#like some ppl already know what the ship is it should kkkkkkinda be obvious? but HEHOHEOHEOHE
gerrydelano · 4 years
im literally so excited 4 pbr like no matter how weird the ship is i trust u and ur ability to write fantastic compelling things
the ship isn’t even that weird it’s a combination of very popular ships i’m just like! are people not gonna vibe with the polyam for some reason even though it’s the best of every world? #IrrationalFear
thank you so much, i’m really glad, like. if i’m gonna put so much work into this i don’t want to just fall flat because of interest somehow but. HOO. it’ll be ALRIGHT! it’ll be GREAT! my outline is 27 pages long at the moment, i have 4 fics mapped out in total/25 chapters more or less fully fleshed, so many ridiculously unforeseeable plot twists and reveals and concepts involved (not enough to super overwhelm, there’s really like. five MAJOR things that are laced all the way through? which should really smack people because they smacked ME when i thought of them and i cannot SLEEP.) so i’m just like.
hoping that SOME people are willing to stick around for a really in depth long con/mystery type plot with some good old fashioned SLOW BURN (in various flavours!) and recovery and friendship and closure despite how long it’ll be! i hope i render it in a way that doesn’t lose TOO much interest midway through (though i know that’s obviously going to happen at some point, such is the nature of every long work) because. oh MAN. oh man. oh man oh man oh man. i shock MYSELF sometimes. fuck im so happy rn hgrenfkjenfkjenkfjne 
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