#like what do u mean it’s weird to have his whole week memorized and follow him around at a safe distance
regscupid · 5 months
something something stalker james who thinks he’s just a hopeless romantic
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hihi ! as an oc enthusiast , i come bearing questions from the TWST oc questions post :D
for yuna ! - Is your OC homesick? What are they willing to do to get back? - How does your OC feel about magic in general?
for heinrich ! - How well do they remember students names and faces? - Do they enjoy being a part of student gossip/actively involved in student drama?
for lewis ! - What's the chore unique to Heartslaybul that they look least forward to? What's their favourite? (tending the flamingoes/hedgehogs, organizing the Unbirthday parties, painting the roses, etc. etc.) - How many rules have they memorized? How many do they actually follow?
for casimier ! - What's a "traditional" or old fashioned hobby your OC has? (Calligraphy, fencing, leatherwork, etc, etc.) How did they pick it up? - What's a magic skill your OC specializes in? if you feel like thats a lot of questions , dont feel pressured to answer all of them ! feel free to yap as much or as little as you like, i'll read the whole thing regardless ! :D sorry if i've messed anything up by the way ... i had like 4 different tabs open to keep track of stuff while i made this ask but uh- yeah-
✨oh heck yeah that's what I'm talking about babeyyyyyyyyy /POS
as a fellow OC enthusiast and a lover of my own freaks Im literally so excited like I started drafting this on my lunch break at work and my face was like "OH FUCK YEAH" so thank u so much actually. And u don't gotta apologize for anything bc tbslaych I get it. Tabs r so annoying lmao
ok anyways time to answer questions bc yahoo
After a certain point, she wouldn't admit it, but she desperately craves a way to get home. Even though she doesn't necessarily want to go back to her house with her mom and stepdad, she still misses her mom and dad a ton and would do anything to see them again. Honestly, she probably wouldn't be above consulting forbidden magic texts or trying to develop magic herself in order to find a way home (God knows Crowley isn't)
As for how she feels about magic, she's actually pretty favorable towards it, if not a bit jealous of those who DO have magic. She wishes she had it herself for convenience
EDIT BEFORE I CONTINUE: I posted this. By accident bc I wasn't. Finished typing yet. So continuing on.
Bro is. Surprisingly good at memorizing names and faces. Some attribute it to his weird idiosyncracy of calling individuals their names in a specific pattern(___ the ____) or maybe his. Freakish memory of things that happened years ago, but he knows every student that has ever happened upon his office or that he's had to sub for.
He's not usually too fond of keeping up with shenanigans or gossip unless they are targeting someone else for a change. Heinrich is often the target of pranks so he isn't usually super keen on being involved in whatever big drama is occurring at the time.
Honestly? Lewis is like. The worst example of a Heartslabyul student lmao. When it comes to chores, he's. Pretty atrocious about doing most of them on time (he'd rather be in his studio and recording), ESPECIALLY if he has to feed the flamingoes (he made a duplicate uniform and dyed it pink for this express purpose, but that doesn't mean he's very fond of it. In fact, he often tries to skip out on wearing it, but he usually winds up losing his head as a result). He DOES however enjoy helping prepare tea and such for the Unbirthday parties, since his family is pretty well known in his hometown for the tea that they grow. He knows his way around different types and how they're best prepared, so he actually kind of enjoys helping out when it comes to tea.
Bro probably only has memorized like two rules 💀
Joking aside, you'd think that based on how many times in the past few weeks Lewis lost his head that he'd actually have memorized SOME rules by now (mainly the ones he's frequently guilty of breaking), but he probably does follow some rules, either intentionally or unintentionally. As the rules pertain to tea, you know he's on it, but when it comes to running around underwater until you're dry or having a cat to play a fiddle? Nah, he'll just take the collar.
Casimir is classically trained in the violin and occasionally dabbles in music composition. His dad's side of the family are all classically trained musicians and some have even gone on to perform at important events both in his hometown and abroad. Despite not caring too much for the violin, he DOES enjoy music composition, if only because he wants "to create the ultimate theme befitting an Evil Overlord such as himself".
Aside from his Unique Magic (and even in that case), Casimir is shockingly mediocre at most magic in spite of his cocky attitude. Despite that, though, he's somehow INCREDIBLY skilled when it comes to practicing minor hexes and curses. Maybe it's the fact that he practices waxing poetic and using wild language in the mirror on a day to day basis, but no one really knows why this is for certain.
✨Lol I have not. Proofread any of this because again, posted way before I was finished BUT I hope these. Are some silly answers. I love my OCs and I love talking about them, so I'm very happy you wanted to ask about them today :3
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XIII : Just Stay
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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Choi Yeonjun didn’t know when to stop, which was one of his greatest strengths, but now he knew that it could very well be his greatest weakness as well.
Once he had set his sights on something, he’d never stop until he achieved it. Take B for example, the moment he knew he wanted her, he didn’t let anything stop him from pursuing her until she finally said yes. For tonight, a goal he had unintentionally set was to keep himself on Kim Jisoo’s good side, as that’s what his father would have wanted. And because of that, ever since she had arrived at the club that night, he felt as if he had no choice but to follow along with whatever she wanted, even if that meant spending the night entertaining his ex girlfriend.
Park Rose was just as captivating and electrifying as he remembered her to be. Her fiery red hair was just as stunning as her jolting personality, which was one of the things that he had loved about her. She was exciting, even now he could never tell what was going through her mind or what unexpected words would spew out her mouth. She always caught him off guard, and the feeling on being kept on his toes just kept him wanting more.
Tonight was no different. He wanted to believe that the only reason he had been stuck by Rose’s side the whole night was because Jisoo had insisted that he hang around their group for the evening, but he knew that a small part of him was still captivated by Rose’s appeal. He knew that he could easily give Jisoo a plausible excuse to break away from her group, but a part of him didn’t want to.
Maybe it was the 5 rounds of shots that Jisoo ordered up for the group, or maybe it was the 3 glasses of Vodka Redbulls that he had consumed, but whatever it was, Rose felt too familiar, her rose scented perfume overpowering his senses as she leaned in close whenever she spoke to him, the way her laugh resounded above the noise of the blaring club music took him back to all the times she would laugh at all his lame jokes, the way she tilted her head back and laid a hand on his shoulder reminded him of how surprisingly gentle her touch was for someone who was so boisterous and loud, and the way she pouted at him when he refused her offer to dance with her echoed all the times she would pout at him in the past knowing that he would eventually give in and she’d get her way.
With the alcohol overpowering his system and Rose taking over his senses, he lets her pull him through the crowd until they were in the throng of sweaty bodies and booming music, and he watches as she whips her long red hair over her shoulder and starts to move around him. As she rests her hands on his shoulders and slowly moves closer towards him, moving her body against his, he’s reminded of the nights they spent with their bodies entwined and how he memorized every dip and curve in her skin like a map, causing his face to heat up at the memories.
As she notices the shift in his facial expression, she smirks, catching him off guard before grabbing his face and pulling down until their lips crashed together.
She kisses him hungrily, her lips moving fervently as her fingertips dug deeper into his skin, yet unlike the hundreds of kisses they shared before, this one tasted like bitter poison on his lips.
He instantly breaks away, pulling her hands off his body, as he looks at her in distaste. “What the fuck did you do that for?” he hisses.
She looks at him innocently, batting her lashes, before she shrugs. “I missed you, Junnie, and I know you missed me too.” She attempts to lay a hand on his shoulder but he shrugs her off, grabbing her hand and shoving it away.
“You haven’t changed at all, Rose.” he spits out. As he wipes his mouth and turns his back on her, his gaze meets a familiar pair of eyes from across the room, and he freezes, taking in the disappointed look on Soobin’s face, realizing that he had probably seen what just happened.
“Shit.” he says to himself, and as Soobin turns away and shakes his head, Yeonjun quickly darts across the room to meet him, trying his best to navigate through the crowd, keeping his eyes focused on his best friend.
“Soobin, wait.” Yeonjun finally says once he’s within earshot. “I need you to listen.” They’ve reached a less crowded and more quiet part of the club, by the bar, and Soobin had taken a seat on one of the barstools, running a frustrated hand through his hair before downing 3 consecutive shots of vodka. Yeonjun had never really seen his friend like this before.
“What, Yeonjun?” Soobin says, his face going sour as the alcohol slides down his throat. “Whatever it is you have to say, I’m listening now. But I have some things to say too, and when I start talking, you better listen carefully.”
Yeonjun takes a deep breath as he takes a seat beside Soobin, downing a shot of alcohol himself before looking him in the eyes. “I’m not sure what exactly you saw, but I’ll explain everything anyway. And I promise that I’ll listen to whatever you have to say too.” he begins slowly. “Kim Jisoo is here, as in Kim Jonghyun’s successor, the owner of the biggest Technology Firm in the country? Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my father has been very particular about staying on Jisoo’s good side for company relation purposes, and that means practically treating her like a VIP whenever I see her.”
He goes on to explain how Jisoo showed up with her friends and how Rose happened to be one of them, and about how the rest of the night had gone, up until the moment Rose pulled him in for a kiss and he cursed her out.
“Are you done now?” Soobin asks when Yeonjun finally stops talking. He had been quiet the whole time, staring at Yeonjun straight on as he absorbed every word that came out of his mouth. When Yeonjun nods, Soobin sighs.
“Yeonjun, I need you to be honest with me here. I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to really think about it before you give me any answers.” Soobin says, and after Yeonjun nods, he begins.
“First of all, do you still have feelings for Rose?” he asks. Yeonjun’s mouth opens to flat out say ‘no,’ but upon seeing Soobin’s look of disapproval, he pauses and tries to think really hard about it.
He couldn’t deny that he definitely still felt that familiar spark that he used to feel whenever Rose was involved, but he chalked it up to the fact that she just felt familiar and he just felt nostalgic. “To be completely honest, I definitely felt something when I saw her again, but that was just because I was so surprised after not seeing her for what 2 years?” he says.
Soobin raises a brow. “But you definitely felt something? What did you feel?”
Yeonjun lets out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t know, it felt…familiar? She felt the same, I felt like a spark but that doesn’t mean anything.”
Soobin’s brows furrow together. “A spark? That doesn’t sound like nothing, Yeonjun.”
“Trust me, whatever it was, it means nothing to me. Because she’s a lying, cheating, manipulative mess of a person and she can go to hell for all I care.” he said, trying to sound as convincing and as chagrined as he could, but after seeing her again, it felt weird to talk about her as if she were trash.
“Whatever you say.” Soobin says, sounding unconvinced. Yeonjun could tell that Soobin was trying to maintain his composure and trying to remain level headed, but the way he rolled his shoulders back was a dead giveaway that he was close to losing it. “And now for my second question.” he says, taking a pause.
Yeonjun raises a brow. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Do you…” Soobin begins, hesitating. “Do you love B?”
Yeonjun stopped breathing for a moment, the mention of his girlfriend knocking the wind out of his lungs, the guilt of realizing that she hadn’t even crossed his mind the whole time he was with Rose filling his gut. “Do I love B?” he repeats.
Soobin nods, and judging by how tight his jaw was clenched, Yeonjun knew that he had to consider his answer very carefully. But how could he ever admit that she hadn’t crossed his mind the entire time he was with his ex?
“What kind of a question is that?” Yeonjun exclaims. “Soobin, we’ve only been dating for a couple of weeks, I don’t know. How would I know?” Yeonjun was panicking, the words tumbling out of his mouth. “How do you even know when you’re in love with someone after just 2 weeks—” he sputters, until Soobin takes him by surprise and slams a fist on the countertop, making Yeonjun jump in his seat.
“God damn it, Yeonjun. What the fuck are you saying?” Soobin says, his voice dangerously calm but the words coming out like venom, making Yeonjun wince. “It’s either you love her or you don’t, and right now, it doesn’t sound like you do.”
“Soobin, come on! I can’t just decide whether I love her or not. But I think I definitely could be in love with her.” Yeonjun says helplessly. “I mean, she’s amazing. She’s beautiful, she’s perfect, she’s… one of the best damn things to ever happen to me.” he finishes. “And maybe I’m not sure if I love her right now, but I know that I would make a complete ass of myself if I let a girl like her go, so I could very well love her anyway.”
Silence envelops them then, the club music and party goers sounding distant, as Soobin stares at Yeonjun calculating his answers, until he finally says “She saw you, you know.”
“Who? Baby? She saw me what?” Yeonjun asks nervously.
“She said she saw the look on your face when Rose walked into the club earlier. I wouldn’t have believed her until I saw you actually talking to Rose.” Soobin sighs. “I don’t know if it’s cause she was wasted, because believe me she reeked of alcohol, but she was a blubbering mess, Yeonjun. She was devastated. If she finds out that you kissed Rose, it would kill her.”
Yeonjun’s face starts to pale. “Shit, she saw that? And she told you? How did she even know about Rose?”
“Yes, she apparently saw that and yes, she told me all about it. That’s not the point, Yeonjun. Now this is the part where you listen to me. Very carefully.” Soobin says, his authoritative I’m-the-student-council-president voice taking over. “B is in a very fragile state right now. She was a big mess, crying her eyes out on the floor of the broom closet, already questioning her self-worth, insecurities eating her alive. She told me that it hurt to see you with your ex.”
“She said all that?” Yeonjun says, the guilt weighing down his heart. “What else did she say?”
“Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.”
Soobin shook his head, trying to forget that segment of their conversation and everything that followed. “She didn’t say much else. But you know what I said? I told her that you would be a complete idiot to let something as insignificant as your cheater of an ex to fuck things up. But I guess I was wrong.”
Now that really hurt Yeonjun. He put a hand on his chest. “You know she’s the one who kissed me, right?” he says. “Yes, I talked to her and all that, but—”
“You cheated on her, Yeonjun.” Soobin says quietly, making him freeze.
“What did you say?” Yeonjun asks, his hands shaking now. “Are you calling me a cheater, Choi?” his voice raised. How dare he? “Maybe what I did wasn’t right, but you know what a real cheater does? A real cheater uses you and fucks other people behind your back, all the while making you think that everything is your god damn fault.” Just like Rose did, he thought to himself. “And that’s not me.”
“‘Maybe it wasn’t right?’ Yeonjun, you were with your ex for almost the whole night. You could’ve left any time you wanted to but you didn’t. What’s worse is that you felt something, you felt a spark while you were with her. And maybe the kiss wasn’t your fault, but the fact that you even gave her a chance to let it happen speaks volumes to me.” Soobin answers back, his breaths coming in heavy as he starts to lose his composure.
Soobin shook his head. “Forget it. It’s your relationship that you’re fucking up, not mine. You believe whatever you want, tell B whatever you want, I’m staying out of it. But let me just say one last thing.” he says, standing up from the barstool. “You better not hurt her, Yeonjun.”
And with that, Soobin gives him one last meaningful look before downing another shot and walking away.
When Han Baby woke up the next morning, she was made aware of 3 things.
First, she was badly hungover.
She tried to open her eyes but the blinding lights glaring into the room were too bright for her dehydrated body to endure. She rolls over in bed and she immediately feels a wave of nausea shoot through her stomach as her whole world spins. She squeezes her eyes with her hands and stretches her arms outwards until they come in contact with something warm and soft and solid. A person.
Second, she was not alone in her bed. Surprised, she instantly turns her head to face whoever was sleeping in her bed, instantly regretting it when she feels the world around her spin once again, but an endeared smile instantly creeps into her face when she sees who the person was. It was Yeonjun, his blue hair standing out against her white sheets, one hand over his face and another resting on his bare chest, the blanket coming up to his stomach, which was lined with a subtle yet noticeable layer of muscles.
Third, Yeonjun was laying shirtless in her bed. And he had abs.
She felt her face heat up upon seeing so much of his bare skin and immediately peeked at the covers to see if she was still clothed, and sighed in relief when she saw that she was still wearing her dress from the night before. Once that was established, she takes a moment to observe her boyfriend, who looked like an angel with his glowing honey-tinted skin, his plump perfectly shaped lips slightly parted as he let out a few quiet snores in his sleep, making her giggle. She tries to recall the events that led up to having him sleep in her bed for the night, but nothing from the night before comes to mind.
What happened last night?
She remembered arriving at the club with Kai and walking in together with the guys, she remembered meeting Ryujin and Yuna inside, she remembered having a few shots with the group before someone suggested they play that Kiss or Tell game, but her mind was unable to conjure up images of anything that came after. Whatever happened, she figured it couldn’t have been anything bad since she woke up next to Yeonjun the night after his birthday party, and she was a bit curious and excited to find out how exactly it happened.
Remembering the date, she excitedly scooches closer to him, resting on her elbows as she leans over him and plants gentle kisses all over his face, from his cheeks to his forehead, to his nose and down to his lips.
Yeonjun lets out a noise, a sleepy grunt, before he runs a hand through his hair and slowly opens his eyes, surprised to see B looking down at him.
“Happy birthday, Choi Yeonjun.” she whispers, a bright smile on her face as their eyes meet. He smiles back at her, slowly and groggily, his eyes still cloudy with sleep.
He lifts a hand up and strokes her hair, savoring her radiant smile before gently pulling her towards him to let their lips meet once again. “And good morning to you, Han Baby.” he says, their lips still touching. When he feels her smile against his lips, he lets out a little laugh before pulling her in even closer, until she was lying down on top of him, the covers between their bodies. She lets her fingers roam, fiddling with the sheets until her hand comes in contact with the warm skin of his chest.
“Good morning to you, too.” she says, biting her lower lip to stop herself from smiling too much. “What are you doing here, birthday boy?”
He opens his mouth to respond, but his mind is unable to formulate an answer. As he tries to look back on the night before, he realizes that the last thing he remembers was welcoming Kim Jisoo and her friends, which happened to include his ex-girlfriend, into the club. He remembered hanging around them at Jisoo’s request and downing shots and drinking vodka, but after that, his mind went black.
His brows pull together as he responds “I’m actually not sure, the night is a bit of a blur to me, and there’s a lot that I don’t really remember.”
B sighs. “Maybe we can help each other fill in the blanks together? I tell you what I remember and you tell me what you remember?” she suggests, her fingers tracing circles over his torso.
“Are you drawing circles around my nipples?” Yeonjun asks, looking down at his chest where her fingers were. She immediately blushes and pulls her hands away, making him laugh. “Okay okay, let’s fill in the blanks together. What do you remember?”
B tells him about what she recalls, up until the game of Kiss or Tell. “After the game, I hardly remember anything. I think I went off with Ryujin and, knowing her, she’s probably the reason why I got blackout drunk.”
Yeonjun nods. “That sounds about right. I remember I was welcoming some people from my father’s guest list and I ended up tagging along with a few of them.”
“Oh? Which ones?” B asks, her fingers drawing random patterns on his skin.
“Kim Jisoo, heiress to the biggest Technology Firm in the nation. My father insists I treat her like a VIP every time I see her, so I practically have to kiss the ground she walks on. She brought a few friends with her, one of which…” Yeonjun hesitates, before taking a quick breath, “just so happened to be my ex.” he finishes.
B’s fingers freeze on his skin, her mouth snapping shut, as she tries to take in this information. She didn’t want to freak out over it, but a part of her had been insecure about Yeonjun’s past relationship ever since she found out about it. Everyone made it sound like such a big deal, her being his first love and all, and B’s curiosity got the best of her and she even ended up looking her up on social media and stalking her twitter account, which she instantly regretted because all it did was make her feel insecure about herself.
“Your ex?” B asks, trying to sound casual and unfazed. “Your first love, right?”
Yeonjun looks at her surprised and nods. “Yeah, how’d you know about that?”
“Ah, Ryujin and Yuna told me a bit about it. Her name was Rose, right?” B asks.
It felt wrong to hear her name come out of B’s lips, but he nods. “Yeah, Rose. She was with Kim Jisoo last night so I ended up seeing her too. I hope you don’t mind that I spent time with my ex last night.” he says. Granted, he didn’t remember much about what he did when he was with Rose last night, but that didn’t matter to him now.
B nods.  “Yeah, it’s fine, I shouldn’t even care about it, I mean it’s your relationship.”
“It was my relationship, but not anymore.” Yeonjun looks at her and notices that she was deliberately avoiding her gaze. “Baby.” he says, trying to get her attention. When her eyes shift to the floor, he cups her face in his hand and gently rubs his thumb against her cheek. “Hey, Baby, look at me.”
She finally looks at him then, and it’s clear in her eyes that she definitely didn’t like the idea of him seeing his ex again. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t avoid seeing her last night. I didn’t know she was gonna be there. If it bothers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way at all, I promise I’ll never see her again.” he says, soothingly tracing her jaw now. He uses his free hand to hold hers and press it against his chest, right where his heart is.
“Do you feel this, Baby?” he asks, the gentle rise and fall of his chest accompanied by the inexplicable beating of his heart. “This is all yours, Han Baby. I am all yours. I promise.” he says reassuringly. She gives a small smile but bites her lip, and he can tell that she was resisting. He uses his thumb to dislodge her lower lip from her teeth, gently brushing it.
“Thank you, Yeonjun.” she says, finally giving him a genuine smile. She knew it might’ve seen strange, and she didn’t want to be that insecure or controlling girlfriend, but it was nice to see that he was making the effort to make her happy, and that was enough for her. “Now I have one question for you…”
Yeonjun raises a brow, wondering what it could be.
She grins. “What happened to your shirt?”
Yeonjun bursts out laughing, his chest rumbling below her, sending vibrations through the sheets. “I think we’ll have to figure out the answer to that together, Baby. You wanna have breakfast before my father inevitably summons me for some bullshit birthday dinner with my family?”
B nods, giggling and booping his nose. “Whatever you want, birthday boy.”
Turns out that Yeonjun ended up shirtless because someone (presumably B) had thrown up on his shirt, as evidenced by his shirt found discarded on her bedroom floor with puke stains all over. Neither of them could recall how they ended up in B’s bed together or anything else from the night before, but they didn’t mind.
They spent most of the day lazing around B’s apartment, grateful that Kai had conveniently recovered from the chicken pox and no longer needed to stay over at her apartment. Once Yeonjun had received a message from his father telling him to be home by 5PM and a text from his driver saying that he was ready to pick him up and waiting outside B’s apartment, it was time for him to go.
“Um, Baby, as much as I know you don’t mind  me being in my shirtless state, I’m pretty sure that my parents would be highly concerned if I came home with a puke-stained shirt from the night before or with no shirt at all.” Yeonjun says after collecting his belongings.
“Oh, right. We probably should’ve washed your shirt when we got up this morning.” B says, slapping her forehead. “Wait, let me check my closet to see if I have anything you can borrow.” she says, opening her wardrobe.
Yeonjun chuckles. “Baby, you are aware of how adorably tiny you are, right?”
B huffs, looking through her cabinet. “I am well aware, thank you.” she says, quickly glaring at him before turning back to her clothes. “But I like to wear oversized clothes, so I might have something in here that could fit you.” she says, looking through the jackets and hoodies hanging in her closet, until she sees a big gray one that definitely looked like it could fit Yeonjun, or even big enough to look oversized on him.
“That looks like it would fit me. It looks like it would be a little too big on me, actually.” Yeonjun observes as B examines the big gray hoodie. “Wow, how big is that on you? It looks like you could wear it as a dress.”
“It goes all the way down to my knees, actually.” B whispers under her breath. “I, uh, I don’t think this hoodie’s any good. I know I have a button down here somewhere that would be perfect fit on you.” she says, quickly putting the big gray hoodie back in and rummaging through the clothes.
“What? Why not?” Yeonjun asks.
Because it’s Soobin’s, she thought. And at the thought of Soobin, her heart aches for some inexplicable reason.
“Because I haven’t really washed it, ah, here it is.” B says dismissively, taking out a plaid button-down shirt and handing it over to him. “I’m sure this will fit you perfectly.”
Yeonjun puts the shirt on and starts buttoning it up, his biceps straining against the fabric. “I’m not much of a plaid guy, but this will do.” he says, fixing the shirt up. “How does it look?”
B giggles. “I’m pretty sure it’s the girlfriend who’s supposed to be wearing the boyfriend’s clothes, but that shirt definitely looks better on you than it ever has on me.”
Yeonjun grins. “Guess we're breaking gender stereotypes then. Alright, you can wear my clothes anytime you want. And thanks, Baby.” he says, giving her a quick kiss. “I really have to go now, Hwall’s been waiting for me downstairs and I don’t think I can keep my father waiting any longer either.”
“It’s alright, Yeonjunie.” she says, rubbing their noses together. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Happy birthday.” she says again.
“Thanks, Baby.” he says, kissing her forehead, making his way down to kiss the tip of her nose, and finally her lips before pulling away. “See you tomorrow.”
And with that, she escorts him out of her apartment, watching him make his way down the building and waving him off as he gets into his car.
She sighs as she closes the front door behind her, laying a hand over her chest. Spending the day with Yeonjun was great, but she couldn’t stop thinking of that second of heartache she felt when she thought of Soobin, and how she felt the pain once again as soon as he popped into her mind.
What was that about?
After the third time, he couldn’t resist any longer. He sighs and plasters on a smile before turning to face her. “Hey B.” It was Monday, 2 days after the disastrous events that took place at Yeonjun’s birthday party, and he had been trying his best to avoid both of them. He didn’t know what Yeonjun had told B or how much B knew about what happened on Saturday night, but a part of him was surprised when the pair arrived at school together on Yeonjun’s new motorbike, which was a birthday gift from his parents. “What’s up?” Soobin adds, trying to push away all his thoughts and feign normalcy.
“What’s up? Are you kidding me? You haven’t said a single thing to me today and the first thing you say is ‘what’s up?’” B asks playfully, nudging his arm. That was true, he had gone the whole day without speaking to either of them, which had been easy enough since the 2 of them were practically in their own love bubble at lunch, making it easier for Soobin to stay away. It was currently their last period, their Creative Writing class, and Yeonjun had been pulled out of school for the afternoon by his father so he was absent, leaving B and Soobin alone.
“Technically, the first thing I said was ‘Hey B.’” Soobin returns with a playful tone. “Why? Is there anything you wanna talk about?” he asks a bit nervously. Knowing how wasted she was the last time he saw her, he was unsure about whether or not she remembered anything about their conversation in the broom closet, but he was hoping that she didn’t. Especially the part where he said:
“It’s not like I never liked you, because I did. And I still do.”
To his surprise and relief, B just shakes her head. “Nah, you just seemed a bit off today and I just wanted to know if you were okay. Is there anything you wanna talk about?” she asks.
Soobin’s smile suddenly felt very pained. He wanted to do his best to avoid them and stay out of their relationship, but why did she have to be so damn sweet? And why did she have to look so damn good? He always found her to be rather attractive, from the moment he caught her at the steps on the first day of school, but now she looked absolutely radiant. Her skin was glowing in contrast to her long dark hair, making the blush creeping into her cheeks and her plump pink lips stand out. She looked so beautiful it made his heart ache. “No, I’m fine, but thanks for worrying about me, B.” he simply says.
B raises a brow. “Are you sure? You’ve been looking mopey and sad all day.” she says, concerned. “This something happen? I haven’t heard from you or the other guys all weekend either, except for Ninging.”
Soobin shakes his head. “Nothing’s happened, everything’s fine.” he lies, but then he stops. He knew that something definitely happened and that not everything was fine, but she was acting too cheerful considering what happened last Saturday night. “What about you? How was your weekend? Did anything happen?” he asks, curious now.
“My weekend was nice. I woke up on Sunday morning hungover as fuck, but I woke up and Yeonjun was there in my apartment with me!” she laughs. “It’s actually really funny cause neither of us remember how we ended up together in my apartment. I guess we both got way too drunk last Saturday night. I don’t mind though, cause I got to spend most of Sunday celebrating Yeonjun’s birthday with him until he had to go. It was really nice.” B says with a happy smile on my face.
No way. Did she not know? “Oh that does sound nice. I can’t believe you got wasted last Saturday night though. How much do you remember?” he asks, wanting to know.
She bites her lip, trying her best to recall. “Honestly, not much. I only remember up until we played that Kiss or Tell game then we all sort of went our own ways. Ryujin dragged me along and I’m pretty sure we ended up doing shots, which is probably how I got so drunk. Other than that, the night’s a blank. Same goes for Yeonjun, though he did tell me that he remembered seeing his ex girlfriend there. You knew his ex, right?” she asks with wide curious eyes.
So Yeonjun didn’t tell her? “Yeah, I remember Rose. I can’t believe she was there. Did Yeonjun mention anything else? I mean, it must have been weird for him to see his ex again after 2 years.” he says, the kiss between Yeonjun and Rose clear in his mind and the confrontation that followed after still lingering in his thoughts.
B shakes her head. “I guess it was a bit weird but he didn’t mention anything, just that he ended up getting pretty drunk as well. And I know it sounds crazy, but to be honest, the thought of him seeing his ex girlfriend again makes me feel sick but he promised he wouldn’t see her again or do anything that made me feel uncomfortable. Isn’t he sweet?” she says, laughing.
No fucking way. He didn’t tell her. Now Soobin was mad, and he badly needed to keep himself together. He didn’t want to lose it, especially not in front of B, who didn’t seem to know anything. “Wow, that does sound sweet.” he says, trying not to let the bitterness creep into his tone.
B nods. “He really is.” she says dreamily. Soobin grips his seat tightly, his knuckles straining as he tried to keep his composure. How could Yeonjun not tell her? And how could she sit there and gush over him? The whole thing made him feel sick and he wished he never saw B crying in the broom closet or that he never saw Yeonjun kissing Rose, he wished he could be as blissfully unaware as B was, cause the whole thing was making his blood boil. He just wanted to get away from both of them, to follow Taehyun’s advice and stay as far away from their relationship as possible.
Just as he felt like he was about to combust, their teacher catches the class’s attention.
“Hello class. I can see that a lot of you have been making good progress with your social media project, but I have to say that over the weeks, I don’t feel like there’s much of a story in your posts. I’ve decided to extend your project up until the end of the term, and I’m sure you’ll all be happy to know that you’ll be stuck with your partners until then.” Sir Kim announces, sending the class buzzing.
B turns to Soobin with a big smile on her face. “Hear that, Soobin? Looks like we’ll be stuck together ‘till the end of the term.” she says excitedly.
Soobin gives her a pained smile in return. “Great.”
“Hey Baba, remind me I need to stop by your place to pick up my stuff.” Kai says as he munches on his egg tarts.
B nods. “Sure thing, Ninging. I already cleaned up the guest room and I left all your clothes folded neatly on the bed.”
It was after school and they were doing their usual hangout at Kang’s café, and Soobin felt like he was going out of his mind. He kept bouncing his knee under the table and shaking his legs, as if something were trying to crawl out of his skin.
Noticing this, Taehyun nudges his leg and raises a brow at him.
In response, Soobin decides to send him a text.
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“Ah, my mom just texted me that she needs help lifting some things in the pantry. Soobin, can you come with me? I could use your help.” Taehyun says casually, finishing up his glass of lemonade.
Soobin nods and stands straight up. “Let’s go.” he says, making his way to the kitchen before Taehyun even got the chance to stand up.
Taehyun sighs, leaving the table and following after him. Beomgyu shoots him a confused look, but Taehyun just shakes his head in response, leaving Beomgyu at the table with B and Kai.
Taehyun leads the way into the pantry at the very back of the kitchen, letting Soobin in before locking the door behind him.
“Okay, we should be safe here. Now tell me, what’s wrong? Why do you look like you can’t breathe whenever you’re with B?” Taehyun says, folding his arms across his chest.
Soobin takes a deep breath. “Okay, remember when I found B wasted and crying her eyes out over seeing Yeonjun with Rose last Saturday?” he begins. Taehyun nods, urging him to continue. “Well, there’s more to it than just that.”
“What do you mean?” Taehyun asks. “You know, we still haven’t really talked about what happened last Saturday night, I was too busy to call you yesterday. I need you to tell me everything now.”
“Alright, so I saw B crying because she saw Yeonjun with Rose, she was an insecure wreck so I tried to comfort her and out of nowhere she says ‘Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.’” he says, holding up his hands to do air quotes. “So I was like, what’s that supposed to mean? Then she said that people have told her before that she and I would’ve been a good couple or something and then she says something like ‘maybe I should’ve chosen you, even though that wasn’t an option cause you never liked me’ and that’s when I ended up telling her ‘It’s not like I never liked you, cause I did, and I still do.’” Soobin says, groaning as he covers his face with his hands in shame.
Taehyun goes soft and lets out an “Aw, Soobin. That’s how you told her you like her?”
Soobin nods. “Yes, and I know I said that I wished she wouldn’t remember anything, and guess what, she doesn’t remember anything!”
“Isn’t that a good thing? Now you won’t have to clear the air with her about you whole ‘I like you’ confession.” Taehyun asks.
“Yes, but I mean she doesn’t remember anything. All she remembers is up until the end of the Kiss or Tell game and then getting drunk with Ryujin. She doesn’t remember seeing Yeonjun with Rose, she doesn’t remember how devastated she was when she saw them together.” Soobin say, running a hand through his hair.
“Well, that still doesn’t seem too bad. At least now she won’t feel bad about it.” Taehyun reasons out.
Soobin shakes his head. “That’s not all. After you and Gyu arrived and you kicked me out of the broom closet, I started wandering around the club, then I saw Yeonjun with Rose. It seemed fine at first, they seemed like 2 people catching up and having a good time, dancing in the club, but then she kisses him.”
Taehyun’s eyes widen. “Yeonjun and Rose kissed last Saturday night?” he says in disbelief. “When? How? Why?”
“I dunno, I think it was about 30 minutes after I left you and Gyu with B? And it was like I said, one minute they’re talking and laughing, then the next minute they’re on the dance floor, and next thing I know they’re kissing.” Soobin says. “Yeonjun pulled away, and that’s when he saw me and we had a little talk.”
“Wow, that sounds bad. Rose is such a bitch, I’ve always hated her. What did you 2 talk about?” Taehyun remarks.
“I sorta just confronted him about it. I gave him a chance to explain what just happened, I asked him if he still had feelings for Rose and he said he felt a spark or something, I asked him if he loves B and he didn’t seem to know. I told him that B saw him and Rose together and how messed up she was over it. I told him that he cheated on B, that even if Rose was the one who kissed him he shouldn’t have given her a chance to let it happen in the first place. And I told him that he better not hurt B. That’s it.” Soobin says, explaining the gist of their conversation.
“That’s, wow, that’s a lot to unpack.” Taehyun says, trying to absorb everything. “I think you do have a point about it being Yeonjun’s fault that Rose kissed him, he should’ve known and just stayed away from her instead of letting something like that happen. But don’t you think that calling him a cheater was a little bit harsh?”
Soobin shakes his head, looking tired. “Maybe, but it’s how I see it. First, he admits that he still feels a spark when he was with his ex, then he spends a big chunk of the night with her, then he ends up being kissed by her? All while his girlfriend is crying her eyes out just from the mere sight of them together? I don’t know about you, but for me, as long as you have feelings for someone, especially for your ex, while you’re currently in a relationship, it feels like cheating to me.” he explains. “And seeing B like that, I just… I don’t want to see her that hurt ever again.”
Taehyun nods. “When you put it like that, Yeonjun definitely sounds guilty. And I have to agree that seeing B like that really just makes the whole Yeonjun and Rose thing a lot worse.” he says. “But B doesn’t seem to be bothered or anything. She looks very happy.”
Soobin nods. “Exactly. And you wanna know why? It’s cause she doesn’t know anything. She doesn’t remember seeing Yeonjun and Rose together, she doesn’t remember being absolutely heartbroken over seeing Yeonjun and Rose together, and she doesn’t know that Yeonjun and Rose kissed. Yeonjun didn’t tell her.”
“Are you serious?” Taehyun says, his tone still calm. This was one reason why Soobin enjoyed talking to Taehyun, he was always so calm, empathetic, non-judgmental, and logical. He felt like he could talk to him about anything without worry and he’d listen or give great advice if you needed it. “Yeonjun didn’t tell her anything?”
“Well, she mentioned that Yeonjun told her about seeing his ex at the club and he told her that he’d never see her again if it made B uncomfortable, but that’s about it.” Soobin says. “He didn’t tell her about the kiss, and it’s either because he didn’t want to, or…”
“…or he doesn’t remember it.” Taehyun finishes. “Have you talked to Yeonjun about it?”
Soobin shakes his head. “I’m finally taking your advice and keeping myself as far away from their relationship as possible. Heck, I was determined not to speak to either of them anymore, until B started talking to me in our Creative Writing class while Yeonjun was absent. And of course, I’m stuck with her as my partner for the rest of the term.” he sighs. “But I don’t know how I can survive this, I don’t think I can stand to talk to her and smile at her after seeing her so heartbroken over something she doesn’t even remember, after seeing Yeonjun kiss Rose and her not knowing about it. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s definitely a tough one, Choi.” Taehyun remarks, taking a moment to think it over. “Okay, I’m going to assume that Yeonjun isn’t a complete jerk and that he didn’t tell B about the kiss because he didn’t remember it. Is Yeonjun still in the wrong? Yes, because he put himself in a situation with his ex. But is it a problem? For now, no. Because neither of them know about it, neither of them are currently affected by it. It will become a problem if B finds out about it from someone else, or if Yeonjun remembers the kiss and doesn’t tell her about it.”
“So what are you saying? That there’s no problem here?” Soobin asks, surprised by Taehyun’s verdict.
“Oh, there’s definitely a problem, but I’m just saying that right now, that problem is dormant since neither of them know about it. I’m saying that there’s nothing to deal with yet, since the problem is still dormant.” Taehyun says. “For now, they’re basically living the whole ignorance is bliss thing. Assuming that Yeonjun doesn’t remember, neither of them know about the kiss, therefore it isn’t a problem.”
“So basically it’ll only be a problem if B somehow finds out about it or if Yeonjun remembers it?” Soobin asks.
Taehyun nods. “Correct. If Yeonjun does end up remembering it, the problem will depend on whether or not he tells B about it.”
“So what am I supposed to do? I remember it, I know about it, I saw it, I saw everything. I don’t know what to do.” Soobin says, looking as confused as ever.
“Soobin, if I were you, I’d just sit this one out. It’s gonna be hard, but for now, you’re just gonna have to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist. If you tell either of them what you saw that night, it could only cause bigger problems. My advice for you remains the same, just try to keep yourself as far away from their relationship as possible. That doesn’t mean that you should avoid them, just be their friend but draw the line when it comes to their relationship.” Taehyun says.
“So I just pretend that I know nothing. Got it.” Soobin says, nodding once for covering his face with his hands and letting out a loud groan.
“Are you good now? Come on, we better get back or they’ll start wondering what’s taking us so long.” Taehyun asks.
“Wait, you haven’t told me about what happened to you last Saturday night. You said you kissed your crush! Who is it? How did it happen?” Soobin exclaims, suddenly remembering.
Taehyun laughs. “Maybe another time, Soobin.” he says with a mischievous smile, unlocking the door before leading the way out of the pantry, through the kitchen, and back to the table.
“Alright, I have to be home in 15 minutes and I still have to drop by B’s place to pick up my stuff, so we have to go now or else Lea will kill me!” Kai exclaims, seeing the text from his older sister.
B laughs, patting him on the back. “Alright, let’s get going then! Lucky for you, I live right across the street.” she says teasingly. “Tyunnie, you wanna walk home with us?”
Taehyun smiles but shakes his head. “No, I have to stay and help clean up today. You guys go ahead and be safe.” he politely declines.
Kai shrugs. “Alright, you be safe too. See you tomorrow!” he says, grabbing B’s arm and practically dragging her along with him as he rushes out of the café.
“I should probably go too, I’ve got a lot of homework to do. Whoever said that senior year would be a breeze was full of shit.” Soobin groans, looking through the checklist of tasks he had on his phone. “Gyu, you need a ride? I can drop you off along the way.” he offers.
Beomgyu shakes his head. “Nah, I’m good. I’ve got a quiz tomorrow, so I think I’ll just stay here and study for a bit.” he says, taking out some notebooks and pens from his school bag and laying them down on the table.
“Wow, I never knew you actually studied.” Soobin remarks, causing Beomgyu to snort. “Good luck with that then, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” he says, waving goodbye to Taehyun and Beomgyu.
For a while, the 2 of them sit alone at the table in silence. Beomgyu was reading through his notes, highlighting a few things along the way, while Taehyun sat across him, finishing up his 3rd glass of lemonade. As Taehyun’s glass becomes empty, he stands up and takes the glass with him. As he’s about to walk away from the table, he’s surprised when he feels someone grab his free hand, stopping him in his place.
He looks back and sees Beomgyu looking at him, his notes sprawled across the table, a sentence remained half highlighted as if Beomgyu stopped midway just to grab Taehyun’s hand before he left.
Which was exactly what he did.
“Yes?” Taehyun asks, turning to face the boy.
Beomgyu looks nervous for a moment, like he was doubting himself and as if he were starting to regret grabbing Taehyun’s hand, but then he takes a deep breath and says “Wait. Don’t go.”
“Why? I’m right here.” Taehyun says, raising a brow.
“I just—” Beomgyu starts, his breathe shaking as he looks down at his hand holding Taehyun’s before looking up at him again. “I think we need to talk.”
“About what?” Taehyun asks, even though he knew exactly what he meant.
“About last Saturday night.” Beomgyu says, his eyes closing as the memory crosses his mind for the millionth time. “About our kiss.”
Taehyun sighs. “Look, I already said it’s fine, you panicked and kissed me on the lips, it was just a stupid game, it was nothing.”
“You know that’s not the kiss I was talking about.” Beomgyu says, a different kiss on his mind. He remembered standing by the bar with Taehyun after game ended, laughing and apologizing about how he had panicked and kissed him on the lips. He remembered Taehyun telling him that it was fine and that there was no need for him to apologize. “And I didn’t panic.” He remembered taking a couple of shots with him, and they asked each other a question every time they took a shot. He remembered asking Taehyun if he minded that Beomgyu had kissed him on the lips, and he said no. He remembered Taehyun asking him if he wouldn’t mind doing it again, and he said no.
“I wouldn’t mind at all.”
“So go ahead and kiss me, Choi.”
He remembered downing another shot and saying “Oh, what the hell.”  Before taking Taehyun’s face in his hands for the second time that night, looking deep into his eyes to see if he really wanted it, before leaning in and letting their lips touch once again.
“So, you wanna talk about it?” Beomgyu asks, the memory playing in his mind over and over again.
Taehyun smiles, his heart melting at how unusually vulnerable the usually confident Beomgyu looked. “Alright.” he says, bending down to take a seat at the table, not letting go of his hand. “Let’s talk.”
Author’s note:
I know it’s a little late :c and I’m sorry cause I’ll be a lot busier these days bc life is suddenly moving again :c but :c Happy Yeonjun day!
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skypieace · 4 years
kenhina / kagehina au i guess?
ok this is gonna be funny i think
So our story begins with Hinata Shouyou, the little peanut butter-ray of sunshine from Karasuno High. He's the sweet guy everybody knows and loves but he's super chill so doesn't act like he’s the king of the world or something like that. He doesn't even have the height for it. Ok, and we also have Kageyama Tobio, the new kid at school that kinda looks like is always about to curse someone, but he's a sweet guy and just doesn't know how to deal with new people. He sees Shouyou in the hallways every day and ugh he's so small and beautiful! Kageyama is definitely into him. Last but not less important, we have Kenma Kozume. He's super shy and doesn't care so much about what others could think of him. He loves video games and nerdy stuff and only hangs out with his bestie Kuroo. He's known Shouyou since they were kids and has adored the orange guy since then. But he's never had the guts to tell his feelings and honestly he doesn't want to, that's fine. So far so good.
Hinata asks Kenma one day if they could talk privately. Imagine the poor's guy heart! He got so nervous thinking how the conversation would go that he wrote a letter about his feelings for Shouyou. He could never have the courage to say it but writing is fine he thinks? So they went to a nice place to chat. Hinata tells him he's in love with someone and thinks this someone loves him back. Kenma is like on fire and asks if he knew the person and Shouyou say yes. “He's from your class I think. He's the new kid, Kageyama, you know?” Ooh, he sighed and felt stupid thinking that Hinata could have feelings for him. Anyway, Shouyou asks if he could help him to get Kageyama's attention and like a good whore he says yes.
The next day Kageyama decides to talk to him about Hinata as well. He asks for Kenma’s help to have Shouyou since they are friends and Tobio is terrible at flirting. Kenma is a smart and nice guy, and also he is in love. And what do we do when we love someone that doesn’t love us back? We suffer, damn it! And he was already in his emo and overdramatic mood, so he thought about his love letter to Shouyou, which still was on his backpack. And then, gave it to Kageyama. The letter had no name and signature so it would fit for anyone, because it was just some romantic shit. Tobio was confused, who tf just has random love letters by chance? “I just.... like to write, guess I’m a poet guy. Nevermind, just take it and give it to him.”
So things went how they were supposed to go in this case. Shouyou loved the letter and Kageyama was all he could think of. So they started to hang out and etc but sometimes it would get weird because Tobio didn’t know how to express his feelings and they’d have this awkward silence, but their eyes would say “I really like you and like when we spend some time together.” They were really cute lovebirds. Some weeks later, Kenma is at Kageyama’s house doing some school shit and he actually thinks Tobio’s a nice guy and deserves to be with Shouyou. Anyways, Hinata wants to facecall Kageyama and soon his phone started to ring. It was funny to watch how the guy would freak out everytime he had to speak, and he just says things like ‘Hinata-boke’ and makes fun of Shouyou’s height calling him chibi. Hinata loves it but this day he wants to hear some beautiful words from his almost-boyfriend. Tobio turns to Kenma with a desperate face and receives a disgusted look from the blonde one. “Ugh, you’re terrible at this. It’s torturing to watch, let me help you.” So he stays away from the camera but whispers lovely and fancy words about Hinata to his friend. As expected, the orange guy gets super emotional and praises Kageyama’s talent. They end up that day oficially dating.
Time goes by for almost a year and since the lovebirds are dating, Kenma’s service is not required anymore. Until one day Hinata opens his heart to Kageyama about his true feelings. “Look, since the first time I saw you, I knew you were going to be mine. You looked like an angel and you always do it. But now I know that I love you more every day, and I love your soul. I get chills thinking that we’ve been together for almost one year and you still write and put these love letters on my locker every day. I love you, Tobio.” Kageyama takes a few minutes to absorve the information and feels so angry he could pass out. After saying goodbye to his boyfriend, he looks for Kenma all over the place and eventually finds him. Kageyama’s a good guy and the walk made his nerves get calm so he asks Kenma about the boy’s feelings for Hinata. He already knew the answer but needed to hear it, and the blonde had no choice than nodding with his head affirmatively. Tobio gives a long sigh and looks at him. “You need to tell him. I don’t want this anymore, I don’t wanna pretend that I can write love letters and recite poems. Just talk to him and we’ll see who he prefers.”
Kenma didn’t want to, but he feels like he owes Kageyama this since he’s been kinda catfishing his boyfriend for one year. He finds Hinata and approaches him saying they need to talk, but soon as he looks directly into Shouyou’s eyes, he feels sooo weak! He feels weak because Hinata is too much for him to handle, because him and Kageyama are a happy couple and he doesn’t want to ruin things for nobody. Also, Kageyama is at 3rd year, about to graduate and move away for university, so why not just let everything the way it is? He’s okay and so are the lovebirds. “Nevermind, Shouyou. I forgot what I had to say, sorry.” He looks for Tobio too after this. “You won, prince charming. He chose you.”
So nothing changed at all. They stayed together more happily than ever, enjoying every minute they had together before Kageyama’s moving, but it eventually happened. They managed to stay together for some years despite the distance but Tobio has his own life now and so does Hinata, and they decided to go to different paths. Shouyou and Kenma are still friends and as always, Kozume would get his back for anything. They see each other almost every weekend and in one of these days, Hinata reminds the school times and everything that happened. Now he’s not that chibi anymore and has some muscles that makes Kenma sweat, and Kozume by the way looks the same as high school, just his hair changed a bit and got longer. “Wow, remember when I dated Tobio? It was fun. Hope he’s doing great.” Kenma doesn’t say anything and just takes a sip of his tea.
”He wrote me so many letters by that time, I wonder why he didn’t follow this career. He was truly something else.”
”I’m sure his writing sucks.”
”Shut up! It doesn’t.”
”Yeah, right....”
”Ken-chan, you are so mean sometimes! I’ve even memorized some of his verses, you know? There’s one that’s like... ‘My heart follows you every instant... And it will always be, even in the most distant worlds’... Ugh I don’t remember the end.”
“...the same heart that loves you so passionately.”
Hinata chokes on his tea. “Kenma, how do you know that?”
Kenma looks away, waiting for his orange braincells to start working.
“It was you this whole time?” Silence. “Look at me, please.”
Kenma did it. And he sees the guy he’s always been in love with giving him the brightest smile.
“I’m sorry, Shouyou.”
They discuted a bit about reasons, emotions and this kind of shit. The important part is that Kenma was still a living being, since he always thought he’d pass away if Hinata knew his feelings one day. But it didn’t happen and he was holding hands with Shouyou now (thought they are a bit sweaty) and feeling happier than ever.
“Ken-chan, can you recite to me some words?” Shouyou closed his eyes, putting his head on the blonde’s shoulder.
“Yes, Shou. I could do this forever.”
“Oh then, please do it.” 
Kenma smiled and closed his eyes too.
little disclaimer! you might be thinking “but why didn’t kageyama check with hinata if his conversation about kenma’s feelings actually happened?” well, that’s because this au is inspired in a theater play and kageyama’s character was supposed to die right after kenma told him shouyou’s choice, but god i wasn’t going to kill the poor guy right?? and don’t worry about him, he’s living a cool life in paris.
oook so i had a great time writing this!!! it is inspired from my ultimate-favorite-play of all time, ‘cyrano de bergerac’ by edmond rostand. hope u enjoyed reading :)
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baepsaedaf-blog · 5 years
Without Me.
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: None but pure F L U F F . Also the ones in Italic is a flashback.
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: In which Y/N is left alone in the dorm and decided to clean her own room, while rapping.. but then her roommate appeared. College!AU
If there’s anything that excites you, or you look forward to, it’s when you’re finally left alone in the dorm. You have the place all to yourself and nothing else makes you happy.
You weren’t really a shy girl, you just really like to hang around your small circle of friends rather than to hang around crowds full of people you don’t really care about. You were introverted, preferring to watch shows on your laptop and do your homework quietly than attending parties.
“Hey Y/N!” you heard Jimin right outside your door and you sighed before opening. When you finally pulled the door open, it revealed a very good-looking roommate, dressed in his usual tight pants and over-sized t-shirt, his hair is styled, exposing a bit of skin on his forehead, he’s also wearing an earring but only on one ear.
You cocked an eyebrow right after scanning his figure from up his head and down to his feet, to which he enjoyed because he smirked right at you, “Yeah?” you finally answered, hand still holding onto the door knob.
“Namjoon held a party, and he ask me if you can come along.” He replied, despite knowing that you’re going to say no, still, he gave it a shot.
You sighed again and stared at the disorganized boxes in your room and your messy bed, “Can’t.” you answered, “I have to clean up.” You continued and nodded on the mess that is your room.
Jimin followed your gaze and gave your room a good look, “Wow, do you have a new style? Were you going for a jungle-inspired interior room design? Because you’re killing it.” He replied sarcastically and shook his head, “That’s a lot of work, what were you doing these past few days anyway?”
You rolled your eyes and playfully smacked his arm after he described your room and its close similarity to a jungle, “I was busy, okay? School’s a bitch.” You answered with the truth, and indeed, school really took a toll on you when requirements and deadlines were all coming in at the same time, “Now go off, before my lion comes out and devours you.”
He only nodded, “Take care then. If you change your mind though, ring me. Namjoon would be glad to see you there.” He told you as he makes his way to the door of your other roommate, who’s kind of the same as you. Yoongi rarely leaves his room in the morning, he often comes out at night. Attending parties and night-out with his friends, it’s almost like he’s avoiding the sun for some reasons.
Yoongi opened the door with puffy eyes, it was like he just woke up from a sleep. That was when you closed the door on your room, and decided to start your own thing, which is cleaning your room.
You laid down on the bed for a good 15 minutes, trying to gather up the energy to start cleaning. It was Friday, after all. You were supposed to have fun, but the weeks of room neglect has showed up. You should have cleaned up while the mess was still on minimal amount, not now that it really does feel like a lion will come out from your cabinet.
You wondered what Jimin was doing. Despite of not being around crowds too much, you still attended a couple of frat parties, but only when you’re with Jimin, Namjoon and maybe Seokjin because you feel safe around them, but you don’t really appreciate the time when you’d become their babysitter because they drank too much.
There was one time when Seokjin invited you to a party, they had picked you up from your place and drove over to the party. They have stayed with you for a couple of minutes when you got there, but disappeared eventually to the crowd. You shook your head, knowing full well that it’s going to be a long while before you see them again so you might as well just enjoy yourself.
You grabbed a bottle of beer and proceeded to the front lawn, where there are fewer people since almost everybody is dancing around the living room or drinking on the pool area. The people in the front lawn are mostly alone, it was perfect for you. You sat on a bench and drank the nasty beer, it’s been a while since you last tasted beer so it took a while to re-adjust your taste buds, but you continued drinking anyway.
“Mind if I sit down with you?” you heard a familiar voice and you lifted your gaze to meet the man standing in front of the empty part of the seat.
“No, not at all.” You replied monotonously. The guy was Jeon Jungkook, the most popular from the frat. Probably because of his good looks and good body build, but you never really find him attractive. You think he is just some 13-year old teenager in a body of a young adult because of his sex drive, it was as if he recently discovered how dicks work.
He was trying to get in your pants ever since you met each other, but you turned him down each and every time, “You alone?” he asked right after sitting down and took a swig from his red cup. He smelled of alcohol and sweat.
You drank from your bottle as well, “Oh, no. I was having a good chat with a friend but you sat on him, his name’s Tim.” You tried to sound as casual as possible.
He ended up looking on the space he sat on, as if he really sat on someone.
“What, where?” he asked. You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or if he was really that dumb to not notice if someone’s actually sitting.
You shook your head, “Namjoon’s looking for you, by the way. Says he’d like you to meet someone.” You lied as you try to get rid of him.
“Is it a she?”
“Yup.” You replied, popping on the ‘p’, “She has good ass, too.”
He nodded and quietly made his way to the entrance, and you once again enjoyed the silence.
“I didn’t see you come in with another girl.” Another voice was heard and your gaze shot up again.
“I was lying.” You answered Yoongi, as he sat down beside you, where Jungkook previously sat down.
He cleared his throat, “That was mean. What if he’d really look for someone with a good ass from Namjoon?” he asked, as he lit up a cigarette.
You only shrugged, “Yeah, whatever.” As you took another drink from the beer, almost finishing it.
“I didn’t know you go to parties.” He said, it sounded like he was mocking you but from the lack of expression from his face, you’d say he was just speaking his mind.
“I had nothing else to do.” You answered honestly, “Also, there’s free beer, so..”
He nodded, and everything went quiet again.
You got up from the bed and opened your drawer, reaching for your Bluetooth speaker. You successfully connected your phone to the speaker and eventually, you started to blast a song from your playlist.
“You comin’?” Jimin asked when Yoongi opened the door. He just got up from a precious sleep and he was kind of pissed by the fact that Jimin woke him up.
“I don’t think so. I feel sick.” He answered, but he was only feeling really lazy to socialize. Jimin only nodded at him, “Maybe you could hang-out with Y/N, she’s staying in as well.” Jimin stated, Yoongi’s eyes lit up and quickly looked on your closed door, “Yeah, sure.” Yoongi answered and closed his door as well.
Realizing that he couldn’t return to sleep right after knowing that he’s alone with you, he tried to keep his mind busy by re-reading his essays on his computer. After making the final revisions and adding the relevant details on his work, he sighed and stretched his body.
But then he heard a really loud music banging loudly from your room, it was very weird thing to him. Since you were always so quiet and it’s as if you can never tell if you’re in your room or not because you can’t tell the difference of the quietness, but tonight’s different. You weren’t only playing a really loud music, but you’re playing one of his favorite songs.
“She listens to Eminem?” Yoongi muttered to himself, tilting his head at the thought of you enjoying rap music. It really was a revelation to him.
He opened his door quietly and walked out of his room, he stared at your door, trying to make sure that the music was really coming from your room. He leaned closer to your door, as careful as he can, his left ear is on your door and he could hear your faint voice.
You were rapping, rapping along Eminem’s Without Me confidently, as if you expertly memorized the whole song.
Yoongi’s mouth fell open and slowly formed into a smirk, he didn’t know that this was the kind of music you listen to, you were always on your earphones that’s why it’s hard to tell which kind of music you listened to.
The door flew open and thankfully, Yoongi was no longer leaning on your door, so he didn’t fall flat on his face.
Your eyes widen, “Uh, hi?”
“I was about to knock.” He lied and he scratched the back of his head, you saw how there is a faint crimson shade on his cheek but you disregarded it. “I was writing an essay..” he trailed off.
You nodded, realizing that your music was too loud for him to concentrate, “Oh. I’ll turn the music down. Sorry, I thought I was alone.”
“Oh, no. I was actually going to ask—you listen to Eminem?” he asked.
“Yeah, sometimes.” You answered. He smiled at that, from the way you rapped flawlessly to the verses, it seems like you listen to it every time.
He only nodded, “Okay, cool.” He noticed how you were slightly sweating and there were boxes in your room, “Do you need help or something?” he offered.
“No, it’s alright. I’m just cleaning up.” You motioned on you room that looked so much better than earlier, “Go ahead and do your essay, the music won’t be bothering you anymore.” You simply answered and got out of the room and into the kitchen to grab a water.
Yoongi only nodded, and he made his way into his room. His cheeks reddened when he closed the door and he keeps on hearing your rap in his mind, he smiled at the thought. He was sure he’s willing to do anything to hear more of it.
The music wasn’t as loud as it was anymore, and for that, Yoongi was disappointed. Although he could still hear more of Eminem songs, he just couldn’t hear you singing or rapping along with it. He was only sitting down on his chair, in front of his computer, doing minimal movements and trying to sharpen his hearing just to hear you again. But after a few minutes, there was nothing.
You were finally finished with cleaning. You realized, once again, that cleaning is so much better when you’re alone and only jamming to music. You finished everything for a short period of time only, you expected it would take about 2 hours to get all things tidy.
You felt your stomach growling and your hand went to your abdomen to feel it, you figured out that you missed dinner and it only registered to your brain, just now, that you’re in fact, starving.
You went out of the room and headed straight to refrigerator, silently praying and hoping that Jimin left something to eat for you. But you only found a container of milk, couple of eggs and water.
“Fuck.” You muttered, unintentionally slamming the kitchen. You checked for the time and it was already getting late, there are no food deliveries available on this hour.
“You want to get something to eat?” you jolted upon hearing the voice, Yoongi was standing and leaning on his doorframe, arms crossed as he stares at you.
You raised both your eyebrows, Yoongi never asked you out for a meal, even when Jimin was around. “You sure about that?” you asked, eyes squinting.
He shrugged, “Yeah, why not? There’s a Chinese restaurant nearby, if you like Chinese food.” He offered.
“I’d eat anything at this point.” You replied to him, “You done with essays? Are you sure you want to eat with me?” you had to ask again.
“It’s all good. Come on, Y/N, it was almost like you wanted to throw the refrigerator away and out into the window because you can’t find anything to eat.” He chuckled at that and he started walking away from his room and into the couch, “Go on, I’ll wait here.”
You sprinted into your room to change clothes and make yourself more presentable after all the cleaning that you did. After freshening up, you settled with your hoodie and pants, then you got out of the room.
“Let’s go.” You told him right after closing your door.
There was something with the way he smiled at you that you couldn’t describe, but it was different. He looked.. warm and pleased, for some reasons.
While you were walking towards the Chinese restaurant, Yoongi initiated the talk.
“I didn’t know you could rap.” He started.
“What?” your mouth felt dry, and you didn’t know if it was your flushed cheeks or widened eyes that made him chuckle—but either way, he enjoyed the sight.
“I heard you, okay? Can’t help it, we have thin walls.” He reasoned out, but you still feel embarrassed because of it. “Don’t worry, you did good—great, actually! I never heard anyone rap to Eminem perfectly.”
Your cheeks burned again, and you noticed how your hand is brushing on Yoongi’s hand as you walk. You sighed, “Alright. First of all, that wasn’t perfect.” You looked away, “Second, I hate how you’re the first one to hear. I mean, Jimin doesn’t even know about it.”
“Really?” he said. You returned your gaze back at him, he looked amused and pleased. “I’m honored then.” He held up a hand on his chest.
“Ugh.” He earned a snort from you, “I’m never going to use that speaker again.” You told him and looked straight ahead.
You felt him holding your hand, “Hey! You do sound good.” Your gaze fell to your hands, Yoongi looked at it as well, instead of getting all awkward and letting your hand go, he held on tightly and even intertwined your fingers with his.
“I don’t know, maybe you can rap to me sometimes. I’d like to hear more from you.” He stared straight ahead.
You looked dumbfounded, how did things escalated this fast?
You looked at his face again, his cheeks are also flushed and you noticed how he’s trying to suppress a smile, but failing miserably. “This is nice. Your hand feels nice.”
You looked on the opposite side, hiding the fact that your cheeks heated once again because of his comment. You don’t even know what to do with your hand anymore, hold him as well or what?
He pulled you closer to him and now your sides are touching, despite of wearing a hoodie, you felt as if he electrified the skin where your clothes met. “Today, I got to know something about you, yet you haven’t learn anything about me, which is unfair, right?” he started speaking again.
You only stared at him, not really knowing how to reply and what to tell him, so he continued, “I’ll tell you something then. This?” he held both of your hands up, eye-level, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.” He confessed.
Your mouth hang open.
Is this his way of confessing?
“You’re wrong.” You told him, “I do know something about you.”
“Hmm?” he hummed.
“Your palm is damn sweaty.”
He chuckled, feeling awkward, and he started to loosen his grip on your hand, thinking that it made you uncomfortable, but this time, you were the one who held it tighter, “But I don’t mind. This is nice.”
This time, it was his turn to look away and hide his blushing cheeks.
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shurisneakers · 6 years
espresso [6]
Summary: In which your best friend’s brother begins to set you up on dates when you mention that you haven’t been in a relationship in years, but things don’t go as expected.
Warning: swearing, near panic attacks, angst (?)
A/N: this is my entry for the exuberant @odinhson‘s writing challenge thank you to @samingtonwilson for beta-ing this for me
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous part- Part 5 || Espresso Masterlist
Becca: binch
Becca: if i don’t get my nourishment i will Wilt and Die
Becca: if i get out of this bed rn i will literally Cry
Becca: pls get me a coffee kind sir,,, i will be gr8ful
You: um
You: i’ll get it later ok lov u
Becca: wtf why
You: im going to meet fucky at the library
You: *bucky
Becca: youre going to meet my brother again?
You: yes he said he was studying there anyway so I could go meet him there
You: why
Becca: nothing it’s just
You: it’s just?
Becca: nvm it’s nothing go see that smelly bitch biscuit
Becca: but get me the drugs when u come back
The library was fairly populated for seven in the morning. And, though everyone looked like they could use at least a week’s worth of sleep, they trudged on.
Walking through the aisles, you let your fingers run over the spines of every book, relishing in the feel of their old leather under your touch. It didn’t take log before you found Bucky in the classics section, his back leaning against one of the bookshelves as he scanned the ones in front of him.
“Looking for something specific?” you asked quietly, making him snap his head towards you. He gave you a tired smile before reverting to his original state.
“The Catcher in the Rye. I wanted to borrow it again,” he sounded distant, like his mind was preoccupied.
“Again? You’ve read it more than once?”
“Three times,” he answered, eyes lighting up as he reached forward and grabbed an old, worn out book with a tearing paper cover. His fingers dusted it gently before he opened to the last page, his eyes skimming over the words.
“It’s your favourite book?”
 “I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite book, to be honest.” He flipped it, examining the cover from back to front. “Just the most memorable one. It sorta stuck with me throughout.”
“Why?” you asked curiously, watching as he flipped through the pages, seemingly searching for something within the lines.
“Don’t ask, it’s just gonna come off as pretentious as shit,” he chuckled, shking his head bemusedly, but you could detect a hint of something else behind his words. Bucky loved writing. He loved words. This book obviously meant a lot to him.
“I don’t know who hurt you Bucky Barnes, but I’d sure as fuck want to know why you love that book so much.” You heard a hush on the other side of the bookshelf, making you peep through the shelves only to catch the disapproving glare of the librarian who apparently caught you using unparliamentarily language.
“No one’s hurt me, it’s just-“ he paused to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly, letting his hand linger there. “I didn’t think anybody would care.”
“Oh.” You nudged his foot with yours, making him look at you in surprise. “Well, I care, so go ahead.”
He eyes never left yours and you could see a faint blush spread across his cheeks. Cute ass motherfucker.
“Um, I guess it’s kinda because– the thing is– see, I–“ his mouth was moving at a speed much swifter than his brain, you could see it. It was like he had so much to say, almost too much. You gave him an encouraging smile as he took a deep breath to calm himself down before beginning again.
“I’ve read it three times. Every single time it means something different to me, you know? It’s like the words are familiar but everything’s changed,” he tried to convey what he was thinking, but it was clearly something hard to talk about because Bucky rarely ever ran out of words.
“‘Don’t ever tell anyone anything, if you do you start missing everybody.’,” he recited from memory finally showing you the page he stopped on. You shuffled closer to him, leaning on his shoulder to get a better look at the book in his hand. “It’s really hard for me to let others in. Everything becomes too intimate and when they decide to pack up and leave because they can’t handle my shit, it just—it hurts. It’s one of my favorite quotes.”
“It’s beautiful,” you said softly, as he looked at you for a few seconds in silence, not making an attempt to say anything.
“Right, so-“ he cleared his throat, pulling away to put the book back where it belonged. “His name’s Loki. He’s slightly difficult at first, but all he needs is just a little love and attention and he’s good to go.”
“Are we talking about a succulent or a person?” You remained where you were, feeling strangely lightheaded. Bucky glanced at the big clock overhead before returning to you.
“You’ll see.” He winked, shifting from one foot to another. “Now go! I have an hour to spend with calculus and you are going to be late for your first class.”
“You got a shift at the coffee shop today? I could come see you after,” you asked, facing him while walking backwards, your feet moving automatically.
“Not tonight, fam. I’m busy,” he said, looking down just for a second.
“Whatcha up to, barista boy? You got a hot date?” you teased him lightly, shoving your fists into your pockets, delaying your exit.
“I do, actually,” he fired back, making you freeze in your tracks.
“You’re going on a date?” you asked incredulously, your eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“Yeah. Met an old friend of mine last week and we’re going out tonight.” He shrugged, giving you a half smile.
“Oh shits.” Well, that was new. It had been ages since Bucky had gone out with someone. “Use protection, ya nasty. Don’t want any mini versions of you running around.”
“Yeah, totally. We’re gonna go grab something to eat and fuck behind the church in my pickup truck.” He rolled his eyes, laughing to himself as you snorted.
“You’ve always been a huge part of the Jesus fandom,” you called out, grimacing when you heard the librarian hiss a ‘Quiet!’ at you again.
“Have fun, James. I’ll catch you later.” You shoved your hands further into your pockets, turning around and jogging out before he could get another word in.
You didn’t expect the goth version of Sabrina the Teenage Witch at the entrance of your building that evening, sporting a look of disdain with a hint of boredom, gracefully covered up with a smile. He was dressed to the nines in all black, which matched his dark hair and starkly contrasted his fair, almost too pale skin.
“You’re Y/N, I presume?” you could hear the remnants of an accent that wasn’t common to your area. He sounded tired but it looked like he was making an effort, so you weren’t completely put off.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. “Loki, right?”
“That’s me. Did James tell you where we’re going tonight?”
“Bucky doesn’t take the effort to tell me anything useful, so I’m pretty uninformed.” You followed him as he walked towards the gate of the compound, his fingers toying with the hem of his sweatshirt.
“That’s weird because I swear he asked me for everything ranging from my birth certificate to my social security number. He wouldn’t even give me your dorm address without it,” he said drily, his smile actually making him look really nice.
“Oh, wow.”
“Yeah, so there’s that carnival or a fair or something that’s come up. I figured we could go check it out.” He gestured to his car.
“Sounds fun.” You offered him a helpful smile, accepting his invitation without much hesitation. Maybe a distraction was exactly what you needed.
The whole fair was illuminated with lights from the different stalls and you could smell the calories in the air as kids ran around with cotton candy and popcorn and funnel cakes. The ratting of the roller coaster tracks and peals of laughter subconsciously made your heart lift and a grin settled on your face.
“What do you want to do first?” you asked loudly, trying to speak over the crowd.
“I don’t know. It’s so noisy. I wish everyone would just shut up.” He scrunched up his nose in disdain, leaving you to stare at him.
“How about grabbing something to eat first? I’m starving,” you suggested, earning a nod from him as you both made your way down to where most of the food stalls were.
Churros, funnel cake, caramel apples, popcorn and just about everything deep fried was put on display and it smelled pretty fucking great.
“D’you want to try out the hypertension or diabetes on a stick?” you laughed, eyeing everything separately.
“Uh—“ he paused, flinching. “I think I’m good.”
“Not even cotton candy?”
“Definitely not.” He shook his head, eyebrows crinkled in disgust.
“Well, okay, man.” You shrugged, not letting his preferences stop you from going ahead and buying the first thing that caught your eye and had your mouth watering.
He followed you silently through the entire process, only passing an occasional comment on how greasy it was or how unhealthy it was. You took it as a personal challenge to count how many times he nearly gagged.
“Rides or stalls?” You could already predict the kind of night you were in for and at this point you were too tired to not have fun with it.
“Rides, I suppose. We’re too old for the stalls.” He clicked his tongue, putting his hands into the pockets of his skinny jeans, staring disapprovingly at you.
“Oh, you are so right. Papa forbade me from playing games lest I fall victim to pride and immaturity. So pleased that throwing balls into holes is age restricted.” You threw some more popcorn into your mouth, feeling his stare burn into your face as you looked at him without any emotion.
“Didn’t you grow out of them after you turned, I don’t know, fifteen? How old are you?”
“You’re absolutely correct. We should hit the rides soon. I may not last fifteen minutes more. I’m practically decomposing as we speak.” You grinned at him making your way to the roller coaster, leaving him to match your pace.
“Roller coasters?” He called after you, rushing to catch up.
“Yes. Do you not like them?”
If this somehow greasier Tommy Wiseau said anything worse, you swore you literally would tear-
“I just think they’re too jumpy. And erratic. And noisy.”
You spun around wildly to face him, mouth dropping open. “What exactly did you expect from a fair, Lucky?”
“Gesundheit. Have you ever been to a fair before or-“
You were just about to launch into a large rant when someone’s grip on your shoulder cut you off.
“Mario? What are you doing here?” The all-too-familiar voice made you instantly calm down as your best friend’s brother, your lord and savior, stepped near one of the most annoying people you could have met.
Which would be met with a more enthusiastic response had it not been for the presence of a girl with the most curly red hair accompanying him. She had her arm around his waist whilst his was secured around her shoulders and you immediately felt your words die down in your throat.
“Ah, James. We were just on our date.” He narrowed his eyes at you and you rolled yours at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Hey, man. I thought you were taking her to that restaurant down the road?” he questioned as the girl with him sent you a smile. Of course she’d have dimples.
“Thor told me this would better fit her,” Loki replied wearily.
“Wait a minute- you know Thor?”
“Know him?” Loki scoffed. “He’s my brother.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Given, we’re adopted siblings but I have to put up with his nonsense regardless.”
“Oh my fucking God, you’re the bitchy drama goth brother Thor talks about.”
“Bitchy drama goth— you’re lucky you got set up with me and not our sister.”
“I guess this date went super well?” Bucky piped up before you both clawed each other’s throats out.
“Simply wonderful.”
“Great.” He smiled awkwardly, before seemingly remembering who he had with him. “Oh shits, yeah—this is Dolores. Dot. Doll. I don’t know-“
“Dot is fine.” She smiled again, extending her hand in a shake. She had a flower tucked into her ear, matching the colour of her long skirt. Of course she did.
“This is Y/N, my sister’s best friend and that’s Loki,” Bucky introduced live-action Merida to you, as she gracefully replied with a small nod.
“You guys done?” Dot asked, switching her gaze between Loki and you.
“Yup, just finished. Loki was about to drop me off at my place. How about you?” You ignored your date altogether, instead focusing on how relaxed Bucky looked, none of his usual creases to be seen on his face. You liked it.
“I think we’ll hang around for a bit more. What do you say?” She looked up at him and Bucky nodded, a soft smile taking over his face.
“Sounds good to me. Text me when you get home, okay?” he reminded you, suddenly meeting your gaze. Your eyebrows furrowed at the intensity with which he was looking at you, but you gave him a thumbs up, agreeing.
“See ya tomorrow, Mario. Get home safe, please?” He waved one more time, as did Dolores, before they both made their way into the crowd, but not before Bucky threw you one more glance over his shoulder.
“Are you this hostile with every person your friends date or only James?” Loki sniggered from besides you, earning a sharp glare.
“One more word from you Severus and I will buy the oiliest piece of funnel cake and shove it down your throat.
But his words didn’t go over your head. You knew exactly what he was talking about and apparently it was so glaringly obvious that even others could see it.
Part 7
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itsakurl · 6 years
Special Present | LJN
Genre: F L U F F ! (OMG i luv lee jeno so this is just aefkjhefuadnc)
Word Count: 1k
Anon: oh my god I just found your account and I'm 😍😘🙏 anyway can I request an nct dream scenario with Jeno where it's your birthday and you celebrate with the dreamies but Jenos present for you is special bc he has the feelings !! I'm so soft for him uwu 
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Today was the day...the day that everyone but you seem to forget. It’s been a whole year since the last time it happened and you’ll think that people would learn from their mistakes then. But you thought wrong and it’s sad not being surprised by that. So basically, on this special day, you stayed home. Sulking in your couch as you tuned into your favorite movie.
You could understand the first time it happened, where everyone forgot. You had just moved out of the country and now lived in Korea. Away from home, it made sense. When you obtained friends, you hoped at least one of them would remember. But when it didn’t happen, it just felt horrible. Erhhh...it’s better not to even care about it. You should be used to it by now.
It was around the middle of your movie when your phone started to buzz. Turning it over you saw the picture of one of your best friends, Lee Jeno. Normally you would pick it up right away, because okay...who wouldn’t. But today you were just salty. All you wanted to do was stay home and cry while watching coco. Is that too much to ask for?! Like you’re here crying over Miguel singing remember me for coco. You don’t have time for friends who forget your birthday.
No presents, no party, not even a simple acknowledgement of “happy birthday”. That’s basically all you wanted...just to get a simple text saying “happy birthday”. But now that too is too much to ask for. But anyways, You kept watching the movie until your phone stopped buzzing. But it became even more annoying when your doorbell was starting to ring like crazy.
“Oh my god!” You screamed out as you stood up stomping towards the door since you could barely hear the movie anymore. Opening the door, you weren’t surprised for who was standing behind it.
“Y/n! I was calling you I thought you were dead!” Jeno exclaimed as he hugged you. More like hugging a stone since you ain’t having none of it. Well, Jeno has noticed your reaction and stared at you weirdly, “Hey are you okay?” He asked. You silently nodded and began to close the door until Jeno stopped it with his hand.
“Hey hey y/n..don’t be like that.” He pouted, “well anyways, We are hanging out so let’s go!” Jeno said as he pulled you out of your house and shut the door behind you and pushed you into his car. “JENO! What the fuc-“ you stared to shout until his hand landed on your mouth. “Ahh I want to hang out with my best friend, what’s so bad with that?” He questioned as he continued to drive, leaving your speechless.
You guys drove all the way to Jeno’s house and quickly went upstairs to his bedroom. “Jeno...i just want to be home..today especially” you sighed as you fell into his bed in pure exhaust. “Y/n…” you felt the bed dip down beside you as Jeno sat. “Get up” he demanded, making you glance at him, not wanting to follow his orders until he pouted making it an obligation to do whatever he says.
“Fine..wha-“ your voice sting of irratation until Jeno grabbed your hand and placed a small box into the palm of your hand. “J-Jeno...what is this for?” You ask obliviously as you turned the box in your hand to further examine, fondly staring at it.
A small chuckle left Jeno’s mouth as he held you hand once again. “I have one more place to bring you to so follow me” Jeno pulled you towards the door that lead to the backyard, “after you” Jeno opened the door gaining a weird look from you. “Don’t worry y/n there isn’t a murderer outside I promise” Jeno one smile at you before you sighed and stepped out into the backyard noticing that there were tables and balloons and ribbons all decorating the whole entire yard.
“SURPRISE!!!” From the side jumped out the rest of your friends: Mark, Renjun, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung. You were startled, falling into Jeno’s arms for support to stand. “Wha...what is all of this?” You asked as they all smiled at you.
“It’s your surprise party silly! Happy birthday y/n” Jeno said, as you looked around noticing all the ‘happy birthday’ decorations. Looking at all your friends that had little party poppers in their hands...you just felt so...emotional. And from than you just couldn’t hold back your tears.
“Aww y/n don’t cry!” All of your friends said as they pulled you into a group hug. For a minute you thought that no one remembered. You thought that no one cared about your special day. No one said happy birthday to you. No one acknowledged your birthday until now…were your 7 friends were all around you, knowing fully well that today was your day.
“Thank you so much guys...I love you all. Seriously I mean it and I can’t ask for better friends than you guys” you muttered as they All whipped away your tears as you became all sappy. The rest of the day was filled with fun. The surprise party was a success, the cake was good. But the time that was really memorable was opening your presents.
Mark gave you that sweater you’ve been eyeing every time you guys went to the mall. Renjun and Haechan got you a small necklace that had a shiny silver heart pendant hanging from it. Jaemin and chenle gave you your favorite candy. And Jaemin gave you a gift card to your favorite café. You were grateful, really grateful. After the party, you and Jeno where left to clean up since it was already 2 A.M and the others had to really get home at some point, especially Jisung and Chenle who was driven home by mark.
After cleaning up outside, you and Jeno went back into his room and sat together on his bed. “Hey remember that box I gave you earlier today?” Jeno asked, gaining you attention. You’ve had the little box in your hand the whole day but never really had the chance to open it.
Once you pulled off the cover you were met with a small little flash drive that sat upon some wrapping tissue. Jeno grabbed the flash drive and plugged it into his computer that he already had on his lap. As it loaded up, a window popped up, making your eyebrows furrow.
“A video?” You asked as you peered over his shoulder. You got a small response of agreement before Jeno placed the laptop infront of you, waiting for you to press the play button.
There was a small static screen until one of your friends, Mark Lee, appeared on screen. “Well where do I start...okay uhm, happy birthday y/n!” Mark had said through the video. The whole thing was actually a video of the 7 of them (mark, Renjun. Haechan, Jaemin, chenle, and Jisung) giving you warm birthday wishes. Nearing the end was like a small documentary type thingy that Jeno has collected of you guys for the past year. It displayed all the happy moments you’ve all shared together, things like finishing highschool, hanging out, traveling.
But the one thing that really made your birthday special was the last thing. After the memory compilation ended, there was this static fuzz again like how there was one before it started. You thought it marked the end of the video, making you start moving your hand to close the window before someone popped up.
After the fuzz there was Jeno. You’ve realized that Jeno wasn’t included in the small complication with the others. Maybe it’s because he did make the video and he wanted a special part in it. Also, apart from the whole friend group. You and Jeno were closer to each other than the rest of them so it makes sense.
“Hey y/n…” the video of Jeno started. By now you’ve rested your head onto Jeno’s shoulder, grabbing his arm and hugging it for comfort.
“I just wanted to start off by saying happy birthday. You deserve a special day and I hope that we did our best to make it one. I remember you telling me how your family had always forgot about it so I didn’t want you to feel that way anymore because you have us now.” Jeno smiled, “haha okay…um ok so I wanted to put this in separately from the other because I wanted to tell you how much you actually mean to me” you turned to Jeno as he gave you a nod to look back at the video.
“Your one of the greatest best friends I’ve ever had and I never want to loose you. You’ve been the reason to my happiness ever since we’ve became friends and I hope you feel the same about me. And well uhm...I just. Want to say it now since if I wait longer I might never get the guts to tell you” he took a breath, “y/n, I love you. And you know that. But I love you in a way that I never want to loose you and I always want you in my life. So what I’m trying to say is...would you like to be my girlfriend?” The video suddenly cut off and the screen was all black, automatically closing the window to be greeted by Jeno’s wallpaper.
You were SHOOK. okay so like how are you suppose to react when your best friend and secret crush had confessed to you? Idk all that there was now was all the screaming and squealing that wants to escape your mouth right now.
“Jeno…” you turned to him, “it’s okay if you don’t feel the same I understand” he quickly admitted until you attacked him with a hug, squealing like a maniac.
“Of course Jeno…” he smiled to your agreement. As he hugged you back. You two were now laying on his bed, embracing each other. “Thank you for everything Jeno...for the party and the video and being my friend” you became sappy again…
“You made my birthday special” you admitted as he hugged you tighter and shifted his gaze so you two were now looking at each other. Jeno’s signature moon eye smile appeared on his face as he said softly,
“Happy birthday y/n”
(Authors note:
Well I hope you all like this one. I’m sorry if it’s kind of all over the place because I had so much writers block since I was so busy this week. The next two weeks I have to go back to my school and volunteer to help the freshman out so I won’t have much time to do these but I’ll still try my best!
Love ya,
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i-growl-growl-growl · 7 years
Do you like mpreg? What about any of Exo or NCT members announcing to their lover they’re pregnant? (but if u don’t like mpreg - that’s totally fine if you won’t fill this :)
Nah, I’m perfectly fine with it. I’m fine with anything really unless it’s pedophilic or racist and (I myself am also not so great with fluffy stuff but I don’t mind it). 
This seems like it’ll have an extremely fluffy feel to it (according to how I… ?define?… fluffy) but I’ll give it my best try but I won’t guarantee that it’ll be good since it’s my weakest link in writing genres. 
I’m also going to mix this up with some EXO members and some NCT if that’s alright with you.
Luhan: Luhan wanted to make sure that the announcement was perfect from the location, the time, the date, he’d even come up with a speech and plan a celebratory dinner and go for dessert after. He’d work on memorizing his speech, imagining that his reflection in the mirror was his partner so that he wouldn’t seem too caught off guard once it was time to actually tell him. “H/p/n, I have some very big news. I know it might come as a shock especially since you’re the one who wanted this to happen to you but it’s happening to me instead. I know we’ve been trying for a long time since the media and my fans have learned to support our relationship but up until now nothing has happened. H/p/n, I want you to know that I love you and I always have and always will, my life has been so much brighter with you in it and I look forward to living a long and happy life with you but there’s something else that we’ll live with for the rest of our lives and I hope you’ll love it as much as I will even though you’re not the one bearing it like you wanted to. H/p/n, I’m pregnant!”
He’d come close to getting caught practicing his speech by his partner several times but his partner’s timing is just barely off the mark so he’d come home and find Luhan blushing at the mirror and wonder what the hell was going on but Luhan would just brush it off by saying “Oh, no there’s nothing wrong here. I was just admiring my natural handsomeness and thinking about yours. I really think we make the perfect handsome couple haha.” At that point his partner would give him a weird look but break as a slight chuckle escapes his mouth, “you’re so cheesy Lu! Sometimes I wonder how I ended up dating such a dork like you.” “Yeah, haha ha *nervous laughter* same!”
On the day of the announcement everything would be going better than planned: He was able to schedule a fancier car to drive you around in than he’d originally planned, the diner said that they’d give him a special reservation on a private balcony of the restaurant, the dessert venue was baking him a special chef choice dessert along with a large sampler platter of all the other desserts they had to offer which would be ready upon his arrival, the part of the park that he had planned to make the announcement on was lit up perfectly and the Chinese magnolia trees were all in bloom, everything was perfect,that is until he and his partner arrived at the spot. “So what’s going on?” h/p/n asks, “clearly it’s something special since the place is all dolled up.” “Well uh, actually yeah there is uh haha…” it was time to tell h/p/n about the pregnancy but the speech that he’d practiced and prepared wouldn’t come out of his mouth- he was a stuttering, blushing, fidgeting, awkward mess. his partner would have to push him to speak, “Luhan, what is it?!”
“I uh, we are uh, well there’s this thing uh…” “Luhan just tell me. You can tell me anything.” “Yeah I know uh I know” he wouldn’t be able to look in his partner’s eyes, he’s so nervous “well we have um well uh…” “Luhan just spit it out already!” h/p/n chuckles worriedly “I’m, I’m pregnant! haha”
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Baekhyun: Good god his announcement would be soooooo out there! Like honestly what would anyone expect otherwise? He’d make the announcement so fun and embarrassing and just completely weird and everyone could be damn sure that he’d capture the announcement on video to send to others and look back on in the future no matter how many times his partner would end up screaming at him and begging for the video to be deleted due to overall 1000000000% embarrassment! Seriously no one could stress enough just how embarrassing it’d end up being. Baekhyun would look up great songs to announce a pregnancy and find spoofs of popular pop songs and ofc he’d choose one of them gfdi  ! 
On the day of the announcement Baekhyun would call his best bud Chanyeolie the Yoda over to put up decorations all across the house: in the living room, in the dining room, in the master bedroom, the extra bedrooms, hell he’d have so much decorations and he’d go so far out with the whole thing that even the garage and the bathrooms will be completely bombarded with pregnancy announcement decorations. It’d take weeks to clean up! and that’s not including the snacks and main dishes and beverages for all the people who were going to attend because he wouldn’t make this a private deal OH NO! Everyone and I mean EVERYONE that Baekhyun knows would be there for the announcement. “hey Baekhyun, do you want these “congratulations” tapestries hung up in the bathroom shower?” “Hell yeah man, you know it! Oh and put one on the lid of the toilet to while you’re in there and don’t forget to put the “it’s a baby” soaps on the counters!” “yep, I got it bro!” “Awesome sauce!”
After his partner has had a fairly long day at work he’d come home to a completely dark and unusually quiet house. he’d park his car in the drive way and press the lock button listening for the beep before heading up to the porch of the house. He’d scramble around in his pockets to find his house key then unlock the doors, severely oblivious to the shocking surprise that awaited him once he’d step through the house doors. 
Upon entering the house all of the lights would turn on simultaneously and people would pop out of seemingly every nook and cranny  of the house yelling “SURPRISE!” and “CONGRATULATIONS!” H/P/N would stand in his place against the door where he had jumped back to when it all happened and he’d look around wondering what the F**k was going on and what the whole “congrats” was for. H/p/n would look around a see that the visitors are all people that Baekhyun must know because he’s never seen some of these people in his entire life! As he continued to look around a pathway would open up and there, in the middle of the living room, standing by himself would be the one and only alien Baekhyun with the widest, stupidest grin on his face! “CONGRATS TO US!” he’d yell before music would start pumping from large speakers that were set up around the house. What song was playing you ask? A spoof of LMAO’s “I’m sexy and I know It” — “I’m pregnant and I know it!”
Everyone in the house would start dancing around like complete fools expect for h/p/n. “Yah, h/p/n! Come join meh and yur babee on the dance fluur!” Oh how his partners face would be blushing the same color red as a bright, shiny lobster tail.
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Yuta: Yuta wouldn’t want his pregnancy announcement to his partner to be too public but he also wouldn’t want it to be private either. Despite the risks Yuta would really ReAllY REALLY want to make the announcement at someplace like a park (during the daytime), or at a concert of one of his partner’s favorite bands that he could take him to. Yuta would brainstorm, but not too much, about how to do it and when before finally coming up with a plan. The timing of the pregnancy was perfect because spring had just rolled around and shown it’s beautiful face. NCT was let off to take a break for a few weeks before a large promotion would take place so Yuta bought tickets and told h/p/n to pack up because they were going on vacation, “Where are we going?” “You’ll see. I want it to be a surprise so you’ll have to wait until we get there to find out!” he smiles. 
When the plane arrives at the destination Yuta and his partner will leave the airport before Yuta happily exclaims “WE’RE IN OSAKA!” they’ll head to their hotel and get situated before Yuta excitedly pulls on h/p/n’s arm telling him “hurry hurry, we need to go somewhere before it’s too late!” “before what’s too late? Yuta what has gotten into you today?” “You’ll find out just please hurry up! We need to go!”
Upon arrival at the place Yuta so desperately needed him and his partner to be at his partner will find out that it’s at a Cherry Blossom festival and there’s hundreds upon thousands of people lined up on blankets under the blooming trees. Yuta will tug at him to follow him before they both reach an empty spot and Yuta lays a blanket down along with a basket of food and beverages. The area is alive with people chatting and it’s nearly impossible to hear each other over the surrounding conversations. This is the perfect place and time to make the announcement! 
“H/P/N! I have an announcement I need to make” Yuta nearly screams into his partner’s ear (even then they can still hardly hear each other). “What is it?” his partner yells back into Yuta’s ear. “By this time next year it won’t be just the two of us coming here!” ‘What do you mean?! Will the rest of NCT be coming with us?!” “NO! No Silly!” By this time next year we’ll both have a beautiful baby joining us for the trip! Our beautiful baby!”
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Ten: Ten would want to be creative with his pregnancy announcement to his partner. he’d think of a way to tell his partner without the whole thing being embarrassing, or public to anyone other than themselves but he’d definitely also plan another, separate pregnancy announcement for everyone else once he’s further on in the early stages of terms of pregnancy where h/p/n and himself would make the announcement together to the NCT member’s and staff and maybe even to the public all at once- sort of. He’d look up clever ideas on youtube, on pregnancy sites, hell even on the limited social media sites that he had kept without SM noticing.Ten would admit that there were some great ideas that he found from online but most of them included the risk of major embarrassment or facing a large crowd of people so he’d be left to brainstorm on his own since that’s definitely not what he wanted. 
One day, as Ten is taking a break from explaining to Lee Soo Man that he won’t be able to exert as much energy or work as hard, and eventually at all for awhile, as he usually does he finds a bag of candies wrapped up in his lunch box that his partner had packed for him that day. When he unwraps the clear plastic bag to enjoy the sweets and is holding one of the small, round candies in his hand an idea hits him like a speeding train. This little candy was the perfect specimen to use as an announcement to h/p/n! The small jelly bean was the perfect size for an example of the baby that he’s currently carrying and probably even the same shape! Ten would preserve the little sweet that had helped him come up with his plan and take it home to use for later, then he’s preserve it in a memory book that he’s begun as a reminder of this adventure.
When Ten arrives home he’ll find h/p/n sitting on the couch with a wine in his hand. “Oh Ten! You’re home early, here I’ll go and pore you a glass” “Oh no no no, that won’t be necessary, I won’t be able to drink that sort of stuff for a long time.” His partner would look back at him quizzically “what do you mean you won’t be able to drink it?” “Well uh” Ten will pause to open up his lunch box and pull out the small jelly bean, once he has it in his hand he’ll hold it out to h/p/n. The look his partner gives him is even more confused than before “oooookkkk what does a jelly bean have to do with you not being able to drink with me?” “ten will look from his partner to the piece of candy in his hand, “well my handsome man, you see, this little jelly bean isn’t a normal jelly bean!” 
Ten’s partner would look at him like he’s lost his god d**n mind. “I… well you see” Ten pauses again to hold the jelly bean against his stomach “this jelly bean is very precious and very vulnerable it is easy susceptible to otherwise non-harmful things such as drinking alcohol or staying in Jacuzzi-s for too long, I also cannot eat any raw fish because if I do this little jelly bean will get hurt.” It would take his partner a moment to understand what Ten is getting at but when he figures it out he’ll pull Ten into a barely tight bear hug and tell him how proud he is to have him as his partner “I’ll look forward to raising a family with you and you’ll always be special to me Ten! I love you, I really F**king love you!”
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milietxcruz-blog · 7 years
The Fallen Angel
A girl came from nowhere who turned his life upside down. At first, he was so irritated by her presence but never thought that he will be missing her presence. Never thought that he would fall so hard towards her. But how can he moved on if in the first place, their love was forbidden. Iris POV I was sent by the creator to accomplish his given task for me, only me. I need to pretend being a human and to meet this guy, named Brandon, who is a rebel person. He wants me to changed him as a good guy. Me, as one of his disciples, should follow whatever he commands. I pretend as Iris in this world. It's so wonderful, evidence of creator's greatness. But, where is he? Where should I find him? "Creator, help me to find him. Please?" I prayed, lifting my face up. While standing in front of a huge building here in Manila. I was waiting for response but I failed. "Creator. Please. Don't make me suffer like this. Just this once." I begged. Suddenly, someone bumped me. A hard one to the extent that I fell on the floor. I was mesmerized for a minute. He was standing in front of me. Wearing a suit that fits in his body. He's so handsome and very manly in his own way. Not until when he shouts at me. "Don't block the way! You're so clumsy!" He yelled. I was taken back. He's so arrogant! How dare him! Did I say that he's handsome a while ago? Then I’ll take it back what I’ve said. I quickly stand up and face him. "Don't yell at me. How dare you! You're just a human being!" Oops. I slipped. he looks surprised after hearing that but composed his self back again. "So you are saying that you are an alien? No wonder you look like one." "What!!!" She yelled in pissed "Nothing. Maybe I should go. You're such a waste of time" he said boringly. "Fine! Arrogant!" I yelled. Turning my back at him. "Whatever." He said while rolling his eyes. Why is he like that? who does he think he is? Feeling handsome? Nahh. Never mind. As i was saying that to myself, I’ve realized that I don't know anyone here. and he's my mission. He's that rebel guy that creator's talking to. Maybe Creator send him now so that I could start my mission now. He heard my prayer. Maybe I should hang out with him. I almost vomit in my thoughts. "Wait!" I shouted. He faced me and said "what?!" with a bored look. "Can you please help me? it's my first time here so..." I whispered while I bowed my head. "What? Can you please speak louder? I can't hear you. And where are you looking at? Is that who you're talking to? The floor? What a weird girl." He said while smirking. He really knows how to pissed me. But I must remain calm. So I lifted my head facing him and repeat what I’ve told him earlier. "Can you please help me. Can I live in your house for the mean time. I don't know anyone here. It’s my first time here. Besides I don't have any money." I said sweetly hoping he would help me. He stared at me for a minute. As if he heard something unusual. As of me, I was praying he would accept my proposition. "Well, I lived by my own. I don't have any accompany in my house so my decision is... no!" He said teasingly. Arrogant as always. What can you expect from him? Help me? Haha. Who am I kidding? tsk. But I must find a way to convince him. "Please! I’ll do anything. Just allow me to live in your house" I begged. "Anything?" He said with devil smile as if he will do something devilish. "Yes. Anything." I replied back. "Okay. Come with me." After a long meters drive, we arrived at his house. I was amazed because his house is huge. It's like a mansion. "Let's go inside. It's getting cold in here." He said. "Okay." I replied. As we enter on the huge gate, you will see a large garden in his front yard and a beautiful fountain in the middle. Behind that is the huge house that he owned. We entered in his house, it's space is broad. The interior is so elegant but there's something wrong in this place. when I step my foot in the doorway, I felt a gloomy aura. I wonder why. I roamed my eyes in the whole place and see no one aside from us. "Where's your family?" I asked. "It's none of your business." He said in a poker face "Okay. Fine." I said. If its not my mission, I surely won’t speak to him politely. Tsk. "Anyway, since you will be living here for FREE. You will be my temporary maid also. That'll be your payment in living. Do you agree?" He said. "Seriously? Me? A maid? Oh come on, my creator is the only one who have the rights to command me. I hate him." I said in my mind "Ahh. Yeah. Sure, I agree" I said with a fake smile. In those time that we have been together, We are always fighting but there's a time that we are compatible to each other. I learned a lot about him. That he already lost his parents. He was the only one who left in this house. When his parents died, he became a beast, a cold-hearted guy. He always shout at people even if they didn't do anything wrong. He is always irritated at many things. He didn't even know how to smile. But I noticed that he's changing little by little. Months passed, he learned how to be a calm person. He has a longer patient now. He learned also how to smile, little by little. He's changing from a bad guy into a good man. Little by little, I was already falling for him. I know it's forbidden. I know it's not acceptable. So, I decide to prevent it. Maybe I will distance myself from him. I know I can do it. After a week, I was busy distancing myself when he approached me. "Hey Iris." He said I was shock because I didn't notice him at my back. "Yes Brandon?" I answered nervously. "Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned in his eyes. "y-y-yes. Of course. Why did you asked?" I stuttered "Are you sure? You don't look like one." he said then touched my forehead. I felt the heat in my face. I think I’m blushing so I removed quickly his hands and run away from him. Unfortunately, he was following me while calling my name. And because he was born tall, he Immediately reached me. He touched me by my hand and pull me back in the living room. We sat in sofa and stared at each other's eyes. I felt uncomfortable so I looked in the other side. "Why can't you look straight in my eyes? maybe you have a feelings for me, don't you?" He teased. "Of course not! You wish! And... can you please moved? You're too close." I said irritatingly. "*chuckle* Then what is your problem?" He asked while laughing. "Nothing!" I yelled. I was already glaring at him but he just laughed at me. "You know what? I really like you." He said casually. I felt the heat scattered in my face. I am blushing instantly after hearing those words from him. It seems like there's a butterfly in my stomach. "How can he tell that so casually?" I thought. "W-w-what do you mean by that?" I asked nervously. "Why? What's wrong with that? I like you. I really do. It maybe unbelievable but it's the truth." He said sincerely. I knew it. I can feel that he's true to his words. Maybe I should believe him this time. I should give him a chance. That night, I gave him a chance. A chance to prove his self to me. That he's already changed. That he wouldn't do anything bad anymore. Months passed by, as what he promised, he fulfilled it.. He became a good guy. Before, he treated me like a slave. Now, he treated me like a princess. No more gloomy aura. He also confessed that he has a stage 3 cancer. My world crushed down as I heard that from him. "Please Creator, don't let him suffered like this. Why do you have to give him this kind of diseased. Please, remove it from him." I prayed while staring at this sleeping handsome man beside me. Suddenly, I noticed a light coming from the window. It's different from the ordinary light. So, I decides to went in this light to see what's in there. I was shocked when I saw it. It is my Creator. I don't know what to do. I felt nervous seeing Him in front of me. I wasn't prepared for this. "Iris, how are you?" He asked. "I'm okay Creator. I was doing fine." I answered. "I see. Well, I can see clearly the happiness on your face. What's the reason of that happiness?" He asked again. "U-u-uhm. Nothing Creator. Maybe because I was doing my mission well. Yes! That's right Creator. I was doing it well." I lied. Saying sorry in my head for doing it. "Is that all? You know me Iris. I know everything." He said. I bowed my head after hearing what he said. "I'm sorry Creator. I can't stop my feelings for him anymore. I love him so much. I can't leave him alone now I’ve found out that he has a disease. No one will take care of him. He's alone in this world. " I said still in a bow head. "I am so disappointed with you Iris. I gave you this mission because I thought that you will be responsible enough to do it but you proved me wrong." He said with a disappointed tone in his voice. "I know creator. I also didn't expect this to happen. I swear. I'm so sorry creator." I answered back with a hope that he will forgive me. "I'm sorry Iris but you need to come with me already. You're not supposed to fall in love with a human. You're an angel, it's unforgiveable. But I will give you an options. You will be human and be with him or you will stay as an angel and I will remove his disease. " He said. When I heard his options, I know I’ve made up my mind. I love him so much that I can do everything for him. "I've made a decision now my Creator. Just give me a minute to say my farewell to him." I said. "Okay. Go." He approved. I ran back towards him. I memorized every detailed in his face as I caressed it. "Goodbye for now, my Brandon. We'll see each other when the right time comes. I hope that you will lived your life well. Find another girl who will love you for who you are. I'm going to miss you. Always remember that I love you so much." I said while my tears are falling down on my cheeks. As I’ve finished my farewell to him, I turned around and walked away from him. Leaving his room and so his life. #shortstory #createdbyme #InLoveThere'sAlwaysASuffering
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gyakutengagotoku · 7 years
GSvsAA - Dual Destinies - Character Profiles
In line with the AJ one, here’s the next in the line up. Check the master post more more of the GSvsAA translation project.
It’s worth noting that while Mr. Takumi is known to have some very obvious or random inspirations for his name puns, there are times when it’s tricky to figure out because of his choice of punny origins. Meanwhile, Mr. Yamazaki & co. tend to follow suit with the obvious, but their puns are often very straightforward and easy to deduce. Sometimes, a name has multiple layers of puns and chances are good that plenty of those puns make their way into the character’s design.
I don’t think it’s lazy design, since simplifying a character’s role in a plot means more care can be taken for the actual mystery, but sometimes it leaves something about the character to be desired. Then again, there are plenty of characters from the first four games in the series that aren’t so memorable.
I’m just obsessed with this series so I know them all. Ha.
Edit: SoJ profiles posted.
Spoilers below.
Main cast
Athena Cykes - Kidzuki Kokone (希月 心音) kidzuki means “awareness” (kinda following how Trucy is named Minuki) and the second kanji in her surname is “moon”. The kanji in her given name, when pronounced shin’on, means “heartbeat”. It can also be translated literally as “heart sound” to refer to her ability to hear people’s voices of their hearts.
Simon Blackquill - Yuugami Jin (夕神 迅) yugami means “distortion” or “twist”, referring to his epithet, “The Twisted Samurai”. The kanji form a phrase meaning “god of dusk”. jin, written as 刃, is “blade”; while the kanji in his name means “swift”. It’s analogous to Edgeworth’s name, Mitsurugi, which is the name of a noble blade of legend. Trivia: He refers to the chief in person using the term danna, a title reserved for Lords and noblemen back during the days of samurai. Since this couldn’t be replicated in English without sounding drastically out of place, it’s been tamed down to a plain “sir”. (Imo, he could very well have gone with “sire” and it’d be just the right amount of tradition and respect, but I guess it doesn’t quite sound Japanese enough.) Incidentally, Taka is Gin, which can mean “silver”, or possibly like the English word (but it’s pronounced with a hard G).
Bobby Fulbright - Ban Gouzou (番 轟三) The ban in his name may refer to a “guard”, though being written as 万 means “many”. Combined with his first name, which consists of “booming” and “three” (like in “two’s company, three’s a crowd”), you get a whole lot of bombastic in one guy. Trivia: His catchphrase is shouting “JUSTICE!!!” in English at the top of his lungs and laughing triumphantly. Imo, the localization's “In Justice We Trust!” has a certain nuance to it that really makes it pop when you realize just who he is, though.
Yep, that’s it. That’s the game. These three right here.
Episode 1
Gaspen Payne - Auchi Fumitake (亜内 文武) “Auchi” is simply “ouch”. His first name is the same as his brother’s but flipped. fumi (文) is “literature”; take (武) is “martial”. I suppose both of them are warriors of words, but I really think their parents the devs just ran out of ideas.
Juniper Woods - Morizumi Shinobu (森澄 しのぶ) mori (森) is “forest” or “woods”; shinobu means “to hide”. Meanwhile, the kanji for zumi (澄) used in the verb sumasu becomes “to look prim” or “to listen carefully”. These two definitions better relate to her from Episode 3, though. Trivia: In the Japanese version of this episode, the crime scene shows in English letters: “S I N O B U”. Since Japanese is typed using romaji, し can be either shi or si. Either way, it’s still pronounced the same. If it weren’t obvious enough from the intro, this spelling would have easily given away the real killer.
Ted Tonate - Barashima Shingo (馬等島 晋吾) barasu can mean a few things: “to expose”, “to take apart”, or “to kill”. He already covers the latter two in the first case, but the first definition doesn’t quite play in until the last one. The last syllable of his first name ties into his first name to make mashingo, or “machine language”; hence the keyboard.
Candice Arme - Kaku Hozumi (賀来 ほずみ) Her full name can be written as 確保済み, meaning “in custody”. kaku may refer to “square”/”cube”; probably referring to how she’s been hit. Her surname and the first syllable of her first name make kakuho, or “guarantee”, which seems to play into her English name.
Edit: Well, I totally screwed up this entry. My bad.
Episode 2
Jinxie Tenma - Tenma Yumemi (天馬 ゆめみ) Her surname as written here refers to the “heavenly horse” Pegasus. yumemiru means “to dream”. More on Tenma below.
Damian Tenma - Tenma Deemon (天馬 出右衛門) His first name comes from “demon”. Tenma, which is also the name of the village, is written as 天魔. It refers to the yokai of the Buddhist sixth heaven in the realm of desire who haunts people and deceives them into avoiding good. According to legend, Tenma tried (and ultimately failed) to lure the young Siddhartha away from enlightenment with earthly desires. Tenma Taro from this game is based on this Tenma. In Japanese folklore, he's described to have a bird-like appearance, hence we have jangly-cackling-bird-demon. 
The Great Nine-Tails - Great Kyuubi (グレート 九尾) He’s based on the Nine-tailed fox of Japanese legend, a yokai of immense power and influence and sometimes disastrous consequences. You know the one.
Rex Kyubi - Kyuubi Ginji (九尾 銀次) His last name is the same as the Nine-Tails. The gin (銀) in his name refers to his silver hair and to the Nine-tailed fox of legend, which is often portrayed as silver. ginjiru also means “to chant” or “to recite”.
Phineas Filch - Zeniarai Kumabee (銭洗 熊兵衛) zeni, as written above, is “money”. (This is what Capcom’s fictional currency zenny is based on.) His last name is a reference to the azukiarai, “The Bean Washer”, a yokai who resembles a small boy that keeps people up at night with the sound of washing beans. Filch here claims that he’s the grandson of an infamous thief who once kept people up by the sounds of his money-washing. His first name is made of bears: kuma (熊) and “bear”; yet he’s frequently called a tanuki instead, especially for his swindling ways.
Edit: Got that the other way around.
Florent L’Belle - Biyouin Shuuichi (美葉院 秀一) biyouin is “beauty parlor” and shuuichinichi is “once a week”. The kanji in his first name come to “excellence” and “[number] one”.
Episode 3
Aristotle Means - Ichiro Shinji (一路 真二) The kanji in his name together mean “one road, two truths”. ichiro, with the same kanji, means “straight” or “directly”, and shinjiru means “to believe”.
Constance Courte - Michiba Masayo (道葉 正世) michibata is “roadside” and masa (正) is “right” or “just”, to parallel Means’ name above.
Hugh O’Conner - Shizuya Rei (静矢 零) His name is most likely picked for the convenience of the recording that’s played during trial. In Japanese, the muffled recording sounds like it’s saying “Koroshite yare!”, which is Japanese for “I’ll kill you!” Thanks to Athena’s efforts, she reveals it’s actually supposed to say “Kora! Shizuya Rei!”, or a scolding “Hey! Shizuya Rei!” The kanji of his last name are “quiet” and “arrow”. His first name can also mean “zero”.
Edit: This one I made a mistake due to mistaken memory. It’s actually kinda hard to make out the te sound in the recording, so I assumed it was excluded.
Robin Newman - Atsui Chishio (厚井 知潮) atsui is “hot”; it can also mean “hot-tempered” or “passionate”. chishio is “blood circulation”, usually referring to hot-headedness. It also doubles over as a gender-ambiguous name.
Myriam Scuttlebutt - Uwasa Atsume (宇和佐 集芽) uwasa is “rumor” and atsumeru is “to gather”; thus, her full name comes to “gather gossip”. Trivia: Producer Eshiro is a huge MGS fan; hence Myriam’s M.O. of traveling under the cover of a box.
Episode 4-5
Solomon Starbuck - Hoshinari Taiyou (星成 太陽) His name comes from the phrase “hoshi ni naritai yo”, which means “I wish to become a star”. taiyou, as written above, means “sun”.
Clay Terran - Aoi Daichi (葵 大地) aoi is the color “blue”. daichi is “ground” or “earth”; also refers to the planet itself. His relative calm and the color blue was chosen specifically to pair with Apollo’s bright and passionate red. (In fact, it may very well have been the localization’s choice to name Odoroki as Apollo that led to the development of this game’s space theme. I don’t remember if it was mentioned in an interview or not, but I’m sure it played some role.)
Yuri Cosmos - Oogawara Uchuu (大河原 有忠) His last name means “bank of the great river”, which is a reference to the Milky Way. It’s known as “The Great River” in several cultures, including Japanese. uchuu, written as 宇宙, means “space” or “universe”.
Aura Blackquill - Yuugami Kaguya (夕神 かぐや) Kaguya is a reference to a famous Japanese folktale from the 10th century, Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. The main character’s name is Kaguya-hime, or Princess Kaguya, who was one of a mysterious people living on the Moon but was sent down to Earth and raised by an old bamboo cutter. I’m not too sure if this tale inspired her English name, but when Princess Kaguya was discovered as a baby, she was described to be the size of a thumb and glowing with brilliant light. The Moon people were weird. (I can also draw the parallel to Simon’s Taka, since Aura may come from the Latin root aurum for “gold”.)
Ponco & Clonco - Ponko & Ponta (ポンコ&ポンタ) ko and ta are common endings to boys’ and girls’ names, respectively. Aura also likes to call Clonco “Ponkotsu”, referring both to how he’s basically “Ponco #2″ and ponkotsu, “junk”.
Metis Cykes - Kidzuki Mari (希月 真理) Her first name can also be pronounced shinri, meaning “truth”. In turn, shinri, when written as 心理, means “psychology”.
DLC Episode
Sasha Buckler - Umino Shouko (羽美野 翔子) umi is “sea”, and shouko, written as 証拠, is “evidence”. Thus, her full name becomes “evidence from the sea”. The first kanji in both first and last name have to do with “feathers” and “flight”. She’s quite a flighty personality for sure.
Ora "Orla" Shipley - Arafune Elle / Ale (荒船エル / エール) Her last name is made of the kanji for “wild” and “ship”. Her name is Ale, as a shortened form of “whale”, but it doubles as the alcoholic drink too. Actually, it triples as “air”, to complement her trainer. Her supposed real name is actually her sister’s name, and it seems it was just picked to sound similar.
Jack Shipley - Arafune Ryouji (荒船 良治) ryouji as 療治 means “treatment”/“cure”, possibly referring to how he saved two precious orcas and returned them to health.
Norma DePlume - Uratori Reika (浦鳥 麗華) uratori refers to “gathering evidence” as for a news story. reika as 冷夏 becomes “cool summer”. It can even be written as 零下 to mean "sub-zero". She’s quite the contrast to the rest of the sunny crew.
Edit: Note to self: simplify.
Marlon Rimes - Itsuka Ikuya (伊塚 育也) itsuka means “someday”; the kanji iku (育) means “raise”, as in pets or children. In other words, he’ll “become a real trainer someday”. His name may have been chosen for its easy rhyme as well.
Rifle (ライフル) She was named for her dangerous temper, and probably as a shout-out to Mr. Takumi’s naming of Missile. Her daughter Sniper also keeps the same name.
Herman Crab - Sugomori Gaku (巣古森 学) His last name may be referring to su-komori, or “nest-babysitter”, since he keeps li’l Sniper up there. Even the first kanji in his last name is the right one for “nest”. gaku as above is “learning” or “study of” a subject.
Azura Summers - Natsukaze Suzumi (夏風 邪涼海) natsukaze means “a summer cold”, but it can also literally mean “summer wind”. It was picked probably as a stark contrast to Norma’s Japanese name. suzumi is “cooling off”, like outdoors in the breeze.
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theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs: week 32
brief reviews of the songs which debuted on the billboard hot 100 the weeks of 16 august 1997, 18 august 2007, and 19 august 2017
6) "2 Become 1," by Spice Girls
This is just a '90s R&B song! This song doesn't even have the courtesy to be kitschy! This is completely indistinguishable from the rest of the '90s R&B, breathy whispered vocals about sex. There's no -- "Be a little bit wiser, baby/Put it on/Put it on" -- okay. OKAY. Sure. I guess that's something. If your song has no other value, might as well throw quality actionable advice in there. I hope the next song is some milquetoast R&B beat while people sing lines like "Your stomach takes a while to tell your brain it's full/Don't have that third slice of the ‘za, baby."
51) "All I Want," by 702
Oh hell yeah, I love this. I love that this is a Missy Elliott track, and I also love that this group did the titular song for Pootie Tang. I am way into this. This is a breezy summer jam that hits all the Good '90s R&B buttons.
54) "To Make You Feel My Love," by Billy Joel
this sounds exactly like you think it would sound and is as pleasant to listen to as you think it would be and i'm just gonna bounce after 30 seconds because i get it, i see what he's trying to do here and don't want to stick around to see if he pulls it off
55) "Big Bad Mama," by Foxy Brown ft./Dru Hill
I don't disagree with this! I can't find any way to hook onto this, but I already called one thing a breezy summer jam because I didn't feel like thinking too hard about it, so I'm in a bit of a predicament here. Like, this song is OK. It has a memorable bass line, Foxy Brown's pretty great at her thing, and whichever member of Dru Hill showed up sure did the most singing of anyone in 1997!, but like I can see why we've left this behind. It's fine. No one needed this one unearthed, though. We've found some buried treasures, y'know? This is like finding a buried booklet of commemorative state quarters. Like, neat! But also, not even $15.
83) "Far from Yours," by O.C. ft./Yvette Michele
"I be the Chosen One/Beyond the Moet and Cristal/A son of King and a Queen/Therefore ability/For song run in my genetics/I gave ideas to L. Ron Hubbard to write books on Dianetics" ...Setting aside the major issues I have with this man's rhyme schemes, IS HE TAKING CREDIT FOR SCIENTOLOGY. IS THI -- IS HE SAYING THAT HE IS THE INSPIRATION FOR SCIENTOLOGY. What the fuck kind of boast. He's saying his raps are so powerful they inspired a crazy man to write books about bad science. I am flummoxed by this song. This would have been just another okay song by a rapper who honestly just seems like a normal-ass dude who somehow wandered into a recoriding studio, but HE'S TAKING CREDIT FOR L. RON HUBBARD'S IDEAS. WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF LUNATIC IS THIS MAN.
89) "Tide Is High," by Angelina
Someone went to the store and said, "OH BOY! Another new verson of 'Tide Is High!' I gotta pick up this new interpretation of this song, which is of course someone's favorite song ever because it's MY favorite song ever!" Also none of the back-up dancers in the video looked like they were trying their absolute best. They knew where they were. They knew it didn't matter. They took a few plays off and got that check. I have so much respect for those backup dancers. ROCK TO THE BEAT ROCK ROCK TO THE BEAT, ROCK TO THE BEAT ROCK ROCK TO THE BEAT and so forth
92) "Relax & Party," by Ivory
So I've been sick the past couple days, which is why this post is going up on Wednesday and why there's no Thing Journal for last week (SUNDAY DOUBLE) and real talk why this has been a weak edition of YAS so far, ‘cuz I'll be honest, I'm still in the doldrums. My back hurts, which is a fun side effect of getting sick in your late 20s, I've found. So I'm not. In a mood? Conducive to caring about this song. I'm sure this is OK, but honestly, right now, in this moment in which we find ourselves, me and this song, sharing the same space on this planet, I could not care less about the things it wants to bring to my life. It's a stupid song and doesn't do anything. It just goes on for four minutes. Great. Great! Hey, just release an album of that fucking bass line for fifty minutes, honestly, it's probably your best bet if you want me to at least respect you.
95) "Dancehall Queen," by Beenie Man ft./Chevelle Franklyn
So there are two different versions of the song "Dancehall Queen" that I could find. There is this one, but there is also one released more recently with Lady Sovereign as the featured artist. So I have a few questions about our beautiful ever-expanding dying universe: 1) What did Chevelle Franklyn do to get deposed? 2) Does Chevelle FRanklyn give input into the decisions Lady Sovreign makes? 3) Who gave Beenie Man the powers of coronation? As far as I can tell, he does not proclaim himself the Dancehall King. 4) How often does the Dancehall Queen title change hands? 5) Is there a library that has data on the Dancehall Queen history which I can look up? 6) What are some books on the Dancehall Queen succession which you would recommend? Let me know in the comments! Hit that follow button and LIKE THIS POST!
28) "Me Love," Sean Kingston
This is like a song you enjoy if you've never enjoyed a song before. If you're someone who appreciates music and attends symphonies and has opinions on concertos, and you're approached with this song, you'll probably use snooty music language to say, "This is a delightful confection!" Or like, if your musical diet consists entirely of Gary Jules' cover of Mad World and songs of that ilk, if the only songs you've been allowed to enjoy in this life are Gary Jules' "Mad World" cover and other songs which could have been selected for the Donnie Darko soundtrack, and you hear this song for the first time, this is probably the most amazing thing you've ever heard. This would sound so revolutionary. But if you've even heard one other fun pop song, you know this is useless.
89) "Free and Easy (Down the Road I Go)," Dierks Bentley
it is good when things are nice! at last, a song that says what none of us are brave to say out loud
90) "All My Friends Say," Luke Bryan
I think a couple months ago I tabbed this as a semi-iconic Luke Bryan song, in the sense that it's a song I hear and immediately attribute to Luke Bryan, which is something I can't do for any Blake Shelton song. But like, this is the song that establishes Luke Bryan's persona -- he's a free-wheelin' sumbitch who's gonna drink too much and try not to drunk-dial any ex-girls. There's personality in this song, a hack and shitty personality, but hey at least he hacked up and/or shitted out an identifiable character. All Blake Shelton's songs are about a man who wishes things would either be better or remain the same, depending on how good they presently are. The song is garbage and Luke Bryan only ever got worse, sure, but it is undeniably a product of Luke Bryan’s particular brand of dunderheaded twanging.
100) "Can U Believe," Robin Thicke
There is a long list of things I need to do with my life. Near the top are items like "only wear a suit at your little sister's wedding," "learn the lttp any% nmg speedrun," and "write a whole good thing," you know, standard stuff, standard life goals, and then there's a million pages of things I will never accomplish. Nowhere on that list was "listen to Robin Thicke tell you that I don't know when someone's watching." I did not need to hear Robin Thicke tell me he was stalking me before I died. I could have learned the Blind script with this time. Maybe this is about God? But it's not even vaguley Christian, he just randomly starts saying you never know when someone's watching, which is only something anyone says WHEN THEY ARE PRESENTLY LOOKING AT YOU THROUGH A TWO-WAY MIRROR. Been a decade of garbage with this man, my gosh.
(38) "You Da Baddest," by Future ft./Nicki Minaj
Beach Future is such a weird thing to consider. I'm on the record as being pro-Beach Future in general, it's not as random a pivot as the time Lil Wayne picked up the electric guitar and said "OH YEAH! THIS IS A THING!" but it's still hard to get the brain around the idea of Beach Future after, what, three years and roughly 20 albums of morose, despondent Future? All of the Future songs I know are about the nightmare of being Famous and codeine, and now he's dropped two songs that are just, "Yeah, man, chillax! Life's pretty breezy, friends, pull up a chair, let's just enjoy a sunset together!" I'm into it? But it feels like the world is imbalanced right now. Beach Future has completely thrown off my equilibrium and I am Scared.
(68) "Unforgettable," by Thomas Rhett
Ah. Balance! After making a surprisingly hot '80s jam earlier this year, Thomas Rhett just sort of bleats over an acoustic guitar for two and a half bland minutes. This song tries to turn the word "mangorita" into a stirring kick-off to its chorus, and while I recognize the enormity of the task it placed upon itself, that doesn't mean it didn't fail to accomplish its goals. "From your blue jeans to your shoes/Girl, the night was just like you/Unforgettable." I'D NEVER SEEN JEANS JUST THAT BLUE BEFORE. I NEVER EVEN KNEW THEY MADE BLUE JEANS IN THAT PARTICULAR SHADE OF BLUE. WHY, THEY WERE... DARE I SAY? TURQUOISE! ALL HISTORY'S SCULPTORS DEVOTED THEIR LIVES TRYING TO MOLD YOU
(85) "When it Rains it Pours," by Luke Combs
A lot of the reason I don’t mind Rascal Flatts and Keith Urban when we run through 2007 is because, when I was growing up, my mom would only listen to country music, and those artists are the ones I minded the least when we were on the half-hour rides to and from church. I forged deep and lasting connections with the dudes I minded the least of anyone else. This song is definitely "best song on the ride to church" quality. It has a Toby Keith-y sense of humor which is more or less agreeable -- I can't imagine any scenario that a waitress at Hooters is impressed enough by any customer at Hooters to leave their number, but here I am, complaining that my suspension of disbelief in a country song was interrupted -- and it's unique, I haven't heard a lot of "fuck her, she's outta my hair!" songs from dude country artists this year. It’s not “I’m Gonna Miss Her,” but what is? Once again, Luke Combs has made a song that's unique enough that I can appreciate its charm, but not so intriguing that I'm gonna seek him out on my own. I'll give his next album a spin, see if he takes the right lessons to heart, but the one he’s got out now, I think I’m good!
(87) "They Don't Know," by Jason Aldean
"Just another field/Just another farm/No, it's the place we grew up on." Jason Aldean is a multi-millionaire who owns several hundred acres of land in a major metropolitan area nad has the chutzpah to speak for the common man. Fuck this dude and fuck him for this Trump-vote of a song.
(88) "Honest," by The Chainsmokers
hey guys the chainsmokers made a song about how they're sensitive boys who're sad about breakup, wow what a fascinating new look for these cats, truly evolving as artists before our very eyes. see, this is the one where they go "whoa-oh." i don't think they've gone "woah-oh" in a song yet. this is a pony certainly capable of developing a second trick!
(89) "The Weekend," by SZA
"What kind of deal is two days?/I need me at least 'bout for of 'em" is one of the single-saddest lyrics 2017 has produced. This song is so good. SZA in general is so good, but I never had to deal with how good this song is, given how much there is to parse with Ctrl. When's the last time we heard from a side piece's perspective, y'know? When's the last time we heard how a booty call felt about being a booty call? We heard "Booty Call," which was about the act of engaging in a booty call, but we don't know anything about the booty call's wants and desires outside of that moment. I enjoy hearing this perspective on the events, hearing from the girl the '90s R&B dude has to apologize for seeing, because that's a person, too, that's a person who's alive and lives a life of their own. It took us until 2017 to get the side piece's take on things. What were the rest of us doing?
(90) "New Rules," by Dua Lipa
This is really enjoyable. Nothing terribly complex, just a "don't fuck your ex" jam, but it's confidently delivered (I get the sense that Dua Lipa is a much better singer than the current musical trends are going to let her be), and I love the subtle horn drop. Evidently, the producer of this song was also involved with "Bad Liar" and "Now and Later," so I'm getting on the Ian Kirkpatrick train. I approve! Great work, all.
(93) "I Wish I Knew You," by The Revivalists
oh wow fuck everything about this. where did this come from? why am i listening to this? did 13 reasons why drop another season? who wanted this. who wanted another indie band biting the hell out of franz ferdinand. they're not even biting franz ferdinand, they're biting all those bands that were biting from franz ferdinand a few years ago, except they're doing so nakedly, "the revivalists" is code for "we have no original ideas." way to revive 2013, yeah dude, it was so long since i heard the neighbourhood, i'm so happy you're reviving four years ago. also this willy wonka-ass muthafucka's hat is stupid. i'm honestly not sure i'm reacting to the song as much as i am the stupid goddamn hat in the music video. (also: i'm not into this song, despite the presence of a saxophone. i have limits. i'm not gonna go home with just any brass instrument, you guys.) white men ruin everything.
(94) "Every Little Thing," by Carly Pearce
Well, number one, it's a country music song with actual drums, so it's automatically starting with 95 points out of a possible 100. This is dope. "They say time is the only healer/God, I hope that isn't right/'Cause right now I'd die to not remember." Fuck, man. That is heavy. And this is a solidly-produced song, too, there's enough going on that the song feels rich and lived-in, but not so much so that it's distracting, it's definitely in the backseat wearing a seatbelt so the lyrics and what might be the saddest fucking voice in 2017 country music can drive in peace. More from this woman, and more from other women, look how good you are when you let women do things, country music!
(97) "Learn to Let Go," by Kesha
I think this is fine. I'm not as into EDM-lite Kesha as I am Kesha declaring her womanhood backed by a million beautiful horns, but this is fine! Three songs. Three songs is enough distance to start delivering back-handed not-criticisms. But no, like, I wouldn't mind this as the opening track to the album, this sets a tone and opens up the possibility for cooler things to come, but on its own, hey! It's just alright, and that's fine! I'm just glad Kesha's making music, y'know?
(98) "All the Pretty Girls," by Kenny Chesney
this song wasn't even released in 2016, what is it doing here, what, why would, i don't, how did we end up here? what do we hope to accomplish while we're here? did he just say "don't blow my cover on freedom night?" what is freedom night? i don't -- you know what country radio, you batted .400 this week. that's ted williams hype, right there. .400 is better than any of us ever could have anticipated, and i can appreciate that you got things as right as you ever possibly could. please tell me what freedom night is, though.
(99) "For Her," by Chris Lane
...adjust that number down to .333. i'm sorry. i saw the haircut and assumed edm, which you'll agree is a fair assumption to make. this dude sucks. he is trying his best with that falsetto but, and i hate to repeat myself, you can't make your own outsized ambition an excuse for your failure. know your limits. i'm sorry i was ever lukewarm about any kesha song. i kinda feel bad for saying those things about the revivalists' hat. this was a good week apart from the bro country! "For her I would walk a straight line/Wear out the soles of my shoes for her." WOAH! SLOW DOWN, BUDDY! LET'S NOT MAKE ANY PROMISES WE CAN'T KEEP, NOW! Careful! Girls remember things you say to them! Imagine how disappointed she'll be when every day she spends with you your shoes still shine as bright as they did the day she met you.
Who won the week?
Well, 2007′s best song was a Luke Bryan joint, so that’s out. Think we gotta give it to 2017. Four shitty country songs, yeah, but 1997 countered with Spice Girls and a Billy Joel cover of a Bob Dylan song, so those cancel out, and the cream of 2017 was much better than the best 1997 gave us this week. I’m still thinking about that Carly Pearce joint, that was really cool, and it anchors an earned win for 2017. THE STANDINGS: 2017: 12 1997: 11 2007: 9 Next week: keep your heart, Three Stacks.
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