#like um problem solved for u? ur welcome???
cartoon-skeleton · 1 year
today in critique someone was asking for feedback on how their piece might be interpreted and i said "to me it reads as a critique of capitalism because (explanation that MADE ACTUAL SENSE I SWEAR!!)" and they interrupted me to be like "that's really your thing, huh?" like as in. i always talk about capitalism/critiquing it. and i was kind of taken aback like... well. yes? my bad i guess. like... Sorry that im sexy..........
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
@femmedionysus mentioned needing lighter, fluffier, less-ultimately-tragic podcasts than the magnus archives, and do u kno what? i think a lot of ppl can benefit from this. and i can help! a little! maybe!! generally these have at least some emotionally difficult moments, but they are lighter and appear to be heading towards a not-too-tragic ending.
(sorted into categories and lists, bcos who am i without categories and lists?)
podcasts i am fully up to date on and can vouch for up until their current end point, altho most of them are not quite done yet (there's like, potential for them to turn super sad, but in general the direction they're going in is Not That Tragic):
unseen (a series of one-character episodes all taking place in the same universe, a magical world hidden behind ours. a couple of eps are linked character-wise, but a lot of them are unrelated, individual stories. fairly gentle, tendency to end eps on a high note, cohesive & interesting worldbuilding.)
wooden overcoats (a funeral home sitcom. no, really! the funn siblings run the only funeral home in their village, until charismatic golden-boy chapman shows up with his own, better funeral home. lots of morbid humor but usually humor, altho a few episodes ARE sad and hit hard. those sad arcs do resolve with eventual happiness and found family stuff tho.)
victoriocity (features one of the actors from wooden overcoats! an alternate steampunk reality where queen victoria, um, never dies. ever. and london gets some seriously weird tech! follows an inspector and a reporter trying to solve Mysteries. there's like murders & death & stuff but the main characters do wind up safe & more or less content, even tho fleet's grumpy. kind of like, Extremely British, with the colonialist issues that 1800s london implies, but like, they try to address it sorta? it's not a major plot point)
welcome to night vale (i know i KNOW everybody knows this one....... but Things Are Generally Fine, u kno. i mean there's the occasional upsetting part. but things are fine. do skip 'a story of love and horror' to avoid what imo was one of the MOST upsettingly tragic things tho.) (confession: i have two episodes of this to catch up on, but i'm not actually THAT far behind, so i'm comfortable with its place here)
midnight radio (this one's all done actually! there is a ghost on the radio, and she starts receiving letters from a living woman. and yes ok it STARTS with a dead woman with a tragic past. HOWEVER it ends hopefully so like!!!) (in good conscience: not fluffy or funny at all. gets very serious at times. but goes towards a genuinely hopeful ending, which was why it's on here.)
the strange case of starship iris (found family revolutionaries in space!!!! shit gets heavy but they! get! through it!! i like when they get through it.) (to be super clear, it does get VERY serious, but they do get through it and judging by the narrative vibes and how the creators discuss it, they’re gonna be okay by the end. and they are mostly okay now.)
khôra (based on greek mythology, but In Space! the witch medea is... recruited by the hero atalanta to find the golden fleece, which her dead husband jason hid. once again we start with tragic pasts, but it is heading so fast for found family, and given that the premise of the show is giving women from greek mythology better than what they had in myth..... I Think It Will End Happy)
kaleidotrope (college radio hosts talk about love on their possibly-slightly-magical campus. god it's so. it's so fluffy. full of fluff. like, legit i think the least serious audio drama i've ever listened to, it's simply just. soft. very romantic. occasionally embarrassing. FILLED with fluff.)
time: bombs (a three-episode podcast made by long story short productions after w359 as like.... an experiment? i think? about the shenanigans of a bomb squad, who are remarkably funny for... a bomb squad. there's literally bombs & stuff and some injuries, but nobody dies, nobody is tragic, one guy does not get to beat a record he rly wants to beat but he learns stuff abt Being A Better Person or w/e so that's nice.)
podcasts i am NOT fully up to date on but what i have listened to is not too horribly tragic:
inn between (fantasy found family! you know how d&d podcasts are? well, between adventures, d&d characters rest and recuperate; this is those between adventure moments, taking place in a lovely little inn.)
sir rodney the root (once again fantasy! once again found family!! funny & sometimes kinda weird podcast about some folks on a Quest that goes off the rails, god i need to catch up on it...)
interference (oh hey another d&d-inspired fantasy podcast....... huh. but! one side of the podcast happens in a reality not unlike our own! that and a d&d-ish world are colliding, and we hear two women talking to each other as their worlds connect...)
the amelia project (there's an agency that will fake your death, for a price.... no, not money, they want an interesting story! and oh boy do these clients deliver. last time i was listening there was some hubbub about secret government agencies spying on the amelia project itself...... hm.)
alba salix (okay yes another fantasy podcast......... it's a comedy, with occasional drama, abt the physician for a magical kingdom and the shenanigans of her and her two unruly assistants, and also the royal family, and also....... i was actually v fond of the mini-series between seasons, abt an orc who runs a pub, more than the main story? altho i am not caught up on either so it's possible this could reverse.)
there's also a few from the podcast marathon which, if ur not aware, was me running through the first episodes of a bunch of podcasts to see what sounded good (i will get back to that eventually....), but this means i cannot vouch for them past the first episode. nevertheless, from general tone they seem to be Not Very Tragic, so.
saffron and peri
the godshead incidental
the one stars
solutions to problems
the rest is electric
the prickwillow papers
and 195
come on in, the water's fine
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gh0styyt0astyy · 3 years
hii! If it’s not too much could you possibly write something with Ler! Deimos and Lee! Sanford? Something like Deimos being in ultra Ler mood and completely wrecking Sanford (as well as teasing him a ton while he does it?) >~<
(also, i’m 100% one of the non tickle blogs that likes your posts hhhhhhhh but I love your blog so much)
✨ [I gotchaa~] ✨
⭐️ [Summary] — Deimos is having one hell of a boring day… but luckily, he knows just how to remedy that! (Ler!Deimos and Lee!Sanford)
two simple words: oh shit
⭐️ [Warnings] —TICKLE FIC; MILD LANGUAGE; if you don’t like then please just scroll on T_T
⭐️ [Prompt(s)]: Deimos in a hella Ler mood and wrecking Sanford
✨ Enjoy ! ✨
— — — —
Deimos tapped his shoes against the wall, flicking his thumb up, and down; and up, and down… watching as small flames emitted from his fingertip before dissolving. Flick. “...1,203.” Flick. “...1,204.” Flick. “...1,204- wait- shit, lost count.”
Eventually Deimos stopped lighting his finger on fire and stopped leaving footprints on the wall, belting out a loud, “UUUGHHHHHH.” He was so incredibly bored, that he was pretty sure it could be considered a crime now.
There was nothing to do that day, Hank was off doing....Hank shit, probably off on a self-set mission. (Why couldn’t Deimos have tagged along? That’s just not fair!) How long had it even been since Hank had left? Deimos didn’t really pay attention to the clock. But it felt like it’d been ages since anyone was around. Deimos was so, so incredibly bored out of his mind. Maybe Sanford was around, and maybe Deimos could find something to do with him!
Deimos slithered off the sofa, landing on his back and rolling backwards onto his feet. “Sanford?” He called out, walking through the base as he looked for the man in question.
“Saaaanfooooord.” He dragged out, looking into each room, until… “In here, Dei.” From the living room! He was just there though? Maybe Sanford just got back. Deimos’ face lit up in a grin as he darted off to the living room again. “SANFORD! Oh thank God someone’s back.” Deimos launched himself at Sanford, clinging to him and hanging off the ground. Sanford made a surprised noise and held Deimos close. “Christ! Dei, you gotta stop doing that.” Sanford groaned, no real anger behind his voice.
“But whyyyyy? You always catch me!” Deimos whined, nuzzling his cheek into Sanford’s neck. Sanford made a stifled noise as he put Deimos down. “Yeah yeah, one of these days though…” Sanford laughed, going to put his weapons up.
Deimos watched as Sanford headed for one of the rooms, shedding himself of his hook and guns. Did Sanford really expect Deimos to glaze over that noise he made? Deimos’ face suddenly scrunched into a mischievous grin. He thinks he just found the cure to his boredom…
Deimos quietly trailed behind Sanford, leaning past a doorway to look at the man; Sanford currently had his back to Deimos. Perfect.
It was hard to keep down the planning giggle in Deimos’ throat as he walked up behind Sanford. Sanford literally couldn’t be more aware of him.
Sanford seemed to miss that Deimos was, indeed, in the room. He raised his voice slightly to talk. “Hey Dei! Did you wanNAAHA-!” Sanford’s voice went up another octave as he felt fingers curl into his sides. “Dude!” Deimos just grinned again.
“So you’re ticklish too!” He sounded like he’d just solved every problem ever. Sanford stood there for a moment. “Well, I mean— Deimos I don’t like that look,” he turned around completely, backing against the wall. “Hehehe~.” Deimos snickered, flexing his fingers in a claw motion. “Oh shit!” Sanford quickly dipped around Deimos and he booked it out of the room. That’s fine, Deimos liked the chase.
“STAY BACK BITCH!” Sanford screamed over his shoulder, swiveling around the doorframe and booking it into the living room. Deimos bolting out of the room and quickly following Sanford— launching himself over the sofa. “SAAAAN! COME BACK!” Perched on the arm of the sofa, Deimos jumped and landed on Sanford’s back. The two went down with a solid *thunk*, Deimos sitting on Sanford’s back. “Gotcha!” Sanford lifted himself up on his elbows and looked back at Deimos. “Dei- Dei come on wait a second—!”
“I’m waiting?” Deimos said, tilting his head with a little grin.
“Let’s— um.” Sanford didn’t think he’d get this far, honestly. “Let’s… talk about this…?” There was a thick moment of silence. “Okay! What do you have to say?” “…”
Deimos was such a little shit. “Uh…” Sanford stopped, thinking. “…Hey what’s that over there?” Sanford pointed in a random direction, Deimos looked off in the direction and yelped when he was almost thrown off Sanford. He gripped the others shoulders and then he curled his fingers into Sanford’s sides again; quickly downing the man again. “AHAGK!”
“You are so rude.” Deimos huffed, clawing away at Sanford’s sides. The downed man in question tried to twist around his hand flailing to try and hit away Deimos’ hands. “Gyeahahak! Ohohoff! Get ohohoff!”
“Mmm. Nah.” Deimos said, shaking his head. “I’ve been bored all day, and now one of my favorite people is back! You think I’m just letting go this quickly?” Deimos honestly struggled to stay atop Sanford with the sheer amount of squirming he was doing. “Staahahahaap!” Sanford laughed, trying to push himself up with his elbows. “Sorry I don’t really speak laughter. Can you say that again for me?” Deimos teased, scratching against Sanford’s skin. “I wonder if you’re ticklish anywhere else?” Sanford shook his head quickly. “noHOHO! Noho! Nohot ticklish anywhehehere elsehehe— gyEAKAHAHA!” The wobble in Sanford’s laughter and the way he fell back down betrayed him as Deimos pinched the man’s thigh. He mocked an offended gasp. “You are! And you lied to me! You just don’t stop do you?”
“I’m sohohorry!” Came a muted snort from Sanford. Deimos couldn’t help but snicker as he looked at Sanford. What a doofus.
“I think I gotta teach you the meaning of being nice!” And then Sanford let all hell break loose. “OHOHOHOH SHIHIHIT— DEHEHEHI WAHAHAHAIT!” Deimos pinched away at Sanford’s thigh, occasionally going back to his side— or tormenting behind his leg. “San we talked about this. I don’t speak giggling! Or laughter. You gotta use some words here,”
“PIHIHIHISS OHOHOHOFF!” “Ow, my feelings.”
Sanford tried to kick his leg out, trying to disarm Deimos from him. But Deimos was adamant, the little cockroach. “Come ohohohonn! Stoohohohahap!” Deimos hummed in fake thought. “Maybe I will! If you apologize to me.”
Sanford groaned through laughter, his forehead hitting against the floor with a muted thump. “Fohohohor whaahahahat? What did I dohohohoho?”
“Well first off, you tried to throw me! Rude. And then you lied to me!”
Sanford made an indignant noise. “Deimohohos I’m— gyahahahak!” “San, I don’t understand what’s so funny? Did I say something?” Deimos grinned again, deciding to bring the torment back to Sanford’s sides. “Oh! Or maybe it’s my charming looks? I know, I’m pretty.” As if to prove his silly little point, Deimos made a swiping motion over his visor, like he was pushing back hair.
“Chaharming my aahahahass!” Sanford shot back. “You rude little bitch!” “GYEAHAHAHAHAK- I’M SOHOHORRY IT’S A FORCE OF HAHAHABIT!” “I don’t want your apologies anymore! Now I just want to wreck your shit!”
Deimos was very determined at this point. As to what the determination would bring him closer too, Sanford had not a clue. But it didn’t last long (even if it felt like forever to Sanford), because the door swung open to reveal a bloodied up Hank, who stared at the pair on the ground.
Deimos and Sanford both looked around to Hank, and the three all shared a stare in silence, Sanford letting out a shaky “hhaa—“ of a breath.
“H- Hi Hahank,”
“…welcome back Hank!”
Hank just offered a quiet nod as he shut the door and made his way to a different part of the base. And with Deimos distracted, Sanford quickly rolled over, sending Deimos off the other way. “AAGK—“
The pair looked at each other for one moment… two moments… three moments, before Deimos started scrambling up, Sanford hot on his heels.
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selkielore · 3 years
odds for ur lads
liza. thank u for enabling me <3
1. How does your OC feel about their full name?
um. i think finn didn't like finnigan when he was younger but when he went to college he started going by finnigan and now only people who knew him before then call him finn. adrien loves his last name and was very disappointed to learn that he's not actually related to john william waterhouse when he asked his uncle about it at age like. 15.
3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
god. this one is sad. adrien is very polite, quiet and well mannered in public. neither of them really show how they're feeling around people if they can help it. finn has a very bright, sociable personality around others but when he's alone he kind of deflates and lets himself be sad.
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
adrien doesn't. finn's a bad liar. he gets shifty about the eyes and fidgets. and talks really slowly.
7. What is their hair texture like?
this is such a funny question! i think finn's hair is about average, not too thick, not too thin. adrien's is thick. finn's is more wavy than adrien's. adrien showers and washes his hair every day so his hair is always very clean. finn sometimes goes a few days without showering and gets greasy because he's a gross boy.
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
adrien isn’t much of a talker. finn says “i can’t believe you.” to adrien a lot in fits of frustration. 
11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
finn looks great in green because it matches his eyes and makes his hair pop. adrien mostly wears neutrals, but he looks very good in blue. 
13. Do they make strong/frequent eye contact when they talk to someone?
adrien does. he doesn’t talk to people much if he can help it, so when he does talk to anyone he pays close attention to them. finn makes good eye contact when he feels good, but if he’s anxious or uncomfortable he has a hard time making eye contact. 
15. Are their greatest flaw and their greatest strength related and in what way? (ie very caring and helpful but a doormat, or very observant and shrewd but often paranoid)
disregarding their talents in the arts to answer this lolz. i think finn’s greatest talent is making other people feel welcome, but consequently he doesn’t make space for himself and his own needs. 
adrien’s greatest talent is problem solving through logic, which is great for some situations, but he tries to logic his way through his own feelings and often ends up disregarding them. 
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spobycavanaugh · 5 years
Chapter 12 of “The Avengers Group Chat” is Up!
Chapter 12 of “The Avengers Group Chat” is now on AO3! Read it Here on AO3!
Chapter is also under the cut.
Clint: oh shit oh shit oh shit
Clint: what the fuck do we do now???
Sam: Maybe we stop texting each other and just TALK since that we’re all RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER
Clint: no way man this texting thing is the only thing preserving my sanity
buckyhampalace: That was a pretty big word for your mouth there Clint
Natasha: There’s no way you idiots can handle this. I’m tapping out of the mission and coming back. Fury can send Hill in.
Clint: nO you definitely don’t need to come back nat
Natasha: Too bad, someone has to discipline you morons.
Clint: oh fuck shes gonna kill us
Rhodey: Yeah, unless Tony beats her to it.
underoos: haha u guys r so screwed
Clint: bitch…
Sam: What the hell man? You’re the one blasted the hole in the floor in the first place. If anyone here is screwed, it’s you.
underoos: that’s where ur wrong mr rhodes. mr stark loves me so im safe. hes gonna kill u guys for letting me in his lab
Clint: the kid played us dirty
Sam: what the fuck.
Rhodey: That doesn’t matter now. We need to find a way to fix this damn floor.
Clint: i can call a floor guy?
buckyhampalace: What the hell is a floor guy?
scarletbitch: Do you mean a carpenter?
Clint: yeah whatever
underoos: earth’s mightiest heroes, everyone
Natasha: That sounds much more sexual than you meant.
Clint: NO
underoos: EWWWWWW
scarletbitch: wait do not call a carpenter. civilians will find it very suspicious that a normal man is walking into the avengers compound. Besides will a carpenter really come at this unholy hour?
Clint: that’s usually when people climax, so
buckyhampalace: That’s disgusting.
Sam: Well then what the fuck do you want us to do?
scarletbitch: how am I supposed to know I am not the one who blasted the hole in the floor!
underoos: IM SORRY
Clint: wanda if you just USED YOUR FUCKING POWERS then this shit could have been fixed by now
buckyhampalace: I have to admit it’s really funny to watch you guys stand in a circle, completely silent while typing furiously on your phones while the kid hyperventilates about the hole he busted in his dad’s floor
underoos: UM
buckyhampalace: He’s not?
Clint: its fine dude we all thought it at one point
underoos: YOU DID?
Clint: yeah lmao
buckyhampalace: Sorry kid
underoos: its ok mr bucky sir
buckyhampalace: Just call me Bucky
underoos: ok sir
Clint: HA
Natasha: If you idiots are done discussing who Tony stuck his dick in, maybe get back to solving the problem about THE GAPING HOLE IN THE FLOOR
Clint: YES MA’AM
Steve: Thor is here.
underoos: maybe mr thor can fix the floor!
Sam: Right, because the god of thunder has a college degree in general carpentry
Steve: He brought a guest.
Sam: Well the guest better be a fucking carpenter or else I’m fucking pushing them down this hole
buckyhampalace: I mean, wouldn’t an engineer be more useful here?
Sam: Since when are you an expert on floors, asshole
buckyhampalace: I hate you
underoos: OMG I SEE MR THOR
Rhodey: is that fucking loki with him?
buckyhampalace: Who the hell is Loki?
Steve: Thor’s brother. We fought him a few years ago when he attacked New York City.
buckyhampalace: What the fuck
Clint: my thoughts every day
Rhodey: Why is Loki with him?
Clint: someone get this bitch a phone so that he can text us
Thor: Hello everyone.
Rhodey: …
Natasha: Everyone say “Hi Thor”.
Rhodey: Hi Thor.
Sam: Hi Thor
Clint: hi thor
buckyhampalace: Hi Thor.
Steve: Hi Thor.
Thor: I have brought my dear brother with me.
Clint: ew why
Rhodey: Here, let me get Loki a phone so he can speak for himself.
Thor: Why do we not just all talk? We are all in the same room.
Clint: because it’s the twenty first century bitch
Thor: Fair enough.
Loki: Hello.
Sam: does anyone else smell some shit in here?
Natasha: Be nice.
Loki: I am not here to harm you. I swear on my right to the throne.
Clint: but ur not getting the throne. thor is gonna be king
Thor: I am king now, Hawkeye.
Loki: Until I kill him.
Sam: See, this is why no one fucking trusts you
Loki: Relax, you naïve fools. I am not going to hurt any of you. Thor and I need a place to stay for a while.
Natasha: I thought you said you were king, Thor?
Thor: I am. But a series of unfortunate events led to Asgard being destroyed several weeks ago, and now I ask that you provide hospitality for my brother.
Sam: Is that why when you got here a little while ago your hair was fucked, you were missing an eye, and you have no hammer?
Rhodey: I thought we agreed no one was going to bring that up unless Thor started talking about it first.
Clint: well we’re gonna be housing his bitchass brother, i think we deserve to know what the fuck happened to turn them into hobos
Rhodey: Clint, be more sensible.
Clint: fuck that
Thor: It’s alright War Machine. To make a long story short, our Father told us that we have an evil sister who was imprisoned, and she was coming back and was going to try to take over Asgard. Then he died, leaving us to our own devices. Then our sister returned, broke my hammer, sent us to another planet where the Hulk and our personal drunk hero was, we started a revolution and left, went back to Asgard where I lost an eye and brought upon Ragnarok which destroyed our planet and now me, Loki, and the entire population of Asgard need a place to stay.
Sam: What the actual fuck?
Rhodey: So that’s why when you showed up a few weeks ago, you looked like fucking trash.
Thor: Exactly!
Clint: so youre basically house hunting for asgard now?
Thor: That’s one way to put it.
Clint: yeah sorry man i don’t think assgard will fit in the compound or my apartment so
Thor: That is quite alright Hawkeye. I’ve already found a home for Asgard. Canada is in desperate need of more people, so I’ve sent them all there.
Sam: Wow.
Clint: well thor my dude, youre gonna have to ask tony if u and ur edgy brother can stay here because none of us here call the shots
Thor: That makes sense. Where is Stark, anyway?
Rhodey: He’s not here. As you can probably tell by the gaping hole in the floor.
Thor: Ah, yes, I was wondering about that.
underoos: mr thor mr sir can u help us fix the floor???
Thor: I’m afraid I cannot, Spider Boy.
Loki: I believe I can.
Clint: bitch YOU?
Loki: Why yes, I can. I’ve spent years attempting to murder my brother, so I’ve picked up a few things on the way.
underoos: o
Loki: Now if you would be so kind as to give me a few minutes, I should be able to fix your floor.
Clint: uM
Steve: Wow.
Sam: Holy shit, he just fixed the floor.
Clint: damn, wanda this bitch is a better wizard than youll ever be]
Sam: Damn, it looks like it was never broken in the first place.
scarletbitch: shut up you ugly toilet snake
Rhodey: I never thought I’d be saying this, but thanks Loki.
Loki: You’re very welcome.
Natasha: We’ll make it sure that Loki will stay here.
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