#like what FUCKING drugs did they put in lucas and max I am snorting it
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rotisseries ¡ 2 years ago
I will headcanon every fictional woman EVER as a lesbian. every single one. except max mayfield. she is THE most bisexual to ever bisexual. congratulations to the brothers duffer for making me fully, completely, and actively believe in her attraction to men
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hairringtonsteve ¡ 7 years ago
thanks for the ride.
(billy hargrove x reader)
Request: Do you write for Billy Hargrove? And if you do could you do a headcanons thing for him asking you out and stuff?
a/n: so i’ve got no clue what any of this is. it’s 1:36 am my time and i’m exhausted and i’ve still got a video to finish but holy shit this popped into my head and here we are. i’m not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind, but uh… yeah. i actually kind of really like this myself. i hope you enjoy!
also, the read more is just because it got a little long and i didn’t want it to be this giant post :) 
so here’s the thing
billy hargrove is a dick 
max knows this 
the party knows this 
steve definitely knows this 
and you know this 
which is why you felt a little guilty for finding him physically attractive 
because you shouldn’t be attracted to a dick like him right?
i mean aside from that sweet ass of his
it’s not like either of you ever talked to each other at school anyway 
so it had never been a problem 
until the infamous night at the byers when all the shit hit the fan 
the night itself had been a blur 
the weird thing though, was that the mind flayer and the demodogs and el coming back and all of that wasn’t the actual weirdest thing of the night 
no, that was reserved for billy fucking hargrove 
because everyone had kind of forgotten about him lying drugged in the middle of mrs. byers’ living room in the midst of the panic 
you sure as hell can’t be blamed for that, considering you were too busy mothering the party and making sure that steve wasn’t dead (and watching dustin try to patch steve up with multicolored bandaids, but that’s a whole other thing)
and el was back and you’d missed her desperately in the past year (having been head of AV club since you were the only junior, you’d been dragged into the hawkins lab situation from the getgo) 
so yeah, you couldn’t be blamed for having forgotten about that 
until everyone headed back to her place 
“who is that on the floor?”
“a real dick, mrs. byers.” 
(we’re not going to talk about joyce’s reaction when she opened up the refrigerator to get the milk for the coffee and a dead demodog dropped out of it) 
(steve still profusely apologizes to her about it to this day)
so you offer to take billy and max home since you live relatively close to their house 
billy remained out cold while chief hopper and steve wrangled him into the passenger seat of his car
max passed out the second she’d climbed into the backseat 
you were only a few minutes down the road whenever billy started to wake up, mumbling to himself 
“y/n?” he asked, his voice rough with sleep. he blinked a couple of times at you, frowning a little before a soft smile eased onto his features 
you didn’t want to like it 
but it softened his face, made him look a little younger 
a little less like an asshole
“you should go back to sleep,” you told him, frowning. 
he just kept staring at you 
“what’re you - what’re you doing?” 
it took you a second to place that tone, but it reminded of you when your little cousin had gotten his tonsils taken out; that loopy state of mind when you’re coming out from being under anesthesia (or from being drugged)
“i’m driving you and max home. go back to sleep.” 
billy let out some soft hum, shaking his head slowly as he blinked at you 
“you’re hot when you drive my car.” 
you opened your mouth to say something, and then promptly closed it 
you’ve got no response to that 
“you’re hot all the time, though.” 
“c’mon billy, just go back to sleep, please?” 
he moved his gaze back to you, but you kept yours trained solely on the road 
“i wanna ask you out all the time, y/n.” 
you pressed your lips together into a thin line. steve should have driven him home. 
“i wanna ask you out all the time, but you’re too good for me. too nice. i’m just a fucking dick most of the time.” 
“well, you did try to beat the shit out of a thirteen year old today.” 
you’d kept your voice quiet whenever you said that, unsure of what he’d say. 
it was quiet for a couple more moments when you’d finally risked a look his way. 
his head was lolling back against the seat, eyes trained on the roof of his car
“i don’t wanna end up like him.” 
the words made you pause. 
end up like who? lucas? that didn’t make any sense. 
“i don’t know how to not end up like him.” 
after that statement, it was silent in the car. billy had either fallen back asleep or just fallen quiet, but either way, you weren’t going to say anything
by the time you pulled up to his house and parked, max was already stirring in the back. 
“time to get up, kiddo,” you murmured, turning around in your seat to offer her a small smile. 
she gave you one herself. 
you climbed out of your seat and moved it up so she could get out. 
“don’t worry about billy, i’ll get him up. you just head on inside.” 
max hesitated, looking between you and the front door. 
“i’ll wait for billy.” 
you frowned a little, but headed over to billy’s side. opening the door, his body sagged towards you, being held in only by the seatbelt that either steve or hopped had done 
“c’mon, dumbass. time to rise and shine,” you said, nudging his shoulder. 
he shifted around in his seat, blearily opening his eyes. for a moment, that soft smile from earlier graced his lips. 
“you wanna go out sometime, y/n?” 
you let out a snort and shook your head
“get out, loverboy. max wants to head to bed and i need to go home.” 
within a second or two, that soft smile disappeared and in its place was a frown as he looked between max and the house. 
“the lights off?” he called softly, looking to max 
she gave a short nod. 
wordlessly, he unbuckled his seatbelt and slowly got out of the car
there was a sway to him as he stood, but on the whole, seemed a hell of a lot more alert than he had been just mere seconds ago
he blinked once, twice, three times at the house as he stood next to you
“the keys are in your car,” you told him, taking a step back as you brought a hand up to rub your arm. “try not to beat up any more kids for awhile, yeah?” 
you press your lips together into a weird sort of smile before shrugging your shoulders and calling out a quiet, ‘night max’ before you start to head in the direction of your house 
“hey, y/n.” 
you turn towards billy, watching him for a moment. he and max are at their front door, but the air between them is different. 
if you had to describe it, you’d say that they were almost putting off going inside 
“yeah, hargrove?” 
“thanks for the ride.”
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woods2006gal ¡ 4 years ago
Chapter 09 - Miss Independent
“Lana told me that you applied for a job at the Talon,” Zoey says, walking over to where Clark and Pete were playing basketball. Her gaze flicks to the dark haired man who had been playing basketball with Clark and Pete. She had spent the day meeting with Austin to go over the case for her emancipation, then meeting with Dr. Specter, and partaking in her first AA meeting. She had stopped at the Talon to take a look at the job applications for the part time position.
Clark sighs. “Look, Zoey��”
“I told Lana the decision was hers on who to hire,” Zoey interrupts. “I did tell her that it wouldn’t hurt to give you a chance.”
Clark smiles. “Thanks.” He waves over the new guy. “This is Lucas, Lex’s brother.”
Zoey raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t know Lex had a brother.”
“That’s okay,” Lucas replies, smirking. “I didn’t know I had a brother until a couple of days ago.”
A silence settles over them. Clark exchanges a look with Pete. He may have trusted Lex, but he didn’t trust Lucas. “Hey, Lucas—” Clark begins.
“I have to head back into town to grab something I forgot,” Zoey interrupts, staring at Lucas. “Do you need a ride back to the mansion?”
Lucas nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I could use a ride.”
Clark watches Lucas walks with Zoey to her car. He frowns. “I don’t trust that guy.”
Pete snorts. “With Zoey? Clark, I don’t think she would like it if you interfered in her life.”
Lex shifts on the couch. He couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t because the couch was uncomfortable. It was because his father taken everything from and kicked him out of the mansion. Finding Lucas was supposed to help, but so far it had backfired on him. He needed to find a way to everything back. The front door opens and softly closes. He sits up, wondering who had the never to break into the Kents’ home.
Then he spots the flash of blonde hair. “Zoey,” Lex whispers. There’s a soft thud followed by giggles. He stands and walks over to find Zoey laying on the ground. She wore a maroon buttoned up shirt that he easily recognized as one of his and a pair of black thigh boots. “Where did you get that shirt?”
Zoey giggles. “I stole it from you. I think Lucas dared me…or I dared him. I don’t remember.”
Lex kneels down to help her up. He catches a whiff of alcohol on her breath. “I hope you didn’t drive home.”
Zoey wraps her arms around his neck. She presses against him. “I have a secret to tell you, Lex.”
Lex sighs. He wasn’t going to think about her body pressed against him. “Let’s get you up to bed.”
Zoey shakes her head. “Your dad is not blind.” He stares down at her. “He said ‘Make sure Miss Carmichael makes it home in one piece.’ And he had that look that on his face. The one that creepy old guys get.”
Lex wraps an arm around her waist and guides her towards the stares. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“You know the one,” Zoey whispers, waving a hand. “It’s the one they get when they’re picturing you naked.”
Lex chuckles as he leads her into her bedroom. She flops onto the bed. “I’m happy that’s a look that I’ve never gotten from creepy old men.”
Zoey yawns. “You’re lucky.”
Lex tries to ignore how smooth her skin feels as he pulls off her boots. He lays the shoes next to her bed and glances at her face to find that she’s already asleep. He pulls a blanket over then makes his way back down to the couch. Once he’s settled on the couch, he runs a hand over his face. “Fuck.”
Zoey glances around, making sure that Martha, Jonathan, or Clark were not around. The last thing she wanted was to explain to them why she had been drunk when she had come home the night before. She had barely managed to come up with a reasonable lie as to where her car was. She was just happy that they didn’t question why she had come home so late. Through, she had never expected Lex to be sleeping on the couch. She figured that he would have gotten a hotel room or something. She finds Lex in the barn, cleaning out one of the stalls. “I put your shirt with your stuff,” she says, walking up to him.
“I thought that was your car parked in the driveway last night,” Lex replies, throwing a shovel full of manure and hay into the wheelbarrow. “You should be careful around Lucas, Zoey.”
Zoey waves a dismissive hand. “I like to have fun. He’s fun.”
Lex sighs. He looks at her. “I don’t want you to get caught up in the Luthor family battles.”
“Lex, I promise the last thing I want is to be part of Luthor family drama. I get enough of the Carmichael family drama.”
“I thought you and Max got along. No battling for control CRC.”
“It’s not business stuff. It’s more that Uncle Max is over protective at times. And it’s annoying. It…it feels like no one wants to let me be a teenager. My whole life has been decided since I was born.”
Lex understood where she was coming. Being born into a family like the Luthors or Carmichaels was a life that many people envied. Until they learned about all the strings attached. The expectation that you would be the one to take over the family business. If there was another career you wanted to explore, it was tolerated for a short amount of time. Then you were supposed to put it aside and focus on the family business. “Just be careful around Lucas,” Lex repeats, knowing that she wouldn’t listen to him.
Zoey raises an eyebrow when Lucas walks into the Talon, demanding to know where Clark was. She was sitting in the corner near the counter, working on some paper work. Clark, who was starting his first shift at the Talon, enters and immediately makes his way to where Lana was making a tray of drinks. “Lana, sorry I’m late,” Clark says.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. You can make it up by taking these lattes to table three,” Lana replies, pushing the tray towards him.
“I want you to fire him,” Lucas orders.
Zoey stands up and walks to them. “Lucas, we’re not firing Clark.”
“He was a half hour late to work.,” Lucas argues. He glares at Clark. “What were you doing, helping Lex dig up more dirt about me?”
“Lucas, I am not going to fire Clark,” Lana tells him.
“Okay. Then I’ll fire you too.”
“You are not firing anyone,” Zoey snaps.
Lucas moves close to her. “I’m a Luthor, I can do anything I want.”
Zoey crosses her arms over her chest. “And I’m a Carmichael,” she coldly says. “That shit doesn’t work on me. In fact, I think you should leave.”
Lucas glares at her then walks out. Zoey could everyone looking at her. She never publicly acknowledge her family history. She knew there were questions about where her car had come from. But she avoided answering them. Her heart was racing. She felt like the world was closing in around her. She grabs her bag and quickly makes her way out of the Talon.
Max shoots the manger on duty a thankful look as he hands over the key. The frantic call he had gotten from Martha two days earlier, asking if he had seen or heard from Zoey, had replayed in his mind. It hadn’t take long to track down where Zoey had went. A quick look at her credit card had shown a plane ticket purchase to Athens. A phone call to the local Rosewood had confirmed that Zoey had checked into one of the rooms. Max unlocks the door and steps into the room. He’s not sure what he’s expecting to find. There’s no bottles of liquor spread around the room. A few shopping bags are scattered. He can hear the shower running.
Max knocks on the bathroom door. “Zoey, we need to talk.”
The shower stops and Zoey walks out of the bathroom, wearing one of the hotel’s fluffy bathrobes. She stares at Max, then sits down on the bed. She looks out the window to see the Acropolis in the distance. “I had a panic attack,” she softly explains.
Max sits down next to her. “Why’d you pick Athens?”
Zoey shrugs. “I don’t know. It was the first thing that popped into my mind.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Have you done any drugs?”
“Will you need to be tested for anything in the future?”
Austin takes a deep breath before he knocks on the front door of the Kent home. Zoey’s disappearing act had disrupted all the plans he had made in order to get her the emancipation. The door opens to reveal a worried Martha and Jonathan. “Zoey’s fine,” Austin answers the unspoken question.
“Where is she,” Jonathan asks.
“Greece.” Austin walks into the house with two men carrying boxes following him. “Upstairs, first door on the right. Clothes and personal items. Bring her computer and jewelry to me, along with any substances.”
“What is going on? Who are those men?”
Austin pulls out an envelope and hands it to Jonathan. “That is an emergency court order granting full custody to Max,” he explains.
Martha frowns. “Are you saying that Zoey isn’t coming back home?”
“Here? No, Zoey doesn’t want to come back here. As far coming back to Smallville, I couldn’t tell you. I know Zoey wants to finish her high school career here.”
Jonathan shakes his head. “We are Zoey’s par—”
“Were Zoey’s guardians,” Austin interrupts. “Even if she wanted to come back here, a judge is not going to grant custody back to you. Zoey’s therapist would not sign off on it. The only reason the judge signed off on Max is because Dr. Specter said Max would be best suited as Zoey’s guardian.”
Martha stares at him. “I don’t understand. Zoey’s been fine. Dr. Specter hasn’t mentioned any concerns.”
Austin sighs. “I could be disbarred for this, but Zoey feels nothing but guilt when she is here. She’s dealt with it since Shannon and Matt died. She blames herself. She feels guilty knowing that she doesn’t have to worry about money problems. When she hears you talk about them, she feels horrible. And for the past couple of years, Zoey’s been using alcohol to cope with it.”
“Mr. Wells?” They turn to see one of the movers holding a cardboard box. The mover hands it to Austin. “This was under the bed.”
Austin sets the box on the table. He pulls out a half empty bottle of Scotch. “A teenage alcoholic with expensive taste,” he mutters. He looks through the empty bottles, then spots the small bag with a white powder in it. “Fuck.”
Jonathan shakes his head. This was not the Zoey that they had raised since she was seven. “This is not—”
“Zoey was drunk at her birthday party,” Austin tells them. “She paid the bartender at her party ten grand in cash to make sure that every Coke she had asked for Jim Beam in them. The only reason we found out how bad Zoey’s problem is is because Oliver found her in the hallway. And she kissed him. If it had been anyone else…Look, addicts learn how to hide things really well. You can’t blame yourselves.”
Max runs a hand over his face. Zoey was sitting in the restaurant of the Rosewood, happily eating a plate of grape leaves and drinking a sparkling water. “How did they take it,” he asks. Austin had called once he had left the Kent house.
“They don’t believe Zoey would stash a box of Scotch and a bag of cocaine under her bed, let alone use it,” Austin tells him. “They think it would be best if Zoey was at home with them. They feel that now that they know, they can actually combat the problem.”
Max scoffs. “It happened right under their nose.”
“I told them that. And that no judge signed off on Zoey being in the care after spending five minutes talking with Caroline. How’s Zoey doing?”
“Surprisingly good. And sober. Luckily, George knew someone who could conduct a drug test. Preliminary results show nothing currently in her system.”
“Did she say why she did it? Or more importantly why she picked Athens?”
“She had a panic attack at the Talon after she had an argument with Lex Luthor’s long lost brother. Apparently, he used the ‘I’m a Luthor’ card and she threw the ‘I’m a Carmichael’ card down. People in Smallville don’t know that she’s a Carmichael. As for why she picked Athens, she said it was the first thing that popped into her mind when the travel agent asked where she wanted to go. She wants to at least finish the school year out in Smallville.”
“I had all her stuff, except for the computer and jewelry, taken to your house in Smallville. Caroline has already written a note excusing her absence from school. And she says to let her know when Zoey’s back in town so they can have an emergency session.”
Max glances in the restaurant and alarm fills him when he doesn’t find Zoey at the table. “Uncle Max.” He turns to see Zoey stand in front of him with a guide book in her hand. She points to a historical site on the page. “Stavros was telling me that this is a cool place to visit,” Zoey tells him.
“I’ll give Caroline a call once I know when we might be back,” Max tells Austin. “Apparently, Zoey wants to visit the Temple of Poseidon.”
Zoey smiles. “Stavros said the sunset there is something that you can’t miss.”
Austin laughs. “At least she sounds happy, Max. That’s all that matters.”
Max smiles as he pulls Zoey into a hug. “Yeah, you’re right. As always.”
Miss Independent Miss Self-Sufficient Miss Keep-Your-Distance
Miss Unafraid Miss Out-of-My-Way Miss Don’t-Let-a-Man-Interfere, no
Miss On-Her-Own Miss Almost-Grown Miss Never-Let-a-Man-Help-Her-Off-Her-Throne
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