#like watching that race earlier was literal torture seeing it all unfold
alxclaremont · 3 months
being an f1 fan is crazy because what do you mean i let 10 drivers influence my moods and then proceed to spend the rest of my sunday after the race feeling incredibly empty
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bookocd · 4 years
Light As Air Chapter 4
This is the next chapter in my Fenrys Fanfic! If anyone would like to be tagged or has prompts for future chapters let me know :) 
Thank you for reading!
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In the aftermath of Kingdom of Ash, Fenrys finds himself connected with a mysteriously powerful fae female. With the confusion of her past and vast amount of power, the Aelin’s court becomes weary of Fenrys’s involvement.
Fenrys is still reeling after Connall’s death and while joining Aelin’s court has been a dream, his nightmares are still plagued by Maeve.
Vel will do anything to get the help she needs, but her past controls her emotions, and her hopes for the future clouds her judgement.
Maybe together they can mend what has been broken, but Vel’s strange origins will continue to keep them apart.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Vel felt like death. 
The area behind her eyes was pounding, her throat was sandpaper as she painfully swallowed, and for some reason her neck felt stiff as a fucking board. 
Her back cracked as she tried to sit up, and ended up only getting her elbows under her enough to prop the rest of her upper half up. 
Opening her eyes slowly, and a couple of blinks later, her blurriness dissipated. 
Am I in an adult size bed? Vel thought as her eyes widened with shock. The room she was in was larger than her father’s whole cabin. While the only piece of furniture was the bed she was on, the stone floor was extensive and the ceiling felt miles away. The floor to ceiling windows made her breath catch. 
Moving slowly, she got her legs off one side of the bed and took her time lifting herself up. When she felt confident in her walking abilities she went toward one of the windows. She looked out onto the city bathed in golden light from the retreating sun. 
Wait am I in the palace?
“Oh my gods,” breathing out the words as her panicked body retreated back toward the bed. She knew that she was in the castle, but she had no recollection of how she got here. Her confusion gave way when all the memories of the incident unfolded in her head. 
She needed to get out of here. The thoughts in her head going a million miles a minute. 
They must think I’m either crazy or fucking terrifying, Vel thought to herself as she started to pace, or that I was trying to kill the queen. It was that thought that had her looking for the exits. The two windows were obvious, but the idea of using her powers made a shiver run down her back. 
To the right of the bed, there was a single wooden door. Finding her self in front of it within seconds, she tried the handle, which surprisingly turned. Opening it slightly, voices drifted toward her. Focusing on the voices was easy, but she didn’t recognize the person who was softly talking.  
“She is physically fine. Her hands…” Vel stiffened and knew at that moment the voice was discussing her. The light female voice continued, “Well you’ve seen her hands, and I can’t figure out what or who would have done such a thing. I truly have never seen anything like it and Yrene would need to be called in for further evaluation. I think it would be a similar situation to what was expressed to Lady Elide for her ankle.”
Vel had heard these names many times during her spying, but she was confused as to the situation that was being discussed.
A gruff voice, another that she had never heard, came into the conversation by saying, “We shouldn’t be discussing helping her with past injuries, we should be discussing what to do with her.”
The first voice started taking again, like no one had interrupted her. “The process to fix them would be long, but I want to discuss something else.” The voice changed into something slightly sadder instead of factual. “Have any of you seen her back?” 
Her knees almost gave out at the question. 
Vel’s heart was beating out of her chest and she finally looked down to see that she was in a gown of some sort, one that was only pulled together in the back by ties. Her back was completely exposed. Tears starting to fill her eyes, she still continued to listen to the painful conversation. 
“What do you mean? What is wrong with her back Marna?” The voice wrapped around her like silk, and she knew that it was the golden wolf talking. Her heart calmed and her eyesight was no longer blurred by tears. 
“Um, during the initial exam we noticed that she has scars—”
She was cut off by the obvious voice of the queen, “Whipping scars?”
“That’s what I assumed at first, but upon further inspection they are not from any sort of whip or torture devices. She has two perfectly parallel vertical scars, which look to be many years old and almost surgical in nature. They are completely healed, but both of them are raised, like two mountains. I think something was put under her skin, because they are both hard to the touch, like bone. I was trained at the Torre for over 50 years and I have never seen anything like the injuries presented in this female. I’m sorry to say that this patient is out of my depth.” The breath she let out was tired and she then asked, “Do you have any more questions for me your Majesty?”
Aelin must have shook her head, because Vel could hear faint steps moving until they were too far away to hear. 
Vel wasn’t surprised that the woman was confused and no one except her family had ever seen her back. She had long ago let go of any anger her deformities caused, but she still felt extremely exposed by the whole conversation.
“I don’t care what scars she has,” the gruff voice spat out. “She obviously can’t control her magic and can’t be trusted. I say we get rid of the problem before it gets worse.” 
A growl sliced through the air. “That is not up to you, Lorcan. And if you touch her I don’t care what promises I’ve made or that we are in the same court, I will rip out your fucking throat.” 
She believed in that moment that the golden male would never allow anyone to hurt her. She had no clue what to do with that information, but she smiled all the same. 
Fenrys’s chest was shifting up and down with impressive speed, mimicking his heart, and he had moved closer to the room with his sleeping mate inside. 
He would kill Lorcan if he shifted an inch in her direction. It took all his effort to not kill him as a smirk slid onto his face. 
But the violence ebbed away when Elide smacked the back of Lorcan’s head. The incredulous look he gave his fiancé was fucking hilarious and he knew everyone in the hallway was trying not to laugh. 
“Lorcan isn’t going to get rid of anything or anyone,” Elide’s small but strong voice eased Fenrys slightly. “But Fen we do need to discuss what to do,” she said, with a continuing glare to Lorcan, as if daring him to say something else. 
“She needs training.” Rowan had stayed quiet throughout the day. He was silent after Vel unfroze everyone, he was silent while they brought her to the palace, and he was silent during and after the healer’s exam. He continued, “What happened earlier I’ve only seen one other time in my life.” 
“Rowan what are you talking about? I thought it was just a self imposed burnout, like what I did in Mistwood,” Aelin replied. 
“No Fireheart, you literally let your magic overpower you and take control, but this female forced her power down, so far down that I couldn’t even detect it.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I knew a fae once that was so scared of her own power that she refused to let it out. She went crazy and in the end her magic killed her from the inside out. The fainting and shaking was one of the first symptoms that her body and mind were deteriorating. Honestly it’s so rare and terrifying to watch,” his eyes turned downcast as he continued. “It was slow moving, but she didn’t have the power that this female has, so I’m not sure what the timeline is here…” He looked at Fenrys and he could tell what he was trying to say. This female would die sooner rather than later. Fenrys’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
“Then we train her,” Fenrys said, like it was a given.
“Fen, what if she doesn’t want our help?” Aelin asked quietly. The question hadn’t crossed his mind. 
“I have a way with female’s Aelin. I mean I got you to give me the blood oath didn’t I?” The smirk didn’t hold its full luster, but Aelin still let out a sharp laugh. 
“You didn’t get me to do anything, only realize that you would be lost without my wisdom and guidance boyo.” 
“Whatever gets you to fall asleep at night sweetheart.”
Rowan, who was pointedly not smiling, said, “Trust me she isn’t thinking of anyone but me when she’s falling asleep at night or should I say losing sleep at night.” 
With that, Lorcan turned away grumbling that no one ever listened to him and Elide followed asking why she hadn’t been losing sleep at night lately. Her yelp bounced off the cobblestone walls as he threw her over his shoulder and patted her ass. Fenrys knew exactly what they were going to do and he gaped at them as they turned for the staircase which led to their bedchamber. 
Turning to his queen and king he saw them with serious expressions, but he spoke before their warnings could come. 
“I’m going to go check on Vel,” he said while walking away. 
Fenrys was forced out of Vel’s room by healers, so he hadn’t seen her in hours. His heart started to race as he reached the oak door and slowly opened it.
Vel was laying in the king sized bed, right where he left her. The sun was setting so the room was slowly darkening. Her skin was near glowing, like it was a product of the moon, and her hair was a living shadow. He found himself at her bedside without remembering moving his feet. 
Taking a seat on the bed beside her shoulder. Bringing a hand up to move a stray black hair out of her face and he allowed himself one second of contact with her cheek. Heat raced through his body and a second turned into a minute. 
Gods she is beaut—, his thought was interrupted by sudden movement.
His hand was suddenly turned in the wrong direction and legs shot out and forced him into the air, landing on the bed next to the female he thought was asleep. Within a moments time he was on his front, face smothered against the pillows with a knee pushing against his spine and hand trapped in a death hold. 
Hair suddenly was tickling his neck and a breath was hitting the back of his ear making him shudder… a shudder she most definitely felt. 
Vel’s voice sounded almost playful as she said, “Didn’t your mother teach you not to touch a girl without permission?”
Fenrys was happy that he was on his front, because his cock started to strain in his pants. He had never been turned on while being overpowered by a female. 
“Let me up and I can show you everything I’ve been taught,” his voice muffled by the pillow.
“I doubt you could teach me anything I don’t already know.”
“Oh you would be surprised sweetheart.”
With another flash of limbs and grunts, Fenrys was suddenly on top of his mate with her arms pinned above her head. The exam gown had bunched at her waist, leaving her upper thighs exposed and his legs were straddling her waist, with ample distance so his hardness wasn’t against her softness.
Her eyes widened when she caught view of his likely hungry gaze. 
“This is a much better position to teach you in.”
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