you want me to punch your uni work in the face? I don't know how it's scientifically possible but I will give it a shot.
A lot of the questions you have (kind of) get answered in the epilogue. So, I'm gonna wait till then. Come yell at me if they are not addressed hehe.
David does enjoy cooking again. I think Harry was a big reason for that. As Max once pointed out, Arthur and Lance grew up with David's cooking, so they don't find it super special. They love it. But it's an every day thing for them. I think seeing Harry love David's food so much and just eat anything he makes made David cook more (mostly because he also wanted Harry to not starve). It's why we see him cooking a lot since Arthur moved to the new school!
I looooooved the pool analysis so much! Very spot on. And thank you for the other max angst! Always appreciated.
I looooove her music so thank you so much for the rec. The epilogue is David's pov and I'm gonna listen to sooo many french songs to prepare for it hehe x
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myheroheacanons · 4 years
Chapter 23
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- You thought you and your best friend were having an outing, but then you bump into your soulmate who broke your heart. Can he atone for what he did? 
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
a/n: ummmm I can’t apologize enough for what took so long. I am truly sorry that it took me this long to get myself together and finally finish it. Although I’m sad that enemy is finally over, I’m really excited to start working on my next smau! I hope you all are doing okay, and stay safe!
You wandered around the park, admiring the pretty sunset. Summer was great in the sense that the sunset was so late. It was 8:30 in the evening and the sky was filled with beautiful warm colors. You were walking towards the tree that Todoroki told you he’d meet you at. An odd location to meet if you were honest. A random tree of all places. You spotted the unique features Todoroki described in the text and walked to it. You also didn’t know why he wanted to meet in a park of all places. His explanation was that he was doing something in the city, but couldn’t you just meet in the shop? You decided to stop questioning your friend’s weird logic. You saw someone underneath sitting on a picnic blanket but thought you’d just stand near the tree and not bother them. Until you saw who it was.
Bakugou looked at her and a shocked expression came on his face. You stood there speechless.
“Y/n…” he nearly whispered, looking her over with a soft look in his eyes. He stood up and made his way to her. “Don't,” you said sternly. “What are you doing here?!” the expression on your face changed from confused to furious in seconds. He looked at you, eyes filled with regret and sadness. “I said, what the hell are you doing here?!” you clutched your purse and furrowed your brows. The hurt in your voice was painfully obvious and it stung Bakugou.  “I need to talk to it, but I wanted to do it in person,” Bakugou said, attempting to keep his composure. At that moment you were a ticking time bomb. All the emotions you have been suppressing and hiding now coming to the surface. And as you stared at him, tears began to spill out of your eyes. “Who do you think you are?!” you yelled at him, anger pulsating through your whole body. Bakugou’s eyes widened at your outburst. He watched you with caution and guilt. “Y-you can’t just do that!” you sobbed. Your knees were wobbling, you felt as if you were going to collapse any minute. “Do you know how angry I am at you?! You lead me on and gave me hope that someone truly loves me for once! Then you just rip it all away, and now you want to talk!” you continued. Bakugou heard the hurt in your voice and his guilt grew. It was hurting him too, to see you like that, knowing he caused it. “I know, and I understand if you hate me and never want to see me again,” he said sadly. His voice was unusually quiet. Almost no one ever heard Bakugou speak like that.  “But can you please hear me out…” he said so quietly. You looked at him, eyes filled with tears. In front of you wasn’t the Bakugou that yelled at everyone. The Bakugou that hid his emotions from everyone and everything. In front of you was a vulnerable boy, with all the hurt and sadness spilling out of his body. He was letting you see him in his worst state. He was letting you see him with his walls down. You continued to stare for a couple seconds. “I don’t hate you, dummy,” you said, dropping to sit on the grass. You were also in her most vulnerable state. All the anger and sadness also spills out your body like a waterfall. “Well you probably should,” he said, dropping down next to you.   “Yeah, I know,” you said, giving a weak smile. “But I could never hate you..” you finished with a sigh at the end. You both sat in silence for a couple of minutes, watching the sunset. Those beautiful colors that filled the sky reminded you of the boy sitting next to you. “I already said this, but I am so angry at you” you continued. “But I could never hate my soulmate” you muttered as you met Bakugou’s gaze. His eyes filled with surprise for a moment which instantly turned to soft happiness. “I don’t know how I can ever make it up to you. But can I please explain myself, surprisingly I'm not an asshole who did that just cause he was bored” he said as he looked at her with the tiniest bit of hope in his eyes. You snorted quietly reacting to his words. “I’m always willing to listen to you,” you said laying back into the grass, watching as the sky turned dark as the sun went away. “When I was dumb and naive, I met a girl” he started, laying back down to level with you. You turned your head to look at him. He had a sad smile on his face. “At the time, I thought that girl was my soulmate, but in reality, she was my enemy,” he said. You watched as different emotions played on his face. “She seemed like a dream. Beautiful and funny” as he said those words, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. “But then, she cheated on me. Multiple times. And would manipulate and gaslight me.” your eyes widened with surprise when he said that. “She seems like she's a great person,” you said sarcastically. “Yeah, and at the time I thought she was,” he said with sadness in his voice. “But we eventually broke up. And somehow she was an even bigger headache when we weren’t together” he said, continuing to stare at the sky. You leaned in continuing to listen. “She spread lies and rumors the moment we broke up,” he said with a sad look in his eye. “And when I met you, I didn’t….I didn’t want to believe such an angel really came to me” he said. You couldn’t help but have a blush spread across your face. His face was also turning red with embarrassment. Bakugou was never this honest with his feelings. Especially, in front of another person.  “I’m sorry that I hurt you. Believe me, I never meant to” he said giving you the most sincere look. You stared into each other's eyes for a while. His face for once was filled with vulnerability. His sadness and guilt shined through his eyes. “I forgive you, Katsuki,” you said, sitting up and he did the same. His expression was filled with hope. “You really do?” he said in almost a whisper. You saw the guilt and sadness in his eyes slowly melted away and instead became filled with happiness and love. “Yes, you dumb ass,” you gave a weak laugh when you said that.  “Who are you calling dumb ass” he snarled, his ego slowly returning to him. As you guys both looked at each other, eyes filled with pure love, you felt his hands on yours. Your heart fluttered as he leaned his face closer to yours. His eyes fluttered shut and so did yours as your lips connected. His lips were the softest things you ever felt. You put your hand in his hair and pulled it a little which made him kiss you even harder. All the emotions he’s been hiding and suppressing, were all being poured into this kiss. You and him broke apart for air. You looked over his face. You found all his features beautiful, you just loved him so much. “Y/n, I love you” Bakugou muttered out. At that moment, it’s like time stood still. Everything seemed so calm, so happy, and so...good. You were, you were truly happy at that moment. “I love you too, Katsuki,” you said as you leaned into his chest and closed your eyes. His face lit up in a cherry red when the embarrassment reached his brain. “Awww are you embarrassed?” you teased him, which made his face turn even redder. “S-shut up” he muttered covering his face with the back of his hand. You and him stayed like that and watched the stars. You saw people describe online how beautiful and happy they felt when they were finally with their soulmate. When you read those articles you couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, yet hopeful. Because maybe in the future, you would finally meet your soulmate. The person that is supposed to be by your side through thick and thin. The person that is meant to love you forever. And at this moment, you knew that you finally felt what you imagined all those years. You closed your eyes and inhaled his sweet scent. You finally found the place that you belong. With Bakugou by your side.
A/n: And now we just have the epilogue left! Let me know what you guys think! Thank you so much for reading and all the support! 
tag list:  @afuckingunicornn @tokoyamis-luv​@productivityprobably@handsoffmyfriends@renaxwrites@zyxys1@gilly-jilly@allywritesimagines@kaithehero@litteraltrassh@wisteriaa-js@nightwingbunny@alaromero@tenyaingenium@jibakuganjas@bnhabadass@insaneanddamnedgirl@justanothercrazyassfangirl@jojo-buttercup@bokutosbabe@redperson58@louddreamcopcookie@thegirlwhojustwantstounderstand @soft-rosewaters@wolfyflight@sionnsworld @nova-recs@ohnosiren @darkhumoreddork@wholesomey-artist@imontheblacklist@mydear-im-ageek@imconfusedanditsok@my-neighbor-todoro@liliesoftherainmain@bikinibrattoms@mrsreina@yellowthumb21@shoutobabyboy@villiantododekuchild@dabiupthispussy (some of these usernames LMAOO) @buckybearsblog @yeehawnana@sadsoulvirgo@raspiberry @chuni-san @the-broken-halo-writer@energizedvenus@beebug-beepboop@baby-jichu@sizzlingbarbarianglitter@sweetkiitty@salvatora-or-sally-jackson@irisallenm @lexy9716@pastel-prynce@jmook423@spicy-embryoo@dreamcatcher0410@illy213@shareyourfandomfaves@chiefinvestigatorheidi @todoplusultra@kyrex773@nyantodamax145 @cryingfairylights@atria-avior@jaehyunluvcult@babiebun@missalienqueen @1-rosewiththorns@minfani@ggclarissa@ochabby @selmeuuh@anything-and-everything-here69@vanderaliwaal @elithepeali@kayln97@meowkid1000@eternal-fangirling @floralpeachpearl@callie-bear15@ms-top-hat@deadlordsupreme @somthingay @13-09-01@mochibeandip@happywolves81 @dumbdoodleyt @im-the-galactic-starfish @the-resident-demon @black-bhabie-2000@mariahschoices@centerhabit @yeethee@whisperingwolfie@bakubatty@katsukispeaches @lovekookiie@softbxkugou@unhappyraspberry@kthhyj@hadesnewpersephone@cryingfairylights @shinsvu@harmonyclef@mephxles@nerdynstoned @bnhaismylife@lizziekins@eijihoee@saicatsuniverse @mysticanimevoltron@katsukisuwus@ddaeing@intoxicatedonlove @angxllicsz @whiite-crow@samanthaa-leanne@kasturoki @ifmehwasaperson @icythotsenpai@shinsou-lovin-hours-anon @thechaosoflonging @starlight-steven@ella112244 @kek-eek @fandomtrashkiddo @mainepeyton@animemomma96 @miadraws0 @earthinlatin15@fangilringwithleah @call-me-prodigy @kacchanscocopuffs @what-a-creative-username @maisyyx @danie-juniper @yeet-these-hoez @writingsofawonderer @ongodchief @whisperingwolfie @generousanimewritingsalad @thetrashyfangirlstuff @alovestruck-fool @last-three-braincells @cxmartitacx @devils-adversary @creamrolltodoroki @schrodingersships @curiouslilbeast@187skytree @xlghtsx @ptv-binnie @glitchxo21  @rhainintheattic@kthhyj @kc-korra @toiletboundizukustan @casterixe  @ieyasuswife @xxxko0kiexxx @ehiparkcarmi @luvelyjjk@pretty-settersquad@lightning-cos@naughtylittleweeb@pantasticalcat@transmantrash@indigohitoshi@thedamjokes@socialbaeby@curiouslilbeast@bikinibrattoms@italicization@clenchedfist@badboysdoitbetter2@royalmuffinsworld@sinclairsamess@sleepysuneater  @kinkenma@mintyfreshoreos@fangeekkk @big-baby-energy@seodonewithyou @opulentix @1-mrs-keisha-1@astrcls@groovydreamertrash@creepyviolet@thechaosoflonging@wittyperson04  @ficfanbug @heheheh2547 @trashy-mashy @nerdynuisance  @darlingely @kasandrafaye@kritiiiii@edensxgarden @young-metronome@jojored22 @hallothankmas@jooleuuh @ieyasuswife @gvthic-gvrl@boosyboo9206 @elaras-nightmare @lizziekins @sweetwake-up@hihiq @sincerelybubble @ricey-anjil @krxstynnn@akiiyukii@xlghtsx @todohitoshi @lov4kbg @plutoxxxworld@luckyfriess@coconutabs @icy-hot @nightowleli @emobandtrash@what-a-creative-username @ohnosiren @sleepysuneater@boosyboo9206 @harvestmymoon @shimy-deko @yuhsta@kukiisan @gliesewolff @ysabelunicorn @dawnsbaby @queen-ofthe-misfits @redhoodsdoll @fandom-imagines1 @connie-c2 @air-wreckaaa @spicy-therapist-mom @imbi-101 @adriloen @adoringtaehyunq @hamiltrash1411 @elmo-does-crimez @dimpley-boy @jinks-world @spicy-mango626 @soggy-taters @sweethyunjin17 @jaegersblogh @kumikocchi​ @regularbakugo @imaginedheroine​ @honeybee-jooheon​ @fangirlingbookworm1​ @snickerdoodleeee​ @sarbear-sweet​
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
Can I dare ask you to recommend some jk s-smut?
YOU JUST ASKED THE MOST DANGEROUS QUESTION OF ALL TIME HOE!!! YOU’RE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT FUCKED UP SHIT I READ IN THE DOWNTIME HAJSHDJHAD (note: a lot of the stuff I’m gonna link is mxm because HO BOY DO I READ A LOT OF THOSE hope you don’t mind!!) bold are all time faves!!
↳ reader insert
wonder by @nchu - This is a Thing and I am forever grateful to OP for writing this wowowowoow
protégé by @baeseoul - A classic JK smut fic, of course I had to put this in here hsjdhjxzn
not so honest by @wonhopes - READ THIS FOR A GOOD TIME WOW (I think this was one of my first JK smut fics?? Always a classic in my heart)
50% Polyester by @perpetually-jungshook - UMM THIS IS A SEQUEL TO HER FIRST FIC WHICH IS SO DAMN CUTE THEN WE GOT SHY!KOOK SMUT,,,, omg you guys you don’t know how much I love shy!kook?? i’m so whipped oh my,,,
Teething pt 1 by @sue-bts - I’m like 101% sure every hybrid fic reader has read this hybrid fic at least once in their life and honestly I am always a Hoe for bunny!kook like,,, geez plz end me
Under the Bridge by @rbuns - UMM MORE HYBRID JUNGKOOK BECAUSE I AM WEAK ok bye
stuffed pumpkin by @floralseokjin - Why did I enjoy this fic more than I should!! Wow me: a hoe for car sex! ! !
baby boy by @itskimtaehyung - Me: a hoe with a mommy kink LMAO
color in your cheeks (the feeling flows both ways) by siderum - [YOONKOOK] This is a sequel to one of my all-time favorite yoonkook fics, the nights really were made for saying things you can’t say tomorrow day!! It’s not super duper explicit smut, but it’s really sweet and gives a little closure to the first part 🤧 Also??? Yoongi is one Thirsty Bitch (relatable tbh)
pretty damn good by skswriting - [YOONKOOK] THIGH FUCKING NEED I SAY FUCKING MORE???? FUCK
You Shine So Bright Series by TheHalesNyx - [YOONKOOK] Ok so this is a pretty long series and the smut isn’t the main point of the story but??? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS FIC!!! One of the best Yoonkook fics out there ho boy 
Pretty Boy by Spoonfulofsuga - [YOONKOOK] UHHHH CROSSDRESSING JUNGKOOK I AM SORRY WHY AM I LIKE THIS (y’all know how much I love baby boys hhhhh well here yOU GO)
once upon a time, i was all alone by peachtae - [YOONKOOK] Yoonkook phone sex because I am a Wretched Human Being
But I Want It Anyway by marchdahlia - [YOONKOOK] Jungkook: says daddy; Me and Yoongi: NUTS INTO THE FOURTH DIMENSION
bergen, 4:30 a.m. by bellamees - [YOONKOOK] I took one look at the tags and saw “Finger Sucking” and then now Here I Am, barbeque sauce on my titties,,,
0111100101101111011101010111001001110011 by bellamees - [YOONKOOK] Y’all ever seen an android and be like “Damn I’d like to fuck that” well then you and Jungkook are the Same
Run This Town Series by dreamingdaegu - [YOONKOOK] TBH YOU CAN IGNORE EVERY SINGLE OTHER REC IN THIS LIST AND JUST READ THIS ENTIRE SERIES!!! YOU WILL DIE but in a good way!! Also??? We all need stripper!jk at All Times so,,, here u go
Storytime by Trilluvium - [TAEKOOK] Jungkook jacks it to IU but Taehyung jacks it to Jungkook so 1+1=they jack off together in the same room it’s wildt
Somewhere Close to Reality by Trilluvium - [OT7xJK; TAEKOOK] VERY VERY DUBIOUS IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF BUT HERE I AM,,, READING THIS FILTH (umm so basically jungkook stops time and kinda,,, um,,, with his hyungs,,, UHHH)
Mommy’s Boy by staycute1234 - [JIKOOK] UMMMM jungkook has a mommy kink for jimin,,, i don’t know what else to say i’m sorry
I Got It From My Daddy by Honey0613 - [YOONKOOK] Sometimes I go to church I Swear (THIS IS SO HOT LOL)
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out by wicked_lovely - [YOONKOOK] BRATTY JUNGKOOK GETS [redacted] BY YOONGI :—-)
Fireflies and Waterfalls by SaltyAuntSuga - [YOONKOOK] Soulmate!AUs with smut,,, ah yes what a damn gem
Pawn it off by rix - [TAEKOOK] If you’re a taekook shipper,,, get your panties ready tbh LMAO
I have a ton of other fic recs but I’m too lazy so this is all you’re getting at the moment sorry 🤙👏 have fun reading all this filth!! happy holidays wahoo
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