#like them just sitting there while anthony reads it and damien shayne and courtney freak out
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agoldengalaxy · 2 years ago
I am literally not emotionally prepared for the angry letter from anthony. give it to me now
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lilac-hecox · 1 year ago
i don’t have a specific request but something with spommy or kimney? congrats btw!
Spencer/Tommy - Spommy - Staff Meeting
*This is inspired by the reading Youtube Comments Sm*sh P*t Theater and the Smoshoffice series and is meant to be silly and wacky
“So, just a reminder that we’re all co-workers here and we want to be professional with each other, and while Smosh doesn’t disallow relationships between employees this is still a workplace,” Nate says, fidgeting a little at the whiteboard in front of the conference room. “Questions?” Spencer raises his hand. Nate eyes Spencer warily, but nods. “Spencer?”
“So, how come Anthony can call Ian submissive and breedable but I have to get a warning when I ask Tommy about his penis?”
Tommy, who is across the room, drops his face into his hands. Anthony and Ian are seated next to each other at the head of the table. Anthony immediately turns red and Ian chokes on his cup of coffee, sputtering a little. Courtney is quick to hand Ian a napkin.
“Um,” Nate says, “I guess we shouldn’t really be calling each other submissive and breedable either?”
“That was a joke,” Anthony stresses, his face going a darker pink.
“Yeah right…” Chanse mumbles from the opposite corner of Spencer.
Angela offers her hand for a high five as she lets out a stream of giggles. Chanse gives her a pointed look and shakes his head, and he quickly takes her wrist and lowers her hand for her.
“I want to be clear that Spencer and I don’t really talk about my penis all that much,” Tommy says.
Spencer looks wounded, “I was just worried about you!”
“Anthony and I are just friends,” Ian says, “I want to stress that too.”
Amanda rolls her eyes, “Anyone who thinks Ian and Anthony are really just friends raise your hand.”
Spencer glances around to see not one person in the meeting has raised their hands except Ian and Anthony themselves.
“Well fuck,” Ian says.
“You two were cuddling in the bean bag chair in your shared office,” Shayne points out.
“We got tired from writing the new sketch!” Anthony says defensively.
“You called him hot yesterday,” Damien adds.
“I’m hyping up my best friend!” Anthony insists.
Ian’s face is red.
“Angela said she knows what Damien sounds like when he has sex!” Anthony retorts.
“That was one time!” Angela snaps.
Damien groans.
Nate is quickly losing the room and stands nervously in front of the lot of them.
“Guys, bring it back in- “
“Courtney said the other day that Garrett is ‘kinda daddy’!” Ararsha says.
Courtney’s eyes widen, “Arasha!”
“Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.”
“Yeah, well you said you would take Amanda to O-Town!” Courtney says in return.
“Oh,” Amanda says the same time Arasha huffs.
“Guys!” Nate says.
Spencer stands and he can hear Tommy groan.
“I’m in love with Tommy!”
Zoe bursts into the conference room and flicks the lights on and off suddenly, gaining the room’s attention.
“This is an office and not middle school so sit down and let Nate finish, please.”
The cast takes their seats and Spencer feels his face get hot. He doesn’t dare to look over at Tommy, his confession hanging heavy in the air of the room.
The meeting ends with Nate scheduling everyone for a mandatory workplace conduct training. Afterwards, Spencer is at his desk, pretending to work while silently freaking out.
“Hey, um, Spence, you busy?” Tommy asks, drawing Spencer’s attention from his computer screen.
Spencer wants to say yes, but he blinks and then shakes his head.
“Not really, what’s, um, what’s up?”
Tommy moves and sits on the small couch that is in the game’s office hub. Spencer rolls over closer to Tommy, scared of what the other man might say after Spencer confessed to his feelings during their morning conference meeting.
“So, this morning…was that, uh, a joke or do you really feel something towards me?”
Spencer feels his face getting pink and hot.
“I, um, like you a lot and I get if that’s weird for you and you hate me now or- “
“As if I could hate you,” Tommy says, fondly, a smile on his face.
“You don’t?”
“I think you’re an idiot, but like, in a puppy kind of way, you know?”
“Don’t you hate dogs?” Spencer says.
“Dogs but not puppies.”
“So, there’s a chance here?” Spencer asks, a smile on his face.
“Yes, but no more asking about my penis in public,” Tommy says.
“Deal,” Spencer says, “but does that mean I can ask about it in private?”
Tommy laughs, “I mean, I hope so.”
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