#like with the other one let me know which catches your fancy. It's pretty useful information to me going forward
kleefkruid · 10 months
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fever doodles part 2! pls send soup
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doobea · 9 months
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synopsis: You have doubts about your relationship. Sae provides reassurance.
contents: early established relationship, gn!reader, fluff, reader is a tad insecure, mentions of other couples and pda, talks about all things mushy with love word count: 1.1K a/n: waaahh cant believe i didn't post anything for my husband on his birthday im so terrible - this is something short and sweet ;-; i haven't posted anything in a bit bc I've been so tired lately LOL
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You have doubts. 
Doubts about your work performance, test scores, your friendships, and sometimes the future — you know, the less important things. 
Your least favorite doubts are the ones about you and Sae. 
He’s not a bad boyfriend by any means. You’ve been dating each other for a while now, just shy of six months, and it’s been going well. Like any other college couple, you spend your free time together either marathoning a shitty reality TV show, studying, or eating at the local diners near campus once in a while for a ‘fancy’ burger and pizza date night (which Sae hates, by the way, but he goes because there’s nothing better around). You don’t blame him for these doubts because it’s just the way he is. You’ve always known this, along with everyone else around you. 
“Itoshi Sae? Yeah, he’s pretty cold and blunt.” They’d say in a hushed whisper. 
Another would agree, followed by an exaggerated shiver. “I heard even professors are scared of him.”
They’re annoying rumors and passing comments you've gotten somewhat used to. So you don’t blame the gossipers at your school either. Who you do blame are all the couples you would see, whether it’d be at school, at the grocery store, and sometimes even your own parents. Seeing things like holding hands, hugging, and even kissing each other goodbye sets something weird off in your chest.
And, well, you’ve known Sae for a while. You know that maybe he isn’t the type to be comfortable with these things, especially in public. And maybe you’re not going to guilt trip him into doing things that are out of his ordinary. But here’s the problem.
You do want to experience all of it.
“Do you like me?”
Your question throws him off just a tiny bit. He fumbles slightly with his flow of writing before catching himself and throws you a questioning look from across the table. 
It’s the midterm season so every floor at the university’s library is packed. All but the top floor, which is mainly reserved for graduate students, who are rarely even on-site. So you two manage to snag a booth in the corner by the bathrooms and water fountain. You’ve been studying for about two hours straight and the thought of going over the rules of the Krebs cycle again haunts you so you let your doubts take over. Hence, why you blurted out the question that’s been burning on your mind for the past week. 
“I do, why do you ask?” He doesn’t sound bothered by it, so you take that as a good sign.
But how do you go about asking him to show that? Maybe asking upfront would be too demanding right now. You decide to dance around the subject a little more.
There’s a moment in silence, your eyebrows creased in deep thought before you finally speak, voice clumsy and almost rough sounding. “When did you realize you liked me?”
He answers without missing a beat, eyes never leaving his notebook. “Dunno.”
Well, that wasn’t the answer you were expecting. 
“What?” Sae breaks his focus and stares at you, as if you were the one who had said something weird. “You asked and I answered.”
“You have to explain with that sorta question, you know?”
In just the tiniest of motions, Sae frowns. He’s holding his breath for a few seconds in preparation and his eyes soften. “I’m not sure when I fell in love with you.”
Woah—wait love? This is also not what you were expecting out of this conversation either. Is it too late to go back to studying now?
Sae picks up the worried look on your face and manages a soft chuckle. “You know when the sun rises?”
You’re patting your face with your hands now, hoping to eliminate the burn on your cheeks. The sweat forming in your palms doesn’t help at all. And, frankly, you’re confused by his question. “Um, between six and seven?”
“Well, yeah,” he laughs again and you’re not sure if that was the answer he was looking for. “But it always rises, right?”
“Right,” you say slowly, still confused by what he’s trying to get at.
“I’m not sure when I fell in love but whenever the sun rises, it reminds me of you,” Sae explains with a leveled expression, ignoring the little surprised squeaks from your direction. “It’s been like that for a while now and brings me comfort whenever I do wake up early to see it rising.”
“Did you get that line from a K-drama or something?”
He rolls his eyes and fake scoffs. “Thought you wanted an explanation?”
“Well,” you bite back a giggle and continue, “you never struck me as a metaphor type of guy.”
“And you never struck me as the jealous type.” 
You grow hotter because wow guess you haven’t been that great at hiding away your feelings—or maybe your boyfriend is just that good at being perceptive as he is being a top honor student. “Was it that obvious?”
“When you’re looking at other couples and grumbling right after then yeah, it’s pretty obvious.” Sae’s tone doesn’t carry any ounce of tease and he gives you a fond look. It makes you feel slightly guilty and embarrassed. 
You shrink deeper into the booth, holding your textbook up to your face. “Sorry…”
The seat next to you dips and a familiar pair of hands gently snatches the book away from you, revealing Sae’s rare soft expression again. 
“Don’t be,” He reaches over to ruffle your hair before moving his laptop and notebook over to your side. “Plus, you shouldn’t worry that much, I’ll always be with you.”
A pause and then you decide to blurt out your other burning question because things are already out in the open at this point. “Would it be alright if we start doing more couple-ly things together?” 
“Mhm,” he’s about to dive back into studying but stops, humming in thought. “What should we do more?”
“Well, aside from me,” Sae deadpans and you straighten your posture. “Sorry, sorry, what I meant to say is I guess more PDA? Holding hands would be a good start.”
“Okay,” He says quietly and drops his pen, carefully interlacing his fingers with yours.  
Sae’s hands are warm, maybe even sweaty if you’re not mistaken. You look up and oh — his cheeks have the tiniest amount of red on them. Probably no different from the resurgence of warmth you’re currently feeling too.
“Better?” Sae asks and squeezes your hand.
“Yeah, better.” You squeeze back. 
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winwintea · 3 months
nct and pet names
pairing ▸ random!nct members x reader (yuta, ten, jaehyun, renjun, jaemin, chenle, riku, sakuya) author's note ▸ i was inspired by another post, but wanted to go for a more realistic feeling, especially towards the foreign idols. enjoy my brainrot. also there needs to be more wish content on here i beg
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yuta - naishinno 
this man would definitely call you ‘gorgeous’, ‘divine’, or ‘princess’. but he’d prefer and be more comfortable to say such words in his native tongue. he also found out how much you enjoyed hearing him speak japanese, so sometimes on purpose he’ll sneak up behind you and whisper, “naishinno…'' (meaning princess in japanese)  startling you but also making your ears turn pink. yuta also has no problem with using the pet name within earshot of others, and as much as you protest, he assures you that no one really understands.
ten - mi mi 
hear me out guys. hear me out. ten our beloved cat mom would definitely call you something relating to cats. he’s not calling you “kitten” because um that’s kinda cringe… but he would go for something cuter. “mao mi” is the chinese word for cat, (I KNOW HE'S THAI. BEAR WITH ME OKAY) and people usually refer to kittens as “mi mi” (it’s like the most basic name an owner can give to their cat too) most of the time, nicknames are usually duplicated characters, and mi mi is also a very common nickname for girls. it also means ‘tits’. so ten decided that was the best nickname in the world and he was an absolute genius for coming up with it, and so now you’re stuck with being called his “mi mi” for life. good luck. 
jaehyun - cara mia/mi amor/ma cherie 
jaehyun LOVES pet names. it’s a rare feat if he ever calls you by your first name. ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘honey’. he uses them all. but jaehyun is a classy bitch, and he likes to keep things fancy, so his favorites are using different languages, just because it somehow sounds more expensive and full of taste and that’s exactly what he feels you deserve. some of his favorites include: “cara mia” the italian words for ‘my beloved’; “mon amour” & “mi amor” the french and spanish words for ‘my love’; and finally, “ma cherie” the french words for ‘darling/sweetheart’. (stream mon amour by gemini guys)
renjun - qin ai de/qin qin/lao po 
okay yes renjun is using chinese, but not straight away into the relationship. let’s get that cleared up out of the way. he’ll initially start with ‘my dearest’, and uses his sweet voice to his advantage. “qin ai de y/n, could you do something for me real quick? pretty please?” but eventually as the relationship progresses on and he feels more comfortable, he’ll start dropping the “lao po” (‘wife’ in chinese) on you, which initially comes as a culture shock, because you haven’t even thought of getting to that stage yet. renjun teaches you of how common it is in china for non-married couples to call each other husband and wife, and even teaches you how to say ‘lao gong’ (husband)
jaemin - pookie
once jaemin discovers this word it’s joeover for you. one day you accidentally call him, ‘pookie’ to his face (which is what you would often use when referring to him around others) and he is so intrigued by the word he demands an explanation as to what it means. and when he realizes it’s true purpose, it’s true meaning, he’ll be taking that word to the GRAVE. and this brat uses it EVERYWHERE. on text, in person, in front of your friends. he will never spare you the pain and embarrassment. but he just wants to let you know how much he loves you, truly. his pookie <3
chenle - bao bei
immediately into your relationship chenle throws around ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ like crazy. this man knows what he wants because he quickly found out that if he slurred his words while saying, “bao bei a~” you would fold immediately. not afraid of saying it in front of others because the only one who understands are the c-liners (but eventually everyone catches on) chenle also somehow makes it seem so casual and natural. ‘bao bei’ also directly translates to treasure, and he’ll occasionally add in a ‘xiao’ (little) at the beginning when praising you or giving you compliments.
riku/sakuya - pan-san
I was originally just going to do riku, but figured i’d just shove these two together, but mostly write about riku.
sakuya and riku both like bread, the only difference is that while both want to work at a bakery, sakuya cannot cook to save his life and riku can actually bake. these two actually share so much in common it's actually insane, for one being absolute shits in general. regardless, ‘pan’ means bread and ‘pan-san’ is actually so cute and it rolls off the tongue really well. (i was originally going to say ‘pan-pan’ but a quick google search said no.) 
although riku enjoys teasing you, he still wants you to enjoy the pet name given to you. ‘bread’ is sweet, it is simple, and it is certainly delicious. literally the best nickname anyone could ever have and you should be grateful. but you don’t seem as pleased as he is. you have to process that your boyfriend is naming you after bread. not even like ‘cupcake’ or ‘sugar cookie’ or something else, just. bread. but after riku yaps about it for an hour, adding in compliments and phrases, you give in, and allow yourself to be called bread.
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(do let me know if you want to see anything for the other members! i'll try my best 🙏🙏)
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littlelordfuckler0y · 2 months
Felix catton x reader Instagram au [part2] [part1]
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yourusername proofreading my essay (he’s about to descend into madness)
fe1ix_catt0n There were some rough patches I’d say…
yourusername uh huh
yourfriend Exploiting English major friend perks 🙄
yourusername he offered alr
annabel_ he doesn’t even proofread his own essays lol
Felix sat in the library with legs crossed across y/n, these days he just happened to be in the library when y/n was. Just happened to be there to finish his reading assignment whilst she studied. He saw the frown on her face as she seemed to be stuck on something against the white light of her computer. They couldn’t group study as in help each other with assignments given their majors were entirely different but they had study sessions, finish their respective work together. “What’s wrong?” He asked, by now he was used to her patterns of difficulties, it was generally ‘thermodynamics’ and even though he didn’t understand it listening to her rant about it was somewhat cherished by him.
“This fuckass essay” she said with a sigh and deadpanned herself.
“Oh you’ve to write essays now?” Felix asked leaning forward in his seat given this was something he could help with.
“Not really, it’s just for the robotics seminar remember? There are supposed extra points if we submit an essay on how excited and emotional we are about partaking in it…” she trailed off as she stared at her screen “As if the model isn’t enough.”
“But you have been excited about this for months?” Felix mentioned tilting his head, “what’s the problem?”
“This essay, this is my third final rough draft and it’s so exhausting” she replied and slouched back on her seat crossing her arms.
“Let me help” Felix offered as she turned the computer to his side as he sat across her. Just going through the first paragraph his eyebrows knitted together trying to make coherent sense of it. Stem majors write the worst essay stereotype was now more than a stereotype to felix. “So” he paused going through it “You’ve just left gaps here with ‘something’ in the middle-what? What’s that for?”
“Oh yeah I’m supposed to put a fancy word there so it looks pretty.” She mentioned with a shrug.
“Just a fancy word? As in randomly?” He asked puzzled as he scrolled through her essay thoroughly and found she’d actually done that. Halfway through a sentence she’d added big words with some context.
“Not randomly no, just, put one in those places.”
“Oh-alright see the second body of the essay is well done, you’re talking about the system of your model and the workings of it, it sounds smart but isn’t the essay supposed to be about how you feel? I mean the assigned title is literally on it.” He explained “It doesn’t align with the main objective.”
“So what? I’ve written about my model which I’m entering IN the seminar.” She reasoned leaning back up on her seat as he shook his head and motioned his with his chin for her to come around the table and next to him.
“Yes but it barely covers the feelings aspect, which is what you have to write the essay on. It literally says that here” He said pointing to the middle portion of the screen where her essay was displayed as she stood beside him.
“I don’t read the small print” She said. Felix paused to look at her a are-you-serious look on his face and waited for her to catch on his disappointment “What?” She asked.
“Okay let’s see, you’ve just kept ‘something’ in quotes at places, which is fine for your first draft-”
“Draft?” She interrupted him with an obvious scoff “Oh no this is the final one. I don’t do drafts.”
“What? What do you mean you don’t do drafts?” He asked somewhat confused.
“I write then I proofread and cut, honestly I don’t know why you’re wasting so much time it’s just for extra” she shrugged so casually, felix felt like stem majors had an entirely different set of brain cells when it came to anything literary.
“This is going to take it a while.”
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fel1x_catt0n Congratulations to Y/n and team! Great work guys ❤️
yourusername aweee thanks felix 🕺
fel1x_catt0n much deserved, angel
katie_ congrats
annabel_ did felix attend the nerd convention today? 😂
fel1x_catt0n it was very interesting despite your generalisation
farleigh_start Congrats girl!!
The whole science seminar was initially optional, even with such there was a lot of competition and a crowd. The crowd was mainly the college professors and seminar conductors and some juniors who had to volunteer for extra credits. However the crowd seemed huge from the stage minimising everyone into a small dot given the auditorium space was gigantic. After the prize distribution y/n and her team had gotten first place for their model. A big deal amongst a handful of people because not a lot of stem majors themselves cared about extra irrelevant to their portfolio projects. But well there were some. Y/n was very giddy, laughing amongst her team of three people as they walked down from the stage and through the auditorium amongst the crowd. They were then approached by the only student dressed in a full on tuxedo, not even a stem one. Felix.
“Felix?” Y/n blinked as she stopped in her tracks as she saw him approaching her direction with a giant bouquet of flowers and hugged her. She was confused and amused at the same time, she recalled telling him that the project was a big deal to her but she didn’t think he’d show up actually. “Woah you showed up?!” She asked giggling as he wrapped his arms around her even tighter and kissed the top of her head.
“Of course I did silly” he scoffed as he pulled away and handed her the flowers, “congrats smarty pants, all of you.” He spoke to her group as well with a victorious smile as he kept his arm around her shoulder.
“Thanks!” They said one after another, assuming Felix and y/n were perhaps a thinking. However the way Felix was dressed was rather funnier to them. They made their smell talk and went on about their way still snickering amongst themselves.
“Strange what was so funny…” he trailed off looking back at y/n as the rest of her team left.
“Your tuxedo” she replied with a small chuckle.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“The only set of people who’re wearing a tuxedo at this function are our professors, it’s just blazers I guess you’ve done out-dressed everyone” she jokes as she fixed the bow tie of his shirt and he playfully rolled his eyes at her.
“The invite seemed fancy, fancy attire for fancy invites isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?” He reasoned for himself.
“What invite?” Y/n questioned.
“The one on the function website” Felix replied.
Initially y/n had just forwarded the message she got from her group about the timings and venue as a vague invitation because zero art majors are interested in these events “what? We have a website?”
“Yeah. I looked it up” he answered with a shrug, he wanted to look just perfectly suitable for her event because it seemed to be a big deal for her, so he did his research despite failing miserably at fitting y/n found it to be a very heartwarming gesture.
“Wow? Such dedication…”
“Of course my love” he said with an obvious huff, hoping his hints would pass through her.
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yourusername the one and only. tuxedo at da science centre.
yourfriend he was out there outshining professor john’s Maxwell theorem themed necktie🤗
yourusername LITERALLY?
teammate1 bow tie AND cufflinks…
fel1x_catt0n I see I’ve gained a reputation
teammate2 jokes apart you two are such a cute couple 💖
annabel_ LOL they’re not dating!!!!
yourusername yeah haha ^^
“are you serious?!” Y/n friend exclaimed as they spun around the flowers felix have in their hands. “He gave these? They’re bigger than our torsos man”
“Yeah…yeah…” y/n trailed off with a shrug trying to downplay it somewhat.
“AND he came in a tuxedo, AND he posted you…do you have zero situational awareness or what?” Her friend scoffed as they gently whacked the flowers on y/n’s forehead.
“Look, felix is a friend’s friend. He’s the most friendliest of them all. Stop trying to induce romanticism in me, he’s a great friend. Very outgoing, giving, sweet…that’s how he is.” She explained.
“You are most definitely blind are you not seeing these!” They pointed to the ever so gigantic bouquet of flowers, “helping you with your essay, bringing you snacks, wanting to hang out with you all the time-”
“That’s what we do too.” Y/n reasoned.
“Girl.” They took a deep breath. “I hate you and I never want to hang out with you.”
Y/n snickered falling back to her bed, “Yeah sure. I hate you too.”
“That’s not the point-we’re us and Felix is a completely new person in your life who’s doing all this for YOU.”
“Yada yada” Y/n said rolling her eyes at her friend as they once again whacked her with the flowers.
“You pull shit like this and that Annabelle will steal him from you. Dig your own grave.”
Y/n burst into a hearty laugh at that, “Steal felix? What are you on about we’re not a thing to begin with and Annabelle is his friend just like me.”
“YOURE NOT EVEN LISTENING TO ME” Her friend said with a sigh as they crossed their arms.
“BECAUSE YOURE NOT MAKING SENSE.” y/n said back with a high pitched tone, this was their normal between the best friends when one couldn’t get a point across, not just normal, civil even.
“OF COURSE IM NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING BRAIN DEAD.” They said as they forcefully throw the flowers in her direction.
“YOU WANNA HAVE A GO AT ME OKAY.” she seethed and threw back a pillow, “Fucking come here” she said as the set of, almost grown ups, fought with one another in the most figurative sense with a pair of pillows aiming for most harm.
“Not my hair-not my hair you gangly uncoordinated bitc-” the wrestling match was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Followed by the familiar voice “everything alright in there?”
“What the fuck’s he doing here?” Y/n whisper yelled as her friend pushed her to go open the door, straightening her hair out hurriedly as she walked up there.
“Felix…Hi” y/n said as she caught her breath and smiled at him, despite of the disheveled state of her room.
“Hey…I was just passing by and I thought you were fighting-?” Felix asked with a soft smile as he leant on the doorframe of her dorm. It was as if he never needed an invitation.
“No we were just, er what is it we-we were” y/n looked back at her friend to jump in with an answer.
“Roomie wars.” Her friend shrugged off. “Ya know…where’s my candle, where’s my ramen from yesterday”
“Oh…” Felix trailed off with an understanding nods. “Yeah I get it.”
“Funny you were just passing by, through dorm hallways, when yours is—three buildings down isn’t it?” Her friend intervened with an accusatory chuckle receiving a disapproving look from y/n.
“Yes I was actually here for y/n.” Felix said, he would never be put in a situation where he’d get awkward, blatantly open and confident he didn’t truly care for implications if they were correct. “Do you have any lectures this evening.”
“No.” Her friend answered quickly before she could.
“Yeah no I don’t.” Y/n replied with a tight smile at her friend.
“Great then I’ll pick you up at 5 yeah?” Felix said.
“Wait-for what?”
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yourusername this man is drowning in pussy
fel1x_catt0n this is so foul
yourusername the cats wuv you
fel1x_catt0n yet your caption is that of a comedic genius
yourfriend I have no words
farleigh_start just not yours…
HIII I am sorry I don’t update regularly I promise I will now, I am going through a very difficult and traumatic time in my life it’s so so so hard to cope at the moment.
Any comments on this or opinions would help me a lot more than you think either ways if you’re here and read this thank you so much <3
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Okay..hear me out
Both of the miles dating a villain hcs? Kinda like Spiderman and black cat type of relationship?
Bet let’s do it.
Miles’ x Villian!reader
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of death and cuts, maybe some toxicity idk, lmk if I missed one
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Miles 1610:
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At first, you would sneak around with it and make sure he didn’t know.
Miles never questioned how you got fancy stuff, he just thought you had money saved up and we’re working
I headcannon that y’all would have secret identities at the same time, like y’all would be hiding your identities from eachother.
Y’all both sneak in the same dorm out of breath from fighting each other
“Hey babes” “hey what’s up? Why are you so sweaty” “why are you sweaty?”
It turns into you both going back and forth before you make up a lie
“I was… working out!” “You never work out” “are you tryna say something, Miles?” “No! No I’m just saying I’ve never seen you work out before, that’s all” “okay.”
You both get away from each other and sigh a breath of relief
Miles is lowkey afraid he’s catching feelings for the villian(you) but he tries to suppress it
You’re catching feelings for Spider-Man but trying not to say anything
I think he reveals his identity first.
You’re in shock but he doesn’t know that you’re the villain and he thinks you’re just shocked about Spider-Man
“So… what do you think, Mami?” “Wow. I mean wow. I’m proud of you but that’s a lot of information”
He is scared you’re gonna break up with him when in reality, you’re scared he’s gonna turn you into the cops
You still love him and this doesn’t change anything, it’s just you have more information on Spider-Man’s whereabouts 
He finds out you’re the villain during a fight in which you get hurt really bad and Spider-Man(miles) saves you from dying but reveals your identity in the process
“Y/n?…” “yeah?”
You cry because he steps back and covers his mouth with his hand
This man is so shocked and hurt oml
“So I’ve been fighting you this whole time?” “Yep. I’m sorry Miles I hope this doesn’t change anything”
It changes
He’s more protective of you and watches you 24/7 to make sure you aren’t partaking in any of your heists or crimes anymore
Y’all team up against a really bad guy(like the spot) and you learn to use your powers for good not evil
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Miles 42:
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Like our Miles, he keeps his identity a secret and you don’t realize it because you’re so caught up in your own crimes
He watches you from afar but doesn’t do anything, he just studies you and makes mental notes on your fighting skills
If y’all interact, you’d be very flirty and he would be very cold bc he has a girlfriend(you)
“Sooo the prowler huh?” “Yeah? You gotta problem with that?” “Nope, just wondering”
Is pissed that you’re hitting all of his spots and targets before he can
If you kill a guy Miles was supposed to kill, he wouldn’t be too happy
“That cabròn thinks he can take my money? He has another thing coming that’s for sure”
You sit terrified bc Miles looks genuinely angry since that’s how he got all his money that he used to spoil his princesa
Realizes something is up with you quickly tho
“What’s wrong, Ma? Where’d you get that cut on your face?” “Oh this? It’s nothing, really” “do I have to beat someone’s ass, mi amor?” “No miles it’s okay”
Watches you after school and watches you for the next week or so to make sure no one is bothering you but instead, he finds out your secret identity
He is shocked but doesn’t show it. He keeps it to himself tho
When you realize he’s the prowler, he brings up you being a villain
“So you’ve been the Prowler this whole time??? How could you keep something like this from me?” “It’s pretty simple when your girlfriend is also a villain. No te hagas el inocente, mi vida you’re just as wrong as me”
He is indeed right about that
You help him with some of his missions and he helps with some of yours
Together, y’all terrorize the night(mostly stealing from the rich and helping the poor)
Strengthens your relationship tbh
If something happened to you however, he would never forgive himself though, even if it was your fault
Y’all are Bonnie and Clyde fr 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Hi! Hope you're having a lovely day ✨️
Valeria and Gaz with a fashion designer s/o! Dressing them up and using them as a practice model to test new designs... this has nothing to do with my need to put Valeria in a suit, ofc not
Anon, you're so galaxy brained for wanting to put Valeria in a suit in all honesty! She'd look so good in one because women always look good in suits!
Gaz and Valeria with a Fashion-Designer!S/O
Gaz: He’d honestly be so flattered you wanna use him as a practice model. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very pretty man and he’s well aware of that fact, but he didn’t think he’d ever get that sort of privilege. The first time you measure him he’s a bit confused, but complies, asking you with a chuckle about what you’re doing. However, as soon as you present him with a jaw dropping suit that leaves every other one in the dust, he’s a big fan. While he may have supported you from the very beginning as soon as he heard that you’re a designer, his support skyrockets as soon as you present him with the first piece of clothing for him to wear. He feels so very fancy wearing it. He may be used to wearing fancy clothing from time to time when invited to certain occasions, such as weddings, but he never really paid much mind to that sort of thing. Once you’ve put the first article of clothing on him, he’ll ask you if you wanna use him as a practice model again at some point. Only if you feel like it, of course. He hopes you’ll say yes, he loves how creative you are and the things you create. You’re a lovely designer who puts their heart and soul into it all, and it shows. Although unprompted and despite it being a bit silly, he’ll also pose and do that one walk models do where they sway their hips. He feels pretty in your clothing. If he can afford it, which he likely can, then he’ll even buy some of the things you’ve made. And yes, he will 100% wear them as well, doesn’t matter if it’s a fish tail or if it’s a shirt with a dragon on it. He unironically loves it and will wear it whenever he can.
Valeria: She chuckles a bit when you ask her to put on some clothing you made. Valeria is a very attractive woman, and she knows it, so she’s not at all surprised when you ask her to put on a suit. She’s worn those before, and every time she has she was turning heads left and right. If you blush while seeing her in a suit then she’ll chuckle and trap you against the wall before letting you continue whatever it was you were doing. Like Gaz she wholeheartedly supports you, and she’ll own every single article of clothing you’ve ever created. While she may not have the time to wear them all every time, you will catch her wearing your creations from time to time, if there’s no danger of them tearing. Valeria’s glad that you trust her enough to want her to try on all your prototypes and will gladly pose like a professional model for you and you only. The first time you measure her she, too, would be a bit confused and would ask you regarding what you’re doing, but afterwards she’s more than happy to model for you whenever she can. She doesn’t have a whole lot of time for that, but the things you do for love. If you ever want a real, professional model, she can arrange one, though, it’s no problem for someone like her. Besides, she has a pretty good eye for fashion as well, so she can give you some hints regarding what could look good and what might be a complete no go. You don’t have to do as she says, but she will point it out if you do. If she ever does find herself having the time and there’s a fashion show that shows some of your clothing, then she’ll watch it and jokingly tell you that she looked better in your clothes than all those models did. If you ever need some creative inspiration then I’m sure Valeria can help you as well, she’s seen plenty of things and is always more than happy to help you. Besides, she can get just about anything as well, so you really don’t need to fret if you wanna feel the fabric of something yourself.
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whetstonefires · 3 months
Hello! For the reverse tropes writing prompts (if this catches your fancy) — murderbot diaries with fake amnesia and Really nice guy who hates only you
this is really not in the spirit of that second inverse trope, but for mb this was the only thing i could think of, and it was very funny.
"Gurathin," said Gurathin. "SecUnit, you know it's me."
"I don't think I know that," it said, pleasantly, in an okay but not excellent imitation of its creepy canned dialogue options. "Please present some identification, and we'll see."
Gurathin didn't bother sending his data over the feed again. Murderbot walked away, but left a drone eyeballing him. He resisted the urge to flip the drone off. "Come on," he told it, knowing SecUnit was paying attention. "Let me in."
He watched the SecUnit bend forward slightly to show two of Mensah's kids that it was paying attention to whatever they were saying, and then bend over further to help the toddler up onto a chair. It was just fucking with him now. On the other hand, if the prickly bastard started letting children hug it just to piss off Gurathin, who was the real loser?
It finished spoiling the children and moved over to smoothly de-escalate a brewing disagreement over the punch bowl. Gurathin tried to catch Pin-Lee's eye; she did not cooperate. Gurathin tried to walk through the open door; the hovering security drone took a potshot at him.
SecUnit got roped into conversation with Bharadwaj and her media colleagues. It said something that made everyone laugh. It wasn't scowling. It was faking looking people in the face pretty well; that was just creepy.
It went on like that; Gurathin had never seen it go this long interacting without pissing someone off. Presumably it was venting all of that impulse on him. Ratthi introduced it to his favorite cousin; zi was visibly charmed.
Gurathin goaded the drone into firing two more warning shots before the SecUnit circulated back over to him.
"SecUnit. Come on. You have known me for actual years. I helped you rob a place once."
"I don't recall."
"We met on that planetary survey mission, don't tell me you don't remember that one, it's the reason you're even here." That came out maybe a little harsh, but everyone was letting the SecUnit abuse the power of being entrusted with party security to bully him, he was allowed to be annoyed.
"Oh, were you there? That data must have been lost in a corrupted filetree," it said, with incredibly cutting blandness.
Gurathin groaned. "Okay! Okay. I'm sorry."
It technically counted as a reward when SecUnit stopped giving him the customer service face and switched to the hairy eyeball, which just showed how stupid this whole situation was. It was clearly not satisfied with just that.
"I'm sorry for using your personal name without permission. I wasn't trying to weaponize it or anything, it just slipped out, but I know that's not an excuse and it was a really inappropriate disrespect for your boundaries."
SecUnit kept looking at him. Gurathin knew two other SecUnits now, neither of whom was as supremely weird as this one; that was why he'd started mentally tagging it with its personal name, just to keep things tidy. Of course, if anyone else had done that and made the resulting mistake, SecUnit probably wouldn't have been half so mad.
Gurathin sagged.
"I'm sorry for going through your personal files and using your name against you back during the survey," he mumbled, wishing he kept drones around to control with his brain so he could watch SecUnit's extremely expressive face without having to look at it. "That was really shitty. Rim paranoia isn't a good enough excuse for refusing to see you as anything but a tool of the Company. Okay?"
SecUnit was looking as pained as though Gurathin had stripped naked in its presence. "Yes, fine, you can come to the party just stop having feelings," it said, in its normal voice.
"Great!" said Gurathin. "The spinach puffs had better not be all gone."
"I don't pay any attention to the things humans consume," it said, moving out of his way and taking its drone with it.
"I know," Gurathin acknowledged, rolling his eyes and trooping after it. Ratthi waved enthusiastically at him and Pin-Lee raised her cup in a welcoming toast. Apparently SecUnit's relenting returned him to the ranks of people who existed again. "Believe me, I remember this about you."
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
Dude I’m obsessed with your writing I’m so glad I came across your page omg 😭🙏 I Hope you don’t mind me requesting a Omnis gaunt x reader fic that would be about the reader being a pureblood like omnis being arranged to marry each other and the both don’t get along and then later on they both start warming up to each other and also start caring about each other one day the reader catches a slytherin girl flirting with omnis which makes her jealous to the point the reader is tempted to transform the girl into a damn chicken and Omnis immediately knows the reader is there so after the girl goes away Ominis starts teasing the reader which causes her to be flustered and then out of nowhere the reader quickly gives him a kiss (I’m so sorry if this sounds cringe but I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers and I can’t help but imagine omnis and the reader be like that at first)
"You're supposed to be my husband you idiot <(‵^′)>"
Marriage? (O.G)
hehe OG. Anyway, this is pretty long, if I do say so myself. I listened to a classical music playlist so I kind of got into it. Also, I think my nose ring got infected and now the tip of my nose hurst really bad, so I have to deal with that for a bit. Apparently you shouldn't use rubbing alcohol and stuff and only like saline solution but....my old college friend stole my solution and I keep forgetting to buy more. Anyway, no warnings, fem!reader, whose also in Slytherin. Its just the good old angst/fluff enemies to lovers trope. I've never written for Ominis before, and let me tell you, I kept typing Seb on accident before correcting myself. And thank you so much for all your requests, im still chipping away at them! Anyway, Enjoy <3 pt2, Marry Me
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You stood beside your mother, grasping onto her dress as you stood, watching your father talk with another man. Beside him sat a strange-looking boy. You noticed how his eyes were very different, unsure how to describe them if anyone ever asked, but his hair was laid nicely, done by his mother, no doubt. He was dressed in a rather fancy attire, one you would normally see at one of the many high-end parties your parents would hold, at it seemed to match the dress you wore perfectly. Your mother held a glare as she looked at your father, who shook hands with the other and walked over to you, kneeling down to your height. “Darling, I want you to meet Ominis Gaunt, the boy over there.” He pointed to the boy, who you now know was named Ominis, who didn’t wave or even acknowledge you. You huffed, crossing your arms. “Why must I meet him? He doesn’t look very friendly.” You complained, sending a childish glare his way. Your father sighed, placing a hand on your small shoulder. “You’ll be married to him in the future, so it’d be best if you met now and got along beforehand.”
“Marry him? That’s stupid! I don’t want to get married!” You shouted, running to hide behind your mother. She only sighed as she turned to you, patting your head. “Just go say hi to him, ok darling?” You puffed your cheeks as she ushered you towards him, leaving you there to go make small talk with his parents. You stood there, glaring at the strange boy. His eyes were creepy, and they only seemed to get creepier the more you looked at him. He didn’t speak a word, staring off into a corner of the room the two had been left in. You took a breath and brought your hand out, outstretched to shake his own. “Hello, my name is y/n. You’re Ominis?” He nodded, turning his head in your direction. He didn’t take your hand, nor even look at it. You grew impatient, feeling like a fool. “Well? Aren’t you going to shake my hand?” You asked, gesturing to him. “Right, sorry.” He said, and stretched his own hand out, moving it around in the air. “Seriously? Come on.” You sighed, grabbing his hand, and shaking it once. “You act like your blind, or something.”
“I am…blind.” Ominis said, furrowing his brows. You glared at him, still upset about the embarrassing handshake. “Clearly.” You turned to walk away, looking in the direction of your mother. “How boring, I refuse to marry someone as boring as you are.” Ominis glared in your direction, beginning to dread the arraignment your parents had set up. “I wouldn’t want to marry someone as spoiled as you, either.” Your cheeks heated up in anger as you turned to him. “I am not spoiled!” Ominis shrugged, “Could have fooled me.” You huffed as you stomped over to your mother, grabbing her hand. “Let’s go, mother. I refuse to marry someone like him, he’s boring and rude.” She sighed, looking over to your father as he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have a choice, sweetie. Your father already set it up.” “Well then Father is a fool, I wish to go home and never see him again.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, little lady.” Your father scowled, crossing his arms. “It has already been set that you will marry Ominis, and even if you wanted to avoid him, it would be impossible.” You stomped a foot onto the cobbled ground, pouting. “And why is that?” You asked, glaring over at Ominis, who had made his way over, somehow. “You’ll be attending Hogwarts next year, same as him. No doubt you’ll be in the same house as well. You must get used to it.” Your father placed his cup onto the table, bowing his head to Mr. Gaunt. “I refuse!” Your mother grabbed your hand and began to walk you out, promising to let you out into the garden when you made it home. You smiled; finally being told something you like to hear. Your father only sighed as he stepped into the carriage behind you, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She’s only ten, it’s quite the age to be set up for marriage.” Your mother reasoned, still holding your hand. You looked out the window, focusing on the world going by instead of your parents’ voices. “It doesn’t matter, we were the same age when we were told that we would marry.” He looked over at his wife, who refused to make eye contact with him. “And I resented you for a long while before we got to that point. All I’m saying is to give them time. Children their age don’t want to get married, they want to see the world.” “She has no choice, one way or the other.”
You stood amongst the crowd, watching as students were called up and placed into their houses. You fiddled with the ring your mother gave you, looking around anxiously. You watched a girl walk up to the front, sitting on the stool. You let out a shaky breath as you watched her smile and run to where the other Ravenclaws were. “Nervous?” You groaned, turning to Ominis. “Not one bit, but I would mind some personal space, you know.” Ominis shook his head, “You can’t lie to me. I can hear your breathing.” You glared at him, knowing he couldn’t see the anger that had made its home in your features. “Keep your ears away, just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you can use your hearing to spy on me.” Ominis shook his head, backing away slightly. “Still as rotten as always. Remind me to never try and help you with anything.” You scoffed, “As if anything I need help with would use your assistance.” Your name was called then, and you gave Ominis one last glare as you made your way through, sitting on the stool.
“You have great wit, you do. Bit of a temper… but not to everyone. I see. A rival already, perhaps? Your mind is strong, but there are other parts…yes.” You sighed as the hat rambled to itself, looking around. “I’d say… Slytherin!” You released the breath you had begun to hold, heading to the table where your father had sat many years ago. A girl waved her hand to you, patting the seat beside her. “Come sit here!” You nodded as you made your way over, taking a seat beside the brunette. “Hello! I’m Anne, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” She offered to shake your hand, and you gladly took it. “My name is y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” Anne smiled at you and pointed into the crowd. “You see that boy, the one with the brown hair near the front?” You shook your head, noticing that there were a long of boys in the assembly with brown hair, including Ominis. “There’s quite a few of them, Anne. You’d have to be more specific.” She sighed, trying to find an easier way to show you. “Oh! He’s standing by the other boy with brown hair, I saw him earlier, blind I believe?” You sighed, knowing she meant Ominis, and quickly spotted him. Beside his stood a taller boy, brown hair, just like Anne said. “I believe I see him now.” Anne smiled, “Good! That’s my twin brother, Sebastian!” You nodded, watching as the two boys got closer to the front of the group. “He’ll definitely be in the same house, I’m sure of it.” You could only nod, watching as Ominis was called up to the stool. Your father’s words replayed in your head, “No doubt you’ll be in the same house.” You shuddered, glaring as Ominis was, indeed, sorted into Slytherin as well.
You thought that would be the end of it, you’d be sorted in the same house, but otherwise not have to deal with each other. You were wrong. You shared many classes with Ominis in your first year, second too. Your friend, Anne, had also become his friend, along with her twin brother Sebastian. You felt your insides bubble in anger as you realized that you had to share friends now, unable to get away from the boring boy you were cursed to marry. Anne had come up to ask you once why you were sort of rude to Ominis, but kind to everyone else. You brushed it off, replying that you just didn’t get along with him. Ominis had let it slip once, though, in front of Anne and Sebastian.
You watched Ominis become more aware of his surroundings, able to navigate around furniture with ease now thanks to all the practice. He was annoying you, always bringing up the marriage situation whenever he tried to help you with something. You thought that maybe you hung out with Imelda too much, as you dragged some of the furniture around a bit, just barely noticeable to anyone. You then sat back, talking with Anne and Sebastian, eyes trailing to Ominis as he walked into the common room. You watched as he took his normal route, around tables and chairs, but his route was disrupted. You watched in glee as he ran his side into the arm of a chair, hissing in pain as he grabbed it. Sebastian quickly stood up, moving to help Ominis.
“Pretty clumsy, are you?” You teased, placing your arms behind your head. Ominis glared in your direction, already on to your plan. “I do hope you lose the habit of moving furniture before we get married, I’ll be dead before we even reach the wedding.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Perhaps that was the plan, my dear.” Anne and Sebastian looked between the two of you, confused. “Wait!” Anne spoke up, “Is that why you don’t like Ominis? You’re forced to marry him?” You nodded, gesturing to Ominis, “He called me spoiled when we first met.” Anne looked at Ominis, seemingly offended for you. Quickly, Ominis retorted. “You called me boring and rude! And said to “stop acting like I’m blind.”” You held back a laugh, “To be fair, no one told me you were blind before-hand.” Ominis sighed, exhausted. “Could have asked, you know.” “Be pretty rude to walk up to a boy I just met and go “Hello, I’m going to be your wife! By any chance, are you blind?” Although, that would be pretty funny.” Ominis shook his head.
By the time you made it to your third year, Anne had been pestering you constantly to try and be nice with Ominis. You could only sigh, telling her that she sounded like your mother. You continued to banter with Ominis day after day, insulting each other and pranking each other. The fourth year arrived, and Sebastian came along, informing you that Anne was unwell and unable to come back. Down a friend, you were stuck with Ominis and Sebastian, and you began to grow tired of making fun of your soon-to-be husband.
You walked into the potion’s classroom, taking your seat next to Ominis. He looked over at you, and you blew air from your nose. “Rough night last night?” Ominis asked, stating the obvious, but you could no longer fault him. He was unable to see the dark circles that had formed under your eyes from the study session you had last night, flipping through the chapter you would be going over today. You had always been anxious during Potions, the fear that one wrong ingredient would possibly cause an explosion was the key element that made you study so hard. “Yeah, you could say that.” You responded, grabbing your book, and opening to the page you were on before you finally surrendered to sleep. “You know, not every potions class is going to end up in flames.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You never fully know until it happens.” “Of course.”
Sharp began the class with the description of the potion they would be making, lecturing for about five minutes before letting the students begin. You sighed, reading off the measurements as you placed them in your pot. You had it memorized, thanks to the night before. You read how the potion was supposed to react, and how it reacted when ingredients were placed when they weren’t supposed to. The potion would blow up, and you refused to let that happen. You took a quick glance at Ominis, checking up on him, only to quickly look back at his hand in horror. He had grabbed the wrong ingredient, of course, and was seconds away from placing it into the cauldron. Quickly, you grabbed his hand, pulling it away. “Ominis! You really must double check before you start adding ingredients!” Ominis looked at you, surprised. “What do you mean?” You sighed, taking the moss out of his hand and placing it away from the rest of the ingredients, replacing it with milkweed. “You were about to blow yourself up, is what I mean. If you’re unsure, please check with me first. Imagine what I’d have to tell your parents if you blew yourself up.” Ominis listened to you ramble, a soft smile on his lips. You had started to become kind to him as you made it to your fifth year. Sebastian joked and said you were finally maturing. Ominis swore that, sometimes, you had been looking out for him as the three of you walked down the hall. Who else would tug on his sleeve and pull him slightly over before he bumped into a statue?
You had stopped talking, returning to your own potion. Ominis placed the milkweed into the cauldron, giving it a quick stir. “Thank you, by the way.” He said quietly, reaching for another ingredient. “Don’t mention it, you probably would have blown me up too, honestly. Here,” You said, grabbing his paper with the instructions on it. You had learned a spell a while ago that changed writing on parchment, and had tweaked it to turn words into brail. Waving your wand quickly, the ink turned to raised dots, and you quickly labeled the ingredients he was using. “So, you don’t blow us up again.” Curious, Ominis grabbed the paper you placed in front of him, running his fingers down it. He smiled and felt a slight warmth in his cheeks. You ignored him and continued to work.
It became a habit in potions now, where you would watch Ominis as he worked with his potions, making sure he was using the right ones. In other classes, you began to help each other, slightly. There was still the teasing and slight insult, but otherwise the two of you were rather tame. You began to walk with Ominis around the grounds, describing things to him when you didn’t have classes to get to. Ominis enjoyed the walks the two of you shared, enjoying the descriptions you made. Sometimes, you would purposefully describe something in a weird way, waiting for Ominis to catch on and tell you how crazy that would be, but sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes, Ominis would become engrossed in your voice, it always had a calm tone to it, even if you were acting out against him. It was one of the first things he noticed when you first met six year prior; the soft voice you used when addressing your mother, how it sounded annoyed when you asked if he was going to shake your hand, the stern tone you used when you told your father that he was boring and rude.
You grabbed his sleeve, shaking him from his thoughts. “No, no, no, where is it?” Your voice was panicked this time, one that Ominis never really heard much. “What’s happened?” You dropped to the ground, searching through the grass. “My mother’s ring! It must have slipped off my finger! I can’t find it.” Your voice cracked, and Ominis knelt down and found your shoulder. “Are you sure you didn’t take it off and leave it by your bed?” You shook your head frantically, tears swelling in your eyes. “Never! I never take it off, not anymore.” Ominis could hear you begin to cry. You had worn the ring to your first day of Hogwarts, a gift from your mother. You told him once about it, how its silver band curled around a pale yellow stone, Hufflepuff, the house your mother was in. You had taken it off every now and then if you were planning on dueling Sebastian or caring for creatures, but during the break between fourth and fifth year, your mother had passed suddenly, and you refused to take it off after that.
“I don’t know where it could be! I can’t remember when I had it last,” You wept, and Ominis found you once again and offered his hand. “I may not be the best help, but I can help us retrace our steps.” You looked at him, confused. “How?” “Well, you’ve been describing our walk this whole time, so if we go back along the same route and give it a good look-over, I’m sure you’ll spot it.” You nodded, taking his hand as he pulled you up, taking your hand and recounting the path you took. “I believe we left off at the tree with the pink flowers?” You nodded, moving back to the tree, guiding Ominis behind you. You scanned the ground as you walked, not seeing any sign of it. “Not here…” Ominis thought back again, “We visited the fence with the strange mushrooms growing on it, yes?” “That’s right!” The ring wasn’t there either, but Ominis refused to let your hopes down. “I remember you talking about the small pond where those giant toads lived, perhaps it’s there?” The two of you made your way back to the pond, and you searched through the grass. Ominis joined in, sifting through with his fingers, coming up to a round metal object with what felt like a gemstone attached to it. “Here it is!”
“Ominis! You’re a genius!” You shouted, running up to him. Ominis smiled, stretching his hand out. You looked at him, puzzled, not reaching for it as you tried to figure out what he was doing. “Give me your hand, I know you’re not blind.” You chuckled, placing your hand in his. Slowly, he guided the ring back onto your finger, closing your hand with his own. “There, best that we don’t lose it again, yeah?” “Right, thank you so much, Ominis. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
A few weeks had gone by, and the two of you had seemingly gotten closer. You helped each other in class, point out if one of your favourite food was at supper, and take the usual walks, which did not lead to you losing your ring a second time. Ominis had made sure that you wouldn’t, taking your hand with the ring in his as you walked, “A precaution,” Ominis said. You were unsure where you stood with Ominis at that point, unable to tell if you were getting along because you had to, or because you wanted to. You didn’t even know if you actually liked him, thanks to the arraignment; you felt conflicted, unsure if your feelings were real or made up to save face for your families. You weren’t going to ask Ominis how he felt, of course. You pushed the thoughts aside as you walked into the common room, ready to collect Ominis and head to the dining hall.
You looked over to the couch, eyeing where Ominis sat. Beside him sat another student, who had begun to play with her hair as she talked with him. Your eyes narrowed as you walked closer, disgust painting your face as you listened to her awful attempts at flirting. “So, I was thinking. Maybe we could go by the lake? It’s quiet there.” She said, and you glared daggers into the back of her head. Shameless fliting was one thing, shameless flirting with Ominis? A death sentence. Hexes ran through your head, the idea of turning her into a chicken and leaving her in one of the pens stuck out, another, turning her into a toad and leaving her to live with the other toads in the crowded pond. Ominis heard the small noise you made when she tried to get closer, and he smirked. He knew you were there, probably standing behind her as you glared at her, something Sebastian had described to him anytime Poppy would get picked on. You had made it your habit to stand behind your “victims” until they turned around and met your dagger-like gaze, threatening to hex them if they didn’t get out of your sight. Ominis could only imagine what scene was playing out before him, and he broke into a smile. The student took that as a good sign, “I’ll meet you there then.” She got up and turned to grab the book she had placed down, gasping as your presence startled her. “You have to stop sneaking up on people like that, y/n!” Your gaze never broke, “My apologies.”
The girl left, leaving you to huff in annoyance as you waited for Ominis to stand. His smile never left as he slowly got up and walked to you. “It’s quiet there? That’s so stupid! She needs to work on her flirting skills.” You crossed your arms, turning to walk to the door. “Is someone jealous?” You scoffed, as you exited the room, “Why would I?” “We’re supposed to get married, I’m basically your husband already.” You shook your head, pouting. “We’re not married yet, so why should I care?” You walked along the empty hall, the sound of your shoes hitting the cobble echoing around you. Ominis chuckled, “So I can…go to the lake with her tonight, then?” Your cheeks heated up and you began to stutter. “The- the lake? Absolutely not! Why would you-“ You took a breath in and sighed. “Go on then, go have your fun.” You stopped walking, turning to Ominis and crossing your arms. Still smiling, Ominis shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk away, and you huffed in annoyance as your face turned bright red. You quickly grabbed his arm to stop him, “You’re not…actually going to go, are you?” You asked, hanging your head and looking down at your feet. You heard him chuckle, as he turned, guiding his hand up to find your face. “I wouldn’t need to if my wife-to-be would stop being so stubborn.” He felt your cheek burn as you looked up at him, debating what to do.
Without a second thought, you quickly brought your lips together in a quick kiss, hoping that Ominis would understand. You pulled back just as quickly, watching his face heat up just as yours did, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “There she is.” “Shut up.”
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melodramaschild · 2 years
Cigarettes out of the window- poly! marauders when you start overworking out to try and be prettier for them
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Robie's funeral
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Navigation || Age limit
Warnings: bulimia, body dysmorphia, slow burn, crying and bad mental health, negative self-talk, not happy ending, my writing, part 2 on its way
Let me know if I forgot anything
Words count: 2 299
Pairing: poly! Remus Lupin x James Potter x Sirius Black x fem!reader
Read me: If you see any mistakes, please let me know. English isn’t my first, not even second, language and reminding me of some mistakes would help a lot. Also, feel free to reblog.
A/N: please, don’t read this if you’re easily triggered about your eating disorder. Remember that this is not any motivation for you to start witch such a thing like this. I’m just writing the request. If you feel like you have problems with eating disorder, please reach out for help. || and I’m also sorry that I didn’t stick up with only reader who is overworking out.
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My girl Y/n/n used to always smoke cigarettes when she couldn't sleep
You were sitting in the bath robe, hair hidden in a hair mask under a satin bonnet and tears slowly daring out. You needed to look pretty.
Covering yourself in another face mask, the liquid substance sticking on your skin and your fingers gently massaging it in.
That’s what you’ve been doing everyday for the last few weeks.
You stopped sneaking into your boyfriends’ room as you did every night, instead you were doing… whatever you want to call this. Let’s call it a bad habit of yours. A new bad habit.
(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
Instead you were falling asleep with loud thoughts and tears slowly staining your pillow. Your thoughts were cruel, mean, inexorable. Always telling you that their love is just a prank on you and if you really want to be lovable you need to be pretty, and that you weren’t pretty for love.
Late night heavy thoughts were replaced with James’ (and sometimes Sirius’) morning workout. Just typical cardio. Running on the Quidditch’s field as your lungs were always burning. That was the price of beauty.
“Are you alright, sweet cheek?” James asked between his own gasps as he saw you ‘I’m going to pass out any moment’ position. Hands on your knees, labored shallow breathing and tears burning in your eyes. “Y-yeah,” you breathed out, the breath burning your throat. “Just forgot how to breathe for a bit.” you tried to play it as a joke but James was still worried. “Alright, just catch me if you are too tired.” He leaned down to kiss your sweaty forehead and you couldn’t help but feel disgusting. And disgusted.
James kissed your sweaty forehead. Your ugly forehead where you didn’t practice your morning skin care routine. Your forehead that was now all scrunched up. Your fucking sweaty forehead that was dripping with sweat.
For you, it was derogatory now.
But for you in the past and for James, it was normal and a sign of love. James didn’t care how sweaty you were and how you looked. He loved you whole with his whole huge heart, no matter what. And for you in the past, it would mean the same.
“Do you fancy a shower with me?” James smirked at you towards the shower. It was something you used to do after his games. All four of you. Take a shower where you and Remus pampered James and Sirius. Massaging their scalps and planting small kisses all over each other.
It was something you used to do with James after his training. Taking a quick shower with him, which always turned into a water fight. No one was happy because of that mess afterwards.
And normally you would fancy a shower with James. But the person was no longer in you. You needed to be pretty to have a fancy shower. Anyway, you used trips to bathroom for a different reasons now too.
“No, thank you, Jamie.” you gave him your apology and before he could say something, you ran away to take your own shower.
To wash out the sweat and scrub your whole body to have the smoothest skin in the whole United Kingdom. To have smooth skin like those girls you read about it fan-fictions.
She'd disappear for an hour and a half and when she'd come back she'd brush her teeth
And that went day after day. Meeting James on the morning run and then Sirius on the evening run. Meeting Remus on the afternoon study because no one would date a stupid girl.
“Are you alright?” Remus asked you when he noticed that you’re not there in spirit. You didn’t answer, he reached out his hand, the back of it stroking the side of your shoulder.
“Mhm,” you hummed, only because you heard some noises. Remus sighed, sadness washing over him as he realised that no matter what was happening, he was slowly losing you. They, they were slowly losing you.
He leaned a bit closer to you, his warm fingers hooking under your chin, your eyes locking with his amber eyes. The golden hour played with his hair and eyes, making him look like a fallen angel. So pretty.
And so pretty, but not for you.
“Talk to me, pretty girl.” he said, softly. “Why don’t you talk to me?” His lips turned into one of his sweet smiles. “Talk to me, like you used to.” His fingers found their way to stroke your cold cheek. “So, are you alright?” he raised his eyebrows at you. In his face there was no taunt or mockery, just a lust for knowing what’s really bothering you. There was a worry written in his face.
You opened your mouth but all you could do was to choke on your words. Your lower lip started to wobble and you couldn’t fill your lungs with oxygen.
“N-no.” you squeaked before completely fondling yourself into Remus’ open arms.
Just a simple one word, one sentence that was telling him a whole story. Remus pulled you closer to him, and closer, and closer until you were curled up in his lap. Your arms wrapping around his neck like you’re drowning and he was your saving buoy.
Painful and heart wrecking sobs were escaping your throat and your salty tears were drenching his jumper. But all he ever wanted was you to know that it’s okay. That you could ruin every jumper he owned with your tears if that would cure you.
His warm hands were traveling from your shoulder blades to your lower back, rubbing your loins as he knew that they would hurt you.
His warm and soft hands, on your tender shaking back.
“Shh,” he whispered oh so quietly. “Is going to be alright, darling.” He squeezed his eyes shut, fighting his own tears not to escape in front of you.
“It’s not, it’s not going to be okay.” you sobbed and clutched on his tall figure.
“No no, don’t say that, sweet girl,” he shook his head and a first tear slipped from his closed eyes, running down his cheek and burning on his fresh unhealed scar. “It is going to be okay, alright?” he placed a kiss on the top of your head. He didn’t give you a chance to argue with him before he pleaded: “Look at me,” his voice was desperate. Just like his hands prying your face from his neck.
Remus cupped your face, seeing tears streaming down your face and your lips being curled up in a painful twist. If the room was silent, you could hear Remus’ heart shattering into billion tiny pieces.
“We are going to solve this out, alright?” He looked at you through his light lashes. “You and me,” he continued. “You and me and Jamie and Sirius, okay? We’re not going to let you be alone for this.” Remus promised.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything to him, nor even nod, all you could do was to hide in his body again and cry into his jumper.
But I could still smell it on her raggedy teeth
Sirius was playing with Padfoot’s tennis ball, throwing it into the air, trying to reach the ceiling. His eyebrows were knitted together in an intended look.
“I think something’s wrong.” he murmured out of nowhere.
“Wacha mean by that?” Remus looked up from his book, The Shining, still smelling new. “Look at it, mate,” Sirius sat up on his bed, spreading his arms around. “Y/n/n is not here.”
Remus and James glared at him, their faces telling that they already noticed.
“I mean,” Sirius started. “She was there,” he looked at his other boyfriend. “and suddenly she’s not here. Only meeting up with me on my afternoon run and-”
“What did ya say?” James interrupted him and titled his head.
“”Bout that run, say it again.”
Sirius blinked at him a few times, completely confused just like every time in position class. Marauders talked about everything. Remus, Sirius and James especially as they all had the love bond. They talked about Quidditch, they talked about studying, they talked about why James ate cheese again when he’s lactose intolerant, they talked about their breathtaking girlfriend. They talked about what to do for the big anniversary, where to take you and if you would fancy a trip to Edinburg… but for some reason they never talked about how you’re sticking up with them through the day.
“She is running with me on afternoon runs,” Sirius nervously chuckled. “What’s wrong with that?” he asked.
The thing about Sirius’ run was… Let’s say that Sirius found a healthy coping mechanism for him. But what was saving him was something that was killing you.
James stood there, blankly staring into the space.
“James, what’s happening?” Remus crawled at the end of the bed to his boyfriend. James didn’t hear him, the ringing was way too loud in his ears, like hundreds of mosquitoes attacking his brain, only experiencing this feeling when he got overwhelmed with the whole world.
Remus reached out for his hand and tucked on his fingers. “Darling boy,” he looked up at him. “What’s going on? Talk to me.” Remus pleaded.
“Y/n/n was on a run with me this morning.” James started. “And yesterday’s morning too.” he breathed in. “And the previous morning too, and that morning too,” he wanted to continue but his voice disappeared into the air as his brain started working with puzzles.
“She was with me yesterday’s afternoon too, and the previous too.” Sirius added, slowly catching in.
“That’s… too much,” James whispered. “And then… I didn’t see her at breakfast. Not for the last few weeks.” James started thinking out loud.
“Oh c’mon, mate, she said she is getting nauseous from breakfast.” Sirius waved in front of him, completely believing your explanation.
But Remus understood. Way more quickly then he would want to.
The way he saw you getting more and more exhausted everyday, the way you excused yourself for bathroom breaks after everything you ate, the way you kept sipping on your water without even reminding. Something was awfully wrong.
“Fuck,” Remus breathed out when he realised. “What?” Sirius and James glared at him.
“Did you notice any suspicious behavior in her?” He asked, quickly opening his bedside table and grabbing his notes and pen, scrambling something down.
“Mmm,” James thought. “Lot’s of drinking?” Sirius brought that up. “Like she is able to drink a whole liter on our afternoon run. Which is weird, she used to drink a whole liter throughout the day, not an hour.”
Remus wrote that piece down, doing his math. It would make sense, it was after lunch and running made you nauseous too anyway. The perfect opportunity.
“Anything other?” He asked.
“Well, for me, it’s not spending time with us. It’s been weeks since we had a sleepover. And sometimes, I see her on a map sneaking into Hogsmeade and always coming back with bags of something.” James added.
“Mhm,” Remus nodded. “That’s really… new and odd.”
“Remus what are you doing?” Sirius asked, trying to sneak glances behind his shoulder.
“Thinking, it’s a very helpful thing.” Remus snearled.
After a few minutes, Remus was done, pinching the bridge of his nose as he was the one wearing glasses.
“I… I’m only assuming, but,” Remus took a deep breath. “It’s obvious Y/n has a problem. On that list there can be issues with food consumption and weight loss. Maybe some shopaholic tendencies too.” He read you out like a book
“But what does she buy?” James asked.
“Maybe… I don’t know.” Remus shook his head.
“So, when are we going to talk to her?” Sirius mumbled, his legs bouncing as his thoughts swirled in his mind. Another fake scenario is coming up about you.
“What time is it?” James asked. “Around 16, do you have any idea where she is?” Remus looked at his boyfriends. “Probably at her place.” They looked at each other, communicating through eyes and suddenly it all clicked. They all got up, ruffling their bed sheets.
They all reached their stairs but Remus stopped, turning around and running back. “Rem! What are you doing? We are running out of time!” Sirius shouted. “Shut up!” Remus barked and ran to his drawer. Ruffling it all over until he found the thing he got back for. Your (his) comfort (not his comfort) sweater. Remus quickly changed it and tidied it up with his fingers. It was a forest sweater with light and red stripes, it was a bit itchy on his skin and people sometimes mocked him for it, but he swore to the Lord that it was a magnet on you. Every time he wore it, you were glued to him for the whole day, always nuzzling your cheek into his chest and always holding him so close.
“Really? You had to change right now?” Sirius chuckled. “You don’t get it.” Remus rolled his eyes.
They ran into your place, knocking on your door and deciding to come in when no one answered.
Maybe you were just taking a nap, listening to some music or forgot to close the door.
However and whatever, they expected everything, but none of them wanted to believe that they would see their girlfriend coming from her bathroom, wiping her mouth into her sleeve that was covered in… god knows stuff. With puffy lips and eyes stained red, looking like she committed the biggest crime ever.
“Loves,” you did hoarse, your throat still burning up.
“What-” Sirius started, shaking his head as everyone had their eyes glued on you, shocked and scared expressions on their faces.
“What have you done…?”
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scenetocause · 17 days
hello! here to ask for max f & lando -💜 impulsive kiss, please (if that takes your fancy) :)
sorry this took me ages! i was laid low with perversions.
It's not like it used to be, when they did bits all the time. It was easy, when they were karting and then a bit more complicated when they were in completely fucking different series, a bit easier again when Max got to F3. Much easier when he dropped out and moved in.
But now they both have other people they're supposed to be copping off with and when they get time together there's so much hanging out they have to get done, on a tight schedule now, that it doesn't really come up. When you've only got 36 hours to fit in three months of best friend time then dick touching can get shoved down the agenda a bit in favour of worrying about their proper relationships and gossiping about what Tom's been up to now and did you know Ria's got a boyfriend now, mate? Bloke's fucking massive, thought a mountain had walked into the office.
He knows how Max crumples his face up in concentration when he's about to come, like he has to focus on the goal. That he really likes having his arse played with but he's touchy about it sometimes, still, gets all tense and bent up about it if Lando tries anything stupid, won't let him at all if he makes any jokes. Doesn't mind putting Lando's cock in his mouth, usually but Max'd rather lie back a lot of the time, make Lando do all the work. Likes to be held, after, fall asleep together for a bit even if it's 11am and Jon's due in half an hour.
So, yeah, it's not like they're not doing it. They could do it. It's just that they mostly haven't been, for a bit. Which makes it weird, when he wins and Max isn't there because there's fucking nothing more Lando wants to do, suddenly, than wank each other off in his hotel room so they're both all glazed before they even get to the club.
Snogging Oscar, later, is interesting - he's a bit of a perv, that Piastri. Sticks his hand down the back of Lando's suit trousers and presses a sweaty fingertip to his arsehole, like Oscar's just checking it's there or something. Reminding himself Lando's fuckable, who knows. It's not the same, though, so Lando ends up trying to jack it in bed with one foot on the floor to stop the room spinning and passing out before he makes himself come.
Then it's ages, isn't it because Max doesn't come to Monaco, either. Because he's making a home with his girlfriend and that's fine, good even, they'll probably be having kids sooner or later won't they and doesn't that make Lando feel something like vertigo. F1 race winner, dad - they're not supposed to be doing them as separate routes. They could've been both, together.
But then there's the football, yeah. And Max texts him some shit like looking pretty decent there Bob almost had me convinced you know ball and Lando's trying not to blush at his phone like an idiot or anything because sometimes, you know. It's nice, still. That Max likes him.
Obviously they have to run into fucking Oleksandr Usyk and it's a bit weird, innit, that he recognises Lando first and then Max is all in awe and trying to tell Lando who the bloke is which, right, he doesn't really care all that much.
"You'd think his face'd get more fucked up, doing all that stuff. You're looking like you've gone more rounds than him, mate-"
"Shut up." It's alright, Max taking the piss out of him. Makes him feel less self-conscious about it, really.
"Make me, then." And Max throws his fists up into some poor imitation of a boxing stance, so Lando's pretty sure he meant something else but also he's laughing and knocking his shoulder into Lando's and his mouth is pink and warm and the most familiar of any Lando's ever touched his own to.
It's not a long kiss, they're standing on a London street, in broad daylight, it'd be stupid to get all hot and heavy with it. Jesus, what if P catches them? Just their fucking luck she'd be popping out for milk or something.
But it's enough. Lando's hands closing around Max's fists to draw him close, quickly. Just a taste of each other's tongues, musky with coffee and matcha. A reminder of how they are when they're like this.
(Perfect. Lando's confident they'll sort it all out one day, just need to get the other stuff out of their systems first but they'll never stop coming back to this.)
"Didn't know boxing got you all hot and bothered, Bob." Max shoves him away a bit, only to pull them back together. It's the same way they always are.
"Nah," he feels honest, free with it, like the relief across the finish line. "Only you."
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ihavethedreamies · 4 days
Quick Sand | The8
Xu Minghao (The8 - Seventeen)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~5k
Pairing: The8 x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Hookup/One-Night-Stand/Strangers to Fucking
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Lots of use of the word 'Pretty', Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! & M! Receiving), Soft Dom!? Minghao (not sure what to classify this as), Temperature Play (Cold), One Singular Spank, Unprotected Sex (Uh, don't)
Author's Note: I've had some time open up with my moving stuff, so I got to write this out today. My friend is coming in July to help me pack, so until then I don't have much I can do on my own. Hopefully can get a few things out…
P.S. Minghao is one of my most precious, my sweetest boi. However…he's also really freaking attractive and I'm not sure how to feel about it sometimes. I almost wanted to go soft with this but it wouldn't fit the theme of this series...
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
-> S.Coups's <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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You hated the capital; it was way too busy and there were way too many people. Sometimes though, you had to go there. If you sound something really valuable, The Assembly wanted you to go to the headquarters to relay the goods or information. After finding a giant wreck that looked like it might have been shot down and the crashed into the desert, they wanted to see you in person. Even though you were technically a freelancer, you had a good reputation and so the government tended to trust you and what you said. While you were there, you decided to leave your rover to get some maintenance, which meant you had to travel around on foot or by transport. Not having anywhere specific to go, you decided to walk around the shopping district. You almost never found anything you wanted, not really interested in clothing or little knick-knacks, you just liked to look. The light of the sun didn't blare down too hard in the city like out in the desert, they had some kind of fancy shield surrounding the whole place. That was probably the only thing you liked.
"Your neck would look much prettier with a necklace." A salesman tried to offer, his accent thick, his own fingers adorned with gaudy rings. You shook your head and continued on. The only issue with being in the center of the shopping district was the stall vendors, they weren't inside and therefore able to more or less heckle customers. It was nice that they let traveling merchants settle in the big, artificially green park in the middle though. As you passed a tent made out of striped fabric, you someone looking at the different headscarves laid on a table. He was tall and skinny, with long black hair half tied up, the rest falling around his neck. He was in white clothes, more like robes, that were long and flowy, but you could still tell he was of a very narrow build.
"Is there one like this with a more plain pattern?" He held one up that was a weave of many colors, and to some it might be pretty, but it looked tacky to you. Seemed he thought the same. There was, however, one that did catch your eye, so you entered the tent yourself. It had a silky texture, nice and thin but strong and was a dull red color. Even with the obviously high-quality material, maybe it wouldn't be too much since it was one color. He turned his head to the side to cast you a glance since you had sidled up right next to him. Casting him a side glance yourself, you nearly gasped. Yes, he was a dude, but he was stunningly beautiful. You were a bit jealous if you had to be honest. One of the stall owners was digging through a pile of scarves, and who you assumed to be his wife came to you.
"How much is this?" She told you and you winced. It was pretty expensive for what it was, maybe because you were in the capital? If the last job paid well, maybe you could afford it then, but you were very low on funds right then. Thanking her anyway, you put it down and headed out, hearing the man speak with the vendor. You lazed down past a few more stalls and tents before you felt something light rest on your head. Red fabric fell into your vision, and you felt the silky material on your forehead and nose. Blinking, you pulled the scarf off your head and turned to see the man from before.
"If you're in the sun a lot, that's a good one to have. It’s strong too." he commented, and you just blinked again.
"Huh?" You managed to get out and he rolled his eyes.
"Some things are worth the cost." He was going to leave it at that, but you called out for him to wait.
"I can't pay you back right now!"
"Obviously, that's why you didn't buy it. Don't worry about it, maybe replace your goggles." He nodded at the eye protection you had around your neck. Your fingers rubbed over the cracked leather, and you looked back at the scarf in your hand as he walked away. If he wasn't going to make you pay him back, might as well accept it. You folded the scarf up and proceeded to stuff it in your pack as you continued through the market. Every so often, his words would pop up in your head as you looked over various wares. Most of the eyewear you saw were pairs of glasses or something more like an accessory than something to protect your eyes from blowing sand. At one stand you looked over the leather works that were presented. It was mostly belts and some jewelry, but you wondered if you couldn't get one and commandeer it to use as a new strap. That would work for a bit, but the thick plexiglass was also almost too scratched. The leather was reasonably priced too, and you were willing to admit one gets what they pay for. Unfortunately, it didn't look like anything was really the right size, so you thanked the vendor for their time and continued on. It was clear you were getting close to the food vendors with the scents in the air, and your stomach gurgled. Heading in the direction of what smelled the best, you ended up gnawing on a skewer of some kind of meat. You learned a long time ago not to ask what it was and just enjoy it. As you were turning your head left and right, looking for something sweet to have after, you were halted when you looked ahead once more. White met your eyes, as well as something dangling in the air. It was a new pair of goggles, nearly identical to the ones you had around your neck.
"Woah, where'd you find these?!" You barely noticed who was holding them, reaching for the eyewear. He easily lifted them up and out of reach and you gaped up at them.
"These you'll have to pay me back for." He noted and you finally looked at his face. Yes, he was pretty, but it was so much so that you got a little annoyed.
"Fine. How much?" You dug into your bag again, looking for your credit chit and he told you. It was a bit pricier than you would normally go for, but if they were the same kind, they would last you another two or three years. Huffing, you held out the little holo-chip and he pulled his own out from his robes and tapped it to yours. When you pulled it back and looked at it, you saw the remaining balance and sighed.
"Why'd you do that?" you asked after thanking him.
"I figured you might have a hard time finding any, so I grabbed these as soon as I saw it."
"Not that, I mean, yes, thank you for thinking of it, but…I meant the scarf. Why'd you buy it and not want me to pay you back?" Your question made his eyes widen and he huffed, turning to look away from you. The tips of his ears tinted a bit red, and he cleared his throat.
"It's clear you're not from around here. That's cheap." He pointed at the edge of the fabric hanging from your bag. Seriously?
"Well, thank you…?"
"(Y/N). Well, if I ever see you again…" You shrugged, not sure how to end the exchange and he gave an awkward smile himself and parted ways.
When you finally got back out into the desert, you were extremely grateful that Minghao had gotten you the goggles and headscarf. You were no longer battered by the blowing sand and your freckled face wasn't completely red as well. But your rover was not doing so hot. Well, it was actually too hot, that was the problem. You had gotten the bad news from the mechanic that there were too many issues to fix, it wouldn't be worth the cost. Even though you got some good money for your tip to The Assembly, it wasn't enough to buy a new rover. You decided to use yours to the finish line and then sell it for scrap. Though…you really wished the finish line wasn't in the ass-crack of nowhere in the desert. In the middle of the day. In the summer. Your face was covered well with the red fabric, but your arms were bare, and the tanned skin was turning red quick, and the blowing sand was scratching as well. Then the bad turned worse when you felt the ground trembling. You were on a compacted-sand path, heading back to the paved road and as it shook beneath you, you noticed a tiny crack. Rumbling then accompanied the quaking and a smell like melting plastic hit your nose.
"For fuck's sake!" You groaned and broke out into a sprint, already tired, sore, and hot. Sand worm. It was always sand worms! The cracks on the path were getting bigger and the hardened sand was crumbling, turning back to fine grains. You cursed and panted as the sand grew softer, making it harder and harder to run on, and you noticed you were sinking as well. Plus, the worm was getting closer. You could see the main road up ahead and you wished you could reach it in time. You yelped when you completely lost your footing, the sand rapidly falling and stirring, pulling you down. Sand was swallowing you, and the grains blowing around you started to sting even more, the acidic saliva of the giant subterranean beast attaching to the sand. Your hands managed to reach the pavement and you wrapped your arm around the signpost just in time, a sink hole opening below you, taking the rest of the sand with it. The sand worm dove deeper and continued on well beneath you and your feet scrambled for purchase along the giant support pillar underneath the road. It was a bit too far away though and was slick from sand erosion smoothing the surface. You were too tired and weak to pull yourself up with just your arms and you were beginning to come to terms with your demise. With one more grunt, you tried to pull up once again, but it was futile. Right when you were about to give up, someone grabbed the back of your tunic at the shoulders and started to haul you up and onto the road. You tried to let them help you stand, but you instead fell to your knees, and they grunted, trying to hold you up.
"J-just give me a sec." You panted, your side twinging, the taste of metal in your mouth.
"Shit, you're scraped to hell and back." His voice was familiar, and you couldn't quite place why, and you looked at your arms yourself and noticed that there were tons of little scratches. Each one stung, and the feeling was intensifying as your adrenaline wore off and you whimpered. When he had leaned over, a pendant hanging on a thin leather necklace fell out of his tunic. It was some kind of triangle-like design, and you couldn’t place why it looked familiar.
"Here, come with me." He slung your arm over his shoulders, and he tried to hold you up and help you walk, but the height difference wasn't exactly going to allow it.
"Can you get on my back?" he asked, and you hummed. He crouched so you could wrap your arms around his neck, and he looped his arms around your legs at his sides, and started toward his hover bike. The white fabric your cheek was resting on also seemed familiar, along with the black hair brushing over it.
"You remember my name.”
“Yeah. What’s this?” Your fingers lazily messed with the necklace and over the stainless steel of the pendant.
“I’m a Ranger, this is our symbol.”
“Good thing you had that scarf, or your pretty face would have been scratched up too." You barely registered his little compliment, trying your hardest to not pass out and drop your full dead weight onto him. You managed to maintain semi-consciousness as he got you on his hover bike and he put you in front of him so he could hold you up easier. You managed to have the energy for him to help you limp into an inn at in the nearest little oasis outpost. You sat slumped against the bar in a stool as he got a room, and he once again gave you a piggy-back ride up to the second story room. You nearly collapsed into one the of the beds and he picked up your legs to help you lay down. The man was saying something, but you were out before you could register what it was.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He shook you awake about twenty minutes later, but it felt like hours to you. You groaned at the soreness and stinging of your body and skin, but you managed to sit up on your own.
"I got some stuff to put on the scratches. Acidic sand?" He made sure he got the right thing and you nodded. It wasn't the first time you had dealt with it, but never to that extent. Minghao kneeled in front of you, opening the salve bottle and it came with a little dropper with a silicone brush on the end. You winced as he carefully and patiently tended to each little scratch, and you had the chance to stare at his pretty face. He really was so freaking gorgeous and sweet. You could tell that he was genuinely worried by the furrow of his brow and his gentle tone as he spoke.
"What happened?"
"My rover borked out in the wastes and so I had to walk back to the road. Then…sand worm." You grimaced and whimpered when he applied the gel to a particularly deep scratch. You watched as the cut slowly grew closed, the salve healing each little mark.
"What were you doing out there anyway?"
"I'm a freelance scavenger. I just go out and try and find wreckage and ruins." He hummed and shuffled a bit closer so he could reach your upper arm better. Getting up higher from where he sat on his knees, he ended up eye level with you, but was still focusing on your little scratches. So. Freaking. Pretty.
"You're staring at me." He huffed, a small smile tugging at his lips, and you choked on nothing, sputtering.
"S-sorry. You're just…pretty." Your last word was so soft because you hoped he didn't hear.
"I'm pretty?" Minghao's gaze flashed to your face and the implication took a second to settle and your face warmed. When you went to rub over your cheeks, you realized you still had your goggles resting up on your forehead. Taking them off, you yiped when you realized why your vision had been blurry; the plexiglass was near melted. Normally it was good against sand; sand worm acid was no joke.
"You've got to be kidding me!" You whined dramatically and let them flop onto the bed. Freaking acid. It seemed he was done with your scratches and his fingers went to your chin, so you were facing him again. Minghao looked over your face and tilted it a bit to make sure you had no scratches on the skin there. His fingers brushed over your forehead to see if the line was from your goggles or was another scratch. Seeing that it wasn't anything, he pulled back, but his face was still close to yours, pretty eyes drawing you in. When your own eyes flitted down to look and see if his lips were just as pretty, you saw him smirk in real-time ultra-high definition.
"What's caught your attention, hm?" You flinched back and gaped, trying to excuse your ogling. You really couldn't though, so you just stared at him. You couldn't help looking back, because something caught your attention. His ears were pierced, but he had a little stud under his bottom lip, right above his chin. Without thinking, your hand came up and your index finger rubbed over the crystalline surface of it and the light blue gem flashed with light at the pressure. You flinched back and noticed a thin filament of holographic marks shimmered over his lips which grew into a smirk once more. What? Minghao shifted his weight again, getting even closer, face so close you could feel the breath from his nose. His hands had rested on the bedding at your sides and his stomach pressed against the edge of the bed, he was nestled between your legs.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice was so quiet, but you could practically feel the words leave his lips he was so close. You nodded dumbly and you weren't expecting just how soft he started. You whimpered and he groaned in response, pressing his lips harder to yours, his hands leaving the bed to rest on your waist. Your own hands, shakily, went to his shoulders and messed with the soft ends of his black hair. You were panting when he finally pulled back, but he seemed significantly less affected.
"Can you do it again?" You asked yourself and he grinned so prettily, eyes creasing from mirth, and he did do it again. You sighed when his hands left your waist, sliding around to your back so he could haul you closer. Your next little whimper seemed to call his tongue, since it ran over your bottom lip. Opening your lips wider, his tongue met yours and it was like you got shocked. Not in a painful way, it felt almost cold, and it seared through you all the way to your core. You shivered and he pulled back enough so you could speak, the hand that had moved to the back of your head leaving.
"What is that?" Your eyes once more went to the gem under his lip, it was glowing a soft blue. His tongue flicked out to run over it and the same thin sheen coated his lips again.
"I have cybernetics through my body, and this just shows when I activate them." His finger ran over the gem again and you noticed that there was a thin line of bright blue under his skin, running parallel to the veins in his pretty hands.
"Makes me stronger when I use my martial arts."
"What else does it do?"
"Wanna know, Miss (Y/N)?" He grinned and it took your breath away. Let alone how he said your name, more like you were some kind of lady, not just some girl that wanders the desert.
"Yes please." You grimaced at your quick response, but he just smiled at it, a little more cutely that time.
"Lay back." He instructed and you shifted up the bed and did so, curious about his plan of action but in no way apprehensive. He crawled on as well and kneeled between your legs, hands running up your thighs still covered by your leather leggings. Minghao hovered over you again, lips pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"You okay with this going further?"
"Fuck yes." You breathed out and he barked out a laugh. Without any more hesitation, his hands flew to the waist band of your pants and yanked them off in one movement and they flopped onto the floor. He swallowed your little noises as his fingers ran up the bare skin and up to your hips, waist and then your cropped shirt. Sitting up just enough for him to pull it off your head, he sneered down at the wrap-around breast band you had on. The line of light in his fingers lit brighter and pinched the hem and pulled, a clean line slicing through the fabric so he could just tear it off of you. You gasped a bit, but it turned you on way more than the shock of his ruining of your only breast-band. Why'd you leave your big pack in your rover?
"So pretty." Minghao grinned and his next kiss fell on your neck rather than your mouth and you could feel his lips searing over your skin. Instead of a heat, it was cold, instantly raising your skin into goosebumps and you gasped so hard you lost your breath when those cold lips wrapped around your nipple. Even his tongue was cold as he circled the peak and flinched with a moan when his fingers pinched the other nipple. It was a hard pinch too, but the same frosty touch soothed the sting some, and intensified somehow as well.
"Minghao~" Your fingers scrambled over the back of his white tunic, trying to figure out how to get the damned thing off. He chuckled at your desperation and his own fingers went to the tie on his belt that was holding it closed. While he moved his attention to your collar bone and at the base of your throat, he took off the top layer, then the undershirt off as well. He was thin, sure, but there was more there than you initially expected. Apparently, he had taken his shoes off a while ago (yours as well you just realized) and he finally had to pull back to get his pants off. You watched him at the end of the bed, but he kept his underwear on, though you could see the tent from his hardened cock. When you went to get up and go to him again, he stopped you and you thought he was going to climb back over, but he grabbed your ankle instead. You yelped when he dragged you to him, butt stopping right at the edge of the bed, the blanket getting pulled down with you some as well. He fell to his knees, and you were still trying to process what just happened as he took your panties off. The man groaned as he saw your slick pussy, clenching around nothing in anticipation. Not wanting to totally overwhelm you, he reduced the cold from his cybernetics and kissed right at your clit. You still flinched, but more from the pressure and your whimpers turned to moans as his tongue ran up through your folds.
"Fuck!" Your head slammed back into the mattress, fingers digging into the bedding as his long tongue snaked its way into your cunt and you could feel the cold building once again. The sensation was new, a bit weird, but in no way unwelcome. Your shivering increased and your orgasm was rising fast. His thumbs pressed against the sides of your folds, opening you more for him, the pads of his fingers cold as well.
"Minghao!" Your back arched and he held still as your cunt clenched around his tongue, the spasms seeming to last for minutes. You were still trembling when he removed his face from between your legs and he stood, wiping your wet from his face with his arm.
"Such a good pussy, pretty girl." Minghao pressed one knee on the end of the bed by your hip so he could lean over you to look at your face. Your hazy eyes met his and he chuckled.
"Hao~!" You sat up fast and he was a bit shocked but didn't move when your hands went to the waistband of his briefs. He just let you pull them down over his hard cock and when the garment hit the floor, your lips were already wrapped around the head. He swore under his breath, hand resting gently on your head as your tongue swirled over him. You didn't see the faint blue lines that covered the rest of his skin on his cock, but that didn't mean they weren't there. You honestly hoped not though, it sounded more then painful. When you started to ease his dick further into the heat of your mouth, he groaned, swallowing hard, watching as you kept going. He gritted his teeth to try and hold his hips still and he marveled that you took so much of his length so easily, and he was by no means short. You groaned at the taste of his skin and the drops of precum leaking from the head as you swallowed, preparing to let him go even deeper and into your throat.
"Shit, (Y/N)-!" Minghao's hands flew to your head, fingers burying in your hair as your nose pressed to the skin on his groin. You swallowed rapidly, trying to control your gag reflex and your head swam the longer you sat there, not able to breath with his cock in your throat. Finally, you pulled back and started bobbing your head, drool dripping from your lips stretched around his hard cock. More pre hit your tastebuds and your eyes flicked up to his face to see how much prettier he looked then. His eyes were closed, brow furrowed, mouth slightly open. When he opened them again, he wasn't expecting to see your wide eyes meeting his and he grunted, hips jumping out of his control. The move buried him further down your throat then and he panicked that he hurt you, but you just moaned. Do it again. You plead through your gaze, and he got the hint. He was close as it was, and you took his thrusts like a champ, only gagging slightly at the first thrust and he whined. Your hands cupped his thighs, holding him close and he grunted, spurts of thick, hot cum painting your mouth white. You swallowed eagerly, sucking hard to get the rest of when you pulled back. While his dick had softened a bit, he was still pretty hard, and you licked around your lips to get the rest of the fluid off. You gasped when his hand went back to your hair, gripping harder than you would think from him and he tugged your head back so you could look up at him. The sharpness of his gaze paired with the harsh tug made your cunt weep and you mewled. Wiggling a bit, you opened your mouth, tongue out to show him that you swallowed it all. He groaned and tugged again on the strands and a louder moan left your lips, paired with the fluttering of your eyelids, he knew how to play with you.
“You were a good girl, hm?” You nodded and whimpered.
"Want me to fuck you?" You could tell he was a tiny bit unsure with his tone, trying to gauge your reaction.
"Please." You bounced in anticipation.
"Want me to fill you with my cock?"
"Fuck, please!"
"Please, please!" He hummed derisively and let your hair go and you wondered if you did something wrong when he stepped back. Your concern was short lived though when his hands went to your braid instead, wrapping your hair around his hand and using it to manhandle you and flip you over. With such a sweet face and voice, you hadn't expected the dominant streak he was presenting, but you were far from complaining. Your feet hit the floor, chest pressed to the bed, and you barely had time to grab the sheets for leverage before the head of his cock was pressing into you. His cock was long for sure, and even a bit thicker than you realized since your cunt burned deliciously as he filled you. The final inch or two were fucked into you hard, the head of his dick roughly kissing your cervix, hips pressed into the flesh of your ass. His hand was still holding your braid and he tugged a bit, and you whimpered in glee. Minghao's pace grew quickly, and it wasn't long before he was fucking you so hard the headboard of the bed was slamming against the wall. You ended up on your tip toes, body shuddering from each pound, the slap of skin and slick hitting the floor mixed with the little noises leaving both of you. He grunted softly and gave a breathy chuckle when your core fluttered, and another hard thrust sent you over the edge. Minghao slowed the roll of his hips a bit to help you ride out your climax and when you finally were no longer shivering, he picked the pace right back up. He laughed at your squeal when his hand, lit up blue, smacked against the skin of your ass hard, the harsh slap mixed with the cold took your breath away. He groaned when your gummy walls clenched him harder, and he marveled at the red handprint rapidly forming on your butt. You almost protested when he dropped your braid, his thrusts still hard, but shallow and you whined when he leaned over you fully. His fingers laced with yours, stretched above your head and digging into the sheets and your body jolted when the same cold started to rise off his skin. His lips on your neck and shoulder pressed hard enough to leave marks, and with each press of his hips against the back of yours reactivated the hand mark. While it wasn't actually cold, just how your nerves felt it, he felt like you were on fire conversely. Your wet, tight cunt around his cock made it seem like your body had already molded to him. He loved hearing your little whimpers right in his ear and one of his hands snaked around your front and between your legs. The cold fingers hitting your clit circled, once, twice and you came again. Your orgasm was still fading when the third hit and your core clenched him so tight, he had to halt his thrusts. He was panting, trying to hold back, but you clenched his hand hard.
"Please, Hao, inside~" You keened with glee when he allowed himself to let go, the heat of his cum inside contrasting so starkly with the cold on your skin it sent you over the edge again. As you both laid panting, he felt you start to shiver again and he quickly deactivated his cybernetics and you sighed, then giggled.
"I would say that was hot…" You giggled again and he couldn't help but huff with amusement at your little joke.
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
-> S.Coups's <-
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
Taglist: @gaslysainz
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no-see-um-incorrect · 5 months
Love and Fuff
BitterSweet Trio 
(they’re all dating your honor)
The seasons were changing which means Alphonse changes out all of the plushy‘s on the bed in exchange for the seasonal ones. And this time he recruited his Boo!
So there they sat on the Bed they shared, sifting through varieties of different soft plush toys, while binging episodes of the Mandalorian. Lost in thought that is until Al sees a very familiar plush that caught his attention.
“Holy shit haven’t seen this lil guy in a long fucking time” Sugarboo plops on the bed “Haven’t seen what?-OOoOoO cute bear!” Alphonse held the bear up to get the full view of it “HEY SETH! BABE GET IN HERE AND COME SEE THIS!”
It wasn’t too long before he heard Seth walking down the hallway to the bedroom “Alphonse I swear if your tryin’ to get me to kill another spider I ain’t doing it” he walks into the bedroom and sees the what Alphonse is holding “holy shit”
Sitting inAlphonse’s hands was a very familiar plush bear. The bottom of the belly as well as its legs and paws we’re light pink with a small shine, the top half looks like it was dipped in chocolate and covered in sprinkles, with two cotton candy blue buttons for the eyes. “remember this little guy?”
Seth smiled and sat next to Al on the Bed “of course I do” Sugarboo cocked their head. Seth took the bear in his hands and smiled 
“When Al first came to the city with me he couldn’t sleep straight. It took nearly a week for him to tell me why” “guess I was too embarrassed to admit it was cause-” “You missed your plushies at home” Alphonse smiled and rubbed the back of his neck “so Seth snuck away to the cities mall when he had some free time and picked up this sweet thing and gave it to me as a little present” alphonse leaned up and kissed Seth on the cheek, causing the southern boys face to flush pink.
Sugarboo looked at the tag that was on the Bears foot “goody Bears! I used to collect these when I was little. there part of the reason why I love baking so much” Seth looks around the room at the piles and bins of plushy‘s “what were you guys doing that required all of these?” alphonse sets the bear on his lap before grabbing a handful of beanie babies and throwing them at Seth “seasonal plushy rotation!” Seth almost successfully catches them “why do you have so many of these?” Alphonse face saddens before turning into a soft smile “well…you know…my Ma used to collect um’…she always had a dozen for each season and she’d put them on the mantle  along with the other decorations” seth looks down at the small pile of beanie babies in his lap and looks back up at Alphonse “well then. hand me the bag I’ll start going through um’ you just tell me which ones to put aside”
They rearranged their seating positions, Seth on the left, Alphonse on the right, Sugarboo in the middle.
“Do you wanna put on a movie? I don’t think Seth has seen the Mandalorian yet and I don’t wanna spoil it for him” “Yea. Seth you can pick. Me and Boo are good with pretty much anything” they both look at Seth expectantly. He stares for a moment before scrambling for an answer.  “um..well shit let me think here…. now don’t pick on me for this but..Ya got any of the Muppet movies on these fancy ass streaming services you’ve got?” the corners of Sugarboo‘s mouth start to curl and Alphonse snags the remote off the nightstand “Hell Yeah we’re watching Muppets! Got a specific one ya want Babe?” “yeah um.. they got Muppet treasure Island?” With just a few presses of a button Seth’s movie wishes were granted. 
As the movie played on, the three got more comfortable, nearly abandoning the job that they started. 
Seth’s head laid on Al’s shoulder his eyes growing heavy, Alphonse’s arm was around him gently brushing his fingers through his hair which wasn’t helping him stay awake, the other arm had the little sugarcoated bear from earlier tucked close to his side, Sugarboo was cozied up on top of them nestled under the blanket with a small mountain of plushy‘s weighing on their feet.
As the movie played, and his two partners struggled to stay awake, Alphonse was basking in it 
He looks down at Seth‘s face. The face he has seen bloodied and bruised angry and sorrowful now completely peaceful. Then he looks at his Boo. a face he has seen nearly every day for five years a face he could never imagine going a day without.
And they are both here.
Two of his favorite people in this world, cuddled up in bed watching a movie they’ve all seen 1 million times.
And it’s happy, and it’s warm and it’s peaceful, and God dammit a deadly asteroid could be hurling towards earth at top speed right now, and he wouldn’t give a fuck. because this is where he wants to be 
Slowly, drifting off to sleep in a pile of love and fluff.
Why does it feel like it’s been forever since I’ve written something for YV.
It got really cheesy at the end and I do apologize for that. this draft has been sitting here for a while so I figured I’d polish it up 
Hope you enjoyed
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grievedeeply · 1 year
if,,, if you want,,, can you make some general dating hcs for my hoe ramattra? 👉👈👁👁
wow i love ramattra badddd. thank you for giving me an excuse to write about the silly! enjoy!
gn!reader | tws: talks of omnics being injured. JOIN MY TAGLIST!
dating ramattra headcanons
never ever in a million years did ramattra ever think a human would be the one to win his heart
but to be fair, it took him a long time to even warm up to you being around. he didn't care for your company at first, no matter how many times you said you were on his side, he couldn't find it within himself to believe you. humans were liars, and you were no exception
until he saw you helping. actually helping. you were repairing omnics after their encounters with humans, you were using your skills for something that actually mattered and he felt.. good
he felt good about you, and the first genuine words he ever said to you were "thank you". his voice was soft, and his gratitude was true. he was grateful he had someone like you on his side
still, he never would've expected you to become anything more than an acquaintance. you were a coworker, someone he exchanged words with occasionally.. but nothing more than that
until you wiggled your way into his life more and more each day. you would approach him, eagerly asking if there was anything you could do to help. he was happy to put you to work, but you would keep coming back. the truth was, you just wanted to talk to him
eventually, he caved. it took months of persistence, but he let you into his life, much to his dismay at first. he didn't understand what kept bringing you back to him and he wondered if he ever would
you developed feelings for him first, but you knew nothing would come of it. ramattra's well known hatred for humans kept your relationship with him strictly platonic.. so he would have to make the first move
which takes him forever to do
he doesn't experience love in the way humans do. he's fully capable of doing it, but he doesn't understand why he's feeling the way he is. fuzzy? warm? he doesn't know how to describe it. why do his thoughts keep wandering back to you?
it isn't until you rest your hand on top of his that he realizes it. he likes you
it's the first question that pops into his head. he has to have justification and reasoning behind everything he does, but he doesn't have a clear answer for this. maybe it's because of your kindness? your respect for his people that other humans lack?
whatever the reasoning, it's too late to back out. he tries. he can't turn off what he thinks
he's pretty subtle at first, complimenting your outfit or appearance, but when you don't catch on he has to up the ante a little bit. so he becomes super blatant, straight up holding your hand and hugging you like he sees humans do
when he tells you he likes you, you don't reply at first. he thinks you don't reciprocate and goes to back away until you finally blurt out how you've liked him for months and it's why you wanted to be around him all the time
he's flattered. if he could blush, he would be. it's funny, seeing a man as intimidating as ramattra get flustered over a humans words
anyway, onto the actual dating
sooo protective. he will do anything to keep you safe. human bodies are fragile and he does not want any harm to come to you
he isn't very big on pda, but he doesn't mind the occasional side hug or whatever you want to do. he doesn't understand much of human affections in general but he will participate in private
he just worries that cuddling might be uncomfortable for you, but you always reassure him that you always feel comfortable while he's by your side even if it's unconventional
he's generally really sweet in a relationship. his favorite thing to do with you is to spend time with you. nothing too fancy or extravagent, as long as he's with you, it's enough
his love language is quality time. it's what he understands best, and what means the most to him. time is a fickle thing and ramattra knows that very well. it's best to spend it with loved ones
he can't kiss, but he will press his forehead to yours as a way to show his affection for you in that way
definitely takes you out on dates! he won't bring you to restaurants often, as he wants something he can do with you, so he'll bring you star gazing a lot. he knows a lot about the stars for some reason
he's really supportive. he makes sure you know how proud he is of you. you show him an art piece? it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen (other than you, of course). you show him a sample from a song you're writing/composing? he'll praise you for your talents
he has a tough exterior, but when you break down his walls he's such a softie
he's so caring, so genuine in his feelings for you and it means the world to see him being so open about what he's experiencing
he often felt alone in the world before you, living only to fufill the goal every omnic wished for. now? he has you, a reason to keep going. not for everyone, but for himself
maybe that made him selfish
he didn't care
tags: @dijanur
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suguaotruther · 2 months
What If: Kieran agrees to letting Juliana handle his hair in Chapter 15 of Azure Dive?
This is a snippet I decided to do because yesterday, it was a certain author's birthday. But I couldn't finish on time because my internet died for the remainder of my night. So @dipplinduo, have this day late birthday present ;w;
“Want me to fix your hair up a bit?” Juliana offers, showing a spare hair band in the palm of her hand. She must’ve detected the hesitant look in his dark yellow eyes. “I’m just going to put it into a ponytail, nothing fancy or eye-catching!” And there was that reassuring tone of hers which had a habit of melting away his concerns. How does she do it? How can she just easily calm his nerves like that? It was frustrating she had that much control over him, after everything. 
But, on the other hand he decided to humor her a bit. His hair was a beast to tackle as Carmine liked to put it. Which is why it used to be the unruly mess it was known for. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt I guess.” He tried to come across to her in an aloof manner. That was how cool people do it right? He was cool. 
“Then come sit in front of me, I won't bite.” Juliana had that irritably cute smile on her face that reminded him of sunflowers. He moves over to sit in front of her with his legs now criss-cross flapplesauce. Kieran could hear Juliana crawl up to him a bit more, she must be standing on her knees to accommodate the height difference they now shared. 
“Just a ponytail.” He huffs, looking down at the floor of the violet tent they were in. 
“Of course! Do you want it high, low, or in the middle?” 
Frankly, Kieran didn’t really care but, if he had to answer her back. “Middle.” There was something weirdly electrifying about having Juliana this close to him. And she hugged him mere moments ago! 
“Gotcha! This won’t take long!” 
Kieran lightly tenses up the moment he felt her fingers run through his hair, it felt different. It felt… intimate with the way her nails lightly scratch his scalp, the strands of his hair sliding off her fingers. He eases up because it felt nice. 
“You have such pretty hair Kieran, I’m jealous. Can I brush it?” Juliana asks with her voice filled with warmth and Kieran mumbles a yes. Trying to mask away his eagerness for more of her touch. Soon a brush made contact with his hair, and that felt nice too. He could fall asleep to how gentle and soothing Juliana was messing with his hair. He closes his eyes letting out a soft sigh and slight shiver over how good it is. He could get used to this. The birds were chirping outside, the tree leaves lightly rustling, all while they were in this tent. It was the two of them. No Champion of Paldea. No Champion of Blueberry Academy. Just him and her. Sharing this soft moment with no prying eyes and hardly any words between them. Their actions meaning far more than simple words. With Kieran just melting into her from the experience. 
Locks of his hair were being bundled up into her hand and Kieran felt it being bound together by the hair band shortly after. Kieran turned around slowly while Juliana sat down again, grabbing her phone to show him what she did to his hair. He liked it. Rather than just one color covering over the other, there were locks of mauve and black mixing in neatly with each other. With the short ponytail being right at the middle just like he said he wanted.  “Thanks.”
“Mhm, you’re welcome.” Juliana smiles fondly at him. Kieran didn’t know what overcame him but he decided to impulsively run a hand through her side ponytail. “K-Kieran?” Juliana’s cheeks were rosy. 
“Your hair has grown longer too…” He murmurs, gently feeling her soft chestnut brown hair against his hand.
“Y-Yeah…” Juliana responds, her soft blue eyes with violet hues didn’t move away from his own. Even when Kieran boldly moved on from her hair to running the back of his fingers down the side of her face. He could feel his ears getting warm when he witnesses her subconsciously lean into his touch. She liked being touched by him as he liked being touched by her. 
“HEY! I SEE YOU’RE BOTH AWAKE IN THERE!” Came the most obnoxious and loudest voice, that Kieran began having not so pleasant thoughts about the source of said voice. “FOOD IS ALMOST READY!” Crispin when I get my hands on you…. 
Juliana immediately flinches back, her face incredibly red and no longer able to meet his gaze. “O-Oh yeah! Don’t want the food to be cold! We should get going!” Juliana started to crawl out of the tent in a rush. 
“Yeah… we should.” Kieran looks down at his hand that was just on her face. Mentally screaming at himself, he could feel his face match the same shade of red as Juliana's.
Silently memorizing and burning everything that happened in this tent into his mind for many years to come. 
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canirove · 4 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 17
Author's note: Sorry about this chapter being extremely short. I tried to think of something to add, but my brain is fried this week 😅 We only have four chapters left after this one, and I promise you they are way better and that important things are happening!
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"That was a nice car, wasn't it?" grandma said when I arrived at her house.
"It's just a car" I shrugged.
"Is it his? Did he drive you all the way from Manchester?"
"Who?" I said, playing dumb but already feeling my face burning.
"Your neighbour. The one you definitely don't fancy."
"Who do you not fancy?" grandad asked, showing up out of nowhere.
"Her neighbour."
"I already told you it's not him, grandad." 
"But you said his name starts with an R and he is the only one."
"And she also said that he wasn't a player. But that car was very football player like. So big and expensive..."
"You are not going to let it go, are you?" I said, letting out a big sigh.
"We are noisy, sweetheart. What can I say" grandad shrugged.
"Well, if you want me to ask him to get us some tickets for the City-Arsenal game, you better behave yourself."
"Wait, wait, wait" grandad said. "Seriously?"
"Yep. Next to Arsenal's bench if you want."
"I won't say another word, then" he said.
"Does that mean that you will finally invite us to visit you?" grandma asked.
"Only if you behave."
"We will. Won't we, love?" grandad said.
"We will" she smiled.
"It'll be ok, sweetie" grandma said, giving my hand a little squeeze.
We were back at my parent's house. My old house.
My mother was throwing a party to celebrate her 50th birthday, and she had somehow convinced my dad to let me come. Apparently, he had relaxed a bit since I had gotten a job even if it was as a nanny. But with him, you never know. 
"Oh, you came!" my mother said when she saw me, giving me a hug.
"I promised I would, didn't I?"
"Thank you" she said, whipping away a tear. "You look so good. You are like glowing, which means that you must be happy."
"I am, yes. Happy birthday" I said, giving her my present.
"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything! Can I open it now?"
"It's your birthday. You can do whatever you want" I smiled.
"Oh, darling! It is beautiful!" my mum said.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it! Since when do you have good taste picking gifts?" she laughed.
"I had a bit of help" I confessed. 
"Well, then tell you helper thank you from me" she said, hugging me again.
"I will."
"There you... Are" my father said from behind my mum.
"Hello dad."
"Hi" he said. 
"Look at her. Doesn't she look good?" my mum says.
He just nodded, his eyes fixed on the floor.
"Let's go sit and catch up for a bit before the other guests arrive" she said, grabbing my arm with one hand and my dad's with the other.
"So you got yourself a job, uh?" my father said. The party had been going for a few hours, and that was the first time he had talked to me directly, probably encouraged by the couple of drinks he had had.
"A nanny for a posh divorced woman."
"She isn't posh. She comes from a family like ours."
"But she still is divorced, isn't she?"
"She is, yes. Is that a problem?"
"No, not all" he said, taking another sip from his drink. "And you teach piano to her daughter."
"I do."
"Is she good?"
"She isn't bad, gets everything pretty fast. But she's more interested in football these days."
"Football" he snorted. "That will take her nowhere." 
"But at least she is doing what she likes, not what others like."
"I'm sorry" my dad muttered after a couple of minutes of awkward silence. 
"I'm sorry" he said again. "For what I did to you. I shouldn't have been so... You know."
"You shouldn't have, no."
"Do you think... That maybe one day... We'll be able to... Have a normal relationship?" he asked, nervously playing with his glass.
"You already said sorry, which is the most difficult part. So maybe."
"Good... Good" he said, going back to the party. 
"He said sorry?" 
"It's a beginning" Rúben said. While I was with my family he had stayed in London meeting with some friends, and now he was also driving me back together to Manchester. 
"Yeah" I sighed. "But I don't think he'll like you."
"Why not?" Rúben chuckled.
"He thinks football players are dumb, earn way too much money, and that it is a pointless career choice."
"He isn't wrong about the money. But I'll prove him wrong about everything else" he said with that smirk of his.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
The Long Con, pt. 2
Access pt. 1 here. I've also decided to start posting this on ao3 as well, which you can find here.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Steve had met Robin during one of the lowest parts of his life. After leaving Boston and everything he knew behind, Steve hopped from place to place for a few weeks. Working odd jobs just to get from one place to the next. Eventually, he landed himself in Vegas. It had felt far enough from home where he would avoid being found, but also less obvious than a place like LA.
Steve had a lot of vices in his past life, sex, money, and women, but gambling wasn't one of them. So if someone was following the trail of his bad habits, Vegas wouldn't even cross their mind.
Steve began working at a bar on the strip when he arrived. It was a fancy place, wasn't part of a casino, and stood out independently. The Bearpoppy Lounge. It was the type of place where everyone wore suits and Gucci belts. Wealth was not only flaunted but required. It reminded Steve of the places his parents used to take him to impress business partners.
Robin had been his trainer for the bar, and well, she had absolutely hated him at first. Steve hadn't been able to figure out why. He was incredibly charming, and women usually fell at his feet. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but people usually drew to him. It had been a shock to the system when the first thing Robin had said to him was,
"I give you two days before you quit."
"What?" Steve asked in shock. Surely, she couldn't have been serious. "Do I not even get your name? Or, I don't know, a hello?" Steve thought he should reel in the snark. It wouldn't help his situation to let out his bitchy side. He just wasn't used to it. The lack of immediate trust he got from strangers. Most people would find that mentality naive, but Steve was raised to be enticing.
"My name is Robin, like it says on my name tag if you had bothered to read it. And I don't usually bother with introductions. I know the pretty boy type; trust me, it doesn't last." Robin wiped down glasses at the bar and didn't look up as she spoke.
Steve was resisting the urge to blow up on her. He couldn't prove her right. He had to lay on the charm thick.
Steve took in Robin's appearance before answering. She was pretty. Short dirty blonde hair cut to her chin with pink at the ends. Light freckles decorated Robin's face, which defined her already high cheekbones. She was tall, almost as tall as him, but she held herself awkwardly, like she didn't know what to do with her limbs. Robin would be easy to charm. Beautiful, so he wouldn't have to lie, and insecure so he could work her. "Well, if pretty girls like you can make it this far, I don't see why I can't." Steve leaned his body against the counter and appraised Robin up and down.
Robin snorted, "Oh god, you can't be serious. Please don't tell me the next thing you're gonna say is how you 'got lost in my beautiful blue orbs' like we were in some cheesy fanfiction."
Steve's mask fumbled a bit. "Orbs? What? Eyes can't be orbs. Then you'd have to see all the way around? Right? Wait—" Steve spiraled for a minute. Robin threw him off his rhythm.
Robin's face cracked slightly at Steve's confusion before she sighed deeply. "Look, I'm going to be, uh, straight, with you." Robin paused as she had a sort of inside joke with herself. "I don't like you."
Ouch. "Ouch."
Robin pushed on, "Look, it's not about you personally. It's about, ya know, what you represent. Like you came in here with no experience, no background, and just charmed your way into this job. Now I have to spend two weeks training you, only for you to stay a month tops. Guys, girls, and everything between, like you only come to work here for two things. Fortune and fame. They come to find a rich spouse or try to catch the eye of someone with a business card and a one-way ticket to Hollywood. And listen, it works. Most of you guys get what you want. Any other bar on the strip, I would tell you to quit while you're ahead. Big names come in here, though. And most of you get what you want. And if you don't? Well, you usually break and go back home to Mommy and Daddy. You all leave me high and dry and training another person. The worst offenders of all are the pretty boys. They come in here, lay on the charm, making assumptions about me, try to sleep with me, and when I don't give them what they want, they turn on me. So, sorry if I don't think we will get along."
Steve felt something inside him snap, "You know, for someone who hates people making assumptions about others, you really are assuming a lot about me." Robin looked taken aback by the bitchy attitude. Steve pressed on, "And I don't want that, Robin: fortune and fame. I mean, a little fortune would be nice, but who doesn't want that? And did you think that there was a reason I had to charm my way into this job? You said it yourself I have no experience! How will I ever gain that if I don't have the job to try it in the first place? And for your information Robin, there is no way I am running back to Mommy and Daddy. I think I'd rather take my chances with the streets, thank you very much."
Robin opened her mouth to speak, but Steve cut her off.
"Also, if you aren't into me, that's fine. I wouldn't make you uncomfortable for it. I'm not everyone's type; I can deal with that." Steve crossed his arms, emphasizing his point to her.
Robin swallowed, a bit of shame crept onto her face. "Sorry."
Steve sighed, "It's fine."
"No, it's not. I didn't give you the chance to fuck up first. I should at least give you that. And I get it, you know. Not going back to the parents."
The tension left Steve, "Yeah?"
"Yea, it's actually for the reason you're not my type. "
Robin giggled but then looked hesitant. "I'm pretty sure the only kind of person you aren't the type for shares something in common with me. I'm a lesbian, dude. "
Steve took in the way Robin shrunk on herself even more and decided to share one tiny secret with her; even though he shouldn't be in the business of giving away his secrets. "It's okay. I'm safe. I'm not going to tell anyone. We share the same secret."
It was Robin's turn to say, "Yeah?"
Steve smiled at her, "Oh yeah. I, too, love the ladies, Robin."
Robin giggle-screeched. "Dingus!"
Steve warmed at the pet name. "But I also like the dudes. And everything in between."
Robin's smile softened, "Thanks for telling me."
Steve waved his hand in the air. "Yeah, yeah. Are you actually going to do your job and train me?"
"And just when I was starting to like you. Welcome to hell then; I'll be your guide." Despite her words, Robin's tone held an ease that wasn't there earlier.
Steve knew she'd be tough to crack, but he knew it would be worth it.
It was weird; it was Robin who gave him the idea. When they first met, he thought she would have been the judgemental type. Well, he wasn't far off from that, but she was surprisingly morally loose when it came to illegal activity.
"You know that man would have done anything to get in your pants, right?" Robin nodded toward the guy who just left the bar to go sit back with his buddies. He was in his late forties, and pretty fit for his age. He had introduced himself as Clark; which either the dude had the world's most bland name, or he was using Clark Clent as a pseudonym to cover the fact he was flirting with a man when Mr. Clark was clearly married (at least the shiny gold band said so). Steve hadn't been interested, though. For one, he wasn't looking to get attached to anyone (although Robin was starting to make that look difficult). Secondly, Steve had learned the hard way that being a queer person, no matter the day in age, wasn't always safe.
Especially with married men.
"And so what, Buckley? I don't think I have anything to gain from a married man looking to bang some random bartender, who, by the way, he doesn't even know likes other men?" Steve throws his towel over his shoulder and turns towards Robin.
"But you are into men." Robin deadpans.
"Okay, true, but not the point. Hey, wait, how does he even know I like men?"
Robin shrugs, "Same way that I did, like seeks like my hairy friend. However, I suppose we aren't exactly the same. Since I am only interested in the ladies. Oh wait—does that make us more alike since we both like women, and you liking men makes us less alike? But that's gay, so that makes us—"
"Robin, you didn't even know. I had to tell you. After you yelled at me."
"Sorry!" She cringed.
Steve sighed, "Besides, still nothing to gain from sleeping with him. Besides, the dude's name is Clark."
Robin snorted, "That's rich coming from you, James."
Steve was not lost on the irony that he and Clark were both using fake names.
"I'm not exactly sure you're getting to an actual point Robs."
Robin put her hands in front of her as if she was surrendering. "Okay, hear me out. The dude clearly has money and really wants to sleep with you. Heck, a lot of people come in who want to sleep with you. Men, women, everything in between, and everything outside of it. These people want you, Steve, which I don't understand, but they do. These very rich people want to sleep with you. And you, a very poor bartender who frankly is terrible at his job, could use that to his advantage."
Steve just stared at her.
"You do get what I am saying, right?"
"Yes Robin, I get what you're saying. You want me to prostitute myself to our customers."
"I believe the proper term is sex workers; you can be offended by not offensive."
"Robin." Steve whisper yelled.
"Oh, c'mon! It isn't the worst idea. You like money, and you like sex. I'm not really seeing a downside. I mean, it's your body, so you get to do what you want with it. But I wouldn't judge you if it was this. I mean you don't have to sleep with them even! Swindle them for their money; I know you're a charmer. You might not even have to go as far as sex. I mean, unless you want to. Again, your body, my dude."
"Why do you even want me to do this? Shouldn't you want me to stay on a legal path? Be the voice of reason? Isn't that what this whole nerdy good girl thing you got going for?" Steve returned to the bar while he spoke and started preparing a drink. Although he was protesting and acting offended by the idea, it wasn't actually a terrible proposition. Steve had done worse for less, and he had a lot of respect for those in the industry. It was just, he didn't get why Robin was pushing it. It was Steve's instinct to be mistrustful. People didn't offer things to him, especially very illegal ones, unless they wanted to gain something or get something against him.
"No, I don't want to be your pimp. Can't a girl offer some life advice to her helpless coworker? Besides, I'd be a hypocrite if I told you not to earn money illegally. Considering my side-gigs." Robin walked around the bar to stand directly in front of Steve. She placed her elbows on the wood and her head in her hands. She looked sincere, and that's when it hit Steve.
"First off, we are coming back to the side-gig thing—"
"We most definitely are not." Robin quipped.
"Second, I think I get it now. You're worried about me. We're friends, and you're worried about me."
"Take it back."
"No, no. You, Robin Buckley, care about me."
Robin shuttered, "We are not friends, James. And I am not worried. I simply became too invested in your pathetic life; my apologies." She started to lean back from the bar but Steve put the drink down and caught her by her elbows.
"If you admit we're friends, and that you're worried about me, I'll think about your idea." Steve gave her elbows a light squeeze.
Robin caved instantaneously, "Fine, you dingus! We're friends. I care about you! Despite my best efforts, your stupid face and jokes are incredibly endearing, and you always cheer me up on bad days. And every day here is a bad day. And I'm worried about you because you look like you're going to run every five seconds, and every time it's a shitty tip night, you deep sigh. And dammit, you're the only person I like here, and if you go at this point, so do I."
Steve felt himself blink back tears. Robin, in all her rambling glory, had managed to give him one of the best speeches he's ever heard. Steve hadn't had anyone care about him like this in, well, ever. It was a welcomed devastation.
Steve tugged her into a bone-crushing hug. Their stomachs pressed against the bar, the wood digging into their hips. "I'm gonna do it."
"Yea? You really don't have to. We can figure something else out. I would teach you how to hack, but I don't think you'd be very good at it." Robin let out a wet laugh.
Steve let her go and shrugged. "Nah, it's a good idea. And honestly sounds like a bit of fun. Swindling the wealthy into giving to the poor. Well, giving to me. But I count as poor currently."
Robin smiled, "Only if you're sure, dingus."
"I am. Now—" Steve pushed the drink with a bar business card that he wrote his name and number on underneath. "—go take this to money bags over there."
Robin grabs the card and throws it at him. "You can't give your real name and number, dummy. For now, I'm gonna give him my side gig number until you can get your own. All we need is a name." She grabbed a new card and wrote down the digits.
Steve took the pen from her and looked around the bar for inspiration. He jotted down the first thing that came to mind. "Here ya go."
Robin looked down and choked on a laugh. "You can't be serious."
Robin rolled her eyes one last time before picking up the drink. "We will think of a better one later. But I guess for now; I'll deliver this to your first client, Cherry."
Steve knew then, and there he and Robin were for life.
Boston, Massachusetts
It was at this moment Steve was trying to picture how Robin would react to how majorly he fucked up. Considering she had already warned him about the dangers of Tommy Hagan's friendship, Steve didn't have to think too hard. Robin had always been good at that, calling him on his bullshit before it even happened. Steve could hear her voice in his head saying,
This is what happens when you play with fire Dingus.
Steve wondered if he'd ever get to hear her voice in person again.
"What kind of deal?" Steve asked before throwing himself to the wolves. Though he was sure his life was on the line, he couldn't just say yes to whatever Eddie asked. He didn't want to die, but he also had to consider that there were people he cared about in this world. Steve wouldn't put them at risk, even if it meant his own well-being.
In retrospect, he should have reevaluated the list of people he cared about, considering one was the reason he was here in the first place.
Eddie leaned back against the booth, stretched his arms across the back of it, and let out a dark chuckle. "Well, for starters, I'm going to need that bag back. That's the easy part. Considering it's mine anyway. Although, it does seem a bit light there. Why is that sweetness?"
Steve could feel himself go pale. God, Tommy had fucked fucked him. He was starting to consider that it was even a setup. He didn't peg Hagan for being that smart, though. "It's only half. Tommy took the other half with him when I met up with him. I'm so supposed to keep the other half safe for a few weeks, then bring it to him."
Eddie raised his eyebrows, "Pretty forthcoming, aren't we? Thought I'd have to push a bit more to break ya. Now I'm not sure if I even want to offer you the rest of the deal. Don't particularly like working with snitches."
Steve tried not to let out a frustrated growl. Charm, he had to charm Eddie. He was making it hard for Steve. "I'm not a snitch; I just don't see the point in covering for someone who obviously fucked me."
Eddie put his hands up in mock surrender, "Woah there, sweetness. Didn't mean to touch a nerve. I'm only having a bit of fun. You'll let me have my fun, won't you? Considering you made me stop my hard work in the middle of the day to deal with you?" Although Eddie smiled as he spoke, Steve could tell he wasn't happy. Steve decided to be smart and stay silent. "Now tell me, where and when did you meet him? And when and where were you meeting up again?"
Steve gritted his teeth, "What's the rest of the deal?"
"What's that?" Eddie ticked his head to the side.
"I'm not going to tell you anything else if I don't know what I'm getting out of it or what I need to do to get to the finish line. So, What's the rest of the deal?"
"You're a clever one, aren't you? I'm not surprised, actually, considering the sort of bravery it takes to steal from me." Steve noted in his head that Eddie said bravery and not stupidity. He tucked it away for later. "Fine, considering you've been forthcoming so far, I'll be kind and lay all the cards on the table. On one condition."
Steve gave up on being charming. He knew it was getting him nowhere. "Deal for a deal? Seems a bit convoluted, don't ya think?"
"Ooo, bitchy and knows big words? Full of surprises. I promise you this one is an easy one. Should you choose the right path, no harm will come your way Padalin. Well, none that you don't ask for, at least." A wicked grin spread across Eddie's face.
"Get to the point."
"You know I'd have a man's head at this point for that kind of talk. Fortunately bitchy looks good on you. Anyway, the condition is this. Tell me your name, sweetness. I think it's rude that I gave you my name and I don't have yours."
"Well I didn't ask for yours and like you said earlier, I don't think introductions were necessary."
Eddie gave Steve an unamused eyebrow; his patience was wearing thin.
Steve was buying time, he wasn't sure what name to give him. He wasn't stupid; he couldn't exactly give him his real name. He couldn't just tell him, Steve. For one, he was in Boston. A slip of the first name means a slip of the last. And besides coming back to Boston in the first place, that would be the absolute dumbest thing he'd ever do if he were to let that slip. Steve was well aware the Harrington name hadn't grown kinder over the years.
The other reason was if he were to give him his real name, Eddie would suddenly have access to his entire life in an instant. His story, his crimes, his weaknesses. Steve was sure that Eddie had his very own Robin, although he doubted they were any good since Steve had the best, but even a raccoon with access to Google could find him.
So Steve had to think. What name could he give him? He thought about the hundreds of alias he had over the years. Some of them are more thought out than others. Like Mark Odom, who was a sales rep just down on his luck at the horse tracks and just needed a bit of insider information for a win. He had a family to feed, after all.
Or there was the ones with less background, like Cherry, who didn't even have a last name. He was just a good disguise for Steve when he wanted to swindle money out of higher-profile men.
Those aliases, no matter the depths of their stories, were too used, too frequented, too recent. They had a history that could be traced. Steve thought of possibly starting a whole new alias for Eddie. But those took time. A quick lie in the moment was easy, but Steve had a deep feeling nothing about his interactions with Eddie would be quick.
Eddie looked at him expectantly, waiting. It had only been a few seconds since Steve had last spoke, but between the two of them, it felt like hours. It felt as though Steve was losing the game and fast.
An idea sprung on Steve suddenly. An old name he used once. It was a name thrust upon him more like, but he had only used it once. He was sure Eddie would catch onto it being fake, but Steve hoped that the man's affinity for nicknames let it slide.
"Angel. The name is Angel."
"Angel." Eddie deadpanned. "Angel, what? No last name?"
"No last name." Steve shook his head.
Eddie rubbed a hand down his face, "That's what you're going with? You really expect me to believe that?"
"It's all you're gonna get."
Eddie stared at Steve momentarily before a playful smile edged at his lips. "Alright, I'll bite. Angel, it is, for now. Just don't expect the truth to stay hidden for long. You see, I always get my way in the end. Okay, Angel?" Eddie's eyes penetrated Steve's, and silence again hung in the air.
"Okay." Steve believed Eddie. He secretly hoped he wouldn't be around the man long enough to see how quickly he got his way.
"Good. Now here's the deal Angel." Eddie emphasized Steve's name in mockery. "You give me the half you have under the table. That's been established so far. Then you are going to help me get the rest of the money back and get me a little chat with your good pal Hagan."
Steve opened his mouth to protest the idea of him and Tommy being good pals, but shut it before he could make the situation for himself worse. Probably better for himself to not push his luck.
"That's the easy part," Eddie continued. He leaned forward, taking his arms off the back of the shredded booth, and used his hand to grip Steve's chin. The grip was firm but not painful as he pulled Steve forward. It was as if he was trying to prove a point, trying to prove that Eddie was the one in control, prove that he didn't want to hurt Steve, just put him in his place. "The hard part of the deal is this. You see, it's not easy to steal from me. And yet, here you are. You've made it much further than others have. And that is a skill not many possess. And right now, I could use that."
Steve visibly swallowed. He was trying not to let this man get to him. It felt impossible with Eddie's hand on him and their proximity. It had been so long since Steve had been this close to someone, so intimately, without the illusion of the game. Sure, there was an imminent threat over Steve's head, but he couldn't shut off the part of his brain that kind of liked it. Steve had to push away the desire to breathe in all that was Eddie. Steve decided to blame these uncontrollable thoughts on the fact he hadn't gotten laid since Seattle over a month ago.
Not because he felt attracted to the man who was actively threatening him. That would be insane.
"How do you suppose I do that?" Steve licked his lips and didn't break eye contact with Eddie.
"I have a list. A list of people who have wronged me. Who has stolen from me, in one form or another? Usually, I'd have them taken care of, but I don't think they deserve such an easy out. I think I need to make a statement. I think they should be given exactly what they've taken. They bit the hand that fed them after all." Eddie squeezed Steve's chin lightly. It once again caused no pain, but it grounded Steve. Sent a silent reminder of who was in control.
"Big believer in karma, then? Wouldn't have taken you for the type." Steve pushed out a weak laugh. Eddie stared at him a moment before releasing him, sitting back into his original position.
Eddie's lip tilted slightly, "Maybe I am. Do we have a deal?"
Steve snorted, "That's it? You're not going to tell me more? No reason why, no, what do I need to do? Kind of feels like I'm getting the shit end of the stick here."
In the corner of his eye, Steve saw one of Eddie's men move when he raised his voice. It made Steve stop abruptly, shrinking back into his seat. Eddie waved his henchman to stand down. "No, you don't get more. And beggers can't be choosers, can they?"
" 'Suppose not."
"Good boy. Now, do we have a deal?" Eddie stuck his hand out for Steve to shake.
Steve had to suppress his reaction once again. Eddie had to be testing him at this point. Good boy would be seared into his brain forever. A brand of how dangerous this man was to him.!Steve looked down at the rough, veiny hands. "On one condition."
Eddie barked out a laugh, "You know you really like pushing your luck, Angel. It's like you have a deathwish. You aren't exactly in the position to make demands, hasn't that been clear? You're lucky you are so goddamn interesting. So, once again, I'll bite."
"I get to veto someone, no questions asked, if I don't want to do it." Steve thought about how many enemies he had here in Boston. How many people he had no desire to run into? He needed to make sure most, if not all of them, never crossed paths with him again. Steve knew it was a long shot to ask of this. It defeated the whole purpose of helping Eddie if he was allowed to say no. They both knew this. And yet, Steve held out hope.
Eddie hummed to himself for a moment before answering. "You get one."
Steve whipped his head towards Eddie in shock. "What?"
"I'll give you one veto. No questions asked. But that's it. Once you use it, it's gone."
Steve knew when to not look a gift horse in the mouth. "Okay, deal." Steve stuck his hand out for Eddie to grab. Steve tried not to shutter when Eddie's warm hand engulfed his own. The smoothness of his rings and the callouses on his palms contradicted each other and send a delicious thrill down Steve's spine.
Yeah, Steve was fucked.
"Deal, Angel." Eddie slid out of the booth, and his men made to follow him. "Now, if I am correct, you're currently staying at the rundown motel on 3rd? Well, Ben here—" Eddie gestured to the eager henchman from earlier "—will follow you to the motel to collect your things. Then he's going to take you to the room I paid for you at the Palace Hotel. Where he, and a rotation of other people, will be standing guard outside your door 24/7."
"What? Don't trust me?" Steve tried to lighten the apparent tension.
"Oh, not in the slightest, Angel. Trust you just about as much as I can throw you." Eddie slid dark sunglasses on before walking up to the door. "Looking forward to chatting again. I think this will be a good thing for us both, sweetheart."
Eddie walked out without looking back, taking most of his men with him. Ben stayed behind, glaring daggers at Steve's head.
Steve couldn't help but feel a shift in the tide; he would be returning to this moment for the rest of his life. He knew there was no coming back from this, and even if there was, Robin would kill him anyway.
Steve looked down at his milkshake, it was fucking melted.
has it been a month since I posted the first part? Yes. Yes it has. Please don't murder me. It has been hectic, I got a new job which means I work two now and I got sick. I finally had some time to start working on this. I also wanted to actually plan this out, make an outline, since yes you guessed it…
it’s going to be a long fic.
As you can tell these parts are really long, so I’m thinking about just posting on ao3, and maybe putting previews on here. Unless you guys want it also fully here. Let me know! :)
I’m so excited for this thank you all for your patience. You can access part one here and ao3 here.
also if I tagged you and you didn’t want to be tagged let me know! some reblogs seemed interested in a part 2 but didn’t mention it specifically but I tried to tag you if I could!
tag list:
@zaphodkilledthespeedforce @a-new-kind-of-blue @hexdbog @krayzee11 @heaven428 @ppunkpuppyy @stxcrossed186 @grtwdsmwhr @pheonixashtree @plasticcrotches @sillysparrow @enterprizing @vi-an-te @minimal23 @romances-sans-paroles @whalesharksart @gregre369 @lollydo@imagayfuck @stevesworldxx @renaissan-vvitch @aroseandherthorns @impeachy @aellafreya  @smailaway @cmackz93 @lawrence-b-shaggoth @cata-t0n1c @kylizzles @exo-l4life @shucks-yuckyuck @swaghettoni @goosesister @chaotiovingdreamer @inmoonywetrust @tis-the-smallest-fry @croatoan-like-its-hot @escapingthereality @absurdityaddiction @kit-means-death @anzelsilverr @aziazure @alienthings @obsessivereaderchick @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @toobusytobebored @samgelina-jolie
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