#like things legit up to 10 times the normal amount of detail fleshing and prep sessions
blackbackedjackal · 2 years
I go through this cycle where for a while I'm working on hides I didn't prep and it's exhausting and I feel like I'm not good at tanning because I am struggling. But then I work on stuff I did prep and I'm like 'oh right' because I'm not a heathen and do proper fleshing. Like anything I can get off at the beginning saves me hours of struggling in the middle and end. But most of that work is also client work so I'm sending out all my best tans and only have photos/vids of it but not physical examples. So I'm stuck with all the hides I'm working 10 times as hard to clean and I'm like 'why isn't this as good as the thing I just did?'
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