#like with tumblr being a drug and the whole powerland thing
bluefever · 17 days
Thoughts and other stuff that I want to say
Some of these are problems I have, excluding the problem where I take my anger out of my friends/people I know in general, that I am trying to get over of (it’s going somewhat ok so far). I fear that this might cost me time loose some friends but I really need to get this off my chest (Some I already confessed on a WB).
After the whole events with my other problem, I saw the reason why some people don’t like “vent people” or whatever; reason being that it’ll cause someone anxiety and/or worry when a friend of their’s vents, even when the vent is suicidal or anything big. I’m tired of worrying and I don’t like to see my friends like this, though I do understand how sometimes they have to say what they feel (that’s why I’m writing this whole thing). I know not everything is cupcakes and rainbows but it pains me to see my friends in their own pain, though I don’t react, but I set myself to the side (especially since I’m not a big help when it comes to venting, I get a bit stressed). 
As much as I am moots with someone or someone is following me and I know them, I don’t really consider some people here as friends or whatever. Not saying I don’t like them it’s just…I really don’t know how to feel about them. It’s not a lot of people on here -probably only 2 or 3- but still. There may be a reason for this, but it may come out as rude so I try not to say it directly in their faces, but also try not to say it behind their backs either (I also only take joking insults from people I’m close too).
(Ok now this might be the one that would cost me some friends…) I saw this with two people I know that are “dating” (idk if they are actually dating, probably not and it’s only platonic, but this is just if they are) and they have RP accounts in which they happen to ship their characters with each other. Now let me say this…JUST BECAUSE THE RP ACCOUNTS ARE SHIPPED DOESNT MEAN ITS ACTUAL DATING (or whatever). Idk what you guys do in private but if you guys are dating in character shouldn’t mean you are dating in general, because you guys might not know each other well enough and it might end up being bad (I have experience this once). Although if you guys DO know each other well enough then that should be fine and dating in general would be ok, I just feel like thinking you guys know each other just by only dating in character will turn out very bad.
(IDC IF YOU DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY BUT I GOTTA SAY THIS.) I overthink sometimes, but/so when it comes to people calling me by “pet” names (anything but romantically), I get all crazy and giddy over it, letting my mind think that it’s romantic when it’s really not. I honestly live for “pet” names (it depends on what the name is tbh) and if someone were to call me one I might fall in love with them for a bit (it goes away though…maybe). So sorry if you call me something like “honey” and I go full on crazy (over you), I can’t help it./gen
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