#like the dates and their plots. just. lets be critical of pg and what they're doing here.
djsherriff-responses · 3 months
Idolomantises is a known abuser who will accuse people of being liars/pedos/racists/etc for bringing it up. Most of it was under previous aliases of his, and he'll accuse you of deadnaming him if you mention his old usernames that he had when he was more blatant and less secretive about being an asshole to people he doesn't like (who were mostly kids, or were/are acespec/arospec). He also doxxed a bunch of people in 2020 and falsely accused one of those people of pedophilia because he mistook them for someone else
I've seen some posts floating around about that , with most posts being only available through the internet archive. While not all claims against him has solid evidence (from what I've seen at least) , it does make his criticism towards Vivziepop and other creators all the more hypocritical
This is not me saying Vivziepop ,as a person and artist , shouldn't have her actions criticised, far from it. But it's really obvious when you look at his art and posts, a lot of his criticism of Vivziepop is either self projecting or him being unaware he does the exact same thing he's criticising
Same face/body syndrome with a few odd out liners? Yep, while Viv prefers skinny twigs while idol likes hour glass shapes they're both guilty of having a clear preference in design (every artist has preferences, some are just better at branching out or making up for it)
Under development or poorly written relationships? Lili and Sera are supposed to be married but they act more like they just started dating which results in Lili coming across as a much worse partner
Sex jokes that's just sexual harassment? I'm gonna be honest Lili (and various other characters of idols) are far too comfortable pushing others' boundaries and inserting their horny feelings onto strangers. I know someone gonna say "oh you just hate sex workers-" Lili doing sex work while being in a relationship is not an issue, her mocking Sera's insecurities regarding intimacy and hiding sex toys in her brother's bedroom is the problem
Lore that's tweeted about but never in the actual source material? Idol has made posts and even an entire blog about the lore of his monster and girls comics (which is not a bad thing) but if you've only read his comics , which is most likely considering how posts can be lost or even deleted, you'd just get a gag a day series of strips. The lore idol does end up putting in the comic just makes it more confusing if not outright concerning, like , did he think through the implications of sex demons having heart eyes after losing their virginity? How exactly did a power point presentation on hell having eugenics expand on any of the characters?
Focus on shipping/ship teasing while claiming to have a plot outside of that? Along with the lack of implementation of lore in the source material, you just gotta look up what he chooses to focus on in a majority of his comics, as well how many if his ocs stories involves a relationship or some kind of romantic/sexual tension with another
I have a friend who keeps more up to date with his comics than me, particularly the bug comic (I'll admit to preferring monsters and girls over that) and the tonal whiplash of idol having one episode be about children in school dealing with PG topics like getting a new step dad to then jump into the sex life of a celebrity is generally insane
TBH if/when I make posts on him I rather focus on his art more than anything else, with some commentry on what he says (and later deletes) on his side blog. The worst he's done to me personally is call me a mad hoe for a vague post about him being a Vivziepop hater, I rather let people who've been harmed by him speak their truth than try speaking over them
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infinites-chaser · 3 years
On the 'Hotter Than Hot' MLQC event
my internal monologue: val don't do it don't do it don't-- nO IM GONNA DO IT
I'm sure most of the MLQC side of Tumblr has seen the recent CN server karmas for the newest event, 'Hotter Than Hot', and we all had a similar reaction: the art is breathtakingly gorgeous. But personally, one of my first thoughts on seeing the karma images was also: umm Papergames what's up with the cultural appropriation!?! If you haven't seen the karmas, MC and the suitors are dressed up in clothing reminiscent of Aladdin or 1001 Nights: a Frankenstein-ed approximation of Southeast Asian/Middle Eastern cultural clothing that is extremely revealing, both for MC and for the suitors. And I could go on for. Quite a while. About why cultural appropriation, generally speaking, is wrong, but for this case in particular, I'm going to just briefly touch on a couple of points. Firstly, cultural appropriation, in this context, is an outsider (Papergames) taking symbols, art, and images from a culture, in this case, specifically attire and imagery from Middle Eastern culture ('Middle Eastern culture' already being a vast overgeneralization). Secondly, the way Papergames has chosen to portray Middle Eastern culture plays into many stereotypes about the culture: full of “Arabian nights,” “sheiks and sultans,” and "veils, harem girls, and belly dancers." The problem with this, specifically in the last stereotype, is regarding how MC and the suitors are dressed in revealing "exotic" clothing meant to symbolize Middle Eastern culture or capture the aesthetic of it. This, coupled with the event's name 'Hotter Than Hot,' feels like Papergames is just contributing to the sexualization of Middle Eastern culture by playing into tropes/incorrect beliefs/assumptions we have about the culture: making it about the sex appeal, the magic and jewels, and how foreign and different it is from our normal setting. In this way, no longer is the Middle East just another place for the MLQC story to land in, but a thrilling new world, full of romance, adventure, and sexual fantasy. What this does to the culture itself is that it, by telling a single narrative about the culture, minimizes the lived experience of people who are a part of this culture. If all we know about the Middle East is 1001 Nights or Aladdin or Bluebeard, we might look at a Muslim girl wearing a hijab and think of her as part of a 'backwards' culture (barbarous, misogynistic, and in every way, Other) rather than stopping and taking the time to listen to her, to first hear her story from her mouth, not born from our assumptions formed through stereotypes in the media we consume. The point I'm trying to make here, in this long and roundabout way, though, is that Papergames didn't care about Middle Eastern culture when they decided to make this event, no matter how culturally nuanced the dates end up being (if at all). They knew what they were doing when they used the Exotic Middle Eastern Aesthetic to create the karma art for this event: since MLQC is a dating sim, they know the easiest way to make a profit is through people paying for karmas, especially karmas with MC and the suitors in revealing clothing and/or in suggestive positions! And Papergames has been pushing the limits with how suggestive they can be with the game's rating, only they had to censor MC's legs and cleavage in their recent Valentine's Day karmas. So, honestly, what it feels like to me here is that they just turned around to use the Middle Eastern Aesthetic to continue to profit off of putting MC and the suitors in revealing outfits (and possibly suggestive scenarios, but since the dates aren't translated yet, so this one's a maybe). This is just a corporation choosing to borrow from a culture purely for the purpose of selling it in this sexualized fashion, which just reinforces harmful stereotypes about the culture, as well as ignoring the nuances of the culture itself and the hardships individuals might go through because of their culture, whether from within, or because of these stereotypes and the prejudices that stem from them. anyways here's a few good reads + a video on cultural appropriation,
orientalism, and stereotypes about muslim/middle eastern culture <3 someone pls translate them and send them papergames' way: http://reappropriate.co/2014/04/what-is-orientalism-and-how-is-it-also-racism/ https://yallaletstalk.com/on-appropriation-vs-appreciation-of-arabic-culture/ http://arabstereotypes.org/why-stereotypes/what-orientalism/veils-harems-belly-dancers https://muslimgirl.com/the-problem-with-being-told-wow-you-look-so-exotic/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddCJPtcxEwo
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Does Ok Ko Sexualize Women?
No. Okay, end of post.
No, but actually, I see this conversation all the time. People being upset that all the women in Ok Ko seem to have the same- very sexual- body type. And maybe a lot of the female characters do have similar body types, and I would have liked to see a bit more diversity. But most of them make sense!
Let's look at Carol for a second.
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Her body is thicker all over. Why? For our viewing pkeasure? So men can get off on it? No. Of course not, are you stupid? She's thinner frame wise because she works out. She teaches at a fitness dojo which is why she's obviously built to look STRONG. Upper and lower body strength will make you look thicker. And the reason it's thinner in the middle is because of that belt thingy. Not so she looks super sexy or whatever.
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Red action is also built to look STRONG. Muscular with clear abs and still thicker all around because she has loads of both upper and lower body strength.
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Drupe is more conventionally attractive in her shape. Not as muscular, pretty curvy. But of course she isn't muscular! She doesn't use her physical strength very often! She spends her days standing around in an ally looking cool. But thick thighs are normal in many women? I mean...my body is shaped practically the same as hers chest and hip wise. I have thicker thighs and a smaller chest. It's a normal thing. Women tend to be softer and rounder looking in general, so having a curvy figure isn't abnormal!
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Cosma. She's fairly thin all around. Sure she still has a chest, but most women have SOME chest. And her outfit is compressing her waste, it seems. Even then it really isn't that small. And having the waste smaller than your hips is NOT abnormal!
People seem to dislike Enid's design the most, and I really don't get why. Her legs are thicker because that's where her strength is. Just like Rad's strength is in his upper body which is why he has muscles there! And I mean, honestly, her hips aren't even that big.
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I mean, really?!? This is what you think is over sexualized?!?
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People like to bring up this short (boarded by a woman, by the way!) In which she "sticks her hips out sexually!!!" Which is bs on its own because normal women move their fucking bodies, which includes the hips. But this happened BEFORE THE SHOW ACTUALLY AIRED. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!?
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THIS IS THE KIND OF THING WE'VE GOTTEN AFTER THE SHOW AIRED. IS THIS TOO SEXUAL?!? REALLY?!? And you know what? I don't even see any issue with it. Teen girls wear revealing clothing. Revealing clothing isn't necessarily sexual either. She's showing some midrift. So what? Oh boy, thats one sexy stomach! Right?!? And RAD WEARS THE SAME THING. It isn't different or somehow bad when she does it. Honestly saying it's okay for a guy to wear something but not a girl is really scummy, I hope you realize. And seeing as they're both wearing it, I doubt it's "For men's pleasure" or whatever.
Some people get upset at this because her dress went up in one scene..the one where Rad saved her and she was kinda floating for a second? ...I mean...from the physics of this scene, which was NOT a meaningless scene by any means, her dress should be doing that? And SHE'S WEARING SHORTS. IT'S NOT LIKE THEYRE SHOWING HER UNDERWEAR OR ANYTHING. SHE LEGITIMATELY HAS SHORTS ON. AND IT LASTED FOR ONE FRAME, LIKE, YOU HAVE TO GO DIGGING FOR THAT ONE. And I heard someone saying how they shouldn't have put her in a dress because of the possibility this would happen. And what on earth did y'all expect her to wear to her DATE?!? I MEAN...SHE WAS ON A DATE" GUYS. SHOULD SHE HAVE WORN JEANS AND A T-SHIRT? OR WOULD A T-SHIRT STILL BE TOO REVEALING FOR YOU GUYS?!? Honestly, my thing about people claiming Enid's designed the way she is for men's viewing pleasure really makes my blood boil. Because She's never once portrayed in the show as eye candy. She's never seen waving her hips or showing cleavage ir anything like that just to look nice. Her role in the show isn't to stand there and look pretty. She has NEVER been shown as sexual. All she's done is exist with a slightly curvy figure! And, in fact, if you can even think of a time someone on the show has pointed out how attractive she is, or she was thrown into a scene in a way-too-sexual way, then maybe I'll reconsider.
And you know what? Maybe its an issue that every girl in the show have such similar body types. Not because they're sexual, but because body diversity is something the show struggles with..
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Except they don't. And I'd include more (shy ninja, pheobe, biki, foxtail, etc) if there wasn't a ten picture limit.
One of the things I like about Ok Ko is that they make curvy girls and put them in revealing clothing and just...let them exist. No fan pandering or sexy moments. Just them being PEOPLE who wear what they want and arent just objectified pieces of eyecandy
So all in all...no, the show doesn't have an issue. And the reason I feel so passionately about this is because this is ALL people want to talk about in the Ok Ko Critical topic! Like, you guys realize that the show has ACTUAL PLOT HOLES AND FLAWS IN THEIR EPISODES AND PLOTS THAT WE COULD BE DISCUSSING?!? But no! There's no mention of anything substantial in the Ok Ko critical tag! Just argument over weather or not Enid's hips are fucking pg enough! Like, let's get over it now and talk about more important things PLEASE.
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Sonic - The Hedgehog (2020) Review:
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written by: Prancis
Y'all probably know what I'm gonna be talking about first right? When Paramount Pictures first dropped the official poster of Sonic, everyone went crazy (even me). When Paramount dropped the first trailer, everyone went crazy (except me). Ok, I'll get this straight. I never played the Sonic game before; I'm a PSP fan that time but I knew who Sonic was. When it was announced there's gonna be a live-action Sonic Movie, I freaked out assuming I can relate to everyone who played Sonic before. Yeah, I joined the bandwagon and turns out loving Sonic. When the first trailer was released, I was so excited. But then the comment section under the video was a disaster. Sonic's live-action design got a backlash from people saying it looks terrible. When I watched the trailer again and saw how terrible Sonic actually looked like, I was like "Oh shit, it looks terrible. I'm really not a true Sonic fan for not noticing it early" 😂
I hated myself. 
Anyway, one thing that freaked me out even more was when it was announced Sonic's gonna be redesigned and it's release will be pushed to February 2020. It freaked me out 'cause I've never seen a Director or a Company who actually listens to the audience. They accepted the criticism and fixed it—Wow, that's a lot of dedication—And then I found out the director of Sonic is a rookie. This was his first Movie. I get it now why he listened to the fans. Well obviously we all know why Sonic's first design was like that because they wanted to make Sonic realistic. But yeah, that idea was terrible; Good thing they redesigned it. Their efforts of redesigning Sonic was not wasted as it received a lot of praise after release. Sonic even now dethroned Detective Pikachu as the highest-rated video game adaptation of all-time on Rotten Tomatoes. 
Now, I finally watched the movie. Yeah, it was really good; Sonic looks better now. I can't imagine seeing Sonic on his first design in the movie. I would've hated and say the only good thing in the movie is Jim Carrey's character as Dr. Robotnik. 
It's good how the movie maintained Sonic's humour and abilities. It's video game correct to be frank, which is great. It's plot may not be that special as it's somehow a clichéd adventure movie—Again, two characters on a mission with a car, being chased and then they reach their destination towards the end. It's so common. But still the movie manages to make us love Sonic's bright energy, make us feel pity on him having no friends, being alone, and running away from something his whole life. That's one thing so powerful about the movie, they gave Sonic a sense of life as a fictional character, oh wait, a video-game character brought to life. His story made us love him throughout the film. 
Of course, let's not forget about Sonic's pal Tom, or 'The Donut Lord' 😂 Him and Sonic is a good tandem; They're funny and they're adorable. He's not that character whose forgettable unlike any other live-action video game adaptation where a CG character has a human friend. Tom and Sonic are definitely something and better. 
Let's talk about the character who stole the show; Yeah, I'm talking about Dr. Robotnik played by Jim Carrey. I never knew him until I watched Sonic. Turns out, he's actually a beloved classic Hollywood actor everyone adores. After watching the movie, I was convinced why. Oh god he's such a good actor. The amount of charisma he holds as he deliver his lines, his good facial expressions and pretty much everything in him is just phenomenal. Why didn't I never knew about him before?
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Overall I loved Sonic. It's actually so fun to watch as it has some funny jokes and scenes—most especially when Dr. Robotnik took a bite of Sonic's hair—I never stopped laughing after watching that scene. It was effortlessly funny. It only has one flaw which I said how clichéd the plot is but I don't mind.
How the story progressed towards the end, Sonic's good character development (realizing he doesn't need to run anymore), Sonic having a family is enough for me to say the Movie is good enough. 
I would rate Sonic an 8 / 10 👍
It's the most accurate score I could give.
Movie info:
Rating: PG
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy
Directed by: Jeff Howler
Release Date: February 14 , 2020
Watch the trailer here!
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