#like yep i definitely do go around sending baseless vitriolic in one case racist badly spelled anon hate to authors i like follow and rec
sothischickshe · 4 years
Are you the one that left those disgustingly hateful anons on all four blogs Joeyjoeylee , delicatelingon , storiestoldbyjazz and fondful?
ok so i was toying with just deleting this cos it seems like it’s designed to stir up some more bs & i’m not sure if anyone else got one of these, but like..........i’m sorry i just don’t think i’ve ever received a funnier ask???!?!?!
like i DO respect the IT’S THE ONE YOU’D LEAST SUSPECT logic going on here, and i guess im kinda flattered you think i could capture a voice so distinct from my own??? 
but um NO. sending anon hate is not the way i move through the world. i feel like i should add: especially to those i like both as authors and people, but i find that that part’s irrelevant, cos....sending anon hate is not the way i move through the world!
but i also figured i could use this as a jumping off point for saying a couple of things, so:
@ anyone who is receiving shitty anon messages:
1. you probably already know this on like an intellectual level, but i hope you’re able to suffuse this fact into like every aspect of your being: it’s not about you. it’s about the arsehole(s)!
2. you can turn anon asks off, and that’s absofuckinglutely fine
3. you can just delete them
4. you can just delete them without saying a fucking thing about them
(and i don’t say #2-4 as like you SHOULD, and they’re probs obvi points, and i totally respect wanting to make sure that others don’t feel that they’re going through it alone, but just like...if you wanna do those things, you should never feel even the teeniest bit of guilt about it)
& like tbh i don’t even have words to express how shitty and gross the whole thing is so i’m not even going to try but i did want to rec some stuff (which im pretty sure ive recced before but so):
Five Times He Knew What She Was Thinking, And One Time He Didn’t by @joeyjoeylee
like yes ok law school au is obvi amazing but this fic will always hold a special place in my heart too! the rio characterisation is just bananas good, and i love the way he’s trying to work beth out. also!!!!!! no i will not stop going on about the stop sign stuff actually!!!!! and if you think that i’ve forgotten that we’re supposed to be getting a part 3 someday you’re an idiot
Don’t let the devil ruin it all by @delicatelingon
ok yes this is a series and maybe i’m cheating cos i can’t pick a fave but so?? fuck you! an amazing selection of differently creative smut!!
There’s Always A Choice by @storiestoldbyjazz
so jazz did her best to bully someone else into writing this story but eventually had to give up and write it herself, which is a vibe i can definitely Appreciate! we’ve only had 3 chapters so far but i’m already loving it, and i think it’s really showcasing her ability to juggle a large cast of characters and make the relationships between them feel lived in and organic. and i’m hoping she loses all self-control and posts the next chapter early haha
miss me in your bones (and i still talk to you) by @fondful
this is a mcd fic and it’s just so gorgeously written and genuinely heartrending. there’s a chapter each of beth & rio pov and they’re both stunning!
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