#like vitamins n stuff
bfish · 1 month
hi……….wanna come cuddle?
hii just finished therapy im running into your arms
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zoekrystall · 9 months
Did I ever complain abt that publicly idk anyways I need to get to the big city (2h to and 2h back, not much for the states but sure for me) and next to not wanting to bc cold, they gonna stab bc blood test and my body hates making that easy to locate (dif place but I will never forget the time I got stabbed like three times and still no blood so new appointment had to be made, I have a fear of needles otherwise it would be whatev), and even more risky bc gatherings were recently do I prob hate the most that like. I'm hungry.
I'm hungry and I suck at eating enough so I often go out w not much in my stomach. I survive but it sucks really bad that I can't either buy smth once I arrive to eat on the way back or pack smth to like eat on the journey bc no-one wears a mask and the virus stays rampant so I can't take my mask off until I'm back home. At the inbetween stop I maybe could but I rather won't risk anything. Esp in winter I could bring smth warm to drink w me at least but I rather don't in the crowd I gotta walk through. Least people are when I'm only a few mins away from home and at that point I can always just wait a bit longer.
Tbh I dread going outside and limit it to only shopping and appointments bc even if I could walk here prob somewhere without many people do I rather just stay indoors and try to limit irl reminders of how many people can't be bothered to care bc that just nosedives my mental health. It doesn't help that I still try to nudge my irl friends to care more.
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rubberbandballqueen · 11 months
i'm getting a tan on my hands bc i never go out w/o a jacket and it's like. "did i have a tan like this in high school?" (was the public school kid who wore a winter jacket year-round) and "should i just start wearing gloves all the time too?" (thinks the tan looks silly bc it literally stops at my wrists)
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villalunae · 2 months
i need to get blasted with vegetables fucking stat
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this-doesnt-endd · 4 months
Just had a dr appt that coulda been a phone call damn i was booking it to get here on time and all that and it was so quick brought a book and everything
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apute11as · 1 month
Liability - Alexia putellas x reader (+platonic Lucy bronze)
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Based on this little request of ficlets (more will follow) x
Warnings: no warnings just Alexia being overly protective
- part of the “everything happens for a reason” universe 🤗
It was around 9pm and Lucy had just returned from dinner and analysis with the team when her phone started to ring. Glancing down at it, she was met with a picture of Alexia bent down as you poured champagne into her mouth out of the Champions league trophy, a contact photo that captured a rare moment of pure joy from the Catalan midfielder. Lucy wondered what on earth would her captain be calling about this late at night, worried it was to yell at Lucy for not telling her that you were pregnant, the second she found out. Hesitantly, Lucy accepted the face time.
“Ay dios mío Lucia today would be great” scolded Alexia.
“Sorry Ale but may i ask why you’re calling me out of the blue?” She replied
“Y/n is pregnant.” She stated bluntly.
Ah yes Lucy could see this one coming but she was not about to be blamed for anything Alexia was ready to accuse her of.
“She is. Congratulations.” Lucy responded in an equally blunt tone.
“I’m very happy” Alexia added.
“You really sound it Ale” Lucy mocked
“Excuse me?” exclaimed the blonde, a hint of annoyance laced her voice.
“Why are you calling me Alexia, I’m very happy for you both too but this phone call seems rather pointless, like something that could’ve been done over text?” Said Lucy, hoping her captain would get to the point so she could be on her way to bed.
“Right yes, there was a point” Alexia stated, clearing her throat as though she was preparing a pre-match speech. “I love y/n very much but she’s ridiculously stubborn, I mean she hid a whole pregnancy for a while just so she could play in this tournament. Whilst I’m mad at her, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same so with that being said, I’m asking you to watch over her for me.”
Lucy was taken aback, she was not sure what she’d expected from this conversation but this wasn’t quite it.
“You’re asking me to babysit your wife?” Laughed Lucy
“Sort of? I’m just saying I know I already told you to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, like play through and injury and when I told you to keep an eye on her sickness and stuff but now she’s carrying mi princesa, even more of a reason why I won’t let her do something dumb.” She explained
“Alexia you and I both know how stubborn she is, if I start hovering she’ll kill me” Lucy argued
“Fine I tried to be nice, she always tells me if I use my captain voice it’s not fair but Lucia I swear to God if anything happens to her or my baby I will get you benched for the rest of the season and then kill you” Alexia responded with a stern, demanding voice.
“Okay okay but if she finds out and calls you to complain that’s your fault not mine” bargained Lucy.
“Si si, of course! Make sure she eats enough, lots of vitamins, make sure she doesn’t train too hard, make sure she gets lots of sleep and-“
“Crshhhhh lo siento Capi the phone is- crshhhh breaking up- crshhhhh”
And with that Lucy hung up, rustling her crisp packet worked every time with Alexia as she had been told by you, bless Alexia and her inability to understand technology.
Just as Lucy opened her hotel room door, Mary came running down the corridor with you on her back, Alessia and Ella hot on her heels. Dear God what had Lucy gotten herself into.
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togament · 2 months
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⤷ ume, sakura, nirei, kiryu, kaji, togame, suo, endo.
"he wants to make you smile so he left you a little note. What'd he write and where'd he hide it? I got you."
⤷ 𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!!!!, g/n reader, suo's kinda scares me ngl, I feel guilty for togame pls be patient with him He Is Trying, ENDO IS SCARY, nirei is very sweet oh MY GOD, all the fluff all the fluffies!!!!!!!
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"You found it! ◡̈ I just wanted to drop a little sunshine for my sunshine while I go get some sunshine ☼ You're my favorite person in the world and I hope this note makes your heart do a little happy dance like mine does whenever I see you. If you find this (and you did!! Yay!) it means you're awesome and that I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I love you!!!!! Your Number One Fan, 🍑"
Little doodles and happy scribbles!!!! You can tell he was smiling so widely when he wrote everything out for you -- it's like you can feel his happiness radiating from his writing it's very infectious. He just loves you that much.
(hid it in your favorite mug for you to find in the morning when he's out tending to his garden.)
"Hey, love. Just a quick note to remind you how much I appreciate everything you do. For me and the boys. Your support means the absolute world to me. Don't forget to take your vitamins today -- gotta take care of yourself too, alright? I love you. - T."
Thankful and doting!!!!!! Vaguely smells like him too so you know he kept the note right by his jacket pocket for a while before sneaking it into its rightful hiding spot. His handwriting is sharp and you know he wrote it quick. He probably wrote it while on patrol.
(hid it inside your vitamin case that you use daily so you find it easily.)
"I'm not really good with this whole cutesy stuff, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. You make my days better (even if I don't say it right). Love you. Lots. - S. P.S. there's chocolate for you in the fridge :)"
Clumsy and cute, the note has little writing indents of past notes he's written and promptly thrown away. He settled for this one because you're stirring awake beside him and he doesn't wanna get caught lmao
(Has the note hidden in one of the books you're currently reading, right where your bookmark is.) ────
"Whoops. You found me. Wanted to leave you a little surprise! I'm planning on something fun for us real soon, but until then (tonight!!) I hope this note makes you smile as much as you make me smile every day. You're the best! I can't wait to see you. - your bunny."
Bright and cheery, much like Nirei is. Of course he has something planned for the both of you by the end of the day and he's keeping it a secret... But you know him. Something's bound to slip from his lips when you meet up with him tonight. Promise to act surprised?
(He hides it inside your pencil box because he knows you use it on the daily.)
"Sweetheart! ♡ Surprise! I just wanted to leave a little reminder of how much I adore you. If you find this note, it means you didn't wait for me to play with you ( •̀ - •́ ) kidding! Can't wait to start our new game tonight. I love youuuu!! - forever your Player Two ♡"
Written on a purple and pink post-it, it's spritzed with his perfume. His penmanship is remarkable too. Playful and sweet!!!!! It makes you extremely giddy and excited to meet up with him later. You know for a fact he's got his space set and decked out in fairy lights for your game night. Gotta wait for a couple more hours though UGHHHSHAS
(has it neatly hidden inside the game case of the new game you both have been dying to play.)
"Before anything, don't get mushy on me. Just wanted to say you're pretty great and I'm glad you're around. Found this album at the shop. Remembered you saying you wanted to listen to them, so I guess that's my way of saying I care. Listen to it with me later. - Ren. ♡"
neatly written on a post-it note, you kinda think it could be printed out. It's crazy. Short and concise, you can tell he had his brows furrowed when he wrote this for you. He's trying!!!!!! He really is!!!! You know he'd bring some food for the both of you when you meet up. He's a romantic at heart.
(has it taped to the CD he bought for you right next to your player.)
"I'm probably late again, aren't I? Big surprise. I promise I'm working on it, but in the meantime, I thought I'd leave you a little reminder that you're amazing and that I promise I'll always be worth the wait. Thank you for being so patient with me, doll. I love you. A lot. Bringing your favorite dish tonight. Kame Special. -🐢"
HE'S TRYINGGG AAAASJKDKJASD!!!!!! As you read, you can practically hear the slight purr in his voice and he sounds so apologetic too. HE'S TRYING HE'S TRYINGGJAKJDS he loves his sleep a bit too much, you see. Pepper him in kisses when you meet him tonight. He deserves as much.
(Snuck it inside your planner the night before your date so you'd find it when you go check on your schedule for the day. He's not late for your home date later, by the way.)
"My dove. Consider this a little hint: I've got a little something special planned for you, but you'll have to find more clues first and follow them. I promise you won't be disappointed. I'll be waiting for you tonight. Wear that dress that I love so much, yes? - Your Hayato."
uH OH. UH OH UH OH. Your man has you working for the surprise but that's such a him thing to do. At least he has something super cute planned by the end of it!!! If he says you won't be disappointed, he means it. HE MEANS IT.
(hid it inside the pocket of your coat that he knows you'll be using today. It's something you'd naturally reach into. Such a Suo thing to plan out.)
"Hey there, gorgeous. I know you're in the middle of pretending not to miss me while reading up on this chapter. It's my favorite one, by the way. If you find this note, it means I'm missing you too and totally not hiding underneath your bed or in your closet ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ See you in a sec. - Only Your Yams."
Ominous and teasing, much like Endo is. You kind of wanna check under your bed and in your closet but you know your boyfriend's just out to grab some coffee for the both of you. His handwriting is legible and super neat and he spritzed some of his favorite perfume on the note too. Mmmmm. Sandalwood and smoky vanilla.
(hid it between the pages of your favorite book with your bookmark replaced with a new one he bought for you. One of those fancy ones that can mark the words and stuff. Has to match his.)
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a/n: I FINALLY WROTE SOMETHING I FUNALLYNJASDJKASD HUHUHUHUHUUASHKAS thank you for reading through this. I feel very rusty.
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givemefevrr · 3 months
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Pairings: Sick!Jake x Reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, handjobs, overstimulation, pain kink, kink discovery, masochism (?), sadism (?), Jake has a cold-sore, sub!Jake (kind of), puppy!Jake, dom!reader
wc: 1.1k
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This is the second time this month Jake has gotten a cold sore on his mouth, and his hectic schedule probably doesn't help prevent them from happening again. 
It hurts you a little inside every time you see your boyfriend wince in pain when eating, drinking, or even talking at times. It hurts even more that you haven't been able to kiss him in weeks, as you didn't want to get one of those damn sores as well. 
However, getting Jake to sit still for his medication is the worst part. The staff usually even has to tie his wrists up with towels to keep him from running away. His pain tolerance is obviously not the greatest, and putting that medicine on his wounds is likely able to knock him to his knees in the blink of an eye sobbing. 
He's been back at the dorms for a couple of days now, as his sores accompanied a pesky cold that he has yet to shake—and being the good girlfriend you are, you stayed with him, making him soup, bringing him water and vitamins, and putting a damp cloth on his forehead. 
But the one thing you still need to complete is helping him apply his cold sore medicine. 
"Please, Jake," you begged, your hands clasped as if praying. "It'll only hurt for a couple minutes, and then you'll be done. Please? For me?"
Jake pouted, sniffling his runny nose and shaking his head. "No. I've said it a billion times. I'm not getting anywhere near that stuff." 
You sigh, closing your eyes in frustration. "You've done it before, and look! You're still alive, so please, let's just get it over with. It'll help you get better sooner."
"It hurts too much, though." Jake pouted again, whining in defiance. 
"Distract yourself—pinch your arm, or watch a show, or I'll sing to you. Hm, baby? How does that sound?" You tried to negotiate with the sick boy, but you could already see the rejection in his face. 
"I said. No." 
God, he was acting like a child. You wanted to just pin him down in that chair, force his mouth open, and force him to let you take care of him and get him better. 
That's not too bad of an idea, you think to yourself, a slight smirk playing on your lips. 
So you walk closer to Jake, sitting on a chair at the dining room table, and settle on his lap. You set the bottle of cold-sore medicine on the table beside you before hooking your arms around his neck. 
"Y/n, what are you doing? I'm sick," Jake turned his face away, a blush forming on his cheeks. "And I have this sore.." 
You let out a soft chuckle, ducking your face into the crook of his jaw, licking a strip along it. 
The boy squirmed under you, his hands rising to grab at your thighs in an attempt to ground himself. 
"I won't catch anything as long as I don't touch your mouth," you whisper seductively against his skin before palming roughly at the growing bulge in his pants. "Plus, you need a stronger form of distraction, right?"
He let out a breathless whimper at your words and touch, his hips bucking up slightly into your hand in search of more friction. Fuck, this was going to be easy. Thank god your boyfriend is the horniest guy alive. 
"So," you pull away from his neck to look him in the eyes, your free hand gripping his jaw tightly, forcing him to look at you. "Are you going to be good for me, Jakey?" 
Jake's eyes looked a little bloodshot from his cold, but it only complimented the dark, rosy hue painting his cheeks. He nodded frantically, his breath coming out in short huffs. 
So you got to work quick on his pants, untying his sweats and pulling his boxers down just enough to let his hardening cock spring free, earning a small groan from the desperate puppy beneath you. 
You took his length in your hand, circling around his leaking tip, collecting a couple beads of precum before sliding down the shaft.
"Fuck.." he breathed out, his eyes fluttering in pleasure just from the first couple of touches.  
You simply let out a soft giggle at the boy's reaction, finding him too adorable. 
As you increase the speed, Jake can't help but squirm underneath you, his soft sounds getting louder as he feels overstimulated already. 
God, if he knew sex would feel this much better while sick, he would've begged to fuck you days ago. 
"Stay still, love. I can't help you unless you stay still. Okay?" You purr, to which he nodded in acknowledgment, trying his best to still himself, slightly wincing in pain every time he let a moan slip from his lips. 
"S-shit, y/n— f-feels so good!" He struggled to get out between gasps and moans, your thumb digging into his sensitive slit. "Oh god, please! I'm getting close—" 
"Yeah?" You coo at him, talking to him as if he's a real puppy, holding his chin up to look at you properly. "Is my destruction working well already, love?" 
"Mhm!" He whimpered in response, hips bucking up more frantically now. 
So you quickly grab the cold-sore medicine from the table with your free hand. "Open up for me?" You requested, and Jake happily obliged, opening his mouth wide and poking his tongue out, allowing more needy sounds to come out. 
"M' gonna c-cum— hurry!" He speaks muffled against his own tongue, desperate. 
You gently brush the medicine over the little sore on the side of his tongue, and it takes a couple moments for the boy under you to process the pain. So you keep stroking him fast, squeezing tightly, hoping you're distraction is enough to help prevent the pain. 
And soon, you saw Jake's face contortion with pain as it always did, but seconds later, he let out a series of loud whiny moans, and his cock spurted thick white ribbons onto your hand, a couple globs even reaching the bottom of your chin. He was thrashing, his hips fucking into your hand like his life depended on it—to be honest, you almost fell off of him. 
You felt a little guilty as the boy looked almost as if he was in pain as he orgasmed, but the guilt subsided quickly as his expression turned into a blissful and tender one as he panted, coming down from his high. 
"I think that was the hardest I've ever cum before," he chuckled in disbelief. 
Hm. You never thought that your boyfriend would be such a whore for pain. Good to know…
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I've had this idea in the drafts ever since that one video of Jake having to be tied up by the staff to apply his cold-sore meds came out omggggg
I hope you enjoyed!!
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callmedaleelah · 25 days
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— Pinnacle [ tsukishima kei university au series ]
— said “i’m fine” but it wasn’t the truth ; when people said when we’re mad and frustrated we can just break stuff, punch walls, smash chairs, or destroy whatever. but why do we always end up just staying quiet and decided destroying our mental health instead?
author’s notes : no mention of (y/n), written in second person pov, semi alternative universe, timeskip!tsukishima, college life, not proofread, english is not my first language
[ masterlist ] | [ ask daleelah go to box box 🐭 ]
Winter classes were supposed to be a chance to get ahead, but instead, they felt like a relentless race you were barely managing to keep up with. The class wasn’t crowded, maybe a dozen students, but each one of them seemed like a walking encyclopedia, filled with confidence and an unwavering hunger for knowledge. They’d arrive at class an hour early, occupying the front rows with books spread out in front of them, and their hands perpetually raised, ready to challenge or add to whatever the professor was saying. It made you feel small, like you hadn’t studied enough, like you didn’t belong.
Each night, you’d prepare as much as you could for the next day’s lecture, even though your heart wasn’t entirely in it. Your mind wandered constantly—flitting between how much you just wanted to curl up in your dorm bed with a warm blanket, and how the pressure to perform was slowly grinding you down. Your mom’s incessant texts about what you should eat, reminding you to take your vitamins and ginseng tonic, felt like a constant pressure to maintain an unrealistic level of perfection.
You tried to get some rest, but your brain wouldn’t turn off. Sleep was the only escape, and yet, even when you did sleep, it wasn’t restful. Every time you stirred, you’d hear the familiar blare of your alarm reminding you to take another supplement, or the ping of your phone with another message from your mom telling you that your meal delivery was arriving soon. It all became so routine that you found yourself on autopilot—studying, sleeping, eating whatever your mom sent, and wondering if it was all worth it.
Sometimes, the thought of skipping class altogether seemed tempting. Why couldn’t you just enjoy your break like other students? The thought of cozying up in your room, watching movies, and getting some real rest before the next semester felt like a distant dream. But deep down, you knew you couldn’t let yourself fall behind. Not with the way things were going.
It was during one of these dreary cycles—struggling through the monotony of your winter class—that you ran into Yamaguchi. He had just returned from a winter volleyball camp in Okinawa, looking worn out but content, with a large backpack slung over his shoulder as he entered the dormitory. You had just received another food delivery from your mom and were balancing the boxes awkwardly in your arms when you saw him.
“Back from camp?” you asked, trying to sound casual even though you felt a wave of envy wash over you. He had been training in the sun, while you had been holed up in your dorm, trapped between study sessions and forced naps.
Yamaguchi flashed you a tired smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, just got back. Okinawa was nice, but the camp was brutal.”
“I bet,” you replied. “Must be exhausting.”
“It is,” he agreed. “But, hey, there’s a game coming up this weekend. A lot of students will be there—it’s kind of a big deal. You should come. You could use a break.”
You hesitated, balancing the food boxes in your arms. You weren’t sure you could afford to take a break, but the idea of escaping the monotony—even just for an afternoon—was enticing.
“Yeah, maybe I will,” you said. “I could use a distraction.”
Yamaguchi grinned. “Great! You won’t regret it.” and then he disappeared heading to his own room.
You find yourself sitting in your room, staring at the clock as it ticks toward the start of your winter class. Normally, you would have packed up your things by now, grabbing your notebook and meticulously prepared materials, ready to attend. But today, the heavy feeling in your chest has been particularly suffocating. Your classmates—so driven, so sure of themselves—are already filing into the classroom, likely throwing questions at the professor before the lecture even begins. Meanwhile, you sit paralyzed with dread, the thought of being surrounded by such ambition making you want to curl up under your blankets and disappear.
Lately, you’ve been thinking about skipping class more often than you care to admit. The demands of the course have been relentless. It’s winter break, and yet here you are, working yourself into exhaustion while others seem to thrive in the chaos. Your mind drifts to how good it would feel to stay in bed, tucked into the warmth of your comforter, resting and doing nothing. It’s hard not to resent how your days are filled with either studying or sleeping, with alarms going off to remind you to take your vitamins or respond to your mom’s texts about food deliveries she insists on managing.
But then, Yamaguchi’s invitation to his game pops back into your mind. Skipping class seemed like an impossible risk. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized how desperately you needed a break from the monotony.
Now, you stand at a crossroads: attend another draining class or take a chance and watch the game. You swallow hard, your nerves bubbling up as you reach for your phone. Quickly, you tap into your settings and turn off your location. Your mom would kill you if she found out you were ditching class.
You can already imagine her voice, stern and disappointed, demanding to know why you weren’t where you were supposed to be. The thought sends a jolt of panic through you, but the excitement of going to Yamaguchi’s game is just strong enough to overpower it. You toss your phone into your bag, slip on your coat, and head out the door before you can second-guess yourself.
When you arrive at the gymnasium, the noise hits you first—a vibrant, buzzing energy that feels almost overwhelming after the quiet of your dorm room. You pull your jacket tighter around yourself, heart racing as you navigate through the crowd of students. Everyone seems to be moving in the same direction, excited and chattering about the game ahead.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket. It’s Yamaguchi. He’s texted you the seat location: front-row, right near the stands where the volleyball team would be sitting.
That realization makes your stomach flip. You had thought you’d be watching from a distance, blending in with the rest of the crowd, but now…you’d be sitting right where they could see you. And more importantly, where Tsukishima could see you.
The thought of being so close to him, to them, makes you nervous all over again. What if they think you’re a total fraud for skipping class just to be here? What if your classmates see you and realize you’ve abandoned your studies for a game? And worst of all—what if your mom somehow finds out?
You push those worries aside and head toward the front of the gym. You can feel the heat of the stadium lights on your face as you scan for the empty seat Yamaguchi had promised. Your stomach twists when you see it—a perfect spot, right next to where the players are already gathering.
You take a deep breath and sit down, trying to calm your racing heart. Yamaguchi waves at you from the court, his usual friendly smile plastered across his face. You wave back awkwardly, feeling a little out of place but also secretly excited. You can’t remember the last time you did something spontaneous like this, and as the game is about to start, you can feel the excitement building in the air around you. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
The gym grows louder, students chanting and clapping, their energy infectious. As the game progresses, you find yourself fully immersed in it. The players move across the court with a fluidity and grace that you can’t help but admire, and every time Yamaguchi’s name is called, you cheer louder than you expected.
But every time your eyes wander across the court, they keep finding him—Tsukishima. You don’t even mean to look at him, but it feels impossible not to. He’s just there, always in the corner of your vision, his sharp focus making him seem untouchable. His tall figure commands attention, the way he’s so utterly concentrated on the game almost mesmerizing.
At one point, during a timeout, you catch him glancing toward the stands—toward you. For a split second, your eyes meet, and your heart skips a beat. It’s so brief, you’re not sure if it even really happened. Maybe you’re just imagining things, but the feeling stays with you.
You try to shake it off and return your focus to the game, but it’s hard to keep your eyes from drifting back to him. You find yourself watching his movements, the way he adjusts his glasses with a flick of his hand, the focused way his brows knit together when he’s strategizing. There’s something magnetic about him—something that makes your heart flutter despite your attempts to stay calm.
Then, when the game is heating up, he calls out to his teammates, his voice firm and commanding. It sends a shiver down your spine, and you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You quickly exhale, shaking your head at yourself. It’s just Tsukishima. You’ve been around him before, so why is he making you so nervous now?
As the game continues, your eyes keep darting to him—almost unconsciously—as if you’re searching for some sort of acknowledgment. And when his team makes a crucial block, you can’t help but cheer for him too. You clap along with the crowd, but the butterflies in your stomach are there for an entirely different reason.
As the game nears its end and the score tightens, the tension in the gym grows. You grip the edge of your seat, your focus divided between the game and Tsukishima, who’s still laser-focused on the court. Every now and then, he glances at the stands again, and though he never lets his gaze linger on you for long, each fleeting look sends your heart racing.
And then, in one final, climactic play, the ball soars over the net, and Tsukishima jumps—higher than you’ve ever seen him—his hand slamming down in perfect sync with his team’s attack. The gym explodes in cheers as the point is won, sealing the victory. You’re on your feet, clapping and cheering along with everyone else, but all you can think about is how incredible he looked in that moment—so strong, so confident. Your pulse is pounding, and you can’t tell if it’s from the excitement of the game or something else entirely.
When the match ends and the crowd begins to disperse, you feel a mix of relief and lingering anticipation. You made it through the game without being caught, and for the first time in a while, you let yourself have fun without worrying about school or your mom’s expectations.
As you start to gather your things, you feel a presence next to you. You glance up and there he is—Tsukishima. He’s standing close enough that you can feel the warmth radiating off him, his tall frame casting a slight shadow over you.
“Hey,” he says, his voice low and calm, but there’s a subtle edge to it that makes your heart jump again.
“Hey,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
His gaze flickers toward the crowd, and then back to you. “You’re still here,” he says, as if he hadn’t expected you to stay until the end.
“Of course,” you say, feeling a little flustered. “Yamaguchi invited me.”
Tsukishima nods, his expression unreadable as always. “You didn’t have class?”
Your stomach twists, the lie you’ve been trying to avoid suddenly hanging between you. “Uh… no. I mean, yes. But I skipped it,” you admit, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
He raises an eyebrow, a hint of something like amusement crossing his features. “You skipped class to watch volleyball?”
“Yamaguchi invited me,” you repeat defensively, but even you can hear how weak the excuse sounds.
Tsukishima huffs out a small laugh, shaking his head. “You’re unbelievable.”
You feel your face heat up even more, but there’s a strange thrill in his teasing. It’s not cruel, like it sometimes feels when he scolds you in class. This time, it feels almost… warm.
Before you can respond, Yamaguchi jogs over, grinning widely. “Hey! Thanks for coming!” he says, his eyes bright with excitement. “I’m so glad you got to see the game.”
You smile back, grateful for the distraction. “It was great! You guys were amazing. Good game,” you said awkwardly, not sure what else to say.
Tsukishima raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Thanks.”
Yamaguchi chuckled. “Look at him, trying to act all cool. He’s just happy to see you. Tsukki always plays better when someone important is watching,” Yamaguchi teased beside you, his tone playful.
Tsukishima shot Yamaguchi a look but didn’t deny it. Instead, he turned back to you, adjusting his glasses. “I’m glad you came.”
The simple statement sent a flutter through your chest, and for the first time in a long while, you felt a sense of ease. Maybe things weren’t perfect—maybe you were still struggling with your classes and the pressures that weighed on you—but in this moment, standing here with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you realized that you didn’t have to face it all alone. Small moments like this, small escapes from the overwhelming routine, were what made it all bearable.
The rest of the day is a blur, but you carry the memory of the game—and those fleeting moments with Tsukishima—long after you leave the gym. His teasing words, the way his eyes lingered on you for just a second longer than necessary—it all leaves you feeling strangely giddy, like something has shifted between you. You don’t know what it means yet, but the thought of it makes your heart beat just a little faster.
The excitement from the game lingers with you as you walk back to your dormitory. You should feel relieved, maybe even a little triumphant for sneaking out of winter class without getting caught. But as you step through the threshold of your room, that familiar heaviness settles back over your chest. The contrast between the energy of the gym and the quiet stillness of your dorm is jarring, almost suffocating.
You close the door behind you and drop your bag on the floor, collapsing onto your bed with a heavy sigh. The reality of what you’ve done sinks in—you’ve skipped class. Skipped winter class. The one your mom keeps reminding you about, the one she’s certain will help you "catch up" with your more advanced classmates. You’re supposed to be there, making up for all the time you’ve "wasted," proving you can handle the challenge.
Instead, you spent the afternoon at a volleyball game.
You glance at your phone, half-expecting an angry message from your mom, berating you for skipping class, but there’s nothing. You turned off your location, after all, so she can’t possibly know. But that doesn’t stop the guilt from gnawing at your insides, twisting and turning in your stomach until you feel almost sick.
Your phone pings with a new notification. It’s from your class group chat—students exchanging notes and summaries of the lecture you missed. You scan through the messages, but every word feels like a weight pressing down on your chest. All your classmates seem so prepared, so eager to prove themselves. Some of them were in the lecture hall an hour before class even started, peppering the professor with questions as if they were experts themselves. Meanwhile, you’ve barely had the energy to keep up with the material, even though you’ve been reviewing it diligently every night.
You should be like them, you think. You should be more proactive, more engaged. Instead, you’ve been struggling just to stay awake, constantly exhausted, your mind barely able to process anything outside of the textbooks in front of you. It’s as if your body is stuck in a cycle—study until you can’t anymore, collapse into bed, and wake up only when your alarm blares to remind you to take your vitamins and ginseng tonic. Your mom’s incessant control over your meals only adds to the stress, with daily reminders that she’s still keeping tabs on your health, convinced you’re not doing enough to take care of yourself.
Maybe she’s right. Maybe you’re not doing enough. But the truth is, you’re just so tired—tired of constantly running on this treadmill, never feeling like you’re getting anywhere. You feel stuck in place, your efforts swallowed up by the endless grind of study, sleep, repeat.
A text comes through from your mom, just as you feared: “Don’t forget to eat the chicken soup I sent over. It should be there by now. And make sure you drink the herbal tonic after—there’s no sugar in it, just like you asked.”
You groan inwardly. Even when you’re not thinking about school, your mom’s constant reminders feel like another layer of pressure. It’s like she doesn’t trust you to manage your own life, and as much as you appreciate her concern, it’s starting to suffocate you. You look over at the brown bag by the door—the delivery she’s had sent to your dorm—and you realize you’ve lost your appetite completely.
You collapse back into bed, letting your body sink into the mattress. You want to sleep. More than anything, you want to shut out the world and just… rest. But your mind won’t let you. It keeps spinning, the guilt of skipping class, the fear of falling behind, and the constant pressure from your mom all swirling around in your head until you can hardly breathe.
And then there’s Tsukishima.
The game flashes in your mind again—his quick glances during the match, the way he teased you afterward, the tension between you when he stood so close. You feel your heart flutter, even as you try to push the thoughts away. You can’t afford to be distracted by him, not when you’re already struggling to keep up with your coursework. But no matter how hard you try to focus, his image keeps creeping back in—his sharp gaze, his calm, steady voice. It’s maddening.
Another buzz from your phone pulls you from your thoughts, but this time it’s not from your mom or your classmates.
It’s Tsukishima.
Your heart skips a beat as you stare at the notification.
Did you make it back to your dorm?
You blink at the screen. It's a simple text, nothing special, but the fact that he’s checking in on you sends a warm feeling spreading through your chest. You feel your fingers twitch, hesitating for a moment before you type out a response.
Yeah, just got back. You?
There’s a long pause. You watch the three little dots as he types and deletes a few times, and you start to wonder if maybe you’ve said something wrong. But then his message finally comes through.
Still at the gym. Going to grab something to eat.
You smile, picturing him somewhere near the gym, maybe wiping off sweat or grabbing his things, looking as serious and unruffled as ever. Before you can overthink it, you send another message.
Don’t forget to eat your veggies —you joke, hoping it will lighten the mood.
You wait for a response, and when it comes, it’s as dry as you expect.
A small laugh escapes you. You can almost hear the sarcasm in his voice, the subtle amusement lurking beneath his stoic exterior. You set your phone down, the tension in your chest easing just a little.
But even with Tsukishima’s brief distraction, the reality of your situation remains. You still have winter class tomorrow, and the fear of falling behind looms large over you. The holiday break that should have been a time of relaxation has become nothing but stress, pressure, and endless responsibilities. You’ve been trying so hard to keep up, but it’s clear you’re just not moving at the same pace as your classmates. They’re racing ahead while you feel like you’re stuck in quicksand, every step forward dragging you deeper into the struggle.
And then there’s the question you’ve been avoiding: what if you’re not cut out for this? What if no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to catch up? The idea terrifies you, but you can’t shake it. The doubt clings to you like a shadow, darkening every corner of your mind.
As the hours tick by, you find yourself caught between two worlds—the world of responsibility and expectation, and the world of escape, where Tsukishima’s texts linger in your thoughts, a small, comforting reminder that not everything in your life is about pressure and stress.
You rolled over in bed, pulling the blanket up to your chin. All you wanted was to sleep. To shut out the world and forget about winter class, forget about your mom, forget about everything except the warmth of your bed and the lingering memory of Tsukishima’s text.
But your mind wouldn’t let you rest. It kept spinning, the weight of your responsibilities pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe. You couldn’t afford to be distracted, not by Tsukishima, not by the game, not by anything.
Yet, despite your best efforts, his face kept creeping back into your thoughts. The way he’d glanced at you during the game, the teasing smirk he’d given you afterward. It was enough to make your heart race, enough to make you question why you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Your phone buzzed again, and for a moment, you panicked, thinking it was your mom. But when you glanced at the screen, you saw it was another message from Tsukishima.
Get some rest. You look exhausted.
Your breath caught in your throat. You stared at the message, your mind racing. He’d noticed. He’d actually noticed how tired you were, how worn out you felt. It wasn’t much—just a simple observation—but it meant more to you than you wanted to admit.
You typed out a quick response, your fingers trembling slightly.
I will. You too.
His reply came almost immediately.
You smiled to yourself, the tension in your chest easing just a little. For a brief moment, everything felt… okay. The stress of winter class, the pressure from your mom, the fear of falling behind—it all seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the warmth of Tsukishima’s words.
And for now, this moment is enough.
tagslist (free to mention) ; @theweirdfloatything @snowthatareblack @ilovemymomscooking @nayiiryun @knightofmidnight @kozumesphone @scxrcherr
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mykoreanlove · 6 months
my only one
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Your engagement party was a full blast - the pittoreske venue was filled with the people you loved most. Everybody was dancing, drinking and celebrating your upcoming wedding.
You had been shaking firm hands and giving out heartfelt hugs all night long, so you snuck out onto the balcony to take a break.
The balcony was covered in golden fairy lights, slightly illuminating the breathtaking view in front of you.
You didn’t turn around as you noticed the door open, you had a gut feeling who it would be.
Strong arms hugged you from behind and a raspy voice whispered in your ear - your home had found you.
„Hey“, he whispered, „you okay?“
You nodded silently and grabbed his arm, squeezing lightly.
„Am now“, you smiled.
Namjoon chuckled and hid his face in the crook of your neck, resting silently for a moment or two.
„You know… you can still say no.“, he stated nervously.
You laughed out loud, filling his ear with the vibration of your amusement.
„Now why would I do that?“
Namjoon hugged you even tighter, merging into one once more.
„So you really mean it, huh?“
„Joon, you’re stuck with me. Forever.“
„Forever? Really?“
„Yes, you dumbass, forever. Were you really doubting?“
He let out a deep sigh, as if he was finally releasing the anxiety he carried in his heart.
„It’s just that sometimes I feel like this is too good to be true. You’re too good to be true, y/n.“
You pushed his head back gently and turned around, looking up into his saddened eyes.
„Listen up, big boy. I love you and you love me. It’s supposed to feel this good.“
You saw his cheeks redden, as he averted his gaze embarrassed. You reached for his big hands and squeezed them as tightly as you could.
„I’m not running away, Joon. I know you are the one for me.“
He turned to face you and smiled warmly.
„The one?“
Namjoon was a confident man, taking extreme pride in his talents and intellect but the slightest doubt could turn him into an anxious mess. Especially if the doubt was about you.
You nodded cheerfully, while making your point.
„When did you realize?“
„Pretty early on“, you said and turned around again, observing the beautiful landscape in front of you.
„Hey, wait. Tell me when! Please, y/n“, he whined into your ear as his arms found your waist again.
You let your head fall back against his broad chest and smiled, remembering those days fondly.
„Do you remember when we first met? How we used to be?“
He nodded.
„We were inseparable back then, always hanging out with each other or calling or texting. It felt like we were obsessed with getting to know each other“, you mused happily.
„That didn’t change“, he said as he left soft kisses on your neck.
„One time when we were on the phone we had a conversation that sealed the deal for me. From then on I just knew that I would marry you some day.“
„What did I say, baby?“
„Oh god, I can actually quote it. How lame am I?“, you laughed embarrassed.
„The lamest. But I love you for that“, he chuckled against your skin. „Now tell me.“
„You said you were proud of me. It was super random and I didn’t understand why. I had to ask for clarification.“, you reminisced.
„Wait, I remember that call.“
You stayed silent for a second, replaying the situation in your mind.
„I am proud of you because you’re doing so great, y/n. Eating your veggies. Drinking your water. Taking your vitamins. Going for walks. Taking care of your mind. Staying positive. That deserves all my proud, y/n.“, you quoted him.
Namjoon stood quietly behind you, already knowing where this was going.
„I didn’t tell you at the time but I was facing a lot of shit. A lot of heavy stuff that made my life a living hell. And I was not doing fine. At all. Taking care of myself, even the simplest things, were a heavy burden to me. But I was trying my best and yet somehow you caught that.“
You turned around once more and looked into his loving eyes, stroking his cheek as you exclaimed your love for him.
„You didn’t need me to articulate my pain. You just knew. It’s like you saw right through me and decided to stay anyway. To give me my time to come to you instead of pressuring me into telling you.“
Namjoon‘s eyes were filled with tears as he listened closely, this was the first time you ever spoke about it that candidly.
„You sensed the war within me and provided me with peace. To me, Joonie, there’s no greater act of love. And I promise to return that love every single day. If you let me.“
Namjoon wiped away the tears hastily, but you stopped him.
You reached up to him and kissed him, tasting his salty tears on his sweet lips. In this moment you were sure that this wouldn’t be the last time for salty kisses but you didn’t mind. As long as you got him by your side, you were good.
Your Joon. Your home. Your only one.
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atzaurora · 4 months
급격한 복통-𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔
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ᥴᥲrᥱ іᥒ 𝗍һᥱ ᥴ᥆m𝖿᥆r𝗍s ᥆𝖿 һ᥆mᥱ
𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓: Yunho
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: fem!idol!reader x idol!yunho
𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆: imagine (fluff)
𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑: group members, good friends, (crushing?)
.ᐟ.ᐟ𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔.ᐟ.ᐟ: none
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: y/n is on her period and Yunho makes sure to help her out to ease the pain.
𝒘/𝒄: 909
𝒂/𝒏: another small imagine I had in my drafts and felt like posting ^^ enjoy and feel free to request!
here's my 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕!
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The day had started like any other for Y/N, but soon a familiar ache settled in her lower abdomen, signaling the arrival of her period. She tried to push through the discomfort, but the cramps became more insistent, and she knew she needed to take a break. As the ninth member of Ateez, she didn't want to seem weak or burden the others, but the pain was becoming too much to ignore.
Yunho, ever perceptive and caring, noticed her discomfort. During a break from practice, he approached her with a gentle smile.
"Y/N, you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.
She hesitated but decided to be honest. "It's just... cramps. I think I need to lie down for a bit."
Yunho nodded understandingly. "Let's get you back to the dorms. You shouldn't push yourself too hard."
Grateful for his support, Y/N allowed Yunho to escort her back to their shared living space. As they entered the dorms, Yunho led her to the couch, helping her get comfortable with a blanket and some pillows.
"Do you need anything? Painkillers, maybe?" he asked, already moving towards the medicine cabinet.
"That would be great," Y/N replied, wincing slightly as another cramp hit.
Yunho returned with the painkillers and a glass of water. "Here you go. I'll be right back; I'm going to run to the store to get you some other things."
Before she could protest, Yunho was out the door. She sighed, touched by his thoughtfulness. She took the medicine and curled up on the couch, hoping the pain would subside soon.
At the supermarket, Yunho moved quickly, determined to gather everything Y/N might need. He picked up a heating pad, her favorite snacks, and a variety of teas that were known to help with menstrual discomfort. He also grabbed some extra sanitary products, just in case.
As he approached the pharmacy section, he remembered to get some more painkillers and vitamins. The pharmacist gave him a knowing smile as he asked for recommendations.
"Taking care of someone special?" she asked kindly.
Yunho nodded with a smile. "Yeah, just trying to make sure she has everything she needs."
"That's sweet of you. Here, these should help," she said, handing him a small bag with a few additional items.
Yunho thanked her and hurried to the checkout, eager to get back to Y/N.
Back at the dorm, Y/N was dozing lightly when Yunho returned, arms full of bags. He set everything down and began to unpack.
"Hey, I've got some stuff that might help," he said softly, not wanting to startle her.
Y/N sat up, eyes widening at the sight of all the things Yunho had brought. "Yunho, you didn't have to do all this..."
"Of course I did," he replied with a smile. "You're important to me, Y/N. Now, let's get you feeling better."
He handed her the heating pad, which she gratefully placed on her stomach. Yunho then made her a cup of tea and brought over her favorite snacks. As she sipped the warm tea, she felt the pain start to ease.
"Thank you, Yunho," she said, her voice soft with emotion. "I really appreciate this."
He sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting hug. "Anytime, Y/N. You know we're all here for each other, right?"
She nodded, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging. In the world of K-pop, where every day was filled with challenges and hard work, it was moments like these that made it all worth it. Surrounded by her friends—her family—Y/N knew she could face anything.
As the evening went on, Yunho stayed by her side, watching movies and chatting to keep her distracted from the pain. His presence was a soothing balm, and Y/N felt a deep sense of gratitude and affection for her friend.
For now, she was content, knowing that no matter what, she wasn't alone. And with Yunho by her side, she felt ready to take on the world.
The next few hours passed in a comfortable haze. Yunho's presence, combined with the heating pad and painkillers, worked wonders on Y/N's cramps. They laughed and talked about everything and nothing, the weight of her discomfort slowly lifting.
At some point, the rest of the Ateez members filtered back into the dorm, their practice session finally over. Seonghwa was the first to notice the cozy scene in the living room.
"Y/N, how are you feeling?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
"Better, thanks to Yunho," she said with a small smile.
The other members quickly gathered around, offering their own words of comfort and support. It was moments like these that reminded Y/N just how lucky she was to have such a caring group of friends.
Hongjoong, always the leader, clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's make tonight special for Y/N. Who's up for a movie marathon?"
The idea was met with enthusiastic agreement, and soon everyone was settled in for a night of fun and relaxation. Yunho stayed close to Y/N, making sure she had everything she needed and more.
As the first movie started, Y/N leaned her head on Yunho's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she could face them with her friends by her side.
And with Yunho, she felt especially safe, knowing that he would always be there to take care of her, no matter what.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
Hi, I've got a request for Gavi where reader tells him that she's pregnant. That's pretty much all I thought of sorry
Also known as Gender Reveal (10)!
Blessing - P.G6
Summary: Two small lines can change the world for you and your husband, Pablo.
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You were throwing up once again, it was the five day in a row and the third time today you visited the bathroom to let all the content of your stomach out.
"¡Amor!" You heard your two years husband, Gavi before you felt him burst in into the bathroom pulling your hair up and pat your back softly "Let it out"
"Don-ugh!" You lift your hand but quickly cut yourself off and grabbed the end of the toilet. You waited for a few minutes and after you had let everything out, you sighed and quickly shut the lid and flushed the toilet.
With the help of Pablo, you sat on top of the lid as you wiped your mouth looking down at your lap.
"Amor" Pablo crounched down and you looked at him feeling embarrassed and not wanting to worry him "Hey, hey... Look at me"
"I'm fine" You whispered softly
"Don't lie to me straight to my face, please" You looked away and sighed "You throwing up daily these past days and you throwing up three times today while it's barely even 2pm is worrying me. This is not just a stomach bug anymore"
"Don't worry, please" You whisper
"How could I just not worry? You're my wife, I'm always worried that something may happen to you and the fact you're just dismissing this is worrying me even more"
"I honestly don't feel bad" You look into his brown eyes "I'm just really tired lately and I feel really hungry out of nowhere"
"But then you throw up" You nod wanting to cry
"I don't know what's happening to me" You hid your face into your hands and start breaking bit by bit
"Hey no, don't cry"
You feel Pablo's arms tightening around your frame and soon you are feeling his lips on top of your hand, exactly where your cheek is, you quickly push that hand away to allow him to kiss your skin as your hand mets his cheek lovingly.
"I know you don't like doctors" He starts as you turn to face him as he wipes your tears away "but I think it'll be good if we check what's going on, if its the flu-"
"Baby" You cut him off shakking your head
"-maybe you have a low value, platelets? hemoglobin? what do I know, but we can discard anything. Please" His eyes pleaded you "I just don't like seeing you like this, I want you healthy. Always"
You also didn't like feeling like this and after a few seconds, you nodded.
"Okay" You nod
"Okay?" He asks with a small smile as you nod softly "Okay" You kiss his ear softly
"Can you pass me my toothbrush, please?"
"I will kiss you right now"
"Ew, no" You shook your head
"I will" He leaned in as you leaned back "Y/N"
"No" You laughed
"Gimme a kiss" You shook your head
"I will give you a kiss after I brush my teeth"
"I really don't care about it, you can give a kiss now and a kiss after"
"No!" You laugh and soon he joins leaning in to kkiss your cheek before he removes himself from you and goes to the sink to look for your toothbrush
"Al cabo que ni quería, que te huele la boca horrible" (After all, I didn't even want to, because your mouth smells horrible) His tone let you know he was teasing you
"I just threw up!"
"¡Fua, que horrible!" (how awful!)
"¡Pablo Martín, ven acá que te beso de una!" (come here and I'll kiss you!)
"So, you already went to the doctor?" Aurora said as you nod softly drinking from your ice coffee "What did it say?"
"I'm good, everything's good" You say "but I'm still taking some vitamins just in case" She nods
You had gone to the doctor with Pablo, two weeks ago and did every kind of tests, to make sure nothing was out of place or had some kind of virus and stuff. Nothing, absolutely nothing was wrong.
"And the throwing up?"
"It's not often now" You shrug "I think it was some burrito I had" You say not minding it but then you yawned
"You feel tired?" You nod
"I don't know why. I mean, I took a nap before coming here but I guess work has been hetic and I guess I was just catching up on it" You look at her smiling softly when out of nowhere you felt hungry and looked confused "I'm hungry" You said "I want an avocado with chocolate ice cream"
"You what?"
"I'm craving some avocado with chocolate ice cream" You said simply "Do you think they'll sell it here?" You looked around "Maybe with a cracker too"
"Y/N" Aurora said but you didn't heard her, too busy looking for a waitress "Cariño" You looked at her waiting for her to speak
"Can I have some of your ice cream? I'm really hungry and I don't think they will sell that here, the most I'll get are weird looks from everyone" She only handed you her ice cream to see you dig into it
"When was the last time you had your period?" You hum inserting two full spoons of ice cream into your mouth
"I don't know" You shrug softly "I can't remember very well right now... I think it was the 25th?"
"Month?" You stopped eating ice cream and got serious knowing where she was getting into, you look around for your phone "The last time I got my period was two months ago" You looked at Aurora "Aurora..."
"Are you regular?" You nod "We need to do a test"
"But it's impossible, I already did blood tests nothing came out of it"
"Maybe they didn't do a pregnancy test? I don't know but there's a possibility of you being pregnant"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding you?" You whined starting to eat once again the ice cream "I feel so happy right now"
"What if he doesn't want it?" You asked "I mean... We talked about it but we never started trying for it"
"Pablo's crazy for you, he loves you and he talks about a future with you, he would love to have a baby with you"
"We don't even know if I am pregnant or not"
"And that's why I'm here for. Let's buy a test"
"Ok, one minute left" You said sitting on Pablo's side of the bed "Two lines pregnant and one line not pregnant" You say and Aurora nods going over to hug you "I'm so nervous, I don't even think I peed right"
"I don't even know what I'm saying"
"Calm down"
"How can I calm down if there's a possibility of having a half Pablo and a half me inside of me right now?" You ask standing up "Is the minute done, now?"
"It has gone barely five seconds" She looks at her phone
"Why time goes fast in some things and slow with ohters? I need this already" You whine as Aurora laughs
"Babygirl, don't worry too much. If it is, it'll be the most loved baby in this world both by its parents and by its whole family. And if it's not it'll be a false alarm"
"A false alarm I kinda want to be true" You said "After you told me about that, I have been thinking and thinking of it and I just- I don't know" You lift your shoulders "I want to be pregnant" You said softly looking at your sister-in-law
"Your time will come, Y/N/N. And if the time's now, it'll be the right one" And as if it was by magic, the timer went off "Are you ready?"
"I'm nervous" You said
"You want me to watch it?" You doubted for a few seconds before shaking your head
"I go" You went inside the bathroom and grabbed one of the three tests. You sighed deeply before looking down at your hand.
Two lines.
Your breath got caught in your throat, you quickly grabbed the other two and the answer was the same.
Two lines.
You were shaking and feel your heart full, you smiled and teared up before crossing your hands around your yet non-existent belly. "Dear lord. I'm pregnant" You whisper looking down at yourself with a big smile
"Y/N?" You hear Aurora ask and went out "What is it?"
"I think you need to help me get some ideas on how to tell Pablo, he's going to be a dad" Her mouth opened and screams, from both of you were heard.
"A sexy one, by the way"
"Oh shut up" You laugh "That explains my sudden mood changes, my weird cravings, the throwing up, everything"
"You're having baby Páez inside of you. If it's a boy like Pablo, he'll suck the energy out of you" You both laugh "I remember mom being drained out after putting an annoying Pablo to sleep"
"Shit. I'm pregnant" You say once again "How do I tell this to him?"
"Right, we gotta find the way to tell my brother"
Three days have passed since you knew that you were pregnant and you couldn't hold back the news anymore and almost messed up the surprise you and Aurora, prepared.
The doorbell rangs and you instantly run towards the door.
"It's mine!" You announce watching how Pablo was already standing up to get it
"Careful, amor!"
"I got it! I'm alright!" You said opening the door to find the package Aurora left for you a few seconds ago on the floor. You picked it up, turning around "AH!" You yell scared, you didn't expected your husband to be behind you "Joder, amor. Me has asustado" (Fuck, baby. You scared me)
"I'm sorry" He smiled softly coming over to side hug you "What's that?"
"I-uhm... A little something I bought"
"Uhm" He said with his lips pressed to your cheek "May I ask what?"
"A little something for you, well us but you'll see soon"
"I'm curious. Let's open it?"
"This is just like the invoice of the purchase, what I bought comes around eight? seven? months" You said a bit unsure
"What did you bought? Something handcrafted? Why it takes so long to arrive?" You smile
"You can say that. It's in the making" You nod
"Now, I'm hella curious" He smiled "You know, you didn't have to gift me anything, amor"
"Well, it's something that just came up, it was unexpected but yeah... it's done already"
"What did you bought? And why is the invoice in that big box? Why did it came earlier and not with the package?"
"You're asking way too many questions, Pabs" You laugh nervous "but this has the answers" You gave him the white box
"You didn't killed anybody, right?"
"Oh dear god, just open that box" You say wanting to eat your nails
"Ok, I will" He said shooting you a smile before he undid the bow and opened the box "What...?"
After learning you were pregnant, you and Aurora went to the hospital and asked for an ultrasound, in there you found out you were one month and three weeks into the pregnancy. You bought small baby socks and a small barcelona jersey with the iconic GAVI 6.
You also did a small note that read "Hola papá. ¡Espero conocerte pronto, te quiero mucho! Att: Baby Páez Y/L/N" (Hi daddy. I look forward to meeting you soon, love you!) along with the pregnancy test you did
"What does this means?" He asked, his eyes lighting up with hope. "Is this...?" You smile to your husband and softly nod
"We're pregnant"
"Joder, Y/N. Thank you so much, mi vida!" He said hugging you tightly "You don't even know how happy I am, right now" You laughed "I'll be a daddy and you will be the most amazing mom, ever. Thank you so much, amor, thank you, thank you" He kissed you several times around your face "Joder, we are pregnant"
"We are" You said smiling
"Thank you for this blessing, mi vida. My little but perfect familia. Los amo a ambos" (I love you both) His hand caressed your flat tummy as you peck his lips smiling
"Y nosotros a ti, guapo" (And we love you, handsome)
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Hi I was wondering if you could possible do one where Theo and Enzo have begged the reader all week to help them study for their owls but she has refused saying it’s their fault for not taking their classes seriously, so they sneak in her room looking for her notes and instead find a box with dirty romance novels and her toys?
You can choose how the ending goes, smut or no smut whatever your comfortable with, thank you ❤️
thanks for the request lovie! (sorry it took so long) 18 + MDNI
The two Slytherin boys were doing their best at what they considered whispering as Theo quietly mumbled the spells to unlock your door. "I swear to Godric, Theo, if she catches us I'm hanging your arse off the astronomy tower." Enzo was grumbling through his teeth as he peeked his head into your room, glancing around and making sure the room was as empty as Theo guaranteed him it would be.
"Don't be a pussy, Berkshire. Just find the notes so we can duplicate them and get out of here." Theo walked toward your desk, starting to shuffle through the parchments on top. He pointed Enzo toward your bookshelf, telling him to 'make himself useful and help him look'. Enzo grumbled, picking through your books and the different pages stuffed into random textbooks.
Theo moved on to the draws of your desk, essentially emptying the contents of each as Enzo moved around the room, trying to at least look like he's being helpful. Which is how he found himself lazily sitting on the edge of your bed and digging through the drawers of your nightstand. He found the top drawer very boring, but different vitamin and glamor potions, your sleep mask and most other miscellaneous items.
Opening the drawer underneath it had him pausing. In this drawer there was a box and a small stack of books whose covers looked a little...steamy. "Uh, Theo...you might want to come look at this." Enzo took the box from the drawer, setting it atop your bed before grabbing the stack of books and spreading them out. "What is it, Enz, did you find the notes?"
Theo walked over, eyes growing wide and a smirk growing on his face as he took in the books Enzo had laid out. Each cover had a different couple on them, and on each cover the male had his mouth on some part of the woman while her head was thrown back, mouth agape clearly in pleasure. Theo picked one of the books up, flipping open to a random page and started to read out loud.
"His hands ghosted down her sides, fingertips teasing her skin as goosebumps rose in their wake. 'You look so perfect like this, laid out and bare, just for me.' His hand dipped between her legs, a finger gliding through her heat and gathering the wetness that pooled there. Brining his finger to his mouth, he sucked it cleaned, moaning as he did so. 'Oh, darling, I'm going to devour you.'" Theo let out a school girl giggle, "Our little y/n/n is reading porn. What a dirty fucking bird, you think you wacks off to this stuff?"
Theo held the book up, finger still holding the place of the page he was just reading. Enzo scrunched his nose, "Do girls wack off?" Theo rolled his eyes, "I mean, whatever it is they do to get off on their own. What's in here, hmm?" Theo flicked the top of the box off and on to the bed. At this, both his and Enzo's mouth's fell open in slight shock.
Inside the box were your private things. Enzo grabbed hold of a silicone toy, it was about four inches, the end larger and rounder than near the handle, with an extra bit hanging from the top, "What the bloody hell do you think this does?" Theo couldn't help the smirk gracing his face. "Enzo, my boy, that," he pointed his finger at the object in Enzo's hand, "and those," he pointed towards the box that held a few more items, "are how she wacks off."
Enzo's eyes grew wide, looking from the object in his hand, to the others in the box. "You mean this goes," Enzo made a swooping motion with his hand, his eyebrows shooting up. "Yes, Enzie, that goes inside of me. And it vibrates too," you flicked your wand in the doorway, the object in Enzo's hand giving off a low hum, causing him to drop it immediately. Theo's mouth immediately began moving, trying to explain himself and his friend.
"Y/n/n, we're sorry we were just-, and then we found-, you see, it was an accident," Theo's face wore an uncomfortable smile that he was trying to pass off an innocence. You walked slowly further into the room, not breaking your gaze as you picked up your toy from the bed and placed it back inside the box. Both Enzo and Theo had yet to move, watching your movements meticulously, essentially awaiting some sort of hex for digging in to your personal belongings.
You gathered the remaining books on your bed, stacking them back in the drawer Enzo had taken them from. Turning round you faced Theo, quickly grabbing the book from his hand. You held it open, eyes scanning the page. You shut the book abruptly, both boys jumping slightly at the action. A devilish smirk adorned your face as nervously spread throughout the boys. "So, which page did you want to do?" Theo's eyes widen, glancing at Enzo then back to you, "W-what?"
Slowly, you began unbuttoning your blouse, "I said," you pulled your blouse off your shoulders, letting it slide down your arms, "which page...do you want to do." You slid your skirt down your legs, leaving you clad in just your bra and panties. Enzo's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "Oh don't be shy now boys, you were so curious just a moment ago."
Theo grabbed the book from your hands, flipping through the pages before stopping. He turned the book in his hands, pointing to a page. You leaned down, scanning it quickly before giving him a quick wink, "Cheeky." You climbed on to the bed, getting on to your knees as you faced them both. Slowly, you reached up behind you, unclasping your bra and letting it fall down your arms before tossing it to the floor.
Their eyes only grew wider. "Bloody fucking hell," Enzo's mouth felt completely dry while Theo's eyes never left your chest. You laid down on your back, sliding your panties down your legs. "Are you guys going to join me, or are you just going to watch? Personally, I'm fine with either." You let out a shaky breath as you dragged a hand down your chest, dipping it between your legs.
As you spread your legs wider, slowly dragging your finger through your wetness. You let out a gasp, being slightly more exaggerate than need be. In an instant both boys were ripping off their clothing, Theo nearly tripping trying to get out of his trousers. Enzo got to your first, his mouth leaving hot and sloppy kisses across your chest. You ran your hand along his abs, groaning at the feeling of the divets and muscles before wrapping your hand around his hardening cock, giving him a few strokes.
"Fucking hell, Angel," he mumbles against your chest, tongue swirling around your hard nipples and Theo settled between your legs. "Oh, dolcezza...such a pretty little cunt, hmm?" You glanced down at Theo just as he flattened his tongue, taking a long lick between your folds before delving his tongue into your hole. "Oh my fuck, Teddy," your hand shot to his head, fingers tangling in his soft brown locks.
Enzo's lips were on your neck, sucking the skin between his teeth and leaving harsh bruises. Hips breath was hot on your skin as he whispered in your ear, "Gonna have to stuff your mouth full, Angel. Don't wanna hear a name fall from your lips unless it's mine." You groaned, hips bucking as Theo sunk two fingers into you, his lips attaching themselves to your clit.
Enzo got on his knees, tapping your cheek with an open palm. Turning your head you opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue. Enzo tapped the tip of his cock against your tongue before sliding his dick into your mouth. You did your best to relax your throat, trying to fit as much of him in your mouth as possible. "Merlin, Angel, it's like your throat was made from my cock." You tore your hand from Theo's hair to wrap it around Enzo, pumping what wouldn't fit in your mouth.
Theo separated himself from your cunt with a lewd sucking sound, kissing the insides of your thighs before sitting up, giving himself a few good pumps. "Think you're ready for me, dolcezza? Want us to fill you up at both ends?" You gave a slight nod, the best you could with Enzo pumping his cock in and out of your mouth.
Theo braced himself with your thighs, squeezing the plump flesh and spreading your legs wide open. He pushed the tip of his cock through your folds, a low groan escaping his lips as he sank deeper and deeper into your cunt. "Fanculo a me," Theo threw his head back as a series of Italian curses left his throat. Each thrust of his hips caused a fire to stir in your belly, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot with a delicious rhythm.
Each thrust also had you jolting slightly, causing you to deepthroat Enzo's cock. "Fucking hell, mate, keep that pace on her and I'm gonna fill this pretty little mouth," Enzo brush a thumb along your bulging cheek as a moan rippled through your throat. The vibrations against him causing his fingers to tangle through your hair like a vice. "You close, Angel?" Enzo spoke in breathy moans. He was close if the twitch of his cock against your tongue was any indicator.
"Oh she's close, mate. Pussy's got a vice grip on my fucking cock, isn't that right, dolcezza?" Theo's thumb found your clit, rubbing tight circles, the fire in your belly getting tighter and tighter. The best response you could give was a moan around Enzo. "Fuck, c'mon, Angel, let go for us, then we'll fill you up. You can do it, go 'head."
It was like his permission was all your body needed, the rubber band snapping as your orgasm rushed over you. Enzo pulled himself from your mouth as a loud and near pornagraphic moan left your lips as Theo buried himself to the hilt, sheathing himself inside you as he spilled himself deep within your walls. He continued his assault on your clit, letting you ride out your high as he did his own.
Enzo gave his cock a few pumps before covering your tits in his release, his breaths short and rapid as he held onto your bedpost for stability. "Fucking Salazar, I don't know how that happened, but it was amazing," Enzo had a boyish grin on his face and you couldn't help but giggle. With a flick of his wand Theo cleaned the three of you up before settling down, his head laying on your stomach.
Enzo settled behind you, you leaning against his chest while his arms were wrapped around your shoulders. You played lightly with Theo's hair as he finally spoke up, "If I had known this would happen, I would've snuck into your room and dug through your stuff months ago, dolcezza." You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Next time though, you guys need to switch. I need to see what Berkshire's big mouth can do between my legs."
Both boys' heads snapped toward each other before glancing back to you, their question in perfect unison. "Next time?"
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Me, Joel and Sarah (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: what it’s like living with Joel and baby Sarah.
Words count: 1.4k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 11 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ There are still more chapters for this series so stay tuned! Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Since you and Joel started dating, you had practically lived in Joel’s house. All of your stuff was slowly moved to his house. You visited your house just to take some things and cleaned up once in a while.
It was another morning and you woke up earlier to make breakfast. You slowly got out of bed not to wake Joel up. Before you went to the kitchen downstairs, you checked up on Sarah in her bedroom. 
“Morning sweetie. You’re already awake, huh?” You opened the door and saw her eyes were already open.
“Why don’t you wait with daddy while I make breakfast?” You lifted her and kissed her cheek.
You carried Sarah back to your bedroom and laid her next to Joel. Then you went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. You cooked some eggs, bacon, and toast. You didn’t forget to make Joel some coffee too. After you were done with everything, you walked upstairs to wake Joel up. 
You chuckled softly when you saw Sarah sucking Joel’s nose. Apparently, Sarah thought her dad’s nose was a pacifier. You wished you could keep this image forever. You put your hand on your chest as you were touched by what you were seeing. You felt warmth watching Joel and her daughter sleeping so soundly with his big arms surrounding her little body. (I saw a video about this on tiktok and found it so cute then I thought it would be so cute if it was Pedro especially with his beautiful nose😭)
“Baby..” You chuckled as you gently shook Joel a few times.
“Huh?” Joel opened his eyes and pulled back. 
Joel rubbed his wet nose and looked at his hand. He was confused. You laughed. 
“Sarah just sucked on your nose.” You chuckled.
“Oh..” He just understood the reason why his nose was wet. 
“She thought my nose was a pacifier?” He wiped his nose with the blanket. 
“I think so.” You chuckled again.
“Hey, babygirl. It’s daddy’s nose, not a pacifier.” He raised his daughter and blew on her tummy.
Sarah woke up again and giggled. She patted her dads cheeks with both of her hands while Joel bounced her. Joel chuckled at his daughter. He could never get angry at his daughter. He loved her too much.
“Okay babygirl, I know you’re hungry so time for breakfast.” You lifted Sarah and carried her downstairs.
Joel followed you downstairs as he took his shirt and wore it. You put Sarah to sit on the baby chair then you grabbed a glass of orange juice and passed it to Joel.
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“Where’s my coffee?” He refused to take the glass from your hand.
“Drink this then you get to drink your coffee.” You sighed as you shoved the glass to him.
“I don’t like it.” He insisted.
“Oh..my baby doesn't like orange juice huh. Here, let mama feed you.” You cooed at him as you tried to feed him.
He swerved and held the glass from your hand. 
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be such a baby. You need vitamin C.” You patted his shoulder and walked to the dining table.
Joel stared at you while he gulped the whole glass. You smirked looking at him.
“There you go, mama’s boy.” You pinched his cheek and cooed at him.
“You do that again and you’re gonna be responsible for me bein’ late to work.” He raised his eyebrows while munching on his breakfast.
“How am I gonna be responsible?” You teased him.
“You know what I mean.” His lustful eyes moved up and down scanning your body.
“Oh my God Joel!” You gasped. 
“Not in front of a baby!” Your hand moved to cover baby Sarah’s ear as she giggled.
“Your fault.” He pointed at you with his fork.
Of course you wanted morning sex with him, but you didn’t want to be the reason why he was late to work. So you had to act like you weren’t aroused by him acting like a little kid hating on orange juice with that morning face, morning voice and morning hair. 
“Stop it. Just eat your breakfast.” You chuckled and shook your head.
Joel finished his breakfast and got ready to work. Since you moved in, the two of you always kissed each other goodbye before leaving to work. 
“Got your keys?” You reminded him. 
“Yep.” He showed the car keys to you. 
“Okay, daddy’s going to work babygirl.” Joel kissed his daughter’s forehead on your arms and went out.
“Bye baby.” He just put his hand on your shoulder and left.
You froze as he shut the door close. He had never forgotten to kiss you before he left for work but why did it happen today? Not after all the teasing when you had breakfast with him.
“What the fuck?” You flinched at yourself.
“I’m sorry, sweetie. I just didn’t expect daddy to forget to kiss me.” You caressed Sarah’s head.
You sighed in disappointment as you turned your heel and walked to the living room. You put Sarah to play on the carpet and suddenly the door opened. It was Joel.
“What? Did you forget something?” You frowned and rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I forgot somethin’.” He smirked as he walked closer to you.
“Just get your stuff and go. You’re gonna be late.” You got on your knees and passed Sarah her toy.
“I forgot this.” Joel crouched beside you and gave you a kiss.
You pouted as he cupped your cheeks. 
“I got you, didn’t I?” Joel sneaked his head inside and smirked.
“Fuck you.” You cursed at him.
“I love you baby. There’s no way I forgot to kiss you. I was just teasin’ you cause you forced me to drink orange juice.” He chuckled as he leaned in and dragged your head to kiss you. 
“Don’t do that again.” You hit his chest.
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight baby.” He gave you one more peck.
“Have a great day at work, mama’s boy.” You gave him another peck and smirked.
Joel chuckled as he dragged your head close, squeezed your face until you pout, then he gave you many pecks. You chuckled and caressed his head before he left to work.  
“Go!” You shooed him.
You went on with your day as usual and went home earlier to prepare dinner before Joel arrived home. You were in the kitchen when you heard something drop. Your heart beat faster and you rushed to the living room to check on Sarah.
“Oh my God!” You covered your mouth as you gasped.
To your surprise, Sarah just stood up and walked baby steps on her own. Every day, Joel would let Sarah hold on to his fingers and helped her learn to walk. You and Joel had taught her and finally she could walk on her own. You were so proud and you couldn’t wait for Joel to see his daughter walking on her own.
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I hope this pic can help you imagine 😭
“Oh sweetie! I’m so proud of you!” You crouched cupping her cheeks and she giggled. 
“Your dad gotta see this!” You squealed at her small face.
You kept thinking how to surprise Joel in a special way. Suddenly, you had the idea to buy some balloons. So you decided to go on a short trip to the nearest store to buy some balloons. When you heard Joel’s car parked in the driveway, you ran to get the balloons and tie them to Sarah’s wrist. You put Sarah near the door so she would be the first thing he saw when he opened the door. You stood behind Sarah just in case she fell. You jumped excitedly when you heard Joel’s keys jingled.
“I’m ho-” Joel didn’t finish as his jaw dropped when he saw his daughter walking towards him. 
“Babygirl!” He crouched right away and took his daughter to his arms.
“She’s a big girl!” Joel teared up.
“I know!” You hugged Joel and sandwiched Sarah. 
“Daddy’s proud of you.” Joel kissed his daughter’s forehead.
Then Joel kissed you and the three of you had a family hug for a moment. Enjoying the present and making sure this precious moment was kept inside your memories forever.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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risestarkiss · 7 months
I thought it was ice, so it was like- almost like a smoothie? Also, my best guess is some kinda pear juice cocktail with a buncha extra vitamins n stuff. Pear juice is used as filler in alot of fruit blends, n obviously Donnie uses the stuff as a meal replacement, so it's essentially a pear smoothie with lots of necessary nutrition mixed in.
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At first glance the cubes do look like ice. However, the cubes instantly sink to the bottom of the blender. If the cubes were ice then they'd float since ice is less dense than water based liquids. (Credit: @ucannotkillmeinawaythatmatters)
But yeah, not sure how flavorless it would be buuuut the drink you described does sound good!!! I love pears! lol! 😁
And you're right! Since he's skipping breakfast to have this drink, then this drink would considered a "meal replacement." 🤔😄
Thanks for the ask! 😉💜
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kiddbegins · 9 months
Sick Days - Will Halstead
Requested: yes
Word count: 564
Warnings: just sick time
A/n: this is short but will would 100% be annoying about being sick
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“Either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. You know I’ll have no problem with either option.”
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You hated being sick. It was the fucking worst thing that could ever happen to you personally. Sneezing, coughing, hard to breathe, not to mention the soreness in the back of your throat if you took in too much of a breath. It sucked.
That was bad enough alone. But it was amplified by a hundred when your caring boyfriend decided to bring his job home. Yes he was a doctor but you appreciated it more when he didn’t treat you like another one of his patients.
Which is exactly what he did. The first sound of a sniffle and he was forcing you to take vitamins within the next ten minutes. So you’d learned to at least try and hide your illnesses until you couldn’t anymore. You’d done good the last couple of days, orange juice and Dayquill being your best friends.
But it was catching up, today you were groggy, barely shuffling around the kitchen as you attempted to clean up before Will got home from his overnight. The throbbing in your head made things a bit shaky as you emptied the dishwasher and wiped the counters.
All while sucking on a cough drop that wasn’t doing much of anything but tasting decently good as you ate it. You didn’t even hear the front door open, too busy leaning your forehead against the front of the metal fridge, enjoying the coolness it gave off.
“Baby what are you doing?” Will’s voice made you jump, turning slowly. “Whoa, are you okay? You look a little pale.” He dropped his duffel bag as soon as he saw your face, the circles under your eyes practically impossible to ignore.
You attempted to swat his hand away as it came up to your forehead but it was no use, he just dodged the whack and pressed the back of his hand to your skin. “You’re really warm baby, why don’t you go lay down and I’ll make you something to eat, we have stuff for soup I’m pretty sure.”
“Will, I’m fine. I just need to drink some water and I’ll be good as new.” You always tried this, to convince him that you were fine but, spoiler alert, it never worked. Not once. It’d been going on three years and he still managed to baby you.
He shook his head instantly, “Look. Either you go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag your ass down the hall, kicking, screaming and all. You know I’ll have no problem with either option.” Will raised his eyebrows at you, propping himself against the counter.
Truthfully it wasn’t even worth arguing. He could pick you up as easily as he could pick up a damn banana when you were in full strength and health, never mind when you could barely open a jar of pickles.
“Fine.” You grumbled, tossing the paper towel onto the counter. “I don’t even feel that sick.” A lie of course, a cough following your words, Will instantly giving a knowing look. One that personally said ‘Are you sure about that?.’ “Shut up.”
“I didn’t even say anything, now go. I’ll take care of all of this.” He gave a warm smile to you, watching you until you disappeared into the bedroom before turning and finishing whatever you were cleaning and making the dinner that did make you feel the slightest bit better.
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tags: @winchesterszvonecek, @everything-fandom, @thebejeweledwatercat, @mrspeacem1nusone, @wnbweasley, @alexxavicry, @halsteadbrasil, @firetruckstuckley, @lilithblade, @angelicbxtchthea
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