#like the character concept is Romantic Dialed up to One Hundred
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hawnks · 1 year ago
Enough dancing around it.
I need a loverboy. One who is insane though. Plans out in excruciating detail all the firsts (firsts dates first kisses first oral fem receiving), loves to gift roses and champagne, says I love you every ten minutes and always means it sincerely and with his whole heart. Takes everything incredibly seriously, cherishes every moment with his lover, would literally kill someone for hurting his little puppy and probably already has.
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worstqueerbaittournament · 2 years ago
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Submission messagefor Merlin and Arthur: merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Submission message for Steve and Bucky: Does Stucky count? Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Additional propaganda: I refuse to shut up about this. Merlin is not queerbait!! At no point during the show is there a genuine possibility of Arthur and Merlin to be in a romantic relationship. They are queer coded but they do not create a false impression of their relationship. See Sherlock for good example: they constantly bring it up in the show itself and dangle it in front of the viewers, only to not follow through. The show Merlin does not set them up. There are no offhanded remarks, comments, or jokes that they’re more than friends. There is simply no chance in the show that they will get together. They are queer coded, which is not the same. Coding says: this character displays some traits and characteristics that ___ people may relate to. Baiting says: oh you want these two together? hmm, you wanna see that? wouldn’t that be nifty? what if they talk about it and act like it? aren’t you gonna keep watching to find out if they really do? Then follows up with: SIKE! Wow we got you, of course they’re not together! All of that was meaningless! Let’s please stop confusing these two entirely separate concepts!
Merthur is just gay I don’t have to explain merthur on the merthur site. They’re talking to each other at night and giving each other flowers and shit— things Arthur NEVER does with his canon romantic love interest and if I’m not mistaken I think Arthur like goes to sleep for a hundred years and Merlin is like. Still waiting for him? Let them kiss, damn!
Stucky: "Of course, this is still a rollicking adventure tale and no adventure is complete without a love story.....the longest, most tortured one in Marvel history" - Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (writers of Captain America movies + Avengers Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame)
"from the meet cute to the tragic separation, their bond has all the elements of a classic romance." - Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely
"Just as Jeph and Tim’’s earlier Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue, and Hulk: Gray all dealt with the major love interests in, the heroes’ lives, so too does Captain America: White. Steve and Bucky are each other’s soulmate." - Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely
“So you have a character in Captain America who is searching for the only thing that he has left from his past that has any meaning to him, and that’s Bucky; and people have interpreted that relationship all kinds of ways and it’s great...we will never define it, as filmmakers, explicitly." - The Russos (Captain America: Civil War press)
"You mean, aside from Cap and Bucky?" - Anthony Russo (co-director of Cap 2 and 3 and Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame) when asked about romance in Captain Amierca: Civil War
"Moderator: But you already had a romantic B story with Cap and Bucky, right?
Anthony: We sure do
Joe: We still do
Moderator: Did you ever had to dial down the sexual tension on set?
Joe: Why would we?" - Anthony and Joe Russo (directors of Cap 2 and 3 and Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame) at a screening of Captain America: Civil War
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Just a few examples directly from Marvel and the writers and directors.
merthur totally should win for so many reasons but mostly. most because the show writer, when advertising the last episode, said it was “a love story between two men” and then arthur just died in merlin’s arms for 42 minutes. on the day before christmas.
I put the first episode of Merlin, because I heard it was such a great show. I knew nothing about the ship at that point. I only put it on because i love shows like that. Before the first episode was over I was like OMG those two are gayer than later seasons Destiel. There is no way it was not intentional. NONE. Big time homoerotic vibes. It was great
I get the coding critique, but I think I disagree with the person who said they never teased a relationship with Merthur. If we’re talking “offhanded jokes that they’re more than friends” (or that other characters thought they were together a la Sherlock), I think the poetry and pants scenes fit that.
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captainkurosolaire · 4 years ago
~ Mass Update ~
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Mainly going into future plans and intents alongside ideas below cut.
Ton's of things I've in store this will prove difficult to vent it all out. But here we go... First off rehashing and appropriately learning to tag and organize things better on my blog. Each category will have their own corresponding content, I seek to bring or share. [Tales of Goldbrand] -- I intend this to carry a Compendium of all my writes soon that'll have everything neatly in-order including a glossary, so it'll have highlights of stories that even matter or the best stuff. I've written here for a very, long time, there's been many shifts. I want to make it more accessible. While coloring what matters for people who want to learn Captain or his Crew with less chapters. While also giving choice to find it all easily. This is essentially a step-above master-lists. I'll be doing that after the Saga I have going on, right now is done. [Captain] -- Will provide you strictly with Captain screenshots, gifs, photo-sets. This is still his blog despite the Crew thing's will sort of make this a scuffed Multi-Muse blog. I've few more things to edit and tag fix to get all his stuff though. [The Wild Crew] -- Afterwards this story is done Immortal Age Saga, It's something that I mainly wrote as a passion project within three days to get my warm-up process fixed. It's to allow me to get a feel for all his Crewmates and casts, in combat, in-general, to feel their presences. While also giving a bit of their backstories. At any point, I can go back and polish or tweak things in. They're NPC's but... not entirely. All will have their own 'Dreams' and their own 'Disapproval's' they have their own missions even. These things will factor eventually, they might set seeds, to betray or disagree with something, but that's all angst and more stories to be created, but overall, they'll probably always be Crew, eventually. -- I plan on making character-profile sheets of them and putting them in this Tab, it'll have their screenshots, their likes/dislikes. Some RP partners or people can also be shipped with them, but they'll all be monogamous and originally start off probably Pan. This allows them to figure out what they like on their own stories. I've always been someone who likes organic-flow. Although this one story contain all 16 characters or more, the rest will probably be shortened to a Squad of 4 and dispersed when on adventuring missions. Until I do a War Arc, that's my main goal to build too. [Roster] -- Will contain this Crew in just screen-sets dedicated to them, I'll probably randomly produce those. I've PC players among this Crew too. I may not be done either adding more, but this Crew is mainly built around Quality. Most pirate crew's mainly, have hundreds, thousands. Even Fleets. This Crew has personalities, monsters, people who are living life's that exist with piracy. He's an particular leader that had PC players the same way, he's had split-personality serial killers aboard, tribal chieftains, succubus, all sorts of various people once on a Crew. It's often an outcast style, pirates default are chaotic in nature, so this really isn't any different, it's a Fantasy version of it. There's humanization characters aboard too though, so this cast is really decked, everything and person is vital, they matter because they remind or covet something that others can draw upon. If ever played (Three Houses or Mass Effect / Dragon Age Origins) A lot of things like that are relatable too this structure and format. Which, Is something I want to be able to give when RPing. I want a genuine feel of this new world someone else's muse will be the main-character too. Depending on what's interacting everything they'll be scale appropriately to follow the genre they're in and environment even. [Aesthetics] -- Already explainable what you'll find here. [Asks] -- Same thing. [Prompts] -- Trivial things I was tagged too, I plan on compiling later. [Writing] -- Another alternatively to randomly go-down and it works right now. [Logs] -- Will have more individualistic master-lists and posts there, my poems from Sheik Sphere the Bard, etc.
Things of that nature, I'll probably add still. It's where a lot of my creative writing is summed. [Gems of Hydaelyn] -- My main #tag for other characters and artists, creationist. Lot of amazing people easily to find their zones or follow them optionally if you like. Ton's I intend to support and bolster, be a lot less unspoken. I'm never the type who's been strictly inclusive. But I'll do that when I've time to even explore the dash, I'm always still planning ahead with things and projects. [CKS] My original character-sheet it's outdated on something's but not too terrible. I'll give him polishing someday, I swear? [21+F-List] -- Just purely degenerate stuff of Captain. I'm a pirate blog. I will represent that with openness and furthermore. I'm never projecting you some false-image. I started off a smut-writer by stripping that, I no-longer represent the same aura and identity. But those are strictly his stuff and kinks, I'm effective in executing them but they're not all relatable to me OOC. This blog will always be 18+ containing crude or dark material sometimes, romantic things, this Captain is blunt, will literally put his cock on the table in conversations. Swearing and being censored would be too uncommon and displace most of him, but there's more about him then all this. [Other] -- I pay homage to a lot of characters, I originally am a Concept Designer. Which mean's I make characters and ideas like my addiction. Bad characters / villains or other little things I like to share in designs, I'll put there. Some villains might get little photo-sets, even if they died. Just cause I like their design, or maybe I'll give them an AU, where they won. When I've wrapped up things. [Collabs + Ships] -- Is a new project idea. This isn't going to be something limited too romantic only ships. It'll contain, platonic, romantic, friendships, rivals, frenemies, family, PC Crew, all ships. I am desperately working on improving my gif, screenshot, posing game so I can supply 'Screen Stories' this is not only a way to RP that's accessible with even people who are upon time-crunches from work, It gives visual-representation. To impactful stories shared with others and establish bonds. That are all-valid and impactful matter. Lot of people take a lot of their characters attributes into them and are them dialed up, I work with that and bit more, differently. I'm disconnected from my characters and they'll get hurt and injured and killed by me, that's my duty as their Author to give them conflicts and struggles. I'm their major antagonist, but that doesn't mean at-all, it's always SET that way. The characters I like to make have their own life, they live in this setting and are abide by it, they're often nothing, nobodies, and by the interacting with others, they slowly gradually building, more... Through emotional impacts, they alter, these are REAL people by all their beliefs. Each person they come in-contact with are legitimate and treated like that too. They've always impacted or given them insights to grow, or represent more. Otherwise it'd be criminally disrespectful if I allowed any emotional I felt OOC be the grudge to something IC. Captain in-particular is set on defying me. I cannot have that. ...But I can't stop him. He's met and encountered so many people and lived so many scenarios based on the actions of others, he's giving a chance right now to actually do things a lot further than impossible. The more people he meets and encounters, experiences, the more I lose. These stories are emotionally interactive where everything is a factor and adds to the dice, where the other people are the one who get to roll the dice for him, not me. That's something I want to color in. People range in emotions, they have their down's, ups, their own wholesome-grounding people, spending time with your favorite people, there's nothing more cherishing than that, being in your own comfort-zone or 'safe-space' these are all treasures that we live under, today. Contrary if what people assume of me, I'm not another 'blogger' that's came
before, who's wanting to force a harem, then constantly is bewildered when that falls to pieces cause of selfishness or a lack of communication, or the skeletons they have in their closets and beliefs they hid behind and swindled fooled everyone. I'm not looking to be popular or anything really, I just create stories and want to share in those, and I want to also boost others included, upward with me, especially those who make me. There's no ego in anything I do, this is purely love. I've never cared about being replicated or duplicated, I've had stalkers, I've gone through more then anyone would imagine, I've been used OOC and abused, just for my writing and cold-harshly told, i'd never amount to anything other then that or vice-versa. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion. That's all I got and am anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion is the hardest thing to keep. It's something that can be stolen, quite effortlessly. Few words of discouragement, a bad negative representation, a lack of confidence, or small amount of time, there's many thing's that can put that flame out. Once you lose it. The difficulty to reattain is hundred-times harder than climbing any mountain for real. I've watched the greatest creators crumble from under the pressure, from beaten down by others. I watched many of them do it to themselves because they put a grand vision of needing validation of another and once lost, felt uncompelling to press onward. But passion also can be given BACK and drawn. It can be shown and encourage others, with a soft-triggering, that pushes them. That motivates, that constantly sticks to it. There are many that fuel me. If I ever quit, I let them down, I spit in the faces of people who're better than me in every-way. Or people who've came and given me their precious Time. That have given their character's or dedication to the abundant stories and community-driven things I've done. There's ONLY things you can do, create, give and provide. It cannot ever come to life without YOU. This is a fact. ...I swear, If you let your creativity soar, you'll be amazed by the heights you get. Constantly polish and learn and hone the best you, challenge yourself day after painstaking day, to draw better improvement on something, no matter how trivial or unfamiliar you are. You'll find a confidence only you can give yourself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Plans --------------------------------------------------------------------- For me, I've got so much more stories to give and also explore, I might be taking up soon some other artists and more skilled people from community and hire them for some of my future writes, to up my game or cause something thing's can't be done in-game cause no background carries it. I also got a lot of-set up things and more angst stuff I want to practice, plus I'm adamantly on that grind to produce screen-sets with the intent's to some sort of improving daily. Additionally more people I'll be reaching out too soon for these collab's ideas and things. I look forward to shaking your hands, giving some hugs, show you my respect and admiration, then creating some enchanting stories and giving plots light. Feel free to reach out to me, I get scattered-brain but I'm working on getting better about it. Eventually will get to you though, my goals, if uninterested just say so when I poke, no bites, unless you kinky. Anyways, cheers hearties.
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mobius-prime · 5 years ago
193. Sonic the Hedgehog #125
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Sonic Adventure 2.5: Ωmegλ
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Dave Manak, Art Mawhinney, Ron Lim, Dawn Best, Steven Butler, and J. Axer Colors: Jason Jensen
Welcome to the end of the era, folks! As you can see from the credits above, though this one isn't quite as big or dramatic as Endgame, it's still a very important issue, with bombastic action that drives the story forward and changes the fate of the preboot world forever. Here, we reach the conclusion of not one but two different arcs that have dominated this era of the comic, so without further ado - let's do it to it!
Last issue, we discovered that Mobius is Earth, and that the Xorda are prepared to execute every living members of this planet as revenge for some random humans dissecting one of their ambassadors thousands of years ago. Seems like overkill, guys! Rotor, having overheard everything going on in the castle from his lab, has hastily developed a technological measure that should allow them to communicate directly with the Xorda in the form of a telepathic helmet. Sally volunteers herself as the one to contact them, believing that she can make a good argument based on her and Nicole's research, and puts on the helmet, suddenly finding herself in a bizarre space surrounded by surprised Xorda.
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This reveal is even better than the last one! Yes, the Xorda's gene bombs inadvertently caused the DNA of ordinary Earth animals to be mixed with deconstructed human DNA, which only goes further to explain why Mobians are all so humanlike. With the Xorda still on their genocidal streak, Eggman contacts the king once again to lay out his new plan to drive them away - he wants Sonic to come to his base to use his super speed to power a giant mecha that has enough force to just punch the aliens clear out of this solar system. It's a good idea, and Eggman is being genuine (for once) about his desires to defeat the Xorda, but King Max knows that with the upper hand he's gained in negotiations, he can get something more out of this deal.
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As Eggman angrily agrees, we travel back to the liminal space that is the afterlife, only to find Knuckles exiting the Chaos Force almost as soon as he's entered it, alarmed at having sensed danger to the entire planet. He demands answers from Aurora, wanting to know if it's possible for him to return, and she hesitates, clearly uncomfortable at the line of questioning. In Knothole, Sally rallies all the people fit to fight to be ready for anything in case Eggman's plan fails, and on Angel Island Locke similarly encourages the theocracy, the Legion, and even the dingoes to work together to muster up a fighting force. Sonic gets ready to head off to Eggman's base to power the robot, but Sally insists on coming along, saying that if Sonic falls in battle, her place is at his side until the end. And so, they arrive and both strap into the robot, which, powered by Sonic's super speed, puts up a fight against the Xorda spaceship currently hovering over Eggman's base in New Megaopolis.
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Sally is delighted at their apparent success, but Eggman then shows his true colors by strapping Sonic into the seat, intending to use his power to fuel his robot until Sonic dies of starvation. However, his betrayal is quickly sidelined as a mysterious device drops into Mobius' Southern Tundra from orbit, and the Xorda once again telepathically contact everyone on the planet to explain their newest plan.
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Really, Xorda, did you have to show your hand and reveal what your newest plan is? I mean, I do want it to fail as much as the next person, but if you wanted to ensure that it couldn't be stopped, then just… don't mention it to anyone? The Southern Tundra is literally Antarctica, a frozen wasteland where no one even lives apart from exiles like Nate Morgan (RIP). Even if Rotor or Eggman's instruments detected its presence on the continent, they wouldn't know what its purpose is just from looking at it, and might not be able to formulate a plan in time to stop it. But since the Xorda have so very kindly explained to everyone how the Quantum Dial works, Eggman reluctantly releases Sonic to pilot the Jaeger once more, intending to smash the Dial to bits with it. Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Knuckles continues to insist that he be allowed to come back to life to save his friends, and Athair supports him while Aurora desperately pleads with him to reconsider.
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You know, maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I like the concept of Aurora as a deity. She's not omnipotent, and she's definitely not perfect. It's clear that due to her lofty position high above the mortal plane, she's so wrapped up in the enormity of the world's mysteries and the knowledge that can be gained thereof that she's kind of blind to the joys that ordinary people take in their mortal life on Mobius. And yet she's ultimately benevolent or at least benign, allowing people to make their own decisions regardless of what she feels they should do, and "lesser" beings such as Athair feel comfortable addressing her informally and generally being flippant if they feel like it. Back in the tundra, the world quickly finds out that some kind of invisible defensive grid surrounding the Dial prevents anything technological from getting close to it, causing Station Square's nuclear missiles to fall apart harmlessly before they hit it. And thus, every fighting fit being on the planet masses on the continent, ready for a final desperate assault for the fate of their planet.
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Laser cannons erupt from the ground, firing at the attacking force and causing them to scatter. At the same time, Eggman's robot reaches the Dial, only to fall apart the same as the missiles, causing Sonic and Sally to fall out of it into the snow nearby. Nicole (who somehow didn't fall apart - maybe because she's not a weapon and thus wasn't targeted by the defensive grid?) takes this chance to run a quick analysis on the device, and Rotor, upon receiving her data, deduces that while the Dial isn't designed to stop moving once in motion, a sufficient counter-force would be enough to disintegrate its gears and halt its progression. Sonic suggests he could create that counter-force with his speed, but Nicole discourages this, as the resulting implosion of matter around the Dial would kill Sonic. She then gets another reading from the device, and discovers to her, Sally, and Sonic's horror that a quantum wave is about to expand out from the Dial, incinerating everything in a hundred mile radius. Sally and Sonic realize they're too late, and begin to say a last "I love you" to each other as the wave rushes toward them, but it suddenly, inexplicably dissipates just before it hits them, leaving them shocked and baffled. But what - or who - is responsible for this apparent miracle?
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You guys didn't really think Rad Red would stay dead, did you? Nah man, this is a comic book! Welcome back to the mortal coil, buddy, we missed ya! The Dial's defenses have all been disabled by Knuckles' final burst of power, but the danger isn't over yet - the arm is still in motion, and with time quickly running out, only Rotor's counter-force suggestion seems feasible.
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I'll admit, when I first read this issue I didn't see this coming at all. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried. Y'all already know I'm kind of a sucker for this pairing, and truly, this is far more in character than what we saw last issue. Sonic may not be sappy or romantic, but he is incredibly loving, even if he doesn't always openly show it. And it's always been clear, from the very first issue of the comic and every issue in between, that whatever problems they have, whatever evils might try to tear them apart, Sonic the Hedgehog truly, deeply loves Sally Acorn, and has ever since they were children. A final confession of love before a heroic sacrifice is just his style.
And so, he runs. He leaves without another word, not looking back, refusing to let himself be tempted to stay. Sally is left behind in tears as Sonic puts his plan into action, racing counter-clockwise around the Dial. He's saved the world so many times, and now, if he can push himself to his limits and pull it off once more, it will have all been worth it…
The Dial's gears grind to a halt, and the device implodes. Everyone stares out in shock at the resulting crater, wondering about Sonic's fate, until Sally approaches with the news they all feared.
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And thus ends the legacy of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm afraid that we've reached the end of this comic, guys. The world has been saved, and though the lives of those close to him will never be the same, he will always be remembered as a hero the world over, and his… hey, wait a second. Remember how the Quantum Dial was supposed to create a black hole? And you know how in science fiction, black holes are always some kind of portal into another part of the universe? Let's zip away from Mobius - far away, 849,000 light years in fact - to take a look at the barren surface of some distant, alien planet. It's unremarkable at best - but suddenly, a flash of light illuminates the rocky surface, and when it disappears…
Sonic the Hedgehog is lying on the surface of the planet. Unconscious, but alive.
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