#like sleepy watering Wuh oh
ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
What you staring at 💀 what he making that pretty ass face for
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Bro’s raising his hand to speak 💀 bro thinks he in school 💀 (which he shouldn’t even think bc his ass was homeschooled) dork ass I’ll kiss him
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Bro likes tomatoes as his favorite food 💀 that ain’t even a meal bruh that’s an ingredient 💀 ingredient lover 💀 malnourished ass 💀 fake food fan 💀 eat some proper meals bruh 💀 bro’s gonna eat tomatoes straight up like an apple and be like “yummy” 💀 I’d take him out to dinner
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Bro’s special interests are people and politics 💀silly ass he’s so excited and cute 💀 what’s he being cute for 💀 cute ass 💀 what’s he got a gorgeous smile for 💀 bro’s having fun and enjoying himself how lovely I hope he has many good days and learns to love himself like with all that idolizing he does of other people he really doesn’t thhnkot himself and maybe he jus like hates himself yo what if that has to do with him lke thjnkjnh he’s like a monster in that one part like he hates monsters and he sees himself like that I mean I guess that’s not really profound idk what I’m sayin I’m kinda tired and k think mh phone is too it’s getting warm
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He’s such a mess lmao like bro just drank some unknown quantity of glasses of alcohol and took his clothes off (unclear which one he did first) and passed out in his bed seemingly backwards what are you doing silly ass 💀 drinking to help with his insomnia smh silly Kabru you’re gonna die young that is not good for you 💀 unhealthy ass 💀 gorgeous ass man 💀 I want to study him under a microscope except I’m really bad at using microscopes in middle school they made me do this before you go into the lab test and I passed it so good but when I got to the lab and started using the microscope i could not see shit like I kept turning them knobs n stuff did not work lnao all blurry so if I was like “bro you an interesting critter I’m gonna study you under a microscope” what would happen is I would just go “hmmm hm hmmmmm” all inquisitively and just look at blurry ness for a few seconds then be like “I can’t see shit lol that was a busy wanna make out@ then I would kiss him on his face and I would play with his pretty hair
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This could b me. I know how to touch boobs and one time when I was like 10 I watched a YouTube video on how to transform into a werewolf and I genuinely believe it was real and I started walking around my house on alll fours and barking and trying to feel my connection to the mooon and when my dad came home he got really mad ya me and he started yelling at me also I have a sister this could literally be me like that could be me I could be feeling Kabru bobs more like Kabroobies lmao I would lick him like a popsicle like his skin like a cat and I would draw little animals on his arms in different colored marker and all the animals say I love you hearttttt and they are all happy animals and I would tell him is ok if he wants to wash them off because they’re stupid little marker animals and it’s ok if he doesn’t like them
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Fun fact I first saw this picture of Kabru like ten minutes before I went to go golfing with m dad and my grandpa and our neighbor Bill or something and so I had no time to process it and so every time during golfing which was like three hours or so btw I would keep thinking of him like this and also this was before k realized I thought he was handsome I was like he’s a cool character. But he’s not like hot lol but then I see this picture minutes before golfing and my heart gets pounding and I feel like I’m choking and suddenly it dawns on me he’s the most beustfil man I’ve ever seen in mh life meow but then I immediately had to go golfing and like ever time I blinked I would see his gorgeous face and I was like “wow man I’m hay” but I couldn’t do anything about it or like tell anybody because I was busy absolutely fucking up my short game lmal Nd itz kujs ahdn fbe chata teds are locked jn a room tkvwtehr kr somwrbinf ow my fingwr hhrt they just sgafted crampimg but anhways tehy realize they lkkr each other n stff yeah j tealkzed i liked him when i was out golfing as soon i vake baxk from glfijg j tbnk j went kn a cfazu tsnt to mh flose frkends and stuff yeab anhways he looks vrewg gorgeous meow melw man
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He’s sooooo cute bruh that tuff of hair that sticks out from behin this ear makes me crazy what the fucj why do you look like that I love you 😭 it’s 1am rn and I love him I can’t sleep I’m comipoling a handful of my little pictures of him to tumblr because he’s making me crazy oh Man U love him him I want to hold his face in mh hands I want uh kiss him I want uhhhh man he is gorgeous and I like his personality he s like assionage he really into his goals he’s like a do whatever it takes guy but like he has limits and stuff he’s not like crazy nuts but he’s driven and accomplished and he’s a cute little charmer he so handsome wow!! And he’s so smart and he’s a quick thinker very smart good at improv and he’s a good leader and he cares about people what a cool guy and I love his nice smile awwwwwwwww man he’s hot meowza k can never be normal about him I don’t feelnormal so about him ever man I’m so sleepy bruh I don’t even remember a single word I just toed snit if I said”I alone Kabru “ somewhere than k agree with myself because yeah I love him and that’s yeah awesome guy him great splendid incredible enamoring effiseneg 100 stars out of 2 or just 50 because that’s fractions wait I can do 100 stars out if 1 stars and get 100 stars or I could just move the decimal pace and I could get even more stars yeah babgygirkl are you the space because stars are you the dirt b cause I would give you flowers z are you mini cooking videos that go “yummy!” And have old Macdonald playing the background because I can’t take my eyes off you are you beautiful because yes you are I am going to bed goodnight to Kabru and the orhwr peippe too i guess njy mksyly Kabru i hope everhd rike he sleleehe sleep well full 9 hoirs well resyed Miss Ryoko Kui please Kabru sleepinh good plewse also comic where he has good day please I wish the best for him
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mossyivy · 5 months
Imagine pregnancy cares with Leon…🥹🥹
You’re hungry? He’s running to the store at 3:00 AM to make you some spicy noodles with a side of pickles. Your feet are swollen? Put your legs up on his lap and let him massage those feet! The baby won’t stop kicking your ribs? Well they’ll get a stern talking to! >:(
I feel like Leon would definitely not let you do one single thing around this house, hell, you couldn’t even get up to grab a glass of water anymore. He’d carry you around the house like a little princess, setting you down in bed and tucking you in, kissing you goodnight like you were a little kid. Talking to your belly in the middle of the night, telling it random and silly stories, acting like your baby knew what the hell he was talking about.
Don’t even get me started on your bump, he’d looooovvvveeeee that big ol’ belly of yours. When you wore those pretty flowy sundresses because you refused to wear pants during the last month or so of your pregnancy, how those dresses would show your bump (and your melons, wink wink👀) off were definitely the best parts. You were the prettiest thing in the world to him, even more now that you were carrying his child.
If only I could give him that cute domestic life he deserves…
- Anon! 🎀
Oh my God, I love domestic Leon so much... He deserves that typical white picket fence life.
So there's conflicting resources online so I'm just gonna make an assumption here. July-December is when most babies are born. So far the same of a time line we'll say you're due in September.
So it's like the dead ass middle of July. Hot as balls and it's 3am. You want spicy noodles and pickles. (You're usually craving) But when you go to the kitchen they're both gone. You just grab an otter pop from the freezer, and head back to bed. The bed dips under your weight as you sit, adjusting your pillows before you lay back. The window AC is at that perfect angle where it's hitting you enough to make you chilly as you curl up with your snack and blanket.
Leon rolls over in his sleep, putting his arm around you and pulls himself closer to you with a groan. Lifting his head without opening his eyes, you know what he wants. Leaning down you give him a kiss. He sinks back into his pillow, tongue jutting out to wet his lips.
"Why... Do I taste cherry?" He opens his eyes, looking up to see you already drinking the juice from the clear package.
"No noodles? No pickles?" He questions, turning on his back as he takes in a sharp yawn. Rubbing away the sleepy gunk from his eyes.
"We're out." He turns his head, watching you look at the empty wrapper in disappointment. He sits up without a second thought, still groggy as he grabs his wallet off the nightstand giving you another kiss before he stands up. Slinking out the door in his pajamas.
30 minutes he comes back with fresh made spicy beef noodles from your favorite late night Korean dinner and a jar of pickles the size of a baby. An you bet you scarf those things down while he watches you like your his whole world. This goofy smile on his face while you slurp up glass noodles and glance at him.
"Wuh?" You say through chews. He chuckles, shaking his head.
"Nothing babe, just eat your noodles." He moves in getting comfortable. Rubbing your lower back and belly at the same time while talking to the baby until he eventually falls back asleep with his head on your thigh.
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SUN DRESSES WITH A BABY BUMP WOULD MAKE THIS MAN GO FERAL! There's this thing about pregnant women that men find attractive because their instinct is to detect fertility and protect. Which is insane as is...
But when it's your own partner? Oh boy.
He thought you were beautiful in sundresses before but now it's just heightened!
It's getting harder to bend and pull things up with an entire human being inside of you so you resort to the old reliable method. Dresses. Everyday.
You wobble out of the bedroom with your flip flops. Dropping them on the floor you slide them on. Ready for a day at the beach together before the baby comes. The dress is a shade of blue, slightly low cut but really showing off the girls with how much you've blown up during pregnancy.
Leon's outside fighting with the chairs trying to get them in the back of the car and fit the cooler at the same time. Already breaking a sweat and they haven't even left the driveway yet. You walk out, watching him fight for his life against these chairs and finally he gets the trunk to shut and he sees you. The first thought that crosses his mind was:
oh shit... She looks that good? Do we have to leave the house?
Followed by: That's mine, she's mine. Carrying my baby inside her... And looks that sexy doing it. Maybe we should have another kid right away after the first one...
His brains going in overdrive before you tell him you're getting in the car. He quickly comes around, helping you buckle yourself in and shuts your door for you.
The entire day it's hard for him to not be constantly touching you. He usually just guides you by a hand on your back but he's got you pulled close, a hand on your thigh, giving you kisses more frequently. Even going for an ass grab or two without caring if anyone is looking.
And you bet your ass the second you two get home you're getting a shower together. Just to make sure you get all the sand off of course (👀)
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rosemaidenvixen · 4 years
A Secret’s Worth
Chapter 7: Claire
Claire’s eyelids fluttered open. Rapidly blinking to bring the dark room into focus. Which was definitely way too dark for it to be time to get up.
She rolled over and glanced towards her alarm clock, trying to focus on the glowing, green numbers with still bleary eyes.
Claire groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her cheek deeper into her pillow in an attempt to go back to sleep. Which given her track record, probably wasn’t going to happen.
Why had she even woken up in the first place? There were no loud sounds or bright lights. She wasn’t in any discomfort and didn’t have to go to the bathroom. So why was--
Muffled noises came from down the hall.
She froze underneath the covers, not even daring to breathe. All thoughts of going back to sleep vanishing as her heartbeat skyrocketed.
Had she really just heard that, not just imagined it? That was probably it, Claire probably just heard the house settling and her sleepy brain ran with it. There was no way it could be something...else. 
Just then the noises came again, removing any possibility of them being imagined. Not moving an inch from where she was, Claire tried to discern exactly what exactly the strange noises were. They didn’t sound like a home invader, but they didn’t sound like one of her parents just getting a glass of water either.
After debating with herself for a solid minute, Claire peeled the sheets away and sat up. Slinking out of bed, she cautiously crept out of her room and down the hall, willing the frantic thrumming of her heart to slow.
If it turned out to be one of her parents that would be that, but if it wasn’t she would run back to her room, lock the door, and call the cops.
Easy peasy….in theory.
By now she could hear well enough to tell that the noises were coming from the bathroom, and as Claire tiptoed closer the sounds got clearer. Shuffles and clanks, someone hacking and gasping, someone she knew.
Her mom.
Claire practically melted with relief at once she realized that the sound wasn’t some psychotic burglar. Almost immediately the feeling was replaced with stomach curdling dread as the horrible sounding coughs continued. 
She knocked gently on the bathroom door “Mom?”
No reply, the moans and strangled gasps continued uninterrupted.
Insides knotted with anxiety, Claire eased open the door to reveal her mom slumped on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet, clinging to the porcelain bowl like a life preserver. She turned in response to the door opening, eyes weary and unfocused, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand “wuh, Claire? What are--” 
Her cheeks bulged and she hastily turned back towards the toilet, groaning miserably as her stomach forcefully emptied its contents again.
Claire rushed to her mother’s side “What’s wrong, are you sick? Should I get Dad?”
“I--” she coughed, a horrible hacking sound “I’m fine, your father went out to get me some medicine, go back to bed,”
Claire made no attempt to move, she stayed firmly in place kneeling on the floor and holding Ophelia’s hair as she continued to vomit. 
The sharp terror from a minute ago of their home potentially being intruded upon by a dangerous outsider had been replaced by a softer, more insidious fear.
If her mom was fine why was she puking her guts out at three in the morning? That wasn’t something people who were ‘fine’ did. So yeah, fat chance of Claire going back to bed.
Despite Ophelia’s continued weak objections. Claire stayed by her side until she was finished heaving. When Ophelia once again insisted that she was alright and that Claire should go back to sleep she responded by gently leading her downstairs to the couch and covering her with a blanket.
Ophelia had given up protesting by then, eyes fluttering shut as she clutched her stomach and leaned back against the couch cushion.
Claire twisted the cloth of her pajama top with her hands, fabric balled between trembling fingers. Why wasn’t her mom giving her a harder time about this? Why was she lying back and not fighting her at all? Where was the tough-as-nails politician that ruled the household schedule with an iron fist?
Just how sick was her mom?
Seeing her mom slumped back against the couch, stray locks of hair pasted to her sweaty, pale skin; Claire felt smaller than she had in a long time.
Claire shook her head and shoved her nagging fears down as far as she could. This was no time to be freezing up, now was the time to do something. She could panic later, her mom was sick and needed help now. 
Running into the kitchen, Claire started up the water, grabbed a mug, and popped in a lemon teabag. In less than five minutes she had a steaming cup of lemon tea.
Hurrying over to Ophelia, Claire set the mug down in front of her “I made tea do you want some?”
Ophelia blinked sluggishly “No...no thank you,” she said in a soft voice.
Claire bit her lip, her mom had just thrown up a lot and probably needed fluids, but she had said no and she shouldn’t undercut that.
In the end Claire left the tea where it was just in case her mom changed her mind and scurried back to the kitchen. A bundle of nervous energy with nowhere to go, she fluttered around the pantry until she landed on a box of saltines and jogged back to the couch.
“Maybe try chewing on some of these, that should help with your stomach,”
Apparently this had been the wrong thing to say.
The corners of Ophelia’s mouth turned down into an irritated frown, lifting her head just enough to deliver a stern glare “Claire I’m fine, I just need to rest, I don’t need you fussing over me,” 
Claire slowly lowered the box of saltines, cheeks burning. 
Of course. Why hadn’t she realized sooner? Her mom had been puking her guts out less than five minutes ago, of course she didn’t feel like eating anything. Of course she was feeling sick and miserable, of course she didn’t want Claire buzzing around and throwing tea and crackers at her. 
Flushed with shame, Claire tucked the saltines under her arm, picked up the tea, and slunk back into the kitchen. 
One thing was clear, her mom needed peace and quiet, hopefully Claire could do that right at least.
She took a seat at the kitchen table and ended up sipping the lemon tea herself. Occasionally throwing worried glances towards where her mom was resting. 
The urge to fix this, to do something to help, to make things better, was almost overwhelming. Her mom was sick, really sick, and Claire was just sitting around having tea. But what the hell did she know about what her mom needed? Maybe lemon tea and saltines would make whatever she had worse. Maybe the best thing to do would be to stay out of the way until her dad came back with actual medicine.
Her eyes started to burn despite how much she was trying to fight it.
Maybe Claire didn’t know the first thing about helping sick people. But she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.
Not when it was her mom.
After nearly ten minutes of going back and forth Claire ended up making another cup of tea, ginger this time, which she knew was one of her mom’s favorites. 
She timidly stepped back into the living room, hands clasped tightly around the fresh cup of tea. Just go up and very calmly and quietly offer the tea again. And if her mom said no she would leave right away and not disrupt her resting.
“I made some ginger tea,” Claire said gently while walking up to the couch “You like ginger right?”
Ophelia blinked and leaned forward, hands outstretched to accept the mug, even those small movements appeared to take all the effort she had “Thank you mija, that sounds good,”
Elation shot through her as she handed over the warm ceramic mug. A massive weight was lifted off her shoulders as Claire finally felt like she was doing something to help. 
She was about to retreat to the kitchen so not to hover, when her mom spoke up again. 
“Claire, if you don’t mind, could you sit up with me?” Ophelia flashed her a weak smile “Some company sounds good right now,”
A hot, fluttery feeling swept through her body, something between relief and joy “Of course Mom,”
Claire sat back in the easy chair. She stayed quiet to keep from stressing her mom out any more, but kept her eyes locked on her. Carefully watching for any further signs of illness while her mom took tiny sips of tea. 
Twenty minutes later and half an hour after Claire had woken up her dad came home.
“Sorry I took so long,” he shut and locked the door with one hand while carrying a plastic grocery bag in the other “The CVS was closed so I had to drive all the way to-- Claire? What are you doing up?”
Claire shot up out of her seat, eyes locked on the bag “You have medicine, right? Will it be enough? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“Slow down Claire,” Javier walked over to the couch and sat down beside his wife, handing her the bag “We’re not going to the hospital, this is just to help with your mother’s nausea,”
“Buh...but, why are you nauseous? You were really sick, why aren’t we going to the hospital!?”
Ophelia and Javier shared a conspiratorial look.
She knew that look. 
There was something they knew that she didn’t.
“What’s going on, please, tell me!” her voice was practically a whine by now but she didn’t care, her mom was sick and Claire needed to know how bad it was.
They were both silent for a few seconds. Then Ophelia gingerly set the bag and mug off to the side before clearing her throat “Claire, we’re pretty sure that this is...morning sickness,”
Claire’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Morning sickness? But that’s what people had when they were--
She flopped back into her seat, brain too busy shifting gears to control her body right now. Ophelia was still talking but Claire was only half listening. 
It was a massive relief to hear that her mom wasn’t dying from some horrible stomach disease, but the fact that she had been throwing up because…
That was a lot to wrap her head around, to say the least.
“...now it’s still pretty early and there’s a lot we don’t know for sure, so please don’t go around telling everyone, ok?”
Enough of her brain was still functioning that Claire managed to nod in response. 
“We expect the morning sickness to go away soon, but I have an OBGyn appointment next Tuesday. If there are any issues we’ll catch them,” Ophelia leaned forward and flashed Claire a rare, relaxed smile “I’m ok mija,”
Somehow Claire found herself smiling back.
Claire waved goodbye as her father’s SUV pulled away from the school.
It felt strange that even when her day started with waking up to the sound of her mom projectile vomiting and learning she wasn’t going to be an only child for much longer it still brought her to the front of the school, ready for another day of lectures and studying. Same as always.
Despite everything calming down no one had gone back to sleep. They’d all stayed up and talked, mostly about the new little brother or sister she would be getting in eight months. Her dad had taken advantage of being up early to cook them all an extra large breakfast.
Even if her mom had only been able to eat a few spoonfuls of the oatmeal.
Quite frankly Claire was still figuring out how she felt about getting a sibling. Mainly she was just glad that her mom was ok. 
Car vanishing around the corner, Claire turned and headed into the school building. 
Her mom had always been pretty strict, and her dad was right up there with her. Claire would be the first to admit that she wished they would lighten up every once and awhile. But seeing her mom so sick that she’d barely been able to stand was...scary. 
A hot flicker of guilt briefly flared in her chest as she reached her locker and started spinning in the combination. Her parents weren’t perfect by any means, in fact Claire had a whole mental list of things she wished they’d do differently. But she knew from the bottom of her heart that they loved her, and if push came to shove, either one of them would take a bullet for her.
Not everyone was lucky enough to have parents like that.
Out of the corner of her eye Claire spotted Jim and Toby at their lockers, causing her chest to tighten with an entirely different emotion.
Once in middle school Claire had pulled a chair out from under another girl, she’d gotten written up and the teacher had called her parents. She very clearly remembered sitting in the principal’s office, absolutely petrified of what punishment her parents would dish out when they got there. 
But whatever that punishment was, being grounded for two weeks as it turned out, she’d been scared of it, not of her parents.
Lips pursed, Claire watched Jim and Toby head off to their first class.
Yesterday, after the movies, Jim hadn’t just been acting nervous about being punished or grounded.
He had been scared.
Scared for real.
Claire liked Jim. She liked being his friend and for a long time she wanted to be more than that. But every time she came close to taking that step, every time she thought about asking him out or confessing her feelings, she stopped. Some nameless instinct holding her back.
So she stayed quiet, and waited.
For months Claire had struggled with her feelings, holding back and biting her tongue without ever being able to put her finger on the reason why.
But now she knew.
Claire made her way over to where Mary and Darci were waiting in their usual rendezvous spot. 
“Hey guys…”
Both of them looked towards her, but it was Darci who responded. 
“Morning Claire,” she paused, noticing the troubled expression on her friend’s face “Hey, is something going on?”
Claire took a deep breath, maybe she was just being paranoid, reading too much into things. But she had to ask “You remember yesterday, after the movies?”
Darci winced while Mary just snorted “Yeah, that’s pretty hard to forget,” 
“The way Jim freaked out and the way his mom was acting…” Claire bit her lip, hesitating for a moment before taking the leap “That wasn’t…I don’t think everything’s ok with them, do you guys think so to?”
As soon as the words left her mouth Mary’s expression turned hard as stone “You’re damn right I do, something’s definitely going on,”
Darci’s wince deepened, based on her expression she already knew where this was leading to and she didn’t like it “Yeah, I think he was worried about a lot more than breaking curfew,”
“So what should we do?”
Things were silent for a few moments before Mary spoke up, voice flinty “We all need to have a talk,”
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megamanxfanfics · 7 years
S.IV - Ep. 14: Stalemate
------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE FORTRESS – Air Space - DAY -------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: Moments Ago
Spiral Pegasus swiftly flies high in the sky, away from the Maverick Hunters.  He turns around, gracefully blocking their missiles and blasts as he falls backward amidst the sky.  
He shoots out two heavy wind gusts, directly at Venzo and Aeson, who were carried on the backs of Scorche and Baryon’s Mechs.
AESON: Ahhhh!!!
RECON RACCOON: (reacting)
The two fall off of Scorche and Baryon, who had carried them on the
backs of their Mechs.
While they are distracted, Spiral Pegasus takes advantage of the moment and rushes into them with a twist, as a he creates a small tornado and scatters the Hunters all across the sky.
TURIAN: It’s too much!!
Recon Raccoon desperately fires his missiles along with Baryon, while Scorche focuses a charged beam from the Eagle Ride Armor, which /catches Spiral Pegasus right in the chest.
/Ahh..   Die..!!
He blasts an even heavier whirlwind from his hands, which crushes all of their Ride Armors.
All of their Ride Armors explode violently in the sky as they attempt to jump out of their cockpits.
IRIS: (o.s, filtered, crying)
Below the explosion Venzo and Aeson look at each other concerned, as they are suddenly teleported out of the fight. Above the explosion, 7 more teleport beams rise above the explosions.
Spiral Pegasus looks at the teleport beams in wonder and smirks.
When he turns around, he notices that an irate Stone Rook and Arboreal Owl have just joined the battle.
[Insert Title Card: Stalemate]
-cut to-
INT. LAYE LABS – Probation Chamber - NIGHT
In the Probation Chamber, Blizzard Wolfang sits alone in the dark, with a bleak look on his face.
The door across the hall eventually opens to reveal Alia, who slowly walks toward him with a warm gaze.  He immediately perks up at the sight of her.
Alia offers a soft smile as she visits her furry friend.
ALIA: Hey, Wolfie. Good news..
ALIA: Word has it that Repliforce Activity has died down in the North Pole.
ALIA: Yes.  It turns out that you were right. Lana- erm… D-Doctor Laye had a change of heart about your probation.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (gasping, ecstatic) Hh!  She did?
ALIA: Yess..  She wants us to investigate the area again, now that it’s actually safe for exploration.  
ALIA: (nodding) She values your Research, and feels that you were onto something after all.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Well, that’s great!!
ALIA: …Unfortunately that Frost Walrus character made quite an extension to the ice caps of Earth’s Northern Hemisphere.  She wants us to do an article on the lasting effects of this attack.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (angered, then excited) Grrrr…  Blast that corrupt Walrus!!  But, my goodness.  What an exciting opportunity this is!!  I can’t wait to get back out there and assess the damage to our climate.
ALIA: There’s a private Sky Car waiting just for us.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (surprised) Really?  Right now??
Alia takes a breath and smiles after a short sigh.
ALIA: Yes.  
   -       cut to –
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.  SPACE FORTRESS – Repliforce Air Space – NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ARBOREAL OWL: Hurh! /Gaww.
He takes a swing at Spiral Pegasus, who quickly dodges and punches him in the gut.
He attempts to club Spiral Pegasus with a rock mace, but he is pushed farther back once again from a heavy wind gust.
While Stone Rook is pushed back, Spiral Pegasus is able to inflict even more damage on Arboreal Owl, landing a stunning display of kicks, body chops and wind cuts that cause him to descend and cower under his own wings.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Hahah! I have you now!!!
He rushes after him with two hands out as he creates two heavy whirlwind gusts.
ARBOREAL OWL: (affected, dying) Aaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
The heavy gusts of wind tear his body apart as he explodes before the helpless Stone Rook.
-cut to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. LAYE LABS – Probation Chamber – NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALIA: Dr. Laye feels terrible for punishing you instead of believing in you.  Once the Maverick Hunters cleared the area, she realized that you were telling the truth!  As such, she’s embarrassed and just wants the two of us to go, privately.
Blizzard Wolfang makes a solemn face as he stares at the ground, while holding onto the bars of his chamber.  Alia nervously looks at him wondering what he could be thinking.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: I’m ashamed that I couldn’t protect them…  But moping about it isn’t going to bring them back.  I’m just humble and thankful for this opportunity to prove myself again.
He shakes his head like a dog and reshuffles his face into an honest, cheerful smile.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (smiling, jubilant) Let’s get out there and say this never happened, shall we?
Alia is about to unlock the gate.
ALIA: You’re really, okay with this…?
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: …Water under the bridge, my dear…  If I were one to hold grudges.. I would not make it very far in this World at all.  I’d be delighted to go on a journey with you.
Alia blushes and tears up slightly as she smiles.
ALIA: Oh, Wolfie…  You’re such a good boy.
She opens his gate and quickly buries her head into his chest.  She lets out light sobs as she holds him.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Hmmm?  Alia??  This isn’t like you…
ALIA: I knowww, I just thought you’d be so Mad at me…
Blizzard Wolfang makes an odd face, but hugs her none-the-less.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: No, no dear..  I could never be upset with you.
ALIA: (whispering) Okay.  Let’s go…
-cut to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE FORTRESS – Repliforce Air Space – NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stone Rook glares at Spiral Pegasus with hatred.
STONE ROOK: Damn you…!
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (smirking, beckoning) Come on.  Come and get it.
Just as Spiral Pegasus puts his guard up to fight, a Warning Alarm blares from the Space Fortress.
STONE ROOK: Kaaagh!!
Stone Rook rushes into Spiral Pegasus and punches him in the face.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Aauuuf…  (v.o, thinking)  Looks like some Hunters made it to Storm Owl.
STONE ROOK: What’s the matter!?  You look distracted!!
Stone Rook pummels Spiral Pegasus two more times with heavy fists across his face and chest with a strong right hook and a hard left uppercut.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (reacting, attacking) Ooof.  Owwwh.  YAAGH!!!!
He blasts Stone Rook with a heavy gust of wind, causing him to get blown out of his way.  Then, he immediately tries to fly back to the Space Fortress.
STONE ROOK: No!!  I won’t let you.
He carefully forms a buster and aims at Spiral Pegasus.  Then, he unleashes a few firm boulders, which catch Spiral Pegasus at the legs, his side and back.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Aghh.  Ahhh.  God..  Stop!!
He rushes back to his position and shoots a boulder into his gut.
At close range, Stone Rook is able to uppercut him under the chin, once again.  Then, he pulls out the stone mace from his back and swings it right at his head.
He catches his hand and struggles with him, until he knees Stone Rook in the gut and tackles him with a swift dash.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: I’m going to cut you down and run you through so viscously that you will be irreparable!
Stone Rook scrunches his face in hatred as he tries to fight back, but Spiral Pegasus proceeds to chop his sides with wind cuts, similar to that of Arboreal Owl.
STONE ROOK: Aghh, ughh.. (v.o, thinking) Noo..  This can’t be it…!
He clenches a hard fist as he continues to get pummeled on his sides and across his chest.
STONE ROOK: (struggling) YaaaaaaaGH!!!!
He forms large boulder from his buster and cracks it across Spiral Pegasus’ back.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) Skiver, retreat!
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (surprised) What the-?  No way!
He flies after Stone Rook, who comes right for him in return.
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) I said, Retreat!  That is an order!!  Storm Owl is dead.
He stops short in defeat, feeling bewildered.
Stone Rook stops short as well, having overheard the orders.  He looks around to notice that all the ships around him are falling back.  To his far right, he can see blue and red strips of teleportation residue fade away into the night sky.
STONE ROOK: (v.o, thinking) Whoa…  We did it!
Spiral Pegasus scowls at Stone Rook and narrows his eyes as he points at him.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: This isn’t over!
STONE ROOK: (smiling)
Spiral Pegasus reluctantly flies away from their battle amidst his fleet.  
Stone Rook folds his arms across his chest as he watches what’s left of their Air Force retreat.  He slowly descends with an austere look on his face.  With so much lost, he is unable to celebrate this victory.  Instead, this was a win that was simply earned, which gave him a sense of relief as much as it did, dread.  Stone Rook does not look forward to going home.
- cut to -
EXT. NORTH POLE - Arctic Skies – NIGHT
Caption:  An hour and a half, later – Now.
Alia flies the Sky Car with a miserable frown on her face as they draw near a series of icebergs.
ALIA: (whispering, softly) Lord forgive me, for what I’m about to do…
She looks at Blizzard Wolfang in her rear-view mirror.  He has been sleeping soundly in his chair, unknowingly restrained by metal buckles.
She sobs and feels her heart racing as she realizes, it’s now or never.  The sobs are so loud, that he begins to stir awake.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (sleepy, confused) Hmm? Alia??  Are you.. crying again?
He quickly notices that he’s stuck to his chair, restrained by buckles across the chest and his arms and legs are locked into place.
He begins to shake and attempt to break free from the chair.
ALIA: (incoherent, crying) I’m So SOrry!!!  GooDBYE!!!!!
She hits the eject button and shakes her head so swiftly with immediate regret.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Nnnoooooooooooooooooo………..
Outside, Blizzard Wolfang’s seat plummets his body helplessly into the cold sea below.
Then, she hits her eject button as planned, allowing the Sky Car to crash into a large Iceberg.
ALIA: (Crying, Screaming) WhaaaaaaAAAAHHHHHH.  AAaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!
Her seat rockets out from the top of the Sky Car as it violently descends into a mountain.  She uses the seat’s small controls to guide the course of her landing, but regardless of what she does, it will not be pretty.
ALIA: Oh nooo!  Oh nooo!  Here I goooo!!!  /Whoop!
She /deploys a parachute from the back of her seat, but the high winds of the North Pole relentlessly push her seat into a large icy mountain.
ALIA: Oh my God.  Oh my Gaaahd!!!
She uses the last failsafe available to her; snow skis, which jut out at the base of her seat.  Once her plunge meets its impact, her skis roughly crash against the side of the mountain.
ALIA: Ahh-ah!  Ohh!!
Skidding across the side, and tumbling in a swift descent, Alia struggles to maintain any control, as scuffmarks scrape against her face and armor.  Eventually, she topples into a steady slide down the icy mountain until it finally smooths out into a hill that gradually becomes flat land.  At last her unwanted ski ride comes to an end.
ALIA: (frightened crying) Aaaaahhhhh-huhuhuuuuu.
She buries her head in her bloodied face, ashamed at her own survival.
ALIA: Oh!  ..That was NOT Worth it…
She fumes and frowns at the same time as she catches her breath.  When she unbuckles herself, she immediately collapses out of the seat, and falls onto the snowy ground.
She looks back at the seat with disdain as she can still hear Malek’s voice preparing her for this absurd plan.
MALEK: (o.s, v.o) You have to make it look real.  Get into an awful accident after you drop him off.  Call us the moment it happens, but be far enough away from the drop point.  Nothing can be traced back to you.
She attempts to stand up, but can barely manage a crawl on the ground, as her whole body is in a state of shock. The pain feels worse when she takes a glimpse at her scraped and bloody legs.
ALIA: Ugghh, owwwww.  I hope this is far enough.
She sniffles in the cold as she pulls out her Comm-phone and calls it in.
ALIA: Aaaagh!  Guys…  This is Alia.  
DR. LAYE: (o.s, filtered) Hm?
ALIA: I g-got into a horrible accident. /..f-f-f-Fang didn’t make it…
/She shudders as she sobs.
Fake gasps can be heard on the other end of the phone, save for one.
GATE: (o.s, filtered) Oh my God!!  What happened!!?   Are you okay???
ALIA: (Crying) Eh-heehhh.  Euuuaaaaaahhhhh…  No.  I’m not okay…  I’m really scaaared…
GATE: (o.s, filtered, worried) ALIA!!!
ALIA: (lying) Some Repliforce ship shot us down and-
DR. LAYE: (o.s, filtered) That’s it. This mission is cancelled!
MALEK: (o.s, filtered, insistent) Stay strong, Alia.  Don’t say another word.  I’m sure your accident was traumatic enough.
GATE: (o.s, filtered) But are you safe!?
ALIA: …I’ll be f-f-f-fine… I.. h-h-hoope..
GATE: (o.s, filtered) Oh my God, I can hear it.  Hypothermia must be setting in.
ZACH: (o.s, filtered) Is there a Care Center you can get to?
ALIA: (annoyed) I can’t Move!
DR. LAYE: (o.s, filtered) Hold fast, Alia.  We’re coming to get you.  We’ll be there as soon as possible.
-fade out-
- fade in -
Caption:  November 27th, 21XX.  The next morning.
Recon Raccoon, Scorche, Baryon, Turian, Tethlon, Blizzard and Blaze are resting in pain with their eyes closed as they lay in their hospital beds.  Venzo and Aeson, stand by them with guilt-ridden faces.  Last night they came home practically unscathed.
Peering at the doorway is a blue-armored X, who quietly looks at their condition with a frown on his face.
X: This is bad…
From the hallway, Lucas from the Research Department catches him and excitedly pats him on the back.
LUCAS: Oh!  X. Just who I wanted to see.  Come here, I have to show you something.
X: Hm?
-pan to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – R & D Lab – NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
X follows Lucas into the Lab.  When the other Researchers see him, they all smile and stop what they are doing.  Their smiles are infectious, causing X to crack a smile of his own.
X: (smiling) Please tell me you have some good news for me.
LUCAS: Well.. Yes and no.  
He nears the Mother Computer and pulls up a few windows.
LUCAS: We tried to analyze that item you sent to us, just like you asked, but the results were inconclusive.
X: Hmm?
LUCAS: Yeah..  At first, we were stumped and annoyed too.  But then we noticed something.
He pulls up a window, which zooms in to a special Pink Capsule with four specifically shaped empty slots at the bottom base.
LUCAS: Take a careful look at the markings.  This shape matches up, completely.
X gasps.
X: You mean..  This might unlock the Capsule?
LUCAS: I think so...  If you have the other pieces…
X: (nodding) I think I have everything!
He quickly takes out two sub-tanks and a weapon tank from his compartment belt and lays them on the table.
X: Can you scan these for an estimate?
LUCAS: Of course!
With the press of a button, the Mother Computer takes a quick scan of the physical objects and displays them on the screen, auto-formatting them digitally to scale.  From there, Lucas is able to drag and drop the items into their corresponding slots.
LUCAS: Yep.  According to this, you have a match!
X: (excited) Wow.
DAVID: What do you think is in the Capsule?
X: Well..  In the past, the pink ones have granted me the ability to learn a new skill, like the /Hadouken or the/Shuryuken from my first two armors.  Then Dr. Light did something different for the third Armor.  He made a bunch of individual chips, which would enhance only one portion of the armor.  But then, I think he decided to make an “Ultimate Chip”, which enhanced everything.  I was so overpowered that, my whole body turned Gold!!  
LUCAS: It sounds like you’re talking about Armored Phenomenon.
X: Armored Phenomenon?
LUCAS: It’s a term we throw around every time we see you transform. …Your Upgrades seem to.. take on a life of their own, once they’re bonded to your Armor.  I don’t know how Dr. Light managed that, but it seems that your Armor simply evolves over time until it can’t anymore. Light must have foreseen these lapses in progress, and created new armors sort of as Checkpoints for higher power sets.  Which is probably why he made so many Capsules.
X: Wow…
LUCAS: Perhaps this was why he made the single chips too.  Its possible that he made the “Ultimate” chip first, but then was worried about overloading your system, so he created the others as a series of pathways for variety.
X: Hmm, that’s interesting.  He seemed to do the same thing for my arm parts this time.  …Whatever is waiting for me in that capsule, I hope it explains /this.
X transforms before them into his Fourth Armor and shows them his new black and red gauntlets, which do not match the rest of his blue and white armor at all.
DAVID: Whoa!!  What’s that??
X: I dunno.  Dr. Light made two Arm Capsules for some reason – one significantly weaker, and the other significantly darker…  I don’t know why he would do this… unless it was some sort of test.  
LUCAS: (intrigued) A test?
DAVID: Like what?
X: (worried, curious) ..a test of character?  ..Or a sign of what’s to come after going down a certain path…?  I’m not sure.  I need to talk to him.  Thanks for all your help, guys.  Excuse me.
He quickly gathers his things and walks out of the room.
DAVID: Is it me, or did that just get bleak out of nowhere…?
LUCAS: He’s been through a lot.  You know how he is about War in the first place, let alone one against his friends.  And lets not forget that he’s still processing everything Berkana and Doppler put him through.
DAVID: That wasn’t really that long ago, when you think about it…
LUCAS: But it feels like forever, doesn’t it?
They both share a look as they turn to the computer screen.  The monitor indicates that X has just teleported to the Papua Jungles.
-cut to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. PAPUA JUNGLES – Bisi Falls -  NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
X retraces his old steps as he jumps down into an open cavern, by the great Bisi Falls.  He drops down into a hidden alcove, amidst the shadows, where he can spot the Pink Capsule illuminating in the darkness once again.
X: (whispering) There it is.
He walks over to the glowing pink capsule, passing by the nonfunctional blue one.
He studies the patterns of the empty slots and opens up his compartment belt with a smile.  He places a sub-tank in the far left and far right slots.  Then, he takes out a weapon tank and places it in its corresponding spot on the right.  To the left of the center, he inserts the mysterious new power cell, which fits like a glove just as Lucas had thought.  Finally, he opens his chest plate and pulls out his purple heart tank.  The power from inside changes the color of his gloves from red to blue momentarily until he places the heart inside.
Once he does so, the Pink Capsule makes a pleasing –ping- sound as Dr. Light’s image is formed within the teal light.
DR. LIGHT: (smiling, surprised) Ahh…X, you’ve finally arrived…  
X: Hello, Father.  We have to talk.
DR. LIGHT: Why of course.  What is it that’s ailing you?
X: What is this about…?
X holds up his dark Gauntlet with a clenched fist, quickly charges it and fires an immense plasma blast at the rocky wall to his left.  The blast is as large as him before it explodes at the side of the alcove.  He turns to his creator with a concerned face.
DR. LIGHT: Well that’s-
X: Am I a Demon..?
DR. LIGHT: That term is preposterous…  But regardless, it is a thought that has been plaguing you for nearly a year now, I know…
X: Then you know of iX?  The Dark Spirit inside me!??
DR. LIGHT: Nonsense…  All of it.
X: Huh?
DR. LIGHT: That strange concoction that Dr. Doppler created a year ago was a parasite and nothing more.  It fed at your insecurities and created one of your deepest fears as a result.  But you need not worry about that, anymore.  You conquered that fear, physically!  Now you just have to do so, mentally.  
X: (confused, uncertain) But.. really?  Are you..sure??
DR. LIGHT: It is exactly this amount of concern that allows you to touch the darkness.. if need be…
X: …What do mean?
DR. LIGHT: We all must make hard choices in Life.  You already know that.  Was it not I, who told you when we first met, that I had hoped the World would have allowed you to choose a more Peaceful journey?  …But I knew long ago that the Future could put you in this position.  And so, I have done my best to prepare you for every possibility.
X: …but..  What if you were wrong about me?  What if I really did turn out to be a monstrous War Machine??  Or if I still could in the future..  What would you have done then?
DR. LIGHT: Hypothetical dialect will never get you anywhere.
X: Please, Doctor.  I need answers…
Doctor Light looks at X with a slightly incensed brow and lets out a deep sigh.
DR. LIGHT: Then, I would say that you have already decided your fate.  And with every single upgrade, I would make great strides at guiding you towards the Light.
X: Hmph.  So basically, you’re telling me that despite all of this power, and witnessing an Evil version of myself, firsthand… that I don’t have anything to worry about?
DR. LIGHT: …We are all capable of slipping into the temptations of darkness, but… the short answer is no.  You have proven yourself more than worthy of wielding these powers, because you are responsible.  You have a good heart and more importantly, you have a bright soul.  It is for this reason that I am not worried about you.
X lets out a breath of relief.
X: Okay.
DR. LIGHT: Now, this capsule contains the sealed secret parts for the Ultimate Armor.  When you execute the Nova Strike, the wings will open and you can execute the invincible body crash attack.  
X: (shocked) Invincible!!?
DR. LIGHT: Yes… However, this armor is not completed yet and your safety is not assured.  
X: Wait.  Not…completed..yet?
DR. LIGHT: This is embarrassing to admit, but…  in Life, I did not have the time to perfect the flight system.  The power-emitter kept fluctuating and interfering with the wing jets and.. well, I was forced to compromise.  The Armor cannot fly, but it has a tremendously enhanced Nova Strike, which you can execute at any time.  If this is acceptable to you, please enter now…
For the first time, Dr. Light gives X an embarassed look, before he ultimately fades away.
X stands before the Capsule confused.
X: Huh…  All this time, I was worried about becoming evil.  Meanwhile, he was worried about not giving me enough power!!  
He walks over to the Capsule and puts one foot on the base, before hesitating.
X: (v.o, thinking)   See…  This is where I always second-guess myself.  If I was satisfied with my own Power Set, would I ever give in to the temptation of receiving these powerful upgrades at all?  Is that greed?  Or just curiosity??  Then again, he did assure me that I don’t have it in me.  Despite all the chances I’ve had to use these powers for evil, I am inherently good.  Even when that Parasite was inside me; rather than become iX…  I created him.  Then, I killed him!  I wasn’t reminded of this until Berkana tried to slip me into dark temptation a few months ago.  Then, upon receiving this new Dark Gauntlet I felt like I was almost destined to embrace the Darkness, no matter what.  But now that Dr. Light has put his faith in me, I’m not afraid of anything.  It is time to become my Ultimate Self.
X steps inside the capsule as dark light surrounds him.  He closes his eyes and lifts his head up as his Force Armor shifts colors.  His white and blue boots with red thrusters, turn into blue and black boots with gold thrusters and red gems at the knee caps.  His chest and helmet shift into a prominent dark blue color with black accents and a sharp golden crown.  Even his black buster and red gloves shift into the dark blue color.  His gloves become white once again.  Finally, his underarmor shifts from light blue to purple.
As the dark light fades away, X looks at himself in awe and accepts this new form with a confident smile on his face.
X: I am Myself!  I am the Light within the Darkness.  I am, X!
He strikes a pose in prideful victory, before teleporting back home.
   -       fade to black-
COLONEL: (o.s, v.o) So…  What’s our next move?
GENERAL: (o.s, v.o) Round up the last of our troops.  Prepare for full evac at 0500.
COLONEL: (o.s, v.o) And if they try to stop us…?
GENERAL: (o.s, v.o) Kill them.  Personally…
- fade in -
Caption: November 27th, 5:00 PM
A blue armored X and Zero walk in to the Control Room curiously as they have been summoned.  Captain, Double and Iris work at their main consoles diligently.
Double cannot contain himself the moment he sees X.
DOUBLE: The Repliforce has begun assembling!
X: Where are they?
IRIS: (answering, regretful) Repliforce is at the Space Harbor…
DOUBLE: The Space Port! They plan to take off into space!!
X: Hurry! We have to stop the Colonel!
ZERO: I have to go.
IRIS: No! …Please wait Zero!  I don’t want to see you two fight…  
ZERO: Someone has to stop your brother.  I’m leaving…
Without hesitation, Zero teleports out to the Space Harbor.
X: I’ll be right behind him.
IRIS: Please don’t fight my brother!!!
X closes his eyes with a firm grimace as he turns away, unable to look at her.
X: He’s had his chance, Iris.  I’m sorry!
X teleports away with a clenched fist.
IRIS: (sobbing) Nooooooo!!!!!!!
CAPTAIN: Please!  Pull it together…  If you cannot accept the possibility of what might happen, you may be excused.
She looks over to him, bewildered.  Then she runs out of the room.
CAPTAIN: Let her go.  She’s made her choice.  She was one of them the whole time..  I’m not surprised.
CAPTAIN: Go ahead and join the rest of the Elites.  I have a feeling we’ll need them in action really soon.
Double smiles, with an excited grin.
DOUBLE: Roger!
-cut to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE PORT – Docking Platforms - DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The sun begins to set, dimly shining against the sea as a Repliforce Airship slowly takes off from a Runway.
X and Zero teleport to a near Docking Platform to see the Repliforce retreat.  They have a welcoming committee of Knot Berets, who stand on raised platforms with their guns out and bombs ready.
KNOT BERET 1: Maverick Hunter X and Zero!  Stand down.
KNOT BERET 2: You have, No business here!!
ZERO: Hmph.  I can’t believe it.  They’re actually doing this.
X scowls behind Zero as they both dash towards their enemies.
X: (charging up) We drove them off the planet.  What do you expect?
He fires at a Knot Beret, while Zero performs Ryuenjin to strike at two that are above him on raised platforms.  X switches to Twin Slasher and takes out the next two from afar to clear the way.
ZERO: Heh.
The two run up a ramp, while a nervous Knot Beret runs /right into Zero’s thunder lancing attack.  
KNOT BERET 3: Aaaaaaa/uuuuggghhhhh…
Two more Knot Berets on platforms attempt to shoot at X and Zero, who easily evade the blasts.  Zero air dashes into the top one and takes him out with an impaling hienkyaku, icicle blade.
X’s normal armor shifts to green and yellow as he uses Storm Owl’s Double Cyclone to destroy the Knot Beret before him.  Two more Knot Berets await X and Zero as they throw their bombs at them.  X switches to Aiming Laser to take the bottom one out, while Zero pulls out his new purple saber, and disintegrates the bomb with the new Tenkuuha technique he learned from Storm Owl.  Then he strikes the frightened Knot Beret down with his menacingly dark saber.
X shoots down another Knot Beret with a charge shot as he looks surprised at Zero’s newly enhanced saber.
X: Whoa.  What happened to you?
ZERO: (shrugging, smug) I guess my Saber’s evolving.  What about you?  Why aren’t you armored up??
X: (smirking, smug) Keeping it in check, I guess.
ZERO: (surprised, smirking) Hmph.
He pulls out his impressive purple saber once again and destroys a final Knot Beret before them.
Before them, two guardian mechaniloids patrol an entrance to a terminal building, which leads toward the Repliforce Launch Pad.  X waits for his opening and shoots them down.  When Zero and him drop down, they are struck down by a powerful fiery cyclone that explodes in their vicinity.
X & ZERO: (struck) Uuuaaaaahhhh.
They slowly get up to find that Burn Dino-Rex and Spiral Pegasus are waiting for them at a nearby runway to their left.
BURN DINO-REX: That’s far enough.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: We cannot allow you to pass.
Zero cricks his neck.
ZERO: Hmph..  Alright.  Whaddya say, X?
X looks at his partner and nods.  
X: Hm.  It’s probably a diversion, but why not?  ..I could use the distraction.
They both walk towards the runway, unafraid.
Burn Dino-Rex and Spiral Pegasus walks towards them and grin as their teams of Knot Berets and Raiden Soldiers in Ride Armor teleport in to join them.
ZERO: (surprised, enraged) It’s an ambush!!
???: Not today!!!
Just as the Repliforce are about to enclose X and Zero, a series of colorful teleportation beams form into Maverick Hunters from various units.  Tau, Takuma, Daiske and Bahena from Zero’s Shinobi Unit are joined by Stone Rook, Snowball, Snowflake, Frostbite and Freeze Alopex from the 8th, 13th and 14th Units.
The pile of nine Hunters quickly becomes a barrage of explosions as many of the Knot Berets are destroyed, leaving most of the Raiden Soldiers damaged.
Standing before X and Zero, Tau bravely leads the group.
TAU: Go!!  We’ll take care of these guys.
ZERO: (surprised) Are you sure?
X and Zero stand by as they see that Tau and the rest seem to have everything under control.  Stone Rook is battling Spiral Pegasus, the wolves and Freeze Alopex are keeping Burn Dino-Rex busy and the Shinobi Hunters are easily wading off the Raiden Soldiers.
X: (smiling, relieved) Come on, Zero.  This isn’t our mission.
ZERO: (nodding, proud) …Thanks Tau!  I knew I could count on you.
   -       pan to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SPACE PORT – Terminals – DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------
X and Zero run back into the terminal to take on a series of Spikeys in their path along the corridor.  The terminal briefly opens into more platforms by the bay as more Repliforce ships pass and take off.
ZERO: Come on!  We’re losing them.
X: Going as fast as I can!
X’s armor turns red as he shoots a Rising Fire up at a Knot Beret, at the pillar above him.  
KNOT BERET 4: (burning) Brrooouuuugggghhhhhh!!!!
They both jump and dash through the open platforms by the bay as they make it to the next terminal.
X runs and dashes to a ladder as Zero follows.  X climbs it and takes out three spiky’s in a short hall that leads to a small ladder.  After climbing the second ladder, he shoots down two more Knot Berets with a charge shot.  Then another upon his ascent to a series of ramps.
Many Knot Berets jump down in an attempt to bombard X, but he simply hovers in the air and allows his eager partner to take care of them, while he air-dashes onward and ahead.
While Zero is occupied, X takes out a few more Spiky’s then kick-jumps to the top of the room.  He destroys another set of Spiky’s at the top of the room, and climbs a final ladder, which leads to a gateway.
X: (v.o, thinking) This is it.
He dashes through the gateway without hesitation.
-pan to-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE PORT – Terminal Access Point – DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------
X dashes out of the gateway, to see a frightening bolt of lightning.  It strikes down directly into a red saber, which is held prominently in the sky by Colonel, who ominously phase-teleports before him.
X flinches for a moment, then regains his composure.
X: Colonel, step back!
COLONEL: I’ll stop anyone who tries to interfere with our independence!
X: Enough of this!  It’s only an illusion!
COLONEL: …You Hunters will never be able to understand us! Get ready, X!
X looks at him with calm, accepting eyes as he slowly charges up and reluctantly pulls up his buster.
Colonel lowers himself into a fighting stance as he carefully holds his blade and high jumps towards X with a threatening overheard swing.
From the gate, Zero quickly rushes in with a dash, and gets in front of X.  With his purple saber, he parries against Colonel’s blade and pushes back.  The electricity of both blades struggle against each other, as they make a crackling sound.
ZERO: Get out of here, X.  This is my fight!
X exhales as he relinquishes his charge.
X: Right!  …I won’t stop you..  Just remember what we’re here for.
COLONEL: Hah!   You’re not going anywhere!!
He shoves Zero away with his sword and tries to slash at X, who quickly dodges the blade with a dash-jump toward the far wall.  Then, he kick-jumps his way toward the raised Launch Pad.
ZERO: Hyuh!
He jumps toward Colonel, who turns around and clashes sabers once again.
Zero grits his teeth as he stares at his former friend in the face.
ZERO: I don’t want to fight.  Step back.
COLONEL: Ahh, of course.  I’m sure you went through all this trouble just to talk…  Grrrah!
He rushes him again and makes three strikes against Zero’s saber, who parries with a persistent scowl.
COLONEL: I’m sorry.  I can’t let you through…
Zero shakes his head.
ZERO: Iris will be sad if she loses you…
COLONEL: Don’t be so presumptuous, Zero!  Save it until after you’ve defeated me!
ZERO: Fine!
He /kicks Colonel hard in the gut.
COLONEL: /Grruuh.
Colonel flails back a few steps.  Zero jumps after him with an overhead slash.  Their blades clash back and forth, three times before Colonel rushes Zero with a lunging dash.
ZERO: Huah?
Colonel slices a blade at Zero’s ribs.
ZERO: (reacting) Guhhh!
His right hand forms a cracked buster as he unleashes his Raijingeki attack on him.  It has no effect on Colonel, who simply laughs and jumps back.
He swipes his blade against the air again and again to create powerful energy beams, which surprise Zero.
ZERO: Huh? /Ahhh.
He dodges one, but gets /hit by two energy slices.
COLONEL: Hahaha!
ZERO: (grunting) Grrrghh.
He dashes around the beams to Colonel’s side and slashes against his saber three times.  Colonel parries against each saber clash until, Zero surprises him with a fiery Ryuenjin upper-cut.
His arm is flung back, leaving him wide open for an attack.  The flames somewhat burn his skin on Zero’s way up, but it is the sharp icicle tip of Zero’s Hienkyaku blade, which stabs Colonel in the chest and truly affects him.
COLONEL: (writhing) Huuuuaaaaahhhh!!!!
ZERO: (grinning, dark) Oooh.  You didn’t like that, did ya?
Colonel narrows his eyes at his foe.
ZERO: (cocky) Hah! /Hm? /Whhuuuooohhhh!!!!
He strikes a blade at Colonel, who quickly phase-teleports through the blade, /confusing him.  Then, he re-teleports in the same place and /strikes Zero hard across the stomach.
Zero bleeds out and holds onto his stomach.
ZERO: …Damn, you.
COLONEL: No, Zero.  Damn you.  You have falsely labeled us as Mavericks and doomed us to rot in Space.
ZERO: It doesn’t have to be that way!  We figured it out.  Let’s just call together a Press-
COLONEL: NO!!!  It’s too late for that!!  We’re leaving this Planet to start a new Nation amongst the Stars, and if anyone dares try to challenge us, we’ll blow them apart!!!  Energy Breaker!!!!
Zero’s eyes widen as Colonel calls upon more power to his Red Saber.  A lightning bolt strikes down into Colonel’s saber, who tilts it upside down and plants it into the ground.  Suddenly currents crawl all across the floor, and /electrocute Zero at his feet.
ZERO: /HUuuaa-aaaa-hhhhhh!!!!!
COLONEL: Heheheh..  You foolish upstart.  I’m going to enjoy ending your life.
Zero gets back up with another smug grin on his face as he wipes some burn scuffs off of his cheeks.
ZERO: There it is.  Now the true colors show.
Colonel points at Zero with an accusatory saber.
COLONEL: Hmph!  You talk of true colors.  Why don’t you show me yours!?
His saber swells with more electrical pulses as he plants it into the ground once again.
ZERO: You want me to go there!?  I’ll do it!!
Zero jumps as the electricity from Colonel’s saber moves across the floor once again.  The currents divert upward into the sky, almost striking Zero once again.  Instead, Zero is able to dodge a current with a persistent secondary jump in mid-air.  He can feel his body evolving once again as he decides to let it all go.
His armor becomes darker shades of crimson as Zero’s second jump turns into a flipping slash with his purple Saber.  It cuts right across Colonel’s shoulder.  When Zero lands, his armor is fully coated in black.  His hair, a slightly auburn color as his blue gem, shifts into a teal coloring.
ZERO: I’ll hold nothing, back.
Colonel’s eyes widen as Zero quickly strikes him across the chest two more times.  Affected, Colonel stays silent, as he phase-teleports away and gets down on one knee, hurt.
COLONEL: (panting) Huh… huh…  Good.  So you finally reveal your true self.  I always knew you were holding back.
ZERO: (annoyed, dark) Yeah!?  What of it??
COLONEL: You are a menace to society, who never should have been created.  I’m going to make sure that I end you.
ZERO: Hmph.  I’d like to see you try…
COLONEL: Heheh… Zero, Zero, Zero.  Always gloating…
He gets up and pulls more power into his saber, making it glow with purple power of his own.
COLONEL: (declaring) Grooound Crush!!!!
Colonel high jumps and slashes an energy beam upon his landing, which creates a purple wave of power, which grows larger as it reaches Zero until it engulfs him.
ZERO: OOOOuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhH!!!!!!!!!
When the dust clears, Zero is seen lying on the floor, damaged and defeated.
Colonel walks over to his fallen foe.
COLONEL: …You are finished.  Now stay away from my Sister.
With that remark, Zero’s green gem shines brightly as does his left fist.
He turns over and pounds his fist into the ground, creating his powerful new Giga Attack, the Rakuhouha.
At close range, this causes Colonel to fall to the ground immediately.
ZERO: Ya know…  I was willing to let you walk away, until you said that…
He slowly rises to his feet.
COLONEL: …I was never, going to walk away from this…
He gets up as quickly as his damaged body will allow.
Both hold up their sabers, ready to run after one another.
ZERO: Then, this is it - one final strike to determine it all.
Colonel closes his eyes and nods his head, accepting his challenge.
COLONEL: So, be it.
Colonel swiftly dashes into Zero and swipes his blade.
Zero dodges it with a jump.
Colonel phase-teleports with a fake-out and re-appears to catch Zero again.
Zero performs a secondary air-jump, narrowly avoiding Colonel’s second blade.
Zero pulls his Saber down and shrouds it in ice as he carves Frost Blade through Colonel’s chest.
COLONEL: Hooouuuuuaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhhhh…………
Colonel falls down to one knee, and plants his saber in the ground, using it as a crutch to stay up.
Zero calms down as he stares at his fallen foe.  His armor slowly changes color from black to crimson, and finally to red as Colonel speaks.
COLONEL: …Impressive Zero!  But it’s too late!
ZERO: What!?
COLONEL: Repliforce has left for Space!  Even if I perish, Repliforce lives.
ZERO: …Colonel.
COLONEL: …Zero.  Tell Iris, that her brother died happily for what he believed in!  
Zero flinches as he looks at Colonel with concerned, guilty eyes.
COLONEL: …Good bye Zero!
ZERO: Colonel!!!
At that moment, Colonel’s ruptured core cannot take it any more.  He explodes before Zero violently, who can do nothing but teleport away to avoid the blast.
NARRATOR: (v.o, narrating) Time stamp: November, 27th.  5:42 PM.  The Colonel of the Repliforce has been destroyed!
- cut to –
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE PORT – Runway – DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid-battle, Tau notices Zero’s red teleport beam fade into the sunset sky after hearing an explosion from nearby.
CAPTAIN: (o.s, filtered) We have Confirmation.  Mission Accomplished.  Get out of there.
TAU: Roger.  Fall back everybody!  Mission Accomplished!!
Tau immediately teleports away.  Freeze Alopex falls back with the injured wolves.  Venzo and Takuma bow out of their fights against Spiral Pegasus and Burn Dino-Rex.  While Daiske, Bahena and Stone Rook lie dead at their feet.  
BURN DINO-REX: Hmph!  Cowards…
The two Repliforce lieutenants share a look of concern when they realize that they have lost.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (gasping) Oh no.  The Colonel!!
   -       cut to –
------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OUTER SPACE – Repliforce Fleet – NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outside of the Earth, a Retreating Fleet of Repliforce Air Ships evacuate the Earth.  
NARRATOR: (v.o, narrating) The Colonel is dead, but the rest of the Repliforce have retreated to Outer Space.  What will become of this… I truly do not know.  Will they concede defeat, or will the last of their forces retaliate?  Is our Future headed in the right direction?  Were the Maverick Hunters right to participate in this Great Repliforce War?  What marks will this leave in History?
Zoom into a window, where Iris looks forlorn, staring at the Earth.
NARRATOR: ( v.o, narrating) ..And what implications will this development have on Neutral parties like Iris? What will a World without the Repliforce, look like?  Perhaps at last, with a World between us, both parties can finally live in Peace.
The Fleet retreats towards an enormous Space Station shaped like a weapon.
-Freeze Frame. Grainy Effect.-
-Fade to black-
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starlightshoe · 7 years
For the character ask thing link from Zelda cdi
anon this is a brilliant ask
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: boys got thhe spirtit ill admit thatworst quality: t h e r e is n o n e uhh he ran out the castle in 1 second bc some magic carpet dudes like “link u gotta go save this” “OH BOY!!” what is u doinship them with: linkxmorshu is the one true shipbrotp them with: the squadadla guyneeds to stay away from: the goddamn faces of evil boy the squadlala guy just showed 1(one) weird paper and ur already like GREAT LEMME GRAB MY STUFFmisc. thoughts: Link (L): Gee, it sure is boring around here.The King (K): My boy. This peace is what all warriors strive for.L: I just wonder what Ganon is up to.Gwonam: Your majesty. Ganon [gænʌn] and his minions have seized the islands of Koridai [kɔɹɪdaɪ̯].K: Hmm... How can we help?G: It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon.L: Great! I'll grab my stuff!G: There is no time; your sword is enough.L: How about a kiss... For luck?Zelda (Z): You've got to be kidding.G: Squadila! [squa.dɪ.la] We're off!L: Wow! What are all those heads?G: These are the faces of evil. You must conquer each.L: I guess I better get going.G: Here! ...Is the map. Where do you wish to go?⁓Morshu: Lamp oil, rope, bombs? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rubies.⁓Morshu: Sorry, Link. I can't give credit. Come back when you a little... Mmm. Richer!⁓Frozen women: Help! Ganon froze the fountain; I'm stuck!⁓FW: Here, have some Water of Life.L: (Gulp, gulp, gulp!)FW: My, you're thirsty! Oh my goodness!⁓Fisherman: Biggest crab I ever caught. Heh-heh!L: It's a Goma!Fisherman: Yeah, pretty good. Here!L: Thanks!⁓Fisherman: Keep going, boy. You're doing real well. Once you get rid of Ganon, we can get back to fishing.⁓Fish Lady: Dairas [daɪras] came straight from the crater 'ill I boarded the vent. Used a skull for a latch and not one Dairas figured it out.⁓Ipo: I am the reader Ipo [aɪ.poʊ]. If you bring me the book of Koridai, I will gladly read the secret verse.⁓Fat (seductive) woman: You're not afraid of dragons. Are you?L: (Gulp.) Of course not.Fat woman: Then get my necklace back from Gleeok [gli.ɑk]. Okay? Pretty please?⁓Old (yellow coat) man: It's [dɛθs] mighty dark with all the evil about. Keep this lantern full. It will light your way.L: Thanks!⁓Old man: Not many left, Link. There's Druick [druɪ̩k]  'round the side of Glutko [glʌt.goʊ]. Aye.⁓G: Look! What has happened!Ganon: In the darkest nightmare hour, when the moon nor sun has risen, I take Zelda in my power. I shall keep her in my prison.⁓Ganon: Join me, Link! And I will make your face greatest in Koridai or else you will die!⁓Ganon: No! Not into the pit! It burns!⁓Fairy 1: You're doing great, Link!Fairy 2: You're our hero.F1: Here's a Life Heart.F2: We know you can beat Ganon.⁓F1: You're doing great, Link!F2: You're our hero.F1: Here's some Water of Life.F2: Drink, Link!⁓Old (ugly) witch: I may be old and ugly, but, I still know a few tricks! Bring some grapple-berries. I'll show you a good one.⁓Old witch: Stir the berries in the tub. Let the juices soak the glove. Let Link fight and gather cower. For his glove's a glove of power.L: Wow! Thanks!⁓Fat woman: How sweet. (Kisses) Muah. My husband gave me this. He's an [abɒmɪnʌm][?] now. Here. It's not much, but, it will still carry water.⁓Ice queen: Before you face the foul fiend Ganon, you must conquer Fortress Centrum [sɛn.trʌm]. Treasure of death is hidden. Bring it to me. Be gone.⁓IQ: This shield, both sword and spear deflects, but, cannot stop the villainous curse. This crystal makes the shield reflect cursing the curser with twice the curse.⁓G: Look! And see Goronu.Goronu: Wake up, sleepy bones. I'm the living anti cut ner vial throats. Bwuh-ha-ha...⁓Goronu: I may be hideous, but, after a year of being frozen, you will beg to join me.⁓L: Hey, Zelda. Wake up!Goronu [goroʊnu]: What? Link? You saved me!⁓Goronu: You can't kill me! No, no, no...!⁓G: See how Harliquin [harlɪkwɪn] capture Koridians?Computer: You lose.Koridian: (Sniffles)Harliquin: Do you know what it means when lose your last ruby?! (Snort.) Now you will work for me! (Snort.) Take him away! (Snort.)⁓Harliquin: I say your chances are a million to none, but, let's have fun! Anyway!⁓Harliquin: Now you see me. Now you don't!⁓Harliquin: Ah! Ah-ha... Lucky shot...L: Golly!⁓Astronomer: The stars are made of ice. Thus, the night is cold. Bring the crystal from Sairagon [sɛrɑgɔn] and I will prove the light of ice penetrate more than fire.⁓Astronomer: Now, if we make a simple vacuum and spin the ice just so. There!⁓G: Look! ...How Militron [mɪlɪtrɒn] makes his warriors.Militron: Worthless Koridian. You must be hardened with fire! Go and kill!⁓Militron: Feel the fire of war!⁓Militron: Now, you must die!⁓Militron: Oh my goodness! This is awful!⁓Fat Girl: My hero! (Kiss) Won't youL: Oh, God...FG: ---please jump across that lil' old chasm---L: Yuck...FG: ---and cut my daddy's chains? Pretty please? Have a heart.⁓Smith: Please, Link. Jump and cut these chains. The Arpagos [ɑrpagʌs] are driving me crazy.⁓Smith: Thanks. Say, you have a Fire Diamond, don't you?L: Sure!Smith: Then let me fix your sword. Let's see how it works.L: Wow!⁓Beer guy: What are you're havin' partner? [pɑrt.ə]L: I'm going to fight Glutko.BG: Don't fight him; feed him! (Snort.) Feed him something spicy! Know what I mean?⁓G: Through the eye of Glutko lies the shrine of Koridai.Glutko: Awm-yee. I'm simply famished.Koridian: No!Glutko: Mmm. Tastes like a Daira [daɪra]! Perhaps just one more?⁓Glutko: Good goodie! Mashed Link for the main course.⁓Glutko: Wuh-oh!⁓Ipo: Listen! Such is the power of the prince of darkness that he can kill with a single look. Attacks against Ganon will prove fruitless unless Link attacks with the sacred book.⁓G: Consider Lupay [lupeɪ], the most of Ganon's minions.Lupay: With this ruby, I replace your soul. You will obey.Koridan: Ah-woo-ooh... Aw-woo-ooh.⁓Lupay: I spy with my eye, someone who must die.⁓Lupay: I will not die! Ah-woo...⁓G: At last, you have the vision to find my house! Now, you will see the [sæn.kɹu.mis] that prevent your approach to Ganon. Go, with many blessings!⁓Z: Uh. Why'd you do that?L: I just saved you from Ganon!Z: You did not!G: Well done, Link! Ganon is once again imprisoned. Come, look! Already Koridai is returing to harmony. The birds are singing. Is it beatiful?L: Golly!G: As it written, you, Link, are the hero of Koridai!L: I guess that's worth a kiss? Huh?Z: Ha!L: I won!
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