#like why would you miss a combo and get a rep
violinfantasy · 10 months
now why would peng/wang not include a combo they would have medaled if they had even just put a 1a had the end of the 2s
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jennibeultimate · 2 years
This men's free skate was...bad...I mean yes the top 5 were ok, I would even say Lukas was amazing and there were some enjoyable performances by Kevin, Adam, Matteo and Kevin, BUT overall...(and that's not the Russians being missing, it's not like they did much better last year in the free skate)...the overall quality in Europe is...disappointing (I don't have the right word)
I think the podium is fine but the protocoll is WHAT???
Matteo who clearly landed forward on the wrong foot got not even an UR for his 4T!
Deniss received an invalid choreo sequence with 0 points??? WHY???
Kevin got two 3A with BV 8,0? How is this possible. If his 2T didn't count bc h already sat the foot down, then the other one had to be REP. I don't think there is the possibility to have two of the exact same jumps just one attached with +COMBO??? (Am I not aware of a rule change?) Edit: Apparently it is according to the rules. See my reblog
Daniel Grassl didn't get as many URs as he should get...sorry not sorry...he shouldn't be 6th
These are just a few examples
It wouldn't have changed the medalists (but switched 4th and 5th place) and it's not like I think the result is wrong, but still very questionable calls by the technical panel...
Anyway congrats to Adam, Matteo and Lukas! 🥳
For me the best today was Lukas. He was just overall exceeding confidence, had amazing jumps and performed the hell out of his program.
I am glad Adam held together to win this. But with a performance like that he won't stand a chance at Worlds for a Top 5 finish. Ofc he is young he can grow into it...also maybe it's easier when you aren't the favorite to win...
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devinescribe · 2 years
Soy Tuya, Je Suis à Vous
[Chishiya Shuntarou × Reader]
Hispanic reader. Because I'm bored and want rep. So fuck whoever is upset about it lol. Also, personal headcanon, Chishiya knows French. Idk why. So... yeah!
Theres a bit of like... domestic fluff at the end? Idk if that's the right word for it.
Translations at the end.
Warnings: Swearing, and i think thats it? Omg
"Yo, 'Shiya, ready for tonight's game?" You shouted, a big smile on your face. He looked up at your smiling face and nodded.
You were quite the boisterous woman, and always had something to say. You had a short fuse, intelligent mind, and a smart mouth. Perfect combo.
You always had a comeback for something.
"Eh. You?" He answered. "I'm gonna be ok. As long as its diamonds. Porque estos juegos me están hodiendo..." you muttered, swinging your legs in the pool water.
"(N/N) - Chan!"
You got up quickly, running over to her.
You hugged her and kissed both her cheeks. Hooking your arms together, you walked over to Chishiya.
"Ne, Shuntarou, does this bathing suit look good? People keep staring," you asked, tilting to the side, trying to see if there was a stain.
He did not want to be the one to answer that question.
The men in Japan were most definitely not used to seeing women such as yourself. You had a.. different body from what most girls had in Japan.  And he was not about to tell you, 'No, (Y/N), it's not that the bathing suit looks bad, it's just that you have tits and a nice ass, so if anything you look hot."
"Don't ask him that. What does he know about fashion?" Kuina teased. He let out a small huff, half in agitation half in relief. You giggled, sitting besides him again. You kissed his forehead. And he pulled back quickly. "Never do that again," he stated scrunching his nose, looking away from you. Hopefully you could see how red his ears were.
He wanted you to do it again. He wanted so badly to say that you had missed and kiss you. But really kiss you.
Which he hated. He hated that you made him feel like this. Because now he was worried about you all the time. If you two were in different games and he got back first, he would sit and wait. Same if you got back first. You sat and waited. When you were together, he went out of his way to keep you safe and close.
He never knew he could feel like that. He had never ever felt even a spark of empathy for anyone until you came into the picture. You dragged Kuina into said picture, because of course, your best friend became his friend.
"You and I are together for games tonight," you murmured to the stoic blonde man. He hummed. "And Niragi... oh, but Ann is coming to ugh she's so hot. And Tatta is going as well. Downside, Niragi,"  you said, getting excited about your friends coming with you, a small part dreading it. What if there could only be one winner? "As long as it's not hearts," he said. You nodded. "Any of the other ones for us will still be hell. I mean... some of the people in our group that I don't know must be drinking heavily..." you observed pointing them out. Exactly as you said, they were drunk.
"Kuina, you must be glad you don’t have a game tonight, no?" You asked, turning your attention to her. She smiled. "Of course. But this means you have to come back, both of you. Be safe," she said. The horn sounded, and Chishiya and yourself got up from the side of the pool, walking to the main lobby. Many people ran past you, bumping past you, making you huff.
"Hey Chishiya..."
"Te amo."
He looked up at you. He knew fully well what that meant. But he said nothing back. You knew he knew what you had said. It didn’t hurt you, you knew how Chishiya was.
Although, his fingers brushed against yours in the hall while Hatter talked. A small way of saying I'm sorry.
He wanted to do it so badly... so he did. Slowly, he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with your own. In the crowded hall, no one would be able to see, he decided.
It took you by surprise. But you made sure not to make a face. You knew someone was always watching. As long as you kept your hands hiden, no one would know.
The second you were all released for the games, however, his hand left yours immediately. You both looked up at Hatter, Aguni, and Niragi. They were all looking down at surprisingly, you two.
Not surprising to Chishiya.
"That is why I say no PDA... fuckers are always watching," he muttered, tilting his head. He waved up at them with his usual Cheshire grin, and started to head out, you following quickly behind him.
You sat in the backseat with Chishiya next to you. "Odió éste sitio... quiero quemar este maldito lugar hasta los cimientos," you muttered,  playing with the drawstring of your gray sweatpants.
He looked down at you. He had been picking up its and bits of of Spanish. He understood little things you said. Or used context clues.
He knew French, he knew Japanese(obviously, its his own language), he knew English, and he knew Korean. He wished he had payed more attention in Spanish class. Of course he passed with flying colors, but he never cared enough to learn it. He wouldn't need it, he had said. No one that I'll interact with in Japan speaks it.
He didn't plan on leaving the country. He just didn't care.
Now he wished he had. He wished he could say everything he wanted to say in a language only you two knew.
You on the other hand were never one for linguistics. You knew Spanish and Japanese since you were little. You had to learn the language of your family, and the language of the country you lived in. Then you learned English in school. Due to speaking Spanish, you were able to understand a little bit of Portuguese, Italian, and French. But not too much. Only a few word here and there.
You two got back from the game unscathed. It was a 2 of Diamonds. Child's Play at this point.
He took you up to your shared room, laying next to you on the bed.
You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and grabbed his cold hand, intertwining your fingers in his own."Eres tan listo... para un hombre que no sabe lo que digo," you said, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Et tu es une femme très intelligente pour ne pas savoir ce que je dis," he spoke with a smirk.
"Mm... I don't care if I can only understand a little French, talk to me like that all the time," you groaned, sitting up next to him. He smirked, pulling you on top of him.
"Tu es tellement magnifique. Tout à moi... tu es à moi, ma belle chérie."
You smiled, bring your face closer to his own.
"Y tú eres mío... mío solamente, eres perfecto para mí. Mi amor, murirre para ti, o contigo en este puto mundo," you muttered against his skin. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, and he looked at you through lazy eyes. He grabbed your hips, and sat up, leaning against the backboard of the bed. You smiled.
You lived for moments like this with your usually cold boyfriend. He hated affection in public. You wanted to give him all your attention
But in private he could care less.
You ran your hands through his blonde hair, another kiss pressed to his jaw.
"Gods (Y/N)... you drive me crazy you know that right?" He muttered, kissing your colarbone.
You hummed, loving the attention you were getting.
"Shuntarou... Te Amo. Eres mi único." You mumbled, bringing your lips to his.
"Translate that for me darling... don't want to think, " he muttered, kissing you.
How cute it was for him to say that, you thought. You'd tease him later about it.
You pulled away slightly, "I love you. You're my one and only."
"And you are mine. Je t'aime (Y/N)."
There was something you didn't need a translation for.
I made myself melt ❤ hope you enjoyed
Porque estos juegos me están hodiendo... - because these games are fucking me(Spanish slang translated to my native dialect btw, these words mean different things depending on the country/region)
Te amo - I love you
Odió éste sitio... quiero quemar este maldito lugar hasta los cimientos - I hate this place... I wanna burn this fucking place to the ground. (OR till its is nothing but ashes)
Eres tan listo... para un hombre que no sabe lo que digo - You're so clever... for a man who doesnt know what im saying. (Listo is like the more... insulting? way of saying clever. It just means that you know more, and are aware and cocky about it. I think it fits him perfectly.)
Et tu es une femme très intelligente pour ne pas savoir ce que je dis - And you are so clever for a woman who doesnt know what I'm saying. (Again, I translated from Spanish to French, so i used lista. Cocky arrogance of knowing more than the other)
Tu es tellement magnifique. Tout à moi... tu es à moi, ma belle chérie - You are so fucking gorgeous. All mine... you are mine, my beautiful darling. (I took these from google translate. If its wrong argue with that.)
Y tú eres mío... mío solamente, eres perfecto para mí. Mi amor, murirre para ti, o contigo en este puto mundo - And you are mine. Only mind, you are perfect for me. My love, I'd die for you, or with you in this fucking world.
Te Amo. Eres mi único - I love you. You are my one and only.
Hope this helps!
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prettyboy-asmo · 4 years
Obey me! boys with trans masc MC
 Some headcanons about the brothers + Solomon and Diavolo with Trans Masc MC. it’s pretty self-indulgent. Obviously not everyone shares the same experiences with their identity.  I took from my own experiences and feelings about things to write these.
TW: Mentions of transphobia (not detailed and not from any of the main  characters)
It doesn’t actually come up for some time, not until you realize that you two are definitely getting closer to being intimate. 
One night things start to get steamy and when you realize you have to force yourself to not run away. You’re still up and halfway across the room faster than Lucifer thought a human could move. Your heart is beating wildly in your chest, and you have to make yourself look Lucifer in the eyes. 
He’s quick to apologize, thinking he made you uncomfortable- he’s honestly worried he’d hurt you or crossed your boundaries. You assure him that it’s nothing like that. You just need to explain something before things go further. 
If you are nervous about telling him, he’ll wait patiently for you to say what you need to say. Reassures you that it changes nothing about how he feels about you. He only cares that you’re happy and comfortable. 
“I’m glad you feel comfortable telling me. I know humans can hold some troubling views on the subject.” He’s never really understood a lot of the human hang ups on things like this, but he knows it’s a big deal for some to share the knowledge with others, it takes trust.
What he doesn’t say is how happy he is that you trust him that much (how proud he is,) 
Will ask if there’s anything specific you need him to do/not do or anything that you might not have that you want or need. (ie: new binder if you haven’t had top surgery, do you want top surgery? He can make it happen.)
If you’re having a particularly bad time with dysphoria, he’ll straight up ask if there’s anything he can do to help. 
He’ll also be sure to call you by your name, or specifically masculine terms 
Someone misgenders you on purpose? He doesn’t hesitate to set them straight. No one’s foolish enough to do it again. 
He finds out on accident. You’re changing when he barges in your room, saying something about being late for breakfast in his usual loud manner. 
He freezes when he finally looks at you, Sees your binder or your scars but honestly it doesn’t really register bc holy shit his human is half dressed and standing in front of him and-poor boy is blushing so hard and is silent because he’s certain he’ll make a fool of himself. 
It hadn’t occurred to you until he went quiet that he didn’t know already. 
You finish getting dressed and his silence is worrying you at this point. You quietly ask him if he’d like for you to stop hanging around him
That manages to snap him out of his daze and he looks utterly confused. “Why would ya think that?” You try to explain that you’ve had people that have stopped speaking to you because you’re trans, or have even tried to tell you it’s wrong. 
“They obviously don’t know anything,” He says, “You’re stuck with the Great Mammon, ya hear? I’m your first guy and you’re my man!” It’s not the first time he’s referred to you as his, but it’s the first time he’s used man instead of human. After that though, he starts doing it more and each time it makes you smile. 
“That’s right, That’s my man!” “What took ya so long, man?” 
If you’re having bad dysphoria he’s very vocal about calling you his man, reassuring you, and asking what you want in that moment. Stay in and just lay around? Sure. find a distraction? He can think of plenty.
He offers you some of his shirts and jackets. “They suit ya,” he insists, even if they’re big on you, “Gotta make sure my man is staying stylish!”  (He won’t admit how happy it makes him to see you wearing his clothes, but you can tell anyways.)
Someone misgenders you to upset you? “What’d you just say to my man?” He’s angry and he’s not about to be quiet about it. 
You mention it off-handedly while discussing your favorite anime and manga. 
You’d started talking about one that actually had pretty decent Trans rep, lamenting that it wasn’t more popular because of how much it meant to see someone like you-
Levi catches it immediately, but he doesn’t say anything about- It doesn’t change anything he feels anyway. 
He does, however, take time to look for movies, tv shows, games, or anything you might both enjoy that has good Representation. 
When you realize what he’s doing you can’t help but hug him tightly  and kiss his cheek, and it makes him blush.”I’m glad you’re happy.” 
Bad Dysphoria? He’ll drag you to his room to binge anime, play games, and watch movies. He knows the distraction helps.
You’re his Henry, and he’s gonna go the extra mile to make sure you’re comfortable, however he can. 
If you use a binder and find you need a new one, he’s on top of it- He’ll offer to make one for you so he knows it’ll be the right size and it will be good quality. 
Someone misgenders you after being corrected? He checks on you first and asks if you want him to do something about it. If he finds out they did it Maliciously? He’s going to do something about that- reminding everyone in the process that he’s the third eldest (and third most powerful) for a reason. 
It comes up when you start spending more time with him- studying or getting book recommendations to pass your free time, You can tell when your interactions shift to something more.
He nods when you tell him, “And your pronouns are He/him, correct?” 
Asks if there’s anything he should avoid doing, anything you don’t like to be called, He wants to know your boundaries then and there so he doesn’t overstep them. 
He spends some time researching. He wants to make sure he understands as much as he can about you, including this- he doesn’t want to ask you directly what your experience in the human realm was, in case it brings up any unpleasant memories. 
You notice the change in his reading list eventually and it makes you feel warm knowing that he’s doing it for you. You tell him if he does have any questions he can ask you. 
He does ask you if you use a binder and if you’re binding safely.
He also asks if Dysphoria is something you struggle with. If you tell him it is, his line of questioning shifts to things he can possibly do to help you deal with it. 
If it’s a really rough day and you admit you don’t want to really do anything, he’ll pick a book to read to you, just so you know he’s there for anything you need, even if it’s just quiet company. 
He also becomes a little more vocal, calls you things like dashing or handsome. 
If someone misgenders you with ill intent? He’s going to deal with it, and it’s not going to be pretty. 
He invites you to his room to show you the new outfits he bought. He does it pretty much every time he goes shopping. 
This time the first outfit he walks out includes a skirt. You already know Asmo doesn’t believe in gendered clothing, or adhering to any sort of ‘norm’ but it’s the first time you’ve seen it so obviously in person when it comes to his clothes.
“I wish I could wear something like that,” the words are out your mouth before you register them, and you flush even while Asmo giggles. He offers his closet to you and tells you to try something on. 
Your hesitance must show, because he frowns a little, looking concerned. “I used to,” you admit, “But people kept telling me that I didn’t need to transition if I liked all that stuff anyways.” 
He’s next to you in a second, hand tilting your chin to look at him, “Fuck those people,” he says seriously, “It’s a shame for a man to hide such a delightful body. It’s even worse for him to deny himself things he likes because of ignorant commentary.” 
He ends up making suggestions on what to try on, starting with a simple skirt and shirt combo. 
You stare at the mirror for a long time, turning occasionally to watch the way the skirt flares up slightly when you do. You catch Asmo smiling behind you in the reflection.
“Do you like it?” You catch his eyes in the reflection, nodding, “I missed the feeling. Thank you, Asmo.” 
“Anything for someone as handsome as you,” 
If you’re feeling really dysphoric he’ll try to pamper you- want him to brush your hair? Face masks? A relaxing bath? An entire spa day? New clothes? He wants you to feel good about yourself and he knows self care is the first step. 
He loves to pick out clothes for you to wear, but he always explicitly asks what style you want, because he wants you to feel as good as you look in anything he picks for you. 
If someone misgenders you maliciously or more than once, he’ll have plenty of words with them. 
In fact, as it turns out many of his fans will also have words if they catch wind- Asmo loves posting pics with you on Devilgram and taking you to the Fall, so you’ve also become part of many of his fans' lives too.
You feel a little self-conscious surrounded by attractive demons- But Beel is a whole other level. He’s tall and solid muscle, and you're envious of it. 
You know you could never keep up with his workouts, but you ask if you could join him anyways, and if he could give you some pointers on good workouts for specific goals. He agrees right away, more than happy to help. 
It becomes a routine and you look forward to your shared workouts, even if it’s just you both doing your own thing, or Beel giving you pointers on your form or him asking you to record him so he can see how his own form looks. 
You’re so comfortable around Beel, that during one of your afternoon workouts you pull your shirt over your head as you stop to take a break and even out your breathing. 
“It’s not good to wear a binder while exercising for so long.” Beel’s concerned comment takes you off guard for a moment and you flush, unsure of what to say because he sounds so casual about it, and you aren’t really used to it. 
You settle for “Sorry,” and quickly go to tug your shirt back on, but he shakes his head. “You don’t have to. Just rest while I finish up.” 
“You’re doing this for you, right? No matter what, You’re a great guy, so don’t push yourself because other people expect it.”  You’re surprised when he joins you after he’s done and it’s the first thing he says. You tell him it does help you feel better about yourself and you enjoy spending the time with him, doing something you both enjoy. And the smile he gives you is blinding. 
If you’re having a bad time with Dysphoria he’ll ask what you want to do. Workout? Movie and Snacks? Do you need a distraction or do you want to just...be?
He’s well aware of the toxic masculinity that can be present in places like gyms and such. He’s never tolerated it, but there’s a new edge to him if he hears anyone saying something disrespectful or hateful. 
If someone misgenders you, he makes his displeasure known but he focuses on making sure you aren’t upset. (Not many would dare risk making him angry anyways, as quiet as he is he’s still intimidating when he needs to be.)
You don’t actually tell him. with how often you end up napping with him he just knows. He doesn’t even say anything about it- he doesn’t see the need to and neither do you. 
He does say something the one time he catches you falling asleep in a binder. “You can’t sleep in that!” he wakes you up and makes you change- he tells you it’s important to have proper sleepwear, a lecture that might even rival one Lucifer's, as he himself begins to doze off. 
After that he makes a point to check to make sure you aren’t wearing a binder before he cuddles up for a nap or for the night (Not that he admits it to you)
He likes to tease you, but he’s always hyper aware of his words. The last thing he wants to do is accidentally say something that might actually hurt you
He doesn’t tend to use overly gendered language with you in the first place, “You’re my nap buddy,” “You make a really nice pillow,” “I like it when you look flustered like that,”
But if he notices/ you tell him you’re struggling with dysphoria more than usual he’ll make the effort to use specifically masculine terms
He’s not the greatest with being open about his feelings but he’ll reassure you if that’s what you need
He doesn’t like seeing you struggling so he asks the best ways to help you feel better, even if he still teases you he’s doing his best to cheer you up or make you more comfortable.
If someone misgenders you on purpose he’s making sure you’re okay. He’ll be even more clingy than usual, glare at anyone he thinks looks at you wrong or he’ll simply drag you back home to laze around and cuddle (He tells you he’s tired and just wants to nap, but he really just wants to keep an eye on you in case it upset you more than you showed.) 
He’ll have a discussion with whoever upset you later, anyways. 
When you realize he’s way older than he looks you’re concerned that he’s gonna have some very archaic views about things. 
Even as you grow closer to him, the thought nags at the back of your mind and it keeps you stuck at a distance despite his obvious flirting. 
He notices, of course. “Am I making you uncomfortable? I can stop if you’d like,” It's a stark contrast to his usual teasing and mystic demeanor, and the serious expression on his face draws some courage from you. 
You manage to tell him without stuttering, and then you flush when you tell him you weren’t sure he’d be okay with that. Saying it out loud makes you feel a little silly- all things considered. 
He hums and tells you he understands, but that he doesn’t care in the sense that if you’re happy and true to yourself that’s what matters most. (It sounds suspiciously like something Asmo would say, but there’s sincerity in his voice and eyes.)
His flirting continues- when he passes you at RAD, when he invites you to study with him, even his messages, simple compliments like “You look rather handsome today,” or teasing “I’m so lucky to sit with the cutest boy in class,” but now that you aren’t worrying about other things, you can finally return his teasing. 
If you’re having a hard time with dysphoria, he’ll ask if he can help. He’ll show up with snacks, movies, books, anything you want to do. He’ll even offer to ask Asmo for the needed supplies for a spa day, if he thinks that might help. 
If someone misgenders you on purpose he’s gonna set them straight. He’s the most powerful sorcerer and he’s not going to let someone disrespect you like that
When you arrive in the Devildom, you actually laugh. A few of the people (demons!) standing around you look concerned. 
“I mean, plenty of people told me I’d go to hell but I don’t think this is what they meant.” There’s some surprised looks but no one mentions it past that, really. 
But it does come up in one of your regular meetings with Diavolo, what had started out as short meetings to discuss how things were progressing during your stay had suddenly turned into hours of visiting over tea and Barbatos cooking. 
He asks you what you meant when you’d said that. It wasn’t the first ‘personal’ question he asked you, and you didn’t see a reason not to explain. So you tell him all about your run ins with the wannabe preachers and ‘concerned’ Sunday school moms and the like and how you managed to offend them. 
He looks curious and you tell him to feel free to ask you if he has a question. He has a few, mostly about if there’s anything making you uncomfortable he might not be aware of, or if there’s anything you need that you can’t get in the Devildom. 
He’s genuinely concerned about not having thought about things like this when it comes to the exchange students, and asks if you’d help him make sure the program was improved and friendly towards all. 
It warms your heart to see him so passionate and ready to learn in order to make others comfortable, so you agree without hesitation
Your visits with Diavolo grow in number after that though some of them remain just friendly visits, some are focused on the exchange program and some of them are far more intimate. 
If you tell him you’re having a rough time with feeling dysphoric, he’ll Invite you over to visit and make sure you’re alright- and if you don’t feel like going out? He’ll come to you, a box of sweets from Barbatos and determined to find out if there’s anything he can do to help. 
He’s all about reassurance, “You’re perfect, and I don’t lie, remember?” 
Someone misgenders you intentionally or is just being transphobic in general? He’s quick to shut that down. He makes it known that he won’t tolerate any sort of hate speech or such behavior, and especially not towards you. No one is going to test Lord Diavolo on that, either.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
Patch Notes
PC: / Mac: Console: Version 1.35 Happy Holidays Simmers! It’s time to go back in to Create a Sim! Where in this update you will find 100+ new skin tones, customization sliders for skin tones and makeup, and three improved base game hairstyles! Every skin tone now has a value slider that allows you to change the light to dark value of that skin tone, unlocking a much wider variety of skin tone options for you to play with! You will also find that our skin tones are now filterable to warm, cool, and neutral tones (as well as miscellaneous that covers our occult skin tones).
The new makeup sliders add more choices and opportunities for you to customize your Sims, and express your Sim’s style! Hue, saturation, value or brightness, and opacity are now available to modify on the makeup. We have locked some of the sliders where it did not provide an optimal experience or make sense for the makeup. Expect us to continue our work on these issues into the future to provide you with more. In addition to the customization opportunities provided, you can also save custom swatches as you tweak your sliders to get the perfect look. When you click on the swatch (for skin tones and makeup) as you modify the sliders, you will have an opportunity to save your custom settings, so you can re-use it later without having to remember your perfect looks! Did we mention that we made some hair updates? We did - we updated a base game child hair (cfHair_BraidedPonyTail), and we added a second version of that hair that removes the baby hairs (cfHair_BraidedPonyTailPlain). And we updated a base game male hair that you may find difficult to recognize from the original hair (ymHair_flatTopTextured)!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We have updated the Main Menu!... Again! The idea behind this change is to create a more cohesive experience and give Packs a more proper space as we continue to grow our content lineup. As a nice bonus, we highlighted the Gallery in a more meaningful way to inspire you.
-SimGuruGnome & SimGuruRusskii
Now onto the fixes:
Sims 4
Sketching so much that the Digital Sketch Pad just quit on you? Never fear! Freelancer Sims that use the Digital Sketchpad will now be able to complete designs without being reset abruptly.
Happy Birthday to all! Sims will now properly Age Up. Adulting is hard but they will make it, don’t worry.
Fixed an issue in which Doors, Windows, and Arches had cutouts when being reflected in Mirrors. Rorrim Rorrim no eht llaw, ohw si eht tseriaf erutaef fo meht lla?
Sims that do not have the Fishing Skill, or have not been Fishing at all, will not get notifications about identifying Fish. THEY WERE FISHING WITH THEIR MINDS.
The following careers have added the “Take Vacation Day” option, yay!Editor Russkii note: I didn’t want to add each line in each pack for this fix, it would have looked weird and robotic so that is why I chose to do one bullet point for all in this section.
Child Sims will no longer forget they are in their Sleepwear when they go to school. Though in these times of Work and School from Home, I don’t blame them one bit.
The Sweet Escapes Country Toilet will no longer be Comfortable AND Uncomfortable at the same time… There can only be one!
Sims with the Best Selling Author Aspiration can now complete their task of writing 3 Best Sellers.
Fixed an issue in which resized objects would disappear when they were part of downloaded Gallery items.
We revised our Careers (Pack specific and not) and we made sure there were no Chance Cards that were repeated constantly.
We noticed we had added the option to Clean Up Toddler on kitchen and bathroom sinks for both Toddlers and Children by mistake, so we removed it for both age groups from the sink… but how would have they fit? Like… how? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Build Snowpal interaction is no longer available on non-natural ground (For Simmers that own Seasons and/or Snowy Escape). That's why it's called a Snowpal, not a Floorpal!
Gardener (Seasons)
Military (Strangerville)
Lifeguard for Teens and Conservationist (Island Living)
Law, Education, and Engineer (Discover University)
Civil Designer (Eco Lifestyle).
Get to Work
We made a clarification on the Xenophilia moodlet when interacting with Alien Sims. It should no longer say “From Discovering Aliens” but now it correctly reads “From Interacting with Aliens.”
Fixed an issue in which childbirth was not possible if Simmers changed the color swatches of the Surgery Tables. Now listen, I have heard about renting whole hospital wings for a birth in real life and other eccentricities, but this… was really something.
Get Together
Male Sims will no longer get Pregnant after receiving calls from NPC Sims.
City Living
NPC Sims will now text and call with invitations to Festivals. I personally welcomed the calm and quiet of my phone not beeping about constantly. But I can’t miss a Festival!
Sims rejoice! Yard sale customers will no longer invade their Home Lots and use Household objects. It is a Yard Sale… OUT in the yard, not an Open House.
Did you ever regret trusting some Sims enough to give them your apartment keys to constantly get visits from them for Milk and Juice? You can rest assured that they will no longer visit you for this purpose. I think some neighborly love is appreciated, but this went beyond the proverbial “May I have a cup of sugar?” type of situation.
Fixed an issue in which interactions to participate on GeekCon contests would not appear when interacting with objects.
We decided to give a bit more clarity when displaying the location of Festivals, so now it will display as “Near <insert location>” and not a distinct location that is not entirely correct. This is true for Festivals in Snowy Escape as well.
Cats and Dogs
Pets will no longer sleep in random places when told to sleep on their Pet beds. In my world they can sleep where they are most comfortable, my conspiracy… allegedly.
Sims can now Shower in the Rain… Jury is still out on Singing and Dancing.
Sims will no longer “lose” their shovels when performing other autonomous activities while performing the interaction “Shovel Snow.”
Our friendly neighborhood Snowpal has been properly renamed to Chill from Chil. Everything I knew before was a lie… a LIE!
Ever felt like the Holiday spirit has just been too much to handle, and Father Winter starting to show up everywhere and not letting you do much of anything getting a bit… out of hand? Fear not! Father Winter will stop replicating himself* to spread holiday cheer. *Note this fix is not entirely retroactive, new saves should see this without issue. Existing saves will correct themselves over time.
Get Famous
Duck Security SCROO9E Super XL Smart Vault will no longer disappear after Sims Woohoo in it… you can say Woohoo can be romantic and magical, but maybe not to this extent?
NPCs from the Actor Career sometimes would never show on Set, making gigs impossible to complete. We've spoken with their union reps and everyone has agreed to stop this ridiculous strike. What were they striking about? Was there even a Strike? We may never know.
Island Living
Mermaids and other Occults should no longer be able to make hybrid occults. How were they making them? Oh boy, I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to give you the mermaid-birds and spellcaster-bees talk.
Randomly generated Mermaid Sims will no longer be seen without some features in affected Simmer Saves. However this fix is not retroactive, so it should be seen fixed in new saves.
Pizza delivery to Lagoon Look Lot has been fixed to arrive promptly. This is Sulani Deep Lagoon Pizza, home of the 2x1 Mermadic Kelp Pizza and the Salty Llama Combo, may I take your order? <Descriptive Simlish on the line> Uh huh… uh huh… <Indescribable Simlish on the line> Yes, we now can ACTUALLY deliver to Lagoon Look… <Interrogative Simlish on the line> Yes, we told our delivery Sims that they need to deliver it there and not keep the pizza for themselves… like give it to the actual client. <Surprised Simlish on the line>
Discover University
Has this ever happened to you? Your Sim is ready to make an offering to the Sprites only to find a crystal stuck without being able to move it? No longer a problem, Sims now can remove offerings so all their rituals can resume. Sprites rejoice.
We fixed an issue for our Console Simmers that wouldn’t allow them to close the Humanoid Robot’s Behavior Module Menus correctly.
Fixed an issue that would cause items to be repossessed when loans were fully paid. That is NOT how it worked Repo Person… NOT how it worked.
Sims with Research & Debate Skill 3 or higher will no longer be able to “Convince to” with Toddler Sims.
Masquerade Secret Society Masks are now properly unlocked in Create a Sim when joining the Secret Society.
Fixed an issue in which Heckle animation was sometimes not being performed autonomously by Sims while playing Ping Pong.
Eco Lifestyle
Fixed an issue that triggered the Off-the-Grid notifications after traveling to different Lots in Evergreen Harbor, even when they are not labeled as Off-the-Grid.
We spoke to all Eco Inspectors, and they have agreed that they should NOT be charging the Energy efficient appliances fine if your appliances are fully upgraded to be super efficient and amazing. I mean all that work and still get fined? Not in this house!
Fixed an issue in which some placeholder text was showing in notifications after Dumpster Diving.
The Americana Station Speakers will now play Music… as the prophecy foretold.
When the We Wear Bags N.A.P is active, Grim Reaper will not be partially invisible when appearing on a Lot. Grim Reaper contributes!
Living the No Appliance lifestyle? We’ve got news for you! Sims will no longer be penalized for not having “Eco-Friendly Appliances.” No appliances, no fines!
Snowy Escape
Vending Machine Canned Soups and Drinks won’t spoil anymore. Time to stock up!
Sims can no longer go on Hikes while holding their Toddlers.
Space Heaters will now be able to be placed on Lots from Inventory. Sharing the warmth everywhere!
Fixed an issue in which the Shoe Removal Sign in 5-1-2 Kiyomatsu was not working properly. We also added Shoe Removal Signs in 5-1-1 Kiyomatsu and 2-4-2 Wakabamori.
Sims will now be more visibly furious when having the appropriate furious sentiment toward other Sims. “Yes, I’m mad!... No! This IS my furious face!”
Fixed an issue with some animations that would stutter while Snowboarding or Skiing. We also made sure that Sims with a high level of those skills would not always choose the Bunny Slopes.
Izzy Fabulous’ Star Simmi Rank was just too fabulous so we had to correct it to be one star less than displayed. Don’t worry Izzy, you are a full 4 stars in my book, you are that fabulous to me.
After much debate of whether it is the Cave Shrine or the Mountain Shrine for Hiking destinations we finally decided to just call it Mountain Shrine.
We revised the Snoop-Proof Bamboo Blinds and it is now possible to drop’em like they’re hot with the Thousand Words Window.
NPC Sims will no longer “take over” the Slopes for themselves for an indefinite period of time, now they will be sharing with all Sims the joys of the Slopes.
Fixed an issue in which Sims would get highlighted in the Sentiment Panel as if receiving new Sentiments every time traveling is involved.
Sims with Rock Climbing Skill 7, or higher, are able to autonomously climb the Tall Wall (Such tall! So much wall!). There is no need to not face what makes you uncomfortable… autonomously.
Had a chat with Yamachan and asked if he was ok, he seemed to start random conversations and then randomly say goodbye without reason. We are happy to report that he is OK now and will try not to do that. Give us a hug Yamachan.
Food Stalls at Mt. Komorebi Festivals won’t be closing shop randomly during Festival hours anymore. <guitar and piano intro> Closing time, open all the Stalls and eat all the food in the world...Closing time, turn all the lights on and let Yamachan greet you heeeere…
Create a Sim asset ymHat_EP10HelmetGoggles has been fixed to no longer display clipping around the neck area as well as we made sure no facial hair is removed when wearing this asset.
Dine Out
Experimenting with photo frames will no longer use the same picture of an Experimental Meal when displayed.
Hot Pot meals are now part of Restaurant Menus! I miss the times I would go to eat Hot Pot at a restaurant. One of my favorites has a conveyor belt that carries your fixings never leaving your table for a thing. *happy sigh*
Vampire Sims will no longer be affected by temperature, so they won't be constantly obsessed with lighting fireplaces trying to get warm.
Post edited by EA_Leeloo at 6:30PM
Source: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/984647/december-7th-2020-patch-notes
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Quick Thoughts: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Reveal Trailer and Initial Roster
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Whelp I didn’t expect to be doing another one of these so soon but welcome to quick thoughts where I give well quick thoughts on stuff instead of the longer form reviews I usually do. 
So as longtime or even short time readers of this blog might know I love NIck. I don’t review shows from it as often as Disney or Cartoon Network, but it was still a beloved part of my childhood and still makes great shows today such as the Loud House, Harvey Beaks and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It’s horribly mismanaged, which is why two of those shows are no longer with us and the last of them is weirdly missing from this game, and have a long and storied history of screwing things over.. and i’m not exagerating when Mr. Enter, no matter your opinon of him now, did a whole marathon of every nicktoon almost every entry included the fact the show had been screwed over in some way. 
But as anyone who knows my history with Disney will tell you just because I don’t sugarcoat a brand I like’s fuckups dosen’t mean they aren’t near and dear to me at the same time. I”m a grown up: I can have complex emotions towards a chlidren’s tv network. So I love it’s varied shows some of whom (Avatar, Harvey beaks again, Danny Phantom, Hey Arnold) are among my all time faviorites. 
Now something readers of my blog probably WOUDLN’T know is I love Nintendo, they have their own fuckups like weird release strageies and never doing a remotely decent discount like the competition, but their still a company I love and since I only play handhelds most of the time are my primary source of good shit. So naturally Smash Bros is my faviorite franchise of theres. I love the idea of fighting games but often struggle with the combo heavy nature. So Smash Bros, having a roster of some of my faviorite characters ever, a plaformer style control scheme, and a deceptivley simple style that’s easy to learn and fun to master with the right character, is my shit. Sure I won’t rush out to buy every dlc character, but you better belivie I played the hell out of Ultimate, will likely go back to it again some day, and did buy Banjo and Kazooie because fuck yeah. 
So yeah I needed to talk about Nick making their own smash bros clone. When I heard the rumors I wasn’t sure, mostly because Rumors can be just that.. but nope this game is happening and i’m all on board for it. This isn’t Nick’s first crossover rodeo in recent memory either also making a pair of Kart Racing Games: one I KINDA wanted to play till I looked at the roster, had a good laugh and lost that i want, and the other I really want to play as it seems like the first game if it were you know an actual game with a decent track selection, a deep character roster and an actual love of it’s properties. 
So making their own Smash Bros was a logical step and one i’m here for. We haven’t had any of the big cartoon networks make one since well.. Cartoon Network, and Nick has just a deep a bench to pull from, one that will hopefully get CN to get their cast to throw hands once more. 
For now though the idea of the vast history of nick all throwing hands with each other is amazing. Look i’m honest with myself: this looks like a decent smash clone,functional but nothing specail, but with the expressive character animation and solid roster you need for a game like this. I know going in i’m not going ot get Smash Ultimate quality of brawler, but i’m probably going to have fun with it. 
The only downside I see so far is , like the Kart Racers, theyd idn’t seem to get ANY voice actors for this which smacks of laziness, especially since most of the voice actors for these characters are still active, and in some cases like Spongebob or Loud House are still working with you. So you have no real excuse for this, shame on you.
But yeah the game looks good.. despite the trailer being pretty bad. It’s just some generic music set to “LOOK WHO WE GOT”. And granted look who they got is really spiffy and i’ll be diving into that in a second, but it dosen’t give any of these characters a reall chance to show off how they play or how awesome they are. It’s just a bland montage of whose in the roster in the same 2 or 3 stages. And when you have 15 stages overall to show off that’s not excusable. Again i’m not expecting Smash level quality revelas, this game dosen’t have the marketing budget, but you have a really great concept and roster here, you coudl’ve revealed it better and this game better. The Kart Racers 2 Trailer was also mildly bland but it did show off the game better, showing off several tracks and how VASTLY improved the roster was, so you CAN make a good trailer you just didn’t. It felt like they thought the poitn of all the smash reveals trailers was here’s a character and missed all the style and substance to them. 
That being said while the trailer was weak.. it was boyed by the fact this roster is REALLY damn good. Let’s face it I woudln’t even be talking about this game if the roster wasn’t this minty but they clearly learned from Kart Racers not to half ass it and while they learned the long lessons from Smash in how to promote the fighters they have, they learned the right lessons in having a nice mix of crowd pleasing faviorites for kids and vetrans alike along with a few deep cuts for said longtime fans. And this is JUST the intitial reveal roster: Given the Box Art isn’t out yet, I feel there’s more to come, especially since despite being perfect for the game there’s no one from the Avatarverse yet, but I also feel that Nick is saving that for a second trailer to announce the release date. But I can and will go into who i’d LIKE on the roster in another one of these sometime soon. -
Spongebob, Patrick and Sandy (SpongeBob Squarepants): I’m getting these three out of the way as their essentially to this what Mario and Co were to smash: necessary and inevitible.  As for who was chosen.. it was as obvious as putting spongebob himself int he game. Sponebob is Nick’s mascot, Patrick is nearly as iconic and Sandy is well loved as well as the spongebob character most associated with buttkicking. Being an expert martial artist is both part of her character and a cerntral part of her character and relationship with Spongebob. So yeah not a lot ot say here: it was ineivible but I don’t mind at all having grown up with them and with my niece and nibling being huge fans. 
87 Leo and 87 Mikey (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): This one i’m mixed on. Not on the turtles being here: i’m a MASSIVE TMNT fan and i’td be stupid to leave them out since Nick Owns them, made the last two series, and they fit this kind of game like a glove, even having had their OWN smash clone to themselves once. 
No my issue is obviously in the version choseN: The 87 turtles. Again I have no beef with the guys themselves, I haven’t seen much of 87 but I want to and they look really gorgeous and nicely cartoony. It’s just a REALLY weird choice. The 87 turtles have never been on a nick network due to rights issues, have never been associated with nick, and aren’t the ones most kids of EITHER DEMO would be familiar with: Grown up fans of nicktoons from the 90′s like myself would be more familiar with 2003, and kids and teens from more recent eras would be more familiar with 2012 and rise, which REALLY should’ve been the rep. I mean their weird shame of rise bothers me enough on a good day but not using EITHER show you actually made bothers me, it bothers me a lot. I’ll still probably play Mikey, i’m not made of stone and as I said I have no beef with the 87 turtles, I just wish nick had used the others or hell just gone all lin and used one turtle from each cartoon. I mean if your going to use stuff you’ve barely aired why not give me some 2003 nostalgia too huh? Though it could just be that since, unlike the rise and 2012 turrtles the 87 turtles have the same body type and colors it was easier to just do all 4 and just give each unique facial expressions. Who knows... I knows it was probably that. 
Lincoln and Lucy Loud (The Loud House, Duh): Another pretty obvious one as The Loud House is currrently nick’s co-flagship show with spongebob. Still waiting for my diffrent world spinoff with Bobby and Lori guys. So yeah Lincoln isn’t a suprise and Lucy is only minorly one as it was a matter of “which sister”... and Lucy is one of the most popular. Neither really fit a combat setting.. but given this is a fun crossover game, that really dosen’t matter and in fact is kind of the fun: taking just the most insane matcchups imaginable and mashing them together. I mean this is a game where Lincoln and Lucy can beat up Leo and Mikey, why wouldn’t I want that kind of crack on my nintendo switch? I am hoping for Luna to make her way to the stage next as she was absent from Kart Racer 2 and would be really fun to play. Plus having ANOTHER bi fighter in the mix if korra gets in there would be awesome, let alone letting the two beat up or punch each other’s face. But again I could and probably will mak ea whole article about other possible fighters i’d want. 
The Plesant Suprises: Nigel Thornberry , Oblina and Powdered Toast Man (Wild Thronberries, Ahhh! Real MOnsters1 and Ren and Stimpy) : Yeah while only one of these cartoons was a faviorite as a kid (Wild Thornberries)... I have nothing but respect for these choices. One of the funnest things about Smash is while you can see some roster members coming sometimes you get utter curveballs like Mr. Game and Watch, Pirana Plant and MInecraft Guy. They also go for more cult franchises like SNK or Earthbound (the latter of which is fucking awesome localize mother 3 already dammit) too among the big heavies, making it feel like a true tapestry of Nintendo’s history. 
Nigel is the only one of these three that’s really obvious. He’s a meme, he was the best part of his show.. but it’s still just uniquely batshit to put NIGEL THRONBERRY in a fighting game. You better belivie he’ll be one of my mains. 
Oblina is more a suprise because I thought they’d go with Icket, but instead went wtih the character who was more popular and had a really unqiue and cool design, so i’m pleased as punch to have her. Finally while I don’t have any real attachment to ren and stimply apart from Log, and really it’s hard to gain any now knowing i’ts creator was a pedophile piece of shit, the franchise is still a cornerstone of nick history, the rest oc the crew didn’t abuse power or not make deadlines or be a com plete piece of shit, and powerded toast man is genuinely great. I”d love to see Really Big Man too, clash of the weird superheroes, I love me a weird as hell superhero. This also speaks promisingly that w’ell get some real weird curveballs to come and i’m here for it. 
The Rest: Helga, Zim, Danny and Reptar. (Hey Arnold, Invader Zim, Danny Phantom and Rugrats! ): Note i’m not lumping these together because their bad: their all graet nostalgic picks from timeless shows and with the rugreboot currently running on Paramount+, it’d be weird not to represent them. 
And since I brought it up reptar is a fun chocie, another oddball but one more understandable as no one wants to beat the shit out of a toddler. Or rather no one playing the game would care you could because it’s a silly fighting game and a 12 and 8 year old are also beat upable, but someone would probably throw a fit somewhere. Plus again it’s a game where you can have danny phantom fight reptar. Shut up and take my money. 
The rest are all great choices if ones I’m not suprised by: Hey Arnold’s an all time classic and being tough is a lot of Helga’s character, and again I can have her throw hands with nigel thornberry, reptar and a ninja turtle in the same match. Zim is another fan faviorite and fits the game like a glove and Danny Phantom is the one out of Nick’s three suprehero classics it actually still cares about so my boy getting in there isn’t a shocker, though his attacks lookw eird. Hopefully they green them up before the final prduct. 
So yeah overall it looks really promsing and really fun and i’ll probably check this game out if I get enough money when it comes out or more likely put it on my christmas list. But I will get it somehow this i swear.. speaking of which put manny in the roster dammit. If you liked this.. thing consider joining my patreon for a buck a month fo exclsuvie reviews and ot help me review tuca and bertie, amphibia and more as part of my memebership drive. 
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coffeesuperhero · 4 years
leverage fic recs
So, I needed a better organizational system than my AO3 bookmarks (boy do I miss delicious!), so I’m just going to start a post for myself here and reblog it occasionally as I add to it. Most (all?) of these are OT3 fics, because I am who I am and I read what I read. If you want non-OT3 fic recs, I am not your person. Probably you have read these, but if you haven’t, what are you waiting for! 
01. The Fake Geek Boy Job, by shinealightonme.  It’s casefic at a fan convention and Eliot has to cosplay. In spandex. Go read it and enjoy yourself, already. 
Beautiful shippy fic (everyone is together/small moments/slice of life): 
01. The Three Rings Job, by HugeAlienPie.  Sophie POV. The OT3 at Nate and Sophie’s wedding, where Nate and Sophie are not aware that there is now an OT3. It’s soft. And so sweet you could serve it as dessert. And it has the best boat name for a Nate and Sophie boat in the world. 
02. hacker/hitter/thief/home, by AtlantisRises.  A collection of short OT3 fics that hit you just right in the feels, in the best way. 
03. Nothing’s Exactly What We Need, by BabylonsFall. The OT3, on vacation. 
Everybody is together and also there’s a con: 
01. Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, by page_runner.  We love a good long fic where the OT3 help an old lady and con an HOA, because HOA’s are the worst. This fic also gives me deeply hurt feelings about the team having to leave Portland, which I know in my heart is probably the Way of Things, but which I will never write myself because heartbreak. But this deals with that reality so beautifully, and it’s a good con, too. 
Getting together OT3:  01. just want you close, by biblionerd07.  Eliot-POV, post-rundown, man am I a sucker for Eliot-POV stories where Parker and Hardison just...love the hell out of him, and this is just a lovely, careful, sweet version of that. 
02. international small arms traffic blues, by ftmsteverogers.  Eliot POV, character study + get together fic. Makes you very sad for Eliot, and then happier for Eliot. And I’m a sucker for anytime someone has to call Sophie for advice. 
03. So Come On, Avalanche, by elysiumwaits.  It is Eliot POV snowed-in at a cabin OT3 getting together fic, so idk what more you need to know to read it. 
04. Rings a Bell, by venilia.  Eliot wakes up with amnesia and thinks he’s married to Hardison and also has a Parker, it’s silly and sweet. 
05. The Thunderous Roll of a Tropical Sea (the moonlit memory I can’t seem to lose), by phnelt. **content notes: canon-typical violence + Mature! grown and sexy content ahoy!** I have classified this as a “getting together” story, because ultimately that is what happens, but it’s probably more like “eliot getting his shit together, and now they’re all together,” which is my favorite flavor of OT3 getting together fic, anyway. It starts out a little sad, because gasp! They were together but they split up!! But it has a happy ending. It also has fake marrieds, my favorite trope of all time. Eliot feeding Hardison strawberries and playing with his fake husband on a beach while Parker watches? Please. 
06. Happy Meal, by @leiascully Listen, I admit that I am biased, because my wife wrote this for me, but it is this really hilarious flirting-over-the-comms-pre-OT3-sort-of-getting-together story, and I laughed, and it was great, so you should enjoy it, too. 
07. Oklahoma’s Next Top Model, by Hedgehog-O-Brien (Roshwen).  Hardison POV. This fic has the greatest tag of all time, which is: “Title not entirely accurate bc Eliot's clearly a bottom but who cares“ and I knew I was in good hands solely on that basis before I read a word of the fic. Tbh I put this in this “getting together” category because I feel like it’s heavily implied at the end that there’s a getting together situation happening, but like, that’s not why you read this fic. You read this fic for the ridiculously over the top OT3 photoshoot of your wildest dreams. You will laugh. You will be entertained. Enjoy!
08. Fifty Fake Dates, by calico_fiction. WIP, Hardison POV. nb: This hasn’t been updated in a minute but a) I too have WIPs that take a long-ass time between updates, if this updated in ten years I would still be excited to read it and b) the chapter that’s up is such a delight to me that I really think it’s worth a read even if this is all of this story the author wants to post. It’s a great Hardison POV with some delicious pining and fake Hardison/Eliot dating, which is my jam. 
09. For Real, by BurningTea. It’s hard to do an accidental marriage in this canon, but this fic did that! Hardison’s technical expertise goes a bit awry and everybody has to have....a talk. About feelings. 
01. Dig Deep, by BurningTea.  Eliot has to dig his own grave and climb into it. It hurts a lot!!!! And then it’s comforting. So, exactly what it says on the tin. Good character observations and nicely written, hurts exactly right and comforts exactly right, too. 
Hot (nsfw, 18+, Mature, grown and sexy content for grown and sexy adults): 
01. Don’t Come Late, by @leiascully.  It’s just...the OT3, having really hot sex. That’s it, that’s the review. (The writing is delightful and there’s like, funny stuff in with the sexy stuff, which is real life and always nice to see, you know?) 
02. Take the Leap, by Penknife.  Hardison POV, first time OT3 threesome/verbal domination. The characterization in this is just **chef’s kiss** perfection. Funny, and hot. My favorite combo. 
03. The Post-Rundown Job, by DelektorskiChick.  Eliot POV, demi-Parker, mostly Eliot/Hardison but Parker’s participating in her own way. I’m a sucker for some good sexy post-injury care and this is right after Rundown, so it checks that box big time. 
04. In Sync, by monsoon_moon. Eliot POV, first time OT3some. 
Character studies: 
01. Dawning, by @darkfinch. Eliot POV, mind all the warnings.  This (read with its sequel, a WIP linked below) is probably one of my favorite Leverage pieces in existence? It is just the most beautiful, dark, horrible look at Eliot-works-for-Moreau you could hope for, except that also there’s a sequel called Reverberate, and that is also perfect and intense and really digs into what’s happening in Eliot’s mind and life during s3 after Nate drops the “we’re going after Moreau” bombshell. Both of these stories are painfully perfect and believable and real and I love them with my whole heart. The story structure and writing on both of those pieces is just excellent and the characterization is pitch perfect, and along with the stress and trauma you really get some just fantastic character moments. Idky you’re reading my review instead of the story tbh go read that, thanks!
02. Ten Prides in Portland, by @leiascully.  I put this as a character study because it is one? It’s about queer shit, and learning to be part of a community of queer people, and learning that you can be a mentor and a role model for other queer people even if you don’t have your own stuff figured out. I am extremely biased because this is my wife and I got to watch this story grow into existence every day, but I think it’s a really beautiful look at the queer community broadly, all the people who fit under the umbrella, and belonging. It’s sweet and funny and beautiful, and I really needed to feel like I was at Pride this year, and this helped. 
03. Different, by @leiascully. Hardison POV. Honestly this just made me want to go find baby Hardison and hug him for a really long time. 
04. The Twine and the Things We Bind, by @darkfinch.  WIP, H/C, big on the H. Parker and Hardison taking care of an extremely fractious, extremely injured Eliot Spencer is my jam.com forever and this is all of that with beautiful characterization and writing. Also some of the best action scenes I’ve read in a while. I do not write action At All and this does it SO WELL. 
05. A Kiss for Luck, by AlannaOfRoses.  Parker POV. A good look into Parker’s thoughts on luck during the Rundown Job/feelsy flashbacks. 
OC/Outsider POV: 
01. Let’s Go Steal a Protege, by @innytoes. WIP.  Gosh I adore this. It’s found family shenanigans from an outside-the-OT3 perspective. Jamie, the main POV OC (nonbinary rep!!), is a fucking delight of a human and their interactions with the super!married OT3 are all incredible. It is sweet and funny and sometimes sad but almost always in a happy tears kind of way, because it’s about finding a family. And there are so many genuine laugh-out-loud moments in this fic that I reread it a lot lately or think of it when I need something to lift my spirits. (There is a bit in chapter six with some thrift store purchases that I just absolutely lose my shit at every time.) I very badly want this story to just be canon tbh. Petition for that. 
01. The Out of This World Job (Or, Per Furtum Ad Astra), by pathera.  It’s a job, but it’s IN SPACE. Parker, Hardison, & Eliot find a spaceship; shenanigans ensue. Beautifully in character, some poignant character moments, awesome writing, and just a really vivid world. 
02. Plastic Pearls, by BabylonsFall.  Kidfic! Various POV. Parker and Hardison move in across the hall from single-dad Eliot. I adore this, it is sweet and soft and everything you could hope for in a story where Eliot is raising a smol Molly. 
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thesims4blogger · 4 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (December 7th, 2020)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles. IPC: / Mac: / Console: Version: Console: Version 1.35
Happy Holidays Simmers!
It’s time to go back in to Create a Sim! Where in this update you will find 100+ new skin tones, customization sliders for skin tones and makeup, and three improved base game hairstyles! Every skin tone now has a value slider that allows you to change the light to dark value of that skin tone, unlocking a much wider variety of skin tone options for you to play with! You will also find that our skin tones are now filterable to warm, cool, and neutral tones (as well as miscellaneous that covers our occult skin tones).
The new makeup sliders add more choices and opportunities for you to customize your Sims, and express your Sim’s style! Hue, saturation, value or brightness, and opacity are now available to modify on the makeup. We have locked some of the sliders where it did not provide an optimal experience or make sense for the makeup. Expect us to continue our work on these issues into the future to provide you with more. In addition to the customization opportunities provided, you can also save custom swatches as you tweak your sliders to get the perfect look. When you click on the swatch (for skin tones and makeup) as you modify the sliders, you will have an opportunity to save your custom settings, so you can re-use it later without having to remember your perfect looks! Did we mention that we made some hair updates? We did – we updated a base game child hair (cfHair_BraidedPonyTail), and we added a second version of that hair that removes the baby hairs (cfHair_BraidedPonyTailPlain). And we updated a base game male hair that you may find difficult to recognize from the original hair (ymHair_flatTopTextured)!
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We have updated the Main Menu!… Again! The idea behind this change is to create a more cohesive experience and give Packs a more proper space as we continue to grow our content lineup. As a nice bonus, we highlighted the Gallery in a more meaningful way to inspire you.
-SimGuruGnome & SimGuruRusskii
Now onto the fixes:
Sims 4
Sketching so much that the Digital Sketch Pad just quit on you? Never fear! Freelancer Sims that use the Digital Sketchpad will now be able to complete designs without being reset abruptly.
Happy Birthday to all! Sims will now properly Age Up. Adulting is hard but they will make it, don’t worry.
Fixed an issue in which Doors, Windows, and Arches had cutouts when being reflected in Mirrors. Rorrim Rorrim no eht llaw, ohw si eht tseriaf erutaef fo meht lla?
Sims that do not have the Fishing Skill, or have not been Fishing at all, will not get notifications about identifying Fish. THEY WERE FISHING WITH THEIR MINDS.
The following careers have added the “Take Vacation Day” option, yay!
Child Sims will no longer forget they are in their Sleepwear when they go to school. Though in these times of Work and School from Home, I don’t blame them one bit.
The Sweet Escapes Country Toilet will no longer be Comfortable AND Uncomfortable at the same time… There can only be one!
Sims with the Best Selling Author Aspiration can now complete their task of writing 3 Best Sellers.
Fixed an issue in which resized objects would disappear when they were part of downloaded Gallery items.
We revised our Careers (Pack specific and not) and we made sure there were no Chance Cards that were repeated constantly.
We noticed we had added the option to Clean Up Toddler on kitchen and bathroom sinks for both Toddlers and Children by mistake, so we removed it for both age groups from the sink… but how would have they fit? Like… how? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Build Snowpal interaction is no longer available on non-natural ground (For Simmers that own Seasons and/or Snowy Escape). That’s why it’s called a Snowpal, not a Floorpal!
Gardener (Seasons)
Military (Strangerville)
Lifeguard for Teens and Conservationist (Island Living)
Law, Education, and Engineer (Discover University)
Civil Designer (Eco Lifestyle).
Editor Russkii note: I didn’t want to add each line in each pack for this fix, it would have looked weird and robotic so that is why I chose to do one bullet point for all in this section.
Get to Work
We made a clarification on the Xenophilia moodlet when interacting with Alien Sims. It should no longer say “From Discovering Aliens” but now it correctly reads “From Interacting with Aliens.”
Fixed an issue in which childbirth was not possible if Simmers changed the color swatches of the Surgery Tables. Now listen, I have heard about renting whole hospital wings for a birth in real life and other eccentricities, but this… was really something.
Get Together
Male Sims will no longer get Pregnant after receiving calls from NPC Sims.
City Living
NPC Sims will now text and call with invitations to Festivals. I personally welcomed the calm and quiet of my phone not beeping about constantly. But I can’t miss a Festival!
Sims rejoice! Yard sale customers will no longer invade their Home Lots and use Household objects. It is a Yard Sale… OUT in the yard, not an Open House.
Did you ever regret trusting some Sims enough to give them your apartment keys to constantly get visits from them for Milk and Juice? You can rest assured that they will no longer visit you for this purpose. I think some neighborly love is appreciated, but this went beyond the proverbial “May I have a cup of sugar?” type of situation.
Fixed an issue in which interactions to participate on GeekCon contests would not appear when interacting with objects.
We decided to give a bit more clarity when displaying the location of Festivals, so now it will display as “Near <insert location>” and not a distinct location that is not entirely correct. This is true for Festivals in Snowy Escape as well.
Cats and Dogs
Pets will no longer sleep in random places when told to sleep on their Pet beds. In my world they can sleep where they are most comfortable, my conspiracy… allegedly.
Sims can now Shower in the Rain… Jury is still out on Singing and Dancing.
Sims will no longer “lose” their shovels when performing other autonomous activities while performing the interaction “Shovel Snow.”
Our friendly neighborhood Snowpal has been properly renamed to Chill from Chil. Everything I knew before was a lie… a LIE!
Ever felt like the Holiday spirit has just been too much to handle, and Father Winter starting to show up everywhere and not letting you do much of anything getting a bit… out of hand? Fear not! Father Winter will stop replicating himself* to spread holiday cheer. *Note this fix is not entirely retroactive, new saves should see this without issue. Existing saves will correct themselves over time.
Get Famous
Duck Security SCROO9E Super XL Smart Vault will no longer disappear after Sims Woohoo in it… you can say Woohoo can be romantic and magical, but maybe not to this extent?
NPCs from the Actor Career sometimes would never show on Set, making gigs impossible to complete. We’ve spoken with their union reps and everyone has agreed to stop this ridiculous strike. What were they striking about? Was there even a Strike? We may never know.
Island Living
Mermaids and other Occults should no longer be able to make hybrid occults. How were they making them? Oh boy, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for me to give you the mermaid-birds and spellcaster-bees talk.
Randomly generated Mermaid Sims will no longer be seen without some features in affected Simmer Saves. However this fix is not retroactive, so it should be seen fixed in new saves.
Pizza delivery to Lagoon Look Lot has been fixed to arrive promptly.
This is Sulani Deep Lagoon Pizza, home of the 2×1 Mermadic Kelp Pizza and the Salty Llama Combo, may I take your order?
<Descriptive Simlish on the line>
Uh huh… uh huh…
<Indescribable Simlish on the line>
Yes, we now can ACTUALLY deliver to Lagoon Look…
<Interrogative Simlish on the line>
Yes, we told our delivery Sims that they need to deliver it there and not keep the pizza for themselves… like give it to the actual client.
<Surprised Simlish on the line>
Discover University
Has this ever happened to you? Your Sim is ready to make an offering to the Sprites only to find a crystal stuck without being able to move it? No longer a problem, Sims now can remove offerings so all their rituals can resume. Sprites rejoice.
We fixed an issue for our Console Simmers that wouldn’t allow them to close the Humanoid Robot’s Behavior Module Menus correctly.
Fixed an issue that would cause items to be repossessed when loans were fully paid. That is NOT how it worked Repo Person… NOT how it worked.
Sims with Research & Debate Skill 3 or higher will no longer be able to “Convince to” with Toddler Sims.
Masquerade Secret Society Masks are now properly unlocked in Create a Sim when joining the Secret Society.
Fixed an issue in which Heckle animation was sometimes not being performed autonomously by Sims while playing Ping Pong.
Eco Lifestyle
Fixed an issue that triggered the Off-the-Grid notifications after traveling to different Lots in Evergreen Harbor, even when they are not labeled as Off-the-Grid.
We spoke to all Eco Inspectors, and they have agreed that they should NOT be charging the Energy efficient appliances fine if your appliances are fully upgraded to be super efficient and amazing. I mean all that work and still get fined? Not in this house!
Fixed an issue in which some placeholder text was showing in notifications after Dumpster Diving.
The Americana Station Speakers will now play Music… as the prophecy foretold.
When the We Wear Bags N.A.P is active, Grim Reaper will not be partially invisible when appearing on a Lot. Grim Reaper contributes!
Living the No Appliance lifestyle? We’ve got news for you! Sims will no longer be penalized for not having “Eco-Friendly Appliances.” No appliances, no fines!
Snowy Escape
Vending Machine Canned Soups and Drinks won’t spoil anymore. Time to stock up!
Sims can no longer go on Hikes while holding their Toddlers.
Space Heaters will now be able to be placed on Lots from Inventory. Sharing the warmth everywhere!
Fixed an issue in which the Shoe Removal Sign in 5-1-2 Kiyomatsu was not working properly. We also added Shoe Removal Signs in 5-1-1 Kiyomatsu and 2-4-2 Wakabamori.
Sims will now be more visibly furious when having the appropriate furious sentiment toward other Sims. “Yes, I’m mad!… No! This IS my furious face!”
Fixed an issue with some animations that would stutter while Snowboarding or Skiing. We also made sure that Sims with a high level of those skills would not always choose the Bunny Slopes.
Izzy Fabulous’ Star Simmi Rank was just too fabulous so we had to correct it to be one star less than displayed. Don’t worry Izzy, you are a full 4 stars in my book, you are that fabulous to me.
After much debate of whether it is the Cave Shrine or the Mountain Shrine for Hiking destinations we finally decided to just call it Mountain Shrine.
We revised the Snoop-Proof Bamboo Blinds and it is now possible to drop’em like they’re hot with the Thousand Words Window.
NPC Sims will no longer “take over” the Slopes for themselves for an indefinite period of time, now they will be sharing with all Sims the joys of the Slopes.
Fixed an issue in which Sims would get highlighted in the Sentiment Panel as if receiving new Sentiments every time traveling is involved.
Sims with Rock Climbing Skill 7, or higher, are able to autonomously climb the Tall Wall (Such tall! So much wall!). There is no need to not face what makes you uncomfortable… autonomously.
Had a chat with Yamachan and asked if he was ok, he seemed to start random conversations and then randomly say goodbye without reason. We are happy to report that he is OK now and will try not to do that. Give us a hug Yamachan.
Food Stalls at Mt. Komorebi Festivals won’t be closing shop randomly during Festival hours anymore. <guitar and piano intro> Closing time, open all the Stalls and eat all the food in the world…Closing time, turn all the lights on and let Yamachan greet you heeeere…
Create a Sim asset ymHat_EP10HelmetGoggles has been fixed to no longer display clipping around the neck area as well as we made sure no facial hair is removed when wearing this asset.
Dine Out
Experimenting with photo frames will no longer use the same picture of an Experimental Meal when displayed.
Hot Pot meals are now part of Restaurant Menus! I miss the times I would go to eat Hot Pot at a restaurant. One of my favorites has a conveyor belt that carries your fixings never leaving your table for a thing. *happy sigh*
Vampire Sims will no longer be affected by temperature, so they won’t be constantly obsessed with lighting fireplaces trying to get warm.
It's here – and a day early! Today, a free game update brings you 100+ skin tones, customization tools for skin tones and makeup, three improved base game hairstyles, and a main menu makeover. Available now to all The Sims 4 players! pic.twitter.com/p7QIIkI74d
— The Sims (@TheSims) December 7, 2020
A huge thanks to @Xmiramira @EbonixSims @MiaZaff1 @RaonyPhillips & @catherinegYT for the candid conversations & constructive feedback! Their input, representing their viewpoints alongside their player communities, was instrumental to current & future improvements. #GameChangers !
— The Sims (@TheSims) December 7, 2020
Every skin tone now has a value slider, unlocking thousands of customizable options. In addition, we made improvements to both new and existing skin tones, including strengthening the quality of suntans and sunburns.
— The Sims (@TheSims) December 7, 2020
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
A Pair of Dummies
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Hi there! This was a request from a lovely nonnie and I hope it finds its way back to them.  “I was wondering if I could request a fic where you have eyes for Steve and Bucky tells you to go flirt with him, but Steve’s being an oblivious little butt and doesn’t get what you’re doing. So later you just tell him that you like him.”
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader Warnings: Some minor cussing
It was three in the afternoon and the only sounds in the gym was the sound of Steve’s weights slamming together after each rep and Bucky shouting commands as he paced around you on the mat. However, your gaze was focused on Steve’s back muscles tensing each time he pulled the weights back and the tiny little grunt he would make.
“Hello?! Anyone in there?” Bucky’s punching mitt slapped against the side of your head, knocking you sideways. 
“Ow, what the hell, Barnes?” You snapped as you tried to shove the super-soldier but he didn’t move an inch. 
He chuckled smugly at your failed attempt, “maybe if you’d been paying attention to me instead of Steve’s ass, then I wouldn’t have hit you.” 
Your mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, trying to think of some comeback. “I-I wasn’t- you don’t- just shut up and put your hands back up, buddy boy.” You wiped off a bead of sweat with the back of your hands and got back into the stance. 
Bucky worked around you in a circle while you worked through the combo he’d showed you. You shot your leg out and kicked against the mitt roughly and he shook his hand. 
“Okay, that one actually had a little bite to it, kid. Ya know, you don’t have to be so defensive about crushing on a certain Avenger.” 
You swung your fist hard toward Bucky’s head but he ducked just in time. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Your breath was starting to get heavier as he moved quicker. 
“Hey, I totally get it. He is literally America’s wet dream. The perfect man. He embodies everything about the apple pie and the white picket fence.” 
Annoyance was bubbling up in your stomach so you hit a two punch combo, hitting the mitt with a loud smack. “Barnes, you are so insufferable.” 
“There’s no need to be so elusive. I’m just saying, I think I saw a little bit of drool coming out of the side of your mouth.” He pointed to the corner of his mouth for a moment, giving you the very opening you needed. With lightning reflexes, you threw your fist out and were centimeters away from connecting with his jaw when Bucky grabbed your hand and flung you onto the mat. 
A little puff of air escaped your lungs as your back connected, Bucky’s body sitting on top of you, holding your arms pinned back. Dropping your head, you growled with frustration. Both of you were drenched in sweat and it was making your back stick to the mat uncomfortably. 
“You didn’t really think I’d let you get me, didcha?” He mocked. 
“I’ll admit, I thought I might have a small chance.” 
Bucky rolled off you and held his hand out, hefting you off the mat in one swift motion. Dropping a heavy hand on your shoulder, he steered you toward the locker rooms. Steve was still in his own world, ignoring the two of you leaving the area. 
Rounding the corner out of his sight, Bucky spun you around and rested his hands on your shoulders. 
“Be honest, kid, you into Steve?”
Your eyes widened comically as Bucky stooped down to your level, making extremely pointed eye contact with you. An unease settled in you and you shifted your eyes down to look at your sneakers.
This wasn’t really the type of thing you wanted to talk to your friends about, let alone his very best friend. You had cleverly avoided discussing your embarrassing crush on Steve Rogers for two years, opting for admiring him from afar.
“I’m not judging you, I just want to know if I’m wrong because if I am, I’ll shut up right now. But I’m telling you right now, I think you’d be good for him.” 
“Uh,” wait, did you hear that right? “Wait, what?” 
“Steve is a dummy, always has been and getting the serum didn’t help him any. I see him perk up when you’re around, though. I think you’d be a good fit with him. You’re ballsy, intelligent, albeit a smart ass, and you don’t push...that much” 
When Steve had first started helping Bucky reintegrate into modern society, you had casually taken him under your wing. First it had started with tiny things like getting him to participate in small talk, then it was going out in public so he could realize that civilians didn’t worry about him. Gradually, you started hanging out all the time. Bucky quickly became one of your best friends at the compound. 
It was clear that he still struggled with PTSD from his time as the Winter Soldier. You never acted like it was something he should be over already and you tried not to push him into talking about it for the most part. 
The longer your friendship went on, you assumed that Steve would hang out with the both of you more, but he always kept his distance.  He’d have small conversations with you, but more often than not, he wouldn’t move any further than ‘how’s the weather’ or ‘Tony called a meeting’. 
Hesitantly, you shrugged Bucky’s hand off and took a step back. “But...Steve doesn’t even like me. Why would I be into him?” 
“What the hell are you talking about, you doo-doo bird?” 
Offended at the implication, you scowled. “I mean, Steve doesn’t even talk to me for longer than five minutes, so why would I be crushing on him, ass-hat?” 
“Boy, you two are dumber than I thought.” Bucky mumbled to himself. 
“Excuse me?” You squint your eyes and took a menacing step toward him. 
He looked back at you and held his hands up, stopping you in your tracks. “Calm down, killer. What I meant is, you are both missing the obvious. Steve is just too stubborn so he thinks he doesn’t deserve happiness, which comes in the form of you. And you, well I’m not sure why you haven’t pursued him, but I just don’t think you’d be staring at him as much as you do if you didn’t like him.” 
Your shoulders sagged in defeat. Why, oh why, did you have to be best friends with a sniper? Of course he saw right through you from a mile away. 
“He doesn’t like me, Buck. How am I supposed to get anywhere with him if he won’t talk to me about anything but the weather or how many cookies Thor ate last time he was on Earth.” 
“You’ve got to flirt with him, knucklehead.” Bucky smacked your shoulder. “He’s not gonna get the hint unless you actually act like you’re into him. Ya know, maybe ask him out to a meal or something. And talking about Thor isn’t gonna help the situation so cut that shit out right now.” 
“No buts, just go out there and flirt with him like the woman I know, love, and wish would get a life.” Then he was shoving you back towards the weight room with a huge shit-eating grin on, ignoring your shouts of offense. Hesitating for a moment, you glanced back to see Bucky shoo-ing you forward. 
Letting out a huge sigh, you walked around the corner and slammed right into a large wall of muscle. Steve’s hands shot out and steadied you, the contact making your skin break out in goosebumps. He’d put his shirt back on and the blue was making his bright eyes even more hypnotizing than normal. 
“Whoa there, sorry doll, I didn’t see you there.” Steve chuckled bashfully. “I thought you and Buck left a while ago.” 
“We did. But we didn’t really, we were just talking. I-I came back to talk to you, actually.” It felt like you were sweating more than you had been during your workout. His hand was still on your arm and you couldn’t focus on anything but that sensation. 
There was no reason for you to be so irrational right now, he’s just a man. Just a man who had saved the country and the entire world numerous times and was America’s Adonis. A man who also just happened to always have the most flawless hair that you always wanted to run your fingers through. Lord almighty. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“Ope, um,” crap, you hadn’t thought that far ahead. Here goes nothing, “I...just wanted to tell you that you looked really great during your workout today.” 
He gave you a puzzled look, “Oh thanks, yeah I was really burning steel in there.” 
“I could totally tell.” You reached forward and felt his bicep, “it looks like it’s really paying off for you.” 
Steve’s gaze fell to your hand on his arm before giving you a small smile and you promptly let go again. “I think that might be more thanks to the serum than the workout.” He teased. 
You chewed on your bottom lip, wracking your brain for what to say next. You weren’t good at flirting, it’s why you never did it in the first place. Bucky said to ask him out for lunch. “I guess you’re probably right about that. Well, I bet you worked up a huge appetite after that, huh? All that hard work.” 
“For sure, I could eat a buffet out of business after a workout.” 
Here was your chance. 
“Would you want to-” 
“But I’ve got a meeting with Tony in like twenty minutes so I’ve got to get a move on.” Steve kept talking and you grimaced slightly. “Did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?” He tilted his head, a little half smile on his lips. You wanted to leap forward and press your lips to his but that probably wouldn’t go over well, so instead you just shook your head confidently. 
“Nope. I’m all good. Enjoy your meeting with Tony!” You called in a sing-song voice as he made his way to the door. He rolled his eyes at the mention of Tony and waved back at you before letting the door swing shut. 
The air deflated out of you and you fell back onto the wall behind you, sinking to the floor and curling your knees up to your chest. If someone were to look up “embarrassing” in the dictionary, that interaction would be found. And you still hadn’t even made it past five minutes. 
“Oof, that was painful.” 
You lifted your gaze to find Bucky leaning on his shoulder above you, still in his workout clothes. Great, he’d heard the whole thing too. 
“Why did you make me do that, you ass-hat?” You yanked on his leg hair harshly, making him jump further away from you. “I’m not good at flirting!” 
“Wait, is that what you call flirting?” He exclaimed baffled. 
You scowled up at him, “I’m not friends with you anymore.” Dropping your head back against the wall, you closed your eyes in hopes of going to your happy place - without Bucky around. 
“It wasn’t that bad, kid, it just wasn’t much of anything. You started off strong but...” He crouched down so he was at eye level with you.
“But nothing. I’m an embarrassment and I will never be talking to Steve ever again.”
“No, no, no, stop being ridiculous. You just have to...flirt better. Maybe you could ask Tasha if she’d help you.” 
You flung out your hand and pushed Bucky hard in the chest, making him tip backwards onto his butt. “Not happening, Barnes. I’m not asking the Black Widow,” you emphasized, “for help flirting with Captain America. You can just forget this ever happened and I will resume being friends with you in one to two weeks - you will be notified.” 
Bucky was chortling and yelling at you to stop, but you’d already stood up and were booking it to the hallway, letting the door slam loudly on the way. 
Life had been perfectly fine when you were admiring Steve Rogers from afar. You were content with pining for him but knowing that nothing would ever happen, resigned to the fact that you would find a good man someday and that would be the end of it. 
What you hadn’t expected was Bucky butting his nose into your business and telling you that you’d be great with Steve. Or the fact that you couldn’t get the feeling of his hand lingering on your skin or his rippling bicep out of your head. 
It had been a full week and you were living in a continuous loop of ocean blue eyes and trying to put the lid back on the feelings you’d successfully ignored for years. 
You hadn’t talked to Bucky since you’d walked out of the gym, regardless of how many times he’d tried to trick you into speaking to him. And now you were being called for a meeting where Bucky and Steve would both be in the same room as you.
The sound of Steve Roger’s laugh made you look up instantly from the snack table and your stomach flipped at the sound. He was talking animatedly with Wanda, one hand flailing around in the air while the other hand was gripped tight to a stack of paperwork.
“You should talk to him, ya know.” Bucky’s voice was right in your ear and you elbowed him in response before walking to your seat across the room from him. You didn’t want to think that Bucky might be right so you’d rather take him out of the equation all together. 
From his chair near the front, Steve glanced over and raised his lips in a timid smile at you. It felt like you could melt into a puddle of goo right there in your chair. You returned his smile cheerfully just as you felt a small nudge on your ribs. You swiveled your chair around to see Wanda grinning like the Cheshire cat. “What?” You asked innocently. 
“I think you know what.” She giggled. “And Barnes is not wrong, you should ask him out.” 
“Hey! You promised you wouldn’t look in my head anymore.” You pouted and turned back to the front room where Bruce had just started talking about the numbers from the previous quarter - how many civilians had been saved, how much structural damage had been done, ways to stop wasting so much on utilities.
The meeting could have been only fifteen minutes but it seemed like it’d been two hours. The entire time, your mind had been on one thing, well one person. This was getting out of hand, you couldn’t even focus on a simple meeting now.
Before you knew it, Bruce was dismissing the team and everyone was stampeding to the doors. Steve, on the other hand, was casually gathering his paperwork back up with his back to you. It was just you and him alone now in the conference room. 
Sheepishly, you shuffled your shoe against the floor, praying for any smidgen of bravery to come. Steve peeked over his shoulder, surprised to see you still hanging around. 
“Hey, you. Figured you’d be headed down for lunch, I heard Tony ordered in sushi from that fancy-pants place everyone loves.” 
You shrugged loosely, “eh, thought I might stick around here for a little bit. I’m not really hungry anyways.” 
“Oh yeah?” He leaned against the table and folded his arms across his chest with a look of concern on his face. “Is everything alright? I noticed you and Bucky haven’t been hanging out much lately.” 
“Yeah, we haven’t... It’s kind of because of you...” 
It was dead silent as you both exchanged looks. 
“Me?” He asked, stunned.
Gradually, you moved to stand side-by-side with him. Maybe if he wasn’t looking directly at you, rejection would be easier. “Do you remember the day in the gym last week?” He nodded once. "The reason that I came in to talk to you was because... well, Bucky told me that I needed to flirt with you if I wanted you to realize that I liked you. But then I’m shit at flirting, and you didn’t really seem to notice or care, so I got mad at him for giving me the idea in the first place.” 
“Wait- Did you say you like me?” 
You glimpsed over at him and slowly nodded. Steve angled his body so he could see you better and you were just waiting for the moment where he starts laughing and mocking you for ever thinking he could want you. But it hadn’t happened yet. 
“You were flirting with me?” His face was scrunched up like he was trying to think back on the whole interaction. 
“Well I was trying to flirt with you. I figured you thought I’d had an aneurysm or something.” You joked, trying to lift the mood of the room but he didn’t crack a smile.
“I didn’t even realize...” Like lightning, he stood up straight and faced you, his blue eyes focused only on your face. “I’m sorry, doll, I didn’t even realize.” 
“Steve, you don’t have to be sorry. I know you don’t feel that way about me, and I was just mad at Barnes for letting me get my hopes up.” 
He lifted his hand and cupped your face delicately, his touch making your heart rate skyrocket. “Who said I don’t have feelings for you?” 
“U-um yo-you never, well you never wa-want to talk to, ya know, me...” You stammered out clumsily. 
“I thought you liked Bucky, doll.” He said without hesitation. “You guys are always spending time together and I didn’t want to get in the way of either of your happiness.” 
“Are you serious?” You couldn’t help the loud laugh that passed your lips. “I wanted to be friends with Bucky in the first place because you thought he was worth being friends with... and I thought you might hang out with us.” 
Steve shut his eyes and let his head fall forward, his forehead bumping against yours softly from how close he was to you. His hand was still against your cheek and you allowed yourself to relax into his touch more. 
Finally, he lifted his head, “so last week when you asked if I was hungry, that’s because you were-”
“Trying to ask you out, yes.” 
“Boy am I dumb.” 
You snorted at that, “that’s the same thing Bucky said.” 
Steve let out a breathy laugh before moving a bit closer to you. “I hope I haven’t lost the chance to take you up on that offer.” 
The smell of his minty breath fanned in your face causing your mind to go blank and the only thing you could do was smile up at him like an idiot. As if your body was moving on its own, you shifted closer and his arm wrapped around your waist as if he’d done it a million times. 
At the same time you both leaned together and connected your lips in an innocent kiss. The entire world stopped turning at that moment. It was so soft and pure as he held you tightly against his body, a good thing because your knees had buckled at the contact.  Draping a hand over his shoulder, you twisted your fingers into his hair, letting your other hand curl up on his muscular chest. 
After the most blissful moment of your life, Steve pulled back and was beaming. This beautiful man had just kissed you and was happy about it. Damn, life couldn’t get any better. 
“Would you allow me to take you out to lunch, doll?” He asked, his voice a little husky. 
“Absolutely, Captain. Lead the way.” You said, laughing when he blushed from you using his title. 
Setting you back down firmly on the floor, he intertwined his fingers with yours and led you out to the elevator. The whole time, you were so enamored with Steve that you barely noticed Bucky waiting at the end of the hall with the most arrogant, smug look on his face.
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literaticat · 4 years
Hi! Of the queries you receive, do you have a general idea of the breakdown of the quality of the manuscripts? For example, say... 10% are really great/you could totally see it on a bookshelf/you're just not the right agent, 75% are missing something major in regards to plot/structure/whatever, 15% are people who are just doing this for a lark? Just curious. Apologies if this was submitted twice-- I think it thinks I'm a robot.
Having QueryManager has made a HUGE difference in the percentages. Previously, I’d say easily 40% of queries were literally a) A genre or category I just don’t rep, b) Not books at all, but rather, absolutely bat-shit rants about Jesus or aliens or pornography or all three, c) Not in English. Having the form cuts back on these *dramatically* so now that percentage is more like 5%. (Yes, I should do a commercial for QueryManager! It’s a god-send.)
So taking all the rubbish out of the equation - I’d say 
35%: Earlybirds! They are querying way too early. They are just... quite simply.... not good enough writers yet! (They can/might get there, if they continue to work on their craft and etc etc, butttttt.... a lot of birds give up at this stage). 
35%: Worker-birds! These birds are clearly working hard and taking writing seriously, but their manuscript has something fundamentally broken about it. (This could be anything, or a combo of things: flawed premise, massive plot-holes, no stakes, flat writing... or just, like, boringness) -- This is probably something big that might be fixed with deep revision, or it might be unfixable, but as it is right now, it’s no dice. (It’s likely that this is the “first pancake” of manuscripts, and the Worker-bird will have better luck with a fresh project.)
25%: Good-birds! This is almost the most frustrating category of bird, because it’s so hard to explain. Like... these books are fine. There’s nothing I could point to that is WRONG about them. They are good, even. They are just, for me,  lacking a bit of .... je ne sais quoi -- maybe another agent will feel differently, I don’t know, but I can’t get on board.
4.5%: GREAT BIRDS! I can *completely* see that this will garner lots of interest and offers! I can visualize it on the shelf! I would have to think long and hard about these birds - for sure they are Great Birds! But ultimately, I’m not the best agent for them.
(no I don’t know why I made them all birds, it started with ‘early birds’ and spiraled out of control, I’m sorry)
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lovelylogans · 5 years
I just came up with just like the worst prompt for a sideshire file: adult, sensible, reasonable Virgil finding out MCR is back and flipping out
the black parade
we’ll carry on, we’ll carry onand though you’re dead and gone, believe meyour memory will carry onwe’ll carry on
-welcome to the black parade, my chemical romance
part of the wyliwf verse.
ao3 | read my other fics | coffee?
warnings: food mentions, remus mentions, grief mentions, cryptid mentions, emotionally dealing with a deceased parent, let me know if i missed anything!
pairings: logince, moxiety
words: 4,824
notes: how dare you call this absolute gem of a prompt “the worst” also did i schedule this to come out on the day of the concert YES!!!  the timeline is kinda hand-wavey on this one, so let’s just say it happens shortly after the main storyline and it makes sense for mcr to announce that news on that date and for it to fit in with the narrative i’m telling here, okay? okay! (the song roman is listening to is “bombastic” by bonnie mckee, and honestly sub in any mcr instrumentals for any song virgil is mentioned to be listening to this oneshot.)
 patton first hears about it, surprisingly, from his son.
though logan isn’t quite as in tune (well, patton thinks it’s funny!) with the music scene as the sanders’ significant others—roman with pop and musicals, and virgil with his more eclectic taste—he is, of course, the most in tune with the news.
the mcr reunion certainly qualifies as news.
when patton opens the link his son has texted him, he stares at it for a few seconds, and says aloud, “ah.”
so, virgil is probably going absolutely feral.
back when patton had first gotten to know virgil, his interest in music had been surprising—the diner usually played soft music, jazz or old-timey songs or instrumentals, non-offensive songs that usually everyone could tolerate and talk over without noticing it very much, playlists swapping up so that employees on the same shift wouldn’t want to plug their ears if they ever heard buddy holly again. 
now he knows that virgil doesn’t that over into his personal life, and that he mostly plays that music because it’s the kind of music his parents played when they ran the diner. when patton first sees virgil’s music collection, he was surprised, and then he thought about it more and it made sense. why else would he always be listening to music on his headphones, even when it was just the two of them? 
now, it’s weird to even think that he’d thought virgil’s taste was ever, well. tame, he supposes. mainstream.
patton checks the time. it’s probably early enough that he can pass this off as a coffee break, and not to check that virgil has passed out in the midst of the diner.
patton’s trying to formulate the best way to ask “so, have you heard the news?” question in case patton is somehow the one to break it to him, but when he walks into the diner and listens to the music for a couple seconds, he doesn’t even need to bother asking. it speaks for itself.
to virgil’s credit, he isn’t blaring the entire mcr discography.
he is, however, blaring instrumental covers of what seems like the entire mcr discography.
or at least, the diner is—virgil’s nowhere in sight. patton just kind of assumes that he’s back in the kitchen, so he goes to sit at the counter, waiting for him to emerge with a tray or a rag, maybe not grinning, except for maybe that soft secretive smile he does sometimes, but probably humming along.
he doesn’t come out for a while—that’s pretty normal, this time of day, it is the early dinner rush—but then patton puts in an order for hot cocoa/coffee.
and he actually gets it. and he can smell that it’s not decaf. which means—
patton leans over the counter, and smiles at jean. “where’s v?”
“kitchen,” jean says.
“and he actually gave me something caffeinated at this time of day? are we sure this is virgil?”
jean laughs. “i guess he’s in a good mood, then.”
patton smiles down at his mug, tracing his pinky around its rim. “guess so.”
patton sips his way through about two-thirds of his mug before virgil emerges from the kitchen, towel swept over his shoulder, a carafe of coffee in each hand. which is mostly normal.
except he’s humming, and grinning, and instead of his usual purple flannel or hoodie, he’s wearing all black. there’s the flash of a band tee underneath the black hoodie he’s got on. patton hides his grin behind his mug. 
“oh, hey,” virgil says, snapping out of his haze.
“so i guess i’m not about to break the news to you, huh?” patton teases.
“nah, you’re not,” virgil says, smiling still as he replaces the coffee carafes before he leans on the counter. the other servers, used to this, scoot around him in their quest to deliver food back and forth.
“we could time a visit to chris to go, if you want,” patton says. “since he lives in california.”
virgil looks incredibly tempted, before he says, “let’s think on it?”
patton nods and leans over the counter to kiss virgil on the cheek—a new thing he’s been doing lately, now that they’re dating—virgil ducks his head, flushing, like he does every time. patton can’t help the smile that springs onto his face, every time.
“i’m happy you’re happy about it, darling,” patton says. 
“you’re ruining my street cred,” virgil mutters, blushing still.
patton fights his own grin. yeah, virgil’s street cred, his reputation rife with hoisting kids into his arms so they could better see the pastry display, and well-known for opening his door to anyone who had a last-minute stitching or alteration emergency, including a number of teary-eyed brides who’d invite him to their wedding on the spot, regularly slipping extra tips to his workers who were struggling, would definitely be harmed by his boyfriend—partner?—kissing him on the cheek. 
what he says instead of any of that is, “you’re marathoning punk rock in the diner right now, honey, i don’t think your rep’s gonna get harmed from anything i do.”
virgil tilts his head, acknowledging this point. “you sticking around for dinner?”
“should be,” patton says. “i’ll text logan that i’m here.”
“mkay,” virgil says, and digs around in his pocket, fishing out his notepad and pen with a flourish. “wanna order now or later?”
patton probably shouldn’t use virgil’s good mood for his own benefit. he really, really shouldn’t. but he’s got a real craving, so…
“refill of hot cocoa/coffee, cheeseburger, fries?” patton tries, keeping his voice extra blasé. 
a soft hum of acknowledgement as virgil scrawls it all down, and says, “cheddar cheese, right, or do you want colby jack?”
patton smiles. “cheddar cheese, please. oh, and some french silk pie?”
virgil tilts his head at patton with a look, fond and irked, and patton gives him a sheepish grin.
virgil sighs. “and french silk pie,” he grumbles, adding it on, and patton nearly crows with victory. he loses that battle when he can’t contain a soft “ha!” as virgil tops off his mug. 
virgil rolls his eyes, but there’s a smile clinging around the edges of his mouth as he disappears back into the kitchen.
patton digs out his phone. get to virgil’s he’s just given me junk food AND caffeine AND a dessert!!!!!!!!! 
He added vegetables, surely?
a pause. I’ll be there shortly.
patton grins and tucks his phone back into his pocket. even if logan was better with nutrition than he was, logan was still weak for a good, artery-clogging meal once in a while. virgil handing them out on a silver platter? a rarity that practically demanded to be taken advantage of.
when his phone buzzes, and the bell jangles, patton turns to see logan and roman filing into the diner. patton picks up his mug of hot cocoa/coffee, and heads back to join roman and logan in a booth, sitting across from them.
“hi, roman,” patton says.
“i heard virgil is handing out junk food like it’s candy,” roman says excitedly. “i want to see if i can talk him into giving me endless soda refills, for once.”
“he’s refilled my hot cocoa/coffee,” patton says, gleeful. “my caffeinated hot cocoa/coffee.”
“chances are good!” roman practically cheers. “i wanna get, ooh, um—um, breakfast for dinner! like a platter of breakfast for dinner!”
“it’s worth a shot,” patton says. “logan?”
“me too,” logan decides. “i want pancakes.”
“trade you bites of french toast for bites of pancake?”
roman and logan fall into discussing the latest happenings around the town—stories about the little kids in dance classes, the latest courant goofs, the hottest pieces of old-lady gossip—and by the time virgil re-emerges from the kitchen, patton gets to watch him blink, bemused and a little startled, at the absence of patton at the counter.
biting back a giggle, patton leans out of the booth so virgil can see him more clearly, and virgil nods, maybe saying “ahhh” under his breath, and emerges from behind the counter.
“hey, what can i get—“
a moment, a brief moment, one that patton isn’t sure that roman or logan even notice—when they both turn, roman grinning and logan… looking polite, at least—virgil falters, eyes widening, and he swallows, eyes flashing with… something. and then—
“—you two?”
“hot cocoa/coffee and a stack of pancakes,” logan says, looking at virgil sidelong, and virgil nods, eyes wide and… strangely attentive? not that virgil isn’t usually attentive, it’s just that virgil looks like… well, virgil looks like something’s struck him and he’s realized Something and he’s paying even closer attention. or something.
“how many?”
“um,” logan says, and glances at patton, who mouths go for it so logan says, “five?”
“five pancakes, hot cocoa/coffee, got it,” virgil says, absent, and then he swallows again. “roman?” he says gruffly.
“i want the breakfast combo with bacon, and french toast, and waffles, and hashbrowns, and instead of the regular toast side thing can i do biscuits and gravy?”
“bacon, french toast, waffles, hash browns, biscuits and gravy instead of toast, got it,” virgil says, staring at him still. “drink?”
“cherry coke?”
“yeah, of course,” virgil says, strangely choked, and then he just kind of—does something weird? even by virgil standards. wait, especially by virgil standards.
virgil awkwardly puts a hand on roman’s shoulder, removes it, and then puts it back on his shoulder again, and when roman looks up at him with a bemused kind of smile, virgil leans in, halting and jerking, and then just kind of—hugs him?
it might actually be generous to call it a hug. he sort of wraps roman up in his arms, and his arms just kind of end up circling roman’s head, because he’s standing and roman’s sitting, and roman, bewildered, manages to reach up and pat virgil’s shoulder, and virgil pats roman’s hair in a reciprocal moment of oddness before he lets go of him and says “um, right, okay, i’ll put those orders in and get someone to bring out your drinks” and speedwalks away from any semblance of a lingering awkward moment.
“um,” roman says, and flicks his hand to correct his hair from where virgil mussed it up. “that was… kind of weird? that was weird, right?”
“that was strange,” logan agrees, at the same time patton says, “yep, definitely weird.”
the conversation moves forward slowly, and jean ends up dropping off their drinks (and! giving! patton! a! third!!! refill!) and then jean ends up… bringing out their food, too? with no healthy alterations, which is good. virgil even gives him some ice cream with his pie, so that patton can combine it in a slightly disgusting but very delicious mess.
and by the time the check comes, virgil hasn’t re-emerged from the kitchen. which. okay. it’s dinner rush. sure.
but usually, he at least comes out to say goodbye.
so patton digs out his phone, and sends him a you’re free to drop by the house once you close up! text.
and then he ends up walking home with logan and roman. or, well.
“um,” logan says, when they’re about fifteen feet from the prince’s studio and apartment, “dad?”
“huh?” patton says, distracted, before the look that roman and logan exchange clicks, and the whole “walking someone home” thing clicks, and his own teenage experiences, and he says, “oh! oh, right! right, right, right.”
“dad,” logan groans.
“you wanna get me out of the way so you two can do cute couple-y teenager things, right, i get you,” patton says, grinning still, backing away slowly. “your old man’s still hip, you know.”
“don’t mind me, i’m just gonna,” patton says, grinning still, and waves a hand vaguely. “i’m just gonna stare real closely at the, um, the town decorations over there, and, uh, you can come and tap me on the shoulder when you’re ready to keep walking home, yeah?”
patton turns his back at the same time logan makes a strangled, embarrassed noise, and roman giggles, and he hears logan say “i’m sorry about—that” and roman giggle and say “don’t be. you’re cute when you get all huffy, you know” and then patton’s out of earshot and stares very intently at the wreaths and garlands dotting the town.
his baby has a boyfriend. it’s cute. it’s puppy love. it’s the kind of tooth-achingly sweet first relationship and the subsequent milestones that patton could have ever hoped for his son, even if the concept of “logan” and “dating” were still two very strange concepts to combine. it also provides patton his lifetime quota of “good-natured teasing of my child” that was bestowed upon him the moment he became a dad.
there’s a tap on his shoulder, and he turns to see logan, who’s blushing, just a little bit.
“we really need to coordinate our walks home so this never happens again,” logan grumbles, already walking past him, and patton picks up the pace.
“aw, hon, don’t be embarrassed,” patton says. “it’s perfectly natural to—”
“no,” logan complains, and patton laughs even as he starts to croon, “logan and roman, sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s—”
patton’s humming quietly to himself by the time he hears his front door open, and he smiles.
“hey,” he calls, setting aside the book he’d been reading. well. attempting to read.
stomp, stomp, stomp, virgil clearing his boots of any lingering wetness that might track onto patton’s carpet. the susurrus of virgil taking off his bulky winter coat and tucking it in with the others in the coat closet. a kiss dropped on the top of patton’s head. 
“hey,” virgil murmurs, and patton shuffles aside, tugging up his blanket, so that virgil has space to settle in beside patton, as most of the other spaces in the living room are taken up by laundry or books. this way, patton can cuddle him. patton may have plotted a little bit to ensure this development happened.
patton sighs happily as he tosses the blanket over virgil and snuggles into virgil’s side.
“rest of the shift go okay?” he asks, voice soft.
“yeah, it’s fine,” virgil murmurs, adjusting a little so that his arm settles soundly over patton’s shoulders. 
“good,” patton murmurs, rests his head on virgil’s shoulder and fights off a yawn. the yawn is afforded a narrow victory. “that’s good.”
“you haven’t been staying up for me, have you?”
“nuh-uh,” patton fibs, and then, “okay, yes, but i got your text and i didn’t wanna be rude by just being asleep when you got here.”
“i wouldn’t have been offended by you being well-rested,” virgil murmurs.
“you’re gonna say that i should—”
“—get ready for bed, yeah,” virgil finishes, sounding amused. “you know, i bet you’re so tired because—”
“don’t say it,” patton complains, even as virgil’s standing and tugging patton to his feet.
“—because of caffeine crash,” virgil finishes triumphantly. “you got way more caffeine than you’re used to this time of day, and—”
patton groans as he stamps up the stairs, even though he’s holding virgil’s hand the whole way, pulling him all the way into his bed. 
“stay here,” patton commands. “i’m gonna do what you want.”
“you say that like i’m not just asking you put on your pajamas and brush your teeth,” virgil says, amused, and patton rolls his eyes even as he bends to kiss virgil.
“the next one will be minty-fresh,” patton informs him, before he flounces off to the bathroom. the last thing he sees is virgil sitting on his bed and bending to remove his boots, a smile playing about his lips.
when he comes back, virgil’s tugging on a t-shirt, one he’d left the last time he spent the night, and patton flops happily onto his bed, watching as virgil smooths down the hem. virgil turns, and patton pats the other side of the bed.
“minty-fresh, huh?” virgil asks, as he lifts the covers and slides into place.
patton grins at him. “shameless,” he teases, before he leans in to kiss virgil, and patton can taste that virgil had brushed his teeth, too, probably before he’d even come over, the kiss soft and sleepy, and patton smiles as they pull back.
“love you,” patton says, and presses a kiss to virgil’s shoulder for emphasis.
“i love you too,” virgil says. “lamp off?” 
“yeah, sure,” patton says, and virgil leans up. the room’s doused in darkness. patton reaches for virgil and settles his head onto virgil’s chest.
“your shift was really okay, though?” patton asks, shifting in place to get comfy.
“yeah, ‘course,” virgil says, and adjusts slightly himself, settling his hand on patton’s shoulder blade.
“you sure?”
“why wouldn’t i be sure?”
“because,” patton says, “and, no pressure whatever you decide, but you got kinda weird with roman, and i’m wondering if it was just a momentary fluke of weirdness or something that you maybe wanted to talk about.”
virgil freezes. patton feels him tense. 
“oh,” virgil says quietly. “that.”
“yeah,” patton says softly, and leans a little so that he can try to see virgil’s face with the slivers of light slanting through his blinds from the half-moon tonight.
virgil chews his lip for a few seconds, before he blurts out, “remus liked mcr.”
oh. roman’s dad.
patton had met him once, one time, if you could even call it meeting—he’d accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation between virgil and remus, and that’s how he’d known that remus was going to become a father. patton had asked virgil about him, after, and virgil had said he was an old friend, promised to introduce patton to him, maybe introduce remus’ kid to logan, once he was out of the womb.
and then he’d died. and virgil hadn’t talked about him very much since.
“yeah?” patton prompts, voice gentle and soft.
“yeah,” virgil says, a little rough, and he clears his throat, squirming a little. “uh—he mostly liked stuff that most people… didn’t really like, i guess. stuff outside of the norm. he had the biggest cd collection of anyone i knew. metal, punk rock, screamo, witch house.” a flicker of a smile. “medieval folk rock.”
“medieval folk rock?” patton says, voice edged in a laugh.
“if it was weird, he liked it,” virgil says. “god, the things he’d play on the radio, sometimes… we’d be going to egg someone’s house or something, and he’d be blaring slavic polka or ectofolk or just—” virgil snorts, “—one time, he just kept playing it’s a small world. for a week. i could’ve strangled him.”
“he sounds like he was funny,” patton offers.
“you’d have to have a very specific sense of humor to find him funny,” virgil says. 
“did you?” patton says. “find him funny, i mean.”
“mm. sometimes. some things he said, i thought he was funny. others… others kind of scared me,” virgil says. he clears his throat. “remus didn’t particularly have a filter when it came to gross, taboo ideas, and he wasn’t shy about sharing them. doing them, sometimes. he was voted most likely to go to prison when he graduated from sideshire high.”
patton doesn’t really know what to say to that. so he just says, “ah.”
“i’m not sure if you would have liked each other,” virgil says.
“hey,” patton says, frowning.
“oh, you would have tried,” virgil says. “remus would have seen you were trying. he’d say something as a test, something you’d get uncomfortable with. you’d be polite about it and try to change the subject. but remus probably would have seen that you were uncomfortable with the stuff he said, and he would have delighted in grossing you out even more.”
patton considers this, before he says, “like boys on the playground who chase people with a worm on a stick to get everyone to squeal, or something?”
virgil huffs out a laugh. “sure,” he says. “that’s a good enough way to put it. tame, when it’s applied to remus, but… yeah. that’s the gist of it.”
“so,” patton says. “mcr.”
“and seeing roman, sitting there…” virgil says, and exhales a huge, gusting sigh. “face-wise, he looks so much like his dad.”
“remus was taller,” virgil says. “i know roman’s not done growing yet, so they might even out, but—but remus had a longer torso, shorter legs. different ears. remus always had dark under-eye circles. there’s something about the hands, too, i think. he was clumsier. had a less muscular build. remus wasn’t much of a dancer—well, he could lift isadora, but that’s about it, and i think that’s mostly because she’s tiny.”
“got it.”
“plus, i mean, remus was white, and since isadora's mexican, roman clearly isn't white, but—but roman’s face… i mean, slap a mustache on there and a white streak in his hair, and put that plotting look on his face that he gets sometimes, and i don’t think i’d be able to tell them apart.”
“like the plotting look like he had at dinner tonight,” patton realizes quietly.
“yeah,” virgil says, then, again, a little choked up. “yeah.”
patton wiggles closer and hugs virgil tighter. 
“you could tell him about him,” patton suggests quietly. “roman about remus, i mean. i bet he’d love to know.”
“maybe,” virgil says. “i spent most of shift thinking about it. i just—you know.”
“miss him?”
patton isn’t very familiar with grief; his grandparents, barring his granny lorelai, all died either before he was born or when he was a baby. the handful of funerals he went to were for people that he didn’t know very well—relatives he’d seen three times before, old “family friends” that his parents had fallen out of touch with, a couple business partners of his father’s—and so the only part he’s familiar with is this part. the comforting part.
“i’m sorry,” patton says quietly. “is there anything i can do?”
virgil let out a shaky exhale, and his grip tightens. “this is good.”
“okay,” patton says, and holds him tighter. “okay.”
i came to win, win, win, better show me what you goti came to bring the fire ‘cause you know i like it hotgonna win, win, win, ‘cause i’m full of tiger bloodi’m vicious like a viper and i’m ready to turn it on!
roman bops his head absentmindedly, headphones soundly on his ears, focus… maybe not quite so sound, but he’s at least holding a pencil and looking at his homework, so he thinks that counts as an attempt at focus on this stupid homework. like, who even needs proofs in real life?
so when a cup that looks like it’s full of soda is set in front of him, roman’s eager to hit pause and set down his pencil, looking up at his deliverer.
“uh, hey,” virgil says. “you busy?”
“not really,” roman lies brightly, pushing aside his homework. virgil’s eyes narrow when he sees it.
“you’re doing homework.”
“it can wait,” roman says, putting down his pencil. “seriously, it can wait. i want it to wait.”
“yeah, kid, that’s half the problem,” virgil retorts, tilting the textbook a little so that he can read, and his brow furrows. “geometry proofs?”
“like i said,” roman says, shoving his papers into the textbook before he closes it, “it can wait.”
“yeah, i guess,” virgil says, and he slides into the seat across from roman, holding onto his own beverage—a mug, probably with decaf coffee, or something—which he’s tap-tap-tapping his fingernails against. “uh. still not a math person?”
“yeah, archi-melancholy, because most people going into dance and theater and the fine arts are so well-known to be math people,” roman quips, and virgil smiles, just a little.
“archimedes joke?”
“i tried,” roman says. “again. not a math person.”
he takes a sip. cherry coke. the actual good kind with caffeine and full sugar and everything. which means that either virgil’s good mood has lasted two days—doubtful, considering he’s fidgeting with his mug—or he’s about to attempt a vague Emotional Talk, or something. he’s pretty sure he picked up the habit of giving people food they like as a special treat whenever there’s the possibility of upset from patton. or maybe it started with patton. who knows.
“so, uh,” virgil says. “what’re you listening to?”
“pop song,” roman says. “after your time. i think it’s too young for you. and it’s also, like, slightly cheerful and confidence-boosting.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you’ve been sneak-playing mcr for the past two days,” roman says accusingly. 
“they’re a good band,” virgil protests, and then, with an affected, forceful casualness, “your dad liked them too.”
roman pauses. hearing about his dad is kind of like… well, honestly, it’s kind of like hearing about bigfoot, or mothman, or yetis, or some other kind of cryptid. sure, people might have seen him. roman never had. sure, people had interacted with him. roman hadn’t. sure, people had stories about him. roman didn’t. sure, people might have blurry, strange pictures that roman had touched, stared at, seen his whole life. roman didn’t have one with him, not even his dad holding him as a baby. remus duke is almost a larger-than-life, obscure piece of sideshire mythology. remus duke, the famous horror author, with the tragic death, who’d once been the mysterious partner in crime with local loner virgil, who’d bravely volunteered to co-parent with the fearsome isadora prince. people might have seen him. believed in him. 
roman feels like a cryptid hunter, sometimes. like he’s doomed to always be questing out into the mysterious unknown, searching for some evidence, some form of personal connection, some story that’s his. he’s almost always come up empty.
doesn’t stop him from turning back for another quest.
he takes another sip. and, in an affected, forcefully casual tone, he says, “did he?”
virgil clears his throat. “yeah. uh—yeah.”
“that’s… cool,” roman says. 
“i kind of—“ virgil coughs. “i mean, i, uh. sorry for the whole awkward… hugging thing. i just—you know. i think he would have been happy. to hear they were back together.”
roman swallows and looks down into his cup. “oh.”
he would have been happy. roman hears that sometimes. apparently, his dad would have been happy that he turned out dancing like his mom. apparently, his dad would have been happy that he had once tackled a mean kid at sideshire for calling logan annoying. apparently, his dad would have been happy that my chemical romance reunited.
it’s not like roman would know.
roman taps his fingernails against the cup and looks back up at virgil, before he says, “were they his favorite?”
“my chemical romance,” roman elaborates. “were they my dad’s favorite band?”
“ah, no,” virgil says. “no. he, uh—he liked a lot of bands. his favorites changed a lot. but he liked, um—he liked the residents, and captain beefheart and the magic band. oh, and rockbitch.”
roman’s lip twitches. “captain beefheart?”
“it was a band from the sixties,” virgil says. “lots of experimental stuff. he liked everything as long as it was weird.”
“yeah, i’ve heard,” roman says. 
virgil hesitates, before he says, “once, he just played it’s a small world on loop for a week.”
roman cringes at the very idea. virgil laughs.
“yeah, i think that reaction was half the reason,” he says. “i think i, um. i think i’ve still got his cd collection in some boxes, stored away. he had the biggest music collection of anyone i’d ever met. i think the idea of spotify or music streaming the way we’ve got now would’ve given him heart palpitations.”
“of stress?”
“of excitement,” virgil corrects, and his lips twitch up in a bittersweet kind of smile. “he would have hacked the diner playlist and stuffed it full of rickrolling and a ten-hour gregorian chant remix and cotton eye joe and peanut butter jelly time and some pirate shanties, with, like, jesus take the wheel and that one song about christmas shoes thrown in for color.”
roman laughs, and virgil looks relieved.
“but, i figured,” virgil says, and shrugs. “i think you like music even more than him, maybe. so if you’ve got a stereo somewhere, you could—you could take any cd you want from it. i’m sure your mom would be thrilled to hear the dulcet tones of tuvan throat singing blaring in the apartment again.”
“okay,” roman says, and his voice comes out more eager than he means it to. “i—yeah, okay. i’d like that.”
“yeah?” virgil says.
“yeah,” roman says.
“uh, virgil?” jean calls. “the oven’s doing the smoking thing again!”
virgil curses under his breath, getting to his feet, before he taps his fingers against the table. “just—let me know when, yeah? i can show you the mcr album he doodled all over. practically gave it new cover art.”
“okay,” roman says.
“and do your homework!” virgil shouts over the din of concerned customers, even as he’s heading for the kitchen.
roman sighs, but tugs his textbook closer and opens it again.
the smile reappears on his face when, a couple songs later, a g-note rings throughout the diner.
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papa-nikki-writes · 4 years
Rowvember day 13-Retired
having left one's job and ceased to work.
Summary- Sometime between the gang war’s brief ceasefire in SR2, Shea gets a text from a one Benjamin King, he’s in town and fancies a chat, so Shea sets out to grab dinner with the ex Vice King leader.
Words: 1,940
Yeah this place was definitely too fancy for her, this was the type of establishment that would serve lobster or oysters. Or Caviar. Basically any weirdish thing found from the sea.
      There were ice swans and silverware galore, and while Shea wasn’t wanting for money much these days, she still felt out of place, even dressed to the nines in First Impression’s finest pants/blazer combo, she checked on her Fleur-de-lis pin in her jacket, then stepped into the restaurant. She was drawn to the view from outside for a moment, the huge windows in the sky restaurant were really something else. It gave her a fantastic view of her city in all it’s glory.
     Nobody seemed to batting an eyelid at her presence however, smiling and bowing their heads courteously as they passed, and Shea’s cheeks burned hot and she threw her attention to the pictures on the wall, noticing what looked to be Ronnie Kray sat at a table with some Mafioso sorts and raised an eyebrow. Maybe Randall and Aubin’s Seafood restaurant were used to entertaining those constantly falling on the other side of the law.
“Er, Miss O’Connor?” Shea turned at her name to see a greeter stood in front of her with a clipboard, and they nodded their head respectfully, “Mr King told us to look out for you, please, this way.” they said, gesturing with their arm and setting off through the tables. Shea followed, a knot twisting in her stomach that tightened the closer she got to King’s table. She could see him, leaning back in his chair gazing at the outside. This wasn’t just the first time she’s seen him in years, but she had killed Julius, and he had to have known it was her and asked to meet anyway. What was he planning?
      He looked round as she sat in the seat opposite him, her hands clasped in her lap, and he smiled, the diamond earring in his ear glinted as he moved, and he raised his hands to adjust the yellow scarf around his neck, seems he was always going to rep his colours no matter what. She respected that.
“Long time, no see Playa.” he said, and nodded at the greeter, who bowed and left. “You look very alive for a dead woman Shea.”
“Half of my legs had to be grafted.” she said, and Ben cringed.
“Still, you’re here, that says a lot.” he said, index finger grazing his chin in thought, and Shea raised an eyebrow.
“That could mean anything.” she said, and he laughed and narrowed his eyes.
“How so?”
“You know I killed Julius.”
“I also know why.” he said, “It’s a sad state of affairs, but karma comes to collect on all of us eventually. You can relax Shea, if I wanted to kill you, I certainly wouldn’t be doing it myself.”
“You don’t wanna kill me?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Ben replied, “though I do enjoy the straight shooting questions, it’s a breath of fresh air.”
    Shea felt all tension leave her body then and she relaxed, pulling over the menu to read.
“Alright, what’re we eating?”
“Whatever you want, my treat.” he said,
“That’s a dangerous thing to say around me, King.” she replied and he chuckled.
“I stand by it.”
        Shea glanced back down at the menu, her head spinning from how posh everything sounded: Classic moules marinieres, Linguine vongole,Poissons du jour, She spied a Tuna Carpaccio down the list and kind of had an idea what it was so her choice was made.
“So if your plan wasn’t to poison me horribly under the pretence of dinner, why did you ask me here?” she asked as the waiter came by, pencil at the ready to take their order, Ben stared for a few moments before turning to the man.
“Yes, so I’ll have the Roasted Monkfish and whatever the lady wants, and ah-a bottle of your best wine as well, you good with wine?” he asked her and she nodded, alcohol was alcohol at the end of the day.
“And I’ll have the Tuna Carpaccio please.” she said, and the water jotted it all down.
“Excellent choices, I’ll be back in a few minutes with your wine sir-madam.” he said, inclining his head towards them both before taking their menus, and Ben waited until her was gone before leaning forwards.
“Stilwater’s yours again, so what’s next?”
“Yeah, fighting’s only ever the half of it, the real hard work is maintaining it, so what’s your plan?”
“I have no plan.” Shea replied, they were just trying to survive from day to day, never really gave her the time to be dreaming up schemes. “The Saints have had it rough the last few months, I’m happy to give them a breather while I figure a few things out.”
“Fair, fair. I...have heard a few things, How are you and Gat holding up?”
“We’ve...been better.” Shea answered, deliberately vague, “We’re OK though, in the grand scheme. You mentioned it yourself that I’m doing well for being dead.” she said, thanking the waiter as he poured their wine then left them with the bottle on their table. She leaned forward, glass in hand. “Pierce says hi by the way, you might not know him by name but he was a VK back in the day, one of the ones that stayed loyal to you during the coup.”
“Evidently, since he joined up with you. I might have sent a few of my guys in your direction, you know the ones that don’t do well out of a gang?” he asked and she nodded, “you probably don’t know how many ex Vice Kings walk among the Saints.”
“Well if I don’t know, they’re causing no harm, I’m not going to send away loyal people for who they used to be. I’ve had too many friends stab me in the back to learn that lesson.”
“You don’t lay hands on your own?” he asked, taking a sip.
���If I have to do that, they’re not my own.” she smirked, “Dex, Troy, Julius, I used to party with them, and now they either directly or indirectly tried to put me in the ground. I train my people, but I never push them farther than they can handle. I need them ready, not burnt out.”
“Your leadership style’s very hands on.”
“It’s me King, I don’t think it could be anything else.”
“True, hey if it works for you, I’m hardly the one that should be judging.”
“Yeah but what did you do after you decided to lay the weapons down, go into big business?” she asked, taking a drink, and King frowned, tapping a hand on the table.
“It was the only way I could go really. I couldn’t end the Vice Kings obviously, you’ve seen what creating a power vacuum does.” Shea nodded, remembering that fecking boat again, “Great in theory, but Jules always was too much of an idealist. Put him in denial more often than not.”
“Cut off the Hydra’s head, three more grows in its place.”
         Shea frowned and sipped at her wine, it’s true that the city was theirs and she had no intention of disbanding the Saints now it was, like Ben just said, they could do without the messiness that Julius caused five years ago. But where could she take the Saints? Their enemies were gone, they’d have nothing to do, and the gang was unruly at the best of times. She would have to find other avenues for them to expend their energy, but what?
“What do you think I should do?” she asked, and Ben chuckled, shaking his head and raising a hand.
“Oh no no no, I’m not telling you what to do? You got to figure it out on your own I’m afraid.”
“Ben.” Shea snapped, incredulous.
“Hey I’m retired, I’m here to guide you, not shove you into a box.”
“Laaaame.” she huffed, downing her wine, “Can I get more?” she asked.
“Knock yourself out, just save the passing out for when you get home though.”
“Ah, I’m sure Johnny can haul me off the floor if I do, you should see him now Ben, jail made him super hench.”
“He’s living with you?”
“For now yeah, truth be told, I want to keep an eye on him, you know?” she asked, and Ben finished his own drink, and he too poured more.
“You just make sure you look after eachother yeah? Not a day goes by when I don’t miss Angela, it’s not the exact same situation as you but I could’ve done with my best friend still with me.”
         He looked sad and wistful when he said that, and Shea nodded, she understood, nothing worse than losing your best friend somewhere along the way, with them taking arms against you later. Maybe that’s why Ben didn’t want to kill her, because he understood how she felt right now, she wondered if the thought of killing Julius crossed Ben’s mind after, only to realise when he came down to it that he could never really do it. God knows Shea still found it playing round and round in her head as time went on.
“So,” she asked, wanted to steer the conversation into lighter waters, “How’s retirement treating you?”
“Well my books still selling well, they want to turn it into a movie, and Michael Clarke Duncan’s supposed to playing me, so-pretty fucking well.” he grinned, “not what I had in mind five years ago, but I like where I am at least.”
“Am I in it?” she asked,
“You mean you haven’t read it yet? Christ playa, I say all these nice things about you and you don’t have the courtesy to read it?”
“Hey, I’m not retired remember?” She chuckled, “mama’s still getting that illegitimate coin.”
“But coin nonetheless.”
“Of course.” she grinned, then her eyes flicked to their food coming and she grinned wider, she couldn’t wait for this. It was when they were both taking a wine break when Ben leaned forwards across the table.
“Did I tell you I’ve been shortlisted for the Baker award, first non fiction, autobiographical listing in thirty years.” he said, and both of Shea’s eyebrows raised, that was surely impressive.
Wow.” she said, then leaned forwards too, “I got a bullet to curve round a wall the other week.” she said, to highlight their different lives and Ben laughed, then she did, The rest of the dinner went by in a blur of anecdotes and laughter, and when they both stepped outside while Ben waited for his limo to pull round, he turned to her.
“You know, I haven’t said this, but you really remind me of Angela.”
“Your sister was Irish?” she asked, and Ben smiled.
“No, but she always knew more than she let on.” he sighed, then as he watched the limo pull up, he shoved his hands in his pockets, “just...take care yeah? Don’t let yourself be cornered again, always give yourself an out.” he said, them waved as he dipped inside the car and shut the door, and Shea waved back until she could no longer see him.
       She wasn’t going to sleep tonight, she didn’t sleep much as it was but everything the dinner brought up kept swimming through her wine brain. Angela King, Julius Little, plans now the fighting had stopped etc. She knew she’d have to speak to Johnny about all this when she got back but right now the bigger challenge for Shea O’Connor was to find her way back home.
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sunkissedpages · 5 years
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves- Part Twenty-Three || Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: welcome to another episode of: this is how friends with benefits act right?? this is how two people who have zero feelings for each other totally interact right?? also big thank you to @parkerstylesperalta​, @summernykole​, and that one anon for teaching me about exercise because I’m fucking clueless :))
Prompt: Enemies to lovers au (from @marvelellie‘s 1k writing challenge!!)
Summary: You work as a production assistant for the Spider-Man: Far From Home crew, or rather as Tom Holland’s handler. The two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
Warnings: swearing, angst, SMUT LIKE IT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE SMUT
What I listened to while writing: this noir playlist
Word Count: 3.7k
Series Masterlist
“Stay. Please.”
Tom’s hand was warm and the new context of his touch sent a shiver down your spine. It was intentional, yet hesitant. You looked back up into his eyes and saw a combination of longing and fear staring back at you. Whether he was afraid you wouldn’t agree, or that you would, you weren’t sure.
“Stay?” you repeated and saw him give you the tiniest nod. “Like a sleepover?”
Tom chuckled and shook his head. “Only you, dork.” His eyes crinkled with his smile when you laughed. “Is that a yes?”
You nodded back at him unsurely, but it was enough for him to lead you over to the bed by the hand he was still holding. When he plopped down on the left side you gave him a look.
“That’s my side,” you said with a pout, thinking back to all the mornings you woke up next to Tom in Venice on the left side of the bed, wondering why he’d bother to change the routine now.
“I forgot you were a control freak,” he groaned, rolling over dramatically.
“I can leave,” you threatened with a scowl, trying not to let his playful words get under your skin. Too many times had he said those exact words under his breath when he thought you were out of earshot all those months ago when you couldn’t stand the sight of each other. It was hard not to let them sting now even though he was teasing.
“No, darling come here,” he pleaded with wide eyes, knowing you were one to make good on your word.
You climbed onto the bed, your rightful side of the bed with a sigh. “You drive me insane,” you muttered.
“Thank you, love, you drive me quite mad as well,” he agreed with a cheeky grin, scooting closer to you on the bed.
“It wasn’t a compliment,” you snarled as Tom laughed and toppled you so that you were lying squished in his arms.
“Ow, my fucking arm,” you complained and yanked it out from underneath him.
“Sorry,” he apologized, shifting so that the two of you could lay on the mattress more comfortably. “This is new for us.”
That was for sure. With Tom’s arms wrapped around you, you were positive he could feel your heart pounding in your chest, just as you could feel his against your back. You relaxed slightly as he began to trace mindless shapes along your body, first on your hands, then along the exposed skin of your hips where your sweatshirt had ridden up.
Goosebumps followed his fingers as they moved along the curves of your skin at a slow, gentle pace. When he felt you finally relax into him he leaned up to kiss the corner of your mouth, taking you by surprise.
“I don’t think this is how sleepovers are supposed to go,” you joked. “I’m calling my mom.”
“Just shut up and let me hold you, dammit,” he sighed in exasperation and squeezed you tighter making you laugh like you hadn’t in a decade. You ignored the way your heart ached in your chest as you did.
Tom’s alarm was a familiar, yet unwelcome sound to wake up to. You groaned and stretched your arms out above your head, noticing that the two of you had moved apart during the night. That was okay with you. It made the night before easier to swallow, made it seem like a more distant memory.
You were now on your back, only half covered by the comforter with your legs tangled in the sheets. Tom was still fast asleep on his side, completely unaware of the blaring alarm still going off on his phone. You couldn’t really blame him, your heads had barely hit the pillows before having to get up again. Still, you wouldn’t have given up last night for any amount of sleep. You smiled thinking about it now and gave him a shove to wake him up, pulling the comforter back up around you, clutching it tightly as you watched Tom roll over and open his eyes slowly.
“Morning, love,” he said sleepily with a smile when he saw you hadn’t disappeared from his side yet.
“Morning, asshole,” you returned with a smirk. His smile faltered and he quirked an eyebrow. “You gonna turn off that alarm or am I going to have to throw your phone against a wall?”
“Haz always said you were such a morning person,” he grumbled, rolling over to turn his phone off and scroll through his messages.
“What time is it?” you asked, scooting closer to him underneath the covers.
“Six-thirty,” he replied and threw off the blankets to get up. “I told Harrison I’d go with him to the gym this morning, want to come?”
That was actually the last thing you wanted to do, you’d much rather curl up right where you were and fall back to sleep, but you felt yourself nodding and heard yourself say “sure” and when you saw Tom’s face light up you knew you couldn’t take it back.
“I just need to go to my room to change.”
“We’re already running late, just wear some of my clothes,” he insisted, already rifling through his suitcase for himself, “and you can change into yours when we get back.”
“But they’ll get all sweaty.”
He chuckled lightly and threw a t-shirt and pair of sweats at you.  “That’s usually what happens when you exercise, love. I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“I have loads of gray t-shirts, but if it really bothers you that much we can find a laundromat later.”
You shrugged and pulled the sweatshirt you were already wearing as pajamas over your head. You’d stopped feeling weird about changing in front of Tom by now, he’d seen you naked too many times for you to care.
When you looked back up Tom was pulling on a similar looking t-shirt, chuckling to himself.
“What?” you asked, feeling self-conscious all of the sudden.
He shook his head. “You think I’m afraid of a little sweat? After everything we’ve done together? Darling, my tongue has been-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Thomas,” you warned, and tossed a pillow from the bed at him while trying to pull your pants up at the same time, missing completely. You felt heat prickling at the back of your neck at the thought of the memories that he’d been implying.
“Alright, alright.” He held up his hands in surrender. “Let’s go then, Harrison’s waiting for us.”
“Harry didn’t want to come?” you asked once you were in the elevator together.
“If we try and wake him up even ten minutes before we’re supposed to be on set we’ll never hear the end of it,” Tom explained. “He usually works out at night, if he works out,” he added.
“Should’ve gone with him,” you mumbled.
“What was that?” Tom asked
“Nothing,” you shook your head. “Happy to be here.”
He smiled. “It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
The gym was small and surprisingly empty, except for Haz who was sitting on a bench attached to one of the machines scrolling through his phone.You noticed that the walls were lined with mirrors which you hated. You never understood the appeal of having to watch yourself work out from every single angle and it made it feel as if not only everyone else in the room was watching you exercise, but you were too. It made you want to be invisible.
“Took you long enough,” Harrison said without looking up from his phone.
“Blame y/n.”
Haz jerked his head up at your name and noticed you standing next to his best friend for the first time, wearing baggy clothes and looking completely out of place.
You smacked Tom’s shoulder. “You’re the one who didn’t wake up to your alarm, jerk.” You bit your lip when you realized you’d completely given away the fact that you’d spent the night with Tom- that was if you wearing his clothes hadn’t tipped Harrison off already.
He didn’t comment, but you could tell by his expression that he thought it was a bad idea, and he wasn’t wrong.
“You’re both late,” he said matter-of-factly, standing and slipping his phone in the pocket of his shorts. “Glad you could join us, y/n.”
“Thanks, I don’t really know what I’m getting myself into,” you said nervously.
“We’ll take it easy on you,” Tom assured you.
“And who said that’s what I wanted?” you accused.
Tom stuttered. “I-I’m sorry I just-”
“I’m just kidding, please do,” you relented with a soft smile. “But you shouldn’t assume.”
“What do you guys want to start with?” Harrison asked as he cracked his knuckles.
“Why don’t we do some rotations since there are three of us?” Tom suggested.
The way the boys set up the rotations were so that one person would do a burpee/squat combo, one person would do crunches, and one person would do weights and then you all would switch.
The three of you stretched first, following Harrison’s lead as he did toe-touches and windmills. You tried not to look at yourself in the mirror as you failed to reach your toes from the sitting position and caught Tom’s eye in the reflection, sending him a wink before focusing back in on Harrison.
You started on burpees and squats and Tom taught you the proper form for both, watching on even after you got the hang of it. He insisted it was to make sure you were using safe technique, but he let his eyes wander.
“Tell me, how much does ‘safe technique’ have to do with my ass?” you asked, wondering if he’d only picked squats for this exact reason.
“At least forty-two percent,” Tom said with a shit-eating grin.
“I’m wearing baggy sweatpants,” you said shaking your head.
“Yeah, and they’re my baggy sweatpants,” he whispered hotly.
You did another rep and shook your head again. “Do you ever burn out?”
“I dunno, wanna test it?”
“If you two don’t mind, I’d really like to keep my breakfast down as I work out.”
“Sorry Harrison,” you apologized, hoping the flush of embarrassment would be hidden underneath the flush already present from working out.
“All I’m saying is you better not look at my ass when it’s my turn for that rotation, Tom,” Harrison warned making you laugh.
Tom rolled his eyes. “Come off it, mate.”
You did crunches next, which you didn’t need any help with. You were definitely slower than Haz, who had been doing them before you, but you kept up a good pace, and only slowed a little bit as the time ran out. You learned the technique for handheld weights last, which Tom helped you with before going to do crunches at his own rotation.
He was impressed at how much you could lift since you were a beginner, but you explained that you had to carry a lot of boxes and things around set and that over time it’d started to get easier.
When the timer on Harrison’s phone went off you immediately jogged over to the water cooler and chugged three of the tiny cups, wanting more but holding yourself back.
“Only three more times around!” Tom cheered enthusiastically.
“You mean we have to do it again?” you panted and narrowed your eyes at him.
“Yep, three more times!”
“I hate you.”
Harrison laughed. “Come on y/n you can do it.”
“But I don’t want to!”
You couldn’t even enjoy watching Tom do his burpees as you struggled to do crunches the second time around because of the combination of anger and misery coursing through your veins. No wonder you never worked out.
“Fuck y/n I’m going to cum,” Tom cursed as you bobbed up and down on his cock, one hand on his hip, the other holding your hair back.
You felt your eyes go wide as his stomach muscles tensed and pulled off of him with a pop. “Not in my mouth!”
“What the fuck?” Tom hissed, eyes panicked, abs clenching harshly as he fought to hold off the inevitable. He took hold of his cock in his own hand and gave you an alarmed look. “Where am I supposed to-”
“Um, here,” you yanked Harrison’s yellow sweatshirt and your t-shirt off in one go, throwing it up behind him on the bed so that you were only in your bra. “Cum on my chest.”
Tom didn’t need to be told twice and came finally in spurts all over your your chest with horrible aim, having no regard for your bra. He let a string of profanities leave his lips as he pumped himself through it. His head fell back on the pillows in relief as he came down from his high, breathing hard.
“What the fuck was that?” he asked.
“Sorry, I’m still kind of nauseous from working out earlier,” you apologized and collapsed on Tom, laying your head on his hip and breathing rather hard yourself.
Tom couldn’t help but laugh at that, carding his hands through your hair absentmindedly. “Loser.”
“Hey, give me a break, Spider-Man, I’m an amateur.”
“Are you sore yet?”
“Everything hurts,” you groaned, head bouncing as Tom laughed. “Moving stuff around on set all day didn’t help.”
“I’m sorry love, want me to help you relax a little?”
“And how are you going to do that?” you asked cheekily, sitting up a little to look into his eyes.
“I have a few ideas,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Might involve repaying the favor you just did for me?”
“I’m definitely interested, but let me clean up first.”
You pushed yourself up and off the bed and walked to the bathroom where you turned on the sink and waited for the water to warm. You sighed as you unclipped your bra, thinking about how much of a bitch those stains were going to be to get out later. You wet a washcloth and cleaned yourself off, giving yourself a onceover in the mirror.
Your hair was a mess, eyes a little red, and eyes dark with want. You smirked at yourself. Who were you? Having casual sex and actually enjoying it? You never would’ve imagined it for yourself, yet here you were about to (fingers crossed) get eaten out by your boss for the ??? time this week.
You decided you might as well take off your jeans since you were already shirtless just to make everything easier so you peeled them off your legs along with your panties leaving you completely naked. You knew Tom would appreciate it.  
You made your way out of the bathroom with what you were hoping was more of a sultry walk than a sore one, but stopped when you saw Tom looking guilty, bottom lip pulled between his teeth anxiously.
“I know that look,” you sighed. “What is it?”
“I forgot, I’m meant to have a livestream on instagram about the film in three minutes.”
“That wasn’t on your schedule.”
“I know, Jake asked me to switch mine with his because he had some meetings or something and I forgot to tell you.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest in frustration. You knew you probably looked ridiculous standing like that completely naked in the middle of his hotel room, but you didn’t care.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry y/n. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Whatever, just put some pants on,” you muttered gesturing to his naked lower half.
“They’ll only see my face,” he protested.
“Yeah, and I’m sure Marvel will love when you accidentally flip the camera around in the middle of the stream and show the entire world your dick.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Tom admitted and rolled over to grab a pair of sweatpants off the floor before pulling them loosely onto his hips. You made for your clothes on the bed, but Tom put out his hand to stop you. “Wait, don’t leave! It won’t be long, I swear.”
You rolled your eyes and plucked a big t-shirt from the top of Tom’s suitcase to wear in the meantime, watching as he got situated on the bed.
“Just, uh, sit there and don’t say anything.”
“Don’t worry, I know how to keep my mouth shut,” you quipped back, wondering why you’d let him convince you to stay so easily.
Tom took a deep breath and pulled his phone out, fingers trembling and it hit you how nervous he was.
“Hey, Tom?” you called over from you chair in the corner. “You’ve got this. It’ll be great.”
“Thanks,” he said and took another deep breath, his thumb hovering over the screen.
You opened up your own instagram so that you could monitor the comments and pressed the little pink icon that popped up when Tom started his live.
“Hi guys, hope you’re all having a fantastic day! I’m in New York right now, on the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home, well not really on set, I’m in my hotel room right now, but you know what I mean.” He laughed and cleared his throat before continuing. “So anyway, we’re in New York City filming the last little bit and it’s been loads of fun! Getting to know everybody on set and seeing all of you guys has been so amazing! It’s really been the best time of my life.”
He continued to talk about the movie and how thankful he was for the experience but the last little bit stuck with you. I mean they were all the words he was supposed to say, but you stopped to wonder if he really meant them.
The best time of his life? Had it been the best time of yours? Your immediate instinct told you no, reminding you of how miserable you were every morning back in London, how many shitty situations you’d gotten yourself into, how many nights you spent crying on this stupid trip. But another, quieter part of you whispered about the smaller moments spent laughing with Zendaya at a cafe in Prague, sword fighting Harrison with baguettes from craft services, and of course all the little stolen moments you had with Tom. It felt like you were living on borrowed time when you were with him, and neither of you spoke your feelings aloud, but the memories you already had with him? They were yours to keep.
You realized you hadn’t been paying attention to the comments and tuned back in. Scrolling back through some of the comments to see what you’d missed.
“So I’m here to answer some of your questions about the film, I can’t go into too much detail of course, but uh yeah just hit me with them.” Tom paused for a second as the questions rolled in, trying to pick a good one. “How’s Jacob?” He smiled. “He’s great, he’s really good. Getting to work with one of my best friends is the absolute best. I can’t say enough good things about the guy, and I’m not just being nice because I know he’s watching!” He winked at the screen and scrolled through the comments some more. “Harry stop asking questions you’re with me all the time.”
Tom had been going on for over ten minutes and your patience was beginning to thin. When he started going off on a tangent about and inside joke between him and Jake Gyllenhaal you said fuck it and sent him a text that you were getting in the shower. He got the notification on his phone, but his eyes still flicked in your direction when you got up.
You knew he’d be pissed, but your chest was still sticky as was your hair, and you figured you might as well just finish yourself off since he obviously wasn’t going to do it. The shower was quiet enough not to be heard over the microphone of Tom’s phone so the only real challenge was going to be keeping yourself quiet. You waited a few minutes under the warm water just to see if he’d wrap things up and join you, but when he didn’t you took matters into your own hands, literally.
You’d barely touched yourself when your phone buzzed on the counter. You froze, waiting for it to stop, but as soon as it did it started buzzing again. The third time it started buzzing you threw up your hands and gave in, figuring whatever it was must be important if they kept trying to call you. You shook your hand dry and reached for your phone, catching it on the last ring.
“What Harrison?” you snapped into the phone after seeing his picture pop up on your screen. You instantly regretted how harsh you sounded.
“Are you in the shower?” he asked sounding confused by the running water in the background.
You bit back a curse and turned the water off, grabbing a towel from the shelf to dry yourself off. “I was, but you called me like three times in a row so I figured whatever it must be was important enough to cut it short. Why are you calling me?”
“I sent you a link to a tweet, you need to look at it immediately. I don’t know if anyone else knows yet, but it’s kind of blowing up so if they don’t already, they will soon.”
“Hold on, I’ll check it out. Will you stay on the line?”
“Yeah sure.”
Harrison’s end of the phone was quiet as he waited for you to look at the tweet. You clicked the link in the text he sent you which opened a tweet with two pictures. The caption was just ‘?????’ which didn’t make any sense until you looked at the pictures.
The first was a zoomed in aerial picture from set that looked like it had been clipped from one of Harry’s drone videos. You spotted yourself easily amongst the other crew members even though your back was turned because you were wearing Harrison’s yellow sweatshirt with the hood up. You swiped in confusion over to the second picture and it all clicked. It was a picture from Tom’s livestream, zoomed into something in the corner and almost so grainy you couldn’t tell what it was, but it was just clear enough to be able to tell that it was Harrison’s sweatshirt balled up with your t-shirt from earlier that Tom had neglected to move out of frame.
“Well shit.”
I know I say this a lot, but I have mixed feelings about this part anyway lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!!
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ahgaseda · 5 years
made of stone || chapter 14
⇥ synopsis : when you return after years apart to pursue a divorce from your husband, Mark, you fall back into a contentious relationship because your partner still refuses to give up his dangerous fighting career...
⇥ warnings : this story in its entirety includes but is not limited to strong language and dialogue, descriptions of blood and violence, alcohol or drug use, and explicit sexual content, and is intended for an adult audience only!
Sweat poured down your face and you suddenly dropped to your hands and knees, dry-heaving as your empty stomach punished you for the stress.
Jinyoung shoved a small bin under you, though he knew you wouldn’t produce anything. Jackson appeared a swift moment later and began dousing your face with cold water from the hose.
“Isn’t this too much too soon?” Bambam questioned worriedly.
Jaebum replied, “Gotta get her into shape.”
“Get up,” Jackson ordered sternly, speaking your name with force.
You shook your head, which only made you more nauseous because your head was pounding.
“This is when it gets hard,” Jinyoung reminded softly. “Push through it and remember why you’re doing this.”
Easy for him to say, you thought, but you knew he meant well and his words lingered.
Jackson turned off the hose and tossed it away, crouching down beside you and waiting patiently.
Your arms were trembling uncontrollably and you knew your body was moving past its threshold and landing somewhere into shock. Digging deep, you got back to your feet and slowly put up your fists.
Jackson mirrored your stance and sidestepped next to you, asking, “You quitting?”
“No,” you answered, voice too meek for his taste.
Jinyoung resumed his position behind the bag, holding it steady as the chains fastening it to the ceiling jingled loudly.
Jackson moved closer and yelled, “You gonna let some bitch put you down?”
Hitting the bag with your fist, you shouted, “No!”
Jackson shrugged, unimpressed. “Then show me something!”
You struck the bag with enough force to send Jinyoung off-balance. He hadn’t expected it.
Jackson smacked your ass and cheered, “There she is!”
Dropping your arms, you glanced toward a stoic Mark seated against the far wall and warned out of the corner of your mouth, “You know my husband is over there, right?”
“Pfft, you one of the boys,” Jackson retorted, sticking out his tongue like a misbehaving child that knew he would fully get away with it. “Don’t even flirt with me.”
You chuckled. The brief levity was sorely needed.
The fight would be in two weeks and it went without saying that you were more than rusty. Firstly, you had never fought in an organized event, legal or illegal. Your training stemmed from self-defense courses, a few jiu jitsu lessons, and scrapping on the street in your adolescent years. Obviously, none of those lended themselves to a career in underground fighting.
Still, you knew you were more than capable of handling the business at hand and no matter what, you had to insert yourself into this world and find the Achilles heel.
Fortunately for you, Jackson was the world’s best personal trainer. He liked to taunt and encourage... very loudly. He knew exactly how to push at your buttons to get the desired result and he was just what you needed with such a short window of preparation.
“I’m trying, Jackson,” you huffed, propping your hands on your thighs and taking a few steadying breaths after another sequence of drills.
Jackson folded his arms and crowded into your space, barking, “You gon’ let some bastard disrespect you?”
That lit a fire under your ass like nothing else. Images of Mark being bum rushed by Jong-Kook’s men made your blood boil. “Never,” you hissed.
Jinyoung braced against the bag as you pounded a combo of hits against the surface with renewed vigor. Each collision rang out in the empty gym.
All the boys were in attendance, of course. They had made comments about getting a workout in, but you knew they were here to watch you and decide if you had a fighting chance in hell.
Jackson was relentless, moving you from station to station as soon as you began to settle. Fortunately for him, you had a lot of trust (and affection) where he was concerned. Or else you probably would have clocked him by now.
Approaching Jaebum, who pulled on mitts over his hands, you took your stance and prepared for Jackson’s new set of demands.
“Start off with three hit combos,” Jackson instructed. “But alternate each time. Right-left-right, then left-right-left.”
You did as told, saying nothing. Jaebum kept the mitts raised, but you knew as you picked up speed he would start lifting and lowering them to sharpen your reflexes.
“Come on,” Jackson urged, snapping his fingers at you, because your strikes were too slow and timid. “Pick it up!”
You were tired and hungry, both of which contributed to you becoming very crabby. Grumbling, you snipped, “I’m hitting them, aren’t I?”
“Damn, where’s the enthusiasm?” Jackson exclaimed, glancing between you and your gloved hands pounding the mitts. “I hope you don’t suck your man’s dick with that energy.”
Yugyeom spat out a mouthful of water, nearly choking as Bambam tumbled off of his stool with laughter.
Even in your irritable, cranky haze, you snickered and just like that, the morale lifted again.
“Give me one more,” Jackson ordered ten minutes later.
Rising from another squat, you whined, “You said one more ten reps ago!”
Jackson replied, “I know you got more in them thighs.”
“I will crush your head like a walnut between these thighs when I’m done,” you threatened, moisture rolling down your neck.
Jackson taunted, “Do I need to get a whistle?”
Still rising and falling with the weighted bar across your shoulders, your leg muscles were screaming and your temper flared. “If you… get a whistle,” you growled between reps. “I will shove it… up your ass.”
Jackson predictably grinned from ear to ear. As long as you had that fire, he knew you weren’t at your limit.
Across the room, Jinyoung tentatively approached Mark, saying, “Should I even bother asking how you’re doing?”
“I’m not the one that has almost passed out three times,” Mark chuffed.
Jinyoung sighed. “Maybe you should go for a walk.”
“Jinyoung…” Mark warned sternly.
“We gotta feed her soon,” Jinyoung added, softening his tone. “Grab us some lunch. Please?”
Mark exhaled heavily, but he couldn’t argue with that. Rising, he nodded and shuffled through the door, making sure it slammed to a close behind him.
“I didn't think I was this out of shape,” you told Jackson, putting your hands on your waist and stretching as your relentless trainer gave you a well-earned, albeit short respite.
Jackson smarted, “Not getting laid for two years will do that.”
“Ha. Ha,” you deadpanned, glaring.
The door slammed closed in Mark’s wake as he left and you lingered your eyes where he had been. Waiting for the sound to stop echoing off of the stone walls, you whispered, “He still won’t speak to me.”
Jackson lifted a brow at your admission, but he was not the least surprised. “Can you blame him?”
Hanging your head, you eventually said, “No.”
“You left him for two years, because he fought. What will you do if he leaves?”
Somber, you blinked at the threat of tears. “At least he will be safe,” you murmured.
Jackson simpered and patted your back in comfort. Blood be damned, Mark was his brother and Jackson would fuck anyone up who dared say otherwise. Which was why he supported you with everything he had and could give. Both of you wanted to protect Mark, including from himself.
“Alright, he’s gone,” Jinyoung announced, having been watching your husband clear the parking lot.
The boys flocked around you and your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Tell them,” Jackson said, arms folding tightly across his chest.
Realizing what he meant, you groaned, “Jacks…”
“They need to know,” Jackson insisted.
A silence fell over the room and dread hung in the air. He wasn’t wrong; the others deserved to know what they were getting into with you.
Wringing your fingers, you said, “I owe Jong-Kook five fights.”
It seemed like a simple statement, but Jackson wouldn’t have gathered everyone together for that. Wary, Jinyoung prompted. “And?”
“I must win the first four.”
“Fuck me,” Jaebum groaned, running a hand down his face and turning away.
“And the fifth?” Jinyoung pressed. You had never seen him so angry, but he couldn’t believe you had done this.
Defeated, your reply was almost inaudible, “You already know.”
“Say it,” Jackson barked.
“I take a dive.”
Jinyoung grit his teeth. “Concussion, fractured skull, brain bleed...”
“You can’t tap out in shit like that,” Jaebum cut to the chase, his lips in a taut line. “They will only settle for a knockout.”
“I am aware of that,” you stated levelly.
Jinyoung insisted, “You can’t do this.”
You planted your feet and asserted, “I have to. Jong-Kook wants to make an example of Mark. And if Mark says anything, he would be talking himself into the Harbor. People don’t give a shit when kids like us go missing. You all know that.”
Silence returned, and it was grim.
“We’ll figure something out,” Jaebum spoke after a pause, somber. “You just focus on not getting hit.”
You nodded, wanting to thank him, but too on the verge of tears to say the words. One by one, the boys dispersed, the laughter and joking having all but vanished.
Only Jackson stayed at your side and once the others were out of earshot, he whispered, “Your biggest fear has always been Mark taking a hit so hard he never gets up, right?”
“Don’t…” you trailed, lips quivering.
Jackson studied you momentarily and let it go. Part of him knew you had something up your sleeve and the other part prayed day and night you would never get that far.
chapter 13 ⇤ chapter 14 ⇥ chapter 15
Hey there, beautiful! If you enjoyed this, please leave a like or reblog or follow me! Or maybe buy me a coffee so I can keep writing? Or check out my masterlist here for more stories! Thanks for reading :) - Katya
This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
we watched 2 whole more eps but we’re abt to vacay so i better recap this biz now before i forget
ok so we finished the zoldyck arc and uhhhh gotta say we werent expecting like any of that to happen lol 
ok ill back up so we start w/killuas mom (i dont think we ever heard her name) confronting gon & co....and canary (i lov her) is not dead which i assumed but thank goodness. 
zoldyck mom was totally using nen. also she is off her rocker gotta say. tho that visor is super cool, albeit confusing - is it connected to a bunch of security cameras or something? how does she see all that shit? 
granpa is wild. his tunic thing that says ‘one kill a day’ or w/e is kinda hilarious, it reminds me of the ‘apple a day keeps the dr away’ saying...a murder a day keeps the....idk away????
i love that killua makes it abundantly clear that he couldve like escaped at any time lol. also tho why didnt he just escape....baby boy just leave 
killua getting all serious and threatening milluki if he messes with gon....my boys got it BAD 
this family has so many communication issues hvbjadkfbjaskdfj nobody is on the same page at all 
the butler guy continued to remind me of kuro one piece this whole time...i was waiting for him to bust out the ridiculous cat claws
oh my GOD wait the flashbacks of EVEN BABIER KILLUA were so precious ;_; he was soooo tiny and cute oh my god. so precious. and canary was also so tiny and cute 
baby killua really just wanted a friend :(((( and canary wanted to be friends w/him but knew that mom zoldyck would kill her if she overstepped like that :( thats so tragic mannnn
also canary is so cool man. her beating up all those guys was epic
ok that whole scene with killua and his dad was like, such a rollercoaster lmao
like....it was all over the place for me...first of all the ambiance was wack, the room lighting was weird and im p sure killuas seat was an electric chair??? and the dad was in a coffin thing..???? like....interesting aesthetic choices all over the place here 
also i see now where killua got his hair and also his catboy tendencies. the zoldyck catboy genes seem to trace back to zoldyck dad, who has kinda scary cat eyes 
also im guessing that the dad is the blood zoldyck and the mom is the one who married in. they sure seem to put a lot of emphasis on like, family legacy or w/e, but the two parents certainty go abt it in different ways 
the whole convo b/w killua and his dad was wild, it totally didnt go where i was expecting it to. his dad was weirdly chill while also being super intense? 
killua happily telling stories abt gon was so sweet....baby boy baby 
and his dad telling him ‘never betray your friends’ was rlly interesting...i wonder what his reasons were for saying that 
cause then he tells killua he can leave, and killua does, but then dad zoldyck tells mom zoldyck (i rlly need to find out their names) that he thinks killua will come back on his own time....inch resting 
i wonder if dad zoldyck made killua promise that bc he was trying to set killua up for failure - as in, he tells killua to never betray his friends, thinking that killua inevitably will & be distraught abt it, and then turn back to the zoldyck family when this happens. idk
also its interesting to me that zoldyck dad wants killua to lead the family someday. like, illumi is right there, hes the oldest and clearly dedicated to being an evil assassin, and he seems p good at it...i wonder why killua is the favorite....the grandpa (i think) did say that killua is Special(tm) which...yes he is a special baby boy i love him. i wanna see more zoldyck family flashbacks/interactions so we can see what led them to this point 
oh lord that reminds me of illumi briefly appearing in the killua flashback and hes just like, suddenly there, wearing some gay ass sweater....like ok dude did you just come back from the Evil Assassin Library or st?????
that reminds me too, ruth tells me that apparently in the manga illumi and hisoka got married or something???? to which i say, thats fucking wild, but also it makes sense, those two are both horrible and disgusting and they absolutely deserve each other hbvajvhsdfjbak peak evil nasty gay rep, i love it. i cant wait to see whatever the fuck the context to that is bc, thats fucking wild
ok back to the plot so like its so wild to me how smoothly everything went hvubsjduhfbjsh like....killuas dad was rlly like ok u can leave and killua just went to the butler house and then canary woke up and was like ok gon & crew lets go to the butler house to see killua, fuck the rules, (and she didnt even get killed for ‘disobedience’ or w/e, or more likely - in most big shounen, she wouldve been attacked by the other evil butlers and gon wouldve had to fight them)
killua Rlly was like fuck this place im leaving my boyfriend and his parents are here to pick me up [puts on gayest outfit he owns and skateboards away] hvbhsjdfbjdkf
i love killuas weird gay preteen fashion so far and i cant wait to see more 
killua telling the butler guy to let him know as SOON as gon gets there cause he wants to see him AS SOON AS HE CAN ;_; bro they r....in love 
of course the butler is trickey tho lmao, any other shounen this wouldve turned into an 8 ep long fight scene sequence where gon has to fight the butlers in order to see killua 
and the of course gon is the same way, gon is like i need to see killua RIGHT NOW take me to him!!! ohhh my god babies
the whole coin game was wild, it was funny when the other butlers got involved too lmao 
when gon was like ‘hey leorio can i see your knife’ i was like OH NO I DONT LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. and i was right bc OWWWWW baby boy oh my god!!!! but that seems to have solved it even tho thats NOT how swelling works at ALL- 
anyways gon is a cute smart good boy and i also find it funny how killua eventually gets impatient and just busts in on this whole dramatic situation (and the tension immediately deescalates as a result lmao) 
tangent but god its so funny seeing all these butler guys deferring to killua, an actual 12 yr old....i wanna see the hilarious and hijink-filled results of killua being raised as a rich spoiled assassin prince. thats a lethal combo thats gotta result in some wildly skewed perceptions on how things work, especially paired with gon ‘probably eats dirt for fun and sleeps in trees’ freecess 
godddd gon and killuas lil reunion is SOOO cute they were so happy to see each other ;_; bro they are SO cuteeeee augh. two tiny babies
killua being like oh hi also uh kurapika andddd [looks at smudged writing on hand] lorpo 
hvhhbajfbs dont do my man leorio like that killua hes a hardworking father 
the fact that they just like. LEAVE...thats so wild. i cant believe how little fighting this arc had. this all wrapped up SO much faster than i could have ever anticipated lmao 
where the heck was alluka!? i assumed she’d show up here but uhhhh guess not......in the silhouette shot of all the zoldycks she and killua were holding hands ;_; my fucking uwus bro 
we also didnt see the grandma or great grandpa so im guessing theyll appear later 
gon being like fuck it im not using my hunters license til i punch hisoka in the fucking face hvbhahsfbjsk thats hilarious 
also a convenient way to let him have his hunters license but not utilize it til later in the story...its so early for him to have achieved that big chunk of his goal, which just shows that hxh is Not your typical shounen and isnt gonna just be centered around gons quest to become a hunter 
so we finally found out what hisoka said to kurapika....just as i thought, it was st to do w/the phantom troupe. so theres a handy setup for the yorknew city arc later. bam 
hisoka just being like ‘hey meet me in this (presumably) very large city on this date. no i will not tell you where in the city to meet me. bye seeya there’ 
tbf hisoka is very hard to miss 
god when they arrive and kurapika is just like ok well we got killua so im out lol bye everyone....bro hvbjkhgbfjhdksfhjk that felt so abrupt 
and then leorio was like oh yeah same i gotta go study time to take the fantasy MCAT or w/e
AND THEY BOTH LEFT....now gon and killua r chilling but im like oh my god no leorio kurapika come back, we need some (questionable) adult supervision over here 
and like immediately killua is like ok gon do you have money. and of Course gon doesnt have money. so killua is like well you need money and you need to train so you can deck hisoka, so lets go to a fantasy version of an underground fighting ring! this is why kurapika and leorio needed to stay 
tho they probably wouldve just gone along with it 
they did all promise to meet in yorknew city, but thats apparently like 6 months away. are gon and killua rlly gonna spend 6 months at heavens arena
the part where killua draws the diagram demonstrating how much of a n00b gon is....hvbajdkhfbhajskf
AND THEN when he drew himself into the diagram and was like :3c wow im so modest HBJHSKHDFHBJS that was so funny
it was like that post thats like ‘you can tell when a cats pupils change and they just shift into Silly Mode’ thats what killua looked like...catboy
so thats basically it i think, gon and killua are heading to heavens arena to join fight club or whatever. tournament arc time! 
i doubt this is the last weve seen of the zoldyck family. i mean we havent even met 3 of them, and we barely saw the ones we did meet...idk when theyll come back but i suspect theyll be making some big money moves later on and fucking shit up somehow 
i think maybe illumi or someone will like, spy on killua sometimes to keep track of him. or theyll track him by other means
ill use the prediction corner to reflect on incorrect predictions so heres a few. i rlly thot killua was gonna be more edgy than he is but hes rlly just a good boy huh. like hes a gay baby assassin catboy but hes so cute and good too. he just wants to live his life and hang out with his tiny bf like... omg :’) 
also i thot hisoka held a totally different narrative role lbvahkfjhjjaksfl i thot he was like main villain guy....hes more like an annoying creepy clown dude who (probably) shows up a lot to bother the main cast. we’ll see, but thats what i think of him now
like i thought hisoka would be like p1 dio, where hed be/quickly become a powerful antagonist who would amass a bunch of followers/minions (when actually the only person he seems to hang out w/is illumi, and theyre more like equals than an evil guy/minion dynamic)...or like i thought hisoka would be very well known as a scary evil guy but nope he was just another participant in the hunter exam, albeit a weird freaky one whose rancid vibes everyone seemed to pick up on 
anyways actual predictions, i think hisoka is gonna be at heavens arena, which would be super funny. gon is like im gonna train to beat hisoka and he shows up to do that and hisokas just there like >;) hey
i think if i had to guess, the zoldycks will show up again (in a plot important way) at the end of the yorknew arc/before the greed island arc. i know basically nothing abt any of the arcs but i do know the order they go in so theres that
i do think illumi will show up earlier than the other zoldycks tho, since he seems to be out doing his own thing more than the rest. also we still really havent resolved the whole mind control thing that im still convinced of 
i think nen will finally be introduced/alluded to heavily in this arc...or like, characters will use nen and gon will be like whoa whats that 
i think killua knows what nen is...maybe? it would make sense since im sure all the zoldycks can use it (at least, we saw mom zoldyck use it, probably)
can killua use nen already? that would be pretty funny. i dont think so tho. maybe u learn nen at a certain age. i have no idea what nen is 
also isnt gons nen power the power to like, turn into a really buff version of himself or something. how the fuck does that work 
ok enough nonsense its bedtime zzzzz
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sywtwfs · 6 years
Any chances of getting a live stream for the 2019 World Championships in Saitama? (18th-21st of March)
Stay tuned :)
What's the difference between official and unofficial practices?
Judges and members of the tech panel attend official practices.
Are there figure skaters who don't officially "retire" but after a few good seasons decide to focus on b-level competitions; and competitions outside of the mega competitions like Olympics, World's and GPF's, instead opting for one's like the Universiade?
Not sure, can anyone help with this?
Hi! I've played with Discord, but am confused by bots and roles. What is their purpose, and how do I utilize them?
Bots are installed in servers to perform various functions such as playing music, playing games, sending automatic messages, etc. Members who have a role receive notifications for messages that are @’d to that role, or certain permissions that come with the role. If you are interested in creating your own Discord, there are tutorials online that can explain in better detail. If you are interested in joining our Discord and need help navigating your way, please feel free to ask the members there.
bit of a strange question, but do you guys know who maintains/updates the wikipedia articles on skating (the records page, pages for different events, etc)?
When are the team envelopes announced by USFS for the next season(s)?
Historically, in late June before the new season officially starts (July 1).
why does nbc not normally stream galas?
A good question for NBC.
hello :) do you know what Daniil Samsonov's SP music is called?
Rain, in Your Black Eyes by Ezio Bosso
Hi! I'm confused. Generally, what does the director general do? I read a bit of the constitution, but most of it went over my head. can you explain things in laymen terms? Thanks!
Managing the Secretariat and the business and financial activities of the ISU, such as commercial contracts and annual budgets. Advising the ISU Council on the addition of new member federations. Organizing the agenda of ISU Congresses. Facilitating meetings between the ISU Council and member federations or other bodies. There’s more, but you can get the details from Article 18 of the Constitution.
Don't feds need to submit entries to the secretariat? That's what I was referring to; apologies if I confused you.
Yes, that’s just one of the duties the department performs as the administrative branch of the ISU. The department will share many of the same duties as the Director General; see above.
What does the ISU representative do at competitions?
They are a symbolic figurehead of the ISU organization.
Hi! I have trouble distinguishing between the entry/exit edges of twizzles. Any tips when watching video? I read your gif guides, but am still confused.
Watch skaters’ feet carefully and in slow-mo, if possible. There are 4 possible edges to enter a twizzle: Forward outside, forward inside, backward outside, backward inside. Watch which direction the skaters are traveling in and which edge their blade is leaning on as they start or end the twizzle.
Hi! I read your guides, but would appreciate clarity on +REP and +COMBO. Also, is it still the case that a repeated 2nd triple or quad be in combo in the free skate, or is that an old rule?
A second triple or quad in the free skate needs to be in combination, or it will receive +REP and have its base value reduced to 80%. +REP and +COMBO both indicate a missing combo, but +REP is used in the free skate and +COMBO used in the short program. +REP reduces the base value of the jump that is not in combination, jumps with +COMBO receive negative GOE.
hi, what’s the difference between StSq1 and StSqB?
To get step sequence levels you need to perform a minimum variety of turns and steps (turns: 3-turn, twizzle, counter and rocker; steps: mohawk and choctaw). The minimum is 5 steps/turns for Level 1. If you do not complete at least 5 steps and turns cleanly, then you will only get a basic level, which is fewer points than Level 1.
Can ice dancers choose which type of in hold step sequence to perform? Also, can there be fewer than three step sequences in the RD?
Skaters can choose their holds for the step sequence in the FD as they need a minimum of 3. The type of elements performed in the RD are predetermined each year, it just depends on what the ISU decides on. There is always at least 1 non-touch step sequence and now there is a 1-foot sequence in the FD.
Is there a list of jumps that have had a perfect goe (+5 or +3)??
Check out the Skating Scores website.
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