#like the romulan ai thing. i do not care. i can work around it. it doesn't matter.
ssaalexblake · 1 year
being a fan of multiple sci-fi things that have been around for like half a century or more is funny bc yes, there are continuity errors both mild and quite large between two things aired 40 years or even 4 years apart.
Shockingly enough the story working matters more than whatever inane bit of technical nonsense or specific date and current writers are Not gonna fuck up an entire story that’s a big allegory for some real world issue over a technical detail that really, actually, doesn’t, actually matter. 
the stories are actually The most important part and the whole ‘they’re so stupid they don’t know that this contradicts Actual canon’ thing is so absurd bc it precludes to possibility that they knew it full well and elected to ignore it because a story matters more than the number of jeffries tubes on a specific model of starfleet ship.  
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autisticburnham · 4 years
Thoughts on Picard?
Idk if you mean the show or the character, so I'll just do both
The Character:
He's a strong and interesting character for the most part, though I do really wish the show had addressed the trauma that would have been caused by The Inner Light and Chain of Command. Hopefully Picard Trek will make up for where tng lacked. He's at his best when he's just being a nerd about archeology. It's great that he tends to be open to suggestions and listens to his crew, though I think he could have benefited from being more social with them before All Good Things.
Unfortunately, his reaction to Deanna's assault in Nemesis infuriates me to the point where he typically rates at the bottom of my favorite captains, and it's a feat to rank lower than Archer. And the new show hasn't, imo, done enough to make up for that. Spoilers for Star Trek Picard, but I didn't care at all when he died. In fact, I was excited to see where the show went without him, since I have developed a fondness for the other characters. I legitimately yelled "Oh, come on!" at my tv when I realized they were bringing him back.
Also, I don't like how he made light of Soji's trauma and I think it was really stupid of him to tear down that "Romulans only" or "no humans" sign, whatever it said. Like, I know the writers were clearly going for some sort of anti prejudiced message, but there's a pretty huge difference between members of the majority excluding minority members and a minority refugee population who were screwed over by a- let's face it, Trek has big colonial undertones- colonialist power wanting a space where they don't have to interact with members of that power, especially not their public face, which Picard was. At the very least, he could have owned up to his mistake and fought back way harder against Elnor's decision to murder that dude.
The show
I love Raffi and Soji
I think Jurati has the potential to be a good character, I just wish they'd stop shoving her into relationships with no chemistry and would also address how fucked up the relationship with Maddox was
Rios also has potential as a character, but it felt like too much of the season was focused on making him dark and mysterious rather than actually letting us get to know him
I do love Rios' holograms
But, speaking of them, I really wish the show had delved more into the AI Rights storyline from tng and voy. Obviously, the synthetic ban is part of that, but how are sentient holograms affected? Was the Federation really cool with using synths the way they were? I mean, I do think it's consistent, especially considering the way EMH mach I's were used, and I think it would be a very natural path for people to push against or resist the idea of AI being fully sentient and deserving of rights, like Maddox, Pulaski, and Janeway were. I just wish we saw more of what Pulaski and Janeway went through where they realize they're wrong
I dislike how graphic the violence can get. Even within the first episode, I did Not need to see Dahj's charred skull as she was exploding. My issues with the Romulan senator explained above are only compounded by how graphic his death was. And like, I get it, Manu's a bastard, but what the fuck, I did NOT need to see that happening to Icheb
Speaking of the Romulan senator, as much as Elnor is baby and I like the Way of Absolute Candor, I can't bring myself to like him because of how he killed him
I don't like the gender undertones in the series. It's bad enough that Romulans have the same gender binary as us and have a gender exclusionary practice with the warrior nuns, but the fertility clinic that Raffi's son was at being decorated entirely with pink and blue? The 90s shows may have an excuse for this bs, but Pcd doesn't
Altan Soong's paradise having such a large amount of white androids was, suspect
I don't like the idea that artificial and organic life will always destroy one another. And like, Picard obviously fights back on this idea, but I don't like that the super advanced AI feel like that in the first place
I think Sutra's gold sexy android vibe is ridiculous, but I think it would be cool for her to return and have a Data-Lore vibe with Soji
Hate Narek, Narissa, and Narek/Narissa
I wish there had been more exploration of what actually happened with the Romulan refugee crisis. And considering the fact that it's clearly supposed to parallel the real life refugee crisis, I really hate the "Romulan sneaks into the Federation government to bring their downfall" thing
Laris and Zhaban are great, but I wish we had seen more of them and also had their roles in Picard's life explained. Are they genuinely just like his servants? Bc yikes
I do like that we got implications of there being a Picard-Seven-Hugh exBorg support group and that they're all friends
I wish we had humanized the xBs more
Hate Maddox. Hate Soong trying to make Jurati feel guilty for killing that creep
Literally the "Jurati is working with the Zhat Vash" didn't occur to me until she started talking about what she knows. I just thought the murder was bc he was such a fucking creep and I was down with it
8 fucks!
Wish Seven/Bjayzl and Raffi/that one Starfleet chick she called were more apparent. I mean, I definitely picked up on it, but I doubt viewers who aren't already looking for gay subtext did
That said, SEVEN/RAFFI
I really loved Kestra. She's a great character and her being into a Klingon band actually ties back to Voyager. She's great all around
I liked seeing Troi and Riker, but I do wish Captain Troi were canon
I don't think the addiction storyline with Raffi was very well handled
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