#like yeah this is the same stls who told my old tl that he was a bad tl
audiovisualrecall · 10 months
Still confused why I got a write up at work for giving my bf a peck on the lips (but he doesn't...) bc someone else in the breakroom reported it as an 'incident'. even tho neither of us were on the clock and we weren't making out or anything??? And I'm told it was something to do with company policy but there's nothing in the policy about kissing so's afaik??? So when I had my JD and I'm like yeah I follow company policies and gave myself a high mark on that one, my boss was like well there was the incident some can't give full points for that. I'm like ?? Fr wtf??
At the time I got the write up I was so pissed off I had sorta checked out and was just like yeah whatever I did it ill accept the write up whatever I'm not invested in staying here so whatever the fuck. And I'm just like now i have to stay until I can find another job with health insurance anyway so I just have to ignore the whole situation so I completely forgot abt it tbh. Anyway if I'd not been like totally shutdown over it I would have fought them on it. Because WHY is it an issue? There is literally 0 reason for it to be an issue. I have seen people change clothes in the locker room, I've seen people use the same gloves all day without changing them, in fact frequently I see people touching doors and going back to doing something involving food with the same gloves on, and yeah maybe I'm not as careful as I should be but I don't rlly deal with food I'm the flowers person, tho i shouldnt bring my phone into the bathroom at least not without cleaning it afterwards, but when I do work with food im way more careful than anyone else there imoo but noooooo, company policy blah blah blah incident report blah blah blah. I have seen ao many things I could report. Plus I'm 80% sure it's either the other guy who likes me being jelly, this girl in another dept who's a total busy body, or this lady in produce who is a scheming bitch who wants me job (I'd give it to her no problemo, but anita would probably quit in a week with her as her boss, so!) Idefk. It's just so dumb for no fucking reason and it's too late to appeal the damn thing but ffs it's not a big deal. And they wonder why they have a hard time keeping employees and high turnover
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