#like the stupid slanted tires guy
simplyghosting · 6 months
Someone raced past me while I was stopped for a left turn and I only saw it for a split second but they had their car decked out to look like heckin Lightning McQueen including the Rust-eze sponsor stickers and I’m so mad I couldn’t get a photo of it
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oncasette · 1 year
your head is so numb (that nervous breath you try to hide)
summary: 0.5k
“you’d tell me if i was reading this wrong, right, sweetheart?” he asks just as his hand comes up to tilt your head towards him. the tip of his nose bumps yours as leans in and you try your damndest to make a joke out of it but every word dies on your tongue before it’s got any chance at coming out and, suddenly, you don’t have to worry about speaking because eddie is kissing you. eddie is kissing you, and you’re just sitting there, eyes wide and unblinking until he’s pulling back completely with a swirl of emotions in his eyes that has your stomach plummeting.
or the one where eddie kisses his best friend without much warning
warnings: sexual implications j a little
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he’s just sitting there and you think your brain has been put through the blender. he’s just sitting there and you can’t even think straight because all you can think about is how all you can smell his cheap, dollar store cologne and the fact that your knees keep knocking together and his stupid metallica t-shirt that’s got the sleeves cuffed above his biceps and.
“everything alright over there, sweetheart,” he asks, lips turned up in a smug grin. you hadn’t even realized he’d turned to look at you, eyes shifting up from his arms to his face as heat flushes through you.
“fine- fine,” you clear your throat. “good.”
“good,” he says as he adjusts how he’s sitting. his knees spread open wider, butt shuffling down the leather of the couch as he reclines his body. his jeans had always been on the tighter side, but these were tight.
your thighs squeeze together involuntarily, something eddie just barely catches with a flicker of his gaze.
his hand comes up suddenly to rest along the back of the couch and his fingers nearly graze your ear.
“you sure you’re okay, sweetheart?” he asks again, hand coming down to brush against the side of your neck. “you seem… jumpy.”
“‘m not jumpy,” you defend. “it’s been a long day, eds.”
“long day?”
“yeah, tired,” you hum. your pulse pumps in your throat. he knows, he knows. god, he’s gotta know.
“you know you don’t seem…” he leans into you, whispering, “tired.”
goosebumps rise under the obtusion of his breath.
he runs his nose across the shell of your ear, begging you to turn your head. you think you’re seconds away from dropping dead.
clearing your throat, you shuffle your position enough to pull your feet up under you, effectively pushing eddie away enough to save your heat from giving out. still, it doesn’t seem to deter his advancements.
you have half a mind to tell him off, to get up off his stupid couch that smells like second hand smoke and week-old weed and yell at him for playing with your feelings like this. for giving you the illusion that even for just a second, you stood a chance. that maybe he wanted you, too.
but you don’t. you just sit there as he inches ever closer, his fingers twiddling with the silver chain around your neck.
eddie silences your thoughts with another whisper.
“you’d tell me if i was reading this wrong, right, sweetheart?” he asks just as his hand comes up to tilt your head towards him. the tip of his nose bumps yours as leans in and you try your damndest to make a joke out of it but every word dies on your tongue before it’s got any chance at coming out and, suddenly, you don’t have to worry about speaking because eddie is kissing you. eddie is kissing you, and you’re just sitting there, eyes wide and unblinking until he’s pulling back completely with a swirl of emotions in his eyes that has your stomach plummeting.
“i’m sorry i-”
you grab the back of his head with enough force to send him toppling back into you, head dizzy and disoriented as you slant your lips over his again. coherently, this time, at least.
you pant as you pull away. eddie chases your lips with a whine that has you giggling, a real one-eighty from the guy he’d been twenty seconds ago.
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hater-reads · 5 months
Haunting Echoes of the Past (CHAPTER 1 - The Past)
Gojo thought he would never be able to see Geto again, probably not in this life. Their breakup destroyed every single string that had kept them attached over the years they were together. Years that felt like a lifetime had already passed. He only realized this because the bags under his eyes were telling him he was no longer that teenager Geto fell in love with. The wrinkles were there too. For him, the world stopped, sadly, for everyone else it didn't.
Gojo was 39 years old, and he was already tired of the same old routine. Waking up felt like a nightmare for him, not only had he lost everything that he once cherished, but he also couldn't even bear being himself. "Gojo Satoru" he thought, "I'm nothing like I used to be." His name had been tarnished, he was full of regrets and shame.
Back to when Gojo and Geto met, they were only freshmen. Geto was on the floor and a bunch of teenagers surrounded him throughout the school hallway. They made fun of his eyes, of his personality; saying that Geto was just boring and quiet, but he never answered them. When they told him to leave, he just obeyed them.
The moment he left, he passed by Gojo's side. It was that moment when he saw that Geto was about to cry. It was a short instant, but enough to capture his attention. It felt twisted, but maybe that was the reason he fell in love at first sight. Geto's slanted eyes took over him in a few seconds, his long lashes and that mysterious purple color were the first taste of love and sickness that destiny offered him.
Gojo was young and was aware of the piece of shit he was. He didn't have the connections to his emotions like everyone else did. Most of the time, he would wear a mask. Try to play nice. Everyone else around him told him he was great, that he had great looks and the money. "What else do you need in life?" He thought.
Every day in high school was boring to him, nothing changed since he saw Geto like that, nothing but his uncontrollable desire to possess him.
He decided to do something about it, he needed to get close to him.
Not much later Geto became Gojo's new toy. He felt like a child provoking him, just to see his angry face, his brows furrowed, and his closed eyes with fear. Gojo didn't mean to hurt him on purpose — at least not at the beginning — he wanted to make him laugh or simply annoy him. Sadly, Geto was already hurt enough not to break down at his actions.
At the beginning Geto didn't react to any of his intentions and this angered Gojo. Desperate to get a reaction from Geto, he decided to go physical.
So, when Geto didn't show any interest in hearing his bullshit; Gojo would grab his hair and neck just to get him close to his face. To feel Geto's breath against his skin. He would grab Geto's shoulders and push him against the wall in an attempt to make him react to the pain.
He was getting more abusive, and it was all because of the boy he saw crying that day.
Gojo tried to be reasonable about it. But he didn't know where this obsessive and weird behavior was coming from. He only knew he had never felt this way before, never wanted to curse someone so badly just for them to stay by his side, to knelt to him, and shake in fear. Someone who was completely vulnerable and would never be able to disobey his orders and leave him alone.
Ieiri was the first one to realize about Gojo's weird behavior. They knew each other for years, but they never called each other's friends. The familiarity between them had always been there, liked it or not. She knew that most of the stupid boys he played around with were nothing but stupid teenagers. But Gojo was different, when the guys picked a victim, he only ignored it and stayed quiet. He never participated in the violence and plus, he was smart. He knew if the principal found out it would become a problem hard to ignore, and most of the time, he preferred the silence around him.
She found out that most of the time, Geto would be lying on the floor because some asshole decided to make fun of him and everyone else did the same. They pushed him, beat him up until part of his lips bled, his eyes were red, and this would later turn into a bruise that would be too hard to ignore.
For a while, no one did anything about it. Until he stepped in.
One day, Geto was lying on the floor, the same thing kept happening but this time they were hurting him more. Gojo saw him, and in that moment, his presence became so strong that everyone else feared him. His eyes were covered in rage, every step he took make everyone notice his tense muscles, his clenched fists, and furrowed brows. Ieiri had never seen him like this before. This moment stuck so hard in her heart that she only remembers the blood and screams of the bully who was begging Gojo to stop.
"Never touch what's mine." Gojo said as he walked out of the classroom clutching Geto's wrist so tightly that he was making a pained face.
They walked towards the schoolyard and when they were far enough from everyone else Geto made sure no one was watching and pushed Gojo to the floor. With his body on top of Gojo, he decided to hit him in the ribs, even in the face.
Blood was pouring out of Gojo's mouth, but he didn't stop him. He knew he deserved that. He also knew that this was the only way Geto could release his pent-up pain and anxiety.
Then he saw Geto's teary face again, this time he felt the tears falling directly to his face. He had hurt him. He decided to play with him, and it turned out worse. Geto didn't want his kindness, he didn't even want to be around him. Gojo was just as disgusting as the guys who beat up Geto that day.
"Now you want to play nice, huh? What do you want? You feel sorry for me?"
Gojo didn't speak. He only saw Geto crying. He was feeling aroused.
"You are a wonder." said Gojo, while grabbing Geto's fragile body and putting it against him. He was brimming with uncontainable joy.
From that moment on, Geto and Gojo became inseparable. No one understood how this happened, no one knew what they knew. When one of them was alone, the other would come immediately. At the beginning of their friendship, they didn't talk to each other. Things were already uncomfortable enough to pretend to like each other. They would sit in silence, eat their food, and then leave.
Gojo knew he couldn't get too close to Geto, he thought he didn't deserve it and knew Geto had finally stopped fearing him. However, it was better for Geto. And for now, he would settle with that.
After weeks of silence, Geto decided to speak to him first.
"Why did you do it?"
"That time you stepped in. You hit that guy. Why did you do it?"
"I felt like it."
"I swear. And...I didn't like it." Gojo continued, fearing that Geto would not like the words that were coming from his mouth. "Seeing you vulnerable to other people."
Geto didn't say anything else. Gojo quickly noticed the brush in his ears. He was winning him over. Geto would be his, he would be Geto's.
Later, it was easy to realize that they had become close. Even when they didn't share basic things about themselves, they knew each other like the palm of their hands. Just by looking at Geto, Gojo memorized every single pore in his face, every single vein in his hand, every inch of his hair. He was obsessed with his essence, his delicate features, and slender waist. As for Geto, Gojo became his first love. He felt peace being around him, the discomfort Gojo had caused him was no longer there. Only his provocative smile and unfunny jokes. Even if the rest of the world didn't understand how their bond had become so strong, they were sure they belonged to each other.
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mall-0-ry · 2 years
In another life
There you are laid on your back, facing The slanting rays of the setting sun that gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. You could only sigh in frustration. “I’m tired of this, i want to end it all, why won’t you open your eyes? I’m trying hard enough to be perfect for you..” You scratched your head in aggravation, You sat up and stared at the rooftops door, You then slowly stood up and walked near the waist length metal fence. You hesitantly went to the edge of the roof while gripping on the metal bars tightly.
As you were about to let go, you heard the roof doors got banged opened. You turned to look at the culprit who did it, only to see a tuff of Silver-blue hair and their panting figure.
“Don’t do something stupid!” The Guy shouted while standing straight once again. “Even if you’re tired.. you can lean on me so you can rest!” He exclaimed with tears brimming his eyes
‘Huh..? Azul?! What’re you doing here?! Don’t you have a café to run?!’ You shouted back, almost slipping off the edge from being startled. ”The mostro lounge is not my top priority! You are! So come back over to this side (y/n)!” he shouted once again slowly walking up to you.
‘This is stupid.. why do you even care that much?!’ You exclaimed while tearing up.
”…because.. because I’m your friend, (Y/N)” He said slowly, he could only wince at the title he mentioned, “Friend” yeah such a bitter title to give to someone you love and cherish.
For years, you've desired for him to notice you, for years on how hard you tried to let him know that you like him, and all you could do was stare at him with your tear-streaked face. You slowly let go of the metal bars, feeling like it was all a waste.
Azul extended out to you, surprised because he didn't expect you to do it in front of him.
You awoke in a chilly sweat and heavy breathing. You couldn't imagine that an incident from a few years ago would resurface and bite you hard.
You were taken out of your thoughts by a warm embrace; you melted in the warmth and gently said out their name.
‘Azul..? You quietly remarked while moving his locks away, you couldn't help but aww and marvel at his cute, sophisticated sleeping face, and as you were going to kiss his forehead, the figure moved, forcing you to kiss their lips instead. Azul could be heard laughing. "Isn't this a lovely good morning kiss?" " he grinned as he pushed a few strands from your hair
The afternoon has arrived, and you're both sitting at the Dining table, eating breakfast and chatting here and there, when an idea strikes you.
“Azul.. What do you think? do we practice our wedding vows? " You gave a cheshire cat-like grin.
"You're thinking about marriage already?" I see.. "Well, sweetheart we should" Azul grinned as he sipped his coffee.
He sensed your excitement and didn’t bother asking much.
You both stood up and took each other's hands as you awaited Azul's vows.
"Do you want to marry me, (Y/N)?" Do you promise to stick by me in good times and bad?, to love and respect me in every way.” Azul finished, with slight tears gleaming on his eyes. you them continued..
“ I take you.. to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health.. `til death do us apart.” You finished, Azul took your hand and slowly put on the ring on your ring finger.. he stared at your Alluring face with so much love, you could only gasp at the sight of a diamond ring, that symbolizes Eternal love, Loyalty and perfection.
You both said your goodbyes and went off to your various workplaces. you walked for a bit before becoming dizzy, you could only keep stumbling here and there, your coworkers' cheeks flushed with anxiety, you groped for a door only to black out.
Azul stood frozen on the other side of the room as he watched you faint. He quickly ran up to you and held you tight, " Someone call an ambulance! She's running out of breath! " Azul exclaimed, terrified.
Why couldn't he accomplish more? Is he that ineffective? Is his function in life. is to continue to be useless to you?
He could only think terrible things, which were slowly killing him.
You awoke in the hospital bed, the sun dew on your face, and you couldn't help but cry. Before blacking out, you saw Azul's horrified and concerned face, and you knew the day would come when he would learn about your illness.
You couldn't help but feel bad about yourself.
You twisted and turned your entire body to look out the window, reminiscing about the past.
You heard Azul enter the room not long after, and you kept your back to him, You remained silent after hearing him say, "You look stupid." as Azul went on,
"Do you honestly believe I wouldn't find out quite quickly...?"
" he asked,
”It’ll be okay, I’m here now you’ll get better.” you could only sob as you listened to Azul, but you remained silent, so Azul could say anything he wanted.
He walked up to you and caressed your back, trying his hardest not to cry, but seeing you look so helpless made him want to cry his heart out.
He embraced you closely and whispered, "We promised each other..."
"If you leave me, I'm going to murder you," he added, raising your hand and kissing your knuckles before gently massaging it.
"Do not be scared. We're going home, okay? You'll be fine, everything will be fine. " You gripped his hand and sobbed, you couldn't stop yourself."
As he grabbed you closely, he whispered, "We promised each other..."
"If you leave me, I'm going to murder you," he said as he gently caressed your hand.
"Don't worry. We're heading home, and you'll be fine. " You gripped his hand and cried, and after hearing what Azul said, you couldn't help but cry even more." "I'll look after you; we're going home, and I'll be here."
”Eat only a little, there” Azul brought his hand up and caressed your back, seeing you look slightly lifeless made his heart hurt, he doesn’t want to see you like this, Azul stared at your tired face.
“Azul? I’m sorry” upon hearing those words, Azul looked at you, Shocked. ‘What’re you even sorry for? There’s nothing to be sorry about’ Azul thought while waiting for you to continue.
“I messed up your life.” You continued, Azul stared at your face before setting down the bowl on the table ”What’re you talking about? We’re even, plus I’m the one who messed up your life first.?” He said while you stare at the clock, before answering him “Messy is better, right? Better than boring?…” you said before continuing again “I’m alright now..?” you questioned Azul, Azul frantically answered back. ”Of course, you’re okay! Because i am here now. Right?”
“Azul? I’m not afraid anymore, you.. asked me what my wish was right..?” You said slowly, while darting your eyes to the ground. Azul listened in silence, “My wish… is to be with you always.” Azul’s face turned grim, he already knew what is happening.. Azul could only wipe your tears away and kisses your forehead.
Oh how he hope that god can change his mind, He hope that they wouldn’t take you so early.
Azul just hugged your body, and rocked you back and forth gently. You slowly started to lose consciousnesses and as your body slowly started to turn cold.
Slowly dying in your lover’s arms..
” I hope that.. in another life, we could stay forever, Happy and healthy, my dear pearl.”
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CW // discussion of financial issues
“Curly? I need your help.”
He tosses the magazine face-down onto the bed as Sylvia steps into his bedroom. He can’t really call it his, anymore, not with Lori’s princess quilt hanging off the corner of her bed on the other side of the room, but it’s his room today while she’s with Mrs. R at the park. “Whatchya need?”
The small, leather-bound journal is tossed into his lap as a response. Curly drags his fingers across the worn cover, carefully flipping through the pages his mother had spent the later half of her life filling. “I can’t read Spanish,” Sylvia says. “And I sure as hell can’t read your momma’s writing.”
It’s too much like his own, he thinks. Light in some spots, too much pressure in others, too many loops and so slanted it’s almost falling right off the line. He looks from the book back to his sister-in-law, standing at the side of his bed, wringing her hands. She looks tired. So did Tim when he left for another run this morning.
“You two must have really gotten into it last night,” Curly says quietly. “If you’re draggin’ out Ma’s recipe book.”
The mattress sags when Sylvia sits at the foot of his bed, heels of her hands pushed into her eyes. “We didn’t get into it,” she hisses, “we had a conversation neither one of us wanted to have.”
“An’ now you’re scared Tim’s still mad at you, so you’re tryna make him dinner to apologize.”
“You’re too much like your brother. I kinda miss when you were stupid and oblivious.”
Curly chuckles as he sits up, tucking the magazine further behind himself before Sylvia could take a look at the cover and the bikini-clad model on it. “Y’know Tim only does it ‘cause he wants to take care of you, right?”
“He doesn’t need to take care of me. I work just as much as he does, we sit down ‘least one a week n’ go over all the bills and my checks from work-, all so that he can go behind my back and pay for everything? The only thing I’ve paid for month are groceries.” Sylvia tips her head back against the wall, dragging her hands across her face and sighing. “He’s working like a dog. He’ll either get sick, hurt, or caught, an’ then that’ll just be more money goin’ to waste. Or he could just let me help-,”
“He’s working just like you did when you first moved in,” Curly mentions casually.
“That’s ‘cause I didn’t know when you guys were gonna kick me out. I needed the money.”
Curly sighs and shakes his head, eyes slipping closed when a tight-lipped grin pulls at his lips. “Tim was never gonna kick you out, Sylv. Jesus Christ, you could tell the guy you’ve only been using him the whole time, and he wouldn’t bat an eye! He just wants to take care of you.”
Sylvia grabs the book back off of Curly’s lap. “I came here lookin’ for a recipe, not relationship advice,” she hisses teasingly. The younger boy throws an arm around her shoulders before she has a chance to stand up, pulling her against him in a quick embrace.
“I’m a jack o’ all trades, hermana. Come to me for all your loverboy troubles, n’ I’ll see what I can do-,”
Sylvia pushes him away before he can kiss her cheek, tapping the book against his chest. “How ‘bout you just help me read the book, yeah? Tim used to talk about this one-,”
I don’t deserve these long, well thought out passages you leave for me- oh my god I’m in love with this-
“You help me read this, and then I’ll pretend I didn’t see thy magazine you’re tryin’ to hide, alright?”
“….fine. You’re gonna need more of this, so we can hit the store but we’ve already got this stuff here.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Competition - Bakugou Katsuki - Victorious Inspired
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff(ish), Crack, Jealous Bakugou, tatted Bakugou Cuz we love a lil spice
Summary: You were doing homework online with your friends when a needy Bakugou wanted your attention and was pouty when he didn’t get it. After Mina slipped up and said something stupid, Bakugou assumed horrible things and went over only to find out something so very comical.
You were in your second year of college and the work was killing you. Thankfully, this time around, your assignment was the slightest bit easier, as it was a group project. You, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina were currently working on the project through the computer while being on video chat. The night was still young and you still had plenty to do.
“Okay, after I type in this paragraph, what should the next section be abou-“ You were cut off by the sound of a little French bulldog barking and scampering your way. The cute little black dog jumped onto your lap and made itself comfortable, causing you to look down and smile at it before petting it’s ears.
“Awww, look at the little puppy!” Mina said.
“He’s cute, right? I’m watching him for my neighbor while he’s at his football game.” You explained.
“You live next to a football player?!” The pink girl exclaimed.
“I do,” you said with a smile.
“Figures. I live next to an old man who likes to throw lemons at me!” She ranted. The group all laughed at her before continuing the job.
You all worked and finished about 4 pages of the assignment. While in the midst of the 5th page, your boyfriend requested to join your video chat. “Oop, hold on. Suki’s asking to join.”
You added your junior high school sweetheart to the call and was met with a frustrated pout. “Hi babe!” You squealed.
The group all tried to say their greetings to their friend but he spoke before they could. “Where have you been?”
“What? At home.” You said.
“I’ve been calling you, texting you, and basically blowing up your phone, and you haven’t been answering for hours!” He whined. His friends got a small kick out of seeing their tough friend be a softie for his girlfriend and remained quiet to enjoy the show.
“Sorry. I’ve been doing homework and-“
“What is that? Why do you have that animal on you?” He interrupted and asked as he slanted his eyes towards the small canine.
“It’s my neighbor’s dog,” you said with a pitched voice as you cradled the pup closer, almost like you were defending it’s honor.
“Her neighbor, the football player.” Mina mentioned with a sly voice. You shut your eyes and released a slow sigh as you knew what was coming.
“Football player?!” Bakugou shouted.
“Why? Why would you say that?” You said to Mina with a disappointed tone. She was one of his friends, she knew what the reaction would’ve been.
“Sorry,” she genuinely said.
“Why are you doing favors for some football player and what is he doing for you?” Bakugou seethed.
“There’s nothing going on, he’s just-“
“I’m coming over there.” He blatantly said.
“No- no. You don’t need to-“ without letting you finish, Bakugou signed off and went to get ready for his leave. You sighed at your jealous boyfriend and threw shady eyes towards Mina.
Some time had passed and your group had finished the 7th page. Almost done! Thank god for this being a small little assignment. Unfortunately, your boyfriend’s little fuss put you all behind schedule a little and it didn’t help that he finally made his arrival to add a little more drama to the show.
A bang was heard at your door. “Open up Y/N!”
“Uhh, I think you’re getting robbed Y/N.” Kaminari said.
“Nah, it’s just Suki.” You said to the blonde through the screen. You then turned to your front door to speak to your boyfriend who was on the other side. “You’re being ridiculous!”
Bang! Bang! Bang! “I need to talk to you!” He said.
“Sorry, door’s locked!” You replied. Unfortunately, the door busted open and you sighed in frustration. “And now it’s not.”
“He has a key?” Kirishima asked.
“No, he has a foot.” You said and then turned to your boyfriend with a sarcastic but also genuine smile. “Hi baby.”
And now here stood your angry boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki. He was dressed in his combat boots, a pair of black jeans and a white tee. He held a dark green bomber jacket in his hands that he wore due to the slightly cold weather out in the night. With the jacket off, his fully tatted arms were exposed along with the few tattoos that adorned his neck. He had his silver chain on along with a few rings and his cross piercing on his left ear and a few other random ones on his right. To anyone else, your boyfriend looked like a ruffian especially with his motorcycle that was surely parked out front. He definitely was an attractive man. Girls wanted him, guys wanted to be him, and you felt so blessed to have him and have him want you and only you.
He looked like the typical bad boy who was mean as fuck and also happened to be good at everything he did. In reality, he was just your Suki who was a softie that can be a little tempered at times. Like right now.
“What is going on?!” He asked in frustration.
“You just kicked my door open!” You said as you pointed to the evidence.
“Put the dog down and tell me about this football asswipe who lives next door!” He demanded.
“No! I will not put the dog down!” You said, cradling the sweet baby even closer.
“Oh you’re not?!” He said in a threatening tone but you knew your boyfriend would never do any real harm.
“No! If you want to meet the football player then you can wait to talk to him when he gets back.” You said.
“Then I’ll wait for him!” He said, taking a seat a little bit behind you from your setup on the couch’s ottoman.
“Fine!” You said, turning back to your friends. After a second, you realized something and turned back to face him. “No kiss?”
He only stuck his tongue out at you to which you pouted in anger and did the same before turning around. However, you smiled once you felt him come up from behind you and place a peck on your cheek before going back to his spot on the couch.
“Awwww,” your group of friends cooed to which you and Bakugou both smiled and rolled your eyes.
Some more time passed and eventually, Mina and Kirishima both grew too tired (thanks to that college schedule) and signed off for the night. Surprisingly, Kaminari was the one who stayed up with you to continue to do the work and was more than happy to help.
“Guess it’s just you and me.” You said to the electric blonde.
“And me.” Your boyfriend said with sass in the background of your screen.
You and Kaminari continued to work until you got to the 15th and final page. Like what was previously said, very easy, very simple, very short. All you had to do was finish this last page and you’d be done! Unfortunately, the universe had different plans and an expected knock was heard at your door.
“Ouu, is that the football player?” Kaminari cooed and teased knowing Bakugou would hear.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Come in!” You kindly called.
“Yeah, COME IN!” Your boyfriend rudely said, setting himself up to sit a little straighter and look a little meaner.
To his surprise, in came a young boy who was dressed in his school representative hoodie and a pair of sweats. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi Ryu!” You said to the young boy who took a seat next to you. “Katsuki, this is my next door neighbor, Ryu. Ryu, this is my boyfriend, Katsuki.”
“Nice to meet you mister!” The boy said with excitement as he looked towards your “scary” boyfriend in the back.
“Hello Ryu.” Your boyfriend said in a defeated tone that he hid with a smile and wave towards the little boy. You smirked at your boyfriend as you recognized his tone. The tone he usually had when you proved him wrong. Ryu being the sweet boy he is also waved towards your friend at the camera to be polite.
“What’s up little man,” Kaminari said as a greeting. Ryu turned to you to pick up his little frenchie.
“Thanks for taking care of Natsu!” He said sweetly.
“Anytime kiddo!” You said, giving him the dog. Ryu pet his pup for a second before looking back at Bakugou and whispering to you. Luckily, it was loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Your boyfriend looks really cool!” He whispered excitedly.
“I know!” You whisper-yelled back with a smile. Kaminari let out a little laugh while Bakugou had a sad face. He felt guilty for wanting to come here to beat the shit out of a football player, only for that football player to be a cool lil kid who thought he was pretty cool too.
“Well thanks again! Bye now!” Ryu said before getting up and leaving with his dog. You waved at them until the door shut, you crossed your legs and smiled as Katsuki got up with a sigh and took Ryu’s seat next to you.
“Wow Bakugou, looks like you got some competition!” Kaminari teased. Bakugou only sighed and rubbed his temples with one hand before feeling you push on his shoulder.
“You gonna say you’re sorry~” you teasingly asked.
“You didn’t tell me he was 9!” He argued.
“You didn’t give me a chance!” You laughed out. Bakugou flopped onto his back as he began bantering with you. You both went back and forth and Kaminari chuckled to himself before signing off to let the cute couple have their time in privacy.
Bakugou remained on his back until you poked his face and he grabbed you before flipping the both of you over so that you were under him. He flopped down onto your body, getting comfortable on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair in a successful attempt to soothe him.
“Just wanted some attention from my baby.” He muffled out with a small blush. You smiled and looked towards your screen.
“Well Kaminari signed off, Natsu’s gone, and it’s just you and me. You now have my undivided attention, Suki.” You said. Bakugou sighed in content before going up to place a kiss on your lips.
“Good.” He said before tucking his head into the crevasse of your neck. You held him close while he played the small spoon and you both cuddled up nicely. If it was attention he wanted, it was attention he’d get.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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Bent, not broken 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; violence; injury; blood; fingering, mean Steve
This is a dark!fic and features the winter soldier and Captain Hydra x reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: An attack leads to the uncovering of decades old secrets when you are taken by the deadliest assassin in the world
Note: Here’s part 3. Right now I’m bouncing between things but open to suggestion for the upcoming week for ongoing series. (I’ll likely just add onto my Lee fic).
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The days passed like a pendulum, swinging between paranoia and suffocating tension. You felt like an animal caught and caged. Much of your time was spent in that room, abed and alone. Your only contact was when Steve brought you your meals but the soldat did not appear again. You were relieved not to have the silent watchdog around but it also made you uneasy.
The pain dulled. Your shoulder loosened up first and no longer sent a jolt down your arm every time you moved. Your ribs were another issue and even as the agony was less intense and consuming, the echo of the injury remained. You felt brittle as if one wrong move would break you completely.
Then, when the pain was not so strong to distract you, you grew restless. The walls seemed closer together and the meals further apart. Steve’s appearances were brief and mostly wordless. He’d linger to check on your injury or bark at you to eat, but he wasn’t as talkative as your first day in the hideaway.
There was little for you to do. You were left with a copy of War and Peace and the tight font often left your eyes fuzzy and fatigued, your mind as well. There was a booth hidden behind the narrow door and you washed when you felt up to it, the water ice cold. You spent much of your time staring at the ceiling, wishing it would collapse on you.
You weren’t stupid. You knew it was all methodical. The indifferent isolation. You were being conditioned like a dog with a bell and it was working. You longed for any contact, any company, and conversation.
That day, the door opened but you didn’t move. You laid with your head on the pillow, arms crossed, and one leg over the other. Steve placed the metal bowl on the nightstand and sighed as he stood by the bed. You felt him watching you as you ignored him for the pale white above.
“Sit up and eat,” he said.
You glanced at him. The scar through his eye wrinkled as he grimaced and tapped his fingers on the table. You shrugged at him and sighed.
“I’m not hungry,” you said.
“Eat,” he repeated.
“I will,” you relented, “when I feel like it.”
“Now,” he grabbed the bowl and put it over your chest, “come on.”
You rolled your eyes and sat up and took the bowl. His eyes clung to you as you bent your legs and stirred the thick oats. The goopy mixture made a gross noise as you did.
“You don’t like it?” he said.
“Bland,” you took a bite, “doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right, it doesn’t,” he rebuked, “you better be done by the time I return.”
You looked at him as he turned away and headed for the door abruptly. You choked down the thick porridge and took another bite. You were hungry but the pasty oatmeal went down like rocks.
When he came back, you scooped up the last mouthful and put the bowl aside. He neared and draped a lilac dress by your legs. You stared at it then looked him in the face. His expression was as impenetrable as the mountain compound.
“What is that?” you asked dully.
“Don’t be stupid and put it on,” he put his hand on his hip, “I’d say it’s a bit more fitting than that prison uniform.”
“Is it?” you grumbled as you tentatively reached for the purple fabric.
“Or you can go naked,” he reached out and jabbed your shoulder.
“Fine,” you turned your legs over the bed and watched him expectantly.
He raised a brow and waited. You shied away at his unflinching stare and swiped up the dress. You crawled to the other side and kept your back to him. You took off the shapeless shirt and dropped it behind you. You pulled on the dress and stood, pushing down the baggy bottoms. The dress floated at mid thigh and left you feeling exposed.
“Your ribs are healing,” he remarked, “you should be able to take the bandage off.”
You faced him as he went to the foot of the bed. He waved you over and continued to the door.
“Should get the kinks out,” he said as he set his thumb in the sensor and the metal slid up, “a proper tour is in order.”
You neared as he turned and waited for you to precede him. As you passed, his eyes slipped down your body and he tilted his head. You looked away quickly and carried on into the hallway. There was little point resisting a man who could break you in two with his pinky, especially in your state.
“Looks good,” he said as he followed you out and came up arm to arm with you, “you know, you, me, the soldier, we’re the only ones who know about this place. Not that you know much, huh?”
“I don’t like games,” you retorted, “I’m… tired. Please, don’t--”
“I found this place in 1955,” he led you along the shining halls, “it’s had a facelift since then. A hobby on the side. Used to be Stalin’s hideout, akin to Hitler’s bunker if anything ever went south. When he died, the co-ordinates were lost. They sent me out to find it…”
“They? Hydra? Why--”
“Because the other guys didn’t care,” Steve said, “I saw how they celebrated my death as some patriotic feat. Like I was just a shield. You know, the ‘bad guys’, at least they don’t try to lie about what you are. They use you exactly like they need to and don’t sugar coat it.”
“And your… friend… you like how they use him?”
Steve stopped short and caught your arm, “it’s best for him. He couldn’t handle a clear mind. We keep each other safe, like we always did.”
“Mmm,” you hummed.
“As I was saying,” he nudged you onward, “I gave them a fake map and all they found was a demolished bunker. It kept them happy and me too. I got a place to lay low. Place of my own.”
You turned down the next hall. You were quiet as he led you along, past that room with the bar and around another corner. You lost sense of direction as he took you deeper into the hideaway. You came into a large corridor with a glass wall that overlooked a mountain pass without. You were breathless as you stopped to peer through.
“He’ll hurt you again,” Steve said bluntly, “we both know that.”
“Then why keep me here? You can let me go. I wouldn’t say a word, I wouldn’t even know what to say--”
“And why would I do that?” he asked blithely as he admired the deep drop and jagged offshoots.
“Why wouldn’t you?”
“It’s much more fun to keep you,” he chuckled, “and he wanted you so taking you away won’t do shit.”
“I don’t--”
He raised his finger and hushed you. He squinted as he listened but you didn’t hear anything but the winds on the other side of the glass. Steve’s mouth slanted and he stepped past you. You turned to the end of the corridor and heard a soft padding that grew to a tremulous stomp.
“Speak of the devil,” Steve taunted, “sounds like a rough mission.”
When the soldier emerged from the next hall, you gasped. His face was a smear of grit and blood, his locks dangling and slick around his mask. His gear was torn and gashed in places and his metal fist clenched as the plates of his arm bore even more scratches than before.
He stopped and his eyes dilated as he saw you. Steve went to him calmly and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, you’re back,” he said softly, “snap out of it.”
He tapped the mask so the soldat looked at him instead. Their eyes met as the soldier’s chest puffed and slowed. Steve’s other hand went to his chest, just over his heart. The captain leaned in and kissed his temple, issuing a whisper you could not hear.
You were too shocked and confused to do more than watch. Steve gripped Bucky’s jaw and turned his gaze onto you. He smirked as he held him.
“Look at her,” he slithered, “isn’t that what you wanted? A pretty little plaything.”
The soldat didn’t move, just stared.
“She’s all ready for you,” Steve let go and clapped his chest, “isn’t that a nice dress, huh? A nice peek of her legs… don’t you want to know what’s underneath? Don’t you want to touch it?”
You took a step back as goose bumps rose on your skin. Steve released him and snickered. The soldat brought one boot down and then the next, marching slowly towards you.
“Let’s have some fun,” Steve boomed and his eyes narrowed over Bucky’s soldier, “soldat, engage.”
His next step came down quicker and you spun on your heel. Without thinking, you dashed away in a blur of terror. You could hear him behind you, the heavy soles thunderous against the slap of your bare feet. You got around the next corner and your ribs throbbed painfully as your lungs burned.
You peeked over your shoulder. He wasn’t running, he was walking. A mock of a chase as he kept within sight even as you raced on. Your heart pounded in your ears and your legs felt like jelly. It was so long since you did more than pace your room or lay in bed.
You stumbled deep in the maze, all recollection of the path Steve led you on gone. You hit your knees on the hard floor and hissed. You had only a moment to gulp down air before you were seized by the back of your neck. You staggered as you were spun and your back collided with the cold wall.
The soldier’s metal hand was quick to grasp your throat and push your chin up as he held you on tiptoes. You clawed at his fingers as his other hand crept up your thigh. Your eyes watered as it felt like a vice was wrapped around your neck and chest. You quivered as the skirt caught on his hand and slowly rose with his touch.
You squeezed your thighs around his fingers and he poked you so harshly you whimpered. Your legs parted for him and he pushed against your bare cunt. You clung to his wrist as your other hand slapped at his bicep. His blue eyes focused on your skirt as he delved between your folds.
Your feet arched as you tried not to slip and your calves cramped. You whined through your teeth as he turned his hand and pressed the heel of his palm to your clit. He bent his finger into you and drew a pathetic yipe from you. He felt around inside and added another, eliciting another tremulous yelp.
“Pl.. please,” you rasped, “don’t… you don’t want to…” his eyes flicked up and met yours.
He paused as he gazed back at you and you squirmed. He hesitated and for a moment, it felt like he might drop you. Another set of footsteps approached evenly and Steve tutted as he came upon the scene.
“You shouldn’t play with your food,” he said, “go on. You know what you want to do. It’s why you took her.”
You choked as his fingers tightened and he buried himself to his knuckles, his hand firm to your clit. He rocked his hand and your body, every tilt sending a jolt through you. Your walls were scoured by his intrusion and your core thrummed at the distant stirring of instinct.
“Please…” you cried.
“Shhh,” Steve came closer and leaned on the wall next to you, “we don’t want him to break something else.”
“Wh-why--” you coughed.
“Faster,” Steve snarled, “make her feel it.”
The soldier lifted you off your feet with each dip of his fingers. You slapped your hand against the wall and reached for the captain. He swatted your hand away and backed up as he watched you. He rounded Bucky and peered at you from the other side and hummed. He sucked his teeth and came closer, his hand on the soldier’s shoulder.
“More,” he urged.
You closed your eyes and shrieked as his hand sped up, slamming into you over and over as your thighs clamped around him. You gritted your teeth as your pulse raced and you were swept up in a sudden fit of dizziness. You felt fire flickering from his touch, building and building a spark at a time as your body rebelled.
“Look at her,” Steve purred, “so weak, so small. Nothing. She’s not like us, she’s just one of them.”
You groaned as your cunt made slick noises around Bucky’s fingers and his hot breath glossed over you. He leaned in and his hand moved so that his thumb pressed along your jaw painfully. You whined as you felt as if he’d crush the bone.
“She’s almost there,” Steve mused, “faster, yeah, like that.”
You wailed as you came, terrified of the man before you and the way your body bent to him. Your nails grazed down the leather across his chest and your hand dangled limply as you let the tide wash over you. He kept on until you could hardly breathe and dropped you suddenly. Your legs folded and you crashed to the floor.
You kept yourself from keeling over onto your face and pushed your back against the wall. You peeked up as Steve took Bucky’s hand and licked his glistening fingers. You cringed as he let go and his attention turned on you. He knelt and exhaled deeply as he smirked at you.
“You want to know why?” he blinked and his nose scrunched sardonically, “because I didn’t want this. I was happy. Just me and him. Decades and he decides to go out and catch a pet.”
“No, I…” you rubbed your throat as it burned.
“Him, I know, but it doesn’t hurt any less,” Steve scowled, “but we can make it work.” He reached to you and brushed his thumb over your cheek, “I can make use of you. Just the way you took his fingers, that look on your face…” he retracted his hand and leaned his elbow on his leg, “and he could use an outlet. Something to ease the tension.”
“You… and him?” you wondered aloud.
“It’s the twenty-first century, isn’t it?” Steve stood and slapped the soldier’s ass. He got a sharp look in response, “not that it ever really mattered.”
“It’s not… I just didn’t… realise,” you rasped.
“Mhmm,” Steve intoned, “you’re just innocent.”
“I didn’t--”
“Get her up,” he ordered, “take her to our room and get her cleaned up. You too. You smell.”
You flinched as the soldier grabbed your arm and forced you up. Your thighs quaked in the after shock and your core ached. He pulled you away from Steve and you limped beside him. You shivered as the cold air enshrined your hot flesh.
“No touching,” the captain warned, “not until I say so.”
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cupidsintern · 3 years
shot thru the heart, pt. 1
Steve’s always been a romantic, he’s always liked like, rom coms and love songs and picking out those stupid little teddy bears at the drugstore. He likes having someone to tell he dreamt about them, likes the idea that love is the end-all-be-all.
But he hates Valentine’s Day. And maybe it’s just this year, you know? Too much, too soon to walk through the doors of Hawkins High and realize that, oh yeah, next Friday is Valentine’s day, because pink and red streamers hang from the ceiling, and shitty cut-out hearts with too much glitter glue pepper the walls. But it can’t be too soon. Cause it's been, what- three months? One, two, yeah. Three months.
The thought makes him feel heavy all over. Reminds him how all his heart had to be picked up and crammed back into his chest like so many notes shoved into Nancy’s locker- “you look really pretty today” and “wanna get lunch?” and “hope you’re doing okay” and Steve should stop reminiscing. It just makes him sad when he turns a corner and sees that student government set up the Valentine Grams table right in front of the main office. Right fucking there. So if Steve wants to get to the other end of the school he had to walk right past the table of- mostly underclassmen girls, but some very pressed looking guys trying to live up to expectations- paying a whopping two bucks just to get a rose and yet another shitty cut out heart delivered to their certain someone.
Steve has two dollars in his wallet- and all the valentines are anonymous. Unless you write your name of course. But Steve’s not going to send one. Because he’s over Nancy, and she has a boyfriend and because… there’s no one else.
Steve thinks he must have a little storm cloud floating over his head the whole way to class, rumbling with every glittery heart he sees. He hates the day, and the two weeks leading up to it, how tired the whole thing makes him, how tired he is all the time now, how his grades just keep getting worse, which he didnt fucking know was possible-
But lately they've actually been a little better.
Okay maybe that's a plus- Steve’s grades have been better- but no, wait, no it's not, because the only reason his grades have been on the up is he’s been copying homework from Billy Hargrove.
Who Steve should stop last-naming because they've been kind of. Fine lately. Acquaintances. Friends, maybe. Not that Steve has any friends to speak of, but Billy lets Steve copy his homework- not even lets, he asks every time “you want the answers?” all low, leaning forward from his seat right behind Steve so the teacher doesn't hear. Steve remembers the first time Billy offered, he turned around in his desk so fast to go “Yes, for real?” and Billy handed his over- already complete like they hadn't gotten the handout ten minutes ago. And it was helpful, really it was, but… Steve just hated it. He couldn't think of any other way to describe the feeling- made his guts twist. Like jealousy. Billy finished his homework in class in ten fucking minutes. Billy didn't give a shit about the lesson and still aced every test. Billy apologized in a way that made it hard not to forgive him, harder when he was offering up freebie grade boosts. Charming. Steve hated it. Felt like pity, maybe. Feels like jealousy.
And Steve hated Billy’s handwriting. It was... perfect. Like a fucking machine did it, evenly spaced, took up the line like it was supposed to, consistent, neat. Legible. Artwork compared to Steve’s own chicken scratch- and today was just the same. Billy flicked Steve's shoulder with a “your cut, pretty boy,” which Steve wanted to grace with an equally charming answer, but only came up with “Thanks.” And there was the perfect handwriting.
W Hargrove
2nd Period
Steve should have started copying right away, cram as much as possible on to his own stupid page before the bell rang. But he stared at the evenness of the W, the slant of the slashes- like they were perfectly aligned. Bothered him more than usual, that Billy had to be better at everything, even penning words, symbols. Even when he was being nice about it. Really, Steve probably had the upper hand. Billy was being nice to him, trying to make it up to him, owing him a debt. And still, Steve was so… jealous.
He runs out of time before the bell rings, whispers “fuck me” under his breath, turns back to hand Billy his homework, but is met with
“Hang onto it.” Billy always leans so far back in his desk, slouches down into it so sometimes Steve can feel Billy’s boots kick into the back legs of his desk- one time they hit his own nikes. Left a scuff on the heels, startled him awake- jealousy.
Steve doesn’t respond right away, so Billy speaks again, probably thinks Steve’s a fucking idiot- “Finish up. Just give it back before class tomorrow, yeah?”
“Uh, yeah.” Jealousy- “Sure thing. Thank you.”
“Eh,” Billy’s already getting up. “Don’t mention it.”
Steve keeps the homework.
pt 2 here!
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sunjaesol · 3 years
For the prompts : Juke 4 & 17 💜🌟
KISS PROMPTS (closed) 4 + 17. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose + Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin
(college au... this was such a treat to write oh my god)
Watching Julie Molina battle the New York wintertime was absolutely hilarious. 
When Luke met the girl at the start of freshman year at NYU, he instantly knew she wasn’t from the east coast. The accent, the attitude, the lack of gloves on her hands by November. She was stubborn about it too, claiming that the weather should bend to her, not the other way. 
It was a joke, obviously, but it didn’t make it less funny. 
She’d be pouting and huffing and wearing a comical amount of sweaters on top and no puffer jacket was big enough to ward off the cold. Not even those curls of her were an insulator. 
(And he knew her hair was thick and warm, because he once held it back at a frat party when she was puking her guts out after one too many tequila shots.) 
They were walking through Washington Square Park, Luke contently sipping on his coffee as Julie was shivering beside him. They had a small break in between classes and he had convinced her to spend that time outside. 
One, cause Luke liked the cold. 
Two, cause… yeah, he’s had a big, fat crush on her ever since they properly met.
They both resided in Goddard Hall back then. Luke had been bored to death, aimlessly wandering the halls, when he followed the sound of a keyboard. That was how he found her. With her back towards him, she hummed along to her expert piano playing as she stared out the window with that gentle smile of hers.
Sure, he’d seen her at lectures, thinking she was cute, but he hadn’t spoken to her. Standing in the threshold and witnessing the way she embodied music felt like the world suddenly tilted off its axis. It hadn’t felt normal ever since, if he was being honest. Julie kind of took him aback without even trying. 
She quickly got over the fact he essentially scared her to death by flying into an impromptu flurry of compliments, and easily befriended him. Maybe because they were both freshmen and needed someone, maybe because it was fucking fate. Whatever. 
That accelerated thud of his heart burst into flames the second they sang together two weeks later for a class. Luke had a very simple outlook on life. If someone tapped into that innate passion for music in ways he hadn’t considered before, he was a goner. Julie did. And it hadn’t tempered in the slightest. 
Being best friends with her was great, but he’d lie if he said he hadn’t been in his feelings when she got with Nick for a couple of months, or when she flirted with guys at parties. 
Alex told him to just rip the band-aid off and tell her, but he’d rather stay friends forever - stand in her sunlight a little longer - than lose her over something as stupid as feelings. 
Julie groaned. “It’s so cold!”
“You don’t get tired of saying that?” he teased, bumping their shoulders. 
“No.” A smile pulled on her lips. “You keep reacting to it, so…”
“I asked if you also wanted a coffee and you said no.”
Her pout intensified as she rubbed her gloveless hands together. January in NYC was brutal, yet she refused to commit to the lifestyle. He bought her gloves last Christmas and she wore them once to appease him; they were probably stuffed in the back of her closet now. 
“Because campus coffee sucks,” she argued. 
Humming, he shrugged and took another sip. “Fair.” And then- “You could’ve stayed inside.”
It was the wrong thing to say, as her confused reply got his heart skipping a beat. “But you were going outside.”
He felt it again. That energy crackling between them whenever they said something a little too intimate - a little too real - and he couldn’t do anything about it without making it weird. There was this whole thing about not wanting to appear as some pathetic dude who was ‘waiting’ on her (even though he kind of was… yikes) or making a move cause he could. ‘Cause she was there.’ 
If he were to ever act on his feelings, he’d want her to know they were coming from a genuine place, not because he was a desperate asshole. 
His arm twitched to curl around her shoulders. To tuck her in his side, warm her up, let his hot breath ghost the exposed skin. Maybe pulling her in his lap on the bench, allowing his gloved hands to rub life back in her legs. Maybe-
Argh. Luke was driving himself insane. Not overthinking it any longer, he threw the arm that brushed hers around her and squeezed her shoulder. Boom. There. Fucking easy and normal. 
Her smile widened, his frustration instantly melting away at the sight and smiling back. 
“Thanks,” she uttered. “You’re like an oven.”
He smirked. “Cause I’m smoking hot.”
She rolled her eyes, though her expression stayed put. “Sure.”
“That smile ain’t changing, Jules,” he drawled, playful. “You know it’s true.”
Her hand clutched onto the back of his jacket, the action almost making him fumble over his words. He knew how they’d look to outsiders now and hoped she wouldn’t catch onto that. The way she was looking up, the way he was gazing down with stupidly tender eyes, the coffee dangling precariously in his hand as if he’d drop it in a snap to cup her cheek instead.      
(He probably would. Fuck campus coffee.) 
Her other hand looped across his stomach tucked herself closer, their strut slowing down. Giggling at their odd position, Luke knew his resolve would be gone if she didn’t pull away soon. That burning tug in his chest urging him to the edge of the cliff. 
“I feel used,” he joked.  
“By me,” she pointed out. “There’s a difference.”
This made him stop entirely. “There is?”
“Yeah, it’s because…” she trailed off, suddenly shy. 
His head ducked to meet her eyes with mischief in his tone. “Because?”
He didn’t know what he was trying to achieve here. What the fuck was he doing? The difference was that they were best fucking friends and she knew he didn’t mind close contact. Using humour to veil his flirtatious intent wasn’t going to change that.   
She sighed and abruptly moved her face. “Because-”
And then her lips touched his. 
They gasped, instantly pulling back to gawk at each other in surprise. Holy shit. Holy shit. It was just a mishap, it was just a mistake, he couldn’t think-
“-that,” she finished lamely, words barely coming out. Her eyes were wide and earnest. “Because of that.”
It was enough for him. 
Luke dropped his coffee, slid his warm hand on her jaw and coaxed her back. A shot of adrenaline shot through him as her lips slanted across his, hungry and eager. They were only one second in and it was already so fucking intoxicating. His eyes were screwed shut, overwhelmed from bliss rippling his skin and the way she sighed and deepened each new touch. 
He wouldn’t need coffee anymore if he got to kiss her like that every day. 
Sinking in his knees to be closer, his lips puckered into a dopey grin. In an hour or two, he’d go insane over how soft her lips were, how amazing of a kisser she was, how it trumped any of his fantasies - now, all he could think of was how fucking lucky he was. 
A shock of cold hit him, her hands sneakily having found their way under his jacket and sweater and now pressing against his sides. 
He groaned against her mouth. “Jules, your hands.”
She giggled, so dazed it could kill him on the spot. “I know. We now share my pain.”
“Sounds good to me,” he mumbled, going back for more. 
“Yeah?” Her hopeful tone got him looking at her, her shiny brown eyes and fond smile a one way ticket to falling in love with her in seconds. Maybe he’d been for a while. It didn’t matter.
They were here now. 
Gently plucking one of her hands and kissing the knuckles, he shot her a dazzling smile. “Yeah… but I’m gonna find those gloves I bought for you though. You will get hypothermia otherwise.”  
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daddyjackfrost · 4 years
okay heyy 🥰 do you write for lev? How about Lev + 34 👀
heyyy🥰🥰🥰🥰 i do now!
prompt 34: “If I gave you a chance, would you take it?”
hurt/comfort (aged up!) (bye this isn’t even hurt??)
lev x f!reader
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You tapped your foot, irritated. Lev is late again, and you had just about had enough.
You had met Lev a couple of months ago. You had just found a new coffee house and it quickly grew on you. Coincidentally, it was Lev’s favourite coffee house.
You didn’t spot Lev, though you often wonder how you could’ve missed him. Lev spotted you. Tucked away in a secluded corner, your face covered by you favourite book. The Secret History. It wasn’t until you felt a tap on your book that you realized Lev was trying to talk about you.
You still remember what he said.
“That’s my favourite book! I feel like I identify with Richard too much.”
Instantly, you were intrigued with the insanely tall grey haired man. You remember how his green eyes pierced your own, and the way your cheeks flushed when you took in how good looking he was.
Sighing, you pushed your chair back and stood up, grabbing your iced coffee. Lev had asked you out to coffee today but he didn’t even show up. It had happened three times now, and you had enough.
You knew how demanding his job was. Modelling was not easy, and you prided Lev for working so hard, but it didn’t feel nice to be stood up.
You grabbed your purse and walked out the coffee house, tired and slightly embarrassed.
As you walked, you tried not to think about Lev. After he had said he identified with Richard Papen, you invited him to sit, and from there on, you and Lev became fast friends. Obviously, it was very hard not too fall for the model. Not only were his good looks just overwhelming, his personality was capturing. His catlike slanted green eyes were intimidating, but when he opened his mouth, all that intimidation was thrown out the window.
Lev was a slightly childish and cheerful guy, and he had wedged his way into your heart.
“Y/N! Y/N! Wait!”
You didn’t stop. You didn’t need Lev to look at you with those piercing eyes, because you knew you would forgive him, but you were quite sick of being stood up.
A firm hand grabbed your shoulder, halting you. You shrugged the hand off and turned around, meeting Lev’s covered eyes.
He wore sunglasses and a hat, trying very weakly to cover his identity.
“Y/n, hold on. I’m sorry.”
You tilted your head up to look at him. Lev looked down at you with guilty eyes, but you didn’t waver. You liked him, but did you like his lifestyle?
“Sorry, Haiba. I have somewhere to be.”
You didn’t even manage to take a step before Lev had grabbed your arm, gently.
Pleading, he looked down at you. Lev knew he was late. God, he knew. But he couldn’t escape his manager.
“I’m so sorry. Let’s go for coffee right now?”
You both looked down at the coffee in your hand and he cringed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You tried to smile at him. It didn’t matter how much you liked him. Your lives differed, and you didn’t belong in his lifestyle. You knew that, and it was time he did too.
Taking a couple steps back, you gripped your bag tighter.
Lev looked at you at your voice.
Flexing your fingers anxiously, you took a deep breath. “I think you’re really cool, but I don’t think we should continue... whatever this is. You’re busy all the time, and I don’t like the feeling of being forgotten. Let’s just part ways, yeah?”
You wanted to end what hadn’t even started yet. There was no point in getting attached or create expectations when you knew you would just be disappointed in the end.
Lev looked down at you with wide eyes. The model wasn’t used to having people not want to be in his company.
“You...you’re sure? I promise I won’t be late again. Scouts honour.”
Your lips lifted into a small smile at the attempt at humour, but you both knew he was lying. Lev was late to a lot of things, and it turns out he was too late here too.
You nodded softly. It’s not that it didn’t hurt, it did, but you didn’t have high expectations. You were just you, and Lev, well Lev was so much more. A previous volleyball player and now model. There was no place for you in his world, not with your ordinary self.
You didn’t let any more conversation happen. Smiling at him, you turned around and walked away.
Though, absent minded to you, you were the first person to walk away from Lev Haiba, and he hated it.
*** 4 Months Later ***
Stupid, is what you are. You honestly thought that you would last see Lev that day, but you had forgotten that you lived in the heart of the city, in an apartment.
You woke up to a shirtless billboard of Lev Haiba every day since that day.
It was ironic really.
Every time you looked at the billboard, which was at least once a day, you couldn’t help but think about what could have been. What would your life look like right now if you hadn’t cut Lev off?
Shrugging, you lulled yourself to your kitchen. You had an early shift at the library and you wanted to eat before you got there.
You had only opened your fridge door when the bell rang.
Sighing, and then slamming the door closed, you trudged to the door, pulling it open.
Your breath hitched when your eyes fell on the man that had plagued your thoughts for the last four months.
Lev stared at you with wide eyes, out of breath. He couldn’t stop thinking about you since that day, and every day since, he hated himself from losing you.
Lev was in the middle of a photoshoot when he saw his copy of The Secret History. Admittedly, Lev only read the book because he saw you reading it at the coffee house before he introduced himself. He had noticed the way your eyes never wavered from the page, completely mesmerized by the ink of the page.
So, later that night, Lev bought a copy and started reading it. He finished it two days later, and when he went to get coffee the next day, he only hoped you were still reading it.
The coffee house wasn’t the first place Lev had seen you. It was like fate was trying it’s very best to push you two together. First, Lev had seen you run across the street while he was in his car. Then, he saw you in the park outside his agency.
That day at the coffee house, Lev had planned to officially ask you on a date. He was sick of pushing fate out of the way. Damn his job, he just wanted a nice evening with you.
Not being able to see you or even text you over the last four months had killed Lev. He had grown attached, and though his friends always teased him about it, he had never felt this way about anyone before.
You gripped the door harder, blinking a few times, trying to wake up in case you were sleeping.
“Y/n...” Lev whispered.
You noticed the crinkles in his suit, and the way his usually parted hair was now a mess.
“Lev? What are you doing here?”
Lev blanked. He had planned to pour his heart out to you, but now that he stood here, he felt stupid. You were the one who had cut it off, whatever it was you two had. You were the one who walked away, and it looked like you didn’t regret it.
Oh how wrong Lev was. Because you did regret it.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Lev straighten himself out.
“Y/n, I... I can’t. I tried really hard to forget about you. I tired so hard to just move on, but I couldn’t. I like you, y/n. Too much. Way too much. It’s killing me inside and I don’t know why I feel like this.”
You stared at Lev with wide eyes. Was he... serious? Lev liked you? No. That can’t be.
You pursed your lips, but when you eyes his clenched fists, your eyes softened.
Letting go of the door, you stood straight, hugging yourself.
“If I gave you a chance, would you take it? And not just to try it out, I mean really take it? I don’t do short infatuations, Lev. I’ve had bad luck at relationships, and I need to know that you’re all in.”
Lev nodded, his eyes desperate. “We haven’t even known each other for long, but it kills me to not have you in my life. I know my lifestyle is hard, but I promise I’ll try to make it work. I promise I’ll put you before everything else.” Lev took a few steps closer to you. “I’m all in.”
You smiled at the man, and opened your door wider.
The library could wait.
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what are the chances of me taking this down tomorrow and rewriting it?
i’d say 98%
this is such soft hurt/comfort. hmmm. real hardcore angst coming soon! this is too soft for me
@elektrosonix @h-grangerstudies @snoozless
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oh my pls just step on me
daddyjackfrost © 2021 | all content belongs to me, do not modify
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
Lifeline - Part 8
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 3900+
Warnings: Language, car accident, angst, fluff, threats
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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You were never the person that loved working out. You hated getting up early and going for a run, having believed that’s what most people did to stay in shape. You never really put much thought into it, but after training with Val, you gained a whole new respect for those who trained people for a living. She would take you through the process of warming up and getting your muscles ready, followed by the hard workout and a cool down. Val has really upped your confidence, too, and she isn’t afraid to push you to your limits and show you what you are capable of. 
“Girl, you’re killing it for only coming here for 2 weeks.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
“I remember the first week you came, it was rough, but it usually is for everyone.  Now, I think you could kick a few of my client's asses, who have been training with me for longer than you have. You’re a quick learner, and you listen to what I am saying and want to improve your skills.”
“That’s what I am paying you for,” you chuckled, getting a laugh out of Val.
“This is true,” she nodded. “Heard from a little birdie that you got Steve into bed not once but twice. How was he?” she winked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“What? Who told you that?” 
“The guys were talking about it at work. Steve got all red in the face. It was cute.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint, but it’s not what you think. We were shopping for a bed, he found a good one, I ended up getting that one, and then I set it up at my place, and we tested it out again. There was no fonduing of any sort.”
“Okay, whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes. “But, if you are interested, Steve is a helluva good guy.”
“I know,” you smirked, staring at the ground and biting your lip.
“Now, if that look could talk.” Your eyes flashed to hers, spotting a knowing smirk on her face.
“I’m done talking about this.” You shake your head. “But, I’ll see you in a couple of days or sooner, depending if I want to take on the punching bag again.”
“We are always open,” she chuckled. You zipped up your bag, giving her a small hug before heading out. “Say hi to Steve for me, will you?” 
“You got it,” you shouted, rolling your eyes and walking out of the gym.
“Have you talked to your girl lately?” Bucky asked Steve as they played pool at the station.
“First off, she is not my girl, but we have texted a few times.”
“Thought you would want to be more involved with her since you got her into bed twice last week,” Sam winked.
“Come on, guys, it's not like that.” Steve shook his head, fighting the smile on his face as he leaned against the pool cue.
“You're right, it's more than that,” Bucky smirked, lining up for a shot, but missed the pocket. 
“Says the one dating…”
“A woman,” Bucky finished for Steve, glaring at him.
“Wait, you’ve been dating someone?” Sam asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at him. “And this is the first I am hearing of this.”
“It’s only been for a little while.” Bucky shrugged, watching Steve hit his ball into the pocket. “She’s great; super quick-witted, a spitfire, and a badass.” Bucky smiled to himself, making Sam roll his eyes. 
“Happy for you man, I can't wait to meet her.”
“Really?” Bucky seemed taken aback.
“Yeah because then I can ask her why she is with you? Doesn't she know there are more options besides you in this world.”
“Yet, you still don't have a girlfriend with all the single women in LA.”
“I am waiting for the right one.”
“But, she'll never come”
Steve closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath when the station alarm started ringing. Everyone dropped what they were doing, suited up, and got into the truck to head to the scene.
“We have a car accident involving a Honda CRV off Topanga Canyon Boulevard. The call came in via the Hondalink after their car went off the road and slammed through a guard rail. With the heavy rain happening, it’s not surprising,” Carol stated into her headset before giving orders to the team.
On-site, Sam and Val got to work on helping the victim. She was still breathing but was unconscious. Bucky got the jaws of life and was able to get the door open as they pulled the young lady out and onto a stretcher. Val grabbed her purse from the car and followed behind Bucky and Sam as they carried her to the ambulance. 
Danvers stared at the old Chevrolet car, rubbing her lips together, trying to process something.
“You alright, Ace?” Steve asked.
“This isn’t the right vehicle. This isn’t the car that called in.”
“But this vehicle went over the guard rail on the same route as the dispatcher mentioned,” Bucky added, pointing at the car. “What are the odds two cars on the same route experienced the same accident?”
“Not likely, but the call came in via Hondalink from a Honda CRV. This car is too old to be equipped with such a system, and it’s the wrong make and model.” 
“What are you saying?”
“We have to split up and find the other car. I’m going to get in touch with dispatch and see if Hondalink has GPS coordinates for the CRV and get another ambulance here. Thor, go with Sam to the hospital and leave Val here in case we need a paramedic. Now let’s split up and search.”
Steve and Bucky started down the hill, taking each step with caution as the ground continued to get slippery from the pouring rain. Steve stumbled over a tree root but caught himself on a tree. He looked to his right, seeing a flowing river and something that shouldn't be there. 
“Buck-” Steve pointed at the river.
Bucky stopped behind him, looking out to where Steve was pointing. “How did the CRV end up…” Bucky started to say, but Steve was already stumbling down the hill, rushing to the bottom. At the edge of the wide river, Steve noticed how the whole back half of the vehicle was underwater, and if he didn’t look close enough, he would’ve missed it. The hood was visible as if it was caught on something and sitting at a slant, keeping the passenger and driver side windows afloat. 
Steve didn’t waste any time, tossing his jacket and boots alongside the riverbank, jumping in. “STEVE, WAIT,” Bucky called, reaching the bottom, fumbling for his radio. “Ace, we located the CRV in the river. We’re gonna need assistance, but Steve and I are heading out to the vehicle now.”
“We are on our way,” she replied. “Be safe.”
"GODAMMIT, STEVE, WAIT UP," Bucky shouted, noticing Steve halfway to the car already. “You and your damn impulse decisions.”
The current was stronger than Steve was expecting, but he wasn't sure how much longer the car would stay in place. "Hello, is anyone in there," Steve called, swimming up to the vehicle. He quickly assessed the situation and realized the car's front tires were braced against a rock bed. How the vehicle ended up like this; he still wasn’t sure. He looked around at the landscape, noticing a busted guardrail not far from them.
"HELP, WE’RE IN HERE," a male voice screamed.
Steve swam to the driver's side door to see a man with an unconscious teenage girl in the passenger seat, he could only assume she was the man’s daughter. There was still a big enough air pocket that they could breathe, but the water level was rising, and the current would continue to pull the car farther underwater.
"I'm Fireman Steve Rogers from the LAFD, and we’re gonna get you out of here. Are you hurt anywhere?'
"I'm fine, but I don't know about my daughter. Please help her first." 
Steve nodded as he swam over to the passenger side. He reached up to check her pulse and realized it was weak. "She’s breathing, must’ve got knocked out after crashing through the guard rail, right?"
“It all happened so fast. One second I could see the road, but then the next second, it was as if it disappeared, and we were sliding over the cliff and into the river.”
“It's okay, help is here, just stay calm for me,” Steve reassured, looking over the hood of the car to see Bucky approaching and he tilted his head to the driver's seat. 
"Hi, sir, I'm Fireman Bucky Barnes, what’s your name?”
“Adrian, and that’s my daughter Liz.”
“Okay, well, we are going to cut the seat belt from you…”
“What about my daughter?”
“Steve will do the same for her.” Bucky nodded at him. “We are gonna work together and try to get you both out at the same time.”
“Oh okay, but....” Adrian's voice drifted.
“Trust us, okay, I know it’s hard because we just met, but we’ll get you both out.” Bucky nodded his head a bunch, hoping to calm Adrian down. “We're gonna cut these seat belts and pull you both out to safety, okay?”
“Okay,” he said with tears peaking at the corner of her eyes. “Promise me, that you will get my daughter out.” 
“We promise,” Steve replied with a reassuring nod.
“And if I don’t get out of here, tell her and her mother, I loved them both.”
“You can tell them that when we get you both out of here.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut.
Steve looked at Bucky, counting to three, and in unison, cut the seat belts. Steve was able to pull Liz to safety and keep her head above water. The car shifted slightly as Steve glanced to the driver’s seat to see Adrian still inside.
“I guess this is the part where I tell you my leg's pinned, and you tell me that you’re not gonna be able to get me out,” Adrian breathed, shaking his head. 
“Steve, get her to safety, and I’ll figure this out.”
“Don't do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve replied, swimming her to the shore where Val, Carol, and another paramedics team was waiting. 
“Her pulse is weak, but she's breathing. I don’t know if she sustained any other injuries, but she’s been unconscious since they hit the water.”
“Thanks. We got it from here,” the woman whose nameplate read Mantis answered while the big guy beside her nodded at him. They got her onto a stretcher, and Steve looked back out to see the CRV still afloat.
“Steve, you okay with getting back out there to help Barnes, or should I send Val.”
“No, I’m good, I’m good,” he breathed with his hands on his hips. “I got this,” He nodded, diving back into the water and swimming back out to the car. 
The rain started to come down harder, forcing him to squint his eyes, unable to see Bucky by the driver’s side door. He swam a little farther, and all of a sudden, the car was out of his view. “Crap.” Steve swam faster, yelling Bucky’s name, but no one responded. Once he got to the rock bed that held the car in place, he went under, but he couldn’t see anything under the water. He resurfaced for a deeper breath and dived back down. 
Swimming further down, he could see what looked like headlights on a car.  He swam closer to the front end to see Bucky working from inside the car to get Adrian’s leg free. Steve swam towards the driver's side when Adrain pushed himself out the window. He started swimming up, but Steve noticed how he wasn’t moving one of his legs. Bucky swam out the window, shooting Steve a knowing look before resurfacing. Adrian coughed, trying to stay afloat when Bucky grabbed him and started swimming towards shore. 
"You had to do something stupid, didn't you," Steve asked, swimming next to him.
“Can’t let you have all the fun,” he smirked, forcing Steve to shake his head.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I’m at Gas and Grub on West Florence Avenue, and a man is robbing the store.”
“Sending a unit to your area now.” You switched over and signaled the closest officer nearby. “I need all available units at Gas and Grub near West Florence Avenue. There is a robbery in progress.” 
“10-4, 1578 in route to Gas and Grub,” an officer replied as you switched back to the caller.
“Units are on their way. Is everything okay? Are you safe?”
“Yes, I am hiding on the end of one of the aisles,” the voice replied. “The man is wearing a mask, holding a gun, and yelling at the cashier.  He’s asking for all the money in the register, some cigarettes, oh a bottle of Jack, too.”
“Okay, just stay where you are until help arrives.”
“I will,” he breathed. “Shit, the cops are coming in now. Damn…they were fast.” The caller hung up, and the line went dead.
“At least this one ended on a happy note...I think,” you sighed, stretching your hands over your head. You didn’t think you would be this sore today after working out, but you were wrong. Every movement you made sent a numb throbbing pain to that area. Val really did a number on you. You took a quick sip of your water and got resituated when another call came in. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” 
“My neighbor is listening to rap music, and I can’t hear myself think. It’s getting really annoying.”
“Have you tried going over and asking them to turn it down?”
“Well, no.”
“Why don’t you try that and then call the non-emergency line next time. No sense in calling 911 if it’s not a life or death situation.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll go talk to them.”
“Good luck,” you sighed, rolling your eyes and hanging up. “Fucking nuisance calls.”
“Hey, YN,” Bruce greeted, coming over to your station.“We have a caller on the line asking for you specifically. Are you available to take it?”
“Yeah, of course, put them through.” He nodded, typing on your computer, and you hit the spacebar. “Hi, this is 911 dispatcher YN, how can I help you today?”
“Hi, YN, it’s Nat.”
“Why are you calling through my 911 line and not my phone?” You nodded to Bruce, silently saying, you got it covered, and he walked away.
“It’s kind of a tricky situation, you see. Um…can you just come to 1917 Grand Boulevard when your shift is done, in like ten minutes? It’s important.”
“Is everything okay?
“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s not an emergency emergency, but more a friend asking a friend for help, and the only number I have memorized these days is 911, hence why I called you.”
“Yeah, I’ll head that way when my shift is done.”
“Thanks, the spare key is under the plant by the front door.”
You pulled up to the address Nat gave you, seeing a two-story modern chic house with black and wooden accents. You walked up to the front door, tilting one of the plants, and grabbed the key attached to the bottom. You opened the front door, and the first thought that came to you was a bachelor pad, but it wasn't sports memorabilia hanging on the walls, no. It was NASA and Star Wars memorabilia. Who the hell was Nat ‘hanging out’ with?
“I’m here, where are you?” You shouted through the empty house.
“Upstairs and the second door on the right,” she called back.
“Who’s house is this? It’s like a major nerd bachelor pad. Does this guy work for NASA or something? I never considered planets to be art, but then again...” your voice drifted off, looking at some more space art on the walls. 
You pushed the second door on the right open, and your eyes widened, seeing what was in front of you. One of Nat’s hands was handcuffed to one of Bucky’s, and it was wrapped around the headboard with no way of getting out. They were both still covering the goods, but Bucky’s shirt was off, and Nat was just in her bra and underwear. 
“So, I’m a nerd fanboy with a terrible taste in art?” Bucky inquired, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” Nat said, glaring at you.
Your whole body started to shake, trying to keep from laughing and only nodding your head, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You bent over, hands on your knees and started laughing. “I thought… I thought you two hated each other,” you wheezed between breaths, pointing at them.
“Until she realized she wanted my…”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” she threatened, covering her hand over his mouth. “And if I remember right, you came onto me.”
He scoffed. “You wish.”
She rolled her eyes. “Can you grab the key from my belt, right there?”
You shake your head, digging around in her police belt. “How long has this been going on?” You asked once you found the key.
“Not long, maybe a month or two,” Nat answered with a half shrug.
“A month, really? So, when you guys were yelling at each other at the bar, you were…”
“Call it foreplay,” Bucky winked, forcing Nat to smirk.
“Does Steve know?”
“Who do you think we tried calling first?” 
“Oh, so I’m second best.”
“We didn’t call Steve, YN. I don’t want his judgy eyes on me for this.”
“Yeah, we didn’t call him,” Bucky confirmed. “But, I texted him.”
“YOU WHAT,” Nat yelled, giving him a hard glare.
“He won’t care. He's my best friend; besides, he’s gotten me out of similar situations before.”
“That’s not helping your case right now,” she sighed, crossing her arm across her chest.
“Hey, Buck, is everything, alright?” Steve asked, walking in as his eyes grew wide. “When did--” he cleared his throat to keep from laughing “--when did this happen?”
“A month or so ago,” Bucky answered. 
“Nat is the woman you have been talking to me about for weeks.” Steve put his hands on his hips, shaking his head.  “Wow, I never would have guessed this.”
“You told him about us?”
“No, I just told him I was seeing this woman and how I might have a thing for her. It’s nothing.” Bucky shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, making Nat smirk at him.
“Alright, so let’s get this awkward situation over with and get you two unlocked then.” You walked over with the key in your hand, but Nat stopped you.
“Oh no! I didn’t say unlock us. I just want them in my reach. We aren't done yet.” Nat winked at Bucky, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. 
“Okay, I see how it is,” you smirked, setting the key on the table. “You two kids have fun now.” 
“Don’t speak a word of this to anyone, either of you.” Nat pointed at you and Steve with a harsh glare. 
“Scout’s honor,” Steve signaled with a soft laugh.
“No promises,” you smiled with a chuckle before walking out the door with Steve in tow. You closed the door behind you and followed Steve down the stairs.
“I will say, I didn’t think I’d see the day those two got together,” Steve added, shaking his head as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Yeah, me either,” you shrugged. “Here I thought,  Nat hated him.”
“Same.” You two walked in silence to the front door. “Doing anything fun tonight?”
“No, I think I had enough excitement for one night,” you chuckled, locking the front door and putting the key back under the plant. “You?”
“Ah, no. Heading home to watch a movie with Cosmo.”
“Ahh cute, how is the doggy doing?”
“He’s getting better, not as skittish anymore, so that’s an improvement.”
“That’s awesome. Well, don’t let me keep you away from your date. Besides, I have a long-needed shower and a Netflix browsing session to get to.”
“Browsing session?”
“You know when you just scroll through everything and can’t find anything to watch, but you find some other things to watch that get added to the list, but nothing like I need to watch this now, kind of movie.”
“Haha, I have those nights sometimes. Happy browsing, YN.”
“Bye, Steve.” you waved, getting into your car. 
After a long day at work and a much-needed shower, you sat down on your couch with a bowl full of popcorn and a glass of wine in hand and turned on Netflix. You clicked through your list a few times when your phone started ringing. Glancing at the screen, you didn’t recognize the number, but it was a California area code, so you figured it was someone from work. “Hello.” 
“Who is this?”
“YN, you know who this is.” Once he said your name, you recognized his voice. You could feel your heart start to race, sending the increasing rhythm to your ears. Your breathing grew heavy and shaky, and it did very little to calm your racing heart. 
“How--” you gulped “--how did you get this number?”
“Does it matter? When are you coming home?”
“I’m not….I’m not coming home.” Your hands started to trumble, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THAT. I DECIDE,” he shouted into your ear, forcing you to squeeze your eyes shut, causing a few tears to slide down your cheeks.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted. I miss you, and so do all our friends here.” You shake your head, trying to steady your breathing. “They keep asking me where you are, and all I can tell them is that you went on a little vacation with Loki, and then they ask why I didn’t go with you,” he sighed. “You made me feel like an idiot because I wasn’t with you and didn’t know where you were. Do you know what that feels like?” You gulped, trying to find the words to say something, anything, but they never came. “I’m your husband, and I deserve to know when you’re coming back.”
“I told you, I’m not,” your voice cracked. 
“So, that’s how it’s gonna be. I do this for a living, remember YN, what makes you think I don’t already know where you are?” He went silent for a moment, adding to your frightened state. “When I do come for you, you better hope I am in a better fucking mood because, right now, I want to fucking kill you!”
You hung up, throwing your phone on the couch. The hair on your arms stood up, and your hands were shaking. You pulled your knees to your chest, crying. You felt so small and weak. It felt like all the progress you made up until this point didn’t matter because once you heard his voice, you were right back to where you started; stepping on eggshells, watching what you say, trying to be the perfect couple in everyone else’s eyes. 
Someone knocking on the door makes you jump and stare wide-eyed at the door. You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes, and slowly stood up. The knocking continued to get louder, sending a dull ringing in your ears. You went to the hall closet to grab the wooden baseball bat and went over to answer the door. This is when you wish the door had a peephole or that there were windows by the door, so you could see who it was, but there was nothing to see who was on the other side. You took a deep breath and opened the door with the bat ready to swing.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 8, and talk about a cliffhanger! Any ideas who may be behind the door? 🤔 And what about that little phone call from her ex right before? Coincidence or am I just messing with you all!? Hahaha! Also, I hope you all are enjoying the Sam and Bucky banter, literally can't wait to get more of it once their show starts! And, finally what did you think about the little predicament Nat was involved in?! 😂😂 Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying it so far, and likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. Thanks again!
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Bakugo x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff+small amount of angst
⤷ Word Count: 5307+
⤷ Warnings: Drunk reader, cursing, also reader+Bakugo will be aged up (early 20′s, cause no underage drinking in this house!)
⤷ Synopsis:  Bakugo doesn’t have any feeling for you. You’re just one of his shitty friends and that’s it. He’s only picking you up from a bar after your breakup because you drunk called him and not because he’s worried you’ll get hurt. He doesn’t feel his heart pang when you say you want him to drive you to his apartment, not yours. He doesn’t completely turn beet red when he sees you change into his clothes.But, as much as he denies it, Bakugo realizes he loves you when you cry to him drunkenly , saying you wished you had a lover as sweet as him
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event! Also this was actually inspired by @shoutogepi​ HC of Bakugo and Kirishima taking care of their drunk s/o! I honestly loved this headcannons so much, and they really inspired me to write a more angsty sort of spin on it. Here’s a link to her post (I also explicitly asked her if it was alright to take inspiration from her headcannons, just in case!)
Bingo Slot: Realized Feelings
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Bakugo stepped his foot deeper into the gas, the engine in his car roaring as it zoomed through the dark streets.
Damn you and your shitty decisions.
He had been woken up in the dead of the night to his phone ringing annoyingly against his bedside table. Your caller ID of “Cute Shithead” was shining brightly against his face, his finger immediately taking the call. 
He had to admit, he was a little annoyed for you calling him so damn early in the morning, but hearing your voice immediately melted any irritation. By the way your words slurred together, you sounded completely wasted. That alone could turn him into a worried frenzy, but the tone of your voice sent ice down his spine.
You sounded so lonely, so defeated, as if you had lost all hope and were giving up. 
He rammed his foot again into the gas, following the directions to the club you said you were at as closely as possible over the roar of his engine. 
He was just being a decent friend and helping you out, he told himself. There was no other reason why he was helping you...it wasn’t because his heart practically dropped at the sound of your voice, or how he felt his chest tighten when you said “Please come get me Katsuki”
Or that you had called him, not anybody else, to come and get you. It was all platonic-he had to keep telling himself that.
He hastily pulled into the parking lot, his car swerving into a spot a little too haphazardly. He yanked the keys from the vehicle, closing the inky black door with a thud as he looked at the building in front of him. 
A bright, Neon green sign lit up the roof, a line of club goers filtering through as they waited for the bouncer to allow them in. It was pretty late in the night-2 am to be exact-so more people were stumbling out of the club than actually going on.
Bakugo quickly began to walk over to the establishment, his body weaving through drunken couples clambering to their cars or taxis. He was searching everywhere, helplessly trying to find your face in every person he saw.
Where the hell were you?
Bakugo turned to his side, looking at the asphalt that lead into the club. There were parking spots right there, all empty, probably for Ubers and Lyfts to come pick up people who had ordered them. THere were a few people sitting on the curb, waiting for their rides as they sat on their phone or blabbered drunkenly to their friends.
But then he spotted a familiar body, their shoulders slump down in exhaustion, their eyes downcast in defeat. He quickly made his way over, knowing exactly who that body belonged to.
“Shit y/n, the hell are you doing here by yourself-“
He quickly bent down, looking at you square in the face.
You gave him a weak smile, your eyes so full of relief and sadness he felt his heart ping from your expression.
He had to admit- you looked like a wreck. Your once meticulously curled hair was frizzy and in shambles from dancing, your makeup splotchy in places and black coating under your eyes. 
HIs calloused hands wrapped around your waist, his other arm gently pulling your free hand around his neck for support. He felt like he was moving a ragdoll-you complied with each of his movements, your body resting against his as if you depended on him
“Well, I did have some f-friends… with me…” your murmured out, your voice thick from sleep deprivation and alcohol.
“And the hell are they?”
“-they left a few hours ago…” you slurred,” I said I’d stay… a little longer”
Bakugo began to walk you to his car, the walk more like a stumble as he tried to guide you on your wobbling feet. He felt his insides heat up with an intense flame of rage, licking up and consuming his insides. How the hell could your ‘friends’ just leave you? THis was nothing like you, to be so impulsive that you became incredibly vulnerable in public. Something was seriously wrong with you, something you had to be going through.
“Shitty friends for leaving you like this.” he replied gruffly, making no attempt to hide his obvious anger. “Are you okay? Did anybody try and do anything funny to you?”
He was worried, he had to admit that to himself- you were clearly in a wrong headspace in a pretty sketchy place. Anything could go wrong, and he wanted to make sure that nothing happened.
Not because the idea of you dancing with another guy makes him want to punch a wall.
Or trying to lure you to his apartment made him want to yell and break that imaginary mans jaw, in order to keep you safe in his arms.
Nope-strictly platonic.
You scoffed at the blonde's words, a harsh chuckle spilling out of your chapped lips. “Of course Bakugo, everybody here wants to grope the girl who looks like she’s been crying all day-
“I’m fine-really”
Somehow, even with your slurring words and clouded mind, these words were the first sober syllables you had uttered.
But- if you were fine, you wouldnt be going to a club this late at night. You would have been smart enough to at least stay alert, not completely wasted, and you definitely wouldn't be by yourself. Your werent fine, and Bakugo knew it, because you werent being you.
He was impulsive, irrational, and went with his gut feeling, even if it was a stupid or dangerous idea. You on the other hand, were like his better half: calm yet forceful, a commanding tide to soothe the volcanic eruptions of his anger.
But now you were different, a choppy whirlpool of emotions that were locked away deep inside you, the effects changing your once calm and rational demeanor into something saddened and desperate.
Bakugo gave you a long look, his red eyes slanted as he tried to read what was on your mind.
He stopped your two’s trudging, finally being in front of his car.
A protest was dying to spill from his lips, to retort and fight back the obvious lie you had just uttered. But something in your tired voice made him falter, making him feel more empathy for you than frustration
“Okay then…” he sighed, “let’s get you home,”
  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
It was unnervingly quiet.
Bakugo had the music off, worried that the thumping bass would aggravate any possible headache you had as you curled up in the seat beside him, your high heeled shoes long forgotten on the floor of his car.
He drove much more smoothly than before, his eyes desperately trying to focus on the road. He wasn't used to this kind of you-he missed your smile, and the way you would joke and laugh with him. Of course he would act like he didn't like it, giving you snarky comments and off handed insults that would only push you even more to joke with him.
Now he felt like he was next to a shell of you- you were there, right next to him, but- You weren't there. Your smile, your spirit, your light- it was being blocked by some darkness inside you.
“Are-are you mad at me Katsuki?”
You finally spoke to him, making Bakuo’s eyes wide and his heart stop in his chest.
Why did you sound so timid?
Bakugo continues to glue his eyes on the road, his voice gruff yet uncertain.
“The hell I’d be mad at you for?”
“I don’t know…” you replied softly, “you just sounded-mad”
Shit- now he felt guilty, making you feel worse than you probably already did. It was just that he was worried, and sometimes his emotions came out quicker than his words. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that you out of all people could act like this.
“Well, I’m not mad at you-I’m just-“ he sighed, trying to find the words.
“- the hell were you out that late? The club scene isn’t your thing”
You shifted uncomfortably in the seat next to him, cuddling yourself in closer to your body.
“I thought I told you-” you answered sadly, ‘I got dumped”
Bakugo blinked a couple times, the shock vibrating throughout his body. He knew you had a boyfriend, apparently Shindo Yo, the damn pretty boy of another hero agency.  You were his closest friend after all, so he dealt with the news as best he could, but Bakugo has never liked the guy. He always chalked it up to him being protective over you as your friend, but the way he used to feel so angry and so frustrated whenever he saw you hold hands or hug made him want to scream. A small amount of happiness filled up his chest by hearing you say you were single, instantly  making him feel guilty as he saw how distraught you were.
“The hell-“ he gulped out quickly, “what for?”
“Dont know..” you sighed, your face contorted in a grimace, “he-he said he needed to focus on his career-and that-that I was going to stop him from achieving his goals-”
Bakugo instantly felt anger erupt in his chest, his hands becoming clammy against the leather steering wheel.
“Wait-that dickwad, Shindo Yo, right? The damn extra won't amount to nothing, the hell he-”
He was rambling, the spiteful words spewing from his lips. He just couldn’t understand why your piece of shit of a boyfriend would dump someone as amazingly kind and caring as you, and go as far to say such awful words. It made him incredibly furious, and all he wanted to do was confront your now ex and give him a piece of his mind for causing you to act this way.
He was surprised though to hear your voice interject him, your tone stern yet pleading.
“Bakugo, can we not talk about it? Please?”
He wanted to kick himself for being so inconsiderate, an embarrassed blush creeping into his cheeks.
The car ride continued in silence, Bakugo staring at the road in conflict, you cuddling yourself into a small ball on the leather seat.
It continued for a few minutes, until Bakugo broke the silence by clearing his throat.
“Want me to drop you off at your place?” He asked gruffly, looking at you slightly from the side. 
He noticed you shift, turning to look at him with large, pleading eyes.
“Can-can we go to your place instead?” you squeaked out, almost as if worried by his response. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound mean earlier….I just- always feel so safe and warm when I go to your apartment, Katsuki”
Bakugo felt his heart quicken in his chest-you called him “Katsuki”, his name. Something in you saying that made him feel hot from flusteredness, but then you said you felt safe with him...he had never been more thankful for the darkness of night, because he knew his face was completely red.
He gulped, trying to build up the wall around his emotions you were trying to knock down. With each word or truth that spilled from your sleepy, drunken mouth, he found it harder to keep his feelings at bay. He took a deep breath, his clammy hands readjusting on the steering wheel.
You two were just friends.
He didn’t like you like that and you-you probably didn’t either.
He needed to be Bakugo, your best friend, your rock in hard times, not Bakugou, the blushing mess next to you that was concerned with his own feelings.
He clicked the turn signal on his car to the right, taking the route back to his home instead of yours as he sighed.
Bakugo pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building, the bumpy street roads now turning smooth as he fit his car through the metal gate and settled into a parking spot near his apartment. 
He turned the key of the car, killing the roaring engine as he stepped out of the car, the closing door as a soft thud as he commanded you to “Stay inside”.
Your sluggish head instantly perked at the statement, unable to understand what he had meant by that. But your body felt too tired, mentally and physically, and too weak to even protest. You stayed there, cuddled into the seat as Bakugo opened the door of the passenger seat, his arms outstretched as they tucked themselves under your body.
“Wait what are you-“ you asked sluggish, your eyes barely open as you wrapped your digits around his arms.
“I’m picking you up” 
HIs tone was calm and forceful, as if this was a completely normal occurrence between the two of you- which it wasn't. 
You instantly blushed at the prospect, excuses already forming on the tip of your tongue.
“You don’t have to, I can-“
“I could barely walk you to car and that was in flat ground,” he retorted back, I’m not gonna walk you up stairs-”
“Just let me do this”
He stated a little more softly, his voice gruff and low as he picked you up off the seat as if you weighed nothing to him. Your hands instantly latched onto his neck finding comfort by burying your head into the crook of his neck.
Shit-why you had to go and be so cute?
His grip around your body tightened, making sure you felt secure as he walked you up the plight of steps to his apartment. 
Something about this felt so surreal- your warm body against his, his hands wrapping your thighs, the way your hair felt against his cheek...these were all sensations that left his heart pounding.
All of this seemed to frustrate him as much as it brought him joy-he shouldn't feel any of these tingling sensations around you. He shouldn't feel weightless and giddy, or terrified he'd do the wrong thing around you all the time. It bothered him to know end, and made him feel so frustrated.
But the most frustrating part was the fact you were oblivious- that you had this secret power over him and you didn't even know it.
He finally stepped foot in his apartment, setting you down gently as he ruffled through his pockets for his keys. His hand was still wrapped around your waist, giving you some stability as he opened the door with a slow creak, ushering you inside.
You stepped inside, feeling somewhat out of place- you had been here countless times before: parties, get togethers, the meet up place before you would hang out with the Bakusquad….so why did it feel so strange?
The room felt more intimate in a way-you had never been here without someone else, usually Kirishima. 
And youd been here at night, but never this late, and the fact you had asked to sleep over- well, everything just felt so new and raw.
Thankfully Bakugo broke through your rapid thoughts, his vermillion eyes looking down at you with slight worry.
“You good? No needing to throw up or anything?” he asked gruffly. 
God he felt so close- you could practically feel his heat radiating into your body still, making your cold digits beg for his touch.
Your cheeks warmed at the thoughts, a small “Mm-mm” and a shake of your head the only thing you could muster to do.
He led you over to his room, passing the small kitchen and bathroom as he did.
“Then you need new clothes- get you out of that clubbing crap”
Your mouth instantly formed into a pout, your eyes looking up at your best friend.
“It's not crap-its pretty”you corrected him, your tone playfully hurt.
“More like tight,” he replied snarkily, “ how do you even move in that thing?’’
You were about to quickly retort back that he should wear the dress and find out, but then a sudden image of Bakugo wearing your skin tight dress at a club made you instantly double over in giggles. 
Bakugo gave you a questionable look, his red eyes almost judging your drunken, laughing form.
“I just keep it down with my hands silly,” you said in between giggles, your body flopping onto the plush comforter of his bed. Now you felt a little more at ease, as if the courage of alcohol had kicked into your system yet again.
Bakugo shook his head, his blonde locks swaying at the motion as he quietly said ‘Giggly ass drunk” under his breath. He began to rustle through his closet, trying his best not to stare at your form laying across his bed in such a body accentuating dress.
You hadnt seemed to notice Bakugo's rhetoric or dilemma, a soft smile gracing your lips stiill. Your propped your body up on your elbows, your tousled hair pooling against your skin.
“so what amazing little number are you gonna put me in now?”
You felt cloth instantly hit you square in the face, as if Bakugo had thrown it over his shoulder-most likely on purpose.
Usually you would attack the asshole for doing something like that, but you just felt too tired to even throw an insult back. Your lips pouted out once again, a small whine escaping your throat as you ripped the shirt from your face.
Bakugo grinned slightly at you ,finding your expression adorable as well as funny.  He watched you inspect the shirt, the fabric as dark as your dress.
“You would think interning with Best Jeanist would have left some fashion sense in you,” you spewed out, your face clearly distraught by the shirt he had given you.
He rolled his eyes, his grin now turning into a grimace. 
Was drunk you really that picky over a shirt?
“That was 5 fucking years ago, and I only interned with him cause he was one of the best,” he tried to defend himself, feeling his cheeks grown warm from your drunken disapproval. But his fiery personality kicked in, his tongue beginning to stutter over his words. “- just throw the goddamn shirt on before I let you sleep in that shit you call a dress”
“Or I could sleep in my underwear, there's other alternatives,” 
your words flew out of your mouth faster than you could stop them, a triumphant grin on your face as you saw how beet red Bakugo became.
A giggle escaped from your lips, the sound ringing softly against his ears.
“Dont worry Katsuki, Ill wear the clothes,” you gave him a soft smile, cuddling the clothing to your chest.
He blinked a few times, trying to get his heart to settle back into a steady rhythm.
This wasn't real.
You didn't make him nervous.
You were just his best friend- you being in his room, in a pretty dress, making flirty remarks didn't affect him.
You were drunk-you weren't yourself right now- so why did he feel so hopeful? And for what?
He quickly spun on his heel, turning around before you could catch the glowing in his cheeks.
“Whatever-just call me if you need help” he threw over his shoulder, his hands closing his bedroom food with a loud slam. 
Bakugo sat himself on the couch in his living room, his hands resting on his face, his elbow connected to his legs.
The hell was going on with him?
As he was brooding over his conflicted emotions, he heard the door of his room click open, and it seemed all his feeble attempts to slow down his heart went out the window.
There you were, clad in his black tshirt, the fabric pooling around your thighs and making your arms look tiny in the flowing fabric. You must have been wearing the shorts worn from under your dress, but still- he got a full view of your beautifully plush thighs, making heat rise to his cheeks.
Strange sensations filled his stomach, that tingling butterfly sensations filling his stomach-
The hell was wrong with him?
“For your clothes being so bland, they are pretty comfy…” you smiled up at him, his heart quickening at the small gesture.
You walked your way over the couch, resting your body opposite him, giving ample space between the two of you as you sighed in content.
“I could go to sleep right now”
Bakugo snorted, his arms wrapping against his chest as the heat continued to rise in his cheeks.
“The hell your not-”
You instantly pushed yourself up, cocking your head at Bakugou in confusion.
He had to admit it to himself- your looked-cute-, sitting there, your legs crossed with his shirt wrapped around your frame, your eyes wide and hair a mess.
He could get used to seeing you like this-
But shit he couldn't-didnt-think like that. You were his friend, nothing more.
“What do ya mean?” you asked “You were complaining about me two minutes ago, wouldn't you want me to go to sleep?”
He gave a small chuckle, his eyes looking down at the floor.
“Sure but-I'm not letting you go to sleep with all that shit on your face-”
Your hands instantly went to touch your face, your digit scrubbing against the skin.
You looked down, and there on your hand was your foundation, a tiny bit too dark as it had mingled with your bronzer and highlighter, black running against your skin like tire streaks on a road.
How did you not even feel that was on your face? How drunk were you?
The thought of you being so intoxicated you forgot you had makeup on seemed like the funniest thing ever, giggles dribbling out of your lips.
“Oh my god, I forgot!” you laughed, chuckles wracking through your body.
Bakugo simply shook his head, unable to contain a smirk from gracing his lips. He got up slowly, walking over to your side of the couch to offer you his hand.
“Alright cmon-you giggly ass drunk,” he smirked, his lungs tightening as you gave him a smile of your own, your smaller hand slowly taking hold in his larger one.
You leaned into his body, already accustomed to him being your support- he would at least admit it right now...you were cute
He walked you over to his bathroom, his digit flicking on the light switch. 
It was a little small, with enough room to hold two people inside. He gently pressed you against the wood of the cabinet, his hands grabbing your waist as he hoisted you on to the counter.
Any other day you would be embarrassed by this sudden closeness with your best friend but something about this felt bitter sweet. It had been so long it seemed like since someone had truly cared for you, being there by your side and making sure you were okay. It felt comforting to have Bakugou near you, but you knew this wouldnt last. You were drunk and feeling broken-is was just his obligation as your friend to get you through the night. Once you sobered up, itd be back to the way things were-bitterly lonely.
As you muddled in your emotions, your feet dangling against the cabinets, Bakugo was rummaging through in the cabinet next to you, emerging with a bottle of makeup remover.
You cocked your head at the bottle, the liquid inside an artificial yet soothing blue.
Why did he have that?
Bakugo stared down at the bottle in his hand, his red eyes quickly glancing at the writing on the side and setting it down on the counter, now rummaging for a cloth.
“This shit should work-”
Your hand grabbed the bottle, now inspecting it in curiosity.
“When did you get this?”
“Remember last time you came over,” he asked over his shoulder,” when the power went out in your apartment and you said you had to do your makeup?”
You simply nodded your head-you remembered that day. You had planned to go and watch a movie with your boyfriend-ex, and the screening was at exactly 12 am since it was premiering. You had wanted to look at least a little decent, but fate had gone against you and destroyed that plan halfway into putting on your  makeup. So you had of coursed called Bakugo, who grumpily obliged to let you use his apartment.
Bakugo’s hands gently took the bottle from yours, his hot skin brushing against yours as he applied the liquid to the cloth. His frame fit snugly in between your legs, your inner thighs brushing against the fabric of his sweatpants.
 “Well, You left it-” 
He simply stated, everything in his being trying to keep his tone leveled as he began to wipe your skin clean of the events from the night. 
You had never seen Bakugo be so gentle- he was taking his time, focusing on one small area and then moving onto the next. His strokes were even and light as air, not digging into your skin or forceful in any way. 
“And- and you kept it?” you gulped out, your eyes searching his own vermillion ones.
Bakugo was scared, terrified even-he didnt want to look you in your eyes. 
Would he do something he regretted if he did?
He was trying to control himself, to fight everything in him all night to not let you catch on to him, to not let you or himself see his true emotions...he was getting too tired to fight, and he was scared that he’d let something slip that he didnt even know about himself yet.
“Well yeah, I wasn't just going to throw it away,” he answered,” I figured you'd come and get it,”
He paused, his hand faltering against your skin for the smallest second. Maybe-it wouldn't hurt to say something...you were drunk after all, you wouldn't remember most of tonight probably….
“-also,” he gulped out, his heart beating in his chest, “ Its nice to have reminder of you here too,”
Your eyes instantly widened, the wind knocked out of your chest, constricting almost in pain.
Why did that make you feel so-so fluttery inside?
And why did it hurt so much?
Maybe because it almost sounded like-Bakugou may care for you? More than just a friendly way?
No-it couldn't….he was your best friend….but god, it felt so good to be cared for, to actually feel wanted-
And of course had to be by someone you knew you never had a chance with.
Your shoulders began to shake, realizing how much you must have screwed up-you lost your boyfriend, was humiliated by him, and then humiliated your own self by losing control. 
Bakugo was the only one you had truly could count on-he was the one person you called, and he had shown up to get you. He had tried his best to keep you comfortable, went out of his way to keep you safe, his best to keep you happy…
How long had it been since someone had been this caring to you?
Your shoulders began to shake, the weight of everything crashing down on you, tears spilling across your cheeks like rain droplets outside a car window.
How did everything turn out so wrong?
Bakugo instantly noticed your change, his body instantly panicked and worried.
“Shit-y/n, you okay? Whats wrong?” he asked, his tone desperate as he set the cloth down and wrapped his hands around your forearms, securing you as wave after wave of tears racked your body.
He wrapped you into a slow hug, his warm palms placed firmly against your back as you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck.
He felt so warm and safe, your noise buried into the soothingly sweet smell that was him. 
“Katsuki I-I-Im sorry, I didnt mean to-” you blubbered out, trying your best to apologize over your heightened emotions.
Bakugo had no idea what to do- was this just something you did when drunk? He had no idea why you had started crying, and he hoped it wasn't something he did- but telling by how in pain you looked and how quickly you welcomed his embrace, this was something he didnt do and couldn't fix-at least not quickly.
He continued to hold you tightly, his hands beginning to become clammy against your back.
“Dont say sorry-Your fine, just- tell me whats wrong,”
He felt your hands ball his shirt in your fists, your chin digging deeper into his skin.
“I wish I could find a guy as great as you,”
Bakugo’s face turned beet red, his arms stiffening at your words- when he asked what was wrong, he didnt mean something like that.
But the truth comes out when you're drunk, and Bakugo fully believed in this saying…
Did that mean-you liked him?
He couldn't deny it now- it was too hard and everything was against him at this point.
Just the small prospect of being your lover made Bakugo’s heart quicken, the little sentence you just uttered destroying the wall he had kept to protect himself from the truth.
He liked you.
Alot actually.
He scoffed, trying  his best to remain calm as he cradled you in his arms.
“Im not as great as you think I am,”
He felt you cuddle yourself even deeper into his neck, your hair tickling his jawline.
You seemed to be calming down as Bakugo had had a mental crisis….your sobs were now sniffles, and you werent breathing as hard. But you still were cuddled deep into his body, as if using him to block yourself from the outside world.
“No you are, you really are…”you sighed quietly, “ even if you are an ass sometimes, you are very kind and sweet-
“I just wish I could date someone like you,”
How could he even say anything after that?
How was even able to respond?
He wouldn't-Bakugo decided to hold you quietly, as if you never said anything...but those words were echoing inside his head.
God- you could date him in a heartbeat. But, reality kicked into Bakugou- you were drunk, and just got dumped. You were just starved of touch and affection from that.
There was no way sober you would have said something so revealing as this- you saw him as his best friend, nothing more and nothing less of that. You wouldn't jeopardize your relationship by saying something that could mean the end of your friendship.
Bakugo felt the tightness of your body loosen, your breathing now regular, something so different from a few minutes ago.
“Y/n?” he asked quietly, almost timidly as he waited for a response.
Bakugo sighed, a small, tired smile playing on his lips
“You fell asleep huh?”
Bakugo playfully rolled his eyes as your quiet demeanor spoke the truth for him.
His hands found themselves placed against your back, wrapping against your body once again so that your legs were around his waist, his arm supporting you as he carried you back to his room.
Maybe in the morning you would remember this...maybe not. He was conflicted- a part of him hope you didn't, so your relationship could resume as normal, but- something in him hoped you remembered. And hoped you wanted to talk more about it- because if you felt the same way and meant it, he wouldn't mind to see if you two could be more than just friends.
He pecked a look at your sleeping form, your smushed face against his shoulder making his heart fill with warmth.
“Shit-if only you knew...I would date you-
“even if your a giggly ass drunk,”
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Kurtbastian - “Always and Forever”
Summary: After the death of their daughter Grace, Kurt and Sebastian drift apart. Kurt wraps himself up in his grief so tightly he starts to push Sebastian away, and Sebastian, feeling himself shoved aside when he needs Kurt most, cheats. They make the decision to start over, to leave New York City and their pain behind, and start over again in a house Upstate. Sebastian buys Kurt a "fixer upper" and gives him free reign. While redecorating the room that will be his studio, Kurt comes across something interesting underneath the wallpaper. It starts to become an obsession for Kurt - an obsession that begins to replace Kurt's love for his husband, which Sebastian is holding on to by a thread. Can Kurt and Sebastian break through the pain and the hurt and find a way to fall in love again?
Notes: Inspired by the Klaine advent drabble prompt "ache". So this is a story I started a while ago, but stopped after chapter 4 because it started to get a little too real. But I’ve started revising, and now I’m ready to finish it.
Chapter 1 (3197 words)
“God! That traffic was insane, wasn’t it?” Sebastian complains, pulling off the highway and onto the less congested road that leads to the heart of Manhasset.
Kurt mutters in agreement, but he barely noticed. His right temple has been glued to the passenger side window the entire trip. Eyes pointed skyward, he watched the clouds pass by as they drove, counted the trees, followed a flock of birds as they flew off to warmer climes far, far away.
Away from here, the way Kurt wishes he could.
“I called ahead to turn the gas on. And the electricity... ” Sebastian has been rambling about nothing for the whole hour and forty-five-minute drive, filling the tense air of the Navigator with verbal static. “We’re gonna want to air the place out for a few hours. The realtor told me it stinks like mold but that there isn’t any actual mold in the house. I hired two separate contractors to go through the place anyway and make sure. I wasn't going to take the guy's word for it. He struck me as a sandwich short of a picnic. I mean, you should have seen him, Kurt! He was wearing a purple paisley tie and brown loafers with a grey suit. And not like royal purple. That would have worked. But puce! Jesus Christ!” He chuckles. It bleeds into a nervous cough. “I didn’t say anything, but it would have been nice if you were there to give him some subtle pointers. Or not so subtle. You know how much I love seeing you in action. Oh, and we'll have to go over our insurance policy. I’m having a second independent appraiser… ”
“Are we there yet?” Kurt interrupts, preferring to focus on how the changing leaves mute the skyline than on a single word coming out of his husband’s mouth. Not that he could catch a one the way they’re sprinting off his tongue like lemmings off a cliff.
The trees soothe Kurt, smooth the rough edges of this bumpy ride. They grow differently out here than in the city: springing up in rows, displaying their fall colors, blending one into the other like an ever-changing river - red tree, yellow tree, brown tree, gold tree… 
Their daughter Grace would call out the colors on their long car rides Upstate, conjuring rhymes where there were none. They roll through his memory in her singsong voice.
Green tree… uh... lean tree!
Kurt smiles, clutching on to the sound of her voice.
He's terrified of the day he'll forget what her voice sounds like.
“Just… uh… just a few more blocks,” Sebastian replies, his attempt at chitchat cut short by his husband��s impatient tone. Despite his infinitely expressive voice, Kurt only uses three tones nowadays - angry, impatient, and indifferent. Sebastian hasn’t learned how to avoid any of them, but he hates Kurt’s indifferent tone the most. “Not too far.”
“Good. Because I’m tired of sitting in this stupid seat.” Kurt switches positions, massaging his hip for emphasis. 'Tired of sitting in this stupid seat.' That's what he said. But he meant, 'tired of being stuck in here with you.' 
And Sebastian knows it.
Sebastian turns down two streets that spiral together tighter and tighter until he and Kurt are locked in to their new neighborhood.
Locked in to their decision to move here.
“Here it is.” Sebastian pulls up to the curb at the point before the street turns into a cul-de-sac.
Kurt sits up slowly to accommodate his stiff spine and numb ass. Looking around, he sighs in frustration. “Here what is? There are five houses on this block. Which one is it?”
“Guess.” When Kurt sighs again, Sebastian says, “I’ll give you a hint – it’s one of these three,” and motions to the houses on Kurt’s right. Kurt rolls his eyes but turns to the houses closest. They all appear relatively identical – three floors with a pointed roof and a square porch, reminiscent of a gingerbread house. They probably have basements – a huge selling point in this vicinity. But they don’t call them basements Upstate. They call them cellars. Somehow, the word cellar is more refined, and therefore more acceptable than having a dull, run-of-the-mill, drafty basement.
Need that cellar so you can have the most expensive cabernet on the market on hand in case we need to drunkenly judge Sally Jones’s latest highlight fiasco.
“She should have gone with lowlights, Sharon. (sip) Haven’t I been saying that, Kayla? (sip) Haven’t I been saying that she should have stuck with lowlights? But only around her face. (sip) Ha-ha-ha-ha! Please, pass the brie.”
Kurt spent a good portion of his life living in a basement bedroom, so he’s not above the word. But he remembers a time back in high school when he thought that was the person he would grow up to be. He’d start out as one of the New York elite, then become an Upstate snob. When his kids (two of them – a boy and a girl) were grown and gone, he’d start an artists’ colony. He'd retire to a lighthouse, isolate himself in obscurity while being ironically jaded at the world.
Well, he's nearing forty, and he is jaded, but for entirely different reasons.
The house at the curve in the cul-de-sac is painted a sea green Kurt isn’t thrilled with. But that can be remedied with a bucket of paint and some elbow grease. From its position, it probably gets the bulk of the noon sun. 
There goes their electric bill. 
Kurt knows Sebastian doesn’t care about trivial things like finances, but just because they have the money to spend doesn’t mean they should shovel it out the window. Plus, there's their carbon footprint to think about. But more importantly, there goes his fair skin, which will freckle at every meal while he does nothing other than sit at the kitchen table.
No, thank you.
The house beside it is in a better position, slanted away from direct sunlight. But it’s painted a slate blue that comes across as too harsh considering the neighborhood’s neutral color scheme. Sebastian should know better than to see that house and say, “Yes. That’s it. That’s the one,” unless the inside looks like the Palace of Versailles.
The last house is also blue, but this blue borders on pale grey, a similar shade to his father’s house in Lima. A maple tree has grown through the pavement in front, shading the house and shedding its red-gold leaves all over the front yard. 
And this house has a porch swing. 
He and Sebastian used to talk about owning a home with a porch swing. It became a prerequisite for the home they wanted to retire in. Kurt pictured sitting on their swing side by side in the early mornings, sipping coffee and watching the sunrise.
Sebastian, on the other hand, talked about having sex on the thing and scaring the neighbors.
Same planet, different worlds.
“It’s this one,” Kurt guesses, gesturing to the blue-grey house. “The one with the swing. Isn’t it?”
“Don’t sound too excited,” Sebastian jokes but warily, afraid of what the fallout might be if Kurt doesn’t like it. Sebastian has been climbing a tenuous ladder to make his husband happy. One misstep and he'll plummet back to the bottom, with no certainty that Kurt will let him try to climb up again. It’s his own damn fault, Sebastian reminds himself as they get out of the vehicle. He did this to them, so he’ll let Kurt lash out, let him bare his teeth and his claws, let him dig in with both hands and rip.
Sebastian deserves it.
He leads Kurt up the walkway in silence, past the tree and the swing. He unlocks the front door and pushes it open, standing back so Kurt can be the first one over the threshold. Kurt takes his time, poking his head in first, then taking a hesitant step. This is an all-or-nothing moment for him. In his heart, once he walks inside, there's no turning back.
He sets his foot down, rests his weight on it, and a dozen memories come flooding back: the house he lived in with his mom and dad, the house he and his dad moved into when his dad remarried, the dorm rooms he suffered from high school to college.
The first night he spent in Sebastian's penthouse, the excitement of feeling like he'd found his true home.
The house he dreamed of raising Grace in. 
In the end, they stayed in the penthouse for convenience. He regrets not getting her an actual house with a yard and a swing.
Like this one.
The irony.
The room lists, Kurt's head swims, but he wraps his arms around himself and doesn't let it show. He focuses on the here and now. He's taken a step. He just needs to take another. And another. Keep going. Keep moving forward, or else he'll crumple to the ground.
And Sebastian will rush to catch him.
Kurt would rather bury himself under the porch.
Kurt breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth, relies on a cold and detached demeanor to help him instead of the strong arms of his husband.
This house has a different feel from the open floor plan of the penthouse they've been living in since college. It's cramped around the corners, with a lot more shadows and a lot less noise. Sebastian likes that better. He’s an Ohio native, same as Kurt. But unlike Kurt, he considers himself a country boy. Even though Sebastian built his identity around becoming a state's attorney like his father, he loved the quiet life: wide-open spaces, blue skies, unhurried, and just plain normal. 
Kurt saw Ohio as a cage he couldn't wait to break free from.
Sebastian could have bought Kurt any house he wanted. In that vein, Sebastian feels like a heel for jumping on this one without consulting Kurt first. He reasoned that he'd been the one house hunting, not Kurt. So when a contact told him that the owner of this house, a house Sebastian had had his eye on for a while, was finally selling, it seemed too perfect, especially considering the timing.
Sebastian bent over backward to rescue it from escrow.
Kurt didn't want to leave the city, but it was full of too much pain for him to handle, too many memories, friends and acquaintances who had yet to hear the news, and those who constantly offered their condolences. Few people greeted him anymore without their smiles dropping and the words, “I’m so sorry,” coming out of their mouths, as if joy shouldn't exist around him anymore. 
It made his head, his heart, and his soul ache.
Kurt loved New York City, but there was nothing left for him there but the constant hollow thud he felt whenever he saw something that reminded him of their angel Grace. School would be starting soon. All of her friends will be moving on to the fifth grade. But his daughter...
Life ended for her too soon.
“Here.” Sebastian reaches for Kurt’s hand, but Kurt reflexively pulls it away, slipping his hands into his pockets to cover for his flinching from Sebastian’s touch. Sebastian should be used to it by now, but he isn’t. “Let me show you why I think you’re going to love this house.”
Sebastian jogs up the stairs to the next level. Kurt follows a few steps behind. When he reaches the top, he sees three doors. They pass the first two without mention. Sebastian opens the last.
“Here.” Sebastian crosses to the opposite side and throws open one of two windows, filling the musty space with the crisp bite of autumn. “I thought this room could be your new studio.”
Sebastian knows him too well. The room is perfect. Even at dusk, it’s flooded with natural light. It looks out over the rooftops of the other houses, giving him a view of the surrounding forests and orchards stretching way past the highway. With a little TLC, it could look just like his studio in their penthouse.
Or he can turn it into something new.
Start with a clean slate.
“What are the other two rooms?” Kurt asks offhandedly. He doesn't need to. 
He knows what the other rooms are. 
There are only two rooms they can be.
“A bathroom and the master bedroom,” Sebastian answers, watching his husband stroll across the floor.
“So this would have been… ?”
“A spare? A guest room?” Sebastian shifts his weight from foot to foot, unable to find an easy groove to stand in.
Kurt frowns. No. It would have been Grace’s bedroom if she were still with them. Kurt was trying to get his husband to acknowledge that. Cruelly. But if she were with them, Sebastian wouldn’t have cheated, their marriage wouldn’t be falling apart, and they wouldn’t be running away from their problems.
“I guess I could put a foldout bed in here,” Kurt throws out as he estimates the space.
“You can if that’s what you want,” Sebastian agrees. “Or you’re just saying that to hurt me, which, if you are, you’ll be happy to know, it’s working.”
“I’m not saying that to hurt you,” Kurt eloquently lies. “I’m being practical. I’m not going to have easy access to the Vogue workshop if I live two hours away. If I expect to get a new line started, I’m going to have to pull long hours.”
Sebastian scrutinizes his husband, who’s doing his best to avoid looking at him. “You’re… thinking of starting a new line? You didn’t mention that.”
Kurt shrugs. “Did I have to?”
“No. I mean, I wasn’t sure that you would go back to designing so soon after.” 
"After?" Kurt tilts his head inquisitively but still makes no eye contact.
"After... moving. There's going to be a lot to do here. I thought you'd give yourself a year. Maybe more." Sebastian answers so quickly, Kurt wonders if he'd practiced. They talk in code, this whole conversation a carefully choreographed tango through a labyrinth of knives.
Sebastian didn't mean after moving. He meant after the death of their daughter. Kurt practically spent every spare second he wasn’t designing for work designing with her. Kurt has been a designer since high school. Aside from music, it's his passion.
Sebastian feared Grace's death might sever those harp strings.
"I think you underestimate me. Besides, you’re considering going back to working in the city after… ” 
Pivot, walk walk, close.
The dance changes. They switch places, and Kurt leads.
Kurt isn't talking about them moving or Grace.
Kurt means after Sebastian cheated. 
Kurt only agreed to move out of the city and live in a house he's never seen to keep Sebastian away from the man he's convinced will become too big a temptation to resist the next time they get into any kind of argument. Granted, it took their daughter dying for Sebastian to cheat, but Kurt figures it’ll keep getting easier from now on to come up with an excuse. 
Can't agree on where to go for dinner? Have a huge blowout over which cards to send out for Christmas? That's it! I'm sticking my dick in someone else!
“Anyway, I wouldn’t want to wake you by crawling into bed at four in the morning, not when you have to be at work at six,” Kurt finishes when he’s let that dig soak in long enough.
“I’m not going back to work for a while, remember? That’s what a leave of absence is. And even if I was, why would I mind you waking me?” Sebastian risks a grin. “In fact, I was thinking that it might be nice to get back to what we used to do in the mornings before work. I miss that.”
Sebastian holds his breath while he sees how that remark lands. He waits for Kurt to look at him. Kurt hasn’t been able to look at him, really look at him, since hungover Sebastian came home in a taxi the morning after, clothes ruined, their marriage officially in the gutter. Grace passed away six months ago, which means he’s been waiting for a while. 
He’s still waiting. 
“This isn’t all about you,” Kurt reminds him, raising his eyes to the ceiling.
Kurt didn't yell. But that doesn't mean he's not furious.
“I know,” Sebastian says softly. He rubs his cold hands together, wishing he could stick them underneath his husband’s thick, button-down sweater, and press his palms against Kurt’s skin. A year ago, Kurt would have squealed, “Bas! Your hands are freezing!” But he would have wrapped his arms around himself and held on, would have let Sebastian lean in for a kiss, would have fallen for the line, “Now that my hands are warm, maybe you can help me warm up a few other things.”
Then they would have made love on the wood floor with the door open.
If only he could make Kurt laugh the way he used to.
Then maybe Kurt would love him again.
But going by his husband’s expression, dreary as the olive sweater he holds closed with one hand at the neck, Sebastian knows that now is not the time.
“Is this what you need to make you happy?” he asks. If only it were that simple. If only a house, or a car, or a vacation could turn back the clock and erase everything that happened.
Erase everything Sebastian did, and bring their daughter back.
Kurt doesn't answer right away. He's not purposefully keeping Sebastian in suspense. He couldn't care less what's going on in Sebastian's head. This is his future he's considering. 
He's going to take his time.
He circles the room, contemplating the echo of his footsteps on the roughly finished wood, debating whether or not it's a sound he wants to hear for the rest of his life. If not, is it worth putting in the time to fix it? 
He traces the path of sunlight as it travels across the wall. That brings a new detail to his eye - a torn corner of wallpaper above the open window revealing a word underneath.
Kurt eyes it from a distance, tries not to pay too much attention to it in case Sebastian is behind it. It doesn’t look like it was written recently. It's more than likely part of the pattern underneath. But leave it to Sebastian to try to woo his husband back with something syrupy like that. 
Something hopelessly romantic.
Something he thinks Kurt will fall for.
“No,” Kurt answers honestly, re-examining the fading wallpaper, the scuffed floors, the peeling ceiling. His gaze glances his husband’s face and settles on the dust-streaked window. He stares out at the sky, the clouds, the trees, the birds flying wild and free. He’s never going to be able to fly away like that, so he might as well accept this cage he's been given. It's what he's supposed to do, after all. “But it’s worth a try.”
He has little else left to lose.
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amphii-writes · 4 years
Hi! I would like to request an angst fic where the reader gets into a fight with any of the karasuno boys and ends up in an accident after running away. You can choose anyone who you like! Thanks
So, because of how much creative liberty you gave me I’m gonna make the accident less of a “your hurt” accident but an accidental meeting if you catch my drift! Okay, on that note here are the three boys I thought would work the best with this idea:
surprising, right? people seem to forget that Asahi quit the club and ennoshita almost quit like 5 times, and Tsukishima is self-explanatory.
Part two -->here<--
Thank you so much for requesting! It means a lot to me!
synopsis: Tsukishima snapped at you after you asked him to support your friendship, doing so, you ran away and met a tall man with red hair and a strange smile. genre: ANGST, slight fluff in the memories and end! warnings: Swearing, toxic friendships, heartbreak, etc. pairing: Platonic?Tsukishima & Yamaguchi x F!Reader x Platonic?Tendou word count: 1.7k
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After a long day of doing club activities and homework, you were thoroughly beat. Who could blame you, staying up late nights for some free time and to get your homework done. But you always made sure to check in on your closest friends: Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.
You three had met at the beginning of middle school, as you were getting made fun of by some kids and Tsukishima stepped in and helped you. Since then you’d always wanted to repay him with your time and effort in the friendship. He was often cold to you though, leaving you to believe that nothing would ever happen in the friendship and that he’d leave you high and dry.
You and Yamaguchi often discussed Tsukishima’s personality and actions to try to attest to his actions, which at some points was hard due to his slightly sadistic nature. After long nights of ranting to each other about your frustrations, you two became closer.
Long sleepless nights filled with laughter and music often warmed your heart, especially when Tsukishima joined. He had made both you and Yamaguchi playlists- full of songs that reminded him of you guys and a small description in the bio. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever done for a long time, but then he started getting colder to you, distant. He would push you away and use words sharper than knives to cut open your heart and let it bleed a little. You had asked Yamaguchi to talk to him about it but he just said that Tsuki told him not to bring you up anymore. 
You had no idea what to do, why he exiled you, and why you never saw this coming in all honesty. You wondered if he saw you checking up on him as clingy, or how you’d make treats for him and Yamaguchi and see it as annoying or too doting. You thought of everything you could until you decided to talk with him face-to-face, which you knew would be hard, but you knew you had to try.
Armed with some baked goods and a dinosaur plushie in your already weighted backpack make your eyes droop with exhaustion. But, you were determined to go and ask him what was up. You couldn’t let such a meaningful relationship go to waste.
As you approached the gym, the sound of volleyballs bouncing around the floor filled your ears, a faint yet somewhat comforting sound. You were proud of Tadashi and Kei for doing a sport, you knew it would exhaust them, but you believed it was exactly what they needed. the feeling of light dread and the beating of your heartbeat the sound of the slams of the balls, now a faint memory in your ears.
“NOYA, LOOK OVER HERE!” you heard a male voice yell, it was coming closer to the door. “RYUU, WHAT DO YOU MEAN- OH!” a short guy with a blonde streak of hair made eye contact with you, his eyes full of energy. He ran to the door and opened it completely for you. by this time, the whole gym is now aware of your existence.
“So, what’s a cute girl doing here? Waiting for someone-” The boy named “Noya” was then promptly picked up along with his friend, “Ryuu” by a tall boy with brown hair and kind chestnut eyes. “My apologies, what do you need?” he asked with a smile. You then saw a boy with orange hair jumping up and down.
“Kageyama, look how pretty she is! Is she gonna be a manager? Hey! Are you gonna be a manager? Your very pretty!” his sweet attitude and words reminded you of what you were there for, who you were there for. You chuckled, rubbing your hand on the back of your neck.
“Thank you for your compliments but I’m just here to walk home with my friends after they’re both done with practice, I don’t mean to be a bother. To apologize, would you like some brownies? I think I brought enough for everyone here-” you were cut off by the two boys who first greeted you praying and crying out of joy. 
“Well, if you don’t mind then we’d love some! I’m Daichi Sawamura, the captain of the volleyball team” He shook your hand, his grip was just tight enough and his hands where calloused and warm, you were then met with a boy with long hair and some stubble hunching over, his hand rubbing his neck as he flashed a shy smile and bowed and thanked you. You saw so many different looking people, the skinhead and blonde streak boy seeming to be the most energetic out of the team. You finally were met with Yamaguchi jogging over to you after seemingly talking to Tsukishima. 
“Hey, Y/N! Thank you for coming, I appreciate it!” Tadashi smiled brightly. “Oh yeah- I, um... this is me and Tsuki’s friend: Y/N!” he stumbled on his words because of how many eyes were onto him.
“Y/N? Why are you here?” Tsukishima sounded frustrated “Tsuki, let her explain! Please?” only to be answered with a “Shut up, Yamaguchi.” in an icy cold tone, icier than usual. “Well, I just wanted to see if you were okay, and in all honesty, I wanted to talk to you privately-” you said, trying to calm the thumping of your heart.
“Y/N, if I was avoiding you, it was for a reason, now leave.” He snapped, the whole gym was quiet, no sound of balls, just everyone holding their breath. “Tsukishima, please hear me out-” you were once again cut off by the harsh words of one of your closest friends.
“Y/N. I don’t care about what you want to say to me, shut up and leave.” his words made you hold your breath, choking back the salty tears with a warm smile and a bow and you reached into your bag to grab a small dinosaur plushie. You handed it to him without a word, left the bag of sweets with the boys, said goodbye, and then ran out the door. you heard the faint yell of Yamaguchi and Daichi saying something. 
You could only imagine how awkward the team felt, you felt bad for coming, felt horrible for bothering him so much. You knew deep down that you did nothing wrong, that he just had to learn how to cope with his emotions, but that didn’t change the ache in your heart as your feet carried you to the street. You were aimlessly running until you were met with a stop sign, the red lights from the stoplights illuminating your skin with the bright blue.
You just aimlessly walked around the streets, not caring where you’re heading, where you are. Your tear-stained cheeks being wiped away by your sweater sleeves. The moving of cars and the small amount of business on the streets welcoming your bad mood. A tune of humming met your ears as you looked around yourself. You had somehow managed to run yourself to Shiratorizawa Academy. Honestly, now that you think about it, your feet do feel sore after walking for so long.
"Hey! Whatchu doin' here? That uniform means your from Karasuno, right?" only to be met with a perky male voice, he sounded mischievous. you turned around to see a tall boy with sanpaku eyes and a mischievous smile. His hair was a medium red and his eyes were sunken in, but not dull. But as soon as he saw your tired eyes and your tear-stained cheeks his demeanor changed. “Hey, are you okay? Can I do anything to help?” by this time you had already cried all your tears, so you just simply asked him to listen, and listen he did.
He never interjected, but he was paying attention, nodding with you while walking into Shiratorizawa. You two were met by three boys, one with black hair and a bowl-cut, one with peach hair and slanted bangs that you giggled at, and a very tall man with broad shoulders and olive hair. Tendou had asked you if he could explain what happened and the team let you in with open arms.
“So, I know what I’m about to say doesn’t justify his actions at all! I’m not that stupid!” you giggled at his lightheartedness “But, ya know how parents often tell girls ‘If he hits ya, he likes ya?’ yeah, that’s the vibe I’m getting off of Mr. Four-eyes here.” he sighed “Still doesn’t mean much when he treats ya like garbage- I’m so sorry by the way- oh wait! I haven’t even introduced myself; I’m Tendou Satori! I’m a middle blocker for Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team. I guess not all volleyball boys are bad, huh?” he stuck his tongue out at you playfully and smiled.
He was so nice to you, hell, the whole team was so nice to you! but little did you know that your phone was blowing up with messages from Yamaguchi. He wasn’t going to forgive Tsukishima that easily after what he had done.
And Tendou said that if they ever played Karasuno, he wouldn’t go hard on him, but he knew he was lying, just a little bit. Hey, it isn’t cool to leave a girl crying in the middle of the street ya know?
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Thank you so much for reading and requesting again, it means so much to me!
this is also my first fic that i wrote for someone who isn’t a close friend, so thank you so much!
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 4 years
Welcome Home
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Half-awake and goofy Reader, Daddy Kink, Soft Sex, Unprotected Sex, Language, Fluffff
Word Count: 2.5K+
Summary: After many sleepless nights (and one missed text), Bucky is finally home.
A/N: Reposting because Tumblr hates meeeeee. I know I’ve been IA off and on here but I promise I’m working on my series as much as I can. It’s been one hell of an year, huh? My inbox is always open for you lovelies. Love you all.
The bed feels too big without him.
It’s normal to feel this way on most lonely nights, when Bucky has to be away on a mission—not like he isn’t saving the world or anything, but after two years of sleeping next to his heavy but familiar weight, it’s hard to fall asleep without it. What’s worse is that you can’t rest your head over his heartbeat or crawl into his warm, open arms, or kiss that little pout on his lips.
You even begin to miss the array of clothes spread out on a pile in the corner of the room that he always claims he’ll get to when they start to smell—as much as you want to kill him for it, you sincerely miss it now.
The blocky red numbers glare at you from where it sits on your nightstand, reminding you for the hundredth time that this is the fifth night in a row of tossing and turning and it’s four in the morning. Your body is fatigued but your mind anxious and relentless; he hasn’t texted like he promised he would, like how it’s been on nearly every mission, and maybe it’s because of the fact that he’ll be home tomorrow, not because he’s—
“Stop,” you whisper to yourself.
You let out a deep sigh and flop onto your back—the ceiling still has the same color and the small crack that keeps you fixated for a decent amount of time. Not even the running box fan or the low volume of your tv is doing anything to appease your unsettling thoughts. At this point, you don’t want to get up at all, not even to pee… no, you really need to go.
The bathroom is just as cold as the bedroom feels and it makes you want to cry; you won’t, but it’s close. The slight chilly air stings your bare feet as they paddle across the floor, sitting up this time on your bed and snatching the remote with a huff. You flip through the channels mindlessly, barely paying attention to the titles—titles that you’ve already seen a thousand times—while slumping against the pillows with the hope that SpongeBob SquarePants will be the final solution to your sleeping problem.
You become so engrossed in the cartoon that you don’t notice the creak of your house door, or the soft plop of a bag on the floor, nor the light steps making their towards your room until the handle jiggles rather loudly for someone who’s trying to sneak around; Bucky still underestimates his own strength on some days, like this one.
When the door starts to slowly open you curse yourself for not being more attentive, and try to remember with stiff muscles where that stupid knife Bucky gave you is…
“Shit,” the intruder curses. “Sorry, doll. Did I wake ya?”
The gruff whisper—twinged with a light Brooklyn accent—echoes across the room and straight to your chest, your heart stuttering a beat at the realization; the ocean gray eyes meets yours with a tired but exciting glint that equally matches the one in yours and that beautiful, beautiful full smile greets you like home.
“Bucky!” You squeal quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace, opening your arms out wide for him. “You’re home.”
He chuckles and closes the door behind him, slipping his gloves off, the two or maybe three shirts (armor, padding, whatever it is) he easily shrugs off, then his socks and pants, leaving him in a tank top and boxers. You wait patiently, all the while checking for any new scrapes and bruises or any signs of injury in his expression; so far so good.
The mattress dips under his fists as he leans over to give you a kiss; it’s short, just a quick peck that leaves you whining for more. Instead, he smiles again and rubs the tip of his nose affectionately against yours.
“I missed you,” his breath ghosts over your lips.
You cup his face, his light stubble scratching your skin, and pull him towards a longer, deeper kiss. He moans faintly into the kiss and dips the rest of his weight on the bed, curling into you instinctively; he fits against you like your puzzle piece, and when you lie down he follows fluently, careful of not laying all of his weight on you—as much you really want him to squish you.
“I missed you more,” you say in between kisses, wrapping your legs around his waist. “So—” the loud smack of your lips against his cheek raises a lovely chorus of giggles from the both of you. “—so much! But how?”
Bucky understands. “Caught the guy earlier than expected. Got back at the compound, took a shower—”
“And you didn’t text me, asshole!”
“Aw,” he drawls in a pitch, teasing your ribs with feather-like caresses. “I’m sorry baby. I won’t do it again, I promise.”
He seals his promise with a kiss, not wasting any time in slipping his tongue along the seams of your lips; you grant him access, swirling his tongue with yours. You moan and, without even realizing what you’re doing, slant your hips up, arching yourself into his touch. His hands slide down your body, memorizing every detail of your curves while continuing the dirty, sensual kiss; you then feel the half-hard bulge grinding steadily against your core, but you nor Bucky comment on it.  
He’s the first one to pull back. Bucky doesn’t say a word, and so neither do you, just taking in each breath that leaves his lungs through an exhale, every inch of muscle that rests and moves against yours, and suddenly it feels like you can actually sleep now.  
“Pretty girl,” he murmurs, using the tip of his pointer finger to trace the circles under your eye. “Having trouble sleeping again?”
“I always do when you’re gone,” you mumble back, closing your eyes since he mentioned it.
He starts to move but you latch onto him before he can fully sit himself up, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying his face in your neck.
“Baby,” he giggles, moving his hands to your hips.
“I still have to welcome you home, soldier,” you purr and run your fingers through his soft, short hair.
You grind back at his still hips, grinning goofily at the sigh that escapes his lips. “C’mon, I want to.” Another slow grind, harder than before. “I wanna feel that thick cock fill me up so good, been too long, daddy.”
The breath hitches audibly in his throat, his eyes growing dark and glazed. “You sure?” He asks, because he’s the perfect gentleman as always. “It looks like you can barely keep your eyes open, sweetheart.”
“Not uh.” To prove your point, you open your eyes as wide as they can go. Bucky laughs with a shake of his head that tells you, ‘I love you, you fucking goofball’.
You lean up to catch his slightly chapped lips, and reach down to pull your shorts and panties off; Bucky breaks the kiss to look, groaning at the sight of your glistening pussy. You palm him through the thin fabric of his boxers, giving him a light squeeze.
He buckles against your hand. “Fuck,” he hisses, then chuckles. “It really has been too long.”
“So,” you quickly slip your shirt over your head, reveling in the way his eyes immediately latch on your breasts. “Fuck me.”
Bucky finally gives in with a moan, bumping his forehead against yours for a rushed but heated kiss that leaves goosebumps on your skin. You waste no time in pulling his boxers down, licking your lips at the sight of his twitching cock.
His entire weight topples on you in his haste to pull his shirt off, crushing the air out of your lungs; he mumbles an unintelligent apology against your open mouth.
Metal rests against the slope of your ass as the other lines himself at your entrance, looking in your eyes for your approval. You nod, too excited and trembling with anticipation. His lips are once again back on yours, the bulbous tip of him nudging through your folds and circling your clit, teasing you with a knowing smirk as you kiss.
Before you can scold him he pushes in, stretching you slowly to the brim until his balls rest at the slope of your backside; it’s a little painful, but the burn is a bonus to the increasing pleasure you feel by him just being inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you gasp through gritted teeth, clutching his biceps with a tight grip. He answers with a nip to your breast, circling his tongue around the perk nipple before completely latching his mouth onto the sensitive mold; his teeth lightly scrapes you, making your body jolt and pussy flutter around him—shit, it really has been too long for the both of you.    
You tighten your legs around him, enveloping yourself in his heat, not wanting to bear the coldness that plagued you in his absence.
“Good?” He croaks from your chest, already sounding breathless.
He settles himself more comfortably between your legs and pulls back until only the tip is inside, plunging back in with a hard, punctuated thrust that heaves your body upwards. A choked sigh scrapes your throat, your hands splayed out on his back, feeling every muscle continue to move and slither; chaste kisses litter your neck with every thrust, hard and steady and deep.
“I know,” he says. His metal hand cups your cheek, holding your gaze—you’re doing your best to keep your eyes open, but you don’t know how much longer that’ll last. “You feel so good, princess. So good, so fucking good.”
You lift your hips to meet his, feeling the coil in your lower stomach building and tightening and getting hotter and hotter—
“Fuck Bucky right there!” You moan wantonly, shifting your body so he can hit your sweet spot again.
“I got ya,” he rubs your back before pushing your lower half up so he can keep you exactly where he wants you, not once breaking the rhythm you can now so easily create.
His cock continues to bring you undeniable euphoria, scratching against every little itch you have and angling his pelvis so that it grinds against your aching clit, giving you the extra stimulation you need. He kisses you until you have no more air to give, nips and bites at you until there’s marks, caresses your body with a touch only a lover can understand, fucks you so right and smooth that you can feel every vein and ridge of his cock; thank fuck he’s home.
His hips move a little faster, no doubt starting to feel the edge of his climax. As if to prove your point, his hand—the one that was one your cheek—reaches up to grip the top of the headboard, using the pull to push himself somehow deeper into you; like he’s trying to crawl into your body and take shelter where he knows he’s safe.
“Y-yeah, shit B-Buck keep going!” You stammer in between thrusts. Your pussy flutters harder around him, making him squeeze his eyes tightly shut and curse under his breath.
“Me too, pretty girl,” he growls, looking down at you like you’re the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever seen, and in his eyes you are. “Gonna cum with me?” Your cunt clenches around him. “Goddamn baby—” (holyfuckingshit the way he just whimpered has your entire back arching and more juices gushing from your core). “—forgot how tight you are.”
It’s too much now, the friction heating your entire core until it feels like your whole body is on fire, about to implode at any second. Your moans and whimpers spur him on even more, now slamming his hips until the sound of skin against skin—and the sloshes of his dick pounding into you—echoes loudly in the room.
“Bucky I’m gonna come.”
“I feel you,” he grunts. “Come around my cock, babygirl. C’mon, I wanna feel it, sweet girl.”
Your legs tremble and shake as your orgasm approaches you, clouding your mind with a fog and filling your vision with white; you’re so lost in the spasm of your pussy, the thumb now rubbing your clit in tight circles, and the growls and whimpers that he’s doing nothing to hide, that when your cunt squeezes him like a vice, the scream that follows does no shame to the gruff grunts and groans lapping with your vocals.  
Bucky fucks you through your orgasm, your sensitive pussy continuing to flutter around him. It’s like you’re being shocked by bolts with the way your body spasms beneath him, taking everything he’s giving you and more until you’re nothing but a puddle at his bidding; every nerve feels shot and abused, but it’s not complete until he fills you up.
“Christ doll I’m coming,” he growls from his chest, sending shivers through you. You clench your pussy around him and… and he gasps like you just punched him in the gut and suddenly hot spurts of cum fill your pussy in thick, hot ropes.
With one final, hard thrust he collapses on top of you. The air is thick and slick with the air of sex, skin glistening in the soft light of the tv that’s still playing the same cartoon. His chest rises and falls with yours as you catch your breaths, holding each other.
Bucky is usually the first to recover. He raises his head and gives you a tired, goofy smile before kissing you; he uses the distraction to carefully pull out of you, the chill of the air brushing against the combined juices covering your pussy and inner thighs. You grumble with a scrunch to your eyebrows that makes him giggle.
“Hang on.”
He gets out of the bed with a heavy sigh that comes with age—you like to tease him about it every now and then—and flicks the light to the bathroom on, leaving the door ajar. The sound of running water is faint to your ears, the exhaustion of the week settling in on you heavily. The rattles from the bathroom fade with the stress, into comfortable white noise...
The cold, wet cloth makes you jump with a whine (did you actually fall asleep for a minute there?). Bucky shushes you gently from where he sits, gently cleaning you up before throwing the washcloth towards the corner of the room—yes, his corner.
Your arms blindly reach for him, your eyes still closed. You hear him turn the tv off and shuffle around until the covers are being pulled back and he slides in, making sure you’re both completely covered. He crawls into your embrace, laying his head in the crook of your neck and tangling his legs with yours.
“I love you,” you whisper groggily.
“I love you, too,” he says back with ease.
A few moments of silence pass, and just before you reach the land of dreams, one silly little thought brings you back.
A minute.
“Welcome home.” 
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