#like the way ppl kinda jump at u for having thoughts and theorizing is ?!?
odysseys-blood · 21 days
honestly i feel atp its disingenuous to act like anyone knows the lore of the game super clearly and that anyone else who tries to interpret whats going on is the most wrong person on earth like the game doesnt feel like its got 5 different people writing the story and none of them are on speaking terms
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patronsaintofgirls · 2 years
what are your thoughts on whether they will drop an album/documentary/live performance dvd and if they will tour again?? i feel really sad bc them playing fake your death seems like a final goodbye again but some ppl are looking at it as a positive and i can't seem to get there it feels pretty permanent that they are gone forever again :( (ik they're not done touring bc japan & australia but you know what i meaaaaaaaan)
first of all thank u so much for asking me i really do have a lot of thoughts!! second of all this is gonna probably be long and idk how well i’m gonna be able to organize all my thoughts so just bare with me lol. i’ll start by saying i am 100% somebody who gets overly excited about shit and jumps to conclusions so i don’t wanna come off as cynical or a hater bc i am definitely not!! i think it’s so fun to get too excited and start theorizing!! this is just kinda where i’m standing now as i’m reflecting on it all.
i definitely think either a live album or another commemorative/reissue-type album (like fake your death and living with ghosts) is very likely, just given that they’ve done it in the past. also the act of them playing all these old demos and reworking old songs leads me to believe there might be some type of remastered version of these songs coming. as far as a tour documentary goes i really don’t know if i’m being honest. i feel like they’re building a lot of momentum now and they probably will talk at some point in some capacity. the filming notices at shows and the “dvd” sections on the website are pretty good indicators that it’s happening, but if i can speak from a skeptic’s pov for a minute i’ll say that they could be filming for music videos or promo videos etc.
i was definitely an mcr5 truther when the tour started, i was theorizing and tin hatting and whatever else you wanna call it (i literally have a screenshot of me telling someone there’s gonna be a new concept album and i said “i’m saving this for when i’m right” lmfao) but now not so much. not to get all breakup post on you but i think the discography is such an established anthology of work that exists in exactly the way it’s meant to right now so i don’t really think there’s a new album. i might be completely wrong tho!!! there absolutely might be a new album it’s impossible to know at this point!! and i just really have no clue whatsoever about another tour lol i really hope so but i’ve got like zero prior thoughts about it
sorry this is probably way more than you asked for haha but i just really wanted to share how i feel! i guess as a conclusion i would say i feel like there’s definitely Something Else coming. there’s no way to tell what it is but i just honestly don’t believe they’ll end this tour without Something. and as far as the future goes it’s very nerve wracking but we really do just have to wait and see!!
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