#like tbfh I am the target audience but
elsterguts · 1 year
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Damn tumblr ur targeted ads 🙄
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lucidpantone · 3 years
the con thing is confirmed he literally reposted a post about it himself on his story...
I sadly dk any direct tea abt this. I just know that his London acting school thing has ended last semester meaning he's probably just bored (and maybe even broke) now...
It's so weird tbfh. There's not even a single other Druck actor going. Michi hates Druck, he hasn't seen a single episode of the show, couldn't be bothered to do a one scene cameo for S7, always posts anti capitalistic stuff and now he's attending that convention shit???
Even some obsessed people on Twitter who have worked with him on other projects are calling him a weirdo for this as they should💨
Alright anon lets not be super harsh and call him a weirdo. As an American money talks and I laugh at people who are all anti capitalism but will run to a check the moment its easy money. Its like my guy we wouldn't judge you if you were just honest about your hustle. I dont think there is anything weird about actors taking jobs just to generate cash. I mean actors in hollywood do that all the time. I guess for me its more like if your just gonna do something for the money then why not have milked that cameo that druck offered and then you got something else to discuss in one of these cons. Like at this point its been 4 seasons since Matteo season its not that its not relevant its more like we are so far into other narratives concerning druck. Like at least Lukas can discuss writing the new gen and his decisions behind isi's story but with Michi he hasn't done anything in the universe for awhile. I mean even skamfr alot of those guys have been on screen in the new gen eras. I will say I did side eye that not a single skam france new gen actor is on the speaker list. Like these guys have been on screen 4 seasons(lola, tiff, bilal and maya) and your not gonna invite a single one of the ensemble. Like thats a bit shit honestly. Outside of skam i hate cons tho so i am not the target audience.
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