#like some internal differences for channeling some stuff and thats abt it
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I'm a English native and I'm learning French I can have a short conversation in French but I'm really slow and takes time to understand some words. I used to be in French classes in highschool (I'm going to be a senior in highschool when it starts up) what would you recommend for me to use to help learn more? I'm currently using droplets and Duolingo for studying (Droplets for vocabulary and Duolingo for grammar, reading things like that) what would you recommend for me to use thats free or doesn't cost that much? It would help a lot thank you
Duolingo and Droplets are good resources for starters.
there are several things you can do if you want to go further.
Check out RFI (Radio France International) : You'll find free listening and reading resources abt French speaking news. I highly recommend you listen and then read the podcast episodes of LES MOTS D'ACTUALITÉ (words that are the news - they will explain the origin and meanings of 1 word that is relevant these days in France). but be curious and check out the rest, they have lots of good stuff.
Read news articles for free on official news website France Info, RTBF (Belgium). you'll find some free articles on Le Monde, Libération, Le Parisien, etc.
find lessons and exercises on Francaisfacile.com to get a better understanding of grammar, conjugations, tenses, etc.
Read 19th Guy de Maupassanant's (King of French fantastique genre) short stories on Wikisource. Highly recommend "La Main" ("The Hand", kinda horror, but really famous)
-> when you're more confident abt reading novels in French, just search for any 19th writer + Wikisource and you should be able to find their works in full for free. My favs are Zola, Balzac, Victor Hugo (Les Misérables' writer !), Flaubert, Dumas (Les Trois Mousquetaires' writer !), George Sand, Stendhal (esp La Chartreuse de Parme) etc.
if you have doubts about how to say something like a native, ask someone on HiNative you'll always have some French speaking ppl to help you.
- Familiarise yourself with spoken French with youtube/podcasts/etc (anything that's material for listening skills). If you're on youtube you can check channels like
Vogue France and their street style, with subtitles and lots of fashion and slang vocab! I used it in my French lesson and it worked quite well.
Yes Vous Aime was a comedy skits channel, with French subtitles. They did parodies, you can check it out!
Paul Taylor is a British stand up comedian. He's doing skits and specials in both French and English, and he's honestly perfect at grasping and vulgarising French oddities either in the language or the french society.
Clément Viktorovitch and his weekly analysis on French politics/news on Franceinfo. As you may already know, we're very passionate about our political life in France. so you can get used to the vocab have a gist of it with these chroniques radio.
Karambolage - it's a bilingual channel (German & French - l'amitié franco-allemande is a big thing! 🙂) that explains social, cultural differences between the two countries. You can find illustrated explanations of Le Verlan, expressions like "Monter à Paris" etc etc. It worked so well with my students! they found it easier to understand.
Damon Dominique is a language American youtuber and he's good at explaining and vulgarising French grammar and slang. Sometimes you gotta look at a foreign point of view :)
Konbini (especially their Club Lecture, Vidéo Club where famous authors/film directors show their favourite works, their inspirations and talk abt it, you probably won't find any subtitles tho)
and ofc you have dozen of french youtubers like Squeezie, Seb, Lena Situation, Aurélien Prévaux, Zen (talkshow) etc.
And when you're more confident, you can pick a day when you'll try to think only in French, another day when you'll translate what's written on your food package/friends convos/emails etc etc
put your phone settings in french, follow vocab accounts on Instagram, follow French ppl on social media so that you get accustomed to read in French on a daily basis.
and find a book to read in french, or fanfics if you're into it, anything that'll make you read in French :)
I hope that answers your questions! and sorry if it looks like too much, I'm getting back at a language I used to learn in high school too, it's not easy and it takes time. so take your time with French, I just put everything I thought might help in the first months/first year!
good luck! bonne chance !
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thank you!!! aughh that means a lot......i always try to show feeling in things & i can put a lot of thought and effort into that, and i have to hope that it translates into containing/conveying whatever feeling i’m going for....i do put a lot of love into stuff coz i’m gay so like, what else am i gonna do! but it is really nice to put it into stuff, transmitting nice gay vibes through like basically everything in one way or another. you always put yourself into the stuff you make somehow, so thats nice, and its neat when i can like, really directly draw on some experience or another and figure out communicating it through a drawing, i always like to hear that it comes through coz i do put a lot of thought into it im going on long there to basically just say that yeah i have some amount of importance in my drawings, which is still fairly significant in the context of like nothing is really Important amongst depression and that theres not really other stuff i semi consistently Do......but there’s a personal aspect to it & its always expressing something for me & i like the sense that something i put time/care into has some worth to other ppl, right. like i was just tweeting abt how sometimes it’ll be all self criticizing like “is it just arrogant to hope that some rando bs you drew will get some nice words & a bit of attention from ppl, like what are you 4 yrs old” but then i counter it with well no its just more like...its pretty reasonable to want to hear a bit of feedback that anyone appreciated something thats even a bit personal/important to you & that you care about at all & put some effort into........like im not just concerned w getting any particular number of notes or anything like for power levelups, though that’s good in its own way just for seeing that at least that many ppl enjoy something of yours, but like.....a single nice comment can be really great just to know that someone enjoys it that much to want to actually say something about it haha like im still saying a lot abt all of this lol but im just trying to be helpful i guess b/c ive known other ppl who would like feel guilty about wanting to hear from ppl abt liking something they made.....its not like anybody is interested in forcing anyone to say something nice lol it’s just a matter of hoping for it, and theres nothing bad about that, it makes sense when there’s something thats at all significant to you. and like for me its often whatever gay nonsense and niche agendas im putting forth.....i can have a lot of passion and enthusiasm and thoughts n emotions and its great to feel like i have a way to channel those into this one thing i can kinda do lol like im always on a journey to feel less bad about posting art and whether anybody cared ever since like yrs and yrs ago...its still ongoing coz its always a bit like augh here i go posting a drawing again like a bastard, or like @ self: nobody wants ur weird bs of the day (ongoing experiment there too in trying to go “nobody cares” at the idea of nobody caring even though u also know some ppl do) or just generally being embarrassed about acknowledging that getting a compliment is exciting and nice.....i’m always also trying to not mind like openly replying to nice messages instead of being all shy about it coz its not a big deal either way and i really appreciate them a lot so its nice to say so sometimes!! the only other thing is that sometimes i’ll have like this internal monologue about something i drew and whatever thoughts i had to offer up about my own process and comments and everything lmao as if this was an art gallery and im gonna stop the tour for about twenty minutes and tell everyone these details about it. but i’ve started letting myself have like, essays in the tags of things i post sometimes.....i’m always extra hesitant to just go off on something like that unasked, so to post a drawing nobody asked for AND talk at length abt it to myself seems bold haha.....but its not as big a deal as that! since unlike a museum tour, people can just Not Read whatever speech i have down there plus i’m always going on at length abt something or another, like i am right now, so what would be the difference anyways!!!!!!!! that’s all just a tangent!! the point is that i’m always really glad to hear when someone likes something i’ve made, and its extra good to hear that ppl don’t hate following me and actually enjoy seeing a lot of it in general, thats great (^◇^)/ ✨
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