#like we’re cutting it close having two hockey teams in SoCal
slashersteve · 2 years
Not to be dramatic but shooting me right in the chest would’ve hurt less than seeing Quick as a VGK
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sc87confessions · 7 years
Christmas in California
As the holidays approached you made sure to finish as much Christmas shoppin as you could. Every year it seemed like you had to buy an additional present as your family was growin with more nieces and nephews, all your siblings were married except you, so you were the “cool aunt”. You weren’t sure whether to get Sid a present as you guys had only been datin for a few months however you preferred to be safe than sorry so you ended up gettin him a few small gifts. You felt like everythin was goin well between Sid and you, you guys haven’t argued much since the bar incident, just minor disagreements but you guys communicated well on it. For the first time in a while you felt as if Sid was the one for you, it terrified you due to the fact that the first and last time you felt that way about someone, they ended up cheatin on you. You were headin back home from the mall when you saw that Sid was callin you “Hey Sidney, what’s up?” “Not much baby, just got home from practice, you?” “Ughhh shoppin, thankfully done though” “Haha, it still surprises me that you’re not a big fan of shoppin” “I mean I like it but for like less than an hour ahahah” “Hey, anyway you can stop by, I would like to talk to you about something” he said more seriously Shhiitt what now? “Uhmm, yeah sure, everythin okay?” “Yeah, everything’s fine, it’s just something I prefer to talk to you in person” “Alright, well I’ll be there in a bit then” “Drive safe….bye” You were on your way to Sid’s when you called Jake a little panicked “DUDE, Sid wants me to go to his house to talk about somethin” “So?” “What in the world does he need to talk about that has to be in person, he’s probably gonna break up with me” “(Y/N) you’re crazy, I mean I don’t know what he wants to talk about but I’m sure it’s not that darlin” “I hope not, I’m tryin to remember if I did somethin wrong hahaha” “WOW haha well everythin is your fault, let me know how it goes, I’m here at Leila’s place” “I told you, you’d thank me about givin her your number one day Jake” “Uh huhhh” “Where’s my thank you?” “I’ll thank you when I know she doesn’t want me for what I do” “Jake, I love you but you’re crazy darlin haha, talk to you later bye, love you” “Love you too, good luck” You arrived at Sid’s and gave yourself two minutes to relax before you headed towards the door. You rang the doorbell as you heard the door open, Sid must’ve heard your truck. “Hey, come on in” he said as he gave you a kiss You were pretty exhausted from shoppin so you headed to his couch and got relaxed but you cut straight to it “So what did you wanna talk about in person?” you said as you tilted you head back on the pillow. “UHumm well, I noticed that I’ll actually be in LA for Christmas time, we play the Kings and Ducks too actually, so I know you’re spending it there too right?” “Yep, Thanksgivin with my sis and Christmas in SoCal” “Is your sister going there for Christmas too?” ​​​“Yeah she is actually, why?” “Well I wanted to see if you’d like to bring your family to the games?” “Like the entire family?” “Yes” “Sidney, there’s like four of us siblings, each one of my siblings are married, there’s a total of 5 kids, so it’s about 12 people we’re talkin about here” “So?” “You can get that many tickets?” “Of course, now here’s the more serious question, is it okay to spend Christmas with you guys?” Fuck that means he has to meet my family “If you’d like yeah you’re more than welcome to” “I want to meet your family, see where you come from, where you grew up” he said as he sat down next to you. “Are you sure you’re ready to meet them Sidney” “Of course, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be telling you” “Jeez, Sid I thought I did somethin wrong” you said chucklin a bit “Really?” “Yeah when people say I wanna talk it’s usually not good haha” “Well, this time it is, plus I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to get some dinner, I’m starving aha” he gave you a kiss and got up to get the keys. You guys had a nice quiet dinner at Panera and headed back home to watch a movie, you felt yourself fallin asleep when you knew it was best for you to go back home. You kissed Sid goodbye. On your way home, you kept thinkin about how your family would receive Sid, you knew they will like him but you still felt nervous about them meetin each other. What made you nervous was that Sid was gettin more serious in your relationship, which scared you a bit as you felt yourself fallin in love with him. The next day you got up and headed towards the gym with your buddies, you talked to them about it to get a feel on their perspective. All of them agreed that Sid was serious about your guy’s relationship. They were very happy that you had found someone to finally complement you in your life. As you head towards Dunkin Donuts you called your sis to let her know first about Sid wantin to spend Christmas with them, your family knew that you were datin someone, but they you hadn’t let them know if it was serious or not. Your sis was shocked at first and so was your mom when you told her that Sid wanted to meet them, they were mostly surprised that you yourself was okay with it. It was finally the day before Thanksgivin when you were on your way to the airport, Sid had left the day before for a two week long road trip in Canada. You guys had told each other to be safe and to have a great Thanksgivin. You were excited to see your sis and glad that you had a small distance flight as you weren’t a big fan of flying. Your sister and her family picked you up from the airport, your sis was the most excited to have you there for a holiday, even though you guys were about 15 years apart you were as close as ever. You helped cooked dinner, bakin your famous apple pie that your brother-in-law loved, as you two watched all the lovely football that was on. You were watchin the tv as you were mixin the dough for your pie. You could tell your sis wanted to talk about Sid when you got a text from him askin how you were doin. “So what did mom say when you told her about Sidney?” your sis asked curiously “She sounded excited, that she couldn’t wait to meet him and see how he is” “I’m excited to meet him too, he sounds like an amazin guy, I told you you’d find your prince charming” she said as you rolled your eyes but smiled. “He’s not my prince charmin, he’s my hockey prince with a big butt, like huge hahhaa” “Have you guys had sex?” she asked “Uhmm no, frankly I’m kind of scared too, you know it’s been a while plus I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet, like don’t get me wrong every time I see him I want to jump his bones hahaha but like I want to save that aspect for when we’re serious” you said honestly “That’s good, take your time, he seems like he’s respectin you in that and in what you do too” “Yeah his schedule’s always busy that’s why he understands mine” You spent another few days at your sister’s as you guys went hikin and fishin, you loved comin here to visit her because you always felt relaxed bein surrouned by nature. You enjoyed the country lifestyle but liked how she lived closer to a city as well. It was the best of both worlds but when you visited your sis, you enjoyed the countryside. When your plane landed you were lookin forward to seein two people, Sidney and your dog. You were goin to take her with you to SoCal so she can see your family again and you felt bad leavin her for more than three days. You were excited to see Sidney as you couldn’t wait to see what the plan’s were for Christmas but he wouldn’t be home for another week. You picked up overtime at work which was goin to help you financially, even though you didn’t need it but you also because you loved what you do. Jake was still in Texas visitin his family so it was you and your other coworker Casey patrollin around Pittsburgh. Casey had actually met a girl at one of the games, they had been datin for awhile as well, so it was nice to see him happy. “I think its funny how when the three of us met we were all single and now look at us” Casey said laughin “What was it that we said, none of us were goin to date because our life was too damn good haha” “And now we’re whipped” “uhM, speak for yourself on that one” “Bullshit” “Whatever” you said as you called Sid durin your lunch time When Sid answered, Casey made a whippin sound to make fun of you even more. You guys had a good convo with Sid tellin you about how he’d have to fly with the team and stay with them in California, which you were okay with as it was baby steps in Sid meetin your family. ​​​That week flew by with all the work that you had been doin, you knew that you weren’t goin to be home for Christmas but you were still in the mood to decorate the place as Jake was stayin here to meet Leila’s family. Sid had arrived from Canada and looked pretty chipper to be home and especially to be with you. You were both excited for Christmas in California.​​
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