#like what on earth do i need to say to get yall to read rotmhs…🪤..fucking come here
ge · 10 months
🎭— if the world was a better place more people would get into rotbb and i'd get fics with 30k words 6 chapters of tb/cm's relationship developing with tb annoying the living shit out of cm. cheong myeong growing fonder. slowburn pining. fell firsy fell harder you know. OHH I NEED IT SO BAD
I love fics in general where its just them. hanging out. developing their friendship and it blooming into something more. I EAT IT UP PleaSE
I KNNEEOOOWWW THEYRE SOULMATES..WHY IS IT THAT WE’RE THE ONLY ONES DELUSIONAL ENOUGH TO SEE IT..!!!!! i keep trying to get people into rotmhs so we can get more content and exposure but no ones taking the bait because “theres no yaoi in it”…..have yall truly forgotten yalls roots..? suddenly now you have it so good youve forgotten the struggle..? you cast aside the ye olden fujoshi preteen to teen days where you once shipped two anime seinen boys who hated each other/were enemies/side characters/never spoke/etc etc and, most importantly, werent canon…? i forsake thee for leaving your starving emaciated brethren out for the buzzards. cunts.
i would do anything in the world for an insanely long super detailed, heart wrenching, world building, character exploring, period typical palace drama-esque, slow burn yearning, forbidden love, secret relationship, 100k+ word tangchung fic..i cant even exaggerate how badly i need this its like at the very foundation of my maslows hierarchy of needs pyramid, right in the basic physiological needs section…..*sighs wearily and stares out the rainy window*.. someday..but not today..
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