#like the woman who fell to earth sets up ryan in the spotlight so well and then we never see that again
foolishlyzephyrus · 4 days
i really think that ryan/graham should’ve been the first companions in 13’s era and then have yaz come later
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Happy Birthday, jbsaucy!
Happy belated Birthday, @jbsaucy​! We hope you had a wonderful day back on the 16th, and that you celebrated in style! To bring your party back around, the lovely @mega-aulover​ has written a story just for you!
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For this year, I am recently divorced and trying to get the nerve up to get out there. So I would like to request a 30/40s Everlark, post divorced meeting
Dear Jbsaucy I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I apologize for the lateness, and I hope you had a wonderful day. This prompt BTW was amazing and I had a great time writing it. It was a blast. Thank you to Norbertsmom for Betaing 
Rated T 
Divorce sucks. SUCKS.
Getting divorced sucks, being divorced sucked.
But nothing, not the tedious nature of dividing unwanted movies, the fear of root canals, or getting a speeding ticket, compared to dating. Dating, ladies and gentlemen, after being married for ten years sucked royally. 
After my divorce, my attorney suggested I get a hobby or join a club. I really wasn’t a social person. Not much of a talker, and avoided any and all spotlights. It was this fear of the spotlight that originally brought me in contact to my now ex-husband, Darius.
My best friend Gale pushed me to do one of those karaoke nights. I panicked and ran straight into Darius. He thought I was cute, and I was grateful he went up with me to the karaoke microphone. He sang and I laughed. The rest is history; the marriage only lasted ten years. But I knew we weren’t right for one another, partially because Darius was a very sexual person, for me sex wasn’t important. I got more enjoyment out of getting my teeth cleaned. He found someone who revved his engine and I got the fica and dates. 
Yup Dates.
How did that happen you ask?
Well, I’ll tell you I followed my divorce attorney’s suggestion. Preface-OUTSIDE OF A COURTROOM NEVER EVER FOLLOW YOUR DIVORCE ATTORNEY’S ADVICE.
With that warning sign, I digress. Taking a deep breath, I pinch the bridge of my nose. Wait for it... I joined a book club. 
It was the only natural course of action. After our divorce I got all of the books. You see one of the things Darius and I loved to do was go to bookstores. We’d buy all of these books with the intention of reading them, and we never did. We had bookshelves filled with books from the 100 Must-Read Classic Books by Penguin. So after my divorce, I sat in my newly minted apartment with a box of wine and all of these books. 
I was looking at the boxes, my divorce papers jutting out. Amongst them there was a note - with the name of a book club, the real 451 book club, with an address. I called them the Squad 451 or the Squad. The women were a hodgepodge of personalities; the right blend of sweet and crazy. There is Mags, the motherly type. She has boatloads of grandchildren. Then there is her neighbor Greasy Sae  who runs a diner in town. I used to go to her diner as a kid and consume her mystery meat soups. The older woman is bawdy and half of the things she says makes me blush redder than a red bean. Next is Annie, a shy, slightly mad girl who is a librarian. Delly has the personality of the southern bell who wears pink and believes in romance. I’ve known of Delly forever; she and I went to the same high school. 
Foxface,  has one of those names with multiple consonants and vowels but prefers to go by Foxy or Foxface. She is freakishly smart and sometimes, I think she has blackmarket dealings because she’s so secretive. Then there is Effie, the middle aged, tightly wound woman whose book choices are as repressed as she is, like Jane Eyre. And last, but not least, is my divorce lawyer, yes the very same one who suggested I get a hobby, Johanna Mason who is, well, a sex fiend. 
I started meeting up with them, and six months after my divorce, that’s when the ladies conspired against me and set up my profile on one of those dating websites looking for men, for me. I had no idea, and on my birthday, they presented me with their “gift.” 
It was the gift you didn’t want, like a pimple on your wedding day or the runs before an important interview, or bad breath before a first kiss. 
Greasy said that if I didn’t use my, well, feminine - looks around - petals. That they’ll dry up and turn into ugly petunias. I announced sex wasn’t important, and even friged Effie said a lady needed to literally, figuratively, and metaphorically, occassionally let her hair down. 
 I said NO.
I demanded.
I scowled.
Nothing helped.
They created a profile based upon themselves, and yet through describing themselves they pegged me. I was nurturing. I had a sexy edge. I was introverted, and yet mysterious. I was smart, honest, loyal and a closet romantic. But if you tell anyone that, I’ll hunt you down, even after I’m dead. 
They split me up like a kid of divorced parents being schlepped from one house to the other. They set themselves up in teams and each team got to pick my dates. And everytime we met for a book club meeting, I was to dutifully report on the date. Based upon their success, a second date would be permitted. 
It was a simple proposition. 
I was naive. A stupid idiot, or as Bugs Bunny say’s, a maroon. 
Because I hadn’t really ever been out there. 
To be honest, I met Darius right out of high school, at my first college party, and we were married - okay it wasn’t a big wedding. It really wasn’t a wedding at all. It was a spur of the moment, we got drunk and ended up at one of those Elvis chapel impersonators. Annnnd bada-bing. 
I never really dated, so I agreed with the book club’s plan, because how hard could dating be?
 And thus began my nightmare.
I must state, or emphatically note, not all of my “dates,” were catastrophically bad. To be fair, most of the time I wasn’t interested. Delly said I wasn’t romantically pulled. Johnna said my engine wasn’t revved up. Greasy said if the man didn’t make me want to orgasam with a look, then he wasn’t worth my time. I posed this question to the universe: How in blazing blue inferno does a man make a woman...well you know, with a look? Was that even possible?
A hazy yellow fuzz enters my head and my mind wanders. I conjure up blue eyes and translucent lashes that never tangle.  
…. (my brain just short circuited at the thought of large hands)
Earth to Katniss. 
Okay sorry, I spaced out for a little bit, and their words spurred me on to continue my journey. And one year after my divorcce I had stories, no I have battle scars.  To prove my point, the following are my top three worst dates. In no particular order.  
Date Disaster # 1 was with an artsy type at a chique Italian restaurant. He arrived late, and was drunk, high, or both. Then fell asleep on his plate of bolognese. Yup, in his plate of spaghetti and meat sauce. I paid for my half, tucked my tail between my legs and left.
Date Disaster #2 was with a small man with glasses and a massive intellect who didn’t stop talking about flamingos. FLAMING PINK FLAMINGOS. My brain shut down. I didn’t hear the music in the jazz themed restaurant. I didn’t even taste the heat in the gumbo. The only factoid I remembered when we said goodnight was that flamingos were gray when they were born. I couldn’t even tell you how they became pink. The man was the human form of anesthesia for my soul. 
Date Disaster #3 was a nice man. We laughed. And everything was going well. We ordered drinks, a cranberry and soda for me, the bartender special for him while we waited for our table. Turns out he has a milk allergy and the bartender special had milk. When we sat down at the table and we were talking about our hobbies, his stomach began to grumble loudly. He became pasty and then as the waiter brought out our appetizers, he threw up all over the place. It was a good thing that throwing up didn't bother me, but it bothered our waiter who gagged. Needless to say, I burned the outfit I was wearing.  
Those were the top three...but there were more, just simmering to become the top one. And for a time I thought I wasn’t made to date.  But the ladies had faith and they were really trying to choose nice, interesting guys. However, nothing, nothing that I could ever imagine could top my latest date. 
I’m rushing along the sidewalk. I don’t want to be late, but at the same time, I don’t want to tell them how much of a calamity my latest date was, but to be completely honest, I don’t want to miss it. Tonight is also the night the group meets at Mellark’s. The friendly cafe style bakery with its rich and yummy pastries, both savory and sweet. It is my favorite place to meet. Squad 451 meets twice a month in different locations, including one of the two meeting rooms in the library, one of the community rooms in the Justice Building, and on our birthdays, we meet in a restaurant, but the bakery on Main Street is our favorite location. The Mellarks owned several locations. The flagship store was always managed by one of the original family members.  
If George Senior, or the middle son Ryan Mellark is at the helm of the bakery, they allow us to cavort in the shop until close. When his older brother George Junior or their Mother Muriel was in charge, we tended to be quiet, relegating our conversations to the books. When Peeta is in charge, there are free cheese buns and chaos. 
Please, stomach gods, let Peeta be there. I skipped lunch today because I had a deadline. I also forgot my wallet at home. Thankfully, my license was at the bottom of my backpack. I need food before my stomach eats itself. I am starving when I walk into the bakery. When I see Peeta, I stop. His blue eyes meet mine and my stomach flip flops. He gives me a slow sweet smile, before his eyes slide back to the customer who is ordering.
“Katniss,” Delly squeaks, waving frantically.
Somehow, my feet carry me over to the table and there is a plate of cheese buns and I thank every celestial being in the universe. His buns are heavenly. Sitting down, I take a napkin and snatch one.  My mouth waters and my lashes close as I bring the cheese bun to my mouth.  The smell of melted cheese, fresh bread, and the hint of dill, assuage my nose, before I bite into one of Peeta’s coveted flaky concoctions. The combination of the oozing cheese, the herbs and the buttery bread elicit a moan from deep within my being. These freaking cheese buns will be the death of me. 
“Wow.” Peeta’s voice causes my lashes to fly open. 
Peeta is standing near me with a cup of tea; his face and neck splotchy and red.  
My mouth is full of delicious food, but I forgot how to chew. 
Delly is looking between us. Her pale blue eyes quizzical, like when she’s trying to understand a concept or theme in a book.
 “Okay, bitches,” Johanna says, slamming her brief down. “Where’s the rest of the motley crew?”
“Mags and Greasy just arrived,” Delly answers absentmindedly. 
“Hey, Peeta, I need a strong black coffee.” 
“Sure,” Peeta says, all the while staring at me. I finally remember to chew. “Here Katniss, your tea.”   
Taking the paper cup, I can’t help feeling bashful. “Thank you.”
“Peet,” the girl behind the counter calls. 
Whenever Peeta is here, the business is brisk. He is charming. He was always charming, even back in high school he was the most popular guy, not only because of his looks, but because he was genuinely nice. I, like all of the other girls, had a mini crush on him. 
Looking over his shoulder he says, “I’ll be right back with your coffee, Jo.” 
Now Jo is looking between him and me, but hers is a wicked grin, like right before she nails a sleazebag who doesn’t want to pay for his children. I quirk an eyebrow, clueless as to what has Johanna showing off her predatory gleam. 
“Oh, it’s chilly outside,” Mags says.
“It’s colder than Rudolph’s balls outside,” Greasy says, her gruff voice is booming. Several patrons look at her. Greasy does not care. She’s well past her sixties and it’s her motto that she should live each day as if it was her last. 
In walks Effie, Annie, and Foxface, and they all say, “Hello,” in unison. 
The book of the month is actually a YA fiction called, The Fault in Our Stars, about teens with a terminal illness. I cried when Gus...I tear up once more...at the memory. But I know we aren’t going to discuss Hazel’s predicament with her parents. 
“So,” Delly says, bouncing in her chair.
I can’t help but grimace.
“How did it go?” Foxface says. She has an accent, but I can’t place it. 
“He looked like he belonged on one of those erotic books Johanna loves to read,” Greasy says, grabbing a cheese bun.
She’s not wrong. Gloss was a blond adonis, with slate blue eyes. And abs that have a flipping twelve pack, I ought to know, I counted them. The words are out of my mouth before I am aware of what I am saying.  “He really does with a twelve pack,” I say drinking my tea.
“Did you say twelve pack?” Johanna sat up. 
My eyes widen. 
“Wait, why are you blushing Katniss?” Foxface narrows her eyes.
“Did you and he…” Annie trails off. Her doe eyes are wide. 
“Did you have your first sleepover?” Effie leaned in. 
“Or did you dry hump him like a horny-toad dog?” Greasy’s voice bounces in the bakery.
Peeta’s pauses , wiping down the counter and looks directly at me. 
“NO!” My voice sounds half strangled.
Jo and Delly exchange a look. “Peeta,” Delly calls him over. 
Oh, no, no, no, I say to myself, eyeing how quickly I can get from the back corner to the exit. It is one thing to tell the squad, it is another to have Peeta know. I think I can sprint around the chairs and clear the table near the door like an olympic hurdle jumper. 
Peet walks over. “Hey Dells, can I get you ladies anything?”
“Katniss was going to regale us with her latest date,” Delly says.
“She’s going to tell us how she knows her date has Thor’s body.” 
“You’re dating?” Peeta asks, looking at me intently.
He doesn’t know I am dating or rather, being raked through hot coals.
“Oh,” Foxface chortles. “She’s dating.”
“Remember the guy who was texting with his mother during the entire date,” Effie said.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Mags saids grinning.
“Only the part when he had Katniss talk to her, and it turned out she was psychoanalyzing her to make sure she wasn’t an ax murderer,” Annie said laughing.
“Or what about the guy who kept on mentioning his ex and cried through the crème brûlée,” Greasy slaps her knee, laughing.
I can’t help but laugh. 
“Man, those are pretty bad,” Peeta says.
I hold up my finger. “No, those are tame.”
“Tame?” His blue eyes are sparkling. “You mean there are worse dates?”
Delly snorts. “Oh there are worse. I am so glad I am out of the dating pool.”  
“Yeah, Gale just loves you,” Annie sighs. 
Delly and Gale met when I joined the book club. And while I floundered, they fell in love and now Delly was pregnant.  
My eyes shift to Annie. “It’s so much easier when you fall in love.”
“Oh?” I say.
“I met someone,” Annie says softly. “He wants to meet all of us.”
I wonder what type of guy would date quiet, shy, introverted Annie who sometimes says things that remind me of that song from those Freddy movies from the 80’s. I shake my head.  Then I narrow my eyes. “Bring him to the next session,” I hear myself say. I want to meet this man, and make sure he will take care of my friend. 
“Really.” Annie clasps her hands.
I nod, but I notice Peeta is looking at me with this strange gleam in his eyes.  “Ah...yeah.” My voice sounds breathy. I frown, wondering why the heck I sound like one of those girls. You know the ones that always appear in the music videos washing cars and dancing on super yachts. Darius was fascinated by those girls, heck, his new girlfriend looks like one of those girls.
The women are chatting with Annie about the new guy in her life.  
“We'll discuss Annie’s beau later,” Mags holds her hand in the air. “I want to hear about Katniss’ date.” Her white hair spills over her shoulder as she fixes me with a look. “So tell us, how do you know Thor has a twelve pack?”
Somehow or another I knew the scrutiny on Annie would be short lived. My time to shine would come, but when I open my mouth to speak I can see a conspiratorial glance between Mags and Annie. And it hits me that they chose this man, because he looked like Thor. I scowl at the women who set me up on this one. Mags and Annie both have a pink tinge to their faces. I would have expected this from Jo or Greasy, but Mags and Annie, well it’s INCONCEIVABLE! 
I begin to speak. “He asked me to meet him at the edge of town, near route twelve.”
“Isn't that where Ripper’s place is?” Effie questioned, and she couldn’t hide her revulsion. 
“Yup,” I said, popping the ‘P’, thinking of the bar that disguised itself as an eatery. It was a seedy diner with cracked linoleum floors, yellowing formica, booths that had patches, blinking lights, and rickety chairs. 
“That’s where he asked you to meet him?” Mag’s sounds outraged. “That place is…is-”
“- a bedhaven for unsavory characters,” Foxface finishes. 
“You're brainless,” Jo mutters darkly. "Ripper's isn't the type of place you can go to Katniss. You should have called me."
As protective as I am about my friends, so is Jo. She's tough on the outside but has a really soft center. It's what makes her a perfect shark in the courtroom. Not that Darius was a jerk during our divorce. He actually wasn't. Johanna was present at the restaurant where he announced he wanted a divorce. Johanna later said it was my face, the vulnerability I tried to hide was why she took my divorce pro-bono. 
“I drove and brought my bottle of mace.” I know what everyone was thinking. The area in town where Ripper’s is located at, made the bad side of town look like a tourist destination. I didn't mind meeting my date there. I was looking forward to a basket of fries. Ripper's had amazing beer-battered fries. 
I've been to Ripper's once. I was with Gale and Thom who needed to score fake IDs. I ordered the fries, since I wasn't there for an ill gotten identification. But let me tell you, those fries. Oh! Holy mother of fries, no other fries can compare. 
I love food; it's why I'm a food critic now. What's so funny is that it was those fries that began my career as Buttercup, the elusive food critic. Back then I was Buttercup, the fussy eater. I blogged about them, no, I lavished them with love. I love my job. I can go into any restaurant, order anything on the menu, blog about it and get paid handsomely. And, most importantly, I can do it anonymously. Not even Darius knew I was Buttercup. He thought I was a boring housewife. Getting back to the fries, I wasn’t deterred from getting my fries.
“So then what happened?” Annie asked.
“He was there waiting for me. He stood up and smiled. And he's massive-"
"Just like a book cover," Foxface mutters.
 "He said his name wasn't Anthony, it’s Gloss.”
“Gloss?” Everyone said at the same time.
“Yup.” I sighed. “It was a sign. I should've left." Damn those fries! 
“So Gloss…" Peeta's sparkling eyes are on mine, his are an amazing hue of blue, like the indigo milk cap mushrooms. "Looks like Thor."  He frowns. "Thor with the long hair or short?"
"Long." The women around me answered as one.
Peeta turned those gorgeous eyes back to me.
Thor isn’t my cup of tea. I shrugged to show my indifference. "Gloss was sporting the Ragnarok look, short hair with facial hair."
 I swear I watch Peeta mouth, "short hair."
"Anyway, we sat at a booth. It was packed, actually." That should've been clue number two. Men at a joint like Ripper's at 8:30 on a Friday night, it was by the highway, plausible. But packed with just as many women. "The waitress who took our drink order could barely hear me."
"Was he nice?" Annie asks.
"He was sweet." Truthfully Gloss was a sweet guy.  He talked about his mother in a positive way, even if she gave him the name that was another descriptor for shiny objects. "He was attentive too. He told me his mother worked in the makeup industry. "
"That doesn't sound too awful," Delly says.
"He sounds delightful." Mags pushes her reading glasses up the bridge of her nose.  The gang is getting tired of the story and I hope they will move on to the reason we are  gathered, discussing the book we were reading. I begin to reach into my backpack because I really hate purses.
"If he's so delightful, why did he ask you to meet him at Ripper's?" Johanna says in her cross examination voice.
I wince as I take out my book.
"Yes, you must explain." Foxface demands.
"It's not nice to leave us dangling." Effie levels a look at me that has me squirming, feeling like I was being summoned into the principal's office. 
"I wanna know how you know Gloss has a twelve pack," Greasy says.
Peeta looks at me expectantly. 
Anndddd were back. I sigh. Will he run for the hills when I tell him? Most likely.
"We were talking about dancing.” My voice loses all it’s warmth. “I don't dance."
This causes a rumble of laughter and giggles amongst the women. Peeta looks confused. Finally Delly wipes the tears from her face and gasps, “You should never dance. Ever!” 
"That poor man’s toes,” Mags says, her shoulders shaking.
“Do I need to know?” Peeta looks between them. 
“I don’t dance!” I growl. The group erupts into another bout of laughter. 
“It was a scheme, a dirty underhanded scheme,” Effie says. 
The guy I was supposed to date was a dance instructor. He used the dating app as a way to drum up business. When the women meet him, he pairs them with guys who were there for a lesson. He paired me with a poor man named Harry. My nerves got the better of me, because I don’t like to be touched. Harry’s hands were sweaty. Harry tried to dip me as per my date’s instructions. I tripped, and in the process his toes were crushed, and I ended up with a sprained ankle. 
When I arrived in crutches to the next book club, well, that was one of those dates that simmers at the surface vying to be in the top three. 
“Gloss didn’t believe me. He said anyone can dance. I told him no, and explained that there are people who are predisposed to fly in airplanes, and some who get motion sickness in a car. “
“What happened next?” Foxface asks, moving to the edge of her chair.
“He went to the jukebox.”
“Oh no,” Johanna mutters. “Did he end up in the hospital?” 
“Is that how you know he’s got a twelve pack?” Greasy questions. The ladies, and Peeta are all staring at me. 
I shake my head. Why couldn’t there be a rush of customers right now? It is calm and I know the odds are against me. 
“Spill it!” Johanna demands. 
“Well, he queued up a song and waited a beat, and then Lenny’s Kravits’ American Woman started blaring. Gloss started sauntering and spun and did the splits on the floor. Next thing I know, the women in the place go nuts. They surround him, like a rabid pack of wild dogs.”
“Wait, what!” Delly exclaims her pale eyes bright, she grips the book in her hand. 
“That doesn’t happen,” Peeta says.
“It does to her,” Foxface said, her eyes shining with ferocity, like the eyes of those women at Rippers.
“Shut it blondie,” Johanna orders. 
“Yeah,” Annie says.
Taking a deep breath I continue. “He started dancing...hips…” my brain flashing to his hips gyrating. “...jutting out and…”
“Ohhhhh yeah,” Greasy cackles.
“Gyrating, his hips gyrating,” Foxface gasps.
With eyes closed I nod. “His hips were doing that all over the place. He then jumped on the table and proceeded to rip off his shirt. He shouted my name and told me his next move was his favorite. He spun onto his knees and slid up in my face before dropping his drawers.” I lower my eyes. 
“What,” Delly squeaked. “His pants?”
“It’s like Magic Mike,” Mags whispers.
I know the movie Mag’s is referring to. I’ve never seen it. “Yes.” 
“Was he naked-” Foxface began.
“-or was he wearing-” Annie cut Foxface off only to be cut off herself. 
“A G-String!” Greasy shouted excited.
I shook my head no. He wasn’t wearing anything, I can feel the heat burning my ears.
“Well don’t stop! What happened next!” Even Effie has lost her sense of propriety. 
“As I looked for an escape. It’s then I noticed  the poster on the wall, for the Slag Heap.” I pause and sigh, “Men’s Magic Friday Night Extravaganza, and Gloss was the headliner. I realized he’s a stripper.” 
And the place erupts in laughter. 
“What did you do?” Peeta asks.
My eyes connect with his.
“I slunk down to the floor and crawled my way out...drove to the hospital and made my sister administer a tetanus shot.”
 “Can I have his number?” Johanna says laughing but her eyes are dead serious. 
Peeta is smiling at me and I grab a cheese bun because they are as delicious as the man staring at me. 
Eventually we do get to the book, and it’s a pretty good discussion. Peeta let us stay until closing. Mags and Greasy are the last of the ladies to leave. It’s just me and Peeta since he let the staff go home. I’m loitering because I feel like I need to explain to Peeta why I let the ladies talk me into dating. 
I’m putting up the chairs on the tables when Peeta comes out. 
“You’re still here?”
“Yeah.” I look down at my feet.
“Peeta.” We both say at the same time, followed by a nervous chuckle.
“You first,” Peeta insists, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Dating wasn’t my idea.”
“It wasn't?” He raised an eyebrow.
I shake my head. 
“So what happened?”
“The ladies, they got me a year long subscription for my birthday, and knowing I wouldn’t go through with it, they choose who I date...until I find someone,” I can feel the heat rising from my neck and reaching my cheeks, “I like.”
I nod, incapable of speaking.  I cannot stop watching the way he blinks, those darned translucent lashes that never tangle. 
“Dating is pretty brutal.”
“Yeah,” I snort because dating is horrible. 
“My family is constantly setting me up. I went out with a girl who sang through the entire meal. She chose the pasta and sang On Top of Spaghetti.”
“What?” I laugh.
“That was my dad’s doing. My mom’s choice was a lot scarier. She made me do an obstacle course and made me do it three times until I beat the time she wanted me to reach.”
“I was dressed in dress slacks, a nice shirt, and a tie.” He deadpans, “I even had on dress shoes.”
“I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he shrugs. 
I couldn't help but smile. 
“Dating sucks until you find someone who makes you laugh, someone who makes dancing easy.”
He approaches or maybe it’s my own feet that carry me to him. But it doesn’t matter because when his arm slides along my waist, and the other cradles my hand, I have no fears. There is something familiar with him as I dance with him. A slow shuffle, that has the room spinning but none of it matters because I feel at home.
“Will you dance with me Katniss?” His voice rumbles in my ear and my heart is pounding in my chest.
His scent is a warm heady mixture of spices, dill, vanilla, and cinnamon. 
“Would you go out with me Katniss?”
“Yes,” I answer, and just like that my dating profile goes up in flames. Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially off the market.
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