#like totally there with you abt pacing or how many different changes to the script and editing could make this better
lottieurl · 1 year
like okay the thing is. the show is about characters who were hunting each other and eating each other in the wilderness so i just think. well. it was never gonna have a nat arc that tells her you're okay baby and your life has value sweetheart. like if it was a different show and nat simply had struggles with drugs and suicidal ideation because of the shit that happened with her abusive father and stuff and then she ultimately died tragically while trying to recover that could really be quite questionable but like. that's not the story? she wasn't getting better she was getting into a cult. that was led by the unstable old friend she was in a cannibal cult with before. she wasn't getting better she was getting into a cult mentality that's why her behavior was so strange people were thinking she's manipulating lottie when in fact she was just getting indoctrinated
i do NOT think it was meant to be a "redemption arc" either like i've seen people say. i do not think it was supposed to FEEL like redemption that's why it DIDN'T. you weren't supposed to be tearing up like oh but with this death she made up for everything they did out there. she never could! none of them ever can! it's not about that. i think it's supposed to be tragic in a preventable way to parallel jackie's death in a way. a different set of circumstances allowed her to survive in the wilderness and doomed her in the present. she saw a moose and brought people to the lake to make a hole in the ice and pull out the moose. the ice wasn't as strong in that place which is probably why javi stepping on there broke the ice. and she was gonna save javi but misty stopped her. and this time misty found her and called for everyone to come because she was there and nat's visions at lottie's cult set off the chain of events. and this time misty's attempt to save her just led to her death instead. nat's attempt to save lisa's life led to nat losing hers like javi's attempt to save nat's life led to javi losing his
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reynauldapologist · 3 years
What darkest dungeon mods do you like? I'm think abt doing another run. Confide in me your secrets.
i use a lot of different ones for different runs, and they all impact the game in radically different ways, so i’ll break them down into categories to make things easier:
aesthetic/non-impactful mods:
[these are either skin mods or only change a very small aspect of the game]
Remove Narrator from Endless Loading Screen 
this does exactly what it says. you no longer have to listen to Grampy Darkest give his dissertation on why he’s the Most Evil and Fucked Up Guy around every time you wanna hop back into the farmstead. 
Perfect Faster Dungeon 
CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS ONE ENOUGH!!! i have no clue how i ever played this game without it. it increases walking speed, combat pacing, scouting, and end screen results without choppiness or awkward animations. this is perfect if you’re a weirdo like me and you’re trying to grind for all of the achievements or if you’re a longtime player or if you simply have a need for speed
Unofficial Palette Expansion Pack
hands down my favorite skin mod ever! it gives each base game class five new palettes to choose from. the recolors are subtle, but very well-done and visually unique, and they blend right in with the rest of the game. if you value immersion from your mods like i do, you’ll really like this one. there are also palette expansion packs by the same creator for the flagellant, shieldbreaker, and musketeer
Jester On-The-Run
i installed this one shortly after starting my all-jester run. i adore the design and how well it blends into the game’s art style. i almost like this one better than his canon skin, it fits his backstory much better
annnnd since i was neck-deep in crusaders and ONLY crusaders for a little while, i ended up installing quite a few crusader skins, which i’ll now dump here:
Warden Crusader Skin / Deus Vult Skin Set / Crusader Soul of Cinders Skins / Accurate Templar Crusader Palette / Crusader Knight Skin
class mods
[note: i haven’t had the chance to mess around with these in an actual run yet, i added these to my longest save after i had already beaten the final boss]
The Veiled
i haven’t had the chance to utilize the veiled much in my expeditions, but a lot of love and effort went into this mod and it really shows. he uses similar mechanics as the flagellant - the closer to death he is, the more powerful he becomes - but cranked up to nine. he has great healing and offensive abilities, as well as a decent debuff skillset. this mod has fantastic art, of course, and would probably fit right in with a good mark team
The Commandant
it might take you a little while to learn how to properly use this guy, but once you do it’s well worth the effort. he’s a great debuff/stress healing support class if utilized correctly, but he can dish out some heavy damage of his own if you have a little patience. cool aesthetics and a unique concept elevate this class quite a bit for me
The Stargazer
this dude is the definition of a glass canon. super low HP, but high dodge and the potential to deal out some serious damage. he has two states, each with four abilities (kinda like abom!), that he has a 40% chance of switching between, making him a decently versatile class, if a little unpredictable. he was made with the intention of being a color of madness specific class, in the same way that the flagellant was made for the crimson court. i was first drawn to his aesthetics tbh, i adore all the work that went into designing this mod, from the design to the unique animations and sounds
script/gameplay mods
[these mods fundamentally change the gameplay]
Bigger Balanced Roster - Max 99
does what you would expect: increases your roster to 99. i use this for my completed save, so that i can test out different comps and class mods to my heart’s content. i wouldn’t recommend this for a serious run, because it totally destroys a core aspect of the game’s difficulty lmao. i haven’t encountered any bugs with this one and i still receive 1-4 lvl heroes in my stagecoach regularly
Crusader Only
here it is. the mod that took over my life for six months. does what it says: ensures that only crusaders show up in your stagecoach and eliminates all non-crusader class-specific trinkets. i didn’t encounter any bugs with this mod at all. this creator has also made [class]-only mods for all of the other heroes, including a bunch of different combos (like crusader-arbalest only, shieldbreaker-flagellant only, etc). check out their work if you’re interested in Testing Your Patience Abilities
Eternal Fanatic
typically, once you’ve killed the countess, the fanatic will cease spawning. this is great if you're a normal person with a healthy relationship to video games, not so great if you’re a completionist and a cautious scaredy-cat and have successfully avoided him during your entire Crimson Court run. activating this mod on a save means that the fanatic will begin spawning again, albeit with a slightly lower chance. once you’re sick of him, you can deactivate the mod and play normally once again. 
Last Man Standing
aka Reynauld Goes Beast Mode. this mod restricts you to one hero - Reynauld - and forces you to use him and only him for the entirety of your run. all eight of his skills are active at once and buffed to the gills, he has seven total armor/weapon upgrades, and he can carry three trinkets at once. but that doesn’t mean this will be an easy endeavor. as you might have guessed, you can’t toss rey in the sanitarium to deal with pesky quirks or diseases or stress-heal him in the hamlet. you just have to tough it out. i would highly recommend you use this in conjunction with the Perfect Faster Dungeon mod above. unfortunately, this mod is rather buggy in its current state. ive had problems with reliable quest spawning and many of his skills don’t function the way their description says they should (such as his added riposte). im including it anyways because it’s a really cool concept and has a lot of potential! i’ll be keeping an eye on it
and that’s everything i regularly use! i hope this was helpful & good luck on your runs :)
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