#like we could have accomplished something besides talking about how bad genocide is and what documentary they're wanting to show later
californiaquail · 2 days
i wish trying to do things with groups of people was not the most horrible time wasting activity on earth
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thinking1bee · 3 years
When It Reigns Part 11
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Kara Danvers x Reader
Tags: Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Parent!Reader, Parent!Kara, Estranged Parent, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Humor, Bad Dreams, Memory Loss
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
“I-I…well w-we-” Lena stammered. She stumbled back as Kara stalked to your side.
“What are you doing to her?” she demanded. Angry, steely blue eyes regarded Lena as her eyebrows furrowed dangerously.
“Kara, this isn’t what it looks like.”
“It looks like you were electrocuting my spouse! Why is she even here?”
Kara started to rip sensors off you haphazardly and Lena stepped in.
“Kara, stop please! I can explain just calm down.”
She reared on Lena, her nostrils flaring with fury. She actively had to remind herself that she was Kara Danvers and not Supergirl because she could feel the heated pressure of her powers build in her eyes. If she wasn’t careful, her heat vision would shine through and then her secret would be out.
“Now is not the time to tell me to ‘calm down.’”
You were back in the forest, and like before, you knew that Reign was watching you. You could practically feel her eyes on you. There was no point in running. There was no point in hiding. Wherever you went, she would get you sooner or later.
“I know you’re here! Show yourself!” you called.
Within the blink of an eye, Reign was in front of you with cocky smile on her face. She didn’t say anything. Instead, she just stared at you with an unwavering gaze, her lips twitching as her smile threatened to grow.
“What’s so funny?”
Reign laughed. “You are. It’s…pathetic. Your life. Your existence. It means nothing. You are nothing.”
You scoffed. “That’s quite boastful of someone who literally took years to awaken, because I assume you’ve been asleep this whole time, yes? What happened? Sit there with your thumb up your ass and decided that you were content?”
She lost her smile. You could tell that you struck a nerve. “No matter the delay, I will accomplish my mission. Earth will fall and from the ashes, Krypton will rise.”
“I won’t let you,” you bit out. At that Reign laughed. She threw her head back and laughed cruelly.
“What will you do? Fight me? Besides I don’t even think you’ve noticed yet.”
“Noticed what?” you demanded as you looked around. There was nothing to notice. There was nothing but trees, fog, and everlasting darkness.
“We have a visitor.”
The moment Reign said it, was when you heard a faraway voice. It was quite but it still managed to echo somehow, and even with it being as quite as it was, you could recognize that voice anywhere.
You heard her and Lena, and from the way the voices were overlapping each other hectically, you knew that something serious was happening.
“What are you doing to her?”
Oh no. You could only assume that Kara came to look for you. The inward cringe that ripped through you was so powerful, that you actually shuddered, and you wanted to slap yourself. You should have checked in with her. You’d been acting weird for weeks now and in all this time, you never thought to let Kara know what was going on. She knew something was up with you or course. Her Kryptonian senses were ever impossible to bypass, and you’re surprised that she let you get away with lying to her for so long. You still felt horrible about it. The confusion you must have caused her. The nervousness that Kara must have felt because maybe a part of her wondered why she didn’t deserve the truth. You hated yourself for it, and maybe if you had just said something sooner, it wouldn’t have come to this.
Reign smirked, the small movements in her face were successful in interrupting your mental rambling.
“We can finally end this little farce.”
Wait, what? Reigns eyes began to glow a bright red as her smirk grew into a vicious sneer. She had been toying with you, playing with you to gain time. This was all a trap, and you walked right into it.
“I’ll be back for you,” she whispered and then you watched with growing horror as she disappeared right before your eyes. You knew, intrinsically, what was going to happen next, and you couldn’t help the fear that bubbled over in your chest.
“Kara! Lena! Run!!!” you screamed in vain.
Lena was distracted. She was so preoccupied with calming Kara down that she didn’t see you get off the bed. She didn’t see the evil glint in your eyes. She wasn’t ready for Reign. Kara saw it though, and her angry words died on her lips.
“Y/n?” she asked, noting the strange and slow movements you were making.
Lena whirled around in time for Reign to grab her throat and hoist you into the air. She choked hard, her throat collapsing beneath the force of her grip.
“I should thank you,” she said as her eyes and the veins in the surrounding area turned red. “It’s been hard breaking free of the human. Resilient, even when they didn’t know I was here.”
Kara’s mouth fell open at the scene before her. You were Reign. Her spouse was the Worldkiller. What was she supposed to do, especially when Reign was throttling her best friend? How could she save her without giving away her secret identity?
Reign’s grip tightened around Lena’s throat and Kara could actually hear her neck pop. The muscle fibers were tearing minutely, and Lena struggled to breathe.
“Hey!” Kara yelled and Reign looked over at her with indifference.
“And you are?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Kara said after swallowing. “Why are you doing this? These people have done nothing to you! Lena has done nothing to you!”
Reign smirked, her eyes roaming up and down Kara’s body in blithe amusement.
“Don’t think that I don’t know what you are.”
The subtle hint to Kara’s alien origins didn’t go unnoticed and she tried her best to school her features.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Kara murmured.
“I’m sure you don’t. I will bathe this world in the cleansing retribution of blood and fire. Justice will rain down on the people of this planet. Things have gone unchecked for too long and it’s about time order was restored.”
Kara felt shivers go down her spine. How hadn’t she seen it before? Reign had your face, the exact same features. How couldn’t she have known? Was this truly the person she married?
“Y-y/n?” Kara stammered nervously. She hoped that Reign wouldn’t answer to that. She hoped for some other logical explanation. Kara prayed that this wasn’t you, that she hadn’t shared her life, heart, and soul with someone hell bent on genocide. Instead, all she got was a smile, and Reign released Lena. Kara watched as she fell unceremoniously to the floor, and immediately dissolved into hard coughs.
“Oh, I can still hear her rattling up here,” Reign replied as she tapped her finger against her temple. “It’ll only be a matter of time until she’s gone. Tick tock, Supergirl.”
With that, Reign took off flying, her body effortlessly plowing through the ceiling as drywall and other components rained all around them. Kara watched her leave, her heart heavy in her chest, before she knelt by Lena’s side.
“Lena? Can you hear me?”
Part 12
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sage-nebula · 6 years
Scrawlers! Is there anything your hoping to see with the new Evil Team in gen 8? (Besides a big bad lady team lead who is allowed to be awful come'on gamefreak PLEASE) I'm really hoping we see them used like plasma in gen 5 (I.E. Their plot and goal actually coincide with with the player character's journey) since we haven't gotten that in the last 2 gens now.
Hmm, I would say that all of the evil organizations have coincided with the player character’s journey, since you usually have to beat them in order to progress the story. I think what set Team Plasma apart in Gen V is that this was a crisis that involved the entire region. We had people on the streets talking and worrying about Team Plasma, and when Team Plasma raised their castle where the League used to be, the Gym Leaders themselves took to the front lines in order to defend Unova. (Which in turn makes Gen VI look so much worse, because that was the generation wherein the evil team wanted to commit mass genocide, and announced this in a region-wide broadcast, and no one—not the Champion, not the Elite Four, not the Gym Leaders—felt like getting involved. Amazing.) There was a real sense of urgency and stakes with what Team Plasma was doing. It didn’t feel like something we were doing on the side, something that was secondary to the goal of collecting badges and becoming the Champion; instead, it was something that put the entire region at stake, and near the end, you felt like you were collecting badges and facing the Elite Four not to become Champion yourself, but to stop N from accomplishing his goal. (Which made the realization that he beat you to it an even harder kick in the teeth. You raced there, out of breath, got through everything as fast as you could, and Team Plasma won anyway. Damn.) Like you, I would love to have that sense of urgency, those stakes, again. It’s part of what made Gen V’s story so memorable.
So to that end, if I had my way:
A female Big Bad who, yes, is allowed to be awful and is in this for her own ends. Lusamine was incredibly disappointing in so many ways, but the primary ways she was disappointing is the way she was “redeemed” by having her abused children look after and forgive her (taken to extremes in USUM when she was shown to be a Well-Intentioned Extremist, like what), and the fact that her role in the story essentially relied on male characters. We learn through NPC chatter that the Aether Foundation was actually founded by either her father or her grandfather (can’t remember which), and that the experiments and research were originally started by her husband, and that she became obsessed with Ultra Beasts as way to get him back. Lusamine had no accomplishments or motivations that didn’t rely on male characters in some way or another. While all the other Big Bads before her created their own organizations and had their own primary drives and goals, Lusamine didn’t. It was wholly disappointing, and since she’s the only female Big Bad the series has right now (if you can even call her that after what USUM and the anime did), it smacks of sexism.But this can be rectified by giving us a female Big Bad who’s allowed to be every bit of a villain as the male Big Bads before her were. Give us a woman who is arrogant, who is intelligent, who is dangerous. Give us a woman who is not sorry for the things she does, no matter how terrible. Give us a woman who built her organization from the ground up, who is respected by those beneath her, who presents a real threat and who isn’t interested in being a wife or mother, because she’d much rather be a queen. She can be a Well-Intentioned Extremist to a degree (such as, maybe she wants to rule the world because in her mind that’s the only way to curb crime and other dangers, and if she has to crack a few skulls to get to the top to make life better for everyone after that, so be it), but I want her to be on the same level as the male villains before her, rather than someone who is reduced to being a damsel in in distress at the hands of those same villains. If we had a female villain like that, it would make what was done with Lusamine feel less sexist, and more like just a story choice that was made with her character.
I want the whole region involved again. Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, I want stakes and danger. I want to see the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champion doing their jobs. (Or maybe the Champion turns out to be the Big Bad, and we’re overthrowing a corrupt government … oooooh, that’d be pretty cool.) I want people on the streets to be concerned and nervous, and actually affected by what is going on. One of the easiest ways to raise stakes in a story is to show people (and pokémon, in this case) actually being affected. We saw that in Gen V with Team Plasma stealing people’s pokémon, the castle being raised, and the Gym Leaders getting involved to fight the threat. I’d love to see something on that scale again.
That said, I’d also like some moral ambiguity, too. The one area in which Gen V’s story fails is the fact that the very obvious grey area wasn’t addressed. N wants to separate people and pokémon because he believes that humans abuse pokémon. At the end of the story, he’s made to realize that he was wrong, and thus abandons his ideals wholesale. But the thing is, he’s not completely wrong. There are people who abuse pokémon. That doesn’t mean that people and pokémon should be wholly separated, but it also doesn’t mean that N’s cause is an unjustified one. What needed to happen (and what I was going to show in my novelization that I never finished) was N and the protagonist reaching a middle ground of understanding. Maybe there is no ideal solution, but neither side is wholly wrong (which also means that neither side is wholly right). There are people who abuse pokémon, just as there are people who love and cherish their pokémon. There is both good and bad in the world, and the important thing is to recognize that and work toward reducing the bad and increasing the good as much as you can, doing as little harm as possible.That said, I know why Game Freak stayed away from the middle ground in this case. Admitting that there were trainers—perfectly ordinary trainers—who do abuse their pokémon would put a dark cloud over the series and could potentially hurt sales if parents didn’t want their kids interacting with media like that. (Then again, the anime had no problem showing a trainer abusing his pokémon in the previous region (Paul), so who knows.) But even so, I’d like to see something like that in the upcoming story. Obviously the villainous organization is, well, villainous, and I do want the Big Bad to be allowed to be awful (particularly if she’s female), but at the same time I’d like to see, say, NPCs debating whether or not the villainous organization has a point. If there is a friendly rival (and I hope to god we still get a jerkass one if there is a friendly one again), maybe the friendly rival is tempted by the villainous organization’s ways and temporarily joins them. (While the jerkass rival stays adamantly opposed. Wouldn’t that be a twist.) Things like that would add depth to the story and, again, make things more interesting.
Branching story paths. I know we won’t get this, but it’d be so cool if we could have branching story paths and multiple endings. (And maybe multiple save files to go with those multiple endings, please, Game Freak, it’s 2019.) Maybe you’re given the option to join the villainous organization, and you can actually take that option and agree to join them, and so you get an ending suited for that. You also get an ending for refusing to join them, one for joining and then betraying them later, and so on. This is more of a wide-scale game idea than anything else, but along with the moral ambiguity (however much there can be), I’d like it if we were actually given multiple endings, and that those endings did tie into the villains somehow. They’ve been asking us if we want to join Team Rocket since 1996 and they’ve never let us do it. Come on, Game Freak. Even if it’s not Team Rocket specifically, it’s still time.
So yeah, those are my wishes. I don’t expect to get any of them, but it would be nice, haha. I just wish the story could match the calibre of Gen V again. Gen V wasn’t perfect (the lack of moral ambiguity and Bianca’s treatment being the most glaring flaws), but it was damn well near. I’d love to meet that calibre again … here’s hoping that Gen VIII delivers. :)
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otnesse · 4 years
Been banned by ****IrisHatersSay simply for disagreeing with her on May and Misty, but will still reply to her points anyways, merely out of obligation.
“Oh my God.  You really don’t know when to stop talking, do you?”
Well, gee, considering the entire point of a discussion is to continue talking, yeah, I don’t know WHEN to stop.
“Okay, I guess we’re back to equating skill development with character development.  And the Johto stretch just wasn’t good.”
The Johto stretch may have been excessive, but at least THAT had actual lasting results that carried over into the next saga, such as Ash beating Gary, not to mention advancing to top 8, which even if we don’t count his win at the Orange Islands is still a major improvement compared to in Kanto where he barely made Top 16 (and for circumstances beyond his control, namely Team Rocket abducting him). AG, on the other hand, literally had by its end May being replaced with a girl who shared the EXACT same goal as her, rendering her arc pointless in the end, had Ash winning Top 8 AGAIN, and even when Ash did end up gaining the one actual accomplishment for that saga, beating the Frontier Brains, not to mention beating Brandon’s Regice with Pikachu single-handedly, the whole accomplishment got treated as a joke by Gary (who beat Pikachu with Electivire despite Gary pretty much being retired from training by that point), not to mention Paul twice (and both times with explicitly rookie Pokemon).
“Nah, the kindergarten teacher argument is still dumb.  Pokémon trainers are more like parents to their Pokémon.  They raise Pokémon.  And May was still not an abuser.”
If a parent outright ends up HATING the profession of child-raising and child-rearing, they aren’t fit to be a parent, period. Doesn’t matter if they’re abusers or not. Though that being said, it does tend to outright lead into abuse if they hate the child. Just look at Lois Griffin, hated Meg her eldest daughter, and was very abusive towards her.
“Okay, so you didn’t watch AG.  Let me pull out my meme.”
Just because I didn’t watch AG doesn’t mean I didn’t look up various stuff like episode summaries/synopses and getting a gauge on the episodes via trivia sections and or other things. I usually use those as compensation for when I don’t watch a series myself. Second-hand knowledge, if you will. Besides, just because you’ve watched something directly doesn’t mean you’re actually right. Thomas Jefferson personally witnessed the events of what would become known later on as Bastille Day while acting as the American Ambassador to France, and he ended up being completely wrong in his assessment of the French Revolution, singing praises for the Jacobin murderers (ironically, John Adams, who never actually set foot in France at all during that time, had a far more accurate assessment of what that event would result in, being ahead of the curve compared to even his fellow Founding Fathers’ assessments, let alone Jefferson).
“Also, reacting differently to stressors in your environment is true.  Everyone does not have the same DNA code.  I’m pretty sure psychologists are aware of this, genius.”
Of course people don’t have the same DNA code (well, barring maybe identical siblings, but even there, there’s slight variances), but that doesn’t mean people can’t have similar reactions. As far as psychologists, considering psychologists literally convinced my cousin that she was gay just because she had slight trouble with men (something which my mom, who actually HAD psychologist training from trying to train for nursing, was aghast at), I have zero reason to trust them at their word regarding that bit. Besides, even if that were true, it doesn’t change the fact that she outright hated the Pokemon Training profession at the start, which is STILL inexcusable.
“Suffering is not a competition.  This is not the Suffering Olympics.  And for the record, May and Norman’s relationship did appear to have quite a bit of emotional distance and strain in it.  If you actually watched AG, you’d probably know that.”
At least Norman’s actually IN her life, and not as a deadbeat dad, and at least she HAS an actual loving family to go to, unlike Misty and Brock, who were abandoned by their parents and in the case of Brock pretty much was forced to act as the closest thing they had to a parent until Flint came home, and had to endure fairly abusive siblings in Misty’s case. No matter how much emotional strain there might have been between May and Norman, it’s still nothing compared to outright abandonment (and not even “abandonment to protect your child and/or not deal with bad memories of a rape” kind of abandonment, but more “screw you kid, I’m not dealing with you anymore” kind of abandonment due to Misty and Brock regarding the Gym’s difficulties), to say little about outright abuse, and you know it. Now, if Norman and Caroline treated her like Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia Dursley did to Harry Potter by barely feeding scraps from the table, forcing him to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs up until his first year in Hogwarts (and even THEN, only out of a failed attempt at preventing the Owls from delivering Harry’s acceptance letter), and even doing stuff like outright starving him or locking him up for various reasons, heck, even deeply considering feeding him to Dementors, THEN you might have a point regarding how May’s interactions with her parents were a lot worse than Misty and Brock’s were, not to mention actually warranted.
“Liking a certain type of female character does not mean you are not a misogynist.  A lot of sexist dude bros like certain female characters.  Doesn’t mean they’re not misogynists.”
The literal definition of misogyny is “hatred of women”. I’m pretty sure true misogynists would outright HATE a woman simply for BEING a woman at all, not caring about her personality or character. Want a real misogynist? Look at General Blue from Dragon Ball: https://youtu.be/_wyt1Aq6hm8 Also Chi Fu from Mulan. THAT’S what an actual misogynist acts like, where they can’t so much as even STOMACH being six feet from a girl, being revulsed by them (not fearful of them, just disgusted with them).
“And May did receive good development.  A narrative direction you don’t like ≠ bad writing.”
Actually, it is bad writing, and I would have said it was bad writing even if I DID like the narrative direction/character. I said the same thing about Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Beast’s development earlier, and in case you’ve forgotten, unlike May, I actually LIKED Beast as a character. 
“Nope, the Bible was still written by men.  God was not sitting up in Heaven with a typewriter and poof it down to Earth.  And yeah, let’s glorify how Christians committed genocide in order to convert people.”
We didn’t commit genocide in order to convert people. As far as the Bible, it was written by God, and handed down to us. It was certainly not written by men. Use your head, if it were written by men, and had biases from fallable people like men, don’t you think Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would have made sure to, I don’t know, outright destroy any passages that tarnish God’s view on things, and do so in a very public manner I ought to add?
“Also, Sodom and Gomorrah is NOT about homosexuality.  It’s about hospitality.  If you weren’t an awful person, you’d know that.  And while we’re on this topic, homosexuality is not a sin.  Comparing references to homosexuality in the Bible and what we think of being LGBT in modern times is like comparing apples and oranges.  First of all, you are blatantly ignoring historical context.  The homosexuality referenced in the Bible is outlawed because of its connection to pagan rituals.  There is nothing to even suggest that two people of the same gender who happen to be in love is bad.  Being trans is also fine.   Trans men are men, and trans women are women.”
1. Regarding the first part, those mob of men who came over to Lot’s house to interact with the two men who arrived (actually angels of God) certainly were acting very “hospitable” to them, considering they were trying to make them sleep with them. Or maybe I should quote the specific passage for you just so you realize that hospitality was far from the reason for its destruction: “The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”“No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.”14 So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry[a] his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking.” Genesis 19:1-14. Does that REALLY sound like they were inhospitable to you?
2. Homosexuality IS a sin, actually. Aside from Sodom and Gomorrah as listed above, not to mention Leviticus 18:22, even the likes of Jesus’ apostles, with Jesus’s own blessing mind you, outright said that homosexuals are among those who are barred from heaven. And what’s in the past affects the present, since God’s law does NOT change (well, save for maybe dietary restrictions and/or mixed fabrics).
3. Actually, being trans IS bad. In fact, Deuteronomy 22:5 even explicitly states it’s outlawed to a man to wear a woman’s outfit and a woman to wear a man’s outfit.
“Also, there’s plenty of misogyny in the Bible.  And the Bible condones slavery, too.  Do you think that’s alright, too?”
The Bible’s reference to slavery actually referred to indentured servants or, you know, people holding jobs. If anything, God also didn’t like the kind of slavery you alluded to since... well, the Book of Exodus made that much very clear.
“Homosexuality is not a choice.  This has been proven before, you’re just a bigot.”
Homosexuality IS a choice, and even if it wasn’t, it’s a mental disorder, which means it needs to be cured. And that “proof” was homosexuals outright intimidating the APA into removing it from the list of disorders. It’s like saying psychopathy is not a problem just because it got removed from the DSM book while disregarding that it only got removed because psychopaths actually intimidated the guys writing the book into removing it. There’s even a term for it, “zapping the shrinks”, and in fact, the guy most instrumental in getting it removed,  Frank Kameny, outright admitted they got it removed due to outright intimidating them, or to quote him, “ At that point they were afraid to say no to us. So they said yes. “.
“Also, people often later discover they’re not the gender or sexuality they thought they were, so jot that down.  That’s not “choosing”, that’s self-discovery.  And please, characters are hardly ever confirmed as straight.  You just think they are because it’s the norm.”
When previous seasons or comics or what have you depicted the characters as actually dating, heck, even marrying the opposite sex without any indication of NOT being attracted to them, it’s pretty obvious they were in fact straight. “Self-discovery” is a stupid excuse to force a character to change. And for the record, the only reason my cousin became a lesbian was because a psychologist outright said that she was that just because she had some trouble with dating men, and my own mom was upset at the whole thing when she learned of it. And just as an FYI, it’s actually pretty common for homosexuals to become homosexual due to being molested by a sexual predator. It happened with George Takei, and it happened with the guy who founded the so-called “LGBT rights”, Karl Ulrichs. They even admit it, though aren’t willing to confront that they were in fact molested.
“And “ex-homosexuals”??? Either a) they found out they weren’t gay, or b) were victim to conversion therapy.  For the record, conversion therapy is abhorrent and should be outlawed.”
I am of the opposite view, that homoseuxality needs to ultimately be cured. Besides, considering the lifestyle has several maladies associated with it, not just STDs, but even being more prone to infections, it’s pretty clear it’s ultimately for their sake to do conversion therapy on them. Besides, what makes you think that the gay person DOESN’T want conversion therapy? What if said gay person actually REQUESTS conversion therapy? Should you refuse him?
“As for that CDC bullshit, homophobic studies don’t count.  And it’s literally well-documented that the healthcare issues LGBTQ people face is because of homophobia and transphobia.  You can even google this.”
Considering Google has been busted for trying to manipulate search results recently, I don’t think that telling me to do so is really good enough proof. Besides, I’m going by actual medical statistics posted by the CDC.
“Also, you can’t use the d slur if you are not a lesbian yourself.  If you do, you’re a lesbophobe.”
N-word priviledges, eh? Well, I never bought that. My idea is, if it’s bad for one to use that word, it’s bad for ALL people to use it, yes, even lesbians. And quite frankly, God already made it clear that homosexuality is a sin, multiple times, including in the New Testament, so whether I am a lesbophobe (that’s a new one) or not is ultimately irrelevant.
“And for the record, I’m not left-wing, and I certainly don’t support communism.”
Really? Because you sure are sounding like you do. And for the record, most leftists DO support homosexuality. Just ask Sartre and Foucault.
"You realize there are other choices between communism and capitalism, right?”
No, actually, there are not. Even Socialism is the same as Communism.
“And I don’t support misogynists, even if they aren’t conservative.”
It’s pointless since you probably won’t read this anyways, but prove it. Walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, to borrow an old cliche. Actually condemn the examples I listed of leftists doing that.
“And Pro-Life does NOT mean you’re not a misogynist. You literally don’t think women can do what they want with their own bodies.  And you apparently think a women should have to carry her rapist’s baby, so yeah, you’re a misogynist.”
First of all, Pro-life means defending the baby’s life, which is the most defenseless individual out there. When you’re literally advocating for abortion, you’re advocating for child murder, and what does that make you? Besides, rapists also can demand an abortion just to get rid of any evidence to their rape, so it’s actually disingenous to claim that rapists would want to keep the baby alive. Besides, there’s a little thing called “adoption”. Just because the baby is carried to term doesn’t mean the mother must raise that baby if it was conceived by rape. If she doesn’t want to deal with the fact that she was raped, she can always place the baby into adoption. In fact, NCIS actually dealt with that bit with the character Jack Sloane (and despite the name, Jack’s a woman, a biological woman at that. Jack stands for Jacqueline in this case.). She was raped in college while drunk, yet she still carried the baby to term, and despite clearly loving her newborn daughter, nevertheless put her into adoption largely because she really couldn’t deal with the painful memories of the rape. Ayame from Dead or Alive was a similar case, genuinely loving her daughter Ayane, despite the fact that she existed because Raidou raped her one night. Didn’t have an abortion, but put her into adoption largely thanks to her husband Shiden. And what if the woman DOESN’T want the abortion at all? Besides, the Suffragettes such as Susan B. Anthony were also against abortions, and if anything, they specifically stated that men would use abortions to keep women dependent on men.
“And “let autism define you”…I’m autistic.  And upapologetically so.  So, apparently you just have some internalized ableism.”
Yeah, I have autism as well, and unapologetically as well. But I don’t use it as a crutch (in fact, rarely see the need to reference it specifically to avoid using it as an excuse), so no, I don’t have internalized ableism.
“That’s not what a Pokémon Stylist is.  Serena was a Pokémon Performer.   Pokémon Stylists got their own episode in DP.  See, this is why you shouldn’t try to complain about shows you don’t watch.”
Fine, I stand corrected there. However, after looking it up on Bulbapedia after you mentioned that it’s not the same as Pokemon Performers, it nevertheless made it VERY clear from various characters such as Paris and Hermione that they were similar to Pokemon Coordinators, and in fact, Paris even specifically stated it was a subset of Pokemon Coordinators, so my point about their similarities still stands right there.
“Lmfao, did you really just play the whole “you’re the real bigot” card??? I’m not a bigot for having no tolerance for intolerance.  There is NO REASON I should tolerate intolerance.  YOU are still the bigot.  A bigot is someone who holds prejudice against other groups, such as LGBTQ people, women, people of color, people with disabilities, etc.  YOU fit that bill, especially considering your hatred of LGBTQ people.”
Oh really? Because you seem to be intolerant towards straight people, christians, and all of those types of people, or any traditionally minded women as well. Like an SJW in other words. And for the record, it doesn’t matter what I myself think, what matters is what God thinks since He is in charge of everything. Besides, according to the dictionary, a Bigot is “obstinate and unreasoning attachment to one’s own beliefs and opinions, with intolerance of beliefs opposed to them; also acts or beliefs ensuing from such a condition”, which if anything describes you to a T. At least I make sure to take into account any mistakes I made and admit I’ve made some mistakes in my prior analysis when you point them out (case in point, the bit about Serena having a Stylist goal).
“And people can learn things from another person in ways that don’t involve giving pointers, genius.”
The entire POINT of learning involves being given pointers. That’s even why School exists, not to mention why parents tend to teach their kids life skills.
“I really hope you wake up someday and become a better person, but I doubt you will.”
What you’re acting like is not what God defines as a better person.
“Have fun being an awful and hate-filled person.”
Seriously? I’m the one who at least gave you a chance to talk, and even corrected bits of my analysis that were mistaken. You refused to correct yourself for anything like that. Not to mention you tended to rely on insults and SJW talking points. If anything, you’re the awful and hate-filled person. Nice projection, BTW. And fine, was getting tired of you anyway.
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