#like taking a perfect first bite and knowing you have a whole amazing meal to go enjoy
ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
Please please please check out this fic. It is 10k words of post-canon love for found family and moving forwards and learning to walk different paths while still loving each other.
It's incredibly healing and wonderful and a little funny and very kind and your day will be better for reading it
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Haiiii! I was just wondering if you could do rise!turtles x gn!reader who has trouble eating? Like they don’t have an eating disorder, their body just doesn’t like to have food in it and makes them feel sick, so they take medicine to help them eat? Maybe it’s how the boys react to finding this out?
Food Issues
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author’s note: lovely anon thank you for requesting and sorry for the wait <3 hopefully this is what you were thinking of c: this one hit a little close to my heart
warnings: eating issues, fluff, angst, comfort, unedited
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Raph had kicked everyone out of the lair that night (except for dad ofc) because tonight was date night and Raph had been cooking up an idea, quite literally cooking hehe, he was fixing you an absolute bangin’ meal (and no it’s not pizza!)
He had searched up a whole bunch of date night menus and settled for something on the easier side since he wasn’t super confident in his cutlery skills. Chicken Alfredo pasta was on the menu tonight at the lair and it was finally done! Raph set the table, poured some soda in glasses and also took out some water too (options!)
Raph couldn’t stop his smile as he heard you call out, “Raph?” He looked back at the set table, he had chosen to sit the two of you closer together rather than across the table like the movies. Plates full of pasta! It all looked perfect, “Hey! I’m coming,” he said as he went to you
You were beautiful everyday but today in particular Raph noticed how much effort you had put into yourself for date night, you smiled warmly at him, your hair looked so soft, as it framed your face, you were glowing in a stunning outfit and Raph pulled you in for a hug, happy to see you
“You’re taking my breath away,” Raph said twirling you in a circle as he hugged you tight, you blushed “you do the same!” You said as you hugged him back just as tightly, “so date night?” you asked as he set you back on your feet
“Yes! I’ve got a bunch of stuff prepared,” Raph beamed as he took your hand and led you to the table, “I made us a meal first, then we can do whatever you want! I’ve got movies or games, or anything else you can think of!” he was so excited as he pulled out your chair for you, “thank you” you smiled as he sat down next to you
“Wow Raph! This looks amazing!” And it really did, your heart panged knowing you wouldn’t be able to eat all of this. Much less it would probably be a couple of bites since you hadn’t even thought to take your medicine today, you were in such a rush once you looked at how little time you had left after getting dressed and doing you hair, you’d spent about 2 hours in the shower!
Raph smiled at your compliment and started to dig in, he hoped it tasted as good as it looked and to him nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he felt relief he really didn’t want to mess up date night, the conversation flowed as Raph ate, and you pushed the food around with your fork, taking occasional bites hoping Raph wouldn’t notice
But since Raph had cooked this meal he was very much aware that you weren’t eating, “is it not good?” he sighed putting his fork down, he had cleaned his plate and you still had more than half of the portion of pasta he had put on your plate, “oh no Raph, that’s not it at all, your pasta is really good,” you tried reassuring him but he didn’t believe you, even as you forced another bite down
“I’m sorry I just, I’m not hungry… I didn’t take my meds before I left,” you admitted to him and now he looked a little concerned, “what do you mean Y/n?” You put the fork down and turned to him, “I don’t really eat much, so when I do I need to take this medicine or else I get really sick” and as soon as you said the word a wave of nausea rolled through you. You shot up to your feet, “Raph” desperation in your eyes, “I’ll be right back, I’m really sorry”
You held your hand to your mouth as you booked it to the nearest bathroom, almost not making it as you gagged into your hand, then slumping down to your knees as you held the toilet bowl and puked the few bites of alfredo you had eaten, tears streaming down your face, you had totally ruined date night and hurt Raph’s feelings on top of that!
You heard a soft knock on the door before Raph entered the bathroom and another onslaught of puking came up, he held your hair back and rubbed circles on your back, trying to soothe you, “Y/n you could’ve told me, I wouldn’t have felt bad! Especially now since the consequence is you hurting,” the both of you stayed in the bathroom for a while, until the puking finally subsided and you were trembling with dried tear stains down you cheeks
“I’m sorry,” you said after you had rinsed your mouth out with water and brushed your teeth (yes you had a spare toothbrush at the lair) “Nothing to apologize for Y/n, I just want you feeling better,” Raph hadn’t known anything about your eating issues and once you had told him, all those other times of hanging out and you rarely eating clicked, it seemed so obvious now
“Do you wanna go lay on the couch and watch movies?” he asked, holding your hand and smiling softly down at you, “I’d love that,” you nodded and the two of you cuddled up watching Lou Jitsu
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“Say what?” Leo asked, needing a repeat of all of what you had just said, you groaned of course he’d make you repeat everything, “I’m not feeling so good today, but it’s not a big deal you don’t need to come and check on me,” you said into the phone. It was silent, “hmmm I think I shall come over, to help in your hour of need!”
“Leo, did you not just hear me?! I said-“ Leo cut you off and you groaned inwardly, “yes yes I know, but wouldn’t you feel way better way faster if your boyfriend was there taking care of you?” He didn’t know why he had to spell this out to you, he was coming and that was final! Of course he’d be there even if it was some crazy bad sickness
“Okay you stubborn blue turtle!” You quipped not even knowing why you dared try to stop him in the first place, once he got an idea, Leo was a force to be reckoned with, an unstoppable train wreck, “do you want me to bring anything in particular? what exactly is wrong?” his voice went serious towards the end, “it’s just my stomach,” you tried to sound light but Leo replied, “isn’t the stomach like a second brain or something?!” he wondered how much truth you were telling him and if he should be more worried
“I’ll be there soon,” Leo said in a hurry and promptly hung up. You fell back in your bed, you had been spewing up your guts all morning and when Leo had called wanting to go out and do something you had to say no, to which he whined and demanded for a good reason as to why, to which well it was already stated previously… thankfully the nausea had passed but your stomach was cramping and you knew you were dehydrated
“This is the worst,” you said feeling emotional as tears welled up in your eyes, sometimes you wished life was simpler, that you could eat whatever you wanted without consequences and didn’t have to constantly think about when your next refill of medicine would be ready, you blew out a breath telling yourself not to cry, it would be your luck that Leo would burst through the door the second the tears started falling
“Alright I’ve got Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu, what do ya wanna watch first?” It was crazy how you just knew he would barge in as soon as you had thought of the blue devil, you smiled as you sat up on your elbows looking at him, arms full of movies. “You pick,” and so he had Jupiter Jim Saves the Galaxy 4 in and running in no time
He got into bed with you, lying back on his shell as his arms went back, one behind his head, and the other pulling you in close. You followed suit snuggling into his side and making his heart melt into goo. When the first movie ended, neither of you got up when the credits started rolling and Leo asked, “do you know why your stomach hurts?”
He was peering down at you and you were looking up at him through your lashes, “yes..” you said softly when you didn’t continue Leo waited, “i ate something awhile ago and it didn’t agree with me, but I’m used to it” you sighed
He patted your tummy gently, “that sucks” and he looked so sad while saying it but you stifled a laugh, his word choice was always so straightforward, “yeah it really does” still trying to keep it together, you shook your head at him before sliding out of bed
“What I meant to say was..” Leo said watching you go to the tv, but you waved your hand telling him it was alright, “I know what you meant,” you gave him a smile then turned back to the movie selection.
“Alright you had your movie now my turn but I’ll be nice and let you choose out of my two options,” Leo smirked waiting for his two choices, though if he was a betting turtle… “let me guess,” he said as you simultaneously said “twilight.” Leo threw up his hands he had just known that was your first pick. Then you continued on your own “or sonic the hedgehog?” Leo thought for a split second “too easy, BLUE DEVIL!”
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Donnie knew something was up with you, because it just didn’t seem possible to him that you had only eaten one meal together in the entire span of your relationship which was 6 months 21 days 7 hours and 8 seconds.. 9.. 10 well you get the point, the two of you were going strong. But only a one, singular time you ate?
Yes, according to his calculations he should’ve seen you eat something 3 out of the 6 months at least, this seemed to be a big staple in relationships, well the internet said so. Donnie spun around in his chair thinking a mile a minute. He wondered if perhaps you could be embarrassed to eat in front of him, that seemed to be legit because a lot of people anonymously confided to that on the wide web.
But Donatello had continued to do research on this because first of all he didn’t like having only one option, six more and he’d start feeling like he was getting somewhere, by the third he came across illnesses or more along the line of stomach issues, he frowned why did he have a sinking feeling… maybe it was just the thought of thinking that this could possibly be true and that made Donnie sad
Yeah that was it, just the possibility because surely…hopefully you didn’t suffer from this, he wouldn’t wish it on anyone, and for you, he winced now he needed to know the remedies, just in case of a worse case scenario. Donnie stopped spinning, and continued researching.
“Y/n?” Donnie said quietly into his phone, “Heyy Dee, I just finished up some studying and was about to head over!” Well he could wait til you got here, it was probably a conversation better in person. “Okay sounds great,” though to you Donnie sounded far off, like he hadn’t really heard what you said
“You okay Donnie?” and he blinked, gripping the phone tighter, “just contemplating some things,” he managed to say, he predicted that he was gonna have to spill over the phone rather than what he wanted to do, wait for your arrival to go down on his knees and ask a million questions and then comfort you with a million solutions
“Contemplating what?” You became very serious because you had a feeling something was wrong, “what’s going on Donnie?” the seconds of silence broke as Donnie sighed into the phone, “Y/n, I’d much rather have this conversation in person but I think I’ve made the situation seem a lot more dire than it really should be”
You listened intently, as Donnie kept going, he was on a roll, in a monologue, “I was doing some research on what couples usually do together and a lot of that had to deal with eating and it made me realize you don’t eat in front of me and then I continued to research as to why some people don’t eat in front of others,”
He took a deep breath and continued, “among many other options one stuck out to me, stomach issues in lament terms, and I think this is the reason why but I want to be wrong, I want you to tell me I’m wrong but even if I’m right I want you to know that they have solutions out there and you don’t have go through this alone!”
The line went quiet as Donnie calmed himself, and went back to steady breathing, “…Y/n?” He winced wondering if he had just metaphorically dived head first off the London bridge. “I’m still here, you just amaze me sometimes” you said warmly now that you had caught up to speed with what was eating at Donnie’s mind. “You’re right, I do have said issues and I already have medicine that helps, it still hurts at times though,”
Donnie smiled in relief no jumping off of bridges, “we can talk about it more when you get here and hopefully with the help of science we can figure out a better solution than the medicine you’re taking,” you smiled tears in your eyes, of course he would do everything in his power to help you the second he found out.
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“Alright!!! Pizza’s here” Mikey hollered but it wasn’t needed because everyone was already waiting at the table. “About time!” Raph complained as he eyed the boxes Mikey was carrying hungrily. “It was a new delivery person, they kept walking back and forth past the alleyway,” Mikey laughed as he placed the boxes on the center of the table.
Everyone was immediately reaching for the first box, opening it up and letting the aroma waft through the lair. “Smells so good,” Mikey’s mouth watered. Grabbing two slices, one for him, one for you before heading further down the table at where you sat.
“Gotcha a slice!” Mikey smiled as he handed you the plate. “Thanks Mikey, though I’m not really hungry” you smiled back at him, he was so kind you thought, always thinking of others.
“But you’ve been at the lair all day today!” Mikey said confused on how you weren’t absolutely starving like he was, like Raph was, like all of them were. You shrugged wanting to move past the topic, you hadn’t thought Mikey would think anything of it because it was your usual excuse!
“When did you last eat?” Mikey asked after swallowing a bite of pizza. He was looking at you with worried eyes. “I had something yesterday..” you admitted softly and by something you drank some water and managed to get down a granola bar.
Mikey was frowning, “don’t humans have to eat three times a day?” and you nodded, he finished off his pizza and thought, “do you not like pizza???” It hurt his heart to say, he couldn’t believe that they had someone out there who didn’t like pizza it was just too good, but maybe that’s why you never ate at the lair, the menu here was mostly different varieties of pizza.
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” you said “I just don’t have the appetite for really anything” you sighed to yourself. You guessed there was no point in lying, Mikey would’ve found out eventually the more the two of you hung out. “That can’t be good!” Mikey’s heart was hurting in a different way now, he couldn’t imagine not ever being hungry
“I get hungry sometimes” you tried to explain, “I just feel awful afterwards and it usually comes right back up..” it was pretty gross to talk about especially at the table with food around, but Mikey listened intently with sad eyes, “is there anything I can do?” he asked wanting to help if possible
Gosh he was so sweet, you smiled, “I can go back to my place and take some medicine that usually helps” Mikey stood wanting to come along, “I’ll go too! I’m pretty sure we’ll need more pizza anyways”
The two of you looked down the table to see four empty boxes, the only slice that had survived was sitting on your plate! You giggled the turtles sure had been hungry, “Yeah” you agreed, “and this time I’ll pay because I wanna get my favorite!”
“You have a favorite pizza?!” Mikey exclaimed, “well yeah when I do get a little peckish I’ll buy a supreme pizza with stuffed crust,” Mikey was licking his lips, “sounds delicious!” and so the two of you left the lair, talking about other favorite foods, Mikey was making a list in his mind, that way he’d always have a least something at the lair you would want to eat
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choccyhearts · 2 years
Beef // Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: I am in need of fluff so badly rn :(( so here is something self-indulgent
CW: G/N!reader, lots of talk about eating, reader is a vegetarian, Eddie is huge simp, fluff, italics are Eddie's thoughts
Summary: Eddie takes you on a date but forgets one detail about you
Eddie Munson is a sweet guy -- really, he is. Sure he's excitable and eccentric, and he loves teasing the hell out of his friends, but he cares for and loves them at the end of the day. When he gets into a relationship, he does his best to make everything perfect, he wants his partner to love him back and know that they can rely on him to keep them safe and happy.
So, getting a date with you sent him over the moon. The leader of Hellfire was enchanted the day you joined the club, and your skills and intelligence drew him in more. After weeks of sweet talking you and slowly showing his soft and caring side, he was able to open up to you and ask you to go on a date.
Eddie knows a lot about you -- your favorite bands, names of pets you've had throughout your life, what your go to rainy day movie is -- but there is one thing he somehow never picked up on.
You're a vegetarian.
It's just never come up in conversation. During lunch, you have always brought your own meals and Eddie couldn't blame you from steering clear of the cafeteria food. You eat chips and cookies at the club meetings, and you eat pizza during celebrations. Only cheese pizza? Well, not everyone trusts sausage or pepperoni, so no big deal.
Tonight, Eddie has your whole date planned. It's something casual, lowkey. Just a night to see how compatible you two are and it's the opportunity for Eddie to show you how smooth and romantic he can be.
He picks you up and he's stunned by how amazing you look. You two sit in the front of his van and start chatting as he takes you to your destination -- a diner famous for it's endless burger options. It's perfect! -- he thinks. Enough options to cater to you! (Plus, not too pricey...)
After he parks, he leaps out and races around the van to open your door for you. You giggle and take his hand to hop out. You continue holding hands as you walk into the restaurant.
You sit down and look over the menu. Yep, allllll burgers, except one grilled cheese at the very bottom. That's okay, you like grilled cheese. Plus, you'll have fries too, so not a bad meal.
You both order sodas and continue having your conversation. He really loves talking to you, hearing your point of view and he loves that you aren't afraid to challenge his opinions -- though, they're usually silly ones, like which Friday or Nightmare film is the best, or which actors would be best cast if they ever turned The Hobbit into a movie.
He also loves looking at you. The way you style your hair, the jewelry you wear, your outfit. The way your eyes shine when you smile and start to water when he makes you laugh extremely hard. This date is going so well already and you haven't even orde-
"Are you both ready to order?", the waitress asks.
Eddie answers first, "Uh, yeah, I'll have the classic cheeseburger with no onions -- I think ahead", he winks at you. "And fries."
The waitress then looks at you as you smile up at her.
"I'll have the grilled cheese and fries too." You both hand her your menus as Eddie looks at you puzzled. His eyes are squinted and he has a line between his furrowed brows.
"That's all?", he asks.
"Yeah, nothing really piqued my interest", you say before taking a sip of your soda.
"Really? I mean there's at least 25 different types of burgers."
You bite your straw as you grin widely.
"Well, I don't eat burgers. You know that, right?"
Did he know that? He shifts eyes around, digging through the filing cabinet in his brain. Did you not eat red meat? Did you even eat meat at all??
"Eddie", you giggle. You set your hand on his and he looks back at you. "I'm a vegetarian. I thought you knew that!"
His eyes widen. Oh no, he didn't. How did he not know? He knows so much about you, how did this thing slip his mind? Is he not observant enough? Is this date already turning into a sinking ship? Are you going to leave? Are you gonna tell all of the guys-?
"Eddie." You shake his hand and bring him back to you. "It's okay, really. I guess I never told you, it's just not a big secret. I didn't even think about it."
He looks at your face. There is not hint of anger or sadness, no, you look amused.
"How did I not know?"
"Like I said, I guess I never told you. But I mean, I only eat cheese pizza, and I always bring my lunch. That time Mike had a barbecue, I only ate the side dishes."
That is true. He just figured you didn't trust Mr. Wheeler, which is totally understandable.
"Wow, I guess I'm just not observant", he chuckles softly. "If you want, we can go somewhere else?"
"No, no, no, I already have my heart set on that grilled cheese", you smile and run your thumb back and forth against his hand. "Besides, I was hoping we'd share a milkshake at the end."
He beams at you. "One milkshake, two straws", he'd say. He'd always wanted to say that.
"Well, then, now that I have this information, fair lady", he says in his dungeon master voice. "I will be able to showcase one of my secret skills."
You raise your eyebrow.
"Cooking." You giggle as he starts to defend himself, already asking you for another date to prove himself.
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Hello! May I please request a cute/fluffy fic of Erik Lehnsherr and Jewish!mutant!fem!Reader (who has the ability to heal through food) falling in love with each other and eventually getting married (Erik deserves good things)?
Oooh brings a new meaning to comfort food 😊
Made with love
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x Fem Jewish Mutant Reader
Description: You and Erik slowly fall in love after meeting and seeing your power of healing with food
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You smiled as Kurt ate the Cholent you made everyone for dinner some of the kids were sick so earlier you made Matzo ball soup but Kurt was asleep and woke up not too long before cholent was done. He was sick with the flu not really eating but when you handed him the plate of the warm meal he immediately felt better after the first bite no longer feeling stuffy and lightheaded back to normal "Thank you this is amazing" Erik watches while he eats slowly everyone who was sick is better within a few minutes of eating the meal you made but also filling their bellies with homemade love.You first met and got to know 5 students who had come to the restaurant you worked at in the mall those students being Jubilee, Scott, Jean, Kurt, and Warren who frequented the mall throughout each week playing in the arcade, buying records in the music store, and collecting comic books. You had served them and when you noticed kurt didn't have money for anything to eat you paid with your own money and made him jewish rosemary chicken and potatoes which filled him with a sense of safety, care, and love telling charles and erik not knowing what would happen after meeting the kind woman in the multicultural restaurant at the mall months later while getting to know her and leading to one of the most feared mutants to falling in love with the most kind hearted mutant in the world. You were found by warren injured and crying on the side of the road late at night when he was flying which is what he did occasionally but when he saw you walking and then collapse he couldn't just leave someone there but when he realized it was you he immediately grabbed you taking you to the school to Hank who treated your wounds and for smoke inhalation realizing by how you looked and the smell that you were in a fire keeping a close eye on you while warren told the others and they took turns seeing you and they were all there when you woke up hugging you tightly and more when you started crying. You told them that not only were you indeed in a fire but you lost your home and family and suppressing your powers meeting charles and being accepted to live in the school and work as a chef while also still working at the mall being welcomed by the whole school and even having some students you hadn't met give you condolences on the loss of your family but erik stayed right beside you leading to late at night making Kreplach some for you while the rest were for the students hearing footsteps turning to see erik "May I have some?" you smile by handing him a plate of dumplings and as soon as he eats them he smiles sweetly making you melt like butter but what you didn't expect was to end up in a sweet slow kiss with him and being asked to dinner the next night. You both took things slow having had feelings for each other for awhile before but both of you fall in love as time went on and the two of you were a perfect match for each other you dated for 4 years when you became engaged at got married in Puerto Rico after a long mission with everyone from the school there and all the students calling you Mrs Lehnsherr whenever they see you in the lunch room or anywhere around the school and they look fondly at you and your husband whenever they see the two of you together.
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karenburciaga · 2 months
Brunch Scenes in Dubai - A Personal Experience
This is one city that I have grown to love so much; I adore every moment spent in Dubai, the tall buildings and the beautiful sandy beaches. An exciting factor in residing here is trying out various fascinating and best brunch deals in Dubai. Dubai brunch means way more than just a meal; it is a spectacle, a social gathering, and a feast for the eyes, the ears, and the stomach. Pausing right there, allow me to share with you some of the best brunch spots that I have tried in this beautiful city.
On coming to Dubai, I wanted to taste the famous brunch. However, I wanted to do it reasonably with little spending. Soon, I realized that there are many more inexpensive brunch items that offer good value at the same time as not being cheap. I had my first Friday brunch at Shakespeare and Co. in Jumeirah. At a very reasonable price, I was able to make my taste buds dance with fluently made foods ranging from pancakes to shakshuka amongst other meals, all under a relaxed ambiance and courteous staff. Next time when I need a place to eat, and I don't want to spend a lot of money, I'll definitely go back there, calling it a few of the best brunches in Dubai.
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The other little find that I discovered was the Tortilla Mall of the Emirates. This was a fairly good restaurant that served a variety of food from different cuisines and had discrete elements of international flavors. The best part? This offered unlimited drink refills. Among other features, it was surprisingly charged fairly lower. In my case, I recall spending sometimes catching up with friends, taking a bite, and engaging in rampant discussions.
With time, I began to familiarize myself with the typical brunches offered in Dubai, and in the process, I looked for the best brunch deals in the region. I soon realized that most restaurants and surprisingly many hotels boast genuinely good brunch offers if one only knows where to look. I recall a memorable incident once at one of the pioneer hotels, Grosvenor House, which is exclusive and magnificent. This was a hotel with a special brunch offer at Buddha-Bar; meals were served, and drinks and music were also provided. The interior also prescribes a royal style, as if I was eating in a palace with the wonderful staff to complement it.
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The other impressive discovery was the brunch by the beach at Eva Beach House. The brunch offer included getting to use the pool and beach, which merged the lunch and relaxation, which was perfect. Therefore, the whole day, I spent the day watching the sun, taking a dip in the pool, drinking at the bar, and dining at the many varieties of food offered. All in all, they left a great brunch impression, making me feel like I went on a mini-vacation.
However, brunch discovery would only be noticeable by trying some of the most delicious brunches in Dubai. I once had one of my best brunches in Dubai at The Market, an internationally acclaimed seafood restaurant on Sheikh Zayed Road. This brunch was a treat for the cameras as well as for the taste buds.
Another was a Thai brunch at a lively restaurant, Benjarong, located in Dusit Thani Dubai on the weekend. Importantly, you can enjoy the gastronomy with the breathtaking views of Dubai's cityscapes. It was one of the mere brunches that can make you forget time while getting lost in the excitement and tasty food.
In summary, discovering the best brunches in Dubai has been quite an amazing experience. However, Dubai's brunch is a perfect example of its ethnic and rich gastronomic offering and general hospitality everywhere and for anything. With so much amazing food available, I would like to encourage you to grab your best brunch deal, and you are sure to leave with a smile on your face and a fuzzy taste in your mouth.
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iteachhealth · 4 months
Fruity Goodness: Tips for Maximizing Your Fruit Experience
Hey, Tumblr family! 🍎 It is high time to explore the world and fascination of fruit; it’s amazing, healthy, tasty, and should be adored. Regardless of whether you use fruits as an end or as part of a healthier goal for your diet, take some tips so that a difference can be made and your fruit experience can be enhanced. 🍇🍍
1. Pick the Perfect Fruit
Seasonality Matters: All in all, it’s advised to go for the fruits that are available in the market during that particular time of the year to get the juiciest and tastiest fruits. It is also a known fact that fresh seasonal fruits are usually cheaper as compared to those that are bought in other seasons.
Check for Ripeness: You probably think that it is common sense to keep things as simple as possible and grin as you overhear someone telling his wife in the next cubicle to ‘hold all’. Talking about ripe fruits – they are not only succulent, but they smell delicious too. For instance, if you want to consume ripe pineapple, you have to look at the base and it should emit a fruity smell.
2. Proper Storage is the Key
Fridge or Counter? However, some fruits like apples, grapes, and oranges retain their freshness longer on the refrigerator shelf. Bananas and avocados, for example, are best left on the counter to ripen but do not store well here.
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Separate Ethylene Producers: Ethylene gas is emitted by apples, bananas, and tomatoes for instance and the same fruits can act on other fruits and may cause them to ripen (or rot). It will be wise to store them separately to ensure that all the sweet treats keep their optimum quality for a longer time.
3. Creative Cutting Techniques
Maximize Edibility: Get to know how you can cut your fruits in order not to waste them. For instance, mangoes are better enjoyed when they have been cut in the hedgehog design.
Safety First: It is also important to be very careful while slicing because it is easy to cut our hands and this should be done using a sharp knife and a clean cutting board.
4. Enhance Natural Flavors
A Sprinkle of Salt: You might be surprised, but the addition of a pinch of salt can increase the flavor profile and accentuate the sweetness of fruits such as watermelon and cantaloupe.
Pairing with Herbs: Try to complement fruits with greens like basil and strawberry or mint and pineapple so that it gives the dish an elegant touch.
5. Experiment with Recipes
Smoothie Sensations: Mix various fruits with a little yogurt or milk to prepare a healthy, nutrient-rich beverage perfect for a smoothie.
Fruit Salads: Tumble a juicy mix of colorfully ripe fruits with a hint of lime and sweeten it with honey; it's a yummy salad.
6. Mindful Eating
Savor Each Bite: Savor each fruit in every bite so that you can experience the different tastes that come with the texture of the fruit. Picking your food can also help reduce the pace of eating as well as increase the amusement and digestion of the food consumed.
Stay Hydrated: It consists of foods like cucumber, watermelon, oranges, etc., which are very juicy and contain water in them.
7. Sustainable Practices
Use the Whole Fruit: In a case where you have the luxury of it, use the whole fruit as much as you can. For instance, the outer covering of oranges, lemons, and other fruits can be used as seasoning in food preparation by grating in the zest into the food preparation dishes; apple seeds can be used to prepare natural vinegar at home.
Compost the Rest: All the non-food parts can be disposed of in your compost to give your garden the best soil.
8. Get Adventurous
Try New Varieties: Buy some new fruits such as dragon fruit, lychee, or rambutan; these are sweeter than most other fruits. As a bonus, you may even stumble on something new that becomes your go-to recipe.
Cultural Cuisine: Discover how other cultures use fruits and integrate them into their meals. Consider tropical fruit SSCs like pineapple-mango salsa, Middle-Eastern fruit and nuts like Date Nectarine, or Asian fruit-based deserts like Litchi Jello.
I’d like to remind everyone that fruits are not only tasty; they are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Therefore, go out there and have the very best time enjoying the various naturally endowed sweets. 🍒✨
Happy fruit munching! 🍏🍊🍋
Please do not limit yourself to writing fruit tips and recipes; please feel free to reblog or share. The world does need more fun and in taking a bite on Virtual Fruit, we all hope that the fruits and their implications can make it a funnier place to live in. 🍎💕
Vitamin-C-containing fruits such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, and blueberries, along with exotic fruits such as papayas and pineapples, are equally healthy for the body. . . . . #fruit #foodtips #healthy #wellness #foodie #nutrition #yum
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mnalohomorapodcast · 8 months
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Alohomora 'Live Your Dream and Book a Spot on the History Bites Tour Through England and Scotland!' - is now available! https://alohomorapodcast.com/live-your-dream-book-spot-history-bites-tour-england-and-scotland/
Here at Alohomora!, we love to get into all the tiny details of the Harry Potter books. But there are some experiences we can’t quite get across just talking about them. The best way to understand cultural, location-based, and historical details about the series is by exploring the places they were written!
Does that sound like something you’d be interested in? Then we have fantastic news for you.
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  Live your dream and book yourself a spot on the History Bites Tour through England and Scotland this summer! You can explore places not only significant to Harry Potter but also the worlds of Narnia and Lord of the Rings. Led by author and historian Solomon Schmidt, you’ll spend eight days in some of the most magnificent places in the world. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  The whole experience was amazing. I was very sad when it was time to depart.” – Judah A.
  Here are the top five reasons you don’t want to miss this “once in a lifetime” tour:
  Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
The tour begins in London, where you can visit the iconic King’s Cross Station. Take a photo with the Hogwarts Express Trolley and find some fun new merch at the Harry Potter Shop!
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  Walk in Harry’s Footsteps
In Oxford, you’ll have the chance to visit Christ Church College, where several scenes from the Harry Potter movies were filmed. Witness the famous chained books of Duke Humphrey’s Library, aka the Hogwarts Library – watch out for screaming volumes! Recreate Professor McGonagall’s welcome to the first-years on the Bodley Tower Staircase. Just up those stairs, you’ll find the college dining hall, which inspired the Great Hall.
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  Edinburgh, where it all began
In this historic city, you’ll wander Greyfriars Kirkyard–keep an eye out for familiar names on the gravestones, including a Tom Riddle! Near the city center is the famous Elephant House, where the early books were written. Catch a view of the remarkable Edinburgh Castle; you may even have the chance to see the misty clouds hanging over it, a magical sight indeed.
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  Ride the Hogwarts Express
It’s every Potter fan’s dream come true. The 84-mile trip through the beautiful countryside will be an experience you’ll never forget. Cross the famous viaduct and other familiar filming locations. Settle in with some Bertie Bott’s or a few Chocolate Frogs and you’re on your way to the new term at Hogwarts.
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  Luxury accommodations and expert guides
One of the greatest benefits of this tour is the beautiful places you’ll get to stay, including historic inns, and the enjoyable meals you’ll have at palaces and high rises. You’ll also get the expertise of historian and author Solomon Schmidt and other knowledgeable local guides.
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  This trip was a dream come true for me! I would go on another in a heartbeat!” – David S.
  History Bites Tours aims to provide the highest quality and most exciting tours possible in England and Scotland. Join author and historian Solomon Schmidt on an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime experience as you journey to two of the most beautiful and historic lands in the world. Find the full itinerary and registration information on the History Bites website.
  And who knows? Your new expertise could be the perfect thing to share with us on the podcast!
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caitlinsnicket · 3 years
you're inexperienced (arcane preference)
a/n: THIS IS FILTH BE WARNED. I'm so happy so many people are enjoying my work, please tell me if I could improve in something. I hope you enjoy!
| Jinx
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"oh toots, that just makes this even better"
makes the whole experience super fun
holds your chest in her hands and squeezes softly until you whimper
kisses you all over
looooooves teasing
let's you touch her as you please, shows you how she likes it
the first times feel more like a heated make-out session than actual sex, because of how laid back it is
just a lot of exploring and a lot of touching
will ask directly if you'd like to fuck
"i just want a tiny taste, pretty pleease?"
loves watching your reactions to what she does, giggles all the time
the queen to making you feel satisfied and giddy
| Vi
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flushes a little
oh well, she can help you with that
will always start by pleasuring you, staying an eternity on every section of your body
goes down on you like it's her last meal
"stay still sweet tits, i gotta get the right angle"
will feel a little shy when you first ask to touch her, but will let you nonetheless
gets hot when you're kneeling in front of her
small kisses all over the place
"is this good? is this okay?"
"you can touch 'em if you want to, kitty"
just wants you to teach her name to your neighbors
| Caitlyn
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she's a little inexperienced herself
besides a few make-out sessions and the things she heard from other girls in school, she doesn't know a lot about sex
but she's a fast learner
fingers you slowly, kissing your neck and being attentive to your reactions
went beet red the first time she saw you in a bra
went about eating you out as if it was a mission
accomplished btw
a lot of staring, just trying to get under your skin
keeps saying you don't need to return the favor, but just because she's shy
doesn't want to let her voice out at first, but keep trying hard enough and she'll be a mess
in the first few times she suggested the shower, so you two could have an excuse in case things got too intense
bites you all the time to see what you'll do
| Ekko
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cha cha real smooth
no but really that boy's got game
sweeps you off your feet and tells you not to worry
tells you exactly what he's doing and asks if you're okay with that
"hold on princess, let me do the work"
guides your hands to his hair as he goes down on you for the first time
teases and smiles as you get breathless
won't stop until you turn into mush
kisses your cheeks all the time
likes to wait for you to start your heated moments, partially to tease you and partially to make sure you're okay
neck kisses are heavenly
"you can pull harder, hot stuff"
makes you feel sexy
"you keep making that face, i won't be able to last long"
| Silco
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super calm and super laid back
everything will be so fine you won't even realise you two are having sex
"you're doing perfect, doll. that's it, keep your mouth open"
will test the waters regarding your kinks and experimenting, watching your reactions to see what works for both of you
makes you feel comfortable enough to let go, as you know he's able to take care of you
respects you so much oh lord
a soft, supportive, hot dom
| Viktor
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so gentle
big on hand holding
kisses your neck a lot to get you to relax
doesn't expect you to do anything to him, just wants you to feel good
"prop your hips up zaya, I want to taste you"
asks you to be vocal with him, so he knows everything is alright
he's in control, but still a mess
anything you do makes him amazed and his ears are red the entire time, which boosts your confidence
will absolutely have conversations about sex before you do it
will absolutely masturbate you while asking you to read something aloud
@tartheanmaid @cariossa @gutsandglue @eko2ono @my-bestfriend-is-a-meth-teacher @emotionalyunstablehanjisimp @ewphoriae @mxxnch @king0flies @flowerboy1130 @panshrekxual-iii @wrddrms @lesbian-rondo @ofartsandshadows @the-wordis-bird @sakutsu14 @nsfw-kill-me-now @allyboba @nymphofzaun @aleks-chan @vikivikiv @queerkittycat @purple-vale @phoenixofjewel @justtryingt0vibe @http-jackass @chelablackcat @salem-poltergeist @tovewantcoffee @psychologicalnecrosis @chickenshins @awesomekawaiibouquetlady @musical-yeet @gloomdoomraccoon @cherry-poppins @komoresunrise @testsubject24601 @hopelessly-hopeful-hope @plaguedoctorsalad @snakesnack6 @governmentfraud @natsb1tch @leeriin @sakuracoffe @lionheadknight-blog @afidiofobia @endlessdreamsleadtoreality @eldritchcrafter @theelderswear @wifeofvi @cupcakkesinflatedwetbussy @aj134 @kal0pssiaa @imajinxnation @babygoopeclipsestudent @cowboykiri @betterbemybby @rin-a-din-din @envyscherry
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takecareluv · 2 years
as a jackman harlow request (hehe i'm excited):
jack meeting reader at a pub in london while he's out exploring the city by himself at night. he's on a solo trip and choosing to go out at a late hour to escape potential fans hounding him and because he wants to be alone and see what it's like to be a "normal" tourist in a famous city. he's hesitant at first when reader approaches and strikes up conversation with him, but relaxes when he realizes reader does not know him. the two of them talk over fries and beer, talking until the sun is up, at which point they leave the bar. jack gives the reader his jacket or hoodie as they walk down the empty streets in the chill of the morning, eventually parting ways. jack tells the reader to keep the jacket or hoodie, thanking for the amazing night.
i'm sorry if this was too specific, but for some reasonw when you posted about jack being in london right now my mind immediately conjured up this scenario. regardless, i know if you choose to use this as a scenario you'll make it into something beautiful, as always <3
a.n. liv this is amazing. don’t apologize for it being too specific, it was perfect. you always come up with the best ideas, i swear !!! thank you for sending this <3 also how did you know i’ve been wanting to write something based in london ??? I’m so excited but nervous about this - my first jack fic !! ah i hope you guys like it mwah!
love in london || jack harlow x reader
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jack thought it was a blessing to have the opportunity to travel the world like he did. getting to see so many countries in such a short amount of time, visiting places people only wished of seeing. it was all great, but the one thing he felt he missed out on through all of his journeys, was exploring these beautiful cities like a true tourist. being able to walk down the street without hearing whispers and the clicks of cameras around him.
he always felt he stood out more when he had his whole entourage with him. it was hard to stay lowkey when you had a big group plus a security guard following you around everywhere.
so when he landed in london all by his lonesome, he was a little more excited, ready to sneak around the city without cameras being shoved in his face like never before.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
several hours later and he just wrapped up a meeting with some executives about expanding his upcoming tour to the united kingdom.
he made the mistake of not eating before hand and was now in desperate need for a quick bite to eat, although unsure of where to go at this time of night.
that’s when he noticed a dim light coming from a tiny pub down the road, immediately making long strides towards the quaint spot.
upon entering, he noticed he was practically alone in the joint, besides the two old guys in the corner arguing over whatever game was on and, of course, the man behind the bar. it was perfect, he thought to himself. no one to film him or ask a million intruding questions.
he took a seat at the empty bar, quickly ordering fish and chips, along with a guinness, deciding to treat himself and go all out with the british meal.
and with quiet moments like this being as far and few between, jack decided to take advantage of it and pull out his current read, the great gatsby.
he read quietly for a few minutes, munching on some day-old peanuts, before he heard the seat beside him shift, followed by a soft whisper. “i’ll have a shandy, please. oh and an order of chips as well. thanks.”
it was quiet again for a moment before the soft voice that jack already found himself fascinated by, spoke up once more. “are the fries as good as they say?” he heard you giggle. a giggle he was already in love with.
“they alright. probably been sitting out all day though.” he answered hesitantly, always nervous he was about to get asked for something, with the person knowing who he was.
however, the conversation continued and you began discussing the book jack had closed in front of him. jack relaxed, easing himself into the flow he had with you since you started talking. he realized you had no idea who he was and was now excited to just have a normal conversation with a stranger. although he wasn’t sure he wanted you to be a stranger any longer.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
unbeknownst to you, hours had gone by since you first sparked a conversation with the cute guy you had yet to know the name of.
in that time, you had ordered two more pints of beer and a second basket of fries before the sun started to rise and the bartender was walking over to you with a bill in his hand. “alright, lovebirds, night’s over. i gotta close up.”
you reached down to pull out your wallet from the small purse resting by your feet, but jack quickly stopped you. “don’t worry about it, i got it.”
“are you sure? i feel bad, i don’t even know your name.” you babbled.
“the name’s jack. now will you let me pay for you?” he responded confidently.
you laughed, “i’m guessing you’re not going to take no for an answer.”
“nope,” jack basically cut you off.
“well fine. thank you, jack. i owe you one.” you replied, sounding defeated. although jack didn’t notice, he was to busy focusing on your insinuation that this wasn’t a one time thing, which made him smile to himself.
he handed the impatient bartender a one hundred pound note, telling him to “keep the change” before grabbing your hand and walking out of the pub.
“i’ll walk you home,” he whispered.
“no, jack, it’s okay. you don’t have to do that. i don’t want you to have to go even further out of your way, you should get some rest anyway.” you tried to reason with him, but you already knew he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“i’m not letting you walk alone at this time. now c’mon, you lead the way.”
you smiled at how genuinely sweet he was, especially with someone he barely knew for that matter. you squeezed his hand once more while guiding him in the direction of your apartment.
you only made it around the corner before jack noticed you were shivering. he was quick to stop in his tracks, pulling his jacket off his body, and delicately placing it on your shorter frame.
it basically swallowed you whole and jack thought that was most adorable thing.
you smiled up at him, getting lost in those baby blues, mumbling a soft “thank you”.
you walked in a comfortable silence for the remainder of the journey, hands still intertwined, before you came to pause in front of the entrance to your apartment complex.
you’d be lying if you said you didn’t consider circling the block a few times just to get some extra minutes with the man next to you.
“well this is me,” you attempted to hide the sadness in your voice, although it didn’t really work too well, jack was quick to notice the pout that fell onto your lips.
you shrugged off the jacket that was three sizes too big on you and smelt heavenly of his expensive cologne. in other words, the comfiest jacket you had ever worn, attempting to hand it back to the boy.
“no, no. you keep it. i’ll just get it back from you next time i see you.” jack said, pushing the jacket back towards you.
“next time?” you questioned, confused but smiley.
“yeah, you didn’t think i’d let you get away that easy, did you?” jack remarked with a smirk on his face. “have a good night, y/n. i’ll see you soon,” he winked, walking away from you.
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The Intrusion - Chapter 2
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Even as you start to adjust to life with housemates, you can't quite figure out the Winchester boys. Although sooner or later, you're bound to end up in a situation where you have to.
Word count: 1,557
Warnings: language, motorcycle accident, little bit of angsty thoughts
Naturally, you didn't sleep. You kept the old hunting knife of your Dad's gripped tightly under the covers, although some part of you knew the two men weren't going to hurt you. They'd stayed at the table a while longer, talking about what to do with ‘the girl’, and although you couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, you knew you weren’t in immediate danger.
You were the first up the following morning, walking tentatively towards the kitchen. You were a little embarrassed by the mess, but given this was the first time you’d had visitors in five years, there hadn't really been much of an incentive to keep things tidy. You quickly dealt with the washing up from the day before, scrubbing a pan clean so you could chuck on the half a dozen eggs that were only a few days out of date. Surely the brothers wouldn't notice.
They didn't. In fact, when they hesitantly tiptoed into the kitchen to see what all the noise was about, they started salivating instantly.
"Wow, Y/N. Having second thoughts about kicking us out then?" Sam raised an eyebrow as he dug in, grateful for the first home-cooked meal in god knows how long.
"No," you mumbled as you offered him a small smile in response to his thanks. "The eggs just need eating."
That being said, you’d spent the whole night tossing and turning wondering about what to do with these two. They were strangers, who had just walked in here like they owned the place. Although, maybe they did? Oh, who knows, whatever. But there was something about their presence that relaxed you. You’d been alone for so long, it was nice to finally have some company. Despite his ginormous size, Sam seemed nice, and gentle, while Dean might take some warming to but was clearly all talk. The bunker was far too big for one person; maybe it wouldn't even be noticeable if they stayed for a while?
"Well, we've come to an agreement too." Dean had scoffed his eggs and hadn't even finished his mouthful when he started speaking. "You can stay, as long as you don't get in our way, and don't mess with our stuff."
"Oh, how very kind of you! Letting me stay in my own house! Amazing generosity!" You rolled my eyes, shaking your head. The audacity of these two.
"This isn't actually your house, Y/N. We saw the busted window you've tried to cover up." Sam's words were soft but still hurt.
"So you've been snooping already then? Didn't fancy waiting for the grand tour?" You turned away from them, biting your tongue to try and stop your voice from breaking. Fuck, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
"Look, we can do this civil, or not." Dean piped up. "Either way, me and Sam are staying here. We've been given the key, only we have rightful access. If you're gonna stay, stay, but don't go off on how 'this is your place' and all that bullshit."
"Fine," You gulped. "You two can do the washing up this time." Without looking at them, you stormed off out the kitchen and down the hall, heading in the one direction you knew they wouldn't bother coming in. You’d made it pretty clear which room you’d claimed as your own, and they'd be insane to cross that boundary.
The door had hardly slammed behind you before the tears started flowing. What the fuck was going on. This was too much, too much at once, and yet, not enough. Or was it perfect? Dammit, you didn’t know. It had just been you for so long...
No. This was your place, your family had history here, who cared that you didn’t have a fucking key? Your mother had known about this place all along, thats why you’d ended up here. If the Winchester hunters wanted to stay, so be it, but they sure as hell weren't going to boss you about at the same time. You wiped your wet cheeks, game face on, as you stomped back out down the corridor and flung yourself into the kitchen. Sam was at the sink, washing the plates, while Dean was stood by the table, arms out. They were clearly having some sort of disagreement.
"Right, heres whats gonna happen, okay?" You huffed, your voice louder than you’d expected. "You can stay. You can stay, knowing that this is my place, and I can kick you out the second I want. You can do whatever it is you do, fight your monsters or whatever, but you leave me out of it. I go about my day, you go about yours. I only ever want to see you passing by in the hall or something. As of now, this place is an apartment block, and you're just my random neighbours. You understand?"
They gawked at you, before nodding. Sam shot his brother a 'told you so' glance, and Dean looked down at his feet for a second, before shooting him back a 'shut the fuck up.' Before either could get a word out, you turned on your heel and headed back to your room.
The next few weeks passed by and you hardly saw the brothers, just as you’d hoped. They'd disappear off for days at a time, often coming back battered and bruised, but hiding away and cleaning themselves back up in the dusty old infirmary you obviously never had use for. Meanwhile, you twiddled your thumbs, working late shifts at the closest bar and trying to keep well out of their way on the odd occasion we were all home during the day. They never asked what you did; you never asked what they did.
Until about three months after their arrival. Working graveyard shifts at a bar didn't pay much, but it was enough for someone like you who needed to keep their head down and earn a bit of money for food. You’d never quite figured out how the bunker seemed to run on unlimited heat and electricity, but you were grateful for the absence of that extra cost. The one thing that you did struggle with, however, was the damn bike.
Dean had made it very clear from day one that his Impala was out of bounds. The first thing he'd done before evening claiming a bedroom was figure out how to open the door to the garage, dead certain that 'Baby needed to be guaranteed her safety'. How he afforded to fuel that thing you had no clue, especially given the milage you were sure they must have been wracking up.
For you, your Lexmoto Venom did the job nicely, getting you from A-B without costing too much or needing too much gas. She was your first ever bike, and she'd got you through a lot. Dean had laughed at her when he first saw her, and Sam had warned you of the dangers of motorbikes, but you ignored them both.
This particular night had a chill to it, giving the hint of winter on its way. The bar was warm with the odour of alcohol as usual, but the regulars rubbed their hands together as they came in from the cold. By the time your shift was up, the sky was black, littered with stars that gave a silvery glow to the damp ground. You grimaced as you pulled your helmet on and turned up the collar of your leather jacket, cursing that you hadn’t thought to bring another warmer layer.
Maybe it was naive of you to drive a little faster than usual, but you were desperate to get back in the warm, and knew the roads like the back of our hand. As usual for that time of night, they were empty, and you knew the usual areas where animals dared to cross.
What you didn't take into account was the slight dip in the hill about five miles from the bunker, where the water ran down and cumulated in a little pit. You’d forgotten there'd been a light drizzle earlier that morning, and that given the cold it wouldn't have quite dried up yet. You also didn't figure that the temperature had dropped noticeably, allowing a sheen of ice to settle across the waters surface.
The bike skidded from under you out of nowhere, sending you flying forward. You managed to throw your arms up, blocking your body, but you still slid across the tarmac a good few metres. You heard the bike bounce as it flipped, heading down the ridge to crumble to pieces. You lay there for a few seconds, trying to catch your breath in shock. Slowly and tediously, you sat up, pulling the twisted helmet off and giving yourself a quick once over. Nothing broken, thank god. Your left wrist felt a little tender, but you were pretty sure it was just bruised or at worst twisted from where you’d landed on it. The biggest problem was your beloved jacket, now shredded along the road and hanging off your body like a trash sack. Miserably, you pulled yourself up, taking one glance over at the wreckage of the bike and accepting she was a goner. As the first drops of rain started to fall, you started the painful walk back to the bunker.
| Chapter 3 |
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(note: this is a forever tag list so if you'd like to be added/removed please let me know!)
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Love your writing, and as a person currently accepting she's bisexual, your Blair stories especially have been a treat when I'm in an emeto mood. I wanted to request a story, if you're up for it, with Blair overeating something delicious, but heavy, and getting burpy/gassy for a bit before throwing up for a few rounds. Comfort from Dakota great, but my special request would be that Blair gets to feel good and relieved afterwards. Love the relief portions of your fics! TY for your amazing writing, please keep it up. <3
Hello lovely Anon! I too get the bi panic over Blair. I had so much fun with your request! I hope you like it 💗💜💙
That was the only thing on Blair’s mind. Full stop. There was no more to that sentence. Only one word was necessary to convey her feelings. Blair didn’t know if cheesecake could be classified as an emotion, but she was certainly feeling it. 
She thought of one particular piece of cheesecake, and it currently sat in her fridge at home, waiting to be eaten. All day, that singular slice called out to her. This was a very attractive slice of cake because it came from The Cheesecake Factory. 
She’s been surprised when Dakota suggested such an expensive restaurant for date night. Not that she was complaining. They didn’t go often, but when they did, they came home with their own personal slice of cheesecake. Dinner had been much too filling for dessert, but that never stopped them from taking their cakes to go. Dakota had gotten a Reese’s peanut butter chocolate cake and Blair got Dulce De Leche Caramel Cheesecake. 
Dulce De Leche roughly translates to ‘the sweetest substance known to man’, or at least that was Blair’s translation given that she didn’t speak Spanish. As far as she was concerned, that was the only definition required. It was some kind of caramelized milk made with sugar. By itself, it was spreadable happiness, but bake that into cheesecake and it becomes the dessert of gods. Like ambrosia, it had a rich, golden colour.
As she came home from work, she checked the fridge to make sure it was still there. It wasn’t that she thought Dakota would eat her dessert (he had his own after all), but her one-track mind was ripe for paranoia. Both cakes were in takeout containers. Good at least they were both there. But that wasn’t enough; she had to see the whole and entire cake for herself. 
The first one she grabbed happened to be her own. It was still perfect, with caramel drizzled across the top and flawless dollops of whip cream adorning the sides. 
Spoiler alert: taking the cake out of the fridge had been a bad decision because now she couldn’t bring herself to put it back. 
Blair dipped her finger into the cloud of whip cream, and melted. 
Okay maybe she could have a few bites before dinner. So what if the frozen chicken sat on the counter, waiting to be cooked? Dessert didn’t necessarily need to come at the end of a meal. Maybe she could take small bites while she cooked the chicken and steamed the vegetables. 
Yes, that is what she would do. It was a good plan. This way she got to satiate her immediate craving and potentially still have cake to eat after dinner. 
First, Blair took the frozen chicken out of its package. She didn’t want to be eating while handling the raw meat, so she made sure to finish that step, and thoroughly wash her hands, before indulging in the cake. 
With the chicken seasoned and in the oven, she scooped a portion of the cake onto a fork. The creamy texture of the cheesecake set her tastebuds ablaze. She closed her eyes and moaned. It was exactly as she imagined it all day. Soft and airy caramel mouse. Crunchy almond brickle. Sweet and smooth Dulce De Leche filling. The cheesecake itself was dense. Already she felt her appetite go down a notch, but it was worth it. 
“Okay, okay,” Blair mumbled to herself through a mouthful of paradise. “You can have more when the vegetables are in the pot.” And she figured that second bite of cake would be the last one until the real dessert. She still had to save some to enjoy with Dakota. 
But putting the vegetables in the pot was not a single task. She had to cut the broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots into pieces. She had to wait for the water boil. Then she had to wait for the vegetables to soften over the steam. Of course, after each new step, she took another bite of cake. 
Veggies chopped to desired size? Check. 
Water taking a million years to boil? Obviously. 
Two more bites.
Water boiling and ready for veggies? Yep. 
More cheesecake! 
Once every part of the meal was cooking on its own, leaving Blair with nothing to do but wait, she turned back to her dessert. To her utter shock and dismay, there was only a single bite left to the cake. Blair could swoon. Where had it all gone? 
The sudden gurgle in her belly answered that question quite well. She looked down at her full tummy, noticing for the first time that it was bloated. Now that Blair was no longer puttering around the kitchen, going back and forth between the stove and the sweet treat, she realized how full she had gotten. She exhaled deeply, letting her cheeks empty slowly of air.
She punctuated that long breath with a chesty burp. The belch brought the taste of caramel back to her mouth. It did not taste as good coming from that way. 
Blair frowned, realizing that she wasn’t terribly hungry anymore. In fact, she was terribly full. She pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle another burp. She wasn’t sure why she felt to need to supress it, but she did so anyway. Maybe it was the guilt over eating her dessert so quickly and without noticing her gluttony. The cake had been there a second and gone the next, leaving Blair with no desire to eat the dinner that she was making. 
The spices on the chicken—paprika, rosemary, and garlic powder—filled the kitchen with an intense aroma. It was not a pleasant smell to Blair. It reminded her of how tight her stomach was. 
And here’s the worst part: even though Blair didn’t want to eat the healthy meal, she still turned back to that last bite of cheesecake. It was small, but it had everything. Oozing caramel. A small drop of whip cream. Vanilla crust. It was the perfect last bite. She couldn’t help herself. It wasn’t like she was going to save such a small portion for after dinner. That would have been disappointing. 
In a split second, the cake was gone. Blair closed her eyes again, intent on savoring her last remaining moments with the dessert. 
Alas, the ending was bittersweet. More bitter than sweet because her tastebuds were oversaturated with the flavour of caramel. It tasted like…nothing. Just a dense glob of cheesecake that she rolled around her mouth. 
The treat did not feel any better in her belly compared to her mouth. Her already full stomach whined at the addition of more sugar. Almost immediately after swallowing, she let out a thick belch. The burp was so thick that she feared the food was making an escape up her throat.  
Luckily, everything stayed down. For now
Blair groaned and rubbed her hand over her abdomen. She felt heavy and sluggish as she took the cooked chicken out of the over. She moved lazily, setting the steamed vegetables aside. She did not bother dumping the pot of boiling water; it would have been too heavy for her tired muscles. 
The drowsiness stuck with her even when Dakota got home from work. The first thing he did was lift his nose in the air and inhaled deeply. 
“Smells good,” he said, stepping into the kitchen. He eyed the steam coming off the food and smiled. “Thanks for making dinner, Bee.” He gave her a side hug because Blair didn’t turn to greet him. He kissed the side of her head before grabbing a plate from the cupboard. 
When Blair still did not move, Dakota said, “What are you waiting for? You must be starving. When did you get home?” 
“Maybe an hour ago.” Blair went through the motions of putting chicken and vegetables on her plate. “I’m tired now.” 
“Well sit, sit.” Dakota pulled her chair out from the table. “I’ll do all the talking, because ooh boy, there’s a new guy at work and he is a train wreck.” 
Blair sat down at the table with him, forcing a smile on her face. “Don’t you always do all the talking?” 
“Shh,” he said as if he were drunk. “Story time is about to begin.” Blair had no idea how he could come home from work and still have all this energy. She envied him sometimes. 
Dakota was about to launch into his story, but he paused with his fork halfway to his mouth to look worriedly at Blair. “You do look very tired. Would you rather eat in peaceful silence?” 
“No. That’s okay.” This time she smiled for real. He was too loveable. “Tell me about your day.” 
“And that’s the story of how Tim almost burned down the fitness centre,” Dakota concluded as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. 
“Wow this guy sounds like a real menace.” 
“Nah, he’s good dude. He just needs to adjust to the new job,” Dakota said, rising from the table. He reached for Blair’s plate but paused. There was still a lot of food left on it. “Are you finished?”  
Blair looked down at her lap. “Yeah.” If by finished he meant that she was close to throwing up at the table, then yes, she was absolutely finished. 
She had managed to eat only a few pieces of carrots and broccoli. The chicken she hardly touched. During the meal and Dakota’s enthralling anecdote, she had cut the meat into smaller sections just to give her something to do while he inhaled his food. Her belly never stopped making noises. Thankfully, Dakota spoked loudly that it drowned out the sick grumbles. 
He was quiet now as he carried their dishes to the sink. “You didn’t eat very much,” he remarked as he piled her leftover food into a container. “Were you not hungry?” 
“Not really.” Blair shrugged her shoulders, trying to make it seem like a lesser deal than it was. 
“Are you sick?” 
“No, just full.”
“Alright,” he said slowly. Blair thought he was going to press the matter further, but a sudden realization dawned in his eyes. His face lit up. “Hey! We have leftover cake!”  
He hurriedly opened the fridge, easily finding his dessert from last night. He set it down on the counter and took peek to make sure that it was his, before going back for another look. “Where’s yours?”
Blair did not say anything until he was out of the fridge, wearing a puzzled expression. As if to mock her, her belly gave a nauseous flip, forcing her to rest her hand over her churning middle. 
“Hey, Bee, I don’t see your cake in the fridge. Did you already eat it?”
There was nothing she could say but the truth. And why not the truth? Dakota wasn’t going to judge her. Still, she was embarrassed about how sick she made herself. Dakota was still looking at her, so she admitted to her moment of weakness. 
“Yes,” she mumbled. 
“When I got home.” 
“Just now before dinner?” 
Before she could answer, she felt a pocket of air bubble and move beneath her hand. The pressure rumbled up from her belly, coming out of her mouth as a small burp. She swallowed thickly. “…Yeah.” 
“Oh, babe,” Dakota said with a laugh. “No wonder you weren’t hungry. Those things are filling.” His playful smile started to fade as he watched his girlfriend’s throat bob with a rising burp. The next belch was loud and burst out of her mouth with a wet sounding squelch. 
He raised his eyebrows at her. “You don’t feel good, do you?”
Blair shook her head with her hand clamped over her mouth. Her shoulders jumped as a hiccupped seized her diaphragm. It hurt her chest, making her groan. 
“Ugh, Kota. My belly hurts so bad.” She looked at him with big, pleading eyes, as if he could make the stomach-ache go away. “I shouldn’t have eaten the whole thing all at once.” 
For some reason, Dakota found this entire scenario quite humorous. He didn’t want Blair to think he was laughing at her pain. He wasn’t. She just looked so small and regretful, burping into her fist. It was so very different from how she usually acted. 
“Ah Bee, it’s okay. You just ate too much. It’ll pass.” 
Blair shook her head, still burping up the taste of cheesecake and now broccoli. “I really don’t feel good. I think I need to be sick.” 
As much as Dakota was taking this lightly, he absolutely did not want to see his girlfriend throw up, especially not beloved cheesecake from one of the best restaurants.  “You sure?”
“Pretty sure.” Blair stood up from the table on shaky legs. She thought the lump in her throat was from a burp, but it turned into a gag. The suddenness of the gag made her lurched forward, bracing herself with her palms on the table. 
“Oh whoa.” Dakota was next to her in a flash, taking her by the elbows. “Come on, to the bathroom. That’s it.” 
Blair stumbled her way down the hall, letting Dakota guide her. The roiling of her belly was the only thing on her mind. This was not as fun to think about as cheesecake. Unfortunately, the last thing Blair wanted to think about just then was food. 
She plopped down on her knees in front of the toilet with saliva dripping from her lips. She was so close to losing it that a shiver ran up her spine. “Mm…I’m so—hic—nauseous.” 
“I know,” Dakota said softly, gliding his hand up and down her back. “You’re gonna feel much better in a minute.” 
Blair gagged over the toilet bowl, hoping that he was right.
A minute passed.
Two minutes passed and Blair was still suffering on her knees. Her poor full belly ached and sloshed, but still nothing was happening. Every wet burp, every empty gag left her feeling even queasier. 
“Ugh, why won’t it just happen?” she groaned. At least during this time, she had the chance to tie her hair up in a ponytail. 
“Be patient, honey,” Dakota replied. “Your body will tell you what it needs.” 
“Yeah, well it didn’t tell me to stop eating earlier."
“Can’t argue with that.” Dakota laughed. “Was the cake good at least? Caramel or something like that, wasn’t it?” 
Blair gagged harshly as the ghost of gooey caramel filling coated her throat. She spat into the bowl. “Stop that."  
“What? I thought it would help.” Dakota said, ever so flippantly. He raised his hands in surrender when Blair shot daggers at him. “Fine. Maybe you should try drinking water. Get things started, you know?” 
Blair was not keen on filling her stomach more, but she’d try anything if it meant relief. She took the glass of water that Dakota handed her and knocked it back like a pint of beer. Even that image was enough to make her stomach rise in her throat. She kept drinking, feeling her throat work to get the water down. 
When the glass was empty, she let out a big sigh and wiped her mouth. Her belly was really gurgling now. The water sloshed around in her insides as the need to burp grew. 
Dakota could hear the noises from her stomach as well. He put his hand between her shoulder blades, easing her back over the toilet bowl. “Here we go, you got this.” 
An enormous liquid belch burst from her mouth then. Trickles of water dripped from her lips. She felt the contents of her belly move, just as the muscles in her abdomen tightened. What started as the next wet belch turned into a productive heave, sending a sludge of vomit up her throat. 
“That’s it,” Dakota encouraged. He was shocked to see the thick torrent rush from her mouth but pleased that she really would start feeling better in a minute. 
For Blair, it felt like that minute would last a lifetime as her belly continued to squeeze painfully. She rocked forward, keeping a tight grip on the edge of the toilet. 
Another weighty wave splattered into the water below. She tried not to think about the underlying taste of cheesecake and caramel, or else those flavours would be ruined for quite some time. In any case, she didn’t think she’d be asking for that specific dessert for a while. 
Each wave made her feel lighter than the last, but she never got a chance to appreciate it because her stomach never stopped spasming long enough for her to catch her breath. 
Dakota acted like her coach through the whole, giving her firm pats on her back. “Good job. Keep it up, Bee.” 
She kept up this momentum up for four large waves before she finally caught a break. Her belly was sore from the workout, her throat felt raw, and her fingers wouldn’t uncurl themselves, but she felt so much better. 
She exhaled and leaned back against Dakota who was not prepared for it. 
“Okay,” he said, clumsily catching her. “I guess I’m a pillow now.” 
“You’re the best pillow,” she mumbled sleepily, as if she were high. In Blair’s mind she was. She was so high in the air, floating on the lightest cloud. Everything was light and airy. She was weightless. “God, I needed that,” she said breathlessly. 
Dakota chuckled. “You really did.” He kissed her on the top of her head. “Do you think you’re gonna go again?” 
She shook her head. “No. I’m good. So good.” 
“So good,” Blair repeated dreamily. 
Dakota’s laugh was easy and light-hearted. “You’re so cute. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” 
“Me too.” And she meant it. God, she meant it. 
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Could I get a Hawks in his rut headcanon?
No problem, Anon! I’m sorry this took so long, I wanted it to be perfect since I really like thinking about Hawks’ avian traits, and I know people really like it too. I hope it’s good! 
Hawks Rut Headcannons
Genre: fluff, smut
Type: headcannons (so... many... headcannons)
Warnings: animal traits, Keigo being possessive af, the commission being assholes, sickness, food, breeding kink, lots of horny times
Other: most of this is based off of real research, but some of it also comes from personal preference. @keilemlucent and their fic Best Nest very much inspired many other headcannons, check them outI They’re one of my favorite creators, and the linked fanfic is one of my favorites! Hope it’s okay I tagged you here lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (Lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the Taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made while requests were still open.
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Pre-Rut Behaviors
Grooming and Preening
Before his rut, Keigo starts to feel dirty. He just seems to accumulate more dust and dirt during hero work than usual. He’ll come back home grumbling about blood in his hair and little bits of concrete in/on his skin.
He will insist you clean him off. So you get to brush his hair, put creams on his face, and wash him off in the shower.
Finally, there’s the preening. If he lets you preen his wings, then you know he’s in it for life. He loves and trusts you with everything he has. 
Expect him to press his nose against yours a lot.
Possessiveness and Protection
You’ll notice he gets more clingy, more possessive of you. He gets really controlling in the days leading up to his rut, so you’ll be annoyed a  l o t.
Just text all your friends and family that you’ve been swamped at work, it’d be a little weird to say “hey guys, sorry I can’t hang out, my boyfriend’s horomones are crazy right now and he gets really insecure if I so much as exist near anyone but him.”
You would come home from work and he’s already on you, sniffing your body to see who you’ve been around, and to see if any of them were attracted to you at all.
If he had any kind of sneaking suspicion that anyone posed a threat, he’s literally laying on you and rolling on top of you to try and get his scent on you. Even if no one will smell it except him, he’s gonna do it.
He’s so protective of you, and if something tiny hurts you or makes you upset...
Someone was rude to you? He’s screaming at them.
Someone tries to hurt or touch you? You’ve got to hold him back to stop him from ripping that person apart limb from limb.
All that x100 when he’s approaching his rut.
One person accidentally bumps into you? He takes it as passive aggressiveness even if they’re very apologetic about it.
You stub your toe on a table? He’s smashed the table and burnt it then thrown the ashes in the ocean. 
If you’re sad about something he can’t beat up, he feels horrible. He’s not the best at comforting people, so he’s just grabbing onto you and not letting go, telling you how much he loves and cares for you, and just how amazing you make his life feel.
If you don’t give him enough attention, he gets really huffy, and it gets worse leading up to his rut. 
You lifted your hands from his head to reach for your buzzing phone? He’s already whining and pouting and begging you to give him more head-pats again.
He’ll leave hints asking for you to make a nest, usually saying things like “Our bed needs some changing, don’t you think?” “Don’t you wish our space was more personalized?” 
If you don’t get the hint, he’ll be very sad, and he thinks you’re rejecting him. So you’d better be good at reading into things and realizing he’s approaching mating season and wants you to build a nest.
He comes home one day and sees you piled blankets, pillows, and dirty clothes in the living room, sprayed with his cologne and you’re cologne and/or perfume. He pulls you into his arms and spins around with you, giggling and laughing.
He’s so happy you made a nest for the two of you. 
He starts putting pretty shiny things he likes around the nest. Your toothbrush went missing and you found it in the mountain that was your nest.
Once, you were in desperate need of a clean shirt, and the only clean shirt you could find was in the nest. So you picked it up to put it on, and two seconds later, Keigo was in front of you, hands in your shirt, staring at you with such a fierce intensity, you felt almost like a villain.
He was very mad at you for taking things from your shared nest.
He leaves feathers all around the penthouse, but they’re all piled mostly around the nest, they’re for your protection so don’t try and throw them away.
He also gets really noisy, so he’ll be ‘singing’ and squawking and cooing constantly. He feels really bad about it so he might get you some noise-blocking headphones for when he’s screeching into the sky in the dead of night about how “THIS IS MY FUCKING TERRITORY Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS STAY AWAYYYY!”
You really think bird’s springtime songs are about love? Nah he’s mostly screaming about how he’s gonna fuck his partner and how the neighborhood  practically belongs to him.
Someone called the police once, tired of all the shouting, but the officers backed off when they saw who was doing all the shouting. Most of your neighbors are used to the screaming during early spring.
Rut End-game
On the third and second to last day before his rut, he gets a sudden burst of energy and an increased appetite. He refuses to eat anything unless you’ve made it though, so let’s best hope you can cook at least a little.
When he was younger, his hungry times before his rut were spent either eating anything and everything he can get his hands on. The commission broke that behavior very quickly though, so he’d starve himself before his rut, which would result in him getting very sick from a lack of energy and sustenance. That plus the extreme arousal was a recipe for pain and suffering.
So when you noticed he suddenly stopped eating, you insisted on making food for him, telling him that you wouldn’t let him go hungry ever. That was the first rut in years that didn’t feel like torture.
You’re cooking almost all the time, and he’s constantly eating everything you give him, running around from room to room while he waits for his next meal. He’s basically a hobbit.
In the last day or two before his rut, he suddenly has no energy, and starts getting hot and cold flashes. He’s sniffling, curled up in your shared nest, dirty tissues surrounding him. He comes in and out of consciosness, and when he’s awake, he’s whining and complaining about exhaustion and aches.
Physical Changes
Most of these happen in the last few days leading up to his rut, so it’ll be very sudden. These physical changes is what causes the extreme hunger and sickness.
His feathers darken several shades, and they become super sensitive. They also seem to grow in size, so when you cuddle, you’re smothered by them more than usual.
He also gains an extra couple inches in height, so expect some teasing now that he’s just that little bit taller. His hair also gets thicker and stronger, that’s so you can pull on it when he fucks you.
His nails get longer and darker, and they’re impossible to file or cut. So when he holds you and touches you, he often scratches you on accident. He’s really apologetic about it, but honestly you could totally paint his nails and pretend they’re acrylics if you’re into that.
His teeth get sharper, and he starts biting you just for fun. Bites your finger, hand, wrist, neck, even your nose. He underestimated just how strong his teeth are, and he made you bleed first time he bit you.
His whole body is very sensitive, so head-pats, back rubs, wings, and even his touching his feet can get him to the verge of cumming.
his tongue is longer, and it’s a whole lot stronger. He could probably carry a full plastic water bottle with his tongue (which isn’t a lot, but for a tongue it’s very much a lot).
His voice drops a whole octave and a half- mans is sounding almost like Corpse now. Maybe Markiplier? Anyways, if you’ve got a voice kink, you’re in luck
His dick changes too, it gets bigger, and he grows a lump at the base of it, between his shaft and balls. His balls get smaller until they’re barely noticable beneath what he calls him ‘knot.’
His eyes become sharper too, so don’t try and hide anything from him. 
Everyone already knows Keigo has a breeding kink, but he hasn’t brought it up with you until now. It just kind of- happens. As he’s drilling into you, he suddenly starts blabbering about fucking a kid into you, and how hot you’d look all round with his kids. Might be a little weird for those of you who physically cannot give birth to children (my lovely AMABS and infertile AFABS). 
He can’t control it, so it’s especially weird if you don’t even want kids. If you can get pregnant, you’d better double check that you’re taking your birth control. And get to know some good clinics just in case.
However, if you do want kids, if you want to start a biological family woth Keigo, fuck. You will not be able to handle his happiness and horniness in that moment when you beg him to get you pregnant.
He is going to mark you up. Hickies, bruises, hand prints, bite marks, plus his scent. He needs everyone to know that you are his. He wants to claim you, make sure you know you belong to him. No one else can have you but him.
Halfway through your fuckfest, he starts making animalistic noises. He’s growling, roaring, whining, chirping, etc. This is around the time when he stops thinking about you, so he’ll really rough you up during this phase.
This man was a virgin before you, so this is also the first rut he’s ever going to have with another person, so he’ll hold himself back a lot. He needs you to reassure him at every step, tell him how good you feel, how you want him to fuck you, how not only are you okay with him going all out, you want him too.
Did he just cum? You think you’re finished? HA! No way in fucking hell is he finished after one, two, five, ten... so many rounds. He just keeps going and going and going and how the fuck is he still hard? He cums so fucking quickly, so much, and then keeps going.
When he finally does go soft, his whole personality changes. it’s like he didn’t just fuck you stupid. He immediately goes into ‘protect’ mode, which includes cuddles, him spoon-feeding you, petting you like a dog, and singing to you.
He puts the nest near a window so he can keep an eye out for possible threats. Just like “gotta keep mate safe. Is that the mailman? NO FUCK NO GET OUT OF HEREEEE!” 
One moment, he’s fucking you, and the next he’s leaning halfway out the window, screaming at some poor dude walking his dog. Remember, he’s still naked. You learned your lesson after that and kept the windows locked, and warned the neighbors to stay out of sight of the window, at least for the time being.
You’re going to feel very dirty, because he does not want you cleaning off the sweat, cum, and tears from your body. He likes that you smell like him, and you washing it off makes him feel rejected. 
He’s going to break a lot of things, so move pictures and vases into another room and lock the fuck out of that room. Or else he will break all of it.
He thinks any clothes you’re wearing are mocking him, so wear clothes you hate when his rut starts, then get used to being naked for a couple days. 
Oh yeah, his whole rut lasts one to five days. He’s fucking you for about three days on average.
He fucks you until you faint, and then keeps going until he’s out of ‘fuck’ mode and into ‘protect’ mode. A few times, he fucked you unconscious in the middle of the afternoon and then kept fucking you until the sun rose. 
Yeah, he’s got that much energy.
Don’t worry, during the whole time, he lets out pheromones with a strong vanilla-chocolaty scent that keeps your body and mind relaxed. 
There’ve been times when he’s just fucking into you and your water bottle is just out of reach.
During his rut, he has no shame. Let’s hope your walls are soundproofed, or else your neighbors will all know how he fucks you. 
He will not restrain you or hurt you in any way during his rut. So no degredation, no collars or chains, the only thing keeping you in the nest is his weight on top of you.
He gets upset if you try to touch yourself, things it’s you trying to tell him that he’s not satisfying you enough. 
He wants you to cum as many times as him, which is difficult because of his increased sensitivity, so he’s using every skill he knows to get you cumming again and again and again.
Most of the time, he’s going hard, rough, and spilling absolute filth from his cock and mouth, but in the last few hours of his rut, he suddenly gets emotional.
He’s rocking up against you, holding you close to his body and blabbering about you
How much he loves you
How good you make him feel
How he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side for his rut
How you’re his mate for life
How he’ll protect you and keep you safe.
Please be gentle with him, he’s very vulnerable near the end of his rut, and he’ll cry very easily.
When he’s nearing his last load, he makes out with you sloppily, trying to talk as he shoves his tongue down your throat.
He finishes off by  pushing his knot all the way inside you, and stays there for an hour.
This is the softest moment, and he’s covering your body in kisses. 
His knot pushes these small eggs inside you, and you have the lovely job of pushing them all out the next day. 
Post Rut
When his knot deflates, he finally pulls out and starts cleaning you off. 
He’ll carry you around and finally gives you a bath, constantly making sure you’re okay.
He’ll give you lots of massages and he’ll cook for you. He’s constantly thanking you for helping him, telling you he didn’t deserve it.
Just kiss him on the cheek, tell him you had fun, and that you love him so very very much.
He needs the most reassurance now than ever before.
He’s also very tired, so you’ll be taking care of each other.
Then his ‘post-rut’ resets, and he sleeps for hours.
Then he gets super hungry, and the two of you make huge meals and just kinda binge eat for a day or two.
Then his physical changes go back to normal, and you have a happy lil bird boy who simps for you so hard
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Curious Gazes
prompt: [CEO!Harry] four times harry has been spotted by employees being very unlike his demeanor at work.
word count: 4.3 k
warnings: harry is an asshole to everyone but is wife and baby.
**** <-- click for visuals throughout the story. ( because i love showing off how dumb rich harry is - i mean he’s a billionaire ffs)
notes: thanks so much for the love on the first part. I will be writing quite a bit for this trope. the next addition will be all smut. love you, enjoy.
Harry has over a hundred-thousand full-time employees. He has nearly ten-thousand at his London office at all times. The skyscraper was beautiful with clear glass, a reflective grey tone, and the structure screamed modern. It has eighty-three floors.
So with that being said, Harry does not know even one third of the people who work in the building nor does he want to. He couldn’t pick them out of a line-up if he tried. 
However, having so many employees in the city means his staff members are bound to catch sight of their boss pretty often outside of the office.
Sarah, Lucielle, Jack, and Anya - all from the customer service department of Styles Media and Marketing Inc. - are all out to dinner. They decided to go all out and dish out a hefty amount to eat at Il Nascondiglio Segreto. It was a reservation they had made nearly a month ago.
As they’re enjoying their appetizer, Lucielle nearly chokes on her oyster, “Holy shit. It’s Harry,” She whispers, nodding her head in the direction she was staring with bulging eyes.
They all can’t help but turn subtly, a perfect vantage point from where they’re sat right across the way from the group of employees. Their boss was dressed in a bit more casual - not by much - attire than he’d worn to the office earlier that Friday afternoon.
He had an open blazer with a white, nearly see-through button up. Their eyes nearly jumping out of their skulls when they spot his butterfly tattoo sitting on right below his sternum. Jack’s hawk eyes catch that he has a name in cursive on his left pec. 
Plus his normal tailored suit trousers were replaced with tight skinny jeans that hugged his crotched - making it unmistakable that he was well….endowed. Hair was no longer as styled and curled. Laying more carelessly on his shoulders. ****
But what was the most absurd thing they saw him wearing was a smile. His lips were curled up in a large, white grin that was big enough to cause little wrinkles around his eyes. 
His hand intertwined with his wife’s until they arrived at their table, pulling out her chair for her, landing a soft kiss on her cheek before sitting down in his across from her.
He automatically puts an open palm halfway across the table and his date places her’s right on top of it. Her large engagement ring and wedding band sparkling in the low lighting in the restaurant. They were holding hands over the table.
The group had never actually seen the women they deemed Cruella Deville. They had envisioned his wife with bleach blonde hair, fake tits, and fish lips complimented with botox that made it so her forehead didn’t move.
But they were met with a beautiful, natural one instead. She had gorgeous curled locks trailing down her back, light neutral makeup with normal sized lips, small creases where they should be. 
Her body was natural as well, breasts pushed up in a bra but obviously not manufactured by the way they sat, a bit of a pouch around her midsection - a telltale sign from her recent pregnancy, and a radiant smile to match her husband’s. 
They looked so happy and in love.
She was dressed short, polka-dotted black dress with a pair of simple black shoes. She complimented with with a bright red lip which stood out against the dark fabric. ***
It’s not that they didn’t look like a match - she was absolutely stunning. It just wasn’t who they imagined for the boss they despised ninety percent of the time.
The group can’t keep their eyes off the couple - subtly, of course - for their whole time at the restaurant.
Harry was laughing loudly - different sound than when he laughed without a humor at bumbling, nervous employees.
It was light and higher pitched - but still gravely low; smooth like honey as his wife matches his laughs.
At one point, after their meal arrives - Harry offers her a spoonful of his food, playfully complaining that she took too big of a bite - but then immediately offering her more right after.
When she excused herself to the bathroom, Lucille catches Harry’s sneaky hand reaching out to give her backside a quick grope which earns him a warning glance that has him snickering.
Anya who was in the restroom nearly runs into her, Y/N apologizes instantly, “I’m sorry! Wasn’t watching where I was going! Are you alright?”
Anya nods, a bit at a loss of words, talking to Harry Styles' wife, “I’m okay, thank you.”
“I swear I have two left feet,” Y/N jokes, complimenting her dress before disappearing into a stalls. A completely lovely girl.
It’s pathetic but the group lingers around to watch their boss’s full dinner date. It was creepy but they were just so stunned at the man that was sitting by them.
The couples behavior had turned more flirty by this point, Y/N’s eyelashes fluttering at little bit more at her husband, her giggles flowing more often with licks to her lips. 
By the clenched fist on the table, Harry seems to be falling prey to the teasing. 
But when his wife whispers something - that must have been filthy - and leans forward so her cleavage is displayed more, Harry’s pulling out his wallet, pulling an absurd amount of bills out and throwing them carelessly on the table.
Y/N’s eyes are twinkling in victory as her husband stands and helps her out of her chair - ever the gentlemen.
It doesn’t seem very gentlemen like though when his hand comes to the very lowest point on the small of her back -  pushing her into him. He leans down to murmur something into her ear before landing a damp, way too intimate for public kiss to her jaw and then throat.
In turn, she looks up at him with a mischievous tilt of her lip and a challenging raised brow. You could cut their sexual tension with a knife.
Y/N lifts up on her toes to kiss him before grabbing his hand and guiding him out of the establishment quickly - his eyes glued to her bum the whole time.
Jack breaks the bated silence, with a bewildered chortle, “What the fuck was that?”
Sarah sips her wine, “Maybe he has a twin? Like a good twin? And he’s the evil one.”
They all laugh and finish up their desserts. 
Kasey and Tom - from Human Resources - are out for the day. It was a week before Mother’s Day and they were both scrambling for a gift at the shops.
Harrod’s was nearly empty as they had came in a few minutes after the store opened. Kasey had gotten distracted from her mission and was trying on shoes. 
There was a 40% off sale and she wasn’t passing that up.
Tom had wondered off to the electronics department very soon after the first five shoeboxes arrived next to her chair.
“Pink!” Kasey hears a high-pitched baby voice squeal with utter delight. She looks up to see a curly haired toddler pointing at a pair of pink baby shoes.
The little girl had the cutest denim dress on with white stripes ***, white tights on, and white Mary Janes. When Kasey looked closer she realized the Gucci emblem was on the dress - holy shit, she didn’t even know Gucci made baby clothes.
“Daddy, please?” The toddler asks in a sweet, small voice looking to the approaching man who scoops her up in the crook of his elbow.
“Ivy, y’can’t run away from daddy. Do you understand me?” 
Kasey’s eyes widen as she recognizes that deep, raspy voice. It was her boss, Harry Styles, and with his little mini who looked like a cherub angel.
“No run, daddy,” Ivy grins up at him, looking for approval.
The slightly stern look dissipates from his face into a softer, relaxed smile at his daughter’s words. He kept her close against his chest.
“Daddy, please?” She piques up again, pointing at the small shoes on the wall.
“Y’want those shoes?” Harry asks, nodding towards the pink sneakers.
Ivy nods before pointing at the other shoes next to it, “All, please?”
Despite her father not having any manners in the slightest, his daughter seemed to have excellent etiquette.
Harry chuckles, smoothing a stray curl down from her forehead, “Y’want a pair of all these shoes?”
Ivy nods with wide doe eyes and one of her dimples popping in her left cheek. 
“Y’mother’s going to kill me,” Kasey hears Harry mutter before waving a sales associate over.
“Good to see you, Mr. Styles - I’m Tracey. What can I help you with?”
Of course they knew him by name. He was by the looks of it one of their most appreciated customers, figuring he rarely wears the same thing twice.
“Can I please get a pair of all these shoes in a toddler’s size three? And can you please ring them up for me? Thank you,” Harry asks, his voice taking on the executive and firm tone with the associate who nods and turns on her heel.
“Daddy? Kissy?” The girl asks her father, her little palm patting his cheek and she’s puckering her pink lips.
“Yes baby,” Harry obliges, giving her a peck before blowing a raspberry on her cheek. He tugs down her dress that’s ridden up in true parent fashion.
As they’re waiting, Harry continues to talk to his daughter, “Y’know pet, we came here to shop for mumma for mother’s day. Y’always manage to get something out of it, hmm?”
“Mummy?” Ivy squawks, repeating her father’s word. 
“Yes, mummy. I think she’s really going to like the necklace we picked out,” Harry taps at her nose, his eyes just read love and amazement for his little girl.
Kasey was dumbfounded. 
This man had literally stormed into their offices yesterday, frustration seeping into his loud tone as he asked the room of employees if it was a lady's brunch club or a place of employment when he hadn’t gotten a report on his desk at a certain time.
They’d all stuttered and apologized but Harry had already slammed the door of his way out - the doorframe shaking. A nasty email being sent to their inboxes mere minutes later.
“Mr. Styles? We are out of two of the pairs,” The saleswoman appears and tells him, tablet now in hand.
Harry’s voice is calm but he looks her dead in the eye, “Do you not know how to ship them to a house? I don’t have time for this nonsense.”
She begins to apologize, pulling up a page of her tablet, “Your total comes to £6,309.45 for the shoes.”
Kasey’s eyes nearly pop from her head at the total but Harry merely blinks and states, “Charge it to my Amex on file.”
“Would you like me to add on the items you picked up downstairs? That would bring your total to £ 213,088.79. The necklace *** will be shipped within the next two weeks and will need to be signed for at your doorstep by an authorized person of your choosing, they’ll need to provide identification to certify their identity.”
“I need the necklace by next Sunday- it’s my daughter’s Mother’s Day gift to her mum - hence the pink diamonds,” Harry states to the woman like she’s stupid.
Did that woman just say that amount? And did Harry not even bat an eyelash at it. 
Kasey’s brain couldn’t really comprehend it.
“Expedited shipping on this item would be…” Tracey looks down at her tablet and taps a few buttons, “It will be an extra £3,219 for expedited shipping as it’s coming from Swittzerland.” 
Harry is distracted for a moment as Ivy is wriggling until Harry puts her down. Kasey didn’t see that he had a plush doll tucked in between his jeans and belt on his back.
“Baby doll,” Ivy pokes at her father’s thigh, too short to reach her toy. 
Harry tugs it out and hands it to her, “Stay right here, Vee.”
Ivy unceremoniously plops on the ground next to her father’s leather boot while he confirms the purchases and signs off on them.
It was cute - the plush baby doll she was playing with was ratty, worn, and very visibly loved. It seems as if it’s been her favorite toy for a while.
After finishing up with Tracey, Kasey sees him slip her a few bills for her trouble and lugs Ivy back up onto his hip.
“Shake, daddy?” Ivy lisps hopefully, green eyes sparkling up at her father’s. 
Harry lets out a chuckle, “No, baby. It’s only ten in the morning, y’can’t have a milkshake. Let go home, maybe mumma will make us some blueberry pancakes if we give her lots of kisses?”
“Mummy,” Ivy agrees happily, her plush held tightly against her chest.
“She’s going to love your gift, darlin’, even though y’the best gift we’ve ever got,” Harry murmurs lovingly, pressed a warm kiss to his daughter’s cheek.
Tom has wandered back to the shoe department, eyes unfortunately meeting his boss’ right away - widen with surprise.
Harry’s eyes narrow when he finds Tom staring, “Can I help y’mate?”
“Uh-no! Sorry, just, erm, I work for you?” Tom stutters stupidly at his annoyed employer who currently has his toddler trying to pulls his sunglasses off the top of his head.
“Then I’d recommend, if you’d like it to stay that way, you mind your own damn business,” Harry bites out with a warning tone, unnecessarily rude.
Ivy doesn’t seem bothered, delighted when she tugs the shades off his head and attempts to put them on. She begins huffing as she struggles and Harry gently takes them and slides them on for her.
Tom nods, still baffled, and scurries over to Kasey. 
They both glance back when their boss isn’t looking. He hears him murmur softly, “Let’s go see mummy.”
“Pancakes?” Ivy chirps, looking at her dad for confirmation.
“Anythin’ for you, my little love,” Harry agrees, starting to walks to the elevator to the entrance of the store. 
Tom and Kasey look at each other with unexplainable expressions as they watch their asshole of a boss clearly wrapped around a toddler’s finger. 
“Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” Savannah hears from beside her on the park bench. 
She looks up to see a beautiful, young woman looking to be around her age looking at her expectantly. She has a backpack on her shoulders and a curly-haired toddler on her hip.
“Nope! You’re good!” Savannah replies kindly, moving over to make room on the bench for her to sit.
“Awesome, thank you. I’m Y/N and this is Ivy. Say ‘hi’,” Y/N prompts her daughter with a nudge.
Ivy puts on a beaming smile, white little blocky teeth on display, “Hi.”
“I’m Savannah and the little brunette boy in the green shirt is mine - his name’s Flynn.”
“Tell her how old you are, baby,” Y/N smiles, always trying to get her daughter to socialize as much as possible.
“Two!” Ivy giggles before impatiently squirming, “Mummy, play.”
Y/N laughs, “Just as impatient as your father. Go on, stay where mumma can see you, please.”
Ivy nods before speeding off towards the little jungle-gym to automatically start playing with the little group of kids.
“I wish I had their energy,” Y/N sighs, tugging a water bottle out of her backpack. 
Savannah was obsessed with everything gucci - even though she couldn’t afford anything - so when she spots the flashy bag, she can’t help but ask, “Is that a custom Gucci monogram multipack?”***
Y/N takes a sip before answering, “Yeah, my husband gave it to me as a gift on ‘national stay at home mum day’ - which I don’t even think is a real thing. He just knows I’ll chew him out if he buys me things like this without reason.”
They both laugh, Savannah can’t help but glance over the woman a little bit closer. She had a ratty, vintage tee on, plain black leggings, and a pair of black Nikes on - nothing that screamed over the top.
But then she spots the engagement ring *** on her finger. Savannah thought it looked so extravagant it almost looked fake. But the way the faucets reflect so magnificently in the sunshine makes her sure it’s real.
“What was that?” Savannah snaps back, realizing she hadn’t heard what Y/N was saying - too busy deciding how much money she had which wasn’t right when the girl was being so friendly.
“Oh, just - do you know any mum groups around here? I was in a group but all they liked to do was gossip and bitch. And I think Ivy heard the word ‘cunt’ one too many times from them.”
Savannah barks out a laugh, Y/N turns out to be extremely funny and friendly. She has a bit of a foul mouth and a quick wit but is a good listener.
“And so I said to the dude -“ Y/N cuts off when her phone rings, digging it out and answering, “Hi H, yeah. The one with the big purple slide, okay.”
When she hangs up, she tells her new friend, “My husband is stopping by really quick. He has a business dinner later and won’t see Ivy before her bedtime. Or me before my bedtime,” Y/N laughs.
“That’s so nice of him!” Savannah says, knowing her husband enjoyed when everyone was asleep by the time he came home. Would never go out of his way like Y/N’s husband would.
Y/N says with a smile in her eyes, “Yeah, he’s really good to us.”
They continue to chat until they hear a loud engine revving into the car park, Y/N rolls her eyes and mutters, “Of course, he brings the loudest car today.”
A vintage car swings into a spot and Savannah nearly gasps at who exits the car and begins to stride towards them. No one other than her boss. 
The man who had her doing her job by the book and when one hair fell out of place he knew right away. 
The man who she avoided at all cost possibly - taking the stairs so she doesn’t have to be in the elevator with his intimidating presence.
It took her a minute to connect the dots. Y/N was married to Harry? Harry was Ivy’s dad? It through her through a loop - Y/N was just - so nice. 
But it does explain all the gucci and the massive diamond ring. She did happen to work for a fucking billionare. Y/N didn’t come off as a billionaire or a billionaire’s wife.
‘Holy shit, this is wild,’ Savannah thought.
Harry makes his way over to the bench, Y/N standing up to hug him. Harry kisses her softly with a large palm coming to slip under the back of her shirt to rub at her bare back.
Uh - this man was being loving and affectionate? Proving all Savannah's preconceived notions about him wrong. Mostly that he was a robot.
“Hi darlin’, have a good day?” Harry asks his wife, still holding onto her and tugging her into his side - looking to Ivy who was obliviously - playing on the swing.
“Mmm, don’t want you to go tonight,” Yn/Ngroans dramatically, squeaking when Harry playfully pinches her side.
“Tell me and I won’t go,” He murmurs with surprising sincerity against his wife’s cheek, smiling when Ivy lets out a loud, carefree giggle with her new friends.
“Oh! I’m being rude. This is Savannah, Savannah this is my husband Harry,” Y/N introduces the two, unknowing of their connection.
Savannah swallows harshly and gives him a timid wave, “Hello.”
Harry shows no recognition that he knows her but gives her a curt nod and rasps out a “hello.” 
Y/N rolls his eyes at her husband, patting his toned stomach, “He’s always a little crabby after work,” She jokes as he smirks at her - he’s rarely ever crabby with his wife and they both know it.
After work? How about from the time he stepped foot through the lobby doors everyday? He only had one mode at work - crabby.
“It’s ok-“
“Daddy!” A squeal interrupts them, a blur of brunette curls crashing into her father’s legs - full force with excitement.
Harry is bending down and tucking her into his arms for a hug, “Hi baby, y’bein’ so good for mumma?”
His tone had shifted into a low, relaxed drawl that Savannah had never heard. His words are kind and caring towards his daughter.
“Good for mumma,” Ivy parrots her father, dimples popping as she pushes at Harry’s face when he attacks her with kisses.
“You taste so good I could eat yah!” Harry growls playfully, Ivy giggling delightedly at her fathers antics until her cheeks are flushed pink with laughter.
“Swings, daddy,” Ivy motions with green doe eyes. Grass and mud stains the outfit her mother had dressed her in - cute striped overalls with a white tee underneath  *** and little sneakers ****.
“Oh dove, I wish I could. I have to go back to work,” Harry frowns, his thumb coming to caress her sweaty cheekbone.
Her brows furrowed and her full pink lips turned down - Savannah has to contain a laugh by how much she looks like her father with the displeased grimace on her face.
“No, no, Daddy,” Ivy argues adamantly, her eyes brimming with sad tears.
“Vee, c’mon, my love. I’ll be home later,” Harry soothes, starting to rock her from side to side to calm her.
But Ivy is in her terrible twos and doesn’t like the word ‘no.’
Y/N comes up to her husband’s side, tucking a hand into his back pocket to rest. 
“Ivy Elizabeth, we need to let your father go. Come to mummy now, please,” Her mother asks in a soft but firm tone.
“No!” Ivy absolutely shrieks with a awfully high pitch, “No mummy, daddy swings!”
The couple shares a look before Y/N is gathering her backpack on her shoulder, looking back to Savannah, “Hey! Text me, it’s about nap time for this one.”
Savannah agrees and gives them both a wave off as Harry totes his tantruming toddler to a sleek, teal SUV. It takes her a moment to scoff internally - off course it’s a Bentley ***.
And because Savannah can’t help but be nosey she googles the price of the car and quickly locks her screen when she sees the base price is £ 210,000.
Harry is planting little pecks on his daughter’s face and murmuring to her until her tears have dried up and she’s laughing at her dad once again.
After Harry straps her into the car seat and shuts the door, he gently pushes his wife back against it. His body is crowding hers, arm over her shoulder against the car.
The talk for a moment before Harry’s ducking down to pull a few kisses from her lips before she’s giggling and pushing him off.
Savannah couldn’t wait to tell the old women at in her customer relations department tomorrow.
Cassie didn’t mind Harry actually. She made his coffee nearly every morning and she secretly knew he was the one who left those hefty tips.
She’d fumbled over his orders a few times when she’d started and apologized profusely but Harry had just looked up from his phone and said, “S’fine.”
Yeah, that’s not much but compared to some of the horror stories she hears, but she was grateful for another reason.
One day he had found her crying in a empty corridor that he used to walk to his car at the end of his day.
“Y’alright?” Her boss asks gruffly, pausing to look down at her - no clear emotion on his face.
Cassie nods sheepishly, “M’sorry, I’m just really stressed out.”
Harry’s eyes flash a tad darker, “Is Carole giving you trouble?” 
Carole was her manager.
“N-no. I got declined for my school financial aid. If I don’t come up with the money I’ll have to drop out. I-I have a son and I do-don’t have the money to go without help.”
Harry doesn’t say anything, rustling into the inner pocket of his suit and fishing out something - a checkbook.
He clicks the pen and moves his hand quickly across the pad before ripping it out and handing it to her, “Good luck and use the extra on your family. Don’t go spreading it around that I did this.”
Cassie goes to thank him or refuse it but when she looks back up from the check he’s already striding away down the hallway away from her.
She lets out a loud sob as she sees a check written for £150,000 right in front of her.
Cassie still works at the Starbucks part-time while attending college with the help of her secretly kind boss.
The extra money she’s stowed away in an education fund for her son after he graduates. 
Anyways, she was at Man U football game that she got invited to with her boyfriend - Jacob. His dad won tickets for box seats from his work in a raffle.
Cassie soon realized that their box was right by the Styles Media and Marketing one. The way they were placed, she could see right into their area.
It was just Harry and a woman in there. 
They were obviously a couple and this was the Cruella Deville. Cassie didn’t refer to her as that as she had a bit of a different perspective of the man.
His wife was sipping on a water bottle and cheering loudly with the rest of the fans. Harry watched her with amusement at her excited behavior, at one point pulling his photo out and snapping a picture of her.
When the exciting bit is over, she seats herself on his lap and wriggles until her back is against his chest - comfortable and cozy.
His large palm comes to cup at her stomach, Cassie now seeing that she is clearly pregnant as he cradles the noticeable bump protectively.
For most of the game, his hand never leaves her belly - rubbing circles with his thumb. His head came to rest on her shoulder to watch the game.
They seem so happy together - giggling and talking animatedly throughout. His wife constantly tilting her head back with her lips puckered requesting kisses that Harry happily supplies each time.
At one point, Cassie witnesses Y/N eat two huge corndogs in a row while her husband watches her with humor in his eye. Then goes on to order her a massive spool of candy floss that he feeds her throughout the game.
It was a late game and it was now in overtime. The clock reads nearly eleven at night. Harry’s wife has dozed off against his shoulder and when he notices he gently rouses her.
As she blinks her eyes open, Harry shucks his jacket of his shoulder and helped her slip it on. They must decide to call it a night because he’s helping her up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and guiding her out of the box.
Cassie never tells anyone that she saw him that night or what he did to help her family.
The End.
Hope you bubbbies enjoyed. Send me requests for this verse. Smut is up next for this trope.
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luveline · 3 years
a special friend, part two [Fred Weasley, George Weasley x reader]
tags: reader-insert, platonic relationships, friendship, can be read as romantic for either or both, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, implied/referenced self-harm, dissociation, quiet reader, shy reader, sad reader
relationships: fred weasley x reader, george weasley x reader
wordcount: 3.2k
read part one here
The common room was always so clean. The house-elves must work themselves half to death with effort, as you never saw a hair or speck of dust where there ought not to be one. The small refreshment table filled and refilled through every new day and the fireplace was always roaring on cold winter nights. It was especially cold that evening, and so the members of Gryffindor house benefited from a crackling fire and hot chocolate coming out of the ears.
You basked in the warmth of the flame, sitting cross-legged before it. A cup of hot chocolate cooled in between your hands, which were both laden with bandaids and germolene. Fred and George’s orders, of course. You were not to scratch, bite or mess in any detrimental way with your hands, arms or skin. If you did, you were to report to them for immediate bandaging.
At first, they’d simply been spelling each wound away. This had an opposite effect, as the freshly healed skin was perfect for picking whenever your mood turned - which was often. You found yourself blinded and basked in the light of being cared for by others, and although you may have preferred complete autonomy over your own body, you couldn’t say you minded the attentiveness of the twins. They’d made it their personal mission to prevent any self-harm, accidental or purposeful. You weren’t sure you even knew the difference half the time.
A quiet had settled over the room. It seemed as though each red and gold student was content to breathe in the smell of chestnut and pine in peaceful, companionable silence. You found yourself smiling kindly at each person who looked your way. You couldn’t imagine having done that before you had become acquainted with the twins.
Acquainted was a word you used to protect yourself. Friendly was too confident, too firm. You sometimes dreamt of horror stories where you, confident and comfortable, admitted how much you cared for them. In these dreams, they laughed in your face. Poked fun at your hope.
Of course, Fred and George weren’t cruel. If they felt that way, they certainly wouldn’t rub it in your face or make you feel embarrassed about it. But some shame never went away, and you carried it like an ever-burning torch.
Despite the pleasant warmth of the room, chills racked your spine at the thought. You pushed it from your head, attempting to think of anything else. You traced a pattern through the braided strands of the rug you were lazing upon, first the flames of a bonfire towering ten feet tall, then a mirror of the powdered sugar landscape outside.
Two warm bodies settled in the carpet on either side of you. A long arm wrapped around your shoulders confidently. The floral scent of your perfume mingled with the strong scent of burning caramel and something woody, the signature fragrance of the Weasley twins.
George moved first, plonking a stuffed toy into your lap. He positioned the neck carefully so that the teddy bear was sat as comfortable as you were.
“For you,” said Fred.
“An early Christmas gift,” George added.
The bear was spotted unusually like some sort of hybrid creature. You wondered where they could possibly have acquired such an artefact.
“We saw him and thought of you,” they said together.
That was rich. And maybe correct. After all, it was a weird looking plushie and you weren’t exactly renowned for your normality. You didn’t say much, simply handing off your cold drink to George without so much as a sideways glance and brought the bear to your face. You grazed your nose against its brown stomach and inhaled, breathing in its clean scent.
Both twins were used to the general quietness that came with your presence and didn’t pressure any response. You knew you should’ve said thank you, or even smiled gratefully, but you just couldn’t make your mouth move the way you wanted. You placed your hand on each brothers leg and applied the barest amount of pressure, hoping it showed gratitude.
“Well, I’m starving.”
“I’m so glad you said so, my brother.”
“Yes, I’m craving something savory, Gred.”
“Something juicy, Forge.”
“Such as?”
You looked between them like a muggle attending a tennis match, back and forth and back and forth. They ran circles around you for their own enjoyment, you assumed, but maybe also to make you feel more included.
“Y/N, fancy a trek to the kitchens?”
Before you could say no, or yes, or make up your mind and decide what it was you wanted to do, your stomach growled. Fred grinned wickedly.
They ushered you out of the portrait hole and down the stairs without preamble, flanking your sides like bodyguards. You didn’t mind, taking time to smile at the castle ghosts and portraits as you went.
The twins shot each other looks when they thought you couldn’t see. One said, how do you think she is? Another said, I think she’s however you think she is. Both said, she seems okay today.
It would feel a little patronizing if it weren’t so foreign - to have people care about your well-being so deeply they made changes to their day to see you and went out of their way to make you feel good; you’d find it condescending if it wasn’t so delightful.
That is to say, you felt conflicted. Happy that somebody cared, ashamed that they also felt concerned. They worried over everything these days, what you ate and what classes you had and oh, ghostie, do you need help with that? Y/N, sweetheart, let me carry that for you, lest your arms grow too tired.
It was… nice. It was nice, even if it was painful. Sometimes, it reminded you why you didn’t allow yourself the pleasure of friendship in the first place.
You hummed to yourself. Making sound had become a little easier. You weren’t inclined to say a whole lot, but allowing yourself to be louder, to take up space, had come easier the longer you spent with them. Neither Fred nor George minded if you huffed after too many stairs or if you clicked gobstones together at the foot of their beds.
The song was one of those cheesy Christmas numbers you’d heard on the radio. It was warm and comforting, bringing tears to your eyes if you thought about it too much. George slipped into song with you easily, humming much more loudly and obnoxiously. Fred just grinned to himself, keeping dutiful watch of the corridors.
You bubbled like a shaken can of coke by the time you arrived at the painting that enclosed the kitchen doorway, feeling too happy for your own good. Despite feeling very hungry, not a lick of fatigue or unhappiness tinged your mood, though the fuzzy numbness of every day threatened your well-being if you stopped to think too long.
The door swung open obediently after your half-hearted tickle insisted upon by the boys.
“What do you feel like, Y/N, sweet or savoury? There’s bound to be something you’ll fancy,” George said.
You held in a grimace. There were lots of things you wanted to try, the kitchens smelled like so many amazing things. The cloying smells of jam and treacle and custard, the hearty scents of gravy and roast dinner. It was too bad, then, that most everything you ate tasted stale. For years, your tastebuds had been slacking. During your worst days, food held no taste at all, resulting in your decreased appetite.
A tingling began in your fingers. You didn’t know what to say, or how to say it, how to convey that you didn’t really feel up to anything at all. You knew they would protest as they always did when you didn’t eat.
“Bread,” you managed. Bread was a safe choice. Dense enough to feel filling, easy to keep down, and bland to begin with.
Both boys were frowning but trying not to at your choice.
George moved forward, catching the attention of a harrowed looking house elf. They conversed with familiarity and soon you were being beckoned to a table that was relatively clear. Within minutes you were surrounded by bread, crusty rolls and sliced sourdough.
George casually nudged a bowl of tomato soup in your direction.
The surface shined with grease. It even had a swirl of cream and a sprig of basil afloat.
He looked at you, eyes pleading.
“You too,” you said.
This appeased him. The boys sat across from you with their own bowls, eating in the horrific way that teenage boys do. By the time they’d finished, you’d managed half of your own meal and two slices of bread. The nausea you experienced from just existing was starting to build, accompanied by the disappointment of your bland meal. You’d hoped an improved mood would help your appetite, but you still felt unsatisfied.
The boys grabbed a passing plate of tarts and ice cream.
Your good mood was wearing thin. You bit down on the tip of your thumb and stared at the grain of the table.
You bit down harder.
“Hey. Hey! Don’t do that,” Fred said, reaching forward as if to grab your hand. You pushed it under the table.
George pushed the plate of confectionary closer to you. “Chew on one of these instead, hm?”
You took it all back - this was patronising. Lovely and thoughtful and very, excruciatingly patronising.
You didn’t want to say no, or push it away, or eat anything else or even laugh it off. You wanted to do nothing. You lay your head down on the table, closing your eyes. You caught a murmur or two between them, though you couldn’t make out the words with your ear pressed so hard against the wood and the other covered by your falling hair. The table was smooth and cool under your skin.
A chair scraped against the floor. Footsteps. A broad hand against your back.
“You’re like a steam train running out of coal sometimes.”
You knew he was hoping for a response, a joke, a sign you’d been cheered up.
Through slow blinks, you could make out his face. Endlessly amused and a little sad, framed by the candlelight. He was beautiful, you thought absently. They were both beautiful.
“You okay?” he said quietly.
“Mm? Is mm a yes or a no?”
“Alright,” he said, rubbing a soothing path up between your shoulder blades and down again. It would’ve been dizzying if you could think straight, it made the numbness a little woozy. You preened beneath his touch like a pleased cat, feeling the unhappiness melt just a little.
It was crazy how affection could make you feel better, even if it didn’t always solve the problem.
Embarrassed, you mumbled, “you’re going to kill me.”
Fred smiled. “How so?”
“You’re fattening me up like a lamb to slaughter.”
He didn’t quite laugh, huffing through his nose. He really was very handsome up close. His hair was curling at just below his ears, a lush auburn colour that complemented his pale, freckle adorned skin. His eyes were a heart-melting brown so that his pupils were lost. The look he gave you was searing like he knew exactly what you were thinking about him. Your ears were tinged with heat, cheeks filling with colour.
He retracted his hand.
“Wrap some of those up, Georgie. Ghostie needs her bed.”
“It shall be done, brother mine!”
You smiled despite yourself.
For your birthday, the twins had gifted you a simple necklace. The chain was silver, reaching to just below your collar bone. It had no charm or jewel. It was perfect.
It helped you sometimes when you felt out of it to run it between two fingers or tug it gently from left to right, feeling the chain links rolling behind your neck.
You’d tried that, among every other coping mechanism drilled into your head by George and Fred over the past few weeks. You drew circles were you wanted to scratch, put plasters over fingertips you wanted to pick at. You took big breaths and did the stretches George insisted on. You even tried getting a full night’s sleep - nothing worked.
It filled you with guilt. You felt as though you were letting them both down by struggling.
You stared out the window of the dormitory at the sky, moonlight spilling onto your skin and staining your clothes a gauzy silver. You’d read once that sometimes when the planets were in rotation, you could see them as though they were as close as the moon.
This didn’t seem right to you. How could Mars seem so close? It was an optical illusion. The planets revolved around the sun, but humans had once thought they revolved around Earth instead.
It must’ve been a very strange experience to realise you weren’t as important as you thought. The Earth was just the Earth, spinning and wobbling its path through space.
You shook your head, feeling lost. It was ridiculous to project your feelings on the solar system. But still, you couldn’t help but feel like, despite its inhabitants and its systems, the Earth was so lonely.
Your necklace began to grow cold until it was almost like ice against your skin. One of the twins, or maybe both, had charmed it to change temperature. Cold usually meant, ‘Ghostie, you awake?’
You cringed against the sensation. Why couldn’t they booty call you like normal young men, throwing stones at your window with a boom box? Or, for merlin’s sake, an owl?
You grumbled to yourself, throwing the fleece blanket from your body. You were hardly dressed for company in knickers and a tank top, so you threw on a grey zip-up jacket and a pair of pyjama shorts that were hardly any better than the knickers. Luckily the jacket hung past the shorts. You wanted to care that you were dressed scantily, really, but the boys wouldn’t care and you didn’t have it in you to find something else.
You trekked down the stairs, your trainer socks slippery against the well-worn wood. Fred stretched languidly in front of the fireplace, a pack of exploding snap cards and a mountain of chocolate frogs beside him whilst George was sitting much more straight-backed on the sofa.
“I’m cold,” you said, announcing your arrival. The redheads turned to look at you over their shoulders. Fred rolled his eyes at you and flicked his wand. The necklace slowly heated until it was pleasantly warm against your collarbones.
You clambered over the back of the sofa with little grace, folding your knees underneath you and leaning heavily against George’s arm. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“If I were a lesser man, I’d ask where your bottoms were, Y/L/N,” said Fred, shuffling the cards dexterously.
You raised your jacket wordlessly, exposing your bottoms.
“Wouldn’t you know, they were there the whole time.”
“You assumed the same as me, George.”
George didn’t reply, though his expression said he was similarly embarrassed.
“And do you always let girls you presume to be half-naked climb all over you?” you asked.
“So talkative,” George chastened.
“Don’t change the subject! I’m interested in the answer,” said Fred.
“Oh shove off! You insufferable tyrants.”
Ah, so he knows how it feels now, you thought. You looked up into his face, the line of his jaw.
You looked down at your legs, feeling fatigued. Smooth stretches of skin and fine hair interrupted only by thin white lines. The low light made them almost impossible to see. They shined like silver when you moved, caught by the light of a nearby candle. They felt a lifetime away now when a young you had used pins and quills and little carving knives to punish yourself for bad behaviour.
You traced a slightly thicker one with a pointed fingernail. You pushed it nastily into the scar, but it didn’t hurt.
You sighed.
Fred and George were half arguing about something you didn’t catch, Fred through a mouthful of chocolate.
It was hard, always being miserable. People often criticized the moody for ruining the mood, but it wasn’t as if you could choose how to be. You wanted to wake each day and be happy and entertaining and absurdly good-natured, like the twins. It was an abject cruelty, then, that every day you woke up and felt the immeasurable dread of continuing on another day. Not even magic could help you with that.
You rejected Fred’s offer to play, happy to sit and watch the boys play. You let yourself slide into the space George had vacated, curling into a tight ball. Your stomach hurt.
Godric, there was always something fucking wrong with you.
You were frustrated. The boys could tell. Their game of snap was stretched thin, and you knew it was your fault. You wrinkled your nose at the smell of singed hair, restless. You squirmed against the warm leather under your skin, feeling sticky and out of sorts.
You closed your eyes against the aching and slept.
You woke up crying.
Fred shifted in his sleep. He was leaning against your legs, his hair and face smushed into the leather beneath you. George was facedown in the carpet. You pressed a hand to your mouth to muffle any sound.
The clock on the wall read 4 minutes past 4 o’clock in the morning. You’d only managed an hour and a half of sleep.
You couldn’t remember what you’d been dreaming. Maybe somewhere familiar. Faces you recognized. It didn’t matter, only the feeling of being crushed by the air. You reached out without thinking, grabbing Fred’s shoulder.
He roused gracelessly, blinking through squinted eyes at you. A hard sob rocked you to the core, the feeling of breathlessness sinking deep into your chest.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting?”
You couldn’t answer. You grasped for his arm, begging him to do something, to save you. You felt as though you were going to run out of air.
“Hey, you’re alright. You’re okay. Let’s breathe, should we? Breathe with me.” He grabbed the hand you’d pushed over your mouth and brought it to his chest. You could feel him take a huge inhale and you tried your best to replicate it.
“Good! That’s good. You’re doing so well.” Another big breath, a long exhale.
“You feel that? The leather under you.” He grabbed your free hand and put it on the seat. “Feels weird, huh? Dimples and wrinkles.” He dragged your hand over the texture repeatedly.
A big breath.
Eventually, your breathing returned. The crying stayed.
“Don’t cry, ghost.”
You frowned. It was odd to be looking down at Fred instead of up. He pressed your hand tighter to his chest.
“Bad dream?”
“Don’t remember,” you whispered.
“It was just a dream. You’re okay. I promise.”
George snored. Fred rolled his eyes. You laughed through the tears, blinking the last of them away.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”
You knew he was telling the truth.
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missluckycharms · 3 years
You, Me and Harry make three. Part Two.
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Summary: Joey, Izzy and Harry are in a poly relationship. They're head over heels for one another and they can't seem to keep their hands off each another, even when they really need to.
Harry is the Harry Styles, the man who is known for being so open and lovable. He's nervous to let the world see his girls, what would his fans think If he was dating two girls at the same time? And they all shared the one bed and home? He doesn't want to know, he wants them all to himself.
This small story follows the three and their rendezvous together behind the scenes.
Part One.
Warnings: Switch!Harry, Mommy kink, slight Daddy kink, FxFxM threesome, fingering, oral sex f+m receiving, Male + Female penetrative sex, Female + Female sex, spanking, choking, hair pulling, sneaking around (?) masturbation and mentions of it, degradation kink, praise kink, dirty talking, anal play, biting, polyamorous relationship.
A/N: Izzy and Joey are OCs! Their features will be discussed in this, if you don’t want to envision them how I write them, feel free to use your own images of them! I hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have! Harry Joey and Izzy are now my new babies, and I will protect them with my whole heart 🥺
Word count: 5.3k.
"This place is amazing!"
"If singing on stage gives you this, sign me up for your supporting act H!"
Harry smiles and laughs watching his girls, the pair in awe running about the Italian villa he owns, hidden away amongst shrubbery and gated security, no one only Harry and his team know about this villa, it's a very secret location that Harry has done all he can to not let people find this place. It's not as grand as you would think it would be, a millionaire rockstar having a smallish Italian villa decorated mainly in old vintage Italian furniture, is not something you would hear of very often, most singers would have penthouses with the latest technology and fast cars in the driveway — not Harry, he would take this small secluded villa with a vintage convertible in the driveway over a multi million dollar penthouse with a Lamborghini in the front.
"Recognise the decor?" He asks as they both walk back in, their sunglasses pushed up into their hairs and their summer dresses flowing above their knees, their smiles bright and their arms linked as they look at Harry before them.
"No way! It's the theme we suggested for this place! Look Iz, it's the painting you suggested we buy in the art gallery last time we went to France!"
Joey says tugging Izzys arm and pointing at a large painting on the wall behind the dining table, the silhouette of a woman laying on a sofa with fabric draped over her, the sofa situated on a balcony as the sunset casts down onto her making her dark against the painting, the sunset the main focus as the arch of the balcony door in the golden hues of the sunset seeping in around the room. Harry fell in love with it in the gallery the last time they all took a trip there, Izzy grabbing his hand and pulling him towards where it was being showcased as Joey chatted to the artist about another piece that caught her eye. Harry loved the way Izzy was in awe over this work of art, he knew instantly he needed it somewhere personal and private for them all, he knew this villa he was had being done up would be the perfect place for the painting.
It was all perfect, and Harry loved it.
"I think she looks like Jo, that's why I loved it. See? The curves and the way she's laid out — confident and beautiful, it's our Jo!" Izzy says sweetly, causing Joey to kiss her head and nod for Harry to join them, the three of them all hugging and looking up at the painting, Izzy squished in the middle as Joey and Harry hold onto her with love.
"I think, we should have a wine and pasta night — right way to start our vacation, mmh?" Harry asks kissing the two girls heads, the pair looking at him with all the adoration in the world, his white goggle glasses pushed into his curly hair, his long sleeve white and navy shirt on his torso along with linen white trousers on his legs accompanied by scruffy vans with pink laces on his feet, he looked like art — if they could, they would chose him as the painting for the wall.
"Are you cooking it? Mister pasta chef?" Joey asks teasing him by brushing her nose off his, the pair close to one another as Izzy rests her head on Joey's arm looking at Harry and Joey tease one another with little kisses and lip bites filled with small laughs and breathy moans.
"I'll try my best, how about you two clean up? You both must be worn out and sweaty from our trip here" he says with a wink, kissing the two girls before disappearing off into the kitchen, a near skip in his step as he smiles heading to make dinner for him and his girls.
"I think he was jealous of our bathroom trip" Joey says as Izzy laughs blushing a little, Joey wrapping her arm around her shoulder and kissing her forehead many times as they walk and laugh towards their bedroom, the bathroom awaiting them — much like the bathroom in Harry's private jet did.
As the girls fill up the bathtub, giggles and lavender filled bubbles kissing their skin as they share time together, soft innocent touches and jokes passed back and forth as they washed one another and kissed showing affection amongst many small cuddle sessions that always ended up with Izzy plastering lavender bubbles on Joey's face when she closed her eyes to relax, Joey retaliating with splashing water at Izzy as she fights back, their laughs echoing around the villa as Harry smiles to himself, his music playing not being loud enough to block out their laughs.
The kitchen is dimly lit, candles filled the space as his record player spins an old Fleetwood Mac vinyl of his, the sunset casting a slight hue through the back doors of the villa, the curtains framing the glass doors blowing slightly in the summer breeze of Italy. Harry is humming while stirring the pasta, his body filled with warmth and excitement as he prepares the meal, sauce in a pan while he cooks the pasta, flour on his apron from when he tried to make pasta from scratch from a recipe book he bought the last time he was here alone, this is the first time he's brought his girls here — it's safe to say, he'll never come here alone again, it's meant to be filled with laughs and the smell of pasta cooking while Fleetwood Mac dances around the aroma scented villa, Harry knows he can never come here alone again.
He would never want to come here alone again.
"Is that meatballs I smell?" Izzy says skipping out into the kitchen, her hair damp and Harry's black vintage Pink Floyd on her body, a pair of his boxers on her legs as shorts as she nearly dances into Harrys arms as he holds them out, turning them both so they're facing the stove, his hand stirring the sauce and meatballs with a wooden spoon as Izzy cuddles into him.
"Here, take a taste — we all know you're the meatball connoisseur" Harry laughs, holding up half a meatball covered in tomato sauce filled with herbs and spices he found. She leans forward and wraps her lips around the end of the spoon, her tongue lapping up all the sauce along with the meat as she pulls away looking at him with furrowed brows as she tastes it, swishing it about and gathering up all the flavours he's added in.
"Good?" He asks nervously, her silence deafening as she smiles, leaning over to lick the remainders off the spoon while holding eye contact with him.
"Your sauce always tastes nice, H" she says kissing his neck, holding eye contact with him as she spins around and heads back towards the bedroom, his mouth slightly open as he watches her leave, her small frame disappearing as he gulps while turning his attention back to the food.
"How's our boy getting on?" Joey asks brushing through her hair, Izzy watching her in awe sitting behind her on the bed, Joey's eyes on her in the mirror as she sits at the vanity smiling at her.
"Dancing to Stevie and making dinner, he's okay" she giggles as Joey smiles, leaving down her hairbrush and joining Izzy on their bed, another one of Harry's t shirts on her body also, a white Rolling Stones t shirt, small holes in the neck and hem of the shirt from how long Harry has owned it and wore it. Harry is obsessed with seeing them in his clothes, always telling them to wear his shirts around the house when they're all alone — he loves seeing them wrapped in his things, claiming them as his and only his.
"We should feel bad for letting him cook alone" Joey says leaning over Izzy, straddling her waist as her chin knocks against their forehead gently to signal for her to lay down, her brown damp hair fanning around her head as Joey rests above her, smiling down softly at her as they bask in one another's presence in the warm golden hue of the lamps on the bed side tables.
"He insisted, he loves to cook" Izzy says sighing when Joey connects their lips, Izzys hands coming up to cup her face as Joey holds onto her thigh with one hand and cradling her head with the other, her nails scratching at her scalp as Izzys thighs lock around Joey's waist and holding her against her more as they kiss slowly and passionately, the pair smiling and worshiping one another as they listen to Harry softy sing in the kitchen cooking them all dinner.
They're all in bliss, their safe haven being their only escape from the world and the only time they can all be alone and show one another how much they care for each other. Sure they have their alone times in hotel rooms and back stage, but it's nothing like being locked away in a villa in a country that isn't demanding Harry to be on talk shows and random small interviews here and there, it's a place where they can just relax and not care about the beady eyes of the public and Jeff banging down the doors demanding Harry being at a certain place. This is the second vacation all three have spend together, the first being in Spain and now they're here, they've all preferred secluded small villas to grand luxurious hotel suites looking over the whole City of Venice.
The small villa with two gardens filled with flowers, trees and a small patch where Harry said he would one day grow his own vegetables if he gets to stay here that long, he wants to grow his own food to be able to make authentic dishes for his pasta loving girlfriends — this villa is enough for him, and he would never want to have a luxurious life filled with money and expensive clothes and furniture that probably would break if you touched it, Harry doesn't want that — he wants a vintage decorated villa, filled with flowers out front while Stevie sings around the building on vinyl as his girls laugh, almost in tune with every song as he cooks and treats them like he wants to, treat them like his lovers — and one day, like his wives.
"Came to get you two for dinner, but looks like you're getting to dessert without me" Harry says from the doorframe, his body leaned on it as he stands with his flour covered apron, a smile on his lips as the girls pause and look at him, Joey nearly between Izzys thighs as they laugh and blush looking at him.
"Come on, dinners served Madams!" Harry jokes leading them both to where he's set up, the back garden is filled with fairy lights, the bushes and trees decorated in the small lights as the table sits in a small patch of grass amongst all the high bushes and trees, shielding them from any prying eyes that could be near by.
"I think we're underdressed for this" Joey says looking at hers and Izzys current states, the pair only wearing Harrys t shirts and his boxers as shorts, Harry beside them with a stained apron and his clothes from this morning when they flew over.
"Who says? Tonight, I actually decided the theme is half naked and drunk on Italian wine" he shrugs leading them to their chairs, the girls smiling and laughing as the places one kiss to their lips each, their smiles never fading as Harry excuses himself, leaving his girls under the fairy lights as they look around in awe at the garden.
He soon strides out, only in his long sleeve shirt and boxers, dishes in his hands filled with their meal as the pair laugh and cheer in excitement and also whistling for their boyfriend who's half naked dishing them their dinner, his confidence sky rocketing as his girls take him in, complementing him and his food as he passes out a plate to them, leaving one at his place at the table as he wanders back inside, Izzy shouting about how his bum looks while Joey laughs about how "biteable his British bum looks" Harry will never get tired of her saying that to him.
Their dinner is filled with laughs, complements thrown at Harry for his cooking and wine filled jokes and stories about their times together, Izzy acting out how Harry first reacted to Joey using a strap on, on him and Joey acting out how Harry drunkenly tried to sing for the two, half naked and using a shampoo bottle as a mic as the pair sat half asleep in the bed, their boyfriend after waking them up by belting a mashup of any song he could think of at three in the morning in their hotel room — it's safe to say it's one of their favourite memories together even if Harry only half remembers it.
Their tipsy jokes and random touches has lead them to their bedroom, Harry tied up to the headboard as Joey straddles Izzy at the end of the bed, the pair putting on a show as Harry whines and rattles his hands against the handcuffs to try and break free to touch them, his underwear suffocating his erection as he watches the girls fully naked touching and kissing one another, clearly getting off on how Harry is reacting to watching them, his body covered in sweat as he whines and curses into the air.
"You can whine all you want baby boy, but you're ours tonight, you do as you're told, got it?" Joey says as she pants slightly, Izzy suckling on her nipples and kissing her breasts as Joey speaks to Harry, her eyes on him as he bites his lip and nods obsessively at her.
"Yes, yes I'll do as I'm told" he says as Joey smiles, grasping Izzys hair in her fingers and pressing her face closer to her breasts as she keeps her eyes on Harry, knowing it drives him wild when she does this.
"Yes who?" She says as Izzy reacts to this also, her small whines coming out in tune with Harrys as they both curse and look at Joey with glassy eyes and their full attention on her.
"Yes, mommy" Harry says slowly, his head foggy and only focused on Joey and Izzy, his body feels like jelly as he smiles lazily and bites his lip watching his girls please one another in front of him.
"Good boy" she hums out, taking Izzy off her breasts lightly and laying her down on her back, her eyes on the small girl as she smiles in response, her bottom lip between her teeth as Joey lowers herself, kissing her body as she goes lower and lower towards where Izzy needs her most.
Harry is whining and tugging against the handcuffs as Joey eats Izzy out, Izzys own moans coming out and mixing in the air with Harrys as Joey feeds off their reactions, Izzy falling apart on her tongue as Harry falls apart only by looking at them, he's pretty sure he could cum just by looking at them — it's happened before, both girls ended up loving it and he ended up loving being humiliated by the pair as he whined into their mouths with his underwear filled with his own cum in the back of a limo on their way home from an event, the windows tinted but they all love the thrill of being found out as they're all on top of one another in a limo.
"Look at him Iz, getting hard by looking at you getting your pretty cunt ate" Joey says pulling away to slip her fingers into Izzys cunt, coaxing her towards her second orgasm of the night as Izzy moans and squirms about on the bed, much like Harry is at the top of the bed, his arms clattering in the metal against the headboard as Joey holds eye contact with him as she dips back down to suck at Izzys clit.
"Please, let me touch you both, mommy please" he whines as Izzy moans out loudly, her second high washing over her as Joey licks and laps up her release with a smile kissing her thighs as she rides her through her high, the pair glistening in sweat as they pleasure one another before their boyfriend who's about to fall apart watching it all.
"Mommy, Haz wants go touch himself" Izzy speaks up, Joey worshipping her body as Izzy looks at Harry clenching his own thighs together, trying anything to get some relief as he's restrained to the headboard.
"Should we let him? Let him touch his cock and watch us have some fun?" Joey says looking at Izzy who's pleading for Harry, needing to see him touch himself as Joey smiles at her.
"Alright baby girl, you let Haz out and I'll get our special toy we love, okay?" She instructs Izzy who's crawling towards a frustrated Harry who's covered in sweat and needing someone to touch him. She lets him free with the click of a key in the lock of the cuffs, Joey grabbing hers and Izzys favourite toy from their toy bag they bring with them everywhere — it's a double sided blue dildo, Harry loves it when they use it before him, they even face time him and use it while he's away on his own, his hand tugging at his cock as he watches them through a screen falling apart on their favourite toy.
Harry is loving it, watching them now in person, holding onto one another as they use the dildo together, their clits brushing off one another's as they move along the toy, Harry being instructed to touch himself but not to cum, Joey insisting that he be edged until she can finally fuck him. The girls are whining and moaning as they brush up against one another as they move, one of Joey's legs up on Izzys shoulders as both of Izzys legs hug Joey's waist while Joey's other leg rests around Izzys back holding her up against her body a little, preventing her from falling down in pleasure.
"Look so good, gonna cum all over myself just by looking at you both" Harry moans out, his hand lazily stroking his cock as Joey laughs while biting her lip looking at him, Izzy moaning away as Joey holds onto her, rocking their lips back and forth as they please one another.
"Yeah? You gonna cum all over yourself like you did that night in the limo? Poor baby couldn't even hold it in, came just by watching his girls make out" Joey teases him as Harry whines at her words, loving how she humiliates him yet again, his hand squeezing his cock to prevent himself from cumming just by listening to the words falling from her swollen plumped up lips.
Both Izzy and Joey fall apart on the toy, Harry nearly cumming along with them but when he earns a slap to his thigh by Joey he soon collects himself and tries to hold it off in the hopes that he gets some action too, the curly haired man coated in sweat biting his tongue to hold off on saying the wrong thing that could lead to him going to sleep hard and frustrated while his girls sleep peacefully around him, content and satisfied.
"Think he deserves to have his ass played with Iz? Think he deserves to have Mommy's tongue in his hole?" Joey asks as Izzy smiles lazily at her, the pair now kissing and laying beside one another on the bed as Harry watches them with pleading eyes.
"Yes mommy, he's been a good boy for you, want to watch you eat his hole" Izzy sighs out as Joey kisses her hard before slapping her Sensitive cunt with a laugh earning her a squeal and laugh from Izzy in return as she scurries up beside Harry, Joey watching as Harry whines into Izzys mouth as they kiss desperately.
"Good girl, giving Harry your pretty lips" Joey hums sitting in front of the pair, leaning over to brush Izzys hair out of the way as her and Harry whine into one another's mouths, tongues and teeth clashing as Joey observes them with a smile over how submissive the two of them are for her.
"Been such a good boy H, think you deserve my mouth. On your knees, and put that pretty ass up in the air" Joey instructs him, Izzy breaking away from him as he jumps into position, his head against the sheets as Izzy sits in front of him, brushing the curls from his face and littering small kisses all over him as Joey slaps his ass a few times to rile him up even more.
"Such a pretty hole. Desperate for it aren't ya baby boy? Clenching around nothing" Joey hums out as she runs her thumb over his hole, hearing his whines against the sheets as Izzy smiles and cooes at him while Joey bends down, running her tongue over his hole as he clutches onto the bed sheets.
"Doing so good mommy, Haz is tearing up over your tongue. Does it feel good?" She says to Joey and then looking down at Harry who now has his head in her lap, his cheek against her thigh as she runs her thumb over his cheeks soothing him as he desperately squirms under Joey's touch as she licks into his hole behind him.
"Feels s'good, fucking hell" he moans out loudly when Joey finally slips her fingers into him, the bottle of lube being discarded onto the bed beside them as Harry holds onto Izzys thighs while burying his head in her thighs also, moaning loudly from the pleasure as Izzy holds onto him, making eye contact with Joey every now and then as she happily licks and fingers Harry's hole just how he likes it.
"That's it baby, take mommy's fingers" Joey moans out watching as Harrys hole takes her fingers like nothing, his moans loud as she curls them up and hits off his prostate which sends him into a frenzy, his cock hard and leaking between his legs as he fights off his orgasm like Joey is demanding him to do, his thighs being slapped everytime she knows he's close to letting go.
"He needs to cum so badly mommy, can he cum?" Izzy asks Joey innocently, her eyes glassy and her lips swollen from biting down on them watching Harry fall apart as he rests his head on her thighs, his eyes looking up into hers as he silently pleads with her to ask can he cum.
"He's not cumming until Mommy puts her special cock into his hungry hole" Joey says through gritted teeth as she moans out watching as Harry squirms and moans for her, pleading with her to let him cum as they all look desperately at one another.
"Gonna go and get our special toy baby, Izzy keep our boy company" Joey instructs as Izzy bends down to engage in hers and Harrys own quiet conversation, small laughs and whispers heard amongst kisses as Joey smiles fondly, gathering up her strap on and pulling it up onto her as Izzy showers Harry in delicate kisses as he basks in all the attention, loving the adoration all over him.
It's only a few more minutes before Harry is losing his mind on the bed, his hands clutching onto Izzys thighs as she rubs his back and runs her fingers through her hair, Joey behind Harry pounding into him with her strap on as she praises him to no end, Harry loving the praise and attention as he gets ruined by his two girls.
"You love this, don't you? Getting fucked in the ass, wonder what your fans would think if they knew this, Harry Styles begging to be fucked in the ass and desperate to cum" Joey says which causes Harry to moan out loudly, Joey's hand joining izzys in his hair as she pulls on his hair erupting a growl from his chest at the feeling.
"Bet they'd all go crazy knowing you love to call me Mommy also, they'd love to know how fucking desperate to cum you get and how needy you are for a cock up your ass" Izzy moans at Joey's words also, the pair getting off at her words as she gives it her all, her hips snapping up against Harrys as his cock rests on the sheets rubbing off the soft cotton with each thrust of her hips.
"They'd also love how he likes to be called daddy, right mommy?" Izzy joins in on Harrys humiliation, his lazy smile up at Izzy as she joins in, almost proud of her as Joey holds the same smile, their quiet girl being vocal in bed is something they love, they know how hard it is for her to be like this, so when a few filthy words slip from her lips they both beam at her like she just learned how to talk for the first time.
"That's right Iz, they'd go crazy if they knew what a whore our baby boy is in bed, how kinky he really is and how much he loves to be man handled by his girls" Joey says as Izzy beams happily at her, the girl proud of herself for making them both smile and for speaking out loud in bed, especially when her words earned her a moan from Harry that sent shivers up her spine over how desperate he sounded.
"M'gonna cum, harder mommy please!" He begs out as Joey pounds into him harder, Izzy immediately reaching under his hips to grab his cock as Harry catches her nipple in his mouth, her breasts in his face as she strokes his cock, his moans vibrating through Izzy as Joey moans watching them both moan at one another at the head of the bed.
Joey's hands dig harder into Harrys waist, his ass jiggling as she pounds into him from behind, his body coated in sweat as her red hand prints are clearly visible on his cheeks from earlier, his body shaking as he nears his high, toes curling against the sheets as Joey doesn't stop moving, her own body coated in sweat as she puts power behind her thrusts to get their boyfriend to cum, every thrust she sends into him causing the dildo to brush against his prostate sending him into a frenzy.
"Pump him harder Iz, he's almost there, aren't you baby boy? Gonna cum all over Izzys hand and the sheets, yeah?" Joey asks as Harry moans out with a nod, his hands desperately gripping onto Izzys thighs and his mouth sucking her nipple as Izzy moans out at the feeling, stroking his cock faster and harder, Harrys hand rutting against her hand and the sheets.
"Fucking him so good mommy, come on Haz, cum for me and mommy" Izzy spits out as she moans at the feeling of Harry sucking on her nipples, Harry finally letting go at the sound of her dirty talking, it's not expected from her but when she doesn't spit out a few curses or dirty words it sends him and Joey over the edge, their innocent girlfriend talking dirty is something they never knew could make them crumble so quickly.
"Thank you mommy, thank you, thank you" he slurs out when Joey pulls out, his head of curls resting on Izzys thighs as she pulls the curls from his sweaty forehead, her fingers separating each curl from being matted together with sweat as Joey cleans off the dildo and runs to get a wash cloth to clean him up — Harry having his own washcloth, a light blue one, Izzy having a lilac one while Joey has a dark purple one, each one of them having their own colours.
"I know bub, just bare with me, just need to clean you up" Joey cooes out while wiping his hole and cock, Harry hissing and groaning over how sensitive he is right now, his lips kissing small kisses over Izzys thighs as Joey smiles at their small interaction.
"Did so good for us H, need to come back to me now yeah?" Joey says as Izzy kisses his face to try and coax him out of his sub space, his eyes hooded and tear filled as Izzy tries to help him come back.
"Mommy, thank you" he slurs out which causes Joey to throw his washcloth into the laundry hamper and crawl up beside him and wrap her arm around his back, flipping him over so he's half laying on each of their laps as they look down at him.
"No H, it's Joey now, come back to me, come back to Joey baby" she says soothing him quietly, his eyes falling closed before his mind finally clears of the fog that filled it, his smile wide in his blissed out state as he begins to come back.
"M'back now" he mumbles out as the two girls laugh a little, kissing him as he smiles lazily wrapping his arms around their thighs as they rest against the headboard with Harry in their laps.
"Think it's time for a bath. H, you follow Izzy and she'll get the bath ready while I clean up in here, okay?" Joey says instructing them all once again, the pair disappearing into the bathroom, Harry having to be held up by Izzy which was comical to watch, her small frame trying to keep his tall one up as her head rests on his bicep trying to guide him.
Their small conversation and laughs are heard from the bathroom, the water running and the smell of Harry's favourite lavender bath salts filling their noses as Joey pulls of the messy sheets, pulling on some new ones and quickly joining her babies in the bathroom, the pair now in the bath and splashing one another with water, Izzy resting against Harrys chest between his legs as they leave a space in front of her for where Joey usually sits, Izzy usually being sandwiched between the two as they all relax together.
"Room for one more?" Joey asks which causes them all to smile, remembering how she said those exact words when she saw Izzy and Harry making out across the room in the club two years ago, from then on, they never once regretted saying ...
"Always room for one more"
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thatshithurted8 · 3 years
Lake Chelan
Heyy💜 so i have a req for Vinnie😍 based on this tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdaeQPS7/ So the readers that girl and they had like the most amazing date and for whatever reason vinnie forgot to ask her number so they never met again until years later the reader is actually a big tiktok star and moves in with nai. One day nai’s on live and vinnie’s watching and then the reader shows up on live and he’s like ???!!!!! And freaks out cause it’s the girl he’s never been able to forget. @canyoubuymetoast
Summary: An impromptu connection quickly turns into an unforgettable yet unrealistic one. Despite this a few years later Vinnie finally gets a second chance to reignite said connection. 
Warning: Tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 3.4k
“You know your help would be great Vinnie.” Reggie says sarcastically while trying his best to figure out how to pitch their tent. Maria and Nate went off to scope the area since they already set up their tent, so it left the two Hacker brothers to figure out how to create their sleeping arrangements. 
“Yea yea one sec.” He responds placing his phone on the picnic table he was sitting on before looking up to see a German Shepard walking towards him. Vinnie’s eyes instantly brighten and a smile washes over his face as he calls the dog over. 
The black and brown dog trots over to Vinnie with a wagging tail and almost immediately the friendly animal starts to leave slobbery kisses all over Vinnie’s face. Vinnie lets out a laugh as he moves his face out of the way, but continues to the pet the dog. 
“Who’s dog is that?” Reggie asks walking over to his brother, giving up on the tent. 
“I don’t know it just came up to me. It’s friendly though.” 
Reggie simply shrugs his shoulders and joins his brother in petting the dog. However, just as Vinnie opened his mouth to suggest that they should call the number on the dogs collar an unfamiliar voice calls out. 
“Zeus! Where are you boy?” 
Reggie looks up from the dog and his mouth almost immediately drops open when he see’s a gorgeous girl searching the area looking for something. He nudges his brother who was still petting the dog and cooing at it in a baby voice. Vinnie looks up at Reggie annoyed before he decides to look at what his brothers line of vision was fixated on. 
As Vinnie looks over yours and his eyes simultaneously meet. Albeit cliché, Vinnie could’ve sworn he had the air knocked out of him just by making eye contact with you. He’s never felt anything like it before. 
You on the other hand quickly glance down and relief washes over you as you finally spot your dog that wandered off of your families campsite. You quickly walk over to Zeus, your dog and the two boys that were with him. 
“Zeus I should’ve known you went to mooch food off of strangers!” You exclaim to your dog who quickly walks over to your side before you finally look back up and make eye contact with the boys. As you do so seemingly the same effect you had on Vinnie, he had on you. How did you not realize how attractive he was when you were walking over to them? 
 “I’m sorry about him he does this at every campsite we go to. You would think we don’t feed him, but he’s just a glutton.” You say, heat washing over your face due to the fact your dog wandered off and found the most attractive guys you’ve ever seen. 
“No no it’s okay we needed a break.” Vinnie says nodding over to the unpitched tent while smiling at how flustered you got from his gaze on you. 
Reggie scoffs looking at you then his brother. “We needed a break?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. “Vinnie, I’ve been trying to set up the tent for the last 15 minutes while you were trying to find service so you could make a tiktok.”
It was now Vinnie’s turn to be flustered. “Pfft, that’s not true.” The blond says obviously fibbing and you simply look at him amused. 
“Do you guys need help? My family and I go camping every summer so I’m basically an expert at setting up tents.” You suggest. 
“Yea sure that would be great.” Vinnie says standing up for the first time in the last twenty minutes while smiling at you. Without another word the three of you walk over to the unpitched tent with Zeus following along. 
“My name is Y/N by the way.” You say glancing at Vinnie before kneeling down to work your magic.
“Vinnie and that’s Reggie.” 
And that was how you and Vinnie Hacker met, all thanks to your gluttonous dog who loved showing off his puppy dog eyes to strangers in return for food. Little did either of you know how much this small interaction would have an impact on the other. As the Hacker’s camping trip went on the more your family and Vinnie’s bumped into each other and finally one night your dad invited the Hacker’s over to your campsite for a bonfire. Almost instantly yours and Vinnie’s acquaintance status changed to friends. Soon enough your family and Vinnie’s family spent the rest of the camping trip together, going swimming, boating, tubbing and more. 
That was no different for the last full day of your camping trip. In fact Vinnie finally gathered up the courage to ask you on a date despite the fact you two originally lived hours away from each other. 
“Thank you.” You say glancing up to the waiter that just took away your empty plates and placed the bill on the table. You look back up at Vinnie who was already staring at you with admiration, causing heat to wash over your face. 
Too flustered to look at the boy in front of you, you take in the scenic view. You two sat out on the patio over looking the lake with mountains, foliage and the sun setting in the distance. The restaurant Vinnie took you to was one of the fancy ones in town and the two of you stood out like a sore thumb due to your clothes. Showing up to the restaurant and sitting down to eat in a normal t-shirt and shorts was the equivalent of eating at McDonald’s in a prom dress and suit. Yet, the disapproving stares from other patrons made the whole experience even more memorable. 
“This is very nice thank you Vinnie.” 
“Anything for you.” He says softly, placing his hand on the table in which you take without hesitating, causing both of your heart beats to increase. 
“Do you want to hit O’Riley’s after?” You ask, referencing the ice cream shop the two of you went to seemingly every day of the trip to cool off on your walk back to the campsite after a day full of activities. 
Vinnie pulls out his wallet from his shorts to pay for the expensive meal while looking at you with a smile on his face. “Great minds think alike.” 
Without another word you two leave the fancy restaurant hand in hand while receiving glares from the regular patrons. Throughout your short walk to the popular ice cream parlor in town the two of you reminisce about the past week and a half together. It honestly felt like a dream. 
“You know I wanted to hold your hand on the hike today, but I couldn’t keep up with you and Zeus.” Vinnie says, recalling the hike you guys went on along with Reggie and your brother. 
“Clearly you need to work on your stamina, City Boy. That incline wasn’t even that bad.” You joke poking Vinnie in the stomach before leaving his grasp to wander over to the menu of ice cream flavours. Vinnie was infatuated with everything about you and he adored how you made fun of him for being from Seattle. The blond lets out a laugh and follows you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on the top of your head as he analyzed the menu as well. Almost instantly you melted into his touch. 
“Okay Snow White.” He retorts back remembering how basically every animal or even bug seemingly gravitated towards you throughout the trip. 
“What can I say Vinnie. I’m just that captivating.” You say turning to look at Vinnie before winking. 
After a few minutes of waiting in line and you changing your mind on what flavour you wanted for the fifth time the two of you finally order and make your way over to a bench nearby. You weren’t a stranger to Lake Chelan and what you loved most about the small town was how close everything was. In fact the bench you and Vinnie decided to sit down on wasn’t too far from O’Riley’s, but it was close enough to the lake to witness the scenic view in full. 
Once you two sat down you guys instantly turned to each other and tapped the other’s ice cream cones, causing some of your ice cream to transfer to Vinnie’s and some of Vinnie’s to transfer to yours. You introduced this small practice to Vinnie on the third day of hanging out together. In which the reason behind it was simply because you’ve been doing it ever since you were little for good luck and to have a small taste of the other person’s ice cream. 
Vinnie watches as you taste his flavour, red velvet while your eyes light up, causing him to smile. “Holy shit yours is good.” You say before taking a lick of your flavour which was blueberry cheese cake. The blond laughs in amusement as your face of delight quickly turns into disgust. 
“Yea I definitely should have gotten yours or moose tracks.” 
Without hesitating Vinnie softly takes your ice cream cone out of your hand and switches it with his. “There you go.” 
“Vinnie, no this is yours.” You say reaching for your ice cream back, but he simply puts his hand above you and ultimately out of your reach. 
Vinnie laughs playfully as he watches you attempt to reach the cone with your original flavour from your spot beside him. “Y/N like I said earlier, anything for you.” 
You roll your eyes at the blonds cheesiness, but you end up sitting back down placing your head on his shoulder while heat washed over your body at how he made you feel.  
The sound of kids riding their bikes, crickets and birds splashing in the lake could be heard while the setting sun continued to reflect off of the water. “It’s so beautiful here.” You say after swallowing your last bite and taking in the view in front of you. 
“Yea it is.”
You turn to Vinnie and your heart begins to race when you notice he was already looking at you. Some may think this moment was cliche, but to you it was perfect. In fact your hopeless romantic dreams were being fulfilled. 
Vinnie’s gaze on you was intense and you couldn’t bring yourself to break it. Instead you found yourself flickering your eyes down to his plump lips and back up to his brown eyes. Vinnie follows your lead and his proximity causes your breath to hitch. 
Without wasting another second Vinnie finally moves in and acts on what he has been wanting to do ever since he got to know you. His lips meet yours and you instantly kiss back, wanting for this to happen for a while yourself. 
The kiss was short yet sweet and passionate while leaving both of you flustered. You place your head back onto Vinnie’s shoulder, your hand finding his and intertwining your fingers. A comfortable silence falls upon you two as both of you take in the perfect moment.
“I don’t want this trip to end.” Vinnie says breaking the silence while rubbing his thumb across your skin and admiring the scenic view in front of him. 
It scared Vinnie how fast his feelings for you developed and continued to do so and he was quite frankly disappointed that you guys live so far away from each other. Although you both lived in the same state you lived closer to Portland while he remained in Seattle. You two created a once in a lifetime connection throughout a camping trip and it seemed as if it was going to end just like that. 
“I promise I’ll say goodbye and give you my number before we leave tomorrow don’t worry.” You say lifting your head off of Vinnie’s shoulder before placing a kiss on his cheek. The whole trip you refused to give Vinnie your number or social medias simply because you realized their was more to life than the internet. You would rather be going hiking or playing in the rain than being on your phone, which Vinnie adored considering he was so consumed with his platform on TikTok. 
However, your promise would ultimately be broken when Vinnie woke up the next morning. The blond boy walked over to your campsite with a small bouquet of wildflowers he picked along the way. He could hear the beat of his heart in every step he took, knowing this would be the last time he saw you for a while. 
When Vinnie reached your campsite his heart and the bouquet of flowers simultaneously dropped at the same time. Your site was empty. In fact, it looked as if you and your family didn’t even stay there. The only thing that proved that you were there were the tire tracks of your families RV. Now the site was ready for the next group of campers to come in and make their own memories. 
Even though you and Vinnie only spent a week and a half together it felt like you two created a lifetime worth of intimate moments and memories. He doesn’t understand how he got so attached to you in such a short amount of time, but he did. The blond boy lets out a deep sigh before turning around to go back to his site, leaving the memories you two created and flowers he brought you behind. 
Vinnie lets out a big yawn as he stretches in bed. He grabs his phone and checks the time. 2:43pm. The night before the blond streamed Valorant on twitch until 4 in the morning so there was no wonder as to why he was just waking up. Deciding to stay in bed for a little longer, Vinnie cuddles into his sheets and opens TikTok, Hera joining him a little bit later.
As he scrolls he likes a few and comments on some of his friends posts. However, his incessant scrolling comes to a stop when his for you page lands on a video of Nai’s. Vinnie watches it, but as he does so a familiar face is shown causing his heart rate to increase while butterflies erupted in his stomach. Who knew that one person could still elicit these feelings out of him two years later?
There was no way. It couldn’t be you in the video. Yet there you were in Nai’s tiktok showing off your gecko. You looked the same, but so different at the same time. Vinnie couldn’t help himself, but to watch the tiktok a few more times, every time his smile getting bigger and his heart fuller. 
Luckily for him Nai tagged you in the caption in which Vinnie took this opportunity to check out your profile and make sure it was actually you and his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. Right away he knew it was in fact you. 
You had just under a million followers and were on the brink of getting verified. As Vinnie scrolled through your profile he finds your first tiktok that went viral and ultimately kick started your career. The video was of you eight months ago running and dancing around in the rain in the middle of the road. Vinnie smiles as he watches and he couldn’t help, but to feel flustered at the fact he finally found you after all these years. 
It made him happy to see that you seemingly stayed the same personality wise. From what he remembered you loved everything about nature and animals so there was no surprise to see your account full of videos of you enjoying what you loved. In fact your most viral videos consisted of your ring neck parakeet, Athena. 
Just as Vinnie was about to hit the follow button on your account a text from Alex popped up. 
I was planning on throwing a chill party tonight is that okay?
He clicked and stared at the message for a few seconds. Seemingly Nai would be invited which meant if you were with her still Nai would likely bring you as her plus one. 
Yea ofc. 
Vinnie spent the rest of the day going through your social media accounts. He wanted to follow you on every platform possible, but he didn’t want that to creep you out so he decided it was best to wait and see if you came tonight. After all his odds were looking in his favour as the time until the get together dwindled and you and Nai continued to post with each other. 
The blond walks out of his washroom freshly showered with a towel around his waist and into his large room. He could hear a bunch of voices and music coming from down stairs so the party must have already started. Just as Vinnie was about to drop his towel to get dressed a familiar voice is heard from the other side of his door. 
“Knock knock!” Nai shouts. 
“One sec!” Vinnie calls out quickly, throwing on boxers and a pair of black cargo pants before rummaging through his dresser for a shirt. “Come in!” 
Almost instantly the door flies open revealing Nailea in all her glory. Vinnie glances over to her in hopes you were with the brunette, but his hopes fall when he see’s you’re no where to be found. 
“You seriously need to stop making thirst traps in the shower we all thought you slipped and died with how long you were taking.” Nai says walking into the room and flopping onto Vinnie’s bed. 
Vinnie lets out a laugh while he continued to look for a shirt he wanted to wear, his mind being clouded with thoughts of you. Nai was wearing the same outfit she was wearing in the instagram stories she posted with you today so where were you? 
Just as Vinnie turns around, putting on a shirt with the intent to discretely ask Nai about you a familiar, but nostalgic voice could be heard in the hallway over Alex’s loud laugh from downstairs. “Nai?” 
“In here!” 
“Jeez this house is huge I need a map just to leave the washroom.” You say walking into the unfamiliar bedroom. As you do so your eyes lock with Vinnie’s and both of your heart rates increase significantly. Heat washes over you under Vinnie’s gaze and you couldn’t help, but to feel confused. He looked so familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on where you recognize him from. 
Vinnie on the other hand felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Throughout the past few years he imagined scenarios where he would run into you back at home or at Lake Chelan, but finally being in your presence again caused him to not know how to act. 
“Y/N this is Vinnie the friend of mine I wanted you to meet.” Nai says looking at you. “And Vinnie this is Y/N. I think you guys will click instantly especially since you’re both from Washington.” 
“Nice to meet you. Can I sit?” You ask nodding over to Vinnie’s bed where Nai was sitting, petting Hera. 
“Y-yea of course.” The blond stutters out causing his cheeks to go red. However, a pang of hurt rings throughout the boys heart when he realizes you don’t remember him. 
Quickly you make your way over to Vinnie’s bed and without wasting another second you extend your hand out for Hera to smell before petting her. Vinnie watches as you do so. You looked even more beautiful than when he first met you two years prior, if that was even possible. Although you looked slightly different due to the fact you graciously grew into your features Vinnie could tell your personality stayed the same as you continued to gravitate towards animals. 
“What’s this cuties name?” You ask scratching under Hera’s chin, causing her to purr before you smile at Vinnie. 
“Her name is Hera.” 
You let out a gasp, “Did you know Hera was married to Zeus?” You say, recalling your past obsession of Greek Mythology. By now Nai was zoned out of your conversation and was scrolling on tiktok. 
“Yea I actually named her after a girl that I met at Lake Chelan, who’s dog was named Zeus.” Vinnie says with a toothy smile on his face. 
Your eyes widen and you look back over to the blond, your heart beating a mile a minute while you finally connected the dots. 
“City boy?” You breathe out. 
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