#like things have changed i hace different problems and also a better understanding of the issues i was having before
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angelphilic · 1 year ago
my community mental health team has denied me an assessment because they assessed me for something else in the beginning of 2021 and didnt notice symptoms of that then so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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cutiegrumpycerym · 6 years ago
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New boy ! You know what that means ? New comic ! The comic will be very short, it will just tell his full story. Here is now a full reference for him !
Name : Aion
Age : ?
AU : He comes from a dead AU, but its name was Aiontale.
Role : Gardian of Time in the multiverse. His role is to protect timelines and worldlines of the AUs, preventing useless resets done by the humans, and restoring corrupted timelines when he can.
He is NEUTRAL, so he doesn’t save anybody from they fatality. He is also not interested in making people happy. He just does his job, and wants to “pass time” by finding entertainments for himself. So he is more exactly CHAOTIC NEUTRAL.
His role is also to help the Creators to find the time they need to create AUs. And the time they need to rest, because it’s also important. His point of view on this will be explained in the comic.
Backstory : For some reasons that will be explained in the comic, his AU died, consumed. Every inhabitants was “falling down” one by one. To avoid this fatality, Aion had to destroy his own SOUL before it consumed by itself, letting him “fall down” too to die. It also erased him from the existence of every timeline and worldline possible, separating his Fate from the Fate of his world. Also, everyone would have forgot him, like he never existed. They wouldn’t even see him, as it was like if he was non-existent. He lost his ability to feel, and his memories. When he woke up, his world was just gone.
The first person he met in the multiverse was Error, who obviously tried to erase him from existence. But he couldn’t do what was already done in a certain way, so he simply tried to kill him. But Aion abilities made his magic useless, so Error gave up, upset. But the fight exhausted Aion and drained all his magic which couldn’t re-new.
Ink found him after a time, inconscious. He was interested by his story which looked similar to his own. For this only reason, he helped Aion to leanr many things like his abilities, how the multiverse worked, and the role he should have. Only because Ink was curious and fascinated.
Fresh was the third person Aion met, but they didn’t talked for a long time. But Aion has a better feeling with Fresh, because he is more similar to him than Ink is.
He also met Lust and found him particularly interesting, but I’ll keep this story for later~
Abilities :
- Two swords swordsmen. His swords are clockwise. The minute-hand, Kairos, can “slash time”. The hour-hand, Chronos, can “block time”. The second-hand, Aion, is not a weapon but a tool which allows him to “rewrite time”. He can change the past, the future and even the Fate of a person or a timeline. But as he is neutral and is not able to care about people, he just uses it to restore damaged timelines. He also doesn’t sees the point in fighting, especially with Error. So he never fights seriously.
- He can see Past, and all Futures possible of any living creatures thanks to the red belt around his coat. The problem is he can’t predict which future can occur. The only future he can see with perfection are only the next few seconds or minutes. He also oftenly confuses Past and Future with the Present time he is actually in, so he can say very confusing things to people.
- He is also aware of every alternate realities that exists thanks to Creators. So he knows about Sanscest, Fontcest, ship childs, and even fusions like AccidentVerse. But he can’t access them. He can just have a glimpse during his “dreaming sessions”.
- As a SOULLESS being, he can’t dream. He actually sees Past, Futures and Alternate Realities during his sleeps. It just confuses him a lot because he can’t distinguish what’s real or which “time” it corresponds to.
- He can feel. He actually knows two spells.
- “Chrono Stasis” allows him to “kill the time”. Basically, he can stop time. But he can do it only on living beings. Not on an entire timeline. That kinda useful in fights !
- “Chrono Anastasis” is the reversed spell, which means “Resurrection of Time”. This spell allows him to do a lot of things like healing people or cancel magic attacks, but it especially allows him to “steal and consume time” of living beings or timelines to “go back in time” for himself, bringing him back the feelings he had when he still had a SOUL. But the thing is that he’ll remain soulless, so he doesn’t know HOW to feel. Nor when, nor why. It’s just kinda confusing to him.
- This spell also allows him to re-new his lost magic. It’s the only way for him to use magic.
- This spell basically converts the time of other living things to Aion’s own benefit. But it has its risks. Each universe and person has its own resistance. Its own limit of time before being destroyed. If Aion passes this limit of time for a timeline, it will shatter and disappear like it didn’t existed. That’s why each time he enters a universe or see someone he want to use “Chrono Anastasis” on, his internal clock (located in his left eye) tells him how much time he can use it.
- If for example he uses “Chrono Anastasis” during 6 hours on a timeline, he will hace to restore those 6 hours to the timeline, losing his ability to feel and re-new his magic, and he will have to wait 6 hours before using it again, repeating the cycle. Everything’s proportional !
- His internal clock indicates him what time it is in each AU he enters, as notion of time is messed up in the multiverse.
Trivia :
- If he is too much disturbed and loses his focus, he will lose track of time and his internal clock won’t be able to update again. That’s why to prevent that, he also thinks to put his watches on the right hour. But if he forgot, and lost track of time, he will have a huge panic attack.
- When he looses track of time, his left eye will show a red hourglass instead of a green clock.
- When he is thinking, the hourglass will also show up !
- The color of the clock / hourglass depends on his “emotions”. Green if he feels okay, red if he doesn’t.
- He has a huge phobia of not being able to know the time and measure it. So he basically hates voids because time doesn’t exist there, so his internal clock can’t do anything for him.
- When he doesn’t feel, he quickly loses track of time in an AU as he is not able to “feel the time” anymore. So he will rely on his watches. If he forgot to put them on the right hour, he will just stay immobile until he compketely blacks-out, like a broken clock.
- He hates to wait.
- He hates wastes of time.
- He has also a huge phobia of “being inexistant”, or just not living. That’s why he entertains himself in any ways possible to feel alive. That’s why he feels so alike with Fresh.
- He met many people, outcodes like Paper Crane, and even Template and Pale. He likes Pale a lot while he can’t understand Template.
- He really likes most of the Floweys.
- He developped sadistic tendancies, so he will purposely say scary things to people just to see how they will react.
- Or mainly because he can’t realize when he does something bad. Heh. He can’t feel. That’s pretty hard for him to figure this out, or understand others or even feel empathy for them !
- He can purposely act annoying. Just for fun. He is the kind of guy to SLUUUURP intensely what he is drinking right next to somebody just to watch they reaction. Cuz dat’s funny lol.
- He finds Lust very fascinating. Because he doesn’t understand him and is curious. And because WOW. “HIS DIFFERENT PASTS, FUTURES AND EVEN SELFS IN ALTERNATE REALITIES ARE COMPLETELY WACC ! GOOD JOB CREATORS !”
- Laughs at everything.
- Doesn’t understand metaphors. And many things about people.
- Tells time-related puns. Of course.
- His favorite food are niku-pan. Also called bobuns (I believe ?) You know ? Those soft breads with meat inside ? Delicious~ “He could kill for it~”
- He enjoys to do scary smiles like Flowey, just to scare people. That’s funny too.
- When he feels, his emotions are very random unlike Ink. This spell is based on his Memories. And the freshest and most traumatizing memory he has is the feeling of terror and despair he felt as the idea of dying while seeing his own world shatter.
- So yes. When he feels, he is very anguished. Most of the time. That why he does anything to feel better and amused.
- He anguishes a lot when someone points out his bad or inappropriate behaviors whereas he can’t even understand what he did wrong. Then he will feel frustrated of not being able to understand.
- He can’t give a proper definition to feelings. He knows what are basic emotions such as joy, sadness, anger or fear. But that’s all. He doesn’t even know what Disgust or Disappointment are.
- He acts like a jerk without knowing it. And when he knows, he doesn’t care. He is Neutral !
- When he doesn’t feel, he can feel fear in very critical or dangerous moments, because our brains are programmed to create a reaction similar to this feeling that doesn’t depend on SOULs. Like with Flowey. That’s called “Survival Instinct”. Something very present within Aion.
- Aion is the metaphysical time. The time we can’t measure, such as generations, age, fate, ETERNITY. This is one of the three types of time with Chronos and Kairos.
- No one knows if he can use magic in the same way as other Sanses, like bones or Gaster Blasters. Even him. He haven’t found yet any memory about magic from his world.
- “To find the Time, we need a lot of Patience, and Perseverance !”
“Well, see you in the comic, Creators !”
————– Aion!Sans and Aiontale by me Art by me
(Click for better resolution !)
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koalas-koalas-everywhere · 5 years ago
Regarding Vulcans and autism
Since why the hell not make it a series with recognizable titles that will make it easy to look up and create links for if I ever make enough of them for it to be worth it. Disclaimer: it might be hard to understand what I’m getting at without reading the other posts since this isn’t supposed to be, like, a comprehensive analysis on how one is like the other.
Thing is, as an Aspie woman, I can see perfectly well how Vulcans expressing nothing but neutrality gets twisted in reception and interpreted as smugness/disdain, and autism (or at least Asperger’s, I am sorta more knowledgeable about one than the other) does tend to include self-awareness issues that leads to feelings of superiority and/or inferiority, and with the most recognizably “autistic” (either explicitly or through coding) being the Sheldon Coopers and the BBC Sherlock types, the assumption that anyone like them in some ways will follow in others (heck, might be why pop culture has accepted Holmes as an asshole at all, since he wasn’t that bad in the stories but he WAS smart and eccentric and every once in a while disdaindful of the people whose jobs he did better than them) is not unexpected.
The problem’s not really there because I actually have faith that we could have talked about it and raised awareness of not only this case, but also made people question why seeing a smart(er), seemingly cold but all-around just neutral characters or races made everyone raise their hackles to such a degree, assume that they’re actually mostaken about their skills (literally have seen people go “but what if Vulcans only think they’re some of the best scientists around bc they’re supercilious assholes and it’s just not true”)and wrong about life in general. Don’t get me wrong, I do get the impulse ever since Star Trek (2009), but, well, that’s just the thing, that’s where the problem is. Because we could have talked about it in fandom and be friends about it, but now there are TWO official canon sources that depict the Vulcans as intolerant, xenophobic, racist, ableist hypocrites, and not only is it harder to argue with actual canon telling you that you were right about your worst assumptions, but now you’ve seen them be actually WORSE than you first thougt, and to your faves, and in such a way that none of their positive/redeeming qualities (say, being all of that stuff sorta kinda messes up the whole IDIC thing, but it wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t doing it out out of malice, but out of ignorance and genuine misunderstanding, and if the only members who were shown to be sorta kinda decent weren’t at least partly from a different species (u.s., uh, I mean, us) and/or implied to have been influenced by a different culture) were shown. In fact, those good qualities, such as their pacifism, reverence for life, belief and respect for diversity, their curiosity and constant push for knowledge that probably wouldn’t let them just let a kid fall by the wayside becuase he was dyslexic (“there is no other wisdom, and no hope for us, but that we grow wise”), their deep attachment to their morality that’s even more important to them than to be liked by the other members of the Federation COUGH COUGH AUTISM MUCH COUGH COUGH were the first to be dropped in favour of what’s anathema to all of this, the last one in particular was turned on its head so it wasn’t that they used their logic to arrive to the most compassionate and fair choice, and it had to be logic since emotion would resist a sacrifice in a way logic won’t, making logic the compassionate choice (as they saw it, I don’t think it’s universally true, but also not universaly false), but that they were mich more willing to let people suffer and to look the other way and not be affected at all because, I don’t know, they mistook logic, which is a tool, with efficiency, which is a goal, I’d guess.
They lost the best things about them because freaking J J Abrams decided to make movies about a franchise he didn’t even like and then, even though all of it could have stayed in a parallel universe were, as many have proposed, Vulcans were worse because the Kelvin accident led people to know what Romulans looked like earlier so THEY were worse and everyone was just an asshole to each other, but then Discovery took a leaf out of his book and used his version of Vulcans and even changed old characters to fit this new version better (Sarek doesn’t disagree with Starfleet because of its bellicosity [you can’t even argue that he still disaproves of violence because he spent the worst part of the war following General Cornwell around and idk commiting mind crimes] or because he sees it as a rejection from Spock [since he says he’ll keep his distance because it’s what Spock would want and what the fuck even was that?] and he’s a cold bastard who’d take a child to a completely different culture than the one she’s used to purely for superficial beliefs and even then he’ll still prioritize his more Vulcan son, Amanda doesn’t think Vulcan’s is a hard but better way [and honestly she wouldn’t be justified to] so since she can’t be staying because of her children since they’re being mistreated, she must be doing it because of Sarek which is just so feminist, you guys, and ok, I better change topics before this becomes an “everything that’s wrong about Disco with a sidenote of everything that’s not objectively wrong but I still didn’t like”, but also, Vulcan brains can literally lobotomize themselves while dealing with trauma, don’t you think they’d take mental health seriously?) so now it’s canon in the original universe, too. Even with Enterprise (which, to be honest, I haven’t watched, I’ve only learned what was going on with Vulcans from Memory Alpha and the recounting might hace left events and/or the essence and implications of the plotline out), the tomfoolery was supposed to be Romulans infiltrating the government and twisting Surak’s teachings, all of this is supposed to be how things vecame after they got his katra back and went through the Reform.
And this got long, but the thing is: it’s not just about the Vulcans. It’s about the fact that some of the worst assumptions made about them were recognizable at least by this one Aspie as, among other things, a neurotypical’s response to an autistic trait and a long history of negative autistic coding, and now they’ve been confirmed by canon, so instead of having a nice discussion and maybe a bit of disk horse about this, we’ve gotta deal with the fact that now some people feel legitimally repelled by and resentful of Vulcans (insofar as any emotion applies to fiction) because they are now the bigots and oppressors - now it’s not a one episode race of black&white and white&black people ridiculously pointing at the obvious differences between each other, but Vulcans who have said and done bigoted things many people have been exposed to during their lives, and if they were ever willing to give them, and by extension us, a chance, now it’s ruined. I am not, of course, saying that if you hate Vulcans, especially now, you’re ableist, or that making them the Asshole^tm will turn people ableist. Just that it would have been nice to see people like me who didn’t end up justifiably despised.*
*Especially through character assassination, couldn’t you have at least made them unlikeable from the start?
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spanishskulduggery · 6 years ago
LaD i am very confused about llevar lately. i know it's just context but it seems to mean SO MANY things all at once
It generally means 5 main things. Not counting llevarse which has like 2 meanings, but they’re generally easy to understand.
#1, llevar most often means “to take” or “to carry”. I would say it’s kind of like traer “to bring”, although llevar can mean “to take something (to someone)” which is more like traer, or it can also sometimes mean “to take away”… more on that in llevarse. But generally, llevar is used when you’re transporting something somewhere.
Lleva la bandeja. = He/She is carrying the tray.
Lleva las maletas. = He/She is carrying the suitcases.
Lleva la caja. = He/She is carrying the box.
This is the most physically obvious of the meanings as it literally implies carrying or transporting.
#2, llevar can be used “to take (someone) somewhere” and is most often translated as “to give someone a ride” or “to take/bring someone”
This is usually kind of obvious because it normally takes an indirect object [me, te, le, les, nos, os] and often involves a place.
Sometimes it means something a bit different like llévame contigo “bring me with you” or “carry me with you” which could be a physical or metaphorical sense.
Te llevo al aeropuerto. = I’ll take you to the airport. / I’ll give you a ride to the airport.
Me llevan a la universidad. = They’re taking me to the university. / They’re giving me a ride to the university.
Te llevo a casa. = I’ll take you home. / I’ll give you a ride home.
#3, llevar can be “to wear (clothes)”. Some countries use usar “to use” for this, some use llevar. Sometimes it shows up as tener ___ puesto/a “to have (something) on”, but you can pretty easily identify this one because it shows up with articles of clothing or jewelry or accessories.
Llevo una sudadera roja. = I’m wearing a red sweatshirt.
Llevan corbatas. = They’re wearing (neck)ties.
No le gusta llevar botas. = He/She doesn’t like wearing boots.
This sort of makes some sense in that you are technically transporting clothes by carrying them on you (?)… The same way that usar “to use clothes” implies you’re wearing them.
Note: This isn’t the same “wear” as “to wear out” which is gastar which is literally “to spend”
#4, llevar is very commonly used with periods of time to say “I’ve been doing ___ for X years” etc. Again, there are lots of ways to phrase this kind of thing. Some people use hace, some people use desde hace, some people use por. It all comes down to translation.
In this kind of context, llevar means “to spend (time)”
Llevo varios años estudiando español. = I’ve been studying Spanish for many years.
So how this differs in translation…
Hace varios años que estudio español. = I’ve been studying Spanish for years. [more along the lines of “it’s been many years since I started studying”, or “many years ago I began studying”]
He estudiado español por varios años. = I’ve been studying Spanish for many years.
So llevar is like “I’ve spent many years studying Spanish” as compared to the other two.
But llevar I think implies a more consistent idea of effort, almost “without stop”.
Llevo un año con problemas de dormir. = I’ve spent a year with sleep problems. / I’ve had trouble sleeping for over a year.
Llevo meses sin darme cuenta. = I spent months not realizing. / I went months without realizing.
#5, llevar is sometimes understood as mantener or realizar which are “to maintain” or “to complete/finalize”
This is more like a life change or something that takes consistent effort. The one you see a lot is llevar una dieta which is like “to carry out a diet” or “to successfully manage to have a diet”
People mostly see it as llevar una dieta equilibrada or something along those lines which gets translated as “to have a balanced diet”. It’s something that requires consistent willpower or effort to achieve, so just like llevar can mean “to spend (time)” this is like investing effort and thought.
You see it a lot with llevar una vida sana “to live a healthy life” or llevar un estilo de vida sano “to live a healthy lifestyle”
Somewhat related to the above are a few idiomatic uses of llevar. 
Primarily it’s llevar a cabo “to see it through to the end” or “to bring to a close” or “to finalize” or “to accomplish”.
And then llevar by itself is sometimes slang for robar “to steal”. Think of this as “to lift” in the sense of stealing and it’s the same equivalent.
There are other expressions with llevar some are used as “to take” or “to bring” or “to lead”… llevar a juicio/corte “to take to trial/court”, or llevar a ruina “to bring to ruin”, llevar al extremo “to take to the extreme”, llevar al altar “to take to the altar” aka “to marry”, and a few other ones that usually make sense when you see them. 
And a common one is llevar a efecto which is “to enforce” or “to bring to bear” or “to carry out”. In this situation, llevar is sometimes understood as “to render” or “to bring”; sometimes people will say llevar fruto “to bear fruit” but it’s typically dar fruto or rendir fruto “to bear/yield fruit”. 
Oh also llevar a cuestas is “to carry on one’s back” or “to piggyback”. It can be literally giving someone a piggyback ride, or “to carry the weight/responsibility of”
Now onto llevarse.
When it isn’t literally “to carry oneself”, llevarse has two main uses.
#1 llevarse bien con alguien which is “to get along with someone”. Literally it’s “to get along well” or “to hit it off”, or “to be taken with each other”. 
Not normally used in a romantic setting. This is synonymous with caer bien… so me cae bien “I like him/her” or “we get on well”… can easily be reformatted as nos llevamos bien “we get along well”.
The difference is just that caer(le) bien uses indirect objects, llevarse bien is sometimes a reciprocal reflexive [meaning two or more subjects do the thing to one another, meaning it’s normally plural]
*Note: You can use it by itself and it’s just regular reflexive but it sort of goes like this:
No me llevo bien con ella. = I don’t get along with her.
Ella no me cae bien. = I don’t really like her. / I don’t get along with her. / “There’s something about her I don’t like.”
No nos llevamos bien. = We don’t get along. / We don’t get on well. [reciprocal]
#2, llevarse by itself is often interpreted as “to take away”. This can sometimes (but not always) be understood as “to steal”. 
But this is very common for “being swept away” or when it’s phrased more passively.
Lo que el viento se llevó. = Gone with the Wind. [lit. “what the wind took away”]
La marea se lleva todo consigo. = The tide takes everything out with it.
Me dejo llevar. = I get swept up. / I get carried along. / I go with the flow.
dejarse llevar is really one to be aware of. It’s really “to allow oneself to be taken away” and it can be “to go with the flow” or “get caught up in”… and I would say it’s more like llevar since it’s dejarse that’s “allow oneself” as a reflexive, but it required a reflexive so I just figured I’d put it here and not confuse people.
Also I’d say if you were using llevarse as “to steal”, the better translation is “made off with (something)” same as how llevar could possibly be “to steal/lift”
That is the overall broad strokes of llevar. It’s a very useful verb although in many cases you can sort of find some kind of English-like phrase that sort of matches up so that does help with remembering them all. 
But it’s a very idiomatic verb so do make sure to know it!
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vonbeetzen · 5 years ago
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Creating a gravitating platform with millions of users is still one of the most attractive business propositions in the tech industry, but as Matthew put it centuries ago; “For many are called, but few are chosen”. So, what does it take to make the grade of creating a successful platform business? And what separates the good from the great? Some of the most successful tech companies are platforms. It´s probably not a coincidence that three of the “big four” are platforms and even Apple has a substantial part of their revenue coming from platforms like AppStore, iTunes and Apple Tv. Facebook, Google and Amazon of course have non-platform business areas as well, but the core of their business is their platforms.   The five factors Being in the platform business myself, as CPO for the ID platform Freja eID, I´ve given this topic quite a lot of thought, both from the product perspective but also from an investors point of view. So, if you are aspiring to build a platform business or looking into investing in one, here are five factors to evaluate in order to assess the potential. 1. Stickiness Stickiness is basically about two things; user retention and frequency. To make a very far-fetched example, the e-service at the Tax Authority is extremely sticky on the retention side – I´m forced by law to hand in my tax return once a year – but five minutes once a year does not score very high on frequency. User retention can be created either by a high degree of either relevance or reward. Google is probably the most obvious example of relevance; the service solves the problem of finding information better than anyone else. Facebook is much less of a relevant utility in that sense. Yes, your life would probably be a bit more boring without the social network but you´d still be able to connect with your friends or find news. But the dopamine reward you get from getting a bunch of likes or from discovering something interesting while scrolling the feed keeps you coming back for more. Frequency is about the total time the user spends on a service. This can be achieved by either many short sessions – like Google - fewer longer sessions – like Facebook - or both. Snapchat has tuned every inch of their UX around frequency, most notably with their streaks feature where you build a score by snapping at least once a day with a particular friend. If you miss just one day, your streak falls. Services like Pinterest and Instagram are building heavily on dopamine rewards by the way they present images and stories in the bottomless scroll feature. 2. Positive interaction A platform needs to have a value proposition for both sides and what you should be looking for is a positive interaction between the two. In a platform like AirBnB, both sides benefit from the total growth; each host that joins the platform adds a value to the tenants and each tenant that joins adds a value to the host. Facebook on the other hand has a negative interaction. The more users that join the platform is extremely beneficial for the other side, the advertisers. However, from a user’s point of view if the four million advertisers that are currently using Facebook increase to five million, it is not necessarily adding to a positive user experience. It´s more likely that the opposite is true. 3. Margin There is a general assumption that all platforms are extremely profitable by default, as long as they are digitally scalable. But when you look into the details you will discover that there are huge differences in the potential profitability for different platforms. Spotify is as much of a poster boy in digital disruption as it gets. The current market cap of 28 billion dollars assumes that there is a lot of money to me made here. Still Spotify has, with few exceptions, been losing money quarter after quarter since its inception in 2006. The losses accumulate to billions of dollars. And when you crunch the numbers it not very surprising. For each dollar in revenue that Spotify generates, 75 cents walks straight out the door to the record labels and artists. A 25% gross margin is not very impressive in any digital business and obviously not enough to make Spotify profitable. Google on the other hand has a close to 100% gross margin. So, if you click on an ad word like “Casino” you would generate 55 dollars in revenue for Google, where pretty much all stays within the company. For Spotify to generate 55 dollars in gross revenue, you would have to pay a premium subscription for about two years. This is not black or white and if you are looking at a low margin business, you should investigate whether there are ways to increase the margins. Netflix, that basically has the same model as Spotify, shows gross margins of around 35%. Why? If you wonder why they push their “Netflix Original”-content so hard, you´ll find the answer; owning the content adds hugely to the bottom line. My personal guess is that Spotify´s move towards podcasts is a strategic move along the same lines; I would not be surprised if the rev-share to podcasters are substantially lower than to record labels. 4. Moats The fact that many of the businesses in the digital era is characterized by a winner-takes-all evolution does not mean that the winner takes it all for ever. Before Facebook there was a Swedish social network called LunarStorm that had a close to 100% penetration among teenagers in Sweden. When Facebook came, they lacked moats to keep the competition at bay – in their case the predominant reason being the focus on Swedish users. In general, having a dominance in terms of users is a pretty effective moat. For me to change from Facebook to a competing network would mean that the network would need to convince all my friends to move as well, in order for them to be on par with Facebook. Product excellence is an effective way to keep competitors at bay. Google taking over the search market and keeping the leadership is all about product superiority. Forming habits is another moat building on our human aversion of change. I know that my bank is not offering me as good a service as many competing banks, but I´m just too tied in to my habits to do something about it. In a sense, stickiness and moats are two sides of the same coin. Dependency is a great example. As long as we are using Skype within our company for video calls, I will keep it, whether I like it or not. On the other hand, as soon as IT decides to change to some other service, the moat will instantly dry out. A very rigid moat is regulatory compliance. The reason why you don’t see competitors to MasterCard and Visa making a run for their margins is regulations. Becoming PCI/DSS compliant is no trivial thing and if you add the obstacle of integration with payment terminals on a global scale you´ll find that the two giants have created a pretty deep moat. 5.  Scalability Discussing scalability in tech without separating China from the equation is like discussing Einstein´s general relativity without separating it from quantum physics. Google ticks off more points on the platform scoreboard than any other company, including the scalability factor – if we disregard the blocking from China. However, China is not the only country that limits the space for platforms based on regulation and – just like quantum physics – we will just have to live with regulations even if we do not understand them. So, if we focus on the observable tech universe there are some interesting factors underpinning the overall scalability of a platform. The first one is physical limitations. A platform like Uber cannot offer more ride services than there are individuals prepared to be an Uber driver in a certain geography. The Same thing goes with AirBnB; the number of hosts are limited to those individuals who are willing to sublet their home to strangers. Disregarding regulatory constraints, platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat – where the content is co-created by the users – are scalable without constraints. The only limiting factor is the number of users with a smartphone. However, the revenue side of the business has constraints as there is likely a limit for any user on the amount of targeted advertising he or she can cope with. A service like Netflix does not face these limitations, not even factoring in the current cultural constraints, where the content of today is aimed at a predominant western audience. Finding the opportunity Applying the factors above to an investment or to your start-up is a good guidance to assess the basic platform qualities of a business. Obviously there are much more to factor in to make a fair evaluation of the company��s potential, such as management skills, market potential and funding.   Of course, factors can change over time. Today Google is one of the most profitable companies in the world but in the beginning they struggled to find a source of revenue. It was not until they introduced AdWords in 2000, two years after the company´s inception, that they figured out how to make money. This is an important lesson in terms of the approach you will need to hace when starting or investing in a platform; you need patience. As opposed to, lets say a software company where you can genereate revenue from the first day you ship your product, a platform can only start generating revenue when a critical mass of players on each side has been established. This means that platform busniesses normally need a longer runway to take off. On the other had the potential gain is enormous if you manage to create a digtially scalable platform with a critical mass on both sides. And to find that potential, the five factors is a pretty good place to start. 
0 notes
ourotakuparadise · 6 years ago
Relationship with Aika and Stella
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Ohh! A request about my babies girls!
OCs quoted: Gol D. Aika & Stella D. Silverstorm
Essa mulher... É terrivelmente adorável!
Estar em um relacionamento com ela é um sonho;
Você pode esperar ser sufocado de afeto e amor dessa doce alma;
Compreensiva, amorosa, carinhosa e boa ouvinte;
Ela também é flexível e sabe se adaptar a situações e pessoas;
Você é do tipo tímido? Tudo bem, ela garantirá que você está confortável;
Personalidade extrovertida e ama carinho? Não se preocupe, ela não tem problemas ou vergonha com PDA;
Você tem uma personalidade estoica e reservada? Ela sabe lidar;
Inconsequente e impulsivo? Mamãe tengu será sua babá também e espere alguns sermões...
Personalidade agressiva e explosiva? Ela com sua paciência surpreendente lida com seu temperamento;
Você é do tipo provocador e atrevido? Ohoho! Aika dá um giro de 180° graus e sabe ter uma língua afiada;
Alguns momentos ela parece mais agir como sua mãe do que como namorada;
“Babe, é melhor levar um casaco, está frio lá fora!” / “Amor, você parece desanimado hoje... Quer conversar?” / “Carinho! Você já comeu?” / “Não me importo se for só um arranhão! Apenas deixe que eu cuide de você!”, etc.
Embora ela seja paciente não a teste... Será assustador vê-la irritada e você não vai dormir por semanas!
A propósito sobre ciúmes ela é bem equilibrada, mas cuidado que ela é sensível em certos pontos;
Ela é muito protetora de você;
Não a culpe, Aika tem um passado obscuro com a perda de muitos entes queridos e a ideia de perder você é o pior pesadelo dela;
Ame-a com toda sua alma e faça-a feliz.
Nossa querida bruxinha do mar;
Você ganhou na loteria estando em um relacionamento com ela;
Ela leva tudo a sério, em um relacionamento isso não é diferente;
Por causa de sua posição no exército revolucionário ela faz o possível para sempre ter algum tempo decente juntos entre missões e reuniões sem abandonar suas responsabilidades;
Além disso Stella faz o impossível par manter a relação amorosa de vocês em sigilo máximo do resto do mundo;
Embora ser um revolucionário já significa estar em constante perigo a última coisa que ela quer é que você esteja em perigo por causa dela;
Mas caso aconteça espere uma tempestade marinha e maremotos por onde ela passar para te proteger;
Ela literalmente vai amaldiçoar quem te ferir;
Não é brincadeira! Ela realmente vai fazer isso!
Mudando de assunto... Ela é bem ciumenta;
Não é que ela não confie em você, ela só não consegue evitar e vai ficar emburrada por um tempo (chega a ser fofo algumas vezes);
Novamente mudando de assunto, se você se interessar pelos costumes da família ou sobre ela ser uma bruxa, cuidado com o que fala e faz;
Stella acha legal você gostar dessa natureza dela, mas não faça piadas estereotipadas sobre bruxas;
Ela odeia quando fazem piadas sobre bruxas: “Oh! Vai me transformar em sapo?” ou: “Cadê sua vassoura voadora?” ou até “Achei que todas as bruxas eram velhas com o rosto cheio de verrugas!”
Nunca brinque com os itens e artefatos de bruxaria dela (muitos são de rara obtenção e outros podem matar se mal manuseados);
Sabo parou na enfermaria com um olho roxo por causa desses motivos;
Se você souber como lidar com a personalidade dela, Stella fará o mesmo e isso vocês serão o casal mais fofo desse mundo.
This woman ... is terribly adorable!
Being in a relationship with her is a dream;
You can expect to be choked with affection and love from that sweet soul;
Understanding, loving, caring and good listener;
She is also flexible and knows how to adapt to situations and people;
Are you the shy type? Okay, it will make sure you're comfortable;
Extrovert personality and love affection? Don't worry, she has no problems or shame with PDA;
Do you have a stoic and reserved personality? She can handle;
Inconsistent and impulsive? Mom tengu will be your nanny too and wait for some sermons ...
Aggressive and explosive personality? She with her amazing patience deals with her temperament;
Are you the provocative and sassy type? Ohoho! Aika rotates 180 degrees and knows how to have a sharp tongue;
Sometimes she seems to act more like her mother than a girlfriend;
“Babe, you better get a coat, it's cold outside!” / “Honey, you look down today… Want to talk?” / “Darling! Have you eaten yet? ”/“ I don't care if it's just a scratch! Just let me take care of you! ”, Etc.
Although she is patient not the test ... It will be scary to see her angry and you will not sleep for weeks!
By the way about jealousy she is well balanced, but beware that she is sensitive at certain points;
She is very protective of you;
Don't blame her, Aika has a dark past with the loss of many loved ones and the idea of ​​losing you is her worst nightmare;
Love her with all your soul and make her happy.
Our dear sea witch;
You won the lottery by being in a relationship with her;
She takes everything seriously, in a relationship this is no different;
Because of her position in the revolutionary army she makes it possible to always have some decent time together between missions and meetings without relinquishing her responsibilities;
Besides, Stella, make the impossible to keep your love relationship in the strictest confidence from the rest of the world;
Although being a revolutionary already means being in constant danger the last thing she wants is for you to be in danger because of her;
But if it does, expect a sea storm and tidal waves to pass through to protect you;
She will literally curse anyone who hurts you;
It's no joke! She will really do it!
Changing the subject ... She's very jealous;
It's not that she doesn't trust you, she just can't help it and she's going to be sulky for a while (it gets cute sometimes);
Again changing the subject, if you are interested in or about family customs, be careful what you say and do;
Stella thinks it's cool that you like her nature, but don't make stereotypical jokes about witches;
She hates it when they make jokes about witches: “Oh! Are you going to transform me a frog? ”Or “Where's your broom?” Or even “I thought all the witches were old with a warty face! ”
Never play with her witchcraft items and artifacts (many are rare to obtain and others can kill if mishandled);
Sabo ended up in the ward with a black eye for these reasons;
If you know how to deal with her personality, Stella will do the same and you will be the cutest couple in this world.
¡Esta mujer ... es terriblemente adorable!
Tener una relación con ella es un sueño;
Puedes esperar ser ahogado con afecto y amor de esa dulce alma;
Comprensión, amor, cuidado y buen oyente;
También es flexible y sabe adaptarse a situaciones y personas;
¿Eres del tipo tímido? De acuerdo, se asegurará de que estés cómodo;
¿Personalidad extrovertida y afecto amoroso? No se preocupe, ella no tiene problemas ni vergüenza con PDA;
¿Tienes una personalidad estoica y reservada? Ella puede manejar;
¿Inconsistente e impulsivo? Mamá Tengu será tu niñera también y espera algunos sermones ...
¿Personalidad agresiva y explosiva? Ella con su increíble paciencia trata con su temperamento;
¿Eres del tipo provocativo y atrevido? Ohoho! Aika gira 180 grados y sabe cómo tener una lengua afilada;
A veces parece que se parece más a su madre que a una novia;
"¡Cariño, es mejor que te pongas un abrigo, hace frío afuera!" / "Bebé, miras hacia abajo hoy ... ¿Quieres hablar?" / "¡Bebé! ¿Ya comiste? ”/“ ¡No me importa si es solo un rasguño! ¡Solo déjame cuidarte! ”, Etc.
Aunque ella es paciente, no la prueba ... ¡Será aterrador verla enojada y no dormirás durante semanas!
Por cierto sobre los celos, ella está bien equilibrada, pero ten cuidado de que es sensible en ciertos puntos;
Ella te protege mucho;
No la culpes, Aika tiene un pasado oscuro con la pérdida de muchos seres queridos y la idea de perderte es su peor pesadilla;
Ámala con toda tu alma y hazla feliz.
Nuestra querida bruja marina;
Ganaste la lotería al estar en una relación con ella;
Ella toma todo en serio, en una relación esto no es diferente;
Debido a su posición en el ejército revolucionario, hace posible tener siempre un tiempo decente juntos entre misiones y reuniones sin renunciar a sus responsabilidades;
Además, Stella, hace lo imposible de mantener tu relación amorosa en la más estricta confianza del resto del mundo;
Aunque ser revolucionaria ya significa estar en peligro constante, lo último que quiere es que tú estés en peligro por ella;
Pero si lo hace, espere que pase una tormenta marina y maremotos para protegerlo;
Ella literalmente maldecirá a cualquiera que te lastime;
¡No es un juego! Ella realmente lo hará!
Cambiando de tema ... Ella está muy celosa;
No es que ella no confíe en ti, simplemente no puede evitarlo y va a estar malhumorada por un tiempo (a veces es lindo);
Nuevamente cambiando de tema, si est�� interesado en o acerca de las costumbres familiares, tenga cuidado con lo que dice y hace;
Stella piensa que es genial que te guste su naturaleza, pero no hagas bromas estereotipadas sobre brujas;
Odia cuando hacen bromas sobre brujas: “¡Oh! ¿Me vas a hacer una rana? ”O“ ¿Dónde está tu escoba voladora? ”O incluso“ ¡Pensé que todas las brujas eran viejas con una cara verrugosa! ”
Nunca juegues con sus objetos y artefactos de brujería (muchos son raros de obtener y otros pueden matar si se manejan mal);
Sabo terminó en la sala con un ojo morado por estas razones;
Si sabes cómo lidiar con su personalidad, Stella hará lo mismo y tú serás la pareja más linda del mundo.
0 notes
pinkcaseotakadl · 8 years ago
Diabolik lovers Dark Fate: Carla Tsukinami [Maniac 6] ~translation|traducción |tradução~
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Dark: prólogo-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-epílogo. Maniac: prólogo-1-2-3-4-5
Place: Special Classroom.
Carla: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Since a moment ago that Carla-san is... giving an aura that scares, why is it? Maybe it's my imagination?) Yui: (He scares, but... this time it's some different, it seems like he's angry...) Yui: (Maybe is he irritated about something?) Carla: What's wrong? If you want to say something, do not stay quiet and say it. Yui: Umm... Can I go to return this book to the library? I've finished reading it... Carla: The Familiars will return it. Yui: B-but... Carla: What? Yui: I wanted to bring some new books...
Carla: ... ... ... ...   Yui: P-please... Carla: Hurry up and go. Yui: Can I!? Carla: You are annoying. You wanted my permission, right? Do you want me to change my mind? Yui: No, I'll go right now! Yui: (I have to hurry up and got there... let's see, this and... this... well, I'm ready...) Yui: I'll go right now!!
*Yui hurries and goes to the library*
Carla: (...Mm? What is it...? A book of that woman? That idiot. Maybe she forgot it?) Carla: ...Oí---
*Carla calls a familiar*
Familiar: Carla-sama. Called me? Carla: No, it's nothing.
*Carla stands up* Oh uh...
Familiar: Where are you going? Carla: I'll be right back. Carla: (Since it's been a while, I will also look for a book) Carla: (Although these marks won't disappear...) Carla: --I will also carry this book.
*Screen fades to black*
Place: Library's side.
Yui: (...As I thought, Merz-san isn't here today...) Yui: (I've thought about many things... I can't hide that conversation to Merz-san) Yui: (I don't know what could happen to him if they use him as a bait, maybe they could take out his another eye...) Yui: (If somebody has to sacrifice something...) Yui: (I myself understand that this is dangerous for me too... but...) Yui: (I can't pretend that everything is fine and not say anything to Merz-san...) Yui: ---This is bad, it's almost rest time's end... I'll go back. Yui: (I haven't seen Merz-san since Shin-kun treated him so cruelly...) Yui: (I thought he would be here)
*BItch-MERZ-san is here*
Merz: ---Please wait. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! I'm glad! I thought today you wouldn't come here. Merz: --Haven't you heard about something else? Yui: Ah, yes. The truth is---
Merz: Will they use me as a bait...? Yui: Yes, that's... so it would be better if you don't go closer than this to them... Yui: I understand that you're angry with them, but I don't know what they could do to you this time Merz: But, that means that you would go in my place. Yui: I--- Yui: (After all, it doesn't matter where I go, they will continue to drink my blood, since that is the only thing they want from me...) Yui: (...Maybe I'm already resigned? .. I don't know...) Merz: Are you going to tell me that you don't care? Yui: I haven't completely resigned... but I'm very scared. Yui: They always are telling me I'm a container of blood, and they just drink me... Yui: Besides, they are planning to use my blood for something... Merz: Blood container...? What does that mean? Yui: I don't know... it could mean that I have special blood. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: Anyway, I may be necessary to them. So--- Merz: There is no way I can abandon you. Please do not worry about me. Yui: B-but...! Merz: Everything is fine. I have to take my revenge. That is my wish and my mission. Merz: Besides, I'm a vampire. I am stubborn. Merz: I will not die that easy. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...You are a very kind person.
Yui: Uh...? Merz: When I look at you... somehow--
*Merz gets closer*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (...Somehow it's scary... what happened to him suddenly...?) Merz: ---My lovely dear... Please wait for me. I'll definitely... Yui: ... ...! L-let me go!
*Yui pushes him away* [YES, THAT'S THE ACTITUDE!]
Yui: I-I'm sorry...! I... have to return... bye! Merz: ...Wait please! Yui: BYE...!!  
*Yui runs away*
Place: Library.
Yui: (...What the hell was that? ''My lovely dear''...What did that mean...!?) Yui: (I thought Merz-san was a good person... but maybe--) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: (My heart is beating very fast...  it surely was because I was surprised...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: Where you were?
*Carla gets closer to Yui*
Yui: Ah. I was... around there...   Carla: Around there? Yui: Yes, Umm... Yui: (What should I do? I actually can't lie to this person. But if he discovered Merz-san then Merz-san would be in trouble...) Yui: More important, why is Carla-san here? Carla: *BLUSHES* I had free time. But you have not answered my question.
Yui: Emmm... You recently talked about philosophy books... so I was looking for some... Carla: Hoo...
*Carla gets closer*
Yui: (What should I do, Carla-san is getting closer. And a moment ago... I... was with Merz-san...)
Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Smell. Yui: W... what s-smell...? Carla: Do not play the fool!
*Screen shakes and music changes*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: I see. So it was that. You used the pretext of going to read the books.
*Carla strangles Yui*
Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (It's painful... he's strangling me...!) Carla: You are an intelligent woman... Carla: From the beginning you knew that I liked books, right? And you took advantage of that... Carla: Did you hear that about Shin? You waited for an opportunity to take advantage of my sympathy to got alone. Carla: --And you did all of this just in order to meet in secret with a vampire... Yui: Y-you're wrong...! Yui: (What should I do... it has become a misunderstanding...!)
*Carla strangles Yui harder*
Carla: I was the fool for had letting down my guard around a woman. Carla: Women don't have strength, so they use lies to trick people... and make fun of them. Carla: ---Such a thing like I was cheated by you... Yui: ... ... Carla: Say it. Who is. A Sakamaki? A Mukami? ...Or maybe both? Yui: You're wrong...! Yui: (What should I do to you to believe me? Anyway... I won't talk about Merz-san thought...) Carla: You're telling me I'm wrong? Then this smell... How do you explain this vampire smell!? Yui: That is...
CHOICES: 1. Cry (Nop) 2. Apologize. (Love, love~)
Yui: I'm sorry... I know it's useless to apologize, but I never met to them... Yui: I have not seen any of the guys. Yui: Besides, from the beginning I had no intention of sympathizing with Carla-san...! [OUCH] Carla: Hoo. Then how do you explain this smell? Carla: If you have not met any vampire, then tell me why do you smell so bad. Yui: That's... Yui: (What should I do... it's impossible for me to tell him the truth...) Carla: So you will not say who you were seeing with. You will defend him, huh. Carla: Well, that's understandable. Because when I find out which vampire is, I will kill him. Carla: I will not forgive anyone who go against a Founder. And of course... I will not forgive you either---
*Screen shakes*
Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: It is very pathetic. Such a man who even has no value tried take you away from me... Carla: It seems that the man you meet secretly is afraid of me... Carla: The fact that you have returned here is the proof of it... Carla: Leaving his smell on you was naive. Carla: It seems that your lover is a very foolish man without any intelligence. Yui: ... ... Carla: Now, tell me. Who is. Yui: T-that... I won't say it... Carla: --I see. It seems that there is no other option than to make it come out through your body. Carla: So you will know to who you belong to... Carla: *In the ear* And for you to understand that disobedience is not acceptable... Yui: Uhhg... Yui: (Someone...  help me... ... ... ...)
*Carla rips Yui's clothes*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn, this nasty smell flames my hate. Carla: This is not bad at all. Carla: This body and blood that you've given happily given to a vampire... Carla: I'm going to play with both as if you were a tool... *He bites her* Nnn... !! Yui: Ahh... it...hur...ts...! Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: S..to...p... Yui: (He's... biting my neck... I can't breathe---) Carla: I will not hear anything you tell me again. Carla: You will not go outside either,  as my blood container... I will keep you in one place and then kill you. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: You will not see that man again. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Why is something like this happening...? At this rate... I'm already...) Carla: Cry. Scream... but I will never forgive you. Yui: (Aah, I just can't...)
*Yui faints*
Carla: She fainted, huh.... Ch. What a problem... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (But... why am I so angry? I'm actually angry because I was cheated...) Carla: (But getting angry up to this point...) Carla: !... ...
Carla: (Right, this feeling... It's disappointment. the feelings that I felt because of father... that moment...) Carla: (That means that I trusted this woman...?) Carla: What a nonsense... there's no way. Carla: --I am the king of the Founders... There's no way that I feel...
-Yui's monologue-
Carla-san discovered my secret meetings with Merz-san.
Carla-san thought I was seeing Sakamaki and Mukami vampires.
But their names weren't come out of my mouth. And of course, I won't say the name of Merz-san either. Merz-san spoke to me with confidence. I can't betray him.
If I would do that I couldn't forgive myself. It's something that as a person I can't do.
I can only keep silence, and appease Carla-san's anger.
-Monologue's end-
Right words: ''as person'' y ''seeing''.
Lugar: Salón de clases especiales.
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Desde hace un momento Carla-san... da una sensación de completo miedo, por qué será? Tal vez es mi imaginación?) Yui: (Antes también daba miedo pero... esta vez es un poco diferente. Parece que esta enojado...) Yui: (Estará molesto por algo?) Carla: Qué sucede? Si quieres decir algo no te quedes callada y dilo. Yui: Esto... puedo ir a devolver este libro a la biblioteca? Ya he terminado de leerlo... Carla: Los familiares lo llevarán. Yui: P-pero... Carla: *enojado?* Qué? Yui: Quería traer algunos libros más...
Carla: ... ... ... ...    (GRRR) Yui: P-por favor... Carla: Date prisa y vete. Yui: Puedo!? (Antes de que cambie de opinión, run!) Carla: Eres molesta. Querías mi permiso, no es así? Quieres que cambie de opinión? Yui: No, iré ahora mismo!! Yui: (Tengo que darme prisa e ir... veamos, este y... este... bien, todo listo...) Yui: Iré justo ahora!!
*Yui corre*
Carla: (...Mm? Qué es esto...? Un libro que aquella mujer trajo? Que idiota. Tal vez se lo olvidó?.) Carla: ...Oí---
*Magia* (Suena a brillitos magicos :Q___)
Familia: Carla-sama. Me ha llamado? Carla: No, no es nada.
*Carla se levanta* Oh uh...
Familiar: A donde se dirige? Carla: Volveré en seguida. Carla: (Ya que ha pasado un tiempo, yo también buscaré un libro) Carla: (Aunque estas marcas no van a desaparecer...) Carla: --De paso también llevaré este libro.
Lugar: Otro lado de la biblioteca.
Yui: (...Como lo pensé, Merz-san no esta aquí hoy...) Yui: (He pensado en muchas cosas... pero no puedo ocultarle a Merz-san la conversación de antes) Yui: (No sé lo que le pasará si lo usan de cebo, tal vez podrían volver a sacarle un ojo...) (Recuerdan que el hdp este dijo que Shin le había sacado el ojo!? >:v) Yui: (Si hay que sacrificar algo...) Yui: (Yo misma entiendo que este es peligroso para mí... pero...) Yui: (No puedo pretender que todo esta bien y no decirle nada a Merz-san...) Yui: --Esto es malo, ya casi termina la hora del descanso... voy a volver.) Yui: (No he visto a Merz-san desde que Shin-kun lo trató de esa forma tan cruel...) Yui: (Pensé que estaría aquí)
Merz: ---Espere por favor. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! (Re novela) Que alegría! Pensé que hoy no vendría aquí. Merz: --No te has enterado de algo más? Yui: Ah, si. La verdad es que---
*Desvanece* (Por qué le cuentas!? ;-;)
Merz: Me usarán como señuelo...? Yui: Si. Así es... así que sería mejor que no te acerques más que esto a ellos... Yui: Entiendo que estes enojado con ellos, pero no sé que te podrían hacer esta vez Merz: Sin embargo, tu irás en mi lugar. Yui: Yo--- Yui: (Despues de todo no importa a donde vaya seguirán bebiendo mi sangre, ya que eso es lo único que buscan de mí...) Yui: (...Tal vez yo ya renuncié?.. No lo sé...) Merz: Me dirás que eso te da igual? Yui: No he renunciado por completo... por decir estoy muy asustada. Yui: Siempre me dicen que soy un contenedor de sangre, y la chupan... Yui: Ademas de eso ellos están planeando usar mi sangre para algo... (Cofcof, ellos no quieren tu sangre Yui, quieren otra cosa7u7) Merz: Contenedor de sangre...? Qué significado tiene eso? (JAJA, no te hagas el boludo KÉrido) Yui: No lo sé... podría significar que llevo una sangre especial. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: De todos modos, yo para ellos soy necesaria. En ese caso yo--- Merz: No hay forma de que te abandone. Por favor no se preocupe por mí. (Sorry, ya me enamoré del Carla aunque digas eso) Yui: P-pero...! Merz: Todo esta bien. Yo tengo que tomar mi venganza. Ese es mi deseo y mi misión. Merz: Ademas, yo soy un vampiro. Soy obstinado. Merz: No moriré así de facil. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...Eres una persona muy gentil.
Yui: Eh...? Merz: Cuando te miro... de alguna manera---
*Merz se acerca*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (... De alguna manera da miedo... qué sucedió de repente...?) Merz: ---Mi cariño... esperame por favor. Yo definitivamente... (Dioos, le dice ''mi amada persona'' y habla como si estuviera mojando) Yui: ... ...! S-sueltame!
*Yui lo empuja* (Esa es mi waifu! >:v)
Yui: L-lo siento...! Yo... ya tengo que irme... Adios! Merz: ...Espera por favor! Yui: ADIOS...!!  (Que te dicen chau! xDDDD)
*Yui se va corriendo*
Lugar: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Qué demonios fue aquello? ''Mi cariño''... Qué significaba eso...!?) Yui: (Pensé que Merz-san era buena persona... pero tal vez---) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: (Mi corazón esta latiendo muy rápido... seguramente fue porque me sorprendí...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: En donde estabas? (Estaba... ordenando los libros, la gente de acá nunca limpia :'v)
*Carla se acerca a Yui*
Yui: Ah. Estaba... por allí...  (JAJA, yo diría lo mismoxD) Carla: Por allí?   Yui: Esto... (piensa rápido:v) Yui: (Qué debería hacer? Probablemente no podré mentirle a esta persona. Pero si él descubriera lo de Merz-san entonces Merz-san estaría en problemas...) Yui: Más importante, por qué Carla-san esta aquí? Carla: *Se sonrojAAAAA* Tenía tiempo. Pero no has respondido mi pregunta.
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Yui: Emmm... hace poco habías hablado de libros de filosofia... así que estaba buscando algunos... Carla: Hoo...
*Carla se acerca* (Ya valimos, tenemos el olor de Merz)
Yui: (Qué debería hacer, Carla-san se esta acercando. Y hace un momento... yo... estaba con Merz-san...) (Suena como si lo hubiera engañado xD)
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Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Huele. (Fuck :'v) Yui: Q...qué h-huele...? Carla: No te hagas la tonta!
*Pantalla vibra y la música cambia*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: Ya veo. Así que eso es lo que era. Usabas el pretexto de ir a ver los libros.
*Carla la agarra del cuello*
Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (Es doloroso... esta apretando mi cuello...!) Carla: Eres una mujer inteligente... Carla: Desde el principio sabías que me gustaban los libros, no es así? Y aprovechaste eso... (Ay, no... eso me dió en el cora) Carla: Escuchaste eso de Shin? Esperaste una oportunidad para usar mi simpatia y poder estar sola. Carla: ---Y todo esto fue para reunirte en secreto con un vampiro... Yui: T-te equivocas...! Yui: (Que debería hacer... se ha vuelto un malentendido...!)
/Expliquemos por las dudas :v Carla cree que Yui se esta viendo con algún novio vampiro xD
*Carla aprieta más su cuello*
Carla: Yo fui el estúpido por haberme descuidado con una mujer. Carla: Las mujeres no tienen fuerza, así que usan las mentiras para atraer a la gente... y se burlan de ellas. Carla: ---Ni pensar que yo fui engañado por ti... Yui: ... ... Carla: Dilo. Quien es. Algún Sakamaki? Mukami? ...O tal vez ambos? (JAJA, espera... me dijo puta!?) Yui: Te equivocas...! Yui: (Qué debería hacer para que me crea? Pero... aún así no hablaré sobre Merz-san...) Carla: Me dices que me equivoco? Entonces este olor... Como harás para explicar este olor a vampiro!? Yui: Eso es...
ELECCIONES: 1. Llorar (Nooo loveeeeee) 2. Disculparse. (Love, love~)
Yui: Lo siento... sé que es inútil disculparse, pero nunca los vi... Yui: No he visto a ninguno de los chicos. Yui: Ademas, desde el principio no tenía intención de simpatisarle a Carla-san...! (Uy, esa me dolió hasta a míxD) Carla: Hoo. Entonces como explicarás este olor? Carla: Si no has salido con ningún vampiro, entoces dime la razón por la que hueles tan mal. Yui: Eso es... Yui: (Qué debería hacer... es imposible que le diga la verdad...) Carla: Así que no dirás con quien te estabas viendo. Lo vas a defender, eh. Carla: Bueno, eso es comprensible. Pero cuando me entere cual vampiro es, yo lo mataré. Carla: No perdonaré que haya enfrentado a un Fundador. Y por supuesto... tampoco te perdonaré a ti---
*Pantalla vibra*
Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: Es algo muy patético. Pensar que un hombre que ni valor tiene te lleve de mí... Carla: Parece que ese hombre con el que te encuentras en secreto tiene miedo de mí... Carla: Que tú hayas vuelto de esta manera es la prueba más grande... Carla: Dejar su olor en ti fue algo estúpido. Carla: Parece que tu amante es un hombre muy tonto y sin perspicacia. Yui: ... ... Carla: Ahora, dilo. Quien es. Yui: E-eso... no lo diré... Carla: --Ya veo. Parece que no hay otra manera que hacerlo salir a través de tu cuerpo. Carla: Para que sepas quien es quien te tiene... Carla: *Oido* Y para que entiendas que la desobediencia no tiene es aceptable... Yui: Uhhh... Yui: (Alguien... salveme... ... ... ...)
*Sonido de ropa*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn hedor desagradable inflama mi odio. Carla: Esto no esta nada mal. Carla: Con este cuerpo y sangre que felizmente le has dado a un vampiro... Carla. Voy a jugar con el como si fuera una herramiendo... *La muerde* Nnn...!! Yui: Ahh... d...ue...le...! Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: De..ten...te... Yui: (Esta... mordiendo mi cuello... no puedo respirar---) Carla: No volveré a escuchar nada de lo que me digas. Carla: Tampoco saldrás afuera, como mi recipiente de sangre... te mantendré en un lugar para después matarte. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: No volverás a ver a ese hombre. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Por qué esta pasando algo como esto...? A este paso... yo ya...) Carla: Llora. Grita... pero yo nunca te perdonaré. Yui: (Aah, ya no puedo más...)
*Yui se desmaya*
Carla: Se desmayó, eh.... Ch. Que problematico... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (Pero... por qué estoy tan enojado? Ciertamente estoy enojado porque fui engañado...) Carla: (Pero enojarme hasta este punto...) Carla: !... ...
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Carla: (Es verdad, este sentimiento... es decepción. Todos los sentimientos que lastimaban a padre... aquel momento...) Carla: (Eso significa que yo confiaba en esta mujer...?) Carla: Tonterías... no hay manera. Carla: --Yo soy el rey de los Fundadores... no hay manera de que eso sea así.
-Monólogo de Yui-
Carla-san descubrió mis reuniones secretas con Merz-san.
Carla-san pensó que yo estaba viendo a los vampiros Sakamakis y Mukamis.
Pero sus nombres no saldrán de mi boca. Y por supuesto, tampoco diré el nombre de Merz-san. Merz-san me habló con confianza. No puedo traicionar su confianza.
Si llegara a hacer eso no podría perdonarme a mí misma. Es algo que como persona no puedo hacer.
Sólo me queda dejar mi boca en silencio, y apaciguar la ira de Carla-san.
-Fin del monólogo-
Palabras correctas: ''como persona'' y ''viendo''.
Esta tradução foi feita por: @bellasakamakimt
Local: Sala de Aula Especial.
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Desde um momento atrás que Carla-san está... emanando uma aura que assusta, por que isso? Talvez seria minha imaginação ?) Yui: (É de seu costume ser assustador, mas... dests vez é diferente, parece que ele está irritado...) Yui: (Talvez ele esteja irritado com algo?) Carla: O que há de errado? Se você quer dizer algo, não fique calada e fale. Yui: Umm... Posso ir devolver este livro para a biblioteca? Eu acabei de ler este... Carla: Os Familiares irão devolver. Yui: M-mas... Carla: *irritado* O que? Yui: Eu queria trazer alguns livros... Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: Por-por favor... Carla: Se apresse e vá. Yui: Posso ir!? Carla: Você é irritante. Queria minha permissão, certo? Quer que eu mude de ideia? Yui: Não, Eu irei agora mesmo! Yui: (Eu tenho de me apressar e chegar lá... vamos ver, este e... este... bem, Estou pronta...) Yui: Eu vou agora mesmo!!
*Yui se apressa e vai para a biblioteca*
Carla: (...Mm? O que é isso...? Um livro daquela mulher? Aquela idiota. Talvez ela esquecera isso?) Carla: ...Oí---
*Carla chama um familiar*
Familiar: Carla-sama. Me chamara? Carla: Não, não é nada.
*Carla fica de pé* Oh uh...
Familiar: Onde você está indo? Carla: Eu voltarei logo. Carla: (Já que faz um tempo, Eu também irei procurar um liveo) Carla: (Apesar de essas marcas não quererem desaparecer...) Carla: --Também levarei este livro.
*Tela escurece*
Place: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Como eu pensei, Merz-san não está aqui hoje...) Yui: (Eu estive pensando sobre muitas coisas... Não posso esconder aquela conversa com Merz-san) Yui: (Eu não sei o que aconteceria a ele se usassem ele como isca, talvez poderiam tirar seu outro olho...) Yui: (Se alguém sacrificar algo...) Yui: (Eu mesma entendo que isso é perigoso para mim tambén... mas...) Yui: (Não fingir que tudo está bem e não dizer nada ao Merz-san...) Yui: ---Isso é ruim, é quase o fim do tempo de descanso... Eu vou voltar. Yui: (Eu não tenho visto Merz-san desde o dia em que Shin-kun o tratara tão mal...) Yui: (Eu pensei que ele estaria aqui)
* BItch-MERZ-san is here*
Merz: ---Por favor,espere. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! Estou feliz! Eu pensei que você não viria hoje. Merz: --Você não ouviu sobre algo mais? Yui: Ah, sim. A verdade é que---
Merz: Eles me usarão como isca...? Yui: Sim, isso... então seria melhor se você não se aproximar mais do que isso deles... Yui: Eu entendo que você está zangado com eles, mas eu não sei o que eles poderiam fazer com você desta vez Merz: Mas, você virá no meu lugar. [WHAT] Yui: I--- Yui: (Depois de tudo, não importa onde eu vá, eles continuarão a beber meu sangue, já que esta é a única coisa que eles querem de mim...) Yui: (...Talvez eu já devesse ter desistido? .. Eu não sei...) Merz: Vai me dizer que não se importa? Yui: Eu não estive completamente conformada... mas estou bem assustada. Yui: Eles estão sempre me dizendo que sou só uma bolsa de sangue, e eles só bebem... Yui: Talvez, eles estejam planejando usar meu sangue para algo... Merz: Bolsa de sangue...? O que isso significa? Yui: Eu não sei... isso pode significar que tenho sangue especial. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: De qualquer forma, Eu sou necessária para eles. Então--- Merz: De forma alguma eu te abandonaria. Por favor não se preocupe comigo. Yui: M-mas...! Merz: Tudo está bem. Eu tenho que dar minha vingança.Este é o meu desejo e a minha missão. Merz: Apesar de que, Eu sou um vampiro. Eu sou teimoso. Merz: Eu não morreria facilmente. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...Você é uma pessoa muito gentil. *Merz... TOUCHES HER?* -DON'T TOUCH MAH WAIFU U SON OFfff Yui: Uh...? Merz: Quando eu olho para você... de alguma forma--
*Merz fica mais próximo*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (...De alguma forma é assustador... O que está acontecendo com ele tão repentinamente...?) Merz: ---Minha adorável querida... Por favor espere por mim. Eu irei definitivamente... Yui: ... ...! Me-me solte!
*Yui o empurra*
Yui: E-Eu sinto muito...! Eu... tenho que voltar... tchau! Merz: ...Espere por favor! Yui: TCHAU...!! *Yui corre para longe* Place: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Que droga foi aquela? ''Minha adorável querida''...O que isso significa...!?) Yui: (Eu pensei que Merz-san fosse uma boa pesska... mas talvez--) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: ( Meu coração está batendo muito rápido... deve ser porque fui surpreendida...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: Onde você esteve? Yui: Ah. Eu estava... ... por aí... Carla: Por aí? Yui: Ummm... ... Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer? Eu realmente nao posso mentir para essa pessoa. Mas se ele descobrir Merz-san entao Merz-san estaria encrencado... ...) Yui: Mais importante, por que Carla-san estaria aqui? Carl: *vermelho* Eu tive tempo livre. Mas voce nao respondeu minha pregunta.
*Carla se aproxima de Yui*
Yui: Em mm... Você recentemente falou sobre livros de filosofia... Então fui procurar alguns... Carla: Hoo... *Carla chega mais perto* Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer, Carla-san está mais perto. ... Eu... estava com Merz-san...) *Passos* Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Cheiro. Yui: Q... Que ch-cheiro...? Carla: Não se faça de boba!
*Tela vibra e muda*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: Entendi. Então foi isso. Você usou o pretexto de ir ler os livros. *Carla estrangula Yui* Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (É doloroso... ele está me estrangulando...!) Carla: Você é muito inteligente... Carla: Desde o início você soube que eu gostava de livros, certo? E você tomou vantagem disso... Carla: Você ouviu aquilo do Shin? Você esperou por uma oportunidade ppara tirar vantagem da minha simpatia e poder conseguir sozinha. Carla: ---E você só fez tudo isso para se encontrar com um vampiro em segredo... Yui: Voc-você está errado...! Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer... Isso se tornou um mal-entendido...!)
*Carla estrangula Yui com mais força*
Carla: Eu fui tolo por ter deixado minha guarda baixa para com uma mulher. Carla: Mulheres não possuem força, então elas mentem para enganar... e rir dele. Carla: ---Que coisa eu ter sido enganado por você... Yui: ... ... Carla: Diga. Quem foi. Um Sakamaki? Ou um Mukami? ...Ou talvez ambos? Yui: Você está errado...! Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer para ele acreditar em mim? De qualquerforma... Eu não quero falar sobre o Merz-san...) Carla: Você está me dizendo que estou errado? E este cheiro... Como você explica este cheiro de vampiro!? Yui: Isso é... CHOICES: 1. Chora (Nop) 2. Pede desculpas. (Love, love~) 2: Yui: Eu sinto muito... Eu sei que é inútil se desculpar, mas eu nunca me encontrei com eles... Yui: Eu não tenho visto nenhum daqueles garotos. Yui: Todavia, desde o início não tive intenção de simpatizar com Carla-san...! [OUCH/Eita] Carla: Hoo. Então como você explica este cheiro? Carla: Se você não tivesse se encontrado com um vampiro, então me diga porque você cheira tão mal. Yui: Isso... Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer... é impossível para mim contar a ele a verdade...) Carla: Então você não vai dizer quem você estava vendo. Você defenderá isso, huh. Carla: Bem, é compreensível. Mas quando eu descobrir qual vampiro é, eu irei matá-lo. Carla: Eu não perdoarei ninguém que for contra um Fundador. E é claro... Eu não perdoarei você também--- *Tela vibra* Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: Isso é muito patético. Um homem sem valor tentou tirar você de mim... Carla: Ao que parece, o homem que você esncontrou em segredo tem medo de mim... Carla: O fato de que você tenha retornado aqui é a prova disso... Carla: Deixar o cheiro dele em você foi ingenuidade. Carla: Parece que seu amante é um homem muito tolo sem inteligência. Yui: ... ... Carla: Agora, me diga. Quem e. Yui: Is-Isso... Eu não direi isso... Carla: --Entendo. Parece que não há opção que não seja fazer isso através de seu corpo. Carla: E então você saberá a quem você pertence... Carla: *no ouvido* E para você entender que desobediência não é aceitável... Yui: Uhhg... Yui: (Alguém... me ajude... ... ... ...)
*Carla rasga as roupas de Yui*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn, este cheiro desagradável é o que mais ofeio. Carla: Não é tão mal apesar de tudo. Carla: Este corpo e sangue que você deu alegremente deu a um vampiro... Carla: Eu irei brincar com ambos como se fossem objetos... *Ele a morde* Nnn... !! Yui: Ahh... it...hur...ts...!
Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: P..ar...e... Yui: (Ele está... mordendo meu pescoço... Não consigo respirar---) Carla: Eu não escutarei nada que você me disser novamente. Carla: Você nem mesmo irá para fora, como minha bolsa de sangue... Eu lhe manterei em um lugar para só então lhe matar. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: Você não verá aquele homem novamente. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Por que algo desse tipo está acontecendo...? Desta forma...Eu já estou...) Carla: Chore. Grite... Mas eu nunca lhe perdoarei. Yui: (Aah, Eu só não consigo...) *Yui desmaia* Carla: Ela desmaiou, huh.... Ch. Que problema... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (Mas... porque estou tão bravo? Eu estou bravo porque fui enganado...) Carla: (Mas se irritar a este ponto...) Carla: !... ... Carla: (Certo, este sentimento... É desapontamento. os sentimentos que feriram meu pai... aquele momento...) Carla: (Isso significa que eu confiei nesta mulher...?) Carla: Que sem sentido... De forma alguma. Carla: --Eu sou o rei dos Fundadores... Não há forma alguma de eu...
- Monólogo da Yui - Carla-san descobriu minhas reuniões secretas com Merz-san.
Carla-san pensou que eu estava vendo os Sakamakis e Mukamis.
Mas os nomes deles não saíram da minha boca. E é claro,Eu não iria dizer muito menos o nome de Merz-san. Merz-san falou comigo com confiança. Não posso traí-lo. Se eu fizesse isso eu não poderia me perdoar. É algo que não posso fazer como pessoa. Eu somente posso manter silêncio, E apaziguar a ira de Carla-san.
-Fim do Monólogo- Palavras certas: ''como pessoa'' e ''vendo''
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blissful-birth-doula-blog · 8 years ago
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I haven’t wrote in a few days for a few reasons…
1. A poor internet connection 2. A focus on my Spanish and my homework 3. Lack of new content and change
I chose to share a photo of where I am staying for this post. Much of the focus of this content has happened in these walls. This is the Center, where the mommies and I live.
The last few days have been uneventful to say in the least. I’ve spent my mornings in Spanish class. I can’t say they’ve helped me to converse, but I have a better understanding of grammar, numbers and the reasons why there is multiple variations of words. Although I understand why words like “Hacer” can also be hago, haces, hacer, hacemos or hacen , i can hardly remember them to the point of properly using the right word in a sentence  (I had to look in my lesson book to even remeber all the variations). Most of my learning of actual Spanish has come from living through it the last week. Through trial and error I’m starting to understand the direction I’m given by others and can piece together sentences more. That being said, I’m still a woman of few words here. I know how to say some things, but for one of the first time in my life I’m nervous. I’m nervous to make a mistake. I’ve always been one to not care what others think. Those of you who know me know that I always speak my mind and ask questions, even if I could be wrong. The different language for me is intimidating in a way that is new for me. I think a large factor as to why I’m nervous to speak, even if I know the words, is because of my perfectionist personality traits. I just want to understand it all….not tomorrow, not next week, but now. It’s driving me absolutely crazy. I’m thankful to have met Allison, the daughter of the woman who runs the centre. She’s the only one who speaks English who lives here. But here presence is all to limited when I need it the most. Her family and I are going to the Caribbean beach on Saturday, I can’t wait! Their family is very nice, and even with the poor communication we have, they welcomed me with open arms. I’m very thankful for them.
My afternoons have been preoccupied with household chores and food preparation. If I’m being honest, I was hoping by now to write about something more exciting, more birth related. Most of my days are spent reading doula books, attempting to get netflix to work, taking care of the children, and waiting. Waiting for a mom to need me, waiting for a mom to reach out…Waiting for labour to start. Its almost like I’m on call at home for a birth, except without anything else to do in my spare time. Most of my attempts to reach out to the Cabecar mommies have been met with resistance. It’s not a “me” problem, they are simply reserved with others not of their kind. Yet I continue to try to break down their very, very dense walls. I think I’m making progress slowly. Time will tell.
I’ve become very self sufficient, more so than I ever expected. I’ve come to a realisation that I knew I would…but never thought it would be this intense. The realisation of how good I truly have it in Canada. My eyes have been open to struggles and disparity. Struggles I knew existed, but to actually experience them first hand is remarkable. I can promise you I will never take my mother’s cooking for granted again. I eat beans, eggs and rice atleast twice a day, everyday, often prepared the same way. My diet also consists of a couple variations of fruits and vegetables and potatoes. That’s about it. Sometimes soups, sometimes great ones, other times not so much. I’ve realised I’m picky, my options in Canada were so vast I never thought of myself as a picky eater. I’d die for a chicken breast, and some pasta. My high maintenance qualities have been more present now than ever before. I find myself getting mad at those high maintenance qualities. Last night I couldn’t get the beans down, they were just…too much. I hated on myself for it, I told myself things like “why can’t you just eat it?! these people do every day without an issue” or  “stop being such a baby”. But it didn’t help. My body literally couldn’t take any more beans…And it’s only been a week. I’m feeling stressed. Things aren’t as I expected in many ways.
When communicating with the volunteer coordinator and head of the organisation I was expecting…more. More births, more interaction with English speaking people, more learning, and just more to do in general. I’m sharing this aspect for those doulas out there planning to come here, or thinking of it. Be aware. My goal here is not to complain. I’m trying to be as objective as possible. I want others to know what I’m feeling so that maybe they can be more prepared, and face less of the unknown like I have had to.
These issues aside, I’m still happy to be here. I realise the center has just reopened and administratively there is clearly a lot of kinks that still need to be sorted out. But I wish I would have been told that before confirming when to come here. Being told the issues present here ahead of time would have maybe made me decide to go at a later time…at a more organized time. I just keep reminding myself that no matter what the conditions these women need support. So I’m glad I’m here, because no other doulas are right now.
The things I have learned about myself have made me stronger emotionally and mentally. This environment has tested me. I’m more reflexive and more greatfull than ever. I’m proving to myself and others that I can do this (even if “doing this” means getting a complaint or two in to my parents and boyfriend, I’m still proud of myself). This alone outweighs the negatives. I’m crossing my fingers one of the ladies here will give birth soon. I’m ready for a birth.
Positive vibes: 4 Frustration: 5 Anxiety: 4 Food cravings: 10
Update: We had lentils for dinner instead of beans….THANK THE LORD
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