#like thinking that my wizard has another secondary school before they switch to death later on down the road
My favorite school will always be Storm because it's my aesthetic and I vibe with it more than anything else but from a narrative standpoint Death is my absolute favorite. Like almost all the interesting Wizard101 NPCS and the two major arc villains we've had all come from there, and everyone sans Penny has some sort of trauma associated with their school of choice due to the very magic they're practicing, or the individual that practices it. There's so much going on in that area where everyone inside it and outside is affected, even the world around them.
Even death itself is an interesting topic irl, and also the fact that Death is feared even in the wizard world opens so much content for multiple stories RIGHT THERE, and then you have internal problems such as Ambrose himself seeming to keep his biased opinions close to him and keeping necromancers at an arm's length, and that perspective then bounces off on other people (Morganthe, which starts her villain arc; Duncan, who was persuaded to switch schools even BEFORE he became a villain; Dworgyn and Mortis, who are left behind). It's just story after story after story. All the interesting characters and their stories are right where Death is and if Storm wasn't my absolute favorite it would be Death. Necromancers seriously rock and they're so cool in every single way
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ailvn-a · 8 years
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Under the cut is my full application for Ailyn, minus the ooc info!
My Kween Ailyn Wilkes
Probably an OC? Maybe Rita? Who knows.
Haaaa funny.
POSITIVES   - educated. Ailyn has always loved learning and has always been busy learning. At home, she often found herself reading book after book, at school she did more research than most for essays and now, she finds herself spending her free time broadening her mind with more information. Because of this, Ailyn has grown into someone who’s educated and intelligent.   - dedicated. Ailyn is idealistic — although not always in a good way — and is very dedicated to her ideals. It’s to many things that she’s dedicated and loyal: to her parents and their secrets, to her brother, to her goals, to her education, to her team and to herself. Ailyn can be stubborn, and her loyalty is only swayed if it benefits her.   - confident. Ailyn is a very self-aware human being, and knows very well where her flaws lie and where her strengths lie. There’s plenty of things she’s bad at, but this is not something she’s insecure about; she knows she has her strengths and that they make up for it, and is more than sure that her strengths are enough to get her where she wants to be.
NEGATIVES   - ferocious. Ailyn is angry and bitter, and spits words like fire when she feels like it. She’s not kind, is not moral, is aggressive and does nothing without great fierceness. Her ferocity gets her places, sure, but it also keeps her from others, isolates her and makes her dislikeable.   - rude. Her opinions are rarely kept to herself (only if it benefits her, she’ll keep them to herself) and she’s never really found a good reason to be kind all the time. Most of the time this translates into her being cold and distant, but more than often she is harsh and rude, and she’s found herself enjoying bringing others down in moments — which worries her slightly, perhaps, but not too much.   - closed. Ailyn is someone who mostly lives in her mind, who can think in silence for hours, trying to figure out how to fix her problems or how to approach them, and it’s rare that she opens up. She does not see the need: she does not want to know about other people’s issues, so why should she tell others about hers? There’s also some pride involved – of course there is – as Ailyn does not want to show people that she’s vulnerable and fearful, too.
SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. Ailyn is pansexual and homoromantic. Before the start of this school year, Ailyn never questioned her sexuality much: she liked women the same way she liked men, saw no difference between them when it came to sexual feelings, slept with either and had no preference. She fell for people, simple as that, and while there were plenty people who had issues with that, she had none. Of course, when she first found herself attracted to a woman (or girl, actually: she was quite young) she was confused, and even angry — but Ailyn soon found confidence in it. However, as of late, she has started to realise that there may, perhaps, be a difference. You see, she broke up with her boyfriend after he told her he loved her, because she did not love him back and knew she wouldn’t with time, either. It dawned upon her that she had never felt about a man in a way that was romantic, while she had felt that way about a woman. One summer evening she came to the conclusion that there was a difference, because she could fall in love with women, but not with men. And of course, Ailyn is young and is unsure if that is really it, if she doesn’t just have to wait and see until she finds a man she will fall in love with. She’s still figuring out, quietly and privately, but for now this is how she identifies.
HOGWARTS SUBJECTS Due to her great skill with words and how easily she reads and understands text, Ailyn is very good at writing essays and doing theoretical assignments for school. For many subjects, this is the one thing that has made her able to continue through school, as Ailyn isn’t as skilled in magic as she wished she was. In her earlier years at Hogwarts, this worried her beyond belief — she was a pureblood, how was she one of the worst people with a wand? — but in later years she knew she had plenty of skills elsewhere, and did not need to be skilled in charms or transfiguration to succeed in the Wizarding World. Now that she has had her OWLs, Ailyn has dropped many practical subjects that she used to find a waste of time, as she knew she would not improve and wanted to shift her focus to subjects that she actually found important. These are Ancient Rhunes, Arithmancy, Magical Theory, History of Magic, Potions and Defense. Ancient Rhunes is something that comes very natural to her, as Ailyn has a knack for languages. Magical Theory is something that helps her understand magic, something she wants, even though she’s not particularly good at it. Arithmancy is pure logic, which suits her well and she simply enjoys thoroughly. History of Magic has always been a favourite subject of hers: from a young age, she has been burying her nose in books about revolutions and past Ministers for Magic. With the wish to work for the Ministry and climb up the political ladder, this subject is the one she values most. Potions and Defense are subjects she’s not particularly good in, but she does realise that they can come in handy. Defense should need to explanation, as there’s a war going on, but Potions is something that has always intrigued her —- haven’t you heard how people become more and more successful politicians by poisoning their opponents?
FEMININITY Ailyn has always been feminine and has never allowed anyone to undervalue her because of it. Because while she might like pretty dresses and pink nails, she’s still able to be anything a man can be, is still able to be strong and intelligent and powerful, and it’s her mother who taught her this. She can often be found braiding her hair in class or painting her nails while reading a book, and always wears a lipstick as red as blood to her Quidditch matches — because if she were to start bleeding, it better match with her make up. (this is the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever written but yo, it’s true) Ailyn wears high heels and sports bows and rolls up her skirt and is not ashamed of it, wears it with pride and confidence.
Blup. Chem.
Ailyn was raised with the ideas of blood purity and she stands by them. She’s never seen reason to question them —- it simply makes sense, to her, that those who come from a magical line are deserving of magic, and others are not. There’s plenty of arguments to be made against this theory, she’s aware, but she simply has no interest in hearing them: she’s extremely loyal to her ideals. Besides, even if this weren’t to be entirely true, she wouldn’t change her ideas: being a blood purist gives her a good position, and she’s no way she would compromise that. Ailyn’s father joined the Death Eaters a year or three back, and took the mark, too. This, he did, in an attempt to bring a good amount of money to the table again, something he hadn’t done in years, and so he could pay his parents-in-law back, which the family has been borrowing money from to sustain their lifestyle. How he gets the money, he won’t tell, but Ailyn has her theories (robbing a body is, after all, easier than stealing candy from a baby). She has seen the impact it has on her, and while she does want to be part of the war in one way or another, she doesn’t know if she wants to play a part too crucial: Ailyn values the cause, sure, but she values her own life and health more.
Ailyn Wilkes was born in a web of lies. She grew up in a home where many things were valued above honesty, where pretense was the way to go and where nothing was ever truly real. Her father’s business was said to be booming, when unpaid bills piled on his desk. He kept reassuring them, with alcohol on his breath and his face unshaved, that there were no problems at all. And then there was her mother, who whispered to her children that she loved her father, who kissed him on the cheek when he left for work — which had become the pub when Ailyn was ten, but this went unmentioned — but who smelled of someone else when she came home late. Ailyn Wilkes learned at a young age that nothing was quite what it seemed. Because her father’s business had failed before she went to Hogwarts and her mother was having not one, but two affairs behind her family’s back. And she found out herself. With curiosity and ferocity and determination, Ailyn ripped apart the secrets that held her family together. In the end, however, she kept them quiet, like her parents did. Because some secrets were worth keeping, especially if it meant her family’s name would not fracture. And so – even though she lied about her parent’s marriage and their financial state – Ailyn found herself intrigued with the truth. Because while she knew the power that lies could hold, she knew the truth always had the most impact. And she was truthful in almost everything she did: her opinions were not kept quiet, her ideas not buried underneath silence, her emotions not kept back for the sake of others. But when the moment called for it, when she wished to keep something quiet or change a direction, she lied. And so, Ailyn found herself switching from being brutally honest to being a perfect liar with precision, and she was good at it. But of course, she’s not good enough at it to be perfect. She cracks sometimes, loses herself in her game of lies and truths. Forgets when she was honest, or where she chose to swallow the truth. She might have despised the web of lies she was born in, but she has spun herself a new one, too, and it gives her someone to hold onto. And Ailyn needs that: she is ferocious you see, a chaotic whirlwind, and often feels like that she doesn’t fit in that well with her housemates. That’s not true, though: Ailyn is nothing but a Ravenclaw, no matter what others say. A skilled learner, she spends hours educating herself with novels found in the common room’s library. She remembers every bit of information and her mind is slowly becoming her strongest weapon. You see, Ailyn is simply not that good at practical magic, and mostly gets through of her classes with her essays and other assignments, that are of more than excellent quality. She doesn’t mind too much though, is more than confident in the things she can do without her wand and has great plans to get herself a spot in the Ministry, with silent dreams of leading that place one day. Because somewhere, she’s idealistic. Her ideals are crooked though, and more than often immoral, but she has them either way and sticks to them. Some of them, however, are ones she hides from time to time. She knows, you see, that she’s perhaps the only one who shares her ideas of blood purity in her year, and also knows there’s nothing to gain in being vocal about them all the time. She doesn’t necessarily lie about it, rather keeps it quiet, avoids conversation about this particular branch of politics and focuses on other things to discuss —- because she does enjoy a good discussion. Ailyn is but a sixth year, and still has two years to go before she graduates, but with a murder happening before the schoolyear started and tensions rising, she knows that time will fly have flown by before she knows it. And so, she’s determined to do whatever it takes to remain truthful to herself and not apologise for it. She will be aggressive, she will be mean, she will wear high heels and pink and break noses, and from time to time, she will be soft and kind, but only to those who deserve it.
THE HAWK                “Those with the hawk patronus are dangerously                intelligent, noting every detail of what is around                them. They are great observers as well as being                magnificent hunters, this meaning they have both                sides of the coin covered. They can come up with                an idea, plan it out, and execute it perfectly. They                are extreme perfectionists, wanting everything to                be just as they see it. If it isn’t, they feel trapped,                which can cause them to become incredibly emotional.                The most common house for a hawk patronus is                Ravenclaw. The most common signs are Aries and Virgo.” This fits her so, so damned well. Ailyn is a planner, a perfectionist, someone who watches things from a distance and makes a decision, someone who can observe a situation and break it down to someone who wasn’t there exactly. Ailyn can also take up the role of the hunter, with her ferocious and almost aggressive nature, but she always picks her fights carefully.
Maggots, and a whole, whole lot of them. Ailyn likes cleanliness and order, in most situations (of course, when she plays Quidditch, she doesn’t mind getting dirty because she knows she will get herself cleaned up later) and maggots are a sign of dirt. Besides, Ailyn things they simply looks disgusting. It’s a fear that stems from wanting to be in control of her surroundings and a very dislike of insects.
Cedar, 11 inches, unicorn hair core, unyielding.
Her notebooks. Ailyn has developed a habit of writing down notes whenever she’s reading, and she has numerous notebooks filled with interesting facts and things she want to remember. There are also a few that include memories and other things she can’t afford to forget.
Her nailpolish collection. Ailyn is known for painting her nails in colours and keeping them in a good state at all times, and she’s quite proud of the range of colours she’s got.
A family necklace. Her grandmother gave it to her this summer, for her seventeenth birthday (that would take place in her second week at Hogwarts) and she’s been very careful with it —- she doesn’t always wear it, as she’s not too fond of the way it looks, but the sentiment behind it does matter to her.
Ailyn has a white cat called Nefertiti —- she read about Egyptian queens when she was thirteen, and was very intrigued by this queen in particular, who was beautiful and powerful at the same time: that was what Ailyn, too, wanted to be.
wildewoman – lucius.                       it’s written in her blood, oh it’s written in her bones                       yeah, she’ll only be bound by the things she chooses                       her smile is sneaky like a fiery fox                       it’s that look that tells you she’s up to no good at all                       and she’ll say whatever’s on her mind                               they’re unspeakable things and she’ll speak them in vain                       and you can’t help but wish you had bolder things to say                       she’s a wildewoman
bubblegum bitch – marina and the diamonds.                      i’ll chew you up and I’ll spit you out                      ‘cause that’s what young love is all about.                      so pull me closer, and kiss me hard                      i’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart
adore – savages.                      i understand the urgency of life                      in the distance there is truth which cuts like a knife                      maybe I will die maybe tomorrow so I need to say                      i adore life ( because ailyn does love life, even though it’s imperfect and filled with complications, she adores being alive and wants to make the most of it as she values it a lot. )
goud - bazart. ( this is dutch and v poetically written and i will add a v shitty translation bc i cant poetry in english and it’s hard to get the right vibe. this song is amazing tho and listen to it x. )                      oh, liever snel naar de hel dan traag naar de hemel                      oh, liever snel naar de hel dan traag naar de hemel                      nee, dan liever niet voor goed verdwijnen                      oh, alles wat ooit groot was, is nu klein  ( oh, preferably fast to hell than slow to heaven / oh, preferably fast to hell than slow to heaven / no, preferably no disappearing forever / oh, everything that was once big is now small )  ( it’s got like poetic grammatical errors. lmao. i put them in the translation too. rip. )
Ailyn is a Keeper on the team.
I might end up introducing a debate club through her? She doesn’t follow that many subjects and would be very passionate about that, but this is something we can discuss in the admin chat!!
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